xt7rr49g7j6v_33 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/1982ua002.dao.xml unknown 5.05 Cubic Feet 8 document boxes, 6 slim document boxes, 3 flat boxes, 2 photograph boxes 32.9 Gigabytes 142 files archival material 1982ua002 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Libraries Special Collections Research Center Collection on University of Kentucky University Training School/University High School Skywriter text Skywriter 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/1982ua002/Box_5/Folder_1/Item_2/Multipage2009.pdf 1954 December 1954 1954 December section false xt7rr49g7j6v_33 xt7rr49g7j6v ‘13:.» ilk. .

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Year’s f0: 3 ”Skyurifier" of
more banefiL; eniuynant. and appeal
to all \.

Cordially yours,

william Wood


we will have a new column in
the next Saywritcr‘ We would like
construcfiive criticism and comments
for LZB benefit fo the school and
Skywyiter to be submitted to your


Do you make too much noise?


2- Do you run in the halls?

30 Do you help keep your rest rooms





fianta s sled $1323 in the A
as stops an the 00f

And glides Gaza t

H; loaves toys far
when wag; we as?



Hal 18.1; E4311 1:5:


Santa 3 comae dean the chimney
:Zery C»‘«s$mas night»

@knows i; you‘re ah akeo

aknowa if you re asle °spu
H: seas ynu a ifih his ma gic g1 ass“

Peggy Blythe

Christrsag @i1me
Sanba Claus wi
I 03.?! be 139“!" 3213?.
And so can





.4 12 [1
.::3:3 OJ.

A we hope Saint “ ic‘zolas
3. scan b3 hereo


flied Thompson

girls and boys“
Lulim MicFleP
is a happJ time

seen be here
GlauBJS nel“e?



A Trip to the Campu:

The First Grade took a walka we
saw some pretty trees. We Saw a
cannona We saw our American flago
A dog wanted to play with use We
found slick buckeyes°

Fun at School

He read0 We write. We coloro
We painto We singo we playo

A Happy Trip

10 fie stay in groupsa

20 we cross with the green lighto
30 we follow direcfiions.

ho We talk softly.


Ted shared a game. we had fun.
Vernon shared his puppyo The
puppy's name is Midnighto

Things We 30

lo we walk in the halls

26 We take turnso

30 We are quiet in the bathrooms
be We keep the bathroom cleano
5. We find something to dog

60 We work quietlyo

70 Listen while others shares

In the Cafeteria

We stay in lineo

We eat slowlyo

We chew with lips closedo
We take little biteso



Eelinda Stiversa Reporter



Second Grade has foend out many
interesting things about firea We Want
to share them with you” so read what
we have written for you in this issue
of the Skyuriterq ,

Station Six '

Ye went to Station Six to find
out about the firemen and the fire

Alarm Room

In the alarm room we saw the telo
ephone9 the fire box numbers, and the
joker” The fireman gave us a piece
of the tape from the jokers It had
holefi in it. The holes tolé the num-
ber of the fire box wsere the alarm
was turned in»

The Fire Lngine



driving the tru
siren v , v“
on ito


was}: (7‘;1r:.,~~.~¢.r3 7.1n-_‘A\ .Y‘





Smoky, the fire dog, came to play
with us just before we left” He is a
beautifnl dogc He does not like fireD
or smokea

Fire Experiment

"e lighted three candles. We put
three different size jars over the can»
dles. The candle under the small jar
went out firsto he candle under the
mid61e~size jar went out nexto The camp
file under the biggest jar went out last
because it had the most air in it. Fire
has to have air to burn”

Carbon Dioxide Exyeriment

The firemen told us he puts dry ice
on some fireso Te found out that dry

ice is made from earhon flioxide gasv

’7“ .,.‘<.~ .\.'
as mixed some
‘ 14

‘1 d9 Garcon



Carbon dirxide

.11.! .,
J. .11 B ‘9

Car Play

{hr fire play bee four sceneso






 t a :- 9 c I

\0 00V O\‘J\ 13b.) N -'“‘


ever down oncea
them where the fire 180

How to Turn in an Afimrm
Over the Telephone

If you live in the county, dial
3"“.2214’ a
If you live in the city, dial

them ynur address“


-* Ewen t;e





m“ V b a“

Go the CN tral Statiunu
Collect fire pictureso

Read fire stories.

