xt7rr49g7j6v_41 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/1982ua002.dao.xml unknown 5.05 Cubic Feet 8 document boxes, 6 slim document boxes, 3 flat boxes, 2 photograph boxes 32.9 Gigabytes 142 files archival material 1982ua002 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Libraries Special Collections Research Center Collection on University of Kentucky University Training School/University High School The Uhian 1931 annual, volume IX text The Uhian 1931 annual, volume IX 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/1982ua002/Box_5/Folder_5/Multipage2264.pdf 1931 1931 1931 section false xt7rr49g7j6v_41 xt7rr49g7j6v  

V. .. .._.V ”Mu“ _. .. .. ;‘ .N. ..»A,,. “4





)‘mfl‘nnq‘ wax

.A ,.






. ‘4‘









' m.


’. “Mg ., A








5 £53»?

f «a.»













EdltUY’ln'ChK’f Busmess Manager

Faculty Adviser

Published by


Lexington, Kentucky





N this hook wc have tried to pY‘L'SL‘nt ont ymr
at Univcrsity High School. If, wars from

now, you look at this hook and are glad that it

was published the stat? will he content.







'I n Mi“ (irnu‘ fimh-rwn, um‘ zulriwr, tuu‘hvr :lml Min-11d, wlmw
:lL‘tiu- iIItL‘I‘L‘\t in :xml (n—opk‘l'nliun with :1” tllk‘ :u‘tivitinw “1‘ hr:
wnfm‘ tlnxx hzlu- mzulu thix [111' huppim \un' nf um“ M‘html li\(‘~‘

\w, thv (LN mt~ 19.3], (It-dimtv this \k‘lll'lhmk,








Order of (Books
E: BOOK ()NI‘:
* T/Ir' St/Irm/ ‘









Humor (1711/ A]r/LW‘fiJ:'mt‘vm





Fu :1 r






'I‘Hl’. I‘.\l\'F.RSl'l‘\' 'I‘RAIVINU SCHOOL




University High

[t’x 1111111 1/11111 jmr 11 bid/M1111;

”11171 ‘IL‘1' (111/111 111 /1'111‘1/ war/1 {/11};

I 1‘1111’1 1'x/>/11111 1/11’ f1'1‘/1'11g,

8111 111 /1'11_r1 [’1] [My 111 jay——

(31111 you 11'0711/1'1‘ why 101' /r1111‘ it
”71171 111111 mum 1x /17c1‘ 11 ffrirnd
x1111/ 1111’ /111//x :L'i/l bring /1/11‘K‘ ”117111171111
“71171 «1111‘ big/1 51/10/1/ day; .r/Irzl/ NH]?
/‘/11//, 111' 1/1/'_\‘ 1‘11// 111’ 5117/, ((1/11' (/11111/7,”
”"1' raw/’1 1111111/ 1/1111, I 1111111,

For 1/11' 11/1/ 1111 mm 11r1' Humming

117111 11111112111111] 1'. 11. s.



















\Vtttlnt S. 'l'nlnR, l;.<.\... 31.8.. l’h_l).

/)z'_Ul Hf r/zt‘ (Id/("ex nf Ex/mtzr/w/

Detm 'l‘tt)lnr (.‘lIIlL‘ m the L'nhetNity of. KentueLy as the Dem of. the College at l‘fllu—
union ht 1923. His lung cchI‘lchL‘ 1h .1 te.\eher in the t‘tthlle SelIUUlS of. the State tttttl
hh \‘L'RI‘S ()1. training ttx‘ an tmelergrueltttte in the \Ve‘x‘tL‘l'H 'l‘eaeherK‘ College .mel at the [hi—
\‘er's'it'x' yaw him ;1 lmekgt‘otmtl 41ml experienee tth \\x1>‘ helpful in }‘l.\nltl11;{ .1 larger prngmm
fur the pt'ut‘evionttl etltletttitm of tezteheh At the L'nlvetxit}.

ln e<)—<)pet'.ttlmt “ith the Uther memher~ ml the l‘ttetllt'v he lteght :t ~It1tl} tn determine
the heel ml. the C(tllege of l‘:xlllk)lll(ln in I'elnttmt to the pmltlem of {mining the t‘t'npet'
Qpe nl‘ }‘e'1'~()tthvl for mulching .mel .lxlllll1\l\ll'.lll\t prritimv in Kenttn‘lx}; He heem ettt'l'v
10 male \‘(Jlltle'I\ nith tttett tmtl \wmett in }‘l1l‘ll\' ;mtl t‘t'hnte etluetttion tmtl It) fut'tttttlJte the
L'Hl\et\ll_\l~ put in ltttiltlhtg tt more ell'eethe L'xltlx‘JllUILIl ~}~tem ht KenttuL}. The new
'l‘mhtin}; Selteol‘ \\ith lt< ~plentlltl tortn ul' ltklt'llt'l‘. tmtl the tht‘t‘ etl'lxient Heult} ut' the
Cullege nt' l‘hltnxttiott .tre t'e~t1lt\ ml ‘C\Cll tettr~ of mmtt'ttt‘the ylmtthttz ht thi~ heltl.









SH! l{‘.1\\ (i. C1<\\"1u\, ‘\.B.‘ .\.:\I.

