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Published by the Pupils of the Sixth Grade
University School, Lexington, Kentucky
December, 1952


Fditor-in-chief Parkes Riley
Assistant Editors Jane Montgomery, Bill Combs
Business Manager Boo Teinman
Assistant Business Hanager Andrea Pitchie
Art Editor Whayne Haffler
Assistant Art Editors Sarah Jane Byers, Mary Elizabeth Wylie
assembly Editor Dudley Nilward
Poetry Editor Kitty Craig
Assistant Poetry Editor Norma Wikler
Sports Editor Jerry Truitt
Health and Safety Editor William henneker
Fun Editor Michael Wall
Assistant Fun Editor Bethania Smith
News Editor Dotty Davis


Kindergarten Tuy Moxson, Freda Grace Killer
First Grade Joe Curry, Ann Isbell
Second Grade Bob Sprague, Betty Burnett
Third Grade Elsie Barr, fiitchell Gail
Fourth Grade Charles Barrett, Helen Warren
Fifth Grade Jimmy Cowden, Ann Chamberlain

Sixth Grade Alex Alexander, Linda Lutos



Christmas Editorial

Every four years this country
splits up into two chief groups to elect
the president. This year the choico Wis
Dwight David Eisenhower who will taka
the oath of office in January. He was
electod by an overwhelming majority.
chordloss of how we voted, we all hope
that he will serve as a good president
for we, in a democracy, are united in
more things than we are separated in.
Ono example is Christmas and Santa Claus.

The spirit of the Perry Yulrtidc,
though celebrated differently in othtr
lands, exists in many countries. In our
country Santa Claus comes down the chim—
ncy on Christmas Eve to bring gifts and
We exchange other gifts with our family
and friunds. In many churches so cial
celebrations arc held in honor of thr
birthday of Christ. We give packagvs of
food and clothing through CARE and oth r
organizations to people in other counir'
trics and ovcn to less fortunate onvs in
our own. be are all unitrd in the spirn
it of Christmas, which is thy soirit of
love and friendship and giving without
wish for return; for, no matter how sop-
arattd we were on NOVCmbcr 4, WC will
all be united on Drcomber 25.

Yilliam Parkos RilUY: II



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Girl Scouts

The founder of the Girl Scouts of
America was Juliette Gordon Low. The
first Girl Scout company was formed
Narch 12, 1912 in Savannah, Gtorgia.
The uniform of the first troop was blue
mud the first Girl Scout handbook was
Called ”How Girls can Help Their Coun-
try." Mrs. Low became its first Pres—
ident. By the end of 1919 thLTG were
54,081 members. There are now over a
million Girl Scouts in the United fists

Dotty Davis

Good Sportsmanship

Bting a good sport is one of the
most important things there is. It is
GVon more important than having your
team win the game. If you are a bad
sport you don't get any fun out of the

Being a good sport doesn't mean
being one in games only. You have to
be a good sport in anything.

Once there was a man who played
for lulunc not long ago. HC is a very
good sport. In this game he was more
than fair. Ho intercepted a pass and
ron for a touchdown. He made it! But
he come up to the referee and said he
stooped out of bounds before he scored.
I think he is a vcry good sport.

Dudley lilward




Skywritcr you are new to me,
out, you'll suit me to a


When you come
H in"
1. O

Samye Willer


My pet dog's name is Shorty. Ho berks
at everybody that goes by the house.
Ht loves to bark.

He won't stay in a doghouse, because ho
likes to stay in th: house.

Phyllis tiles


It was Mike's birthday party at the Idle
Hour Country Club. hike had a birthday
movie. There were paper clowns on the
table. The ice cream was carved out like
loins paws, the three pigs, mountains,
and a snowman. The balloons had gas in
them and they were tied to the chairs
Vith string. Fhere was a balloon tied

to the hand of the big clown. We had a
good time at hike's party.

The Kindergarten


This is the story of Casper, a friendly
ghost. It is a comic. Everybody but a
skunk is afraid of Casper. He is the
friend of a skunk.

Robert Kilward

I have a pet dog. His name is Rusty.

We call him Ruddy Buddy. He wiggles his
tail. I feed and take care of Ruddy

Tonmy Sluton



I have been to Maine. In Maine I saw a
boat turn over, and I stayed up as I

had a life proserver. I go with Iothir
and Daddy and stay there in the Summer.