See a fire movie”

Lake fire pictures.

Go to a fire box.

Have a fire drill.

Check on? buildi‘g for fire

4.. 1,

¢ u». “an

flai; until finsmen some and Show

them mfiuxt‘ ~n firau


5m: ;...J p;


<\) 0“»? ‘.

Ii? Stcry

Do you know what I want for Christ»
I doa I want a doll. Do you want

it too? I want a paint set too. Do you
want it too» I guess you want what you






n: n.


But I want t3 gay I want you to
a verv very I "7 Christmas.





“LT Faulconer


Cur Questians About

Ire? Firemen, and Fire Stations

lunteer firemen?
" 1 a dip" on tiss-


f ‘,



mu.the pales?

What are the hoée made of?

What are the hats and coats made of?

Is there water on the truck?

How long do’firerwn stay at the


How fast do they drive the fire engines?
How are alarms turned in?

Do firvmen get paid?

7?. ”(v .. ,. .. 1
’ ”CK. ‘5'. ‘ . . ,







is $324




chuol L1
:(15 Ch; u.
0?? a
tép of
forko ;
building along
mcond grade
all gem; is the K’udgrqa w~ an room to
have a partyg Th4 music teachers ware



R. 2 .



%a pain


fibers so we 3?:g soncsb Then different




’ "3": 1
"Ham; :3

say. but I’Ll
;h: -Vt,wwugicflcw nzzxtifi


32‘" .00

2_ary ?latt



me Kore a
st and he
:is i to catsh



513&fl Clay


:im1xjmmeféza_ww§um%, dc you like
. the Skyuritar?
I (119:) $23 6F

3‘“.éum é humwdumoér
2:?21wfiody oes ynu know
id ynv hear anybody 2:?
That I didn3t?

Andy Wright


 Ky Trip to Myrtle Beach

Last Summer B9 went to
Myrtle Beacho We had fun therefl
The name of the hotel we ate in
was the Cherrioo

We had fun jumping the waves,
We found lots of shells? We made
lots of sand caatles on the beach“
we had a big umbrellao I have a
collection of shells that I found
on the beach.

We found little bugs in the
sand, We stayed for a week. We
had a good time at Myrtle Beach

Jimmy Wilkes

My trip to Virginia Beach
I went to Virginia beach this
summer“ I went with my aunt and
uncleo We went in the car. We
saw a lot of farms on the way,

I went to the ocean tooo
Then I played in the sand a Iota

The next morning we went homes

Patsy Ann New

Third Grade Con“tm

My Trip to Virginia Beach

My mother and I went to
Virginia Beach ills Bummero I
had lots of fun on the beache

we went on a Wednesday and
the Sunday after that a boy named
John Glass cameo We had a lot of
fun togethero We stayed at the
Avilon Hotel. One night we played
bingo and I liked it very much“

I might go next year, tooa

Dana Lynn

The third grade toad a trip
to a garment factory in Versailleso
we went on November 11th. Some of
our mothers took us in carso

we saw many machineao We saw
a man cutting out materialso We
see a buttonhole makero We got
some materialo Then we went home.

Eddy Seay





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“ ‘11 -.
In 1 o
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Lhe D “i
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Je 52y grxoe in our classroom
before mealuimen Each daya differ»
ent person 1e is ‘01 We take turns
at leading a discussion on goodzmuus»
ers. At the table we try to uni:
is filled befo: eat:

,nwov'mesltime Hoe}

_ (D

ylenrning Clu isi:mas
'1ite Chris mtres Program.