[Mum/hr of Mr Twill/Hg Su’zon/

I’mtl-wn‘ Crun'nm mmc In [In- L'nchINiI} this }'L‘111‘ {mm Indiana L’niwwity \’\'hCI‘L‘ hr
wIM-J in thy (.Ipm‘ity Hf :\<_~‘i<1.1m in thy Bureau of Co—npcmtiw Rt‘cflfl’h. Ik-lbrc 1]th
In \‘\.l\ .1 mL-mlwr ()t‘ IllL‘ Hixun‘y Dcpnmm-m of Indium 5mm 'I‘chth'K C(JHugv.

Mr. Cm'unn i~ L‘\}‘\'\i‘lH.\ inlarwtud in Wm‘H f'ricmixhiy :mJ ix Unauuhur of {no \VUI‘lv
“le'lth 01‘ 'l'uhhing \V'm‘H [“rivanliy in N‘huuL" Ami “Cunlrilmlium \'.1ri«>u\ NJIimr
lLHC “My Io ChiH/JUUHH (In thy \uleu‘t. 'I‘hc Lulu L jLM I‘u'cntl} utf 1hr prwa

(JV .II‘IiL‘h-~ on thy “NHL “The ()rg‘ml/Mim And \Jminimxxtiun ()1 'l'mining SrhoolC'

wing this whom} ax hi< c\'.1mph-.

\Wlilc .1 11;1I IIHnm Sm‘lch

51'. ”I" ('I1II».'31.

>.\I\’1\ ('l)'\(yl,|.l'l).\
"7'1; .1/«' [WI 1.1 In fir-zu- ///r,

[/11 1’011'4' /Iu/ //rr Mrwzwu"
\'i(‘1»l’1't'\i1lc11t at Snphunmrv ('lu“; Hnmn‘
livwnunnw ('luh '39. '34); ‘.\'111111-r 111 ”I'llllt\
('nlmwt 'go; Nulinnul Hun-r Sutich ';1;
I'hi;11151:1h"3|; I'AHirIith 51:11} '11: Vim
I'l'(’\IlI(‘llI Sm‘iul Club '11; Hirl Rt‘wrn'u 'zl.

I‘ZI)(}.\R BhliHI’
1‘\'IIIIH‘/' /m.1 [111mm] Jp/‘Ih/h] III/'1! IN ///I


l"<1utl1:11| '30, '31; H;1~k1-1|1;1|l '31». '31; Iliv\
'31). '31; ('];1\\ I'rcinIUlll 'glj \'Il'L"I'I'l‘\IIII'III

“I"('111I\ '§l: Juniur Ruturiun ';1; Mm!
l’npulzlr Boy ';1.






I"':Nr/H II





"fl/(11%: not (/I'r/J. Imam lu'r‘u my (111111"
Hi-Y '2X; 'I'cnni~ '31). '31; Bzhkvtlmll '311

MARY .\(i\li_\‘ lSRliNH
"III'I' [mm/mm; I m‘rzu'r kiln;
l’nt/l 1111' .rmi/rul an mr."
Mun ;\qu-~ value In ('lli\'('l‘~i(\' High this
u‘ur 1mm I’it'mhnmx
(Hrl R(‘~(‘I‘\'('~ '31: Snciu] ('luh '31.

NHCLVIN ('1\\'.\\1\('(ill

"Sizr‘ [.1 Nu! 1'-I'I'I‘}‘I’/l'lI//."
Mt-hin t‘unw iron: Hour} ('In) Ihix your.
Bmkctlulll '31: HivY '31; junior Rmuriun
'31; 'lk-nnix '31; Snviul ('Iuh '31; ('hiun Stat}
'31; "I" Club, '31.

DURU'I'IIV ('11119'1'UX
“"7111! :5 newt/1 Jnina at all 1'; ’lL'lH'I/I Juimr
[' Hi~Ilight~ 51:1“ '11). '31), '31; Girl RC-
\L‘I'\'1'~ '30. '31; Bzhkvthzlli '30, '31; Such]
(11111 '31; I'ldimr-ilrchicf l'hizln '31; Nation-
;1! Honor Sm‘ictv '31.

"Nu/1r but I/I'mu'H ((171 /7(' /1/.r [viral/fl."

('l:1\~ 'I'rcuulrcr '2.\'. ('le varvtzlr} '2‘);
anthnll '28, '21). '30. '31. ('uptuin '31; Km-
kethall '30. '31. Captain '31; ('Ium \'it‘e~
I’nwivicn! '31; I’rmidcnt Srwinl ('luh '31;
‘Iuniur Rutnrizm '31; l’ruixlvnt ‘l" Club
'31; But .-\llanund Bm‘ '31; “(M Alhletr











_I1\('K H()\\'.\Rl)

“1.1!? 1.: 11 just 41ml all 1/1111,“ J/IU’IC II.‘
I flung/l1] m umr um! um; I 1.111411: 1/."
jack tame I11 I'niH-rxin High thix war from

Hmlgvnvillc. Ky.
Fnothull '31: Sm‘iul Huh ‘31.



“.I prrfnr woman, Huh/y Manual,

To In wmim't 41/111 zummmnl."
l’nwith-nt Hnmv lit‘tulmnirs Club '11), ';02
Brxl AllvRUllllxl (.‘irl ~31>; IV-llivljght‘ Stat!
‘30. ‘31; ('13s: 'I‘I‘cuxurcr 'zn: Vivt‘il’l'vddt‘llt


Stmirm (“until ”,1; (iirl RI‘~{‘I'\1‘~ ‘31), '31_
Pruidvnt '31: Suciul (‘11:?) ‘31; l'hiun $1.11}
'31; National ”1111(11' Swim) ‘31. Swrmurv
'I‘rmhurcr; Bmkmlmll '10. '31.


