xt7rr49g7j6v_24 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/1982ua002.dao.xml unknown 5.05 Cubic Feet 8 document boxes, 6 slim document boxes, 3 flat boxes, 2 photograph boxes 32.9 Gigabytes 142 files archival material 1982ua002 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Libraries Special Collections Research Center Collection on University of Kentucky University Training School/University High School The Purple and White annual text The Purple and White annual 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/1982ua002/Box_3/Folder_5/Multipage1368.pdf 1955 1955 1955 section false xt7rr49g7j6v_24 xt7rr49g7j6v  















































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The Dedication

Since the annual has been dedicated previously to two of the faculty
members, only one faculty member who has been with us this year is
represented here by a picture . The SeniorClass of 1955 wishes to dedi-
cate this annual to Dr. Morris B. Cierley, Miss Anna B. Peck and Mr.

Leon Porter.

In the opinion of the members of the Senior Class, these three people
are of the highest caliber because they strive to uphold the standards
of democracy for which our school stands.

Energy is the mainspring of their action and when our zeal was gone,
they inspired us with encouragement and enthusiasm.

Honor, integrity, and fairness are the very personification of their
character. They are admirable because they taught us the value of

these qualities.

Because of their outstanding character and strong determination they
were able to instill in us the value of preserving the higher thingsof


As a result of their diligent work and unselfish devotion, each gradu—
ate understands fully the price and value of education.






The Faculty



\ It t r

SLATED LEFT TO RIGHT; Phyllis Kleocker, Hygiene and Physical Education; Martha Shipman, Eighth Grade; Alma Carl,
Seventh Grade; Mary West1 Languages; Grace Anderson, English; Margaret Roscr, Librarian; Elizabeth Taylor, Speech and
Psychology; Rodnell Lunde, History Substitute. SECOND ROW: Leon Porter, Mathematics; Eddie McNabb, Driver Training;
Morris Cicrly, School Director; Ed Shemalcya, Physical Education; Pete Kemper, Science; Dayid McMurtry, Business


The faculty this year was nearly the same as in previous years. There were only three changes in
the staff. Firstof all, Dr. Morris Cierley replaced Dr. Lyman Ginger as the directorof the school.
Edward Shemaleya was the new Physical Education director and also the new basketball coach.
Eddie McNabb took over the driving training course. During the first semester, Miss Anna B. Peck
resigned temporarily due to her illness and Mr. Frank Bean replaced her until the end of the term.
Again, in the second semester ill health forced Miss Peck to retire and Mrs. Rodnell Lunde finished
put the term for her. This qualified faculty devotes time and interest in preparing lives for the




M “aerau mm» w‘m-wm _




Entered From Elementary
"A man of few words is the best man. "
PepClub '53, '54, '55; Boy's State '53; Glee Club '53, '54,
'55; Treasurer of Class '55; Treasurer of Annual '55; Bas-
ketball '53, '55; Tennis Team '53, '54, '55; Swimming
Team '53, '55; State Swim Meet '53; Regional Tennis
Meet '53, ‘54, '55; State Tennis Meet '53.

Entered From Elementary

"The man of whom all speak Well wins the peoples'
favor. "

President Student Council '55; Student Council Con-
vention '55; Senior Play Cast '55; Student Govern-
ment '54; Curtis Salesmanship Award '54; Beta Club
'54, '55; Pep Club '52, '53, '54, '55; Basketball Team
'52, '53. '54, '55; Owensboro InvitationalTournament
'54; Swimming ‘52, '53, '54; 3rd Diving B ClassState
Meet ’52, '53; 3rd 150yd. MedleyRelay B Class State
Meet '53; State Diving Champion B Class '54; State
Champion 50yd. Freestyle BClass '54; Track '53, '54;
Tennis '53, '54; Regional Tennis Tournament '53;
State TennisTournament '53; Golf '52, '53; Regional
Golf Tournament '52, '53; Prom Court '54, '55.