Barbara Meyers


I went to Dix Dam after Sunday School.
I saw a motor boat and then went across
a swinging bridge. Mother, Daddy, Jim,
Richard, and the baby went with me.

On the river I saw a big boat pushing

Pattie Wade


We made a big shoe. 1«0 were lothor
Goose children. We dressed up like
hnther Goose children. we played and
sang the songs. We asked the First
grade in to see our play. We invited
our mothers at another time.


We are going to have a toy and gift shop.
2e are mfliqing shelves for the shop. We
will decorate the shelves with crepe
paper. We ire bringing dolls and toys
for our shop—-all kinds of toys. We
will make gifts for Christmas. We will
put our gifts on the shelves.

The Kindergarten

I have been to Liami Beach, Florida. It
was hot, but one time it rained. We swam

in the ocean and played in the clean,
white sand. Le stayed in a hotel. It
was a great big one. I sat in the water
and big waves pushed me up a little
further. We hdd a good time.

Donna Ray Faulkner



Her name is
Mother gives her a bath

1 have a new baby sister.
every day.

largcret Herbert
I have a little baby brother. When he
wakes up he cries for his bottle. He is

so sweet every morning. His name is
David Leon Porter.

Very Porter
I have a baby brother. His name is
Charles. I give him his bottle. 1

carry him upstairs and put him to bed

Pattie Wade
Kory Frazer Vaughan collects rocks.
Somyo Filltr collects story books.
Worguret Herbert collects story books.

Lee Newbury has two hobbies. She col—

lects rocks and trading cards.
Billy Cox collects toy guns.
Hal bcott collects army stuff.
Pattie Wade collects rocks.

Robert Milward collects trading cards
and stamps.

Ann Arnspiger collects children's books.
Beth Blount collects colored feathers.
Mary Porter collects Easter baskets.
fiery Hilks collects birthday cards.

Jo Dsbney collects shells.

Tary Frazer Vaughan has a doll hobby.

Ike Callcwey colltcts match books.



Santa Claus must use Rudolph's noso
For his light
In the night.

Solly Colo & mommy Sloton

Snow falling in the night
Nukes the ground all white.

Robert Milwurd & Ike Ouldwoll

Santa drives his reindcors
To the houses

To give the toys

To tlk: boys.

Tommy Slaton

On frosty nights Rudolph's light
bakes the way for Santa bright.

Tommy Slaton

Santa's in the snow in the night
Rudolph outs high light
When Santa goes in the house so quiet.

Solly 0018

On snowy days you can make a snowman
With a piece of coal for his nose.

Sammy Brown

Santa Glaus comes and brings us toys.
Dolls for girls and baseball gloves for
Margaret Herbcrt

The night that Santa went out on his sleigh
He switched the reindeers and away he flow,
The sleigh was full of toys and his sack
was too.

Tommy Slaton

Cnce a little tug boat was out on the sea.
The waves came up and knocked him over
Ane he sunk in the sea.

Steve Holbrook
There once was a row boat out in the sea.

It rowed and rowed until he was free.
Then they tied the boat up on a big tree.

Tommy Slaton


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town are girls Fnd thirteen aro boys.

We have 50 children in our room.

NY 8 IS ‘I’Elfi

My little sister wont walking down the
road and out popped a bear. Then she ran
homo, and shs wa s very hungry than shr got
home. She ate scvsn holpings of mashed
potatoes. Then she Wont out and played.
Thcn she took a nap;

Lory Ann Bills
CHM 8’1?th

Christmas timc, Christmas timu
Oh, what fun to have

Dolls and doll clothes,

Toys and good things to (at.

Bpth lsboll

Your eyebrow is in your forohoad.

Your cyc is in tho bottom of your forehead.
Your mouth is on thL side of your hufld.
Your tars arc on th: sido of your hood.
And on top you have hair.
Julia Huggin
7 Y [CG
I have a dog. Hcr homo is Lady, She

likcs to run and olay. I couldn‘t bring
her to the pet show because she arts cor
sick riding in the our and thorc wasn't

room in the school bus.

Both Isboll

Slm (,ats
She is a good dog.