“Ilw 114/qu In many, (/11; [If Ina-1'1! /1ul nur."

hunk 1‘111111- here thi~ \mr from ;\u;;u~l;1
Miliiur} Academy
I’mnhull '31; Bmkcthull '31; Hi-Y '31; l
('Iulv k1; ‘IunUn‘ Ruturiull '31; 'I‘rt'uxul‘t 1‘
Swim! (‘luh ';1; 'I'n-mun-z' Student (‘uum‘il
‘;1; l'hiun >1:1fl"31.


MILDRICI) ll( )1 .\Il-'..\

“I’u 4'111/1111'1'11lr //n (/0011 1111111 awn/J ['1' .1
[mt- /w‘yum{ 1714711111,:
.\//4'1 lu'uzmrul, 111/1'111111'1'. 11ml fur .wmz'

our u lwuxm’r."
'I‘n'uxurcr (Eirl Rcwrnw ‘zo. Yivcil‘rtNidcm



‘31; Social ('11111'31; '11;
lhi11115tzlff'31; Xaniu
lizukvthnll ‘30. '31.

1“,. 1“.
"N01 11 flunk! Ari/LN!
1“,. I“.

in hix junior \rur.

[Will-Lighh 51:11}
11:11 Iinnnr Sm‘ivh


m n H Hm I]




value In I’niH-Ixin High {rum .\thc11~






“N All l/u' lwyx I'll all {/I.’ “(CUT/J awn jm!
:11 "hr (11’ /n'."
I’mnthzlll '30, '31; Hi»\' '30. 'g1;""l (‘iulv
go, '31; But hmking Bu) '31). '31: ['hiun
Nufi ';1; (111“ 'l'rezhurcr '11.

K1\I'HK\'.\' 1\1(‘K["1.\'\1\
"'l'llll'll H! In ,\"1]'//' :L‘//. w ‘k'l'fi 11H I/I‘rly
1/1111 [HUM/I Ill J’U’Hl)‘ :L‘v‘u/ln'r’,"
I'l(‘\it"‘lll ”HHH‘ Ilmnumirn (‘luh '23; Nu‘in!
('Iuh '11; I-Ili-[iuhh 812111 '31; (‘1:1“ l'm't

H.\R(ll.l) RHUAIH
"II awry QU'I'I' f/n‘ Int/y umu‘ u/ Jail/1.
l/n'n hr awn/.1 [MW WH‘I'TIIL”

HarnM culm- tn ('1li\w’~i1\ High in 1| juliiui.
H1- hih liven m imcrcqcii in 11% xlirplnnm
[hut \\'(‘ hznv hurdh kmm’n he \\':1~ :Imunil
ru'vpl during; whnul hmlrx.

Surinl ('Iul» '31.


“Tl/y mmlm/y',‘ n szHr In My mwrir,"

Virginia rumv m I'niu'nity High :1~ 11
Snphnlnnir and during ihi~ time hL‘I‘ quim
(‘hnrm .md winning; \mile hum- cnrivurwl her
In :1”.

LESLIE 5('{)'I"]'
“Hr [1 (/Ir pink vi inurlrniy.”
Imlir «ulmv m I'ni\'cr~ii\ High thi~ \(‘.H‘
from M;I\~\‘i]l<'.
Hi-Y '31. Bzhkcthziil '31; Nwiul ('luh '31.





N: 7’4 “/4 ( ll



“(liq-r I"Z'l'}'}' qwmun I/Iy rm, lint (m;- I/Iy
Byron <‘;1m(' In l'niu’rxin High from Mulv
High School in Luuiu'ilic, lzixt iilH. Hr i'~
:1 mcmhcr nf the Social ('luh‘

('.\R()[,\'\ SI‘IC\\'.\R'I'
".l/Ii/ //rr Him/ml tlllAiC"! um! urn/Mn! (ll!
.V/mq'.‘ //r‘r' quu' am] r/vuil (lk .i/n' H M 7'."
['-Hi~liight~ Mail '28. '29. 'gu. 'gi; (‘luw
l’iwwiih'nt '30. St-ricmn 'fI: Hume limn
”min ('hih '29; Mmt Bulnliful (Frl ~g0;
Social ('hlh '3I; Sccl'ctdr) Kvntm‘ky High
Schiml Pro“ :\,~~H(‘illti1lll ‘31; (Ian l’rnpht'x
'31; letiunul Hunur Such!) ‘31.

“NH 1. //,‘/r .w Muy u mrl/I M /II' (My; mm
thwll I‘zlliw In ('niu-i'xitx High Hum Mair
High Schxml {II limiiwilh',
lwmlh;1||‘;1;“l'(‘luh‘gn Nn‘ial ('hlh 'gl.

DURU'I‘IH \\'H,l.li\1\l_\'

”I Jung/IN; ”I Mr uni/A, Aliq‘HIr/y I'll/I,
iImI' mm/ JI-z‘im'ly fair."