Entered From Elementary

"Aim above morality. Be not simply good; be good
for something. "

President Junior High Student Government '52; Pep
Club '52, '53, '54, '55; U-High Lights Staff '53, '54;
Editor '55; Beta Club '54, '55; Beta Club Convention
'55; Masque and Gavel '54, '55; National Honor Soci-
ety '54, '55; Glee Club '52, '53, '54, '55; Little Choir
'54, '55; SeniorPlay Cast '55; Girl's State '54; Social
Committee '54; Vice President Masque and Gavel
'55; Y-Teens '52, '53, '54, '55; Treasurer of Y-Teens
'55; Speech Festival '54.



Entered From Elementary

"Charm is a woman's strength. "

President Pep Club '52; Secretary Class ‘54; Student Gov-

ernment '55; Annual Staff '54, ‘55; Assistance Editor An—

nual '55; Secretary Y-Teens '55; Beta Club '54, '55;

National Honor Society '54, '55; Pep Club '53, '54, '55;

Y-Teens ‘52, '53, '54, '55;Glee Club '52, ‘53, ‘54, '55;Red 1

Cross Representative ‘54, '55; Senior Play '55; Glee Club

Section Leader '55; U—High Lights Staff '55; Beta Club

Convuntion '55; Prom Court '54, '55. Speech Class Play

'55; Masque & Gavel Talent Show ‘55.



Entered From Elementary
"A witty woman is a treasure, a witty beauty is a
power. "
Glee Club '52, '53, '54, '55; Little Choir '53, '54, ‘55;
Music Festival '53, '54, '55; Vice President Little Choir
'54; President Little Choir '55; Girls Double Trio '54,
'55; Mixed Group '54; AllState Chorus '53, ‘54; Cen—
tralKentucky Chorus '55; Beta Club '54, '55; Beta Club
Convention '55; U-High Li ht Staff '52, '53, '54, '55;
Feature Editor U—Hig Lig t '55; Annual Staff '55;
Student Council '52; Secretary Student Government
'55; Convocation Committee '53; Masque and Gavel
Talent Show '53, '54, '55; Y—Teen Song Leader '53;
Y-Teens '52, '53, '54, '55; Speech Play '54; Senior
Play '55; Y-Teen Vice President '55; Inter-Club
Council Treasurer '55; Cheerleader '52, '55; Cheer—
leader Alternate '54; Masque & Gavel '55; Prom
Court '55.




Entered From Elementary
"The diligent farmer plants trees, of whichhe,him-
self, will never see the fruit. "


Entered From Elementary


"Masterful in genius was he, unique and froliquk‘ "
President of Class '52; Pep Club '52; Beta Club '55; Bas-
lxetball Team '52-, Track Team ’54; Band '52; German
Band '52; Senior Play '55; Annual Staff ‘55.


Entered From Episcopal High School
"A good disposition is God's happiest gift. "
Basketball '54, '55; Tennis '54; Pep Club '54, '55;
Beta Club '55; Masque and Gavel '55; Senior Play
'55; Glee Club ’54, ’55; Glee Club President '55; An-
nual staff '54. ‘55; Central Kentucky Chorus '55;
Convocation Committee ‘55.


Entered From Breathett High '54
"The mildest manner and the gentlest heart. "




Lntered From Elementary

"A cheerful temper, pined with innocence. "

Glee Club '52, '53, '54, '55; Little Choir ‘54, '55; Cheer-
leader '55; Central Kentucky Chorus ‘55; Pep Club '52,
'53, '54, '55; Senior Play '55; Speech Class Play '54; Y-
Teens '52, '53, '54, '55; Y-Teen Basketball Team ’54;
State Music Festival ‘54.


Entered From Elementary
"When One Great Scorer comes to write against your
name; he marks, not that you won or lost, but how
you played the game. "
President of Student Government '55; Vice President
Senior Class '55; Captain Basketball Team '55; Beta
Club '54, '55; Vice President of Class '54; Basketball
‘52, '53. '54. '55; Band '52; PepClub ‘52, '53, '54, '55;
Nichlolasville Tournament '53; Owensboro Tourna—
ment '54; Sports EditorU-High Lights '54; Senior Play
'55; Social Committee ‘53; Honor System Council
'52; Beta Convention '55; State Track Meet '54; Re-
gional Track Meet '53; Junior Prom Court '54.