'Je read a story and closed our
books to see who could re-write the
story, getting events in the proper
place. Frances Jewell 11d th s best
job» This is her story”

Radio Rescue

The Rings famil; moves to a new
honeo The moving van had Comeo Dono
Kitty and Arne watched as slowly their
furniture was put in. ', <+ last
the moving van drove ofin leer Dona
Kittv Anne, :roo "Ire X1ng and Pal
(the dog) got in the car and drove
across town to their zew ho::e1



a i 1111ture was in the house at
11t120r went back to work and
11nt (Joan toLJV ‘Take care of

soid motheri a sshe went out the


"J. - H .1 , v~ .»".'

licty ueht up to the d5t1c
.«. 7“ —— - l \-

«o r togee won «0 ‘

wont no ard



xx TLmnfihor'd she hid left her rag
old house under a cool) so she
*1 o: oars add .onde“ d of1hunting
'51 house and be? rng dolly
Soon {reg Kirg cohe home0 She W‘S
vozy so: «ed to find $113 goneo Kitty


and Don nod no idea where she had gore,
Ton “mic! Eel to go find ame. Fe 122.
ct to the li ingroomu ”hen ZLh£.v
‘o the 1-Ving oom the;r heard Anne 5
ver tiie radio‘ Then a man '8 voice
:be in and said, ”This is the man on the
yone lee t a litt.lo
r and blue eyes? If
we and get her”n 313,

ggo't in th: our and got



Be :11: Reports

. Cnflegms'mimelfimuj
:Wewv Ir pfiw; marring Baforo going to th e
7,1213; re M1lte a verv neat book report.
:e all file 'te our bun, ard tell what the
book is zabout, also we tell the mOS't intern
est123 part of our book. If we do not
kr.c:w hora to spell a Word we look it upo ~“'63
CS reread our book reports for mistakeso
Ie snould never a11d I hope we never,
write a book report without finishing our
booko We always should remember or try to
do those few things” And it will be much
easier 1or our lovely and uses teachero





Susan Gail

The Clam’s Enemy

. One of the many enemies of the clam
is the starfisho The starfish has five
points“ It has a way of relaxing the mus~
else that hold the Clea together” This
causes the two shells so open and the
Starfish gets its food.










a. tizw :nixm 1.
other avimals such a5
9 ca and oLhers. The wa5
ll them is to get on top of their
con bore a hold through the shell
‘ e t them Re have 2 me conch



1 the horses they Coulzl L.
1,: he arid his 1“ .‘thel‘ tool; a; walk
, ‘i? by olaniaticn‘ It was




.r to pick cotton.




L S . $0338 01 nis C.C
hr, hllcon came down from the attic
“P age min "fllVle around eating
techieso .hex Krh' . ilson lool:cd ”“ owed
cmrg he found him on the arc.‘y
mare. Ehr'ng' the Cit 11 mar it was
rare to have coo‘cice because the men
at war. needed all the sugar they
could not The Wilson family had a
little sug or to ma ke cookies so instead
of eat n5 his cookies '~ilson put them
in his1 poclcet and gave them to the man
who worked on the plantation for a
ride on the moreg

Andy Armstrong
What the Octopus Bats

The octopus preys on fishu Some»
times before the octopus catches it's
prey, he blows out a black su‘stance
the fish can’t see through; He has
ten tenacles. Eight of he tenecles
aye shorter than the other two. The
other two tenacles he uses are to grab
the fisho With them he brings it to
the other eight tenacles SO he can
eat the fish.