Um‘nlh) grmhmtwi utter \lH'IliiiHL’ unh 1hr
fir~l wmmtvr hvrc.

Mmt Popular Girl ~3i; Summit ('nunvil '31;
Sm‘iul ('Iuh '31; (iirl R<’~t‘l‘\‘(‘~ '31; I‘hiun
Stufi ‘31.




l'] ['31]; I w n

“.1 MINT/u! JIJ/mJ/Iinfl L1 11 {(121.1 of ri'ml)‘
(‘11;ll'1t" rume tu 1‘nivorsitv High luxt your
from \Villiamwn. “'1 \‘111
Snriul (‘Inh '31; juninr Rutzlrinu ‘31; 11111111
Stuff ‘31.

“ind M‘r'n I/Iulm/I ~1'tl7H/HI‘J/Il'1! III' «nu/J
(try/111' .rll‘l/f'


('nttt’r hm gone In 1‘11!\'01‘~it}' High for
fuur \f‘:ll'~. 11 (‘illl 1w ~llil1 111211 111‘ hm nut
been uprnlv intormted in any girl during
Ihi~ time.

(luv Hi~tnrian ‘31.




“()n 151/]! f/H‘ Jumr'."
I‘mrthzlll ‘30. '31; 131'11111 ‘31: Sm‘iul (‘luh n
‘31; Srt‘rvtun Ha“ ‘31; “LY ‘31, ‘

Funflmll ‘30. ‘31;'1”(‘1uh '31: Snciul ('luh

\\'lI,Ll;\M Y.\,\‘K1CY
Ulla/(r NU! //Iy1\l‘/" t/n' .\/Il7’l‘ 01 any mama/L“

Bill cumv tn 11x thi~ )t‘lll' {mm l’icmlnlmn
15¢mlhz111 ‘31; “1" Club ‘31; 1§Il\1\('1112111 '31:
Social (‘luh ‘31; [Ii-Y ‘31.










(Gite Glass History

()111‘ pttht-t‘t'smr of tin ghth nit: 1:111 uprm his 1111131 :1t‘t‘u1111t 111th thtwn u'nrrlx
“Runum }11st<11'1;111x haw said that }11.~tu13_y 1't3;1t':1ts ital!) hut thix multi Hut Eu» Hut 111
t§1€s cast, Sh 11mm 111‘ thc tm‘mm‘ (‘L’ishtN 111“ LViliX'L't‘xl‘t} High muld mm by unnmrt'd
3 ‘5

"mud 1'1‘21k1k'1'\

with the any <11“ E93? Vic 1111 11:1: 11111131 that this is c1‘1‘1111mm But :1

Wt Wuulti 1111i 312111) 1:11; to guppusv that thr 01111313 :11. tht L 111\11\1t1 i¥1g18d1unl wax
(31111;:xt311 111 E93“. In witm‘xs wht‘tt’ut, filmy 11» tn \thnii In 1mm mmiimi mind~

{31c simgflt’ stilt} m“ 0111‘ 1315's {mm thy «tutu» «1f thc Imx'iy 55113411111111.

“1’ {mind nursdxcs “113111;“! 111 mid \zzttmm <1f§9-1. 'l3hL' \Utiiit'n NICE} {mm
thy Ima‘i; gmdcs tn thy Emit} H1331 3&1ch fiat! wt mar HHHK’ tun sttznifx «11w 111 :1 tit/A
wiu'ri. 3X1 :uhi In {1111' d‘éat‘utntm‘t 1w awry tnkrn 13:1 mm‘w :u‘m-w 3123 mmpm In

Unit'cz'sitg' High-11513113. 'I‘hcrc‘ :1» tiuttt‘n'n; hurts ymamlni ;!;£{131\[ trvmhfén;
1‘13“} \fl’t’ tuft- t’xgimimwi. ’i‘in'ti tincturx butknf nut that Miriam :Itztgimwx 111 :2
n-rnztculxt‘ {Mt um 1111' {1311111 §3EL‘I{\I:N; to n11: :tmiu' my» 331111} E‘K‘VU‘sl‘T‘L‘ii Hum
“111‘ first nuptisc, 1w [ta-(amt gminfull} .31\\;113t- 11f {th tutu-1111' «at Winn; ufuhminm
firings imuwn tea 115 as Si‘§1hnll1nl‘t5. Thu 1111;1n'221‘ui {tum thy wit-11m mum, um
mum $101123, Ji5‘11h‘& m t§1c tcct%1 with mttct' «iris um? mlux uf‘ «131113131 :1xtu;1%~§1§11:
{finh’minnm \Vc \n-rc “c1123t1§cd“ Vigurmzsé}. g‘hl’ first \S'L‘i'fx’ <13; \1113111'mx um
past {H123 smzmi initizttrd us ism) {hr ju}\ :11111 gmim of chupvi. “my Prof. itégun‘
Wham we :1“ won immcti t1: imc‘ 113m} «1111c n1“ hix hmmituE {Marin §3J1\\ZE;£’S 13:11:11
{in 891313. (E-hn’ {111M133 >t‘2istln human-{E 11.» with {hm-t xixivmz‘t Eint'mrm :1 \S’firt‘ hm
:md >t3Vtt‘221 «1%. “1- in‘1L’ 1:111‘ Ek‘hi $111: \VCR’ ”1&1 :1E1Ec tn {11131141 \hh» fur IE1:

111- “mail 11 Agni“ tha- mat Scptmtahu‘. (31:13 immilitx 31:11? 1231;113:1‘113111 sinnénklé—
u}. \‘1 a 5}: iii .51ng tax talk 11th watt {(1111191 :1 : taxi {ht m’ninm Snyib «1: {in 211': \k :1:

P‘rrsmnt’n. Evznm; t1: (in tf1f~ \k‘g tumni {>111 pruéEcgu {12:11:11 €11 13h“ xii «if. \if'-

min rutrrprisin; Scnini'x, Ami £111111t311£;1tt'3;1 Mlit' 1113113131111 1am Z§§'I'L‘\?L‘(; 31.1 “his; 1


tzzt‘tsét}; {hm {fixgippuiz1tt11rt1t 3131111331 111m? {is \\t- {Emmi nut xmm Nwtinzx «tit-ta:

Mimi’s; m 1:: (31:19:31 13 11111 $1011: ;I\\‘JU‘:‘ :11 (111:3 111111 dhtnngt 1:11:11 {kt \Ek-tskn" 1M

“1311 anmfin? in tin 1; mt IE1: 1t 1n nut mat tin {atthtxt 3111?. 11am ($2113 11,113


“ 3‘. HRH.


imagim- nm‘ t-\11Et;z:11-11 u'hrn Ct13tzm1 11*211;1z'k~ {mm t§1tr §1§;1t{<11‘m “a“; «mi in
(3111‘ watt? $1111 “xxx prwnwtw? In
.a 3 ‘9 _ s 1 '
{in Emu. $3,311 W111 \‘u did 1111i \:1\ t%1;§t. Ht tin-17:13; tm {11.

mm 111132151)? imam R';11]:ii‘ mrtin {1:1 tin» “Emmi. Ami mt (Hili‘xt‘ ‘JL {unkind ~11-


é‘zméuwgn PIER 21t§11vtic \tThUH ugcnui :1'

'f‘\\n n?‘


rm: 1131:1111: “\t‘mhx“ {<1 gt‘t thy mm? mt? thy tmm 11‘: 3mm \uxstitat’.

fiat gnx~u111trr mnmftx :1? 333,3 Niachi 1i\;£-pi'131§1§ ‘EII‘UHEN. “511:? {tax}: 3 1133.1{11


\K‘L‘ FLUI §¥z\\\t'>\t‘(§. 313d 31111: 5mm xm‘t‘nnfiwd tn uppu‘ {31“ with; En ($1.1;1u xw
111nm? 311“};th hxugttttlx itit‘kuzmi. Em: 3!‘LL‘€E3I\ fut’xvu’al. (3:1 {11w 1)::1 \xhtn tin

5:3ETWI’\ {fink {ht >3 3 3331111-

muxt N‘CE‘C‘ wt thy Rum? and K’x‘a‘i‘t‘ .1:1sf§’t'~>mi m Stgztut‘x. {)1 t‘mzt‘xa \Vi' tuit c\1§tn§


‘. nut @133 5113355 \ua'iiui 11115 111313: 11~ 1w «Mcupk'd

1’1 but 111113 mi nut nun 111111111x'1’ gmt‘mé thy 511118111111 3:1 2111' 3711311111] Huncn' Sm‘ittx
311‘{>;1‘:2121~. Th; 11 Wt» {iix‘mrz'm} my“ gnaw? 1113113§t§<~ \xhtn tE1t' 3th {111’ {hr [31111111—
St'ztim‘ :xmfzwt rmfltt? unwind, \Vt \wg‘t' my; that Wt urn thy 113.1111 (113311 rim
3. Hi; ‘11 muhmux ht'tmm‘ 1111 umfut tissxms'u \1 {‘1'1‘ 311% {11 mat: 13min té1t1 F13§J1 11113:



I 11': uh;




WWW 31323352“:




111iL'ht1 SL‘IIIHI". I{LL:LLI1, :1s LL\'LL1‘ 111 :1II LL111LL1‘gLL11L‘iLLs, 11LLL :11‘L1sLL t11 thLL 11L‘L‘:1s’i1111 :111LI
1L111LL1‘t:1i11LLLI with :1 LIi1111LL1‘11ttI1LL CI1i11111LL1 CL11‘11LL1‘. “'hLLn thLL IL111tI1:LII squzul :11111LL:11'-
111 in :1L‘ti1111 IL1111‘ L1I thLL 1‘LLL1‘1LI.11‘ 111LL11 11'LL1‘LL [1111i111‘s' \11LI IhLL1‘L 11LL1L SL‘\L“.I L1I L L1L1LL1
111LL11 1111 thLL I1LL11LI1 \111it111L1 I111 thLL Lh:111LLL th:1t SL‘I(IHIH L‘: 1mLL, th Lt \1LLL1L 111L111LI tL1 hLL
1111111I1LL‘L1LLI 11i1I1 11111‘ 111111111. ()111L11I11111 I1L11s :1iLILLIL 111:1tL1i:1II\ in >LL11LIinLr 11ILI U. “.9 .
t11 thLL 1‘1-gi1111:1I t11111‘11:1111LL11t, :11 Paris, \1'I11L1Lt1 it t1111k .1 st11tLL L‘I1:impi1111 tL1 IM‘Ilt L15.