Entered From New Orleans '55
"What wisdom can you find, that is greater than
kindness. "
Glee Club '55; Little Choir '55; Pep Club '55; Y-
Teens '55.





Entcrcd From Nuwtown school '52
"His madness is not of tli: hu'fid but »f the hurt. "
Pep Club ‘52, '53, '54, '55; Sccrutar)’ of Pup Club '52;
Glu: Club '54, '55; Vicc Prcsidcnt of Glcy Club '55; Band
’ 2, '53, ‘54, '55; Presidcnt of Band '55; CL-ntral lx'cntuuky
Chorus '55; German Band '55; Band Lcttul’ ‘53; Swimming
Team '54, '55; Baseball Twin '52, 5.3; anlwtball Tralll
'52, ‘55; Rlasquc dlld GaVul '55; National llnnor Socicty
'55; Beta Club '55; Emmy of Mamur illld GdVLl Tnlunl
show '55; Senior Play Cast '55; Annual >mff '55.



Lllturud Front tlcmcntary
"It is brIZL'l’ [dbt littlc and shine, than tabs big and
Clisl a shad my
ng Club '52, '53, '54, ‘55-, bccl‘cldl‘wa PcpClub '55;
Lulu Club ‘52, ‘53; Y-Tmns '52, '58, '54, '55; Y—
lcr'lli Bash [bull Chairman ’54, '55; ncnior Play Cast
'55; L‘—lligh Lights staff ‘55.







L'ntL‘rud From ljlclncntary
"Laughttr is thc bust mudicinc, “
Band '52; Gunman Band '52; Ban Club '55; Tunnis ‘54,
'55; Annual stuff '54, ‘55; Buskctbrill '52, ‘55; l’cpClub
'52, '53, '54, '55; Student Dirugtor sunior Play '55.



Enturcd From Elumuntary

”tat, drink, and b nkrry. "

Goll Tudlli '52, '53; Sponsman Club '52; Treasurvrnf Pep
Club '52; PcpClub '52, '53, '54, '55; Buskctbalcham '52;
'53, '54, '55; Vice Prusidcnt 01‘ Student Government '55;
Prom Cwurt '54, '55.

L-ntcrcd From Elulncmury
"sinurity is man's grunts: uswt. "
Pcp Club '53, '54, '55; l’cp Club Truasurur '55; Buy
kctball Team '53; Swimming Run] '54, '55.



lEnIcrud anl Henry Clay '54

'vwn‘agy‘kn‘éflfifl‘f‘f €th; v ‘4

"A rare compound nf frulic and fun. ”
Student Council ‘55; Glee Club '54, '55; Pup Club
'54, '55; Y—chns '54, '55; Annual Staff '55; Musqm
and Gavel Talcnt Show '55; Sptuch Class Play '55.






Entcrcd From Morton '51
”Why seek further for the qualities that make a man,
when here they abound?“

studcnt Government '52, '55; student Council ‘53; Bas-
kctball '52, ’55; Basketballklanagcr '53; AnnualStaff '54;
Editor of Annual '55; Class President '53; U-High Lights
Staff '55; Senior Play Cast '55; Boy's State '54; World
Affairs Institute '55; Beta Club '55; National Honor Soci—

Cty ‘55.


