xt7rr49g7j6v_17 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/1982ua002.dao.xml unknown 5.05 Cubic Feet 8 document boxes, 6 slim document boxes, 3 flat boxes, 2 photograph boxes 32.9 Gigabytes 142 files archival material 1982ua002 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Libraries Special Collections Research Center Collection on University of Kentucky University Training School/University High School The Mohian '24 annual text The Mohian '24 annual 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/1982ua002/Box_2/Folder_8/Multipage753.pdf 1924 1924 1924 section false xt7rr49g7j6v_17 xt7rr49g7j6v  













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of the



















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 As an expression of the appreciation of the graduating

class of University High School, this volume of the
Mohian is respectfully dedicated to

W. S. Taylor
Dean of the College of Education, University of Ken,
tucky, whose leadership and ability have been so keenly
felt by the entire student body.



w W mWHHWWW ‘; ‘ ‘ ‘ "H‘ 1‘: (IIUHHHV‘VH|Hlmlillhlifiifl1|IHIHWHVI‘VUHI g
m llHHinm imhlmHIHnmm‘MrhllIllminliinmmm MHHHHMHH


\ ‘ ‘r—E
nmllnnHml x 1min:




This book is published that in later years each mema

ber of the class of ’24 may have with him some memories
of deeds of his student days.

If we have failed in this task, we can only say that we
have tried. But if we have pleased you, we shall feel

that our work has been, in a measure, a success.










At the opening of school in the second semester, the
entire faculty and student body were astounded to learn
of the serious illness and later of the death of Miss Lucy
Whitworth. No words that we can say here will express
our sorrow, because Miss Whitworth as we knew her, was
loved by all who came in contact with her.

She was a true friend of every one in school and in her

passing, we have all suffered a great loss.







/,// //////



















,« /y
/ M// a

M/ , §










I‘n‘t} war IL 1’. Ring, A. PL, A. 1%., Principal,

l‘lwxits, Sxicm‘c. and (:ivicx










Transylvania (‘ollogo
Hamilton College

University High School 1919.

l'niversity of Missouri

l'niversity High School 1919.







Latin and Commerce
l'niversity of Kontiu-ky
Walton High School

l'nivm-sily l'lig‘h 8011001 192]


Sarah S, ’l‘uppz‘iz 1% S, in II. E. ............................ Home Economics
Thomas Young ......................................... ’ ......... Art
§11mnvl Adams .................................................. Music
Luwrvnw lliii'nhzim ........................................ Base Ball (‘oavh
(‘lmi'los Ill Taylor ....................................... Boys' lymnastics
9:11'2111 lilzlntlin}; ......................................... (lii‘ls‘ Gymnastics

7']; fr/(wn









Frvnvh ’,

l'nivvrsil)‘ 01‘ Kvnlut-ky 1921 ‘








11. IC, .IAHUEHS j

Mulhvnmlit-s “

(‘mlrh nl' Fumbnll. llnskwllmll :mti







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ozutccn i









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X31111 is >111 11111 111' 111111 111111 1il'1-
111211 111111 (1111 11m 111' 1111;11' 11111‘ 11111};
\1111111111 1'11111111}; 111: mmv \1'11}; Slip
1:115 111“ 1112111 111 1111* 11121)‘ 11115 )‘11111'
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:11-111111‘ 11111‘12 11's 111111x \1'1111111‘1’ 111111
21 girl 1i1\'I* X11111'y $111111111 111~1111- 11111‘ lll‘XUN

Laughing UI' smiling; 2111 ()1~ 111v
I'Inl lilltl doubly sn \\'ln\n lll<‘1‘\’".\' :\
nmn :Il'mnnl. lml Mary's mmlly 21nd
Ill-1' Smillw :11'1- \VUll \vm'lh winning.
811v llns only hm‘n ln‘l'v this 12151
>L111:'>‘It'!‘, hnI slw's lH-(‘Uln” :1 l'L‘kll
purl 01' [ln- w'lnml.