My dog's name is Jambctzl.
stock and ham.

Johnny Ready



I hav< a little sistluyod
with tho boys because thorc woron’t

any girls to play with. I hod a good
time. I had the most fun at Fairyland.

Juno Wiosol


I went on Vocation to Cumberland Falls.
I stayed for one night and got up real
early the next morning and wont to the
stables and rode oonios.

Beverly Paris


We went on a picnic down at Elwoods,
by thr rivor bank, to have our picnic
down by the rivar bank. He had fun

down thorn playing w'th the wood. ho

had fun throwing the wood in tho firc.
My kothcr and my sister Silly went
with us.

I Wont, too.

Eddy Sony





ly trtin is a big train. It

is a big Qng day my racing car was on the track
army train. It has bifl guns on it~ racing with othyr racing oars. Thny
Th? tronsformcr horned OUt- 1 lUt it wore all going 101 milcs an hour. The
stay undcr thV bud fifth? thfito yellow und rod cor won. I liked the


race very much.
Strvort Yonts

Lyle Walker



' Our class took a trip to the hill.
MY TRIP TO FLORIDA rolled down the hill
, hill fust, too.
When I tht to Florida, I saw pine trovs

with the son coming out of them.

V“; G
and we ran down the
Kc took a walk. While
we wore outdoors we saw all the trons.
It run

We had a good time.
into a bucket thht was on the true. I
saw thz occan, too.
It was fun.

I vent swixming. Bobby Mills

Emily Thompson

My dog is named GhiPWY'

He has two
black floppy ours. Ho

outs table scraps.

Bonnie Brown
My brother and I like to wrestle.

liko to wrestle vrry much.
vo wrestlcd and I got hurt.

Lost night

Callie Cowdon



My dog's name is Red. I like my dog and

he likes me. I am going to bring him to
w ‘ school some day.

John Tilton



My dog likes dog food. My dog does
tricks. She is o girl dog. She likcs
to play with me. I like her and she
likrs mt.

7§giwg“ Nicky Gusawuy



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then I had A birthday I got u bird. Ht
I love my bird. His

is a good bird.
I fngd him

nume is Perry Parakoot.
bird food.




N; are going to tnkc my calf to torn
tomorrow. i‘hegn mo are going to take
him close to Mammoth CuVL. bomoono
will buy him.

Lf‘yndy Dr“ lc:


I wont to Florida. One day MT ”Hint to
the bcaoh and I saw a man-of—wnr.

Susanna Rkody


It ran

Once I saw a big gasoline truck.

into a bridge and caught on fire.
men used foam to out out the gasoline

Walton Crooch i



LY 1‘10 THEE Cn‘l'

I have a cat. $ht is very pretty. I
likc hcr vury much. bhfi gOos to our
cook's house 1nd c'tchcs rats.

Jucinnot to Dzzlo

My father and I wont to Louisvilio on a
big airplane. It was fun to ride high
in tho sky.

Brint Milwurd

Yy dog is named Jody Pup. Ho licks mo.
Thcn i throw the bull he runs after it.
Ho loves me. no gets out of the gate
and runs to “lay'with other dogs.

Joan Pryor


Sttvurt und 1 were in his room trying to
fix his train. Thu train started going

fast. It seirwd me.

Niel Plurrmym


Our Ginsu h:s mode a fire engine in the
r3on. Ho arc going to print it. We have
mxdc tun big L dders to put on the sides.
Lon brought a good fire hat for the fire—
men to wear.

3’ Janet Underwood


My dog knows how to do tricks. Po CAD
play the piuno. He SlepS in the bwse-
ment, find in the morning ha scratches on
the door. 1 love him.

D"Vid Lo S‘i‘fitZCI‘

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Th£ fire dogs ot C€ntrnl St tion are
named Flush {nd Flume. Lhen an olorm

comes in Flune jumps on tha fire trudc.

Skipflrr Hartford

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One day we wont to Central Fire Strtion
und saw Flash and l“'lmne. We had our nic-
ture token on the hook and ludder truck.
Flush r‘nd Plane more in the picture, too.

Houston Davis

One night an alarm came in. The firemen
slid down the poles and jumped up on the
big hook ind liddor truck. nway they
wont to tha firc.