Entt'rt'd From Morton '51
"if you will think about whatynu ought to do forothcr
puoplc, your character will takc care of itself, "
up Club '52, '55, '54, '55; Git-t Club '52, '53, '54;
‘55; Little Choir '55; Y-chns ‘52, ‘53, '54, '55-, Beta
Club '54, ‘55; Beta Club ConVcntion '55; U-High
Lights Staff '54, '55; Speech Class PlayCast '55; Sen-
ior Play Cast '5"); Masquu cl» Gavel Talunt Show '55.




rrvrrrrr mlxaxaa,


Entered From Elunentary

"Honey and all ”\WL‘L’I things light up a man's cyc. "
Band '52, ’53, '54, '55; German Band '52, '53‘ SL‘XtL‘I
Brass '533; Brass Quintet '53, ‘54; Mill Accompanist
‘53, ‘54, ‘55; Brass Solo '52; sectional lrcadcr '52;
Band Librarian '52; Band Scorctary-Trcasurcr '55;
District Sam} '52; Regional Music Festival ‘52, '53;
'54, ‘55; Etatu Music Fustival '52, '53, ‘54, ‘55; Music
Award ‘52, ‘53, ’54, ‘55; GlL'L’ Club ‘52, '53, ‘54, '55;
Littlt Choir '55; All Statt Chorus ‘53; Central Kon-
tutiky Chorus '55; Beta Club '54, '55; Beta Club Con—
Vi'fillml ’55; Convacation Co in rm [to L‘ '53; Honor
Systgzn Council '52; Curtis Saicsmamhip Award '54;
Croweil-Coilicr Award ‘54-, Uiiiigh Lights Staff '54,
'55; Pram Court ‘54, '55; Flank Quccn Candidatc
‘54-, Cllccrlcader '52, '53, '54, ‘55; >PUK‘Ch Class Play
'55; senior Play ’55; Masque and Gavul Talent show
'54, '55; Y—chns '52, '53, ‘54, '55; Y-chn Basket-
ball Tuam '53; Pcp Club '52, '53, '54, '55.



Entered From Elementary
"Letall the number ofthe starsgiVe lightto thyfair way!
Secretary Class '55; Cheerleader ‘52; Pep Club '52, '53,
'54, '55; Treasurer Pep Club '54; Vice President Pep Club
'55; Glee Club '52, '53, '54, ‘55; Senior Play '55; Central
Kentucky Chorus '55; Little Choir '53. '54, '55; All State
Chorus '53; State Music Festival ‘53, '54, '55; U—High
Lights Staff '53, ‘54, '55; Business Manager ‘55; Crowell-
Collier Salesmanship Award '54; Masque and Gavel Talent
Show '52, '53; Y-Teens ‘52, '58, '54, '55; Y—Teen Basket-
ball '53; inter—Club Council Rep. '54; Y-Teen President
'55; Beta Club '53, '54, '55; Beta Club Convention '54, '55;
Annual Staff '55; Homecoming Program '53; Assistant
Feature Editor '54.


"Claire Boothe Luce"
Entered From Lafayette '52

"Wit to persuade and beauty to delight. "
Glee Club '52, '53, '54, '55; Pep Club '52, '53. '54,
'55; Pep Club Award '53; Y-Teens '52, '53, ‘54, '55;
Beta Club '53, '54, '55; Beta Club Convention '54, '55;
Secretary Kentucky-Indiana Beta Club '55; Treasurer
Beta Club '54; Treasurer Class '54; Y—Teen Summer
Conference '54; Secretary StudentCouncil '54; Flame
Queen Candidate '54; Little Choir '54, ‘55; Cheer-
leading '54, '55; U-High Light Staff '54; SocialCom-
mittee '55; President Beta Club '55; Secretary Stu-
dent Government '55; YvTeen Basketball Team '53;
'54; AnnualStaff '55; Curtis Salesmanship Award '54;
Curtis Radio Award '54; All State Chorus '53; Region-
al Festival Chorus '54; Senior Play Cast '55; Masque
and GavelTalent Show '54, '55; Prom Court '54, ‘55.