Janet Stokes






C3 a 77,?

n ~. "J

H ‘ All", I l .I...
Glen Shepherd}, :ieporuer


' div dot? 33‘2"; “up in the morning


{m :15} aims \ vcu lower there :23
lots 5‘ ' co’w The first thing

39‘: do 1;; 10:32; on, yew? 43038:. Then

1:. in your stoclingo You open
you}: gifts {3.233330 Then you eat. bro-9.19»
feeia. slim? you eat breakfast you
‘ with your toga all dag}?9 Then it
is time to go fio beda Thieb Chr‘JZS'h—a
ms was lots of“ frag

you 1:



Lee Dev-foe

Model Emm'oaflng

This is a very popular hoth~
which many people of“ all ages particiw
pate inc. The more time you have to
design: and operate your model main,
which may consist of one train and a
fez—a accessories? to one or too diesel
locomotives and a for! steam enginesg
and a lot of artistic design mingled
in with a lot of accessoruies3 tin more
you will enjoy 11222,

Model trains have been used for
pleasure and profit“ You can start
with an inexpensive set. and build up
to an elaborate and expensive layoutn

In one place in the world a man
ran his set from the basement to the
second floor in his house on shelves
around the edge of the rooms, and cut,
holes in the wall so it could travel
more freely around the howsse0 In
another case a man had the cook put
his entire meal on his train in the
kitchen, and send it upstairs to him
in bed, and after he finished eating
he sent dishes all back down stairs
to the kitchcno With a little
imagination you can have a train runa-
ning in the most unusual placeao

William Wood

Once upon a time in a little tom:

called Brownswig'glevilleg there lived .
a poor woman and her six children; Their

father had died and they were left all
loneu Emu Potter (for that was her
.w ) washed for a living The childronis
he: s were, Pete,, Polly; 35.123 Sally,
‘Sesgie 9rd Hollyo
One day when the ch--l:h*on were away
at school, Siren Potter star-ted washmgo
5.11 01‘ a sudden she heard a voice that
mid: ”Stihkuemwup lady." Hrs. Potter
was so assured that she dropped her wash»
513:3“ The stickunp man told her to go
into the home and get all of her valuw
ablosc Just then all six of her children
en: rushing; in and the stickuup man ran
off So ever“?!ng tm‘nod out all righée
Jet-1e Kennedy





i-Sy first Horseback Ride on the Pike

0n :3 first ride on the Versailles
Pike; I wont ufiih Pesto Cole and Tom
Porter0 I was on Ticky, ug- horee, and
Poise was riding Marty, his horse. Tom
was on Joiec Marty is a tall chestnut
horseo Just then I heard a. loud ecmndo
It was a large trucko As it came on I
felt Tic‘zy jump and the truck wont on
by and from then on we stayed as far away
from the road as we could(\ After that
I will always ride with a riding club,
80 I stayed with Tom and Pete on the way
back, we had a. hard time because Ticky
limped badl a At one time I thought I
was going to have to dismount, but I
didnit and. we got back safelyo Would
you like riding on the Pike?

Johnny Dabney

The Tree

In Monica: there lived a little boy
named Salt and his father, Peppero Pepper
"was a hullfighter hhet was scared of
the bullo It was a week before Christa-
mas and Salt was flanking about where he
could find a Christmas treeo He thought
he remembered seeing a tree on the hillo
The next morning at dawn, Salt went up
on the hill and cropped the tree dozing
It was too heavy to carry, so the rolled
it down the king After dinner Salt went




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”c aa"m
as able

in New

iuhla gfiing down tne atreetfi
easy task to catch himD
:ém pullsd up“ the walrus
unrarfloaa pasta! with his
nd a tonmy gun with his

Just an Fifirfi‘lo VES
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MY 1v -1}o was
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ErdwK fl »“5, Jr.


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The Eonu iiznt at “fiat fly}

