xt7rr49g7j6v_2 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/1982ua002.dao.xml unknown 5.05 Cubic Feet 8 document boxes, 6 slim document boxes, 3 flat boxes, 2 photograph boxes 32.9 Gigabytes 142 files archival material 1982ua002 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Libraries Special Collections Research Center Collection on University of Kentucky University Training School/University High School Commencement programs, commencement invitations, and a diploma text Commencement programs, commencement invitations, and a diploma 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/1982ua002/Box_1/Folder_6/Multipage68.pdf 1938-1961 1961 1938-1961 section false xt7rr49g7j6v_2 xt7rr49g7j6v UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL

University of Kentucky
Friday, May 27, 1938, 8:00 p. m.

University School Auditorium



l’komswnu . . . _ , . . . . . . , . . Largo ('IImn/r'l)
I\'\'n(:\1m\ . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . .\[1'. I. S. Mitchell
Solo . . . , . . V . , . . . . . . . Dummy l’H‘wm
(I()\I\H \(11 \[l‘\| .\1)1>Iu~xs . _ . . , . . . . N11; Imhn Humlq Dupw
Smuzlmx . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . ()1'(I](‘\'II‘12
1)l{l-.\l'\'l\ll()\' (>1 l)ll’l.().\l.\{\ . . . . . . . . Mr. I. l). \\'illi;lms

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(llmrlcx Bcnllr} Bt‘llllt‘ll
Murg'nrvl Hmnvs Brown

(lurolinv l’ulrnk (lonnnl

Vladimir Anderson Duprt'

Louise Milrln‘ll liwun

Donald Norman Galloway

\Vilnm (Lornmn

,\r1l1nr (llorr Gran-x
Mar; Howard Hard}
Murgurrr lili/zllwlll Hicks
Rolwrl lilrncr Hum)

_|;nn(*x Rolnrrl Marlowe

Rolwrl l)nn(;1n Mzn‘lin
Rnswll Morton Mungzrns
Belly (lent l’c'lnol
Mildred Lev l’icrson
l)orollr\ l’rn-slon

Hng'lr Brnu- l’riw. Ir.

liloul Hmnillon Rzlinsr)

Hvrlnon (llauon Robinson. Ir.

(luroln lh'llv Sundvrx
Mar} Louise Stokes
lili/ulwlll l’n-lmonl \\'igginton

\ngvlinr- llzn'l/cll “Karl


 Members of National Honor Society


(Iumlim' PQIIIikk (.nnunl Haul Hamilton Rum“)
Louise Miulu-ll liwnn llmmun (Ilzultm Rubinwn, l1.

Dummy l’l‘cslnn lili/ulu-lh l’wlmmll \\'igginlon


(lulhcl‘int (inupcr .\lc\ Hull. [I


 Commencement Program

University High School

University of Kentucky

Friday, May 25, 1945, 8 P. M.

University School Auditorium






Processional ................................... Medley of Marches (Selected)

ll"/Ien Children Pray ............................................... Fenner

Charlotte Curr. Marjorie Hawkins. Pat Thompson. jzrne Garrett.
Helen Deiss, Priscilla McVey

Invocation ........................................... Rev. Robert McNeill

1.0;‘(1'5 Prayer ..................................................... Malotte
John li. Woods

Cummmn'cmmzt Addrm .............................. Mr. Eldon S. Dummit
Prawn/(Ilia): 0f Dip/(mum ............................. Mr. Lyman V. Ginger

Brncdirtimt .......................................... Rev. Robert McNeill

R ercsxionul ...................................................... Selected








Mary Jane Agnew

Ethelyn Elaine Ashley
Franklin Albert Bardwell
Margaret Brownell Berryman
Elizabeth Ann Bicknell
Beverly Anne Brown
Garrett Davis Buckner, Jr.
Neville Myers Dunn
Donald Haynes Evans
Charles Shannon Fergus
Jane Garrett

Sara Marshall Hall
Carolyn York Hansen
Betty Joe Harris

Marjorie Susan Hawkins

\Vallace Rhodes Horine

Henry Alexander Huggins, Jr.

Henry James Irvin

Charles Francis McMeekin

Joseph McDowell Mathews

Elise Guye Meyer

\Vynn Glass Moseley

Betty Amann Muir

William Barbee O‘Bannon
Nancy Jean Potts ‘
Maurice Rowland Rice
Francis Arthur Roberts Jr.
Gerald Joseph Benedict Schwendeinan
Betty Ann Shropshire

Cora Lee Snowden

Lois Lynn VanMeter

Charles Cleveland \Vachtman
\Villiain VVhitlow \Vinfree
John E. Woods

Cornelia Jane Yeary

Shirlee Younger










Members of the National Honor Society


Franklin Bardwell Charles McMeekin
Elizabeth Ann Bicknell Nancy Potts
Davis Buckner > Betty Ann Shropshire

Lois Lynn VanMeter


Jimmy Glenn Gerald Robin Griffin




 Commencement Program

University High School

University of Kentucky

Friday, May 31, 1946, 8 I). M.

University School Auditorium






Processional, B!l)'('(l)'()H(' lrotn “Tu/('5 of HUI/mun" .................. ()H‘enhzu’lt

anocation .............................................. Rev. Hay-s l’arish
Dona Nobis I’au’m (Che Us l’eztt'e) ...................... (lotnposer Unknown
To A Wild Rose .............................................. M;t(‘1)owell
O H't’strt‘n I'I’I'na' ................................................... (llokey

UniVersit§ High St‘hool (lhorm

Commencement Address ............................ Dr. Raymond I“. McLuin
President 01' 'l‘runsylvzmizt College

Wall: in C Sharp Minor ........................................... (lhopin
Kathryn Mellenbrtu’h, pianist

Presentation oi Diplomas. . , . t . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mr. Lyntztn V. (Linger
Benediction ............................................. Rev. Hayes Farish
Recessional, Tim Color Guard ................................ \V. M. Felton







Edward Bailey ”WMartha lx'athrrn Mellenbrueh
(llatlys «Io'\('e Barker **(;uy Nelson Moore

*_Ianie.s Hunt Barker ‘Iaines I. Mullo}
Robert M(n\lee Brewer ll “lithrartl l,ee Norris

**Mary Martin BueLner Hl)on (I. l’hellis
Iane i\le.\(l;nns (llennnom .Iatk l‘lr\in l’rinee
Daphne ‘IZlHIllCllnt’ (looke Marjorie l’riee l{(‘)ll()l(l\
Helen l)a\en})ort l)eiss Iean Sherman
BellVia Hartwell Demon Margaret (lassell Sinith
i\nne l’ri(e listill Eli/abelh Ga} Slaughter
Barbara \\'hitnet l’ixher l’hilliI) (lhinn Steele
.Iaines l’raneis (llenn Margaret i\llen 'l‘znlor
(Lerahl Robin Grilhn l’atritia Keene ’l'hoinpson
\\'illiain «Ioseph Hall Robert (ireene 'l‘ritnble
llugh Bulortl Hannnel lileanor (libson 'l‘ueker
Kent l’arrot Hollingm'orth Louise Brownell Van Meter
l,i(la (llay lngels "HMila Vaughn
\\'illialn l’aul Keith. Ir liarl l)i<‘l\'ens \\'alla {PM' 5-- ' " 7" 4 ‘1 A -" S ..-
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