Entered From Elementary
"Quiet and sincere persons are welcome everywhere. "
Senior Play '55; Swimming Team '55; Track Team



Entered From Elementary
”Gentle in method, strong in performance. "

Entered From Llemeutary

"The most manifest Sign of wisdom is a continual cheer-
fulness. "
Glee Club '52, '53, '54, '55; l'ep Club '52, '53, '54, '55;

Beta Club '54, '55; Masque and GavL-l '54, '55; Aeeonipa»
nist Little Choir ‘53, '54, '55-, Aeconipanist Glee Club '55;
President Pep Club ‘55; President Masque and Gavel '55;
Seniorf’lay '55; Y-Teens‘5‘.‘,'51%,'54,

SecretaryBeta '55;
tor U-lligh

'55-, Y—Teen Accompanist '55; Exchange Edi
Lights '55; Beta Club Convention '55; Annual Staff
Regional Music Festival '52,'53,'54.'55; State Musit~
Festival '52, '53, '54; NationalHonorSociety ‘55; 11A. R


Award '55.


Basketball '52. '53, '54, ‘55; Nicholasville Tourna-
ment '53; Owensboro Tournament ‘54; Track Team
'52, '53; Regional Track Meet '52, '53; Tennis Team
'53, '54, '55; Regional Tennis Tournament '54; Base-
ball Team '51, '52, ‘53; Social Committee '55; Pep





J.-d_”d‘_,“ ”.1...

Club '52, '53. '54, '55; Prom Court '54, ‘55.


"Laura Bird"
Entered From Elementary
0 Yes, I saw sweet beauty in her face. "
Glee Club '52, ‘53, ‘54, '55; Pep Club ‘52, '53, '54,
'55; Secretary Pep Club '52; Y—Teens '52, '53, '54,
'55; Pep Club Award ‘53; Beta Club '54, ‘55; Student
Council ‘53, '54; Secretary-Treasurer Student Council
'55; Student Government ‘54; SocialCommittee '58;
Little Choir '55; Annual Staff '55-, Curtis Salesmanship
Award '54; benior Play '55-, Cheerleader '52, '54, '55;
Masque and GavelTalent Show '52, '53, '54, '55; Beta
Club Convention ‘55; Teen Haven Representative '52;
HomecomingProgram ‘53; Student Government Con-
vention '55; Vice President BetaClub '55; Prim Court
'54, ‘55.



l...—--—a.-.mr--xl a (ll ulll‘.llll 3

Entered From Lafayette '53
"Nothing is better than a loyal friend, "
Y—Teens '54, '55; Little Choir '55; Speech Class Play
'54; Senior Play '55; Glee Club '54, '55; Pep Club
‘54, '55.



Entered From Elementary

"Great achievements raise a monument. "
Pep Club '52, '53, '54, '55; Baseball '52, '53; Annual
Staff '55; Basketball Manager '54; U-High Lights
Photographer '55; Beta Club '53, '54, '55; National
Honor society '54, '55; Boy's State '53; President of
Class '55; Student Government '52; Student Council
‘55; Social Committee '54; Masque and Gavel ‘55.



The Senior Class at 1955 does hereby bestow upon the remaining
University High School students and faculty these possessions.

Rick Adams, leave my tennis rocket to Miss Anderson.

Skipper Adams, leave Mrs. Lunde mad.

Jean Alexander, leave my apple-polisher to Barbara Hymson.
Lucy Alexander, leave my smile to Bobby Miller.

Carolyn Arnett, leave my finger nails to Nancy Adams.

Sammy Barkley, leave my car to Dudley Short.

Ken Brown, leave my curls to Jimmy Withrow.

Dorothy Combs, leave my ability to catch a man to Peggy Nunn.
Wilma Dorrah, leave my mountain accent to Nancy Brown.

Jim Farris, leave some of my points to W.R. Brown.

Virginia Greenslit, leave my southern attitude to Caroline Reeves.
Vertrees Hollingsworth, leave my driving ability to Betty Hays.
Betty Honaker, leave my height to Worley Harper.

Verner Johnson, leave Vertrees to the girls.

T. Kinkead, leave my stacked cards to Tommy Rich.

Pope McLean, leave my courting ability to Jim Breaktield.

Lil Moore, leave my water skiis to Joe Hagin.

Bob Odear, leave the annual to whoever wants it.

Anne Parker, leave my cigarettes to Mr. Porter.

Mary Lane Reed, leave my bubbles to Hannah.

Louise Scott, leave Y-Teens with pleasure.