The first rflow of the seaswn had cwma
aver night. TF6 boys at most End had 8
snow war plaRNfid far hue first th Show
<~f the seaann '3he h‘yfi an nne gida nf

the streak were againfit flue boys mm the
:ihbr sida Hf ti— trua! 7kg: afzurnc I; ‘" 1a carni~ I1 161}
V2‘ls. This. book “33115 mi)? ut their Echrah .:. a i’
acive: iurcs 1‘“; has 2'45 {63338113 11’s 1 2 ntures and finally
moves out irf'o the County to live with

h‘ f‘V --\ -
-etsy ulllis he? 23*:st and am: rmngleu Her Pam
or SJVP‘“ :1 yes 3 an? her
( s3

lilac J03» as - 13311:. Eer- fathefls


This boo}: is abou’ 1’} boy named Jozdan and her 1:215:13 is 'l‘Jeborzzh Mingle»
Dale who lived in liew 1):“‘k wind 1-3 an” It has 221‘ 1 3:33:18:
his xzxot1‘1er and father .3: 35011115; iiest
for “take summer but since Dale ms so Jan-,3 113211196137
weak and sic}: and. begs call 3d him a
sissy,t12e;~,r sent him to his Uncle Bruce‘; gnaw Luther — IcIieer
farm. There he had four cou sins Jufi,
Andy, Joyce and Kenn/“a Jud who was This book is about a man who changed
his ac krm: he was a sissy too, but the iiea of the church I-ertin Luther
after he got on the fan: he liked and was born in Elis].e{§en, Gen-nary, and grew
Jud liked aim because he had 33mm "to up with the idea of being: a lawyem He
9 Ice othe. boys;o M. the end of the vent to school in Ezribrt, Germany, at
smmner he didn't want to go home, so the University of Eri‘urt. One night he
his famil; came back from the 7. est cad was out walking and a big s‘isorm came up
get a farm It has 239 pagem i and Ziartin Luther was 3.1151251; him That

night he decided, to be a monka One year
Libby Iloyt‘l he went to Rome the Holv Ci‘tv. But when
9 u u
he got there 3' “L we. 3, full of filth and

Books for "I Egges game: lie came Duck and tel (ed against
the Cl TL‘ (.3011; Finally he reformed the
151-, 3m 0 1:13th It has 96 __7age...
a ‘ 11 o ‘ - «a
"Lap'n Benny‘s Bird House Laboose Jimmy Comma
“Circus Baby“ ”The wateri That Jae; -‘;«: Lrank

2nd "131’: .
W "John Paul Jones”

‘ , II a“—

"monkey ‘i‘wins‘ Chee and His- Pony _ Lou Gehrig“
-. . - u.» I

“Llchael :mgelo -.ouse“ ” flick and. Mack“


”Lassie Cozpe Ho‘r‘rze‘
’»‘ Buffalo B111“-


 1», ' 4.1'
{"... .241 13.11‘-C

“fice'ue playcl a $311 and Lh=

1n the 113t imam
Uhs an :136 Lut We


3331371.”; 11;»;
We hw'
“thaw: 32

aple Ly; yd 5: _ :‘ , .
poiata Tie ELTE of car team was the

830°." ,5

"Te beat


e “1
“ ‘5ckey got tr 219m the
bench filth the £001 b331 play61S

Eloise Cox

The Fifth — Fourth Grade
Football Game

In the first quarter I threw a
spot pass to Garland which took us in
the leado In the second quarter I
threw another mpot pass to Tommyo He
gained about thirty yards, we made
one more touchdown that quarter In
the third quarter we gained a lot of
yearage abut didn't scem;a In the less
quarter we made another touchdswn and
our extra point, Planar: 19 w C‘





.1‘, F , - fl 1,
1.2:? H‘CYCCC‘I‘ 03.73


Ee”'?;l i'-T3 ago the fif‘h
grnde 3 L?33 331,-sd the sixth g”aL

girls in errc:2ro The score was

17 to 9, in favor of the sixth grade»
Th? captains of 011* team were Jahet

S ehesg ca 7tsfin and Saund 1a T‘vlor,
cn~;1nu;“1. Latin cams p1ey::d a

deed gant‘

Jefnni 9 Miles


-,1 \14. 4
1:19 OSuHGQh



We Jere



When y»u begin to play soccer you
have to knew the rules“ Firsts do
not touch the ball with your handso
Second, do not kick the bell above
the waistu Thifd, when the ball is
kicked over the line you rotate and
keep playing in this order.

Emily Thompeonn





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