LEWIS \'l\.\' l’lCl/l‘ HUO'I‘

\\'ln>n [wwis first umwnrwl in our
l'nir til): llH' I'vmininv ululnwnl 1w—
ri'nn- {listinl-ll)‘ war—lilw: wonqnvst
Wu»: in Iln- :m: lint lay smnv myslm‘i-
(vllx rmnprmnisw i1 :Anlltlwnly wndml,
lmwis is :I \vlmlu run" on hv-i' mintl, (‘tttv that's 1110
word to (ltxst'i'ilw "$1111" from tho
('lll'Yt‘ ot' livi‘ l)())‘lSlll_\‘ shinglvtl llt‘zltl
to tho ti]. ot' llt‘l‘ lllllt‘ i'uti'otissv nose.
\\'t-'i'~ wontlt-i'ing' what t'hi‘istinv will
(lo \\llt'Il Sllt‘ film‘s.
lll'illllilllt' (‘lttlt '21i
('lttss Play .211,

Every one likes Frye. even to the
teat-hers who refuse to ever let him
into «lass again at least IWlt'P a week.
but then he has 21 way with ‘vmi Ilv
has exceptional talvnt in (l1‘kllllzlllt’>
:tntl tzilws‘ part in nearly all product—
ions, If you want to $09 him work.
just suggest giving a school dance
and he‘ll be the leader in prepara-
Dramatic Club '23. ’24.
Foot Ball '21.'22,
()I‘Cllé‘stl‘z ‘ZtL
Ruse Ball Mar. ‘22.
Bus. Mgr, lndvx '21,
l'l‘t‘sltlt‘lll. Svnioi' ('lilSS ‘24.








l{_\’l‘ll4l i\li\l‘} S'l'lVlfiliS

A: for lwin}; ll mnsiviun. Ix'zitiw Mzw
lxrm -\‘v1'yonv in Ihw svlmol Slll‘pllSSNl,
idVvii Shorty lumps lllll1‘1 Whi‘ll ,Ulw's
:11 lhv piano. Shh hails from l’inu—
\illiu lx'viilut-ky 21ml wv'll always
lliink wvll 01' lhnl plat-v for giving: us
Kalil» Alma




"Boll" possesses something that
iml mmthm‘ iwrson in w-hmil has 21ml
llmi is red hair. He hails from
l'ui‘iiiington, Ky. Thv school cer—
tainly has a valuable student in him.
for he is a veritable shark in all
plhlutivs in<~luding greomotry.
Foot Bull '22. 'Z‘N
’I‘i'uvk Captain L41.


y/V/l‘t’ll/l/xH/ M’L’





7 // t'H/rl/rl/‘Hlll'

()i' all the Senior girls. there‘s not.
a (lllt' more popular than June. .lovial—
ity is lict‘ middle name lwcausc she's
itm't-r lwvn sccn in a had humor. As
to class room standards. .lunc’s just
the type the teachers can (lt‘llt'lltl
upon every day. Though her l‘(‘l‘ls
tations aren't brilliant outbursts.
they're the kind that mean places
on the honor rolls.
Basket Ball ’23.
Dramatic (‘luh Production ’23,



Wayne is another of our county
lads. He is always keen for athle-
tics or a fight. Seriously he’s hard
boiled and admits it. During the last
year Wayne has been better known as
“Lemon". If you want to know why.
ask any one of the ’24 foot ball
squad. Despite all these serious
drawbacks, \Vayne’s a wonderful
fellow and we’ll all miss him.
Foot Ball '23. Capt.
llase Ball ‘23l.-‘24.
Studt nt (‘ouncil ’23-24.
.\Illlvli(' (‘ouncil '2il—24.




vwwgzmrwmmtm; ‘ - *

‘g i





Louise vast hm‘ lot with us in mid-
yuur. Shu hails from Franklin. Ton-
nvssm‘. Sllo (‘zlmv 100 latv to takv
part in many avtivitios. but never—
Ihvlvss shv has won u place in the
hoarts of favulty and students and
we‘re all proud to have had her for
it classmate.