Lucy Sharp, leave my cap and gown to Miss Anderson, (better
late than never) .

Jim Steed, leave my long eyelashes to the Junior girls.

Ann Vimont, leave the bed in the girls room to Mr. McKinney.
Jim Ward, leave my speaking ability to Sam.

Laura Weinman, leave my bottle of peroxide to Lois Merriwether.
Linda Wheeler, leave Billy to Tommy.

Jimmy Wittenburg, leave the Senior class to whoever can

control it.



(3 f





 f mmnmlist 51



MEMBERS OF THE STUDENT COUNCIL WERE, SEATED; Bill Taylor, Wick Russel, Laura Weinman. Skipper Adams, Bob

Millcr. FIRST ROW, STANDING: Jeannie Rich, Jay Bishop, Lil Moore, Tommy Adams, Rufus Lisle. SECOND ROW: Ann I
Rodgers Martin, Bill Spraguc, Jimmy Whittenburg, Kitty Craig, Elizabeth Clark. l

The Student Council is the policy forming body of the school. With the co~ T
operation of the faculty, this group primes our self-government. The rules
which are made by this group are the lows of the school. Aside from the
officers, each class in the upper six grades is represented by two members.

The officers of this successful Council were: president, Hampton Collier Adams, The '
Jr.; vice—president, Ben Russell; secretary-treasurer, Laura Weinman. intro<
tive <


Tho National Honor Society


f: iii!



STANDING: Jean AchaIlLlL‘l‘, Vcrtrecs llollingswurth, Ann Vimont.
leadership, charactur, and service. Members fl
cent of the Seniors or more than five per cent of

Lucy Alexander, Jimmy Whittenburg.

Honor Society was organized tn recognize scholarship, l
)r this organization are chosen by the faculty. Not more than fifteen per
the last semester Junior class are eligible for membership.



MtMBERS OF STUDENT GOVERNMENT WERE, FIRST ROW: Lucy Alexander, Lucy Sharp. Jim Farris, T. Kinkead, Carolyn
Armu. SECOND ROW: Julie Hessel, Howard Taylor, W,R. Brown, Bob Odear, Barbara Harper.

The most important student organization, the Student Government, has a flourishing year. President Jim Farris
introduced a program of handling only important cases instead of many trivial ones. This policy was very effec—
tive and was accepted enthusiastically by the student body. This is an essential factor to good Student Govern—
ment for without this support the organization is useless and without force. Everyone in school serves of the court
at one time or another, and each class has two permanent representatives. The officers, elected by the entire
high school student body, were: Jim Farris, president; T. Kinkead, vice—president; Lucy Sharp and Carolyn
Amett, secretaries.



A u: .RESWEPW 5“: g u





The Glee Club had a most suc—
cessful and happy year. There
were eighty nine members who
performed for a Christmas and
Spring program. The 0 ff i c e rs
were Ken Brown, president;
Vertrees Hollingsworth, vice-
president; and Julie Hessel,
secretary-treasurer. The group
was under the direction of Mrs.
H Fred Osborne.


. I,
n In It I:
mm‘m ., . '

Hannah Hargcrr, SheliaHargcrt, Jean Alexander. SI CONT) ROW; AnnViInmt,

Inst; Wilma Dorroh, Lois Murriwcrher, Lindsay Nunn, CarolynArnert, Peggy Nunn, Louise Sc In, Betty Hayes, sally John-

son, Anny Parker. Julie llr‘sscl, LUty Sharp.

Nancy Harding, Laum \v‘unmnn,

Barbara Harper, Car Ilyn Moore, accompa-


The Little Choir had avery pros-
perous year in that it had many in-
vitations to sing. In the fall, the
members performed before th e
Kiwanis Club. In the spring, the
group provided the music for the
DAR Memorial service . A Superi-
or rating was awarded to Little
Choir In the music contest They
song at both of the school pro-
gramsand alsoatgraduation. The
0 ffi c e r s were Carolyn Arnett,

president; Peggy Nunn, vice-
president, Hannah Hargett, secre-
tary-treasurer; and Louise Scott,
reporter . Junior High Glee Club .