\VLL :L1‘LL 111 :1 111L11‘ I111iILIi11L1‘ 1111\1‘. M11111 11LL11' I:1L‘LL$ IiII thLL h:LII.\' :111LI L‘1'1111'LI thLL
L‘I:1\\ 1‘1111111» NLLW t1‘11IIiL‘ IIL1\1L.~ 11:15t thLL \"IHLIHVVS. ’I‘IIL‘ 11LhL1ILL SCIIHL)I ~‘LLLL111.\~ 11LL11'


:111LI LIiIILLrLLnt. .\11t 1111I1 11111LILL1‘11 LLL111i11mLL11t \‘111‘1'111111LIs 11s, I111t 111L1LILL1‘11 iLILL:1,~' I1111'LL


111-1‘1111L:1tL-LI 11111' I11‘1111LILL11i11L1 I]]III(I\. (I‘IIL' I1‘LLLLLIL1111 :111LI I:1miIi:11‘it\' LLI L1ILI .\IL1LILLI
IIiLIh h:1\LL LLi\LL11 1I1LLL111 thL 111L11‘LL 1‘iL1iLI LL111InLLss L1I tht IIII"”(‘I' University Hivrh.
I b 1 >


0111 11111 LI11111LI I111> I1LLLLLL SIIIN'IWILLI I11 thL 111111LL I111111:1I “CI)I]\'1)C.’ltI(IHH. “Don't
111‘:Lti1111\ ' I1:1\LL t:1kLL11 thLL 11I:1L‘LL L1I thLL 111111‘LL hLLIpIuI BthLL 1‘LL:1LIings. But stiII thLL1‘LL ; ‘
Is :1 L‘11111111L111 L‘L11‘LI th:1t I1IIILI$ 11111‘ I1LL:11‘ts tL1L1LLthLL1‘ :11111 sets 11111‘ 1111111 SL‘IIHHI :1I1111'LL :111LI

I1LLLL111LI thLL hut. \\'LL:I11111L1I1ttI1:1t I11 thi1 1LL:11 L1111L hiLthLst :1111I1iti11115 WL1LLILI I1LL1LL:1I- I
ilL-LI I1L1t. L111 LL11tLL1‘i11L1 11111111 L1111‘ .‘lLI’I\ItIL‘\ LLIi11LI th: 1t \1LL stiII I11L1k IL11‘11:‘11LI tL1erLL:1tLL1 I
tI1i11Lw. CLL1‘t:1i11 L111LLx11I thLL I:1L‘11It1 I1:L\LL LUHNIdL‘IL‘tI it thLLiI LI11t1 t11 kLLLLp tI1LLILL111I1t— :
ILLI 111miI1iIit1 L1I th1t 21211111 11:11:1LILLH 11111111 11111 111'LL1‘“LLL1L111LILLI minle‘ \VLL stzn‘tLLLI ,. ‘

thLL \LL:11' right \\ith :1I1iI:11‘11111\ LI. L1» LLLILLti1111. CLL1t:1i11 mLL111I1LL1$ L1I thLL L‘IIISS IHISICLI
iIIL'lIIN'I\(‘\ LLILLL‘tiL111LLLL1‘i11L1‘I111 thLLiI \‘:11‘i1111.\' L‘:111LIiLI:1tLLs, whiILL 1L1111‘ I111mI1IL- hist111‘i:111
I'L11111LI thLL [:1xk L1I IL11‘L‘i11L1 1I1LL I\\\Ik‘ 11I ”SLL11i111‘ Skip I):11H 11111111 I1i_\ L111'11 \‘I1L111ILILL1‘s.
\\L I11II1111LLLI 11111‘\1:11‘t I11 I:111L1I1i11Ll L1II L\LL1‘1 111:L1ttL1‘tI11tt:1XLLLI 11111 11:1tiLL11LLLI11111L‘h



j 111 1]11LI:1L11It\ \ LI1:1L11‘i11). \\ 11L 11:11111 ILLLIi11L1 Lh 1t 1111\1 IIHI(I_\‘ 11111‘ SCIIUUI :1I1111‘LL
1111- 11th \I1:1II kLLLLp it :hL-1LL- :111LI 1h: LII kLLLLp 111 111111LL th:111 L. L1\11:1II1 II][L‘I(‘\U‘(I in its \llL—
\L\\. \\L I111L1L 1111\1.L111I t11 IiII thLL 11]: [LVN ILLIt \:1L:111t I11 thLL :1LI1: L11L1LL L1I11111 11111tI11
111‘LLLILLLLL‘w11x ILL.1\i11LI 11111 111111 [1ILLLLL\ I11 LI1:LIILL11L1‘LL tI111_\L \1I111I11II1111 11>.

CLVL'I‘ER \'.-\L'L;11N.