Emmett came to us three years
ago from Frankfort High School. As
a student he wouldn't carry off many
first honors, but he makes up for
this in athletics and his contributions
to school humor and merriment.
Basket Ball ’23, ’24.

Bow Ball '23, ’24.

'/'//‘w n ly-fi I‘r'





Y 11'! ///'//—,l from
(: m'uwtown. but has t‘t‘l'l:lllll}' stoml
h_\' this St‘llttfil with :111 tht- loyalty HI~
:t llt'xinutnniztn. \Vllt‘ll shv L'tws, it
will rt’t‘lll nnnzttnrul l'm‘ thv t'ztniilim'
trim of i“t‘illllt‘l'.\'l011t‘. Trout-y untl
Hunt-2m to ho no nim'tn
l)1'2!lll:lllt‘ (‘lnh '2], '22. '
lh'umzttir (‘lnh l’I‘tHlllt‘IlHll



Known to most of the students 2H
\VaynQ’S ('onsini But this was liv-
GURU h'\ was with us for so short at
time, for the ones of us who (litl gzvt
to know him well found in him :1
tyne, ('IL‘flII-(‘llt friend, He's ztt Stat“
now and th’I'v snw expecting: hit:
things from him.











(‘llAllLlCS SIDNEY i\lI(‘llLER
There's one ('haravtvristic of
(‘hzu'les' that we all know and that’s
his passion for debuting. We don't
wonder at that for he has ('onsidel‘-
ahlo orntorival ability and a deep,
fine voice that gives strength to all
that he says.
Dohating Tt‘alll ’22.
Asst. Bus. Mgr. Mohian ’24.


At last, just as soon as the whole
whool is learning to pronounce
Harry’s last name, he leaves us.
Jeorg is a good student and very in-
t‘re=ted in all athletics. Although
Harry is a new comer, he has bccome
a part of the school.
Foot Ball ’23.
Basket Ball ’23.
Base Ball ‘23.

'l'll'r'n /_//~w' I‘(‘Il









A1111 mmw m 11.\ lust N‘llll‘s‘lk'l‘ 1'1‘0111
Swnim‘ ll‘fgh St'lmol. 5111‘ like-s buys
01' I \huuld su)‘ bu)". as sliv may he
I‘mmd any 11mm imm‘ in UN ]()\\'(*1‘
ball Wiih zl H‘I'lélil] S'Lilllll va Xii
Mary LUXUI] and Ann ui'w fast frivnds.

Anmhm‘ Svnim' High studs-111 m‘
i1 might be more titling 10 say shivk.
Adrian is i‘vpm'tvd In haw studiwi
nnw night in .\]2l1‘l‘h, hut \\w- ul‘r' sm‘ry
In my 1th1 11w I'wpUI‘l vould nut 1w

'I'H'r II ly—r’ I'fl/Il
















Studious and vmu‘lvmis and :1 iittlw
1m) limid, hm \\'I‘ like Harry Iinv.
Hw is \\'invhvs1m"s 1't*[)1‘(‘S(’Iillei\'U to
lhw whom]. having altundud (‘lzil'k
(‘mmly High lwi‘m‘v 1w (‘211110 to 113
Ihis lust svmwsiui: Harry is mmlhm‘
01' mn‘ mnsimlly int-lined Svnim‘s,
and his ability mi :1 piano has afford—
ml 11s 50in \‘m‘y vnjm'uiflw 011101“-

'l'II‘m /‘//—n in w










Here‘s to gotnl ()ltl Nlmlcl
i\,< we czillml ll(‘1' in Illt‘ Inst,

'I‘o lK‘l‘ wliitc znnl l>rilliztnt purplci~
()ur Colors trit‘tl :tntl fztst.

\\'c lintc tn l1;1\'c tn lcnw _\‘<)u,
()ltl Conn'mlcs, mg lllltl truc:

’iut CUHIL‘ wllut inzt_\' :tlnng Lift‘k wn_\',
\\'e‘ll always think of you.