Sure Thompson

I saw a ycllow and rod airplane one day.

ihon I saw the airplane I was surprised.
I did not know whut it was.

E. Francis Harrison


ly doll is o Bonnie Braids doll. Her
is Nrncy. She has n lit ,'
dress. I love her very much.

I‘: 5.1 mi

Kate Yntes

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My dog's namo is Not. He likes to run
“nd Clay. Ha got hit by u ctr. Not is

black but he is turning brown. Ho
dog food.


Curol flosworth

Ty two dogs urn Pot and Mike. They like
to play. Thcy also like to hunt i lot.

Pat and Niko kick many r bnits out. They
like to do it, too. They have fun all
the time. ‘


Jdm Wy


My out puts his paws around nw neck. Ky
out likes to eat a lot. That is Why I
cull him "Fat Cut." He meets me when I

come home. he says, "New, mew, mew."

{othy Filer

One day our room went to Central Fire
Station and I saw Flas and Flame. They

ran all over the fire station.

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thn we went to Station 6 we saw the
pumpar truck. It had ladders and a
hose on it. We got up on thc truck and
rang tha ball.

Richard Wade


I saw the big fire truck nnd the numptr
truck, too. The life net was on the
hook And ladder truck. I Saw the hose
and tht poles which four nmn came down.

David Porter

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One night I dr(amed tqat I was a fireman.
Thcrt was w fir< and I put it out. Then
I woke up.

Don Comnboll

I went to Washington, D. C.
'Qeshington’s monument. and, boy, is it
big! I saw his house, too. It was dif-
fvrent from most houses.

I so! Georg

Susan Harris





I have been trying
Chilriren' s Theater

to get a part in the
and I got one. I am
going to be in the ”Rescue of St.Nick."
You knmN all about Christmas, so I will
tell you about my part in the play. Here
is my name. My name is Stripe.

Susan Gs il


On October 50 we had a Halloween party.

We olayed pumos and sang songs. ‘te played
Musical Chairs and Pin the Hat on tho
Witch. Phyllis hall and Bill Holhrook

won Pin the hat on tho Witch. he played
Dog ond.tls Bone, We sung "Five Little
Pwopkins." We had Dixie cups and cookics.

/ / Jeanne Niles


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Eisenhower won the election. Fisonhowor
said that he would go to Korea and try to
stop the war. Stcvvnson conmratulatod
him. Truman said thlt he would let
Eisnnhownr use his airplanc.

Jimmy Gorrigus


ThCTC arc four new p4 ,3“
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Our reading group had a movie. Cathy and
Jimmy made it go while Joc told the story.
We workgd on it for three days. It was
really fun. 'Wo had two sticks and the
pictures rolled around them. We divided
it into two parts. The name of the story
was Jokm and tho Hohins. The story is
about when a baby robin jumped out into
the stroot.

Sally King



Jlanro brought hrr pot mice to school.
TLCIJ‘ nrnv s crw‘ J0(fl: and (lus. Shc fdut
sown coloring on onn of them so she
could toll thom upwrt.

Phyllis Wall


Tucsdoy we want to tho ttlLQhOnC oxw
chflnpc. I got to out the c raohon s up
to Imy «or. I. ooxlrl r +,o p (nib
”Bulking to thc’ opur't‘l. oh“ but "lif-


fxrrnt plugs in 'rd o!tu r o lights
mton thit thw llhh is upwv‘ Tho misc

lights on thn switchbo rd moon that
cr-ll is COIFlefT in A long" dist'nc
call Come in -nd it war to Couch Paul
Bryant. And unothnr orc c-no in. It
was Couch huno. Some of the colls
were to the girl's dormitory.

Andy hrmstrong

WC are planning o storc in our room.

It is going to he a g«nurnl storm. We
arc muking it out of co rdboxrd and
wood. It is going to huvc m pootoffic:
in it. No arc going to out it in the
corncr of our room. Ho are going to
bring orange orntas. lo org going to
put boards on top of them.