'I'iL'LLn l‘1/A11nr





Looking F orwmd

“Krmmkx' Hig/J 31’1’2/10/1 Dari/114 T/n‘ [1.1‘1/ erh’r of 11 (ff/Hwy” 111 1)c.111 15117.1111-11‘.
11111.1, 111' thc 01111-141: (11 15111111111111. [1111111411 111~ K111111111). _\ :1‘11111.1r1.\ 111\1‘\[1p.111()11
111111 1111' 11111111111111? \\h11‘h 11.1111 14111-11 K111111111} 1hr 1'111'1-11111~t 111.111- 111 .\1111~1‘11.111 ~111'1111t1.11’l\

11 1~1111111u that ”12111 1111111. 1111x1111 :1 gradtlntc 111‘ ['11i\'c1\1t'\' 1111111 511111111, .11111 11111- \11111-11
.11111‘ .1t11111111\11'.1111111 111 111.1111‘ K111111111} <11111111~, 11111111113111 L'1111'1‘IK111' 1111411 511111111, 1111'
111111111 1111‘ .\1111-1‘11‘.111 1111111.11111\, \111111111 111' 1111: .111111111‘ 111‘ 111% 11111111 \\’1111‘h i. 111%1111'11 t11 11‘—

111.1111 1111‘ «1.1111111111111111 1111 1111‘ :111111111,"

\V1111t ;111 11111‘1‘1‘x‘1111g 1111 111‘ 11111\111g 1111- 1111132111111:1 p1‘c~~ 1111111'1- ~1.11‘1~. 'l‘hv 1111141111141:
1.111111 111 11111111 1~ 11111 .1 “0111.111 111' «11111.11'1'1 1111111111} 11111 .1 x111‘111~111‘,1t1\1 .11).” 2111 11.1111,
111-11 111 11111’ high ~11111111 1111):. H1 ‘llyfiL"l1l1f_[ 1-t1111‘.1111111.11 [£1111le

'l'hg 1‘1.1\< 111‘ 11); 1111-11 111.11 11-1111‘ 111111111 111.111- 111-1111 L1111\\11 {.11 111-1111111 111L‘ «11111.1
111' 11111 \11111‘, .11111 111- ~11\}11'c11-11. 111 .111 moth-~11. 111.11 t11c1‘1- “L'I'L‘ 1111111: “1111 “1111111 111111-11
1111111 [311111411 1111411 3411111111 11211111112. 11 1~ 1111\‘I‘k‘\11l1f4 111 11111 111111 111‘1111‘V~ 1111111 111 1.111:
.11'11‘1‘111111114 “111111 11C1‘ «111111116 1111- 1.1111113 .111t1 11‘11111- 1111s 111~ 1111‘11111111111111 .11111111 thy 1.111111%
11111111111-1'x 111‘ th1< 11.1“, 1111111- 11111 t1stlz1111' 11c (1111111111 1111 [11 h;1\c 11.111 .1 1cttcr 1.111111 5.11:1,
111111 11111111: 1111- 1111- 111‘ .111 111111} 11f1111'1"~ “111-. Frank. 111111xc11‘. 11.1x 1111111111: it111111~11~1‘1.\ 1111111

111~ 111111111» .\11’c~. During 1111‘ 11:1 ~11tt11111~1 1111' 1.1111219» \1'1-1'11 ~111'p:'1~1-t1 111 111111 C11.11‘11~
511111111111):‘ .11111 111: 111‘1‘111wt1'11 111'.1\\11154 111}; 11111111: .11 1111- \11111- 1’11111'111' L111}. 111 1’.11'1~.

111 :1‘111- 111‘ 1111- 1,111.11 11111111111: 111111' 1111 1111 111111’ 111111: 11.1: 111111 111 r1111.1t'11.1111} 11111
11111111 111111 .111 11111 g1'.1t111.1t111}4 11.1w. It 11.1: <111- 111111 111111 11111 111.11 thc 11111111 ~111'1'1'w1‘x 111' 1111
11.111.11'11 1111111111111 («.1111 11.111 111.1111' 1111: 11.11111- 111~ C11.1111 “K1‘1111‘” (11.1~~ 1.1111111” 1111'1111141111111
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1111L'F-111111U11111 1‘11.1111111<111\. “1&1‘11111" 1» .111 111111111111 111‘ 1111‘ 11111111 111.11 11‘ 1111: \.11‘11111~ 1.1111-
1.111 he \11111111111 ;1 111111‘ 1111111- 111111411 1111111 1\111 111‘ 1111 111111‘1- \\.11'\, 111111111115:1 111.11 1111' 14111111
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111.1111- .1111 11c.1.1\\'.1}. 11111 «'1‘ “11111111" 1~ .11~11 ;1 \1.111-\111.111 1 111111 .1: .111 LII1I1L‘IK‘.

Bctlic 1111 1111- 111' .1 \ix‘it 11' 11.111 11111111} 11.111 with “511111111” Bishop. 11f tho 1.11111<\'i111*
19.11g111crr111‘1:1 111111 111‘ 1115111111, 11.111111 CV \'.111111-}‘. \\'1111 .11‘c 1111111; 1‘1111gt';11111.1tu11 11111111 1111-11 111.11
111. 111111111111}; the K111111111 R1111 .111111'1- 1311111111111 1111111111 1111' 11111111. .11111 t1111~ 1111111111111;
1-11111‘1111111~ 11.11111ch 111 1111‘ £111 111‘ 13111111111111. “51111111" \\'.1~ 1.1111 111‘ 1'1111111~i.1~111 .1111111t 1111‘
R1111.111~ Rhc—RJMHf; C11rp111‘.1t11111. 111111111 111:1‘11u‘1‘1x1 ;1 11111111111 11) 11111111 111‘ 11111111 ~11“
13111 1.111111 111> .11-1'111113111- 111th 11111~t 11111-11111 111111 11111101111131 rc>1111<; .11111. 11111113: 11111111 111111
1111' 111141111» 1111 .1 1.11‘111’ \13111‘. 1111' 111111 11.1\ ;1‘1>\\11 11111111111111~11 .11111 1111\\ 111111~t~ 111' 84 11111—