()f yuu (llltl :tll lllt' g’twl times
\\"c'\'c l1:t :llltl ~1Hl'l> nlltl ll! lllt‘ ltt‘;ll'l>
()f thus“; with wliom we're 1)l:1'\'c
  • to litx \\'ltcn future Mmlcl stutlt‘nts Conic to sit upon our knot: Septzt Furlong: [Ii/l irl‘}; PROPHECY in the year lthl. 1 was liying in lxieiuueky. just a few miles from l.ex~ ington in the far~famed lllue (irass lx‘egion. tine eyening ahout twilight as I sat alone on the steps of the broad \eranda. .\unt l’atsy eame out to reinoye the tea seryiee. lleing in a retrw speetiye mood I took one of the cups. poured the tea leayes into it. and asked .‘-.unt l’atsy to read them for me. and tell. if possihle. at the liyes of my former elassmates. .\fter much persuading and urging. she linally eonsented to see what the leayes would tell her. 'l‘he things she foretold, I will now relate. \\'illie. haying oyereome his hashfulness. has lteeome l)ean liroek at llamilton College. a yery seleet sehool for girls. Here he is eontinually surrounded hy memhers of the fair sex. lirye Shoemaktr has realized his amhition. and is now leading man in a yery sueeessful rerue on llroadway. He has taken for his partner in husiness and in life Septa Furlong. who will always he rememlwred as “l’etunia Huggins." (hi eyery sport page there are pictures and headsline writeiups of Kenneth Mauser, who has just pitehed (leorgetown to a pennant winner of the liig League. lladen .\loise has taken up a husiness in whieh he has always shown ahility and is now putting forth all of his e forts in the produetion of a bigger, oetter humorous. eollege puhlieation. No one rememhers _leorg as Harry \i.. hut as “Knoekout jeorg", his name in the sporting world. he is the pride of two eontinents. lCmmett Mills is, his manager and has wonderful le)llll)' in arranging houts as well as in the puhlieity end of the game. lx’ol)ert (l. Stokes has heeome manage‘ of the liord Manufaeturing Company. llis sueeess is being aeeompanied by a steadily inereasing fortune. and the name of Stokes has leeome a password in the world of linanee. Katie .\lae Stiyers and ‘lane .\lel{inney are running a yery seleet sehool for girls. speeializing in lilies and all kinds of dancing. ’l‘hey haye heeome quite famous, due to their deyelopment of seyet‘al yery popular new steps. Lelx’oy .\liles is a eonstruetion engineer and is sueeeeding wonderfully in his work in South .\meriea. I)ear old Jimmie has l>eeome immensely wealthy hy putting on the market the nifty little sport roadster known as llulett‘s Yellow l‘eril. Mary Luxon and .\drian Skinner hare settled down together on a little farm in .\rkansas and seem to he \'ery happy. Lueian 'l‘hompson. after reeeiying his degre at a well known .\meriean t'ollege. went to lCurope to study farther in the held of seienee. He remained on that continent and to~day he is one of the foremost seientists of the world. Leslie Neff and \\’ayne 'l‘hompson felt the eall of the aneients and are now at the head of an expedition in .