Brown, 1





““89“. Peggy Nunn'. Lois Metriwether, Nancy
Brown, Carolyn Amett, Julie Hessel.




The Senior Dance

Jingle bells, jingle bells--what a gala event the Senior Christmas Dance was! The theme of the party was Pink
Christmas, the trees flocked with pink and the snowflaked ceiling reflecting the roseate glow. The music was
furnished by Charlie Blair. After the dance Jimmy Whittenburg entertained the members of the Senior Class at
his home. A snow that evening inspired all with the Christmas spirit.




















PICTURED ABOVE 15 THE C-HIGH LIGHTS STAFF headed by Jean Alexander, Editor. During)y the yearthey putonr four editions, THEY ARE,
FIRST ROW: Ann Vimont, Carclyn Arnttt, Louisc Scott, Jean Alexander, Nancy Brown, Mary B. Fitu, Virginia Paul Van Meter, BACK
ROM; Ann Armstrong, Ann Parker, Mary Lane Rccd, Lois Murriwetha, Dobrct Adams, Jimmy Whitcnburg, :hirks Rilcy, Betty Hayes,
Through a highly succasful year thuy gaw complstc caVcragc of all t-High activities. The speech class put out the spring issuu. Under the

capablt- guiding hand of Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor, the high quality :i the U—lligh Lights was maintained throughmt the yuar.

The Senior Play

Earl). this ygar thv: :tnior: gavc their annual play, Under tht-diru-ctnrship of Miss Taylrrr, the play, "All In Thc Family" wax highly SllCL‘CSS-
ful. It shwws what happens to an avuragc Amcrican family whcnthc CXPldSlVL’ qucstion, Arc parrnts pcoplc‘fi” isthrown in thcir midst. The
ruSUlLS Wcl’: m.>sthumoruus. THE LEADING PARTS WERE PLAYED BY: Carolyn Arnctt, thc tuzichcr; Laura \winman, Illc dtiiiglittr; AnnVimont,
Mrs. Millcr; Rick Adams, Biff, [ht boy friend; Ken Brown, the son; Vcrtrccs Hollingsworth, Mr. Millcr; Bob Odcar, the neighbor, Mr.












The Bria Huh

Under the guidance and leadership of Lucy Sharp, president, and the Faculty sponsor, Grace Anderson, the Beta
Club had an exciting year. One of the big things they accomplished was cleaning up the faculty rest room. In
November the club attended the State Convention in Louisville. Lucy Sharp was secretary of the convention
while Nancy Brown was our candidate for succession. She was defeated, however, by a margin of one vote. The
Beta Club also sold Cakes and popcorn at the basketball games and, from theirprotits, they were able to contri-
bute $100.00 to the Glee Club For the purchase of some new robes. Another of the highlights was the installa-

tion of two new Beta Club Chapters at Lafayette and Henry Clay.

MEMBERS OF THE BETA CLUB A5 PICTURED ARE, FIRST ROW: Lucy Alexander, Betty Honakcr, Mary Bailey Pitts, Nancy Brawn, Ann
Vimnnr, Laura Weinman, Lucy Sharp. SECOND ROW: V.P. Van Meter, Barbara Harper, Mary L. Reed, Hannah Hargett, Ann Parker, Betty


Vt mm s liriilingsw will, Bah Odcar, Ken Browrr, jim Farris, Vcrucr Johnson, Charles Bchlcn.