Mary Nunly

’1 ’5 ' THE CUTEAEI'LLAR x , 4‘



Yondny oftrrnoon whon I ammo homo from
school I hwd nothing to do so I want
over to Cathy's house. We wondorud
what to do and C thy said, "Uhy don't
we go to Henry Clay's home?" So we
went to Henry Clay's homo and looked
all Ground his home. And we plwyod,
too. In front of an old house at
Henry Clay's homo someone had planted
cotton seeds in front of their house.
So Cathy and I nicked somo cotton and
than WC wcnt homo. The next morning
no wont to school and shurcd tho cotton
plant with the group.

Eloise Cox


Bo have bo /

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I went to Cumberland Fells. he went
pretty close to the falls when we
smelled a skunk and boy: did we run.

We stayed there for one day at Du Pont
Lodge and we did not get to see the sun-
set or the rainbow. We also went to
Mammoth Cove and went through the one
hour cove. he saw Frozen Niagara Falls.
Also we saw stalactites come down from
the ceiling. Stulugmites come up from
the floor. We walked up hundreds of steps
in the cove. We went to a museum. he
Wont riding on the bridle path. I redo
Becky. My sister rode Bob. My father
rode Rod. My mother rode Smoky. We

had lots of fun.

Melinda Stivors

I wont to Detroit, Michigan, this summer
to visit my cousin, Patsy Ann. I want
with my grandmother. he wont to on is-
land in Canada. to SUW‘Q color fountain
and Want through a tunnel under the
water. WC crossed a big bridge called
Ambussudor. The fountain us pretty
colors. The colors are red, yellow, blue,
und orunge. Hy cousin hos been to sue
me so we had our fun. To went to spend
the night with Patsy Ann's other cousin.

Barbara hnn Foulconor

One Saturday my aunt and uncle and daddy
and mother and I wont to Cinoinnuti Gur-
dons whore the Ice Follies were. ”Then
we got there mother bought me a program
at the souvenir stand.

One of the shows was about a little girl
nsmtd Kory and she came out singing, "Oh
Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone."
Then u dog—coteher's truck cone out.

‘Ho will be ont your old Christmas.

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Then a dog-ootchcr’s truck come out. H~ry

ran up and opened tht door of the truck.
hory's little dog ran out. She got the
dog und the dog skated uround. The dog
was played by Ole Ericson and Dick. It
had a lot of dotS. The whole show was
very good.

Betsy Gillis
1V; Y C‘ltT

My cat's name is Cray. lie call our out
Grey becausa she is gray. Our out has
kittens. There are three of them. They
are vcry pretty. Their colors are block
and yellow. They‘re just btginning to
ploy u lot. One kitten is bod. He
scratches. The kittens out like Digs.
Uy kittens wut out food and milk.

Barbara Ann Faulconor

Pokey is black.

I have a dog named Pokoy.
day we were going to food him and we
could not find him so we got on our bikes
and started to look for him. About the
time we got on our bikes we saw him
coming up the street. Then one day my
brother was going to feed him and just
about the time we got ready to look for
him someone called us up and my brother
answered it. When he finished talking

we asked him whut they wanted and he said
they wanted us to come to get our dog; so
We wrnt and got him. He could not walk
so my father picked him up, carried him
home and fixed him o bed. Then we took
him to thn doctor and the first time we
took him, the doctor said that he would
pywibfibly curry his log a long time but
the reason he stood and whinod was be-
cause he hud a flea on him and could not
get it off. But the second time we took
him to the doctor he soid he had u broken

bone in his hip.
Maureen Well



ht tic Zoo thorn are lots of animals to

Th re er li rs that roar loud;

Ho walks just liko ho's Vtry Droud.

hnd thrre is a big giraffe,

I don't think he will ever stop growing.

Ho's so tall that sometimes he might full.

I will nrvor forgot the Llephunt;

He always wobbles to und fro;

Ho hgs two very funny tails ~-

I yrndor if he crn tie them in a bow.
I like to give peanuts to the monkeys
Ls they swing way high on he burs.
The big bears are so big:
I llkv to go to tho ztol Don't yiu?

Betsy nun Gillis


Once upon u time there was a Skippity,
Kipoity, Jumpity, Hippity, Bobbity, Rib-
bity Rabbit who tried to go down a mole
hole to get some lettuce that the mole
put in Lhere for a bed. But the rabbit
could not get down there to gtt thut
Kippity, Jumoity, Hippity, Bohbity, Lib—
bity Rabbit, he went to a garden and got
some lettuce without being caught, so ho
had plenty of food for tho wintpr.