\sia where they are exeayating for the remains of King Tut's Grandson. T/t l'r/y-(m w Eyalee Featherstone runs :1 chic little lirench hat shop in Georgetown and is making :1 great amount of money from the trade of tourists who are forced to detour through that fair city on account of bad roads. Louise Shannon has returned to her home in 'lennessec after :1 yery successful speaking tour of the North. She is I‘resident of the \\'omen’ Rights League of the L'nited States and Mexico. Harry (l'lx’ear is in Chicago. 'l‘here he is studying under a world famous master of th* art of music. .\ltho liying the life of the idle rich. he wanders the streets every night in hope that he tind one known as lilorence Murray. Charles .\lichler is, as we could doubtless guess. a famous orator and statesman. which has gained for him the loy'e of the whole republican party. \s a side line. or perhaps it would be better to say hobby, he is head of a chain of florist shops throughout the country. .\s to our class beauties. Lewis ly’oot is head coach of all athletics at Yale where he is turning out championslnp teams in all branches of sport. Catherine Smith is now .\lrs. 'l‘heodore Strade‘ and is liyine‘ happily in a very beautiful suburb of l'hiladelphia. 'l‘hey are yery wealthy as Mr. Strader is Vice-President of :1 nationally adyertised soft drink company. 'l‘hus ended the prophecy as .\unt l‘atsy had seen it in the tea leayes. The, hearing of old names, some almost forgotten. brought back in that won— derful land of memory, the past days spent at dear old liniyersity High. Nancy .loncs. T/t [Hy-[Ira CLASS HISTORY 11151 10111‘ 16111.5 11110 11115 11111111 of 111115 111111 111115 11'111) 111‘6 111‘11111111111111 11115 11'“11 \1'616 j1151 51111111111r 1111 11161 111111‘ 111111 101111 1111111 111 1116 111‘6511161111'111 get- 111111 1116 11651 111 611111111i1)11 .\5 15 1116 11511111 111‘01‘611111‘6 1116 1611' CX1‘C116111 5111111‘ 111155 111 111111 111110116 (1111', 1111166611611 10 1‘111) 11 111 1111 115. \11 1111161‘ 1161‘511115 1111111 11111'1111611111111 51) \16 111.51 111161111611 10 0111‘ 01111 111'111i1‘5 111)1\'6\'.61‘ 11 \1'115 1101 1111111'1161111‘6 1116 11151 111111111111 11111116 of 1116 56115011. 111111 111 111i.5 111111 116 11611 11111 11) 6111111116 1116 111161111011 111 111611111616111 11115565115 \1'611 115 1116 611111111'1)f 501116 1116 111111‘1111111‘1‘)6f1)16 1116 g111116 11'6 11161 1111‘ 1116 11111111156 Of 56111111111 1116 1101'5 011 11'1111 11 111661‘. \\ 611 1166111655 10 5111, 116 1611 1116111 1111 111 611661‘111g 111111 61'61‘1'11111111‘ 6156 ()11 11161611 51116 of 1116 5111111 111111 111111115 11 11111111‘6 111656111611 111 115. 11115 \1 15 1116 111‘51 111611116 1116561116111 11 11111' 611155. 1)111‘111;1 1116 mm 111'11 161115 116 611161611 11111) 1111 101‘1115 of £l1‘11\'1t1€$. 1.6R0y \1i165 111111 \\'111. 