'1 MRI) ROW; Lonisu mutt, Car wlyn Arnem Peggy Nunn, Nancy Adams, Dabrre Adams, Jimmy Whirtcnburg. ['OI‘RTH ROW-


' W

skip Adams,


=:—= aw









MEMBERS OF THE 1955 PEP CLUB ARE, FRONT ROW: Verner Johnson, Julie Hessel, Nancy Brown, Peggy Nunn, Ann Vi-
mont, Jean Alexander, Elizabeth Clark, Linda Wheeler, Wilma Jean Dorroh, Dobree Adams, Betty Hays, Virginia Green-
slit, Caroline Reeves, Anne Parker. SECOND ROW: Bab Odear, Rick Adams, Wick Russell, T. Kinkead, Barbara Harper,
Dudley Williams, Carolyn Arnett, W.R, Brown, Mary Lane Reed, V.P. Van Meter, Lois Merriwether, Lucy Alexander.
THIRD ROW: Jimmy Withrow, TomGinger, Carolyn Moore, Prissy Roberts, Nancy Marr, Mary Dan Mathews, Nancy Adams,
Betty Honaker, Lil Moore, Louise Scott, Bob Miller, Sam Ward, Mary B. Fitts. BACK ROW: Pope McLean, Tommy Rich,
Linda Williams, Betsy Wright, Skip Adams, Laura Weinman, Joe Hagin, Hannah Hargett, Lucy Sharp. Jim Farris, Ken
Brown, Vertrees Hollingsworth, Worley Harper.

After an election of new officers in the fall, the Pep Club was officially in full swing. The officers were: Ann
Vimont, president; Louise Scott, vice-president; Betty Honaker, secretary; Pope McLean, treasurer. Later on in
the year, a party was given after the U-High-Midway game. Sandwiches and cakes were served and dancing
took place in the rec-room. Throughout the year, the Pep Club sold candy and tags at the basketball games and
also decorated the gym. The Pep Club was host to the Regional and State basketball games. Members of the Pep
Club and students who were working for membership sold programs at both events. To top off the success of the
year, the Pep Club held a banquet in honor of the swimming and basketball teams as well as the cheerleaders.

Tommy Bell, friend to U-High in the field of basketball, was the guest speaker. Chairmen of all the committees
were recognized. The outstand-

ing old member award was
given to Anne Parker. The out-
standing new member award was
given to Nancy Harding and
Diana Brown. The members of
the basketball and swimming
teams were awarded with certi-
ficates. The cheerleaders were
awarded with letters. All the
new members were recognized.

THE NEW MEMBERS OF THE l’lil’ CLUB WERE, FIRST ROW: Ann Armstrong, Bettylehman, lilaine Lindquist, Nancy Hard—
ing, Jay Bishop, Janet Gassaway, Marshal Rose, Nancy Davis. SECOND ROW: Bob Pinson, John Melzer, Brenda Juhnson,
Lynne Bryant, Diana Brown, Libby Briscoe, Betty Boyd, Betty Maxson, Sally Johnson, Billy Alexander.







MEMBERS OF THE BASKETBALL TEAM WERE, FIRST ROW; Jim Ward, Thomas Kinkead, Jim Farris, Betchc‘r Adams,
Verner Johnson, Hampton Collier Adams. SECOND ROW; Dudley Williams, Howard Taylor, Bob Miller, Bob Odear,
GraddyJohnson, LannyCox. THIRD ROW; TommyGinger, BenRussell, SamWard, VertrecsHollingsworth, Jim Brakefield,
Coach Ed shemalcya. FOURTH ROW: Billy Ginger, W.R. Brown, Worley Harper, Ken Brown.

The Purples

The University High School basketball team, piloted for the first time by Ed Shemaleya, had a good season.
Early in the year an election was held and Jim Farris was made captain for the year. Off to a slow start, the
team improved steadily and at mid-season they started a long win streak only.to be broken in the last game. The
Purples were plagued with bad breaks all through the year. They lost one of the starting Five, Ken Brown, who
had already completed eight semesters, of competition, in January and two others of the starting lineup by dis-
ciplinary action. Three of the Purples were awarded Honorable Mention on the All—State Basketball Team. These
were: Jim Farris, Skipper Adams, Jim Ward.










Co-sponsored by







The Fhoorleadors

Perhaps the most decisive Factor to the success at The \
the basketball team is spirit and support There is no a fel
better symbol ot pep and support than U-High'scheer- socic
leading squad. Under the coaching of Miss Phyllis Rose:
Kloecker, this bevy of beauties helped maintain en— basl