Lloyd nnderson
The pointer was a very bad man
He paintzd windows and then he run

And no one knows where he goes.

Burton Milword

Being a determined little Skippity,



One day I was in the kitchen and I heurd
a big noise. It was lightning. It
sounded like it hit the house, but it
didn't. But it did hit the radio ontonn;
Another day lightning ruined a little
patch of tobacco and we had to reset it.
Lightning has done a lot of damage.

William hood

About tan wouks ago Jussico nave mo a
little puppy dog and the ouppy is about
nint weeks old. He is a playful little
pup and comes to moot mi. Ho wakes me
up cvery night. I love him vcry much.

Letelle Cantrell

I hRVC one dog, one out, one parakeet, a
horso, hint Digs, two cows, twenty-four
chickw.s, and three ducks. My dog runs
and sluys with ma. Ry cat climbs trees
with men My pdrukoot cuts with me. I
don't like my horse. I am afraid of it.
Every time i stop in the field sho start
walking toward me and I run away. The
nine pigs follow me around the field. The
cows stop and Stirc at me. The chickens
just like mo. The three ducks are ofrdi
Of me.

Leo DcJoo

I have eloven baby pigs. Mother and I ia/
thcm with o bottles Six lived and five
died. We kept on fevding the six pigs
from a bottle, and thcy lived. I made a
pet of one of the pigs. Daddy sold it
later. Later we h1d some more pigs. Thor
wars savon. This time we didn't hnve to
feed them from a bottle.




We arr mwking our basement into a good
place to ploy. I have u shufflcbourd and
c pinbflll machine. There is s dart game

and a marble gone.

We hkvo u club house in our basement, too,
and v: hxvs a record player and wo org
going to have a radio.

Coley Galloway

4thGRJEiflm NE 5H1GRDE

It want rough for the 4th grade that fird
quarter. The 5th grade made a touchdown.
But before that it was beginning to look
good for the 4th grade. We almost drove
them back for u touchbsck. But their
quirterbuck, a boy named Colt, came rour-

in. buck with some asses and the touchdown diers

with about a minute left in ths quarter.

No scoring took place in the second quarter.C,r1
Colt throw o couple of passes but no touch-

downs. The 5th grade was to the 10 yard
line but still did not get a touchdown.

This next quarter was a very exciting
quarter. The 5th grade mode a touchdown.
Colo passed it as usual. Although the
4th grade battled back, they did not not
a touchdown.

This was the most exciting of all. But
the funny thing I have not told you about,
Cole (5th grade quartorbock) did not move
an inch with the ball. He just passed.
The 4th gradc battled book. They tried

to rccovcr fumbles; they did bvnrything in
tho bork; but they still did not get a
touchdovm. So the soorc: thc 5th grade
12, the 4th grade 0.
Jimmy Coolsen

My science group is learning about rocks

the ricks. We wrote twu summaries.
first is Some Mincrsls.
l. Quartz is a hard common mineral.
2. Quartz will scratch slsss.
3. Quartz may be smoky, purple, milky
rosc, or clcur.
NiCu is a soft common nincrol.




and minvrols. to learned how to idcntifyi

Mica may be black,or silvery. It
is clear.
The second is on Rocks.
1. Every rock has at least one mineral.


2. Each mineral has its own typo of

3. Rocks can be identified by the
shape of thcir crystals.

4. A fossil is thc shape of an animol
or plont found in a rock.

5. Fossils tcll us about plant and

animal life long ago.


Once in Scotland thcrs lived a young
prince. His nuns was Urrlos. His fatthsr
was very ill. Soon his father dird. Now
Carlos was king. Hmn happy he was. H0
lived happily for many years. But then
there came o war. Carlos had many sol-
Thc enemy had more than Carlos.
The war was on. Swords went up and down.
Many of Carlos' nth had died. But finsll;
os won. Up and down the streets every
body was hoppy once again.

A few years later tho queen dicd.
thing was sud then.

But Soon it was

Now Carlos wanted another wife. Soon he
got another wife. And they lived hop-
pily cvor aftlr.

Burton Milward


The big ship I was on w