1110611 1611 1116 61115.5 11) 11115 5111111111 \'16101‘1'. 11C1\’0_\' 1\11165, 1‘:(‘1111€11] .\12111561‘. \\‘11.\'116 '1‘110111115011. 111111 13111111611 311115 11'61‘6 0111513111111111‘ 111 11111161165 \1'11116 \\'111. 13111611 111161111611 11) 1116 11161‘111‘1' 51116 0f 1116 6121.55. 111 1116 511111111 01‘ 11.1221 L61\’1)_\' .\11165 1‘666i\'611 1116 61111 1111‘ 1116 116.51 1111 111‘11111111 5111116111. .\1 11115 111116 1116 111115 01 1116 61115.5 began 11) 1‘66611'6 11111166 in 1116 (1111616111 1111116116 111111 11161‘111‘1' 11611111165. '1‘1161' 111‘g1111iz611 11 1)Zl>‘1\'1‘t 111111 1611111. “111611 1111 1116 11111116 \1'115 \'61‘_\' 511666551111. 11161 111511 11111116 1116111 111‘0g1‘655 111 1116 111111111116 11116. '1‘11i5 \'6111‘ \\'6 11'61‘6 j11111611 11\' 561'61‘111 11611'11161111161‘5 11111) 111111111611 1116111— 5111\65 10 1116 51)i1it of 1116 6'1155 111 11 \(31‘_V 61‘61111111116 1111111116r. 111656 11611' 1116111116115 611161611 61111111511151161 1'11_1 11111) 1116 .51111‘i1 of 1116 56110111. (1011111 0111 111111 111111111151 111111111111 1611111 111111 11611111111 10 win 11111111' 1'1610r165. .\1161‘ 1116 (111151111115 111111111115 \1'6 11'61‘6 joined 1)_\' 11111115 R0111 of 1101115Y111C .\11116 1111111 $611001 \1'111) \1'115 111 1111111111111 111 1116 1)11:56 111111 111111 Tl‘ZlL‘k 1611111. LCRO)’ .\11165 111111 \\'111, )11‘01‘15' 6111‘1‘1611 off 1111111651 1101101‘5 111 1116 3611101 C1a55‘, 11115 611115 1116 C\'t‘111f111 work 111 1116 192-1 $611101 (1111.55. C11111165 3111111161: T71 {My-171 1'01’ “CLASS WILL” \\‘11. 1l11x 11111111111111111‘ 1l1111\'11111111'l‘l;1s~. l1:1\i11;_1' >111111l l’11111‘ 11-1113 i11 1l1i< i11~1i— 111111111111' |11:11'11i11;_1'.:1111l i1;1\i11g1'11;1}1111l 1l111l1111111l11>z1111l g'zlllh ll11'1‘1111l'. 1l11. 1111 1l1-11;11'1A .11g‘1l111>11l1;12l~.\\,1~l1 111l11;1\111111l111111l1111‘11111111l11-1x11l'1l111;1l'111'1-11111111111111=1l i11~111111111111 >111-l1 ;_1'11111l,~.-1111l 1-l1:1‘1111l> I'111‘ \1'l1i11l1 11111-1111 |1111l111111>11i11 1l111l'111111‘11. 'l‘ll11l1'll11l'1l. li111' H11 111l11‘l' 11*:1~<111: \\'1‘ 1l11 ll111'11l1’\ \\ill_ l11‘1ll11‘ull1 :iIl1l 111l11‘1"1\'i~1- lH‘\l()\\ llll‘ I411Ll11\\'l11‘;1 111111111111 111 lll1‘ l1.“ l‘111‘lllllill1‘ >1'l111l711‘5. 'l'11 ll11~.l1111i111'(‘l;1\>_ 1111 l11;1\1* 1l111 g1l1l1111 l\'1g\' 11l' l\1111\1'l111l‘g11:1111l 11111'1lil:1]1i— «lillwl :111111—l11111lx'5. T11 Ll111 S1111l111111111'11('l;1~\. \1'114:‘i\1' ll111111'1 11l' l1'I11111l. \11111l1l lilgw 11 l11;1\11 l11‘1'11l1l l11111 ‘111'l'l111l111:1 \\‘;1l|\111‘. i11 1l111 l111l11w Ilml >l111 111-111 l'11ll11\\' 111 l1111' lilNll—>ll‘l)\. l11'\\'i.~ ll11111 l1':l\'1M\ l11> >1111111l :1111l \';ll1*111ll111 \\';l'\‘> 111 \\v;ll'l‘1111 llélill~ \\‘l111|11 lI1‘ 11111111~111111 li111l \1111111 ~11gg11>1i1111~ 111 :11l1l 111 l1i\ 111111 515111111. l111|l11'\' .\lil11>. \1‘l111ix l\'1111\\'1111>ll111“l[:1'll'111'l l11\1'1'l": l1';1\11>. \1i1l1 1111 1'1x;_11'111\. 311‘ l11111l\1111"\\'l1.\'(£11'l> [111:1111 ll111111‘“. 111 Hill ll;1ll. 11111' ~l1111l1. \1'l1111.\‘ill 11111l1111l11 ”I“? 111 1:111:1l1111'11 11:111111. 'l‘11 1’111'1l11111111l \\'i11111:11111. ll" Sl1111111111l1‘1' l1‘:1\11> l|l\ 11111'111 :1111l l11':1\> :1111l 11 i~ \1‘1‘ll l\'1111\\‘11 ll1zll l111l11 l1‘111‘1li11 141111 111:1l<1111\1111l'i1. .l111111 1\l1'l\’111111'.\. 1l11' I'11i1"\' 11111 1l;1111'111'. l11;1\1'> l11*1' :11'1'11111]1li>l111111111\ 111 \[11111 \'111111:'. ll11- \i\;11-i1111> l1‘1‘1‘~§1111;111. ll:11‘1'.\' \'. .l1-111'g. 11l'1111' 1111114l1 l1111'>11;1~i1111. l11;1\11.\ 111 (‘l1:11'l11~ ll:111‘i\. ;1 [111,1 11l' 31k 11'111'5 :1111l \1'l11,~l1:111'>. 'l'11 X1111i11\\'11ll>. (‘111l11-1‘i1111511111l1 \1ill l1;1\11>111111111|' l1111' l111;1111\ ;1> \l11111'1li 1111‘. wal l1 HH\\ lllill Vlll11‘111l111‘11l> lll'llllv\' l1<111l~;1'1l. i \\Vzl‘\'111' 'l‘l111llllb1111. 1l11- 11113111l \\'1‘ll1‘1' :lll1l :1l'l1‘1'1ll1111111‘~111'zllx111’. l1*;1\1‘> 111 \ll‘\ l’1111l11xl1is:1l1ili1_\' 11111'1'11111l11111111s. ll111l1111 Nl11i>1u \1'l111.\11 111111111 i> “.\‘]1111‘1-l1 i\ >i|\'111' .1111l \il1111111 g11l1l1111". l1‘:1\‘1*> his 1111i\1x :1111l 11ll11111';111l1x111\\‘illi:1111 lllllt‘. \1'l111 i>1|11i11121 1l11111111‘111‘111111gg l:11l. \\'illi;1111 l'11':11'l< l1‘1l\1'> l1is E11.\';1lll\' .1111l l11\ 1l11 111' 1li11 ~~1111'11 1111l1111111li1'1'~1111l11111 11ml): \\'11;1ll 11111111 11ml l111 l1;1\ «111111 111411111» 11111l 11 i» |l11i11;_~'1l1;11 l111sl1111121l izilw [1i1‘\' 1111 1|s11111111'111111l‘111111'1;1l>. lll Illt.’ >111111‘ >I1il‘ll. l111>ll1* \1‘ll l11;1\1‘\ 111 lllt' ‘Q'll‘ls 1114 ll11‘ 1‘l1111‘11>. llls \‘11l(‘1-. ‘1'5i1l1 1l](| l111l11 11l' \1‘l1i1l1 1l11g\' \l11111l1l :1l‘. Z11111l 11 11111 >11141<11wl11l lili- l‘1'11111 :1 11111>i1-:1l . ~111111l1111i111. ' 1131111111111" Mills :1ls11 l11:1\'11\ l111l1i111l l1l111 11111111112111> >11111'1111i1'.~ 11l' :1Il1l111i11 11‘i11» .1<\1‘1-ll 21>1l111 :1l11lil\' 1111'11li1x141 \;11111- 111 lilll'l Sin“. 7'/1i/'/j/—f11111' 1(11111111111 31111151111 1111x5115 1111 111 S11111 111111115 111s 111111111 111 1111 11 "11111:: $111111 ('1111‘11111'“. 1111 1111115 111111 111‘ 1111> 11111111151 111111 11 11111'111111 s11111111 11111 11111111 1111111 1111‘ 11111111111111115. 1511111111 [“1111111111151111111. 111111 111151 \1'1511115 1111‘ 11 31111'1'1' (‘111115111111s 111111 11 11111111_\‘ V1111 111111. 11111\'11,< 111111 11111g111i1111‘s 111111111 in running 11 1’111i111\' 111 1111 s11 11111'111'1111111111 :1.~ 111 111111 111111 111‘ 51111111. 1\1111 111111111111' 1111111111111115 111 1111511 [1111112111 1111 11111111111}; \1'11_\t~' $11 111111 >1111111 11511 111111' 1111 111111111 111' 11111 11111'11I‘ 1111115 111111111; 11111 11111111 11111113; ,\1111‘_\' 1111x1111 \1'111511111w111i111s 111 1111111 S1-111'11111‘111114'11 511111111111111111‘1 111'1111<11111'- 111111111111111111<11111‘111lll11)‘ 111111111'111‘1112111111, 1\111'j1111 S1111111111' 11111115 1115 1111111 111111111111111 111115 111 1)111111111 1311111111“ 1111111111: 111111 1111111111151111111'1111111111 1111115111111111111114'111111'1111111111111111‘11i111. By .1111111' .1111111s1111 'I'/1 1.11/‘//—f'1‘1‘11 JUNIOR CLASS Yes. these are the .Iuninrs. Right in their lirnper plaee. 1w). 'l‘hat is. Just after the Senim's. [But they are impm'tzznt. e\ en if they do admit it. heeause they make up a large part Hf the sehtml athletieally. seholastieally. and in all <1udent aetiyities. 'l‘here was neyer a hetter looking. ()1' hetter natured group ()f hoys and girls eolleeted tngether in ()1)? elass. \\'e dmrt dare say anything more good ahout them. fur as it is. they think they run the sehtml. ’l‘hey really dnn’t. but they‘re deyeluping nieely intn leaders under the Seninrs‘ tutelage. Ton had that the nuniher (if hoys and girls muld nut haye heen HttH‘t‘ nearly equal hut the huys shuuld he ahle to handle their 1m) tn 0111‘ adds. Thirty—six: Elisc Bureau Nettie \Yolls Elizabeth Smith lil’liw’l'fl 'I'liiillili‘ Xlzii'gzn‘m ’l‘i't'm‘y Martha Unnczm Christine Razor Sluhm'l Mdlnt‘fcy \Vilhznn 11:11} ‘Iuvk Julifimn i....i\l‘ I'm (hn‘inlcy _lnsc1)h Illn‘kc 'l‘hmnzis ~lrnncs \\4;11‘r(*n I4. [lain ImRny Fields UhVCI‘ I\’c_\'n<)hls Ferdinand \\'ivin:1nn Slunfmfl Ruins Elijah Stivt‘rs RUM-1‘1 \\'rcnn 'l'lz I‘I'/.l/-S(’I'(,’)I SOPHOMORES According to an ancient sage. the inertningr of the \\‘()t‘(l Snphtnnm‘e is ‘\\'i:-": fool" \\'hile we (10 not try to move thztt the said suire \\':ts em'i‘et‘t. we Ll!) state and lll‘llll)’ helieve that our Snphmnm‘e Class eun huztst of some rare rltnnh—hells. i\tliletie;tll_\'. Bailey. Dale. and l’ntilos uphold the traditions of the class. This is. hmvevei‘. rmlv one l)l‘ft11Cl] of their (teeomplishments. as they are triftel ii mztn)‘ "walks, of life". When the memhei‘s of this class become Seniors. the sureess of the school is Assured for one year at least. 7 7: ir/y-wfg/I/ .\Ii ;.1 Al 1 I I‘Ul‘ll th (111m \\;1H\'<-r (YH'I'iv HUM-rm“ \\ Minm Iql'v (Eilmzm Ix’ulwrtmn \lvx l’uulus Hun I’m‘mun I’L-lecv Hailey ~lmncs SluHinn Frank ’I‘uckc '/'// [Hy-H {uw FRESHMEN Last. hut not in their own minds. least: come the Freshmen. Thirteen 111 'e111. 11's sure tough luck to start as hard :1 thing as a high school career with such an unlucky number in the class 1'11111'e1'e1‘. 11ot11ithsta11ding an o1er abundance of 11111111111ess. the class seems to be de1 elo 11113r the o1d'\1a1‘1'"el High spirit in that the suppl1 of excuses for admittance slips is not waning [his czltss sl1(:11ull tr_1 if possible e. 10 develop some real lo1a1t1 to11ard he chool if the1' e1er hope to 1e11ch the status of 100% high school students. lhis does 11111 21111111 to the cl ass as a 11 hole as 1110 or three of them took pa1t in 11111etic contests but their attendance 21nd support at the scene o