“1' 1111211 1-11111'11-11 .1 1111111 111111 1111111 1’1‘111'1-w111' \111111'1'.1 111111111: \\ 1111 1:, .1~ \1111 11111111;
111411111}; .1 11.11111‘ 1111' 1111111 .11 \Vu11m1c}. Shv 11.1: 111-11'111111-11 .1 1111121111» 11111111111 .11111 i-‘ .1

113211111 .1111‘11111111 .1t 1)r, 1.1111 1111\\.11‘.1'~ 1111111 11. \\h11~1- 111111141111 ~1'1‘1111111~ 1111 “'l‘hv R1'1‘111t
111‘ 11111111" 1111\1- ~111‘1‘1‘11 1111» 1111111111 1r11111 111.1\t '111 1‘11.1~I.





Tic: uhu—fu'u


MW MA; .1, ... .




()IilL'!‘ tid-hitx nt' gnvili Hyttiy .mti I y\yh;itt};yti \xith mttttml ittlyt'wt t‘tlltt‘yt‘ning thy
(ilitk‘l' itiytiihyt'~ «it llltl' tit“. Mttt‘} Hyi/yt‘, who ditingtti-hytl hytkyit in Nut high ‘t'ithri
it)» in tlii-I'tlliflti _lkii\ilil‘\, Anti whim- ;1ttinn~ \\yt'y .ti\\.1}\ pmphytiy ()1. thy c.11‘yyt' of A
\pnt'twutnnm, t'ytytitii ittttttgttmttti thy ‘RL'L‘PIC—khtl‘k‘ in Lyxitiytmi. \Vy ttimty Ltiyu th.1t
Mir} mmhl gyt tip in thy \mt‘hi‘ htmy ()I‘ no harm. I \\':t~ nut gt‘cdli} itz~t \igtiyti .t hing ymitt‘ayt with thy llti\yt‘ii\\ Culltit‘ Computi} tutti Kttppynhyittiyt' Comptm}. Lotti--
tiHy i- LNPy't‘Iittg ti guy-.11 li‘ytit in thy opyning (ii. “_Iti'/.‘/, BJMCSH‘ with Virginia Sht'uphit'y
.myi LttLy 'I‘tmhy‘i in thy hunting Yuk“, \Vhiyh t)}\‘t]\ tit thy (Mimi tiy\'t “'ny llttxicr thy
t.t}\ti~]y tiii'yytiuti (it; l‘iJI‘i Byt't‘i. Ami who would hti\'y thought th:tt Myhin Cll\.lttzltl}1il
\Hlttiti h.t\y t'ymhyti thy high pinmyiy (it. ~ttt‘yyw' in thy htt~ittyw \t'ttt’H .myi .11111‘wki \uyh :1
i‘UI'IUHt‘ {mm hi~ yxttxmrtiimr} hthitiy» \yittttt'y: You me hi~ ~hup ttt\y~' .lt‘y

“imithlm thttt my gr“: \mtrinm ”my-l" nil] hy thy t‘hiiti of hyt' ht‘ttitt. Lyxtyr t\n\iyr-

mt tutti i" I“. \IJI'P ttt'y t'y\i\iiig thy “ ’myL to thy litrm Mmymynt" \\hiyh lK'fdJH mm}

\LJt- N"- ’l'hy_\ ttH' }‘I‘HII‘.I)1L'I'~ mt thy Ut‘tLHti/JIiHH Limmi lly “’l‘hg (izttxiyti Citth tit

t\IHL’¥"k.ln “hwy m-H Ltimm \itlgtttt “(it'uu' :HLtt' U‘Ht gi‘yytiC‘ h.t\ hytmtiy :t h} -\\t)1’yi tht'uttgh-
HUI thy tuttttti'}. It t‘yt'tttitii} mittH h;1\y i‘L’Ctt \iiiiit'Llit in thtiw t'tti' UH~ tiny tn \'i\Ll;tii/y‘
tht hytttttit'tti t'tnL ‘uiixiyn IIHI h.t~ t'ypitttyti thy 1.1% wing of thy 0H yit} dump. Pyt'h:tp~
intt h.t\y t'tit'guttyn thy UH L"\k'~()l’L‘ Jt‘rU“ thy ~ti'yyt mt thy \ULtlit \itiy Hi. thy whim]. “I”,
tutti} it i\ «my [it tht \hmu pitta-x of thy tnwti, thtmlv [U thy ;tt-ti~tiy t‘ik'\k‘I‘HL“\' Hi» thy-y tun
tzt‘t .tt itttl‘lik tlittliitz

In thy itlitllt'tltltt‘ik'\ mt. thy LVHL‘UJJ Hiking Cottipatiy, Mutimt Ht'im‘n tutti I.y~iiy Smtt hmy
yyi't'yttyd thy tiryttm at thin' tttryyik, \\.tii\itti{ utiimtil CTJCLL'X“. Chihit‘yti my {or thym.

I)y.m l'umti umty \\ith HH t‘ttt'tittlitt whyti. in thy {IPI \iltlplk'r 0t itL'I‘ hunk, \hy ~t;tty~;
”\titi_1*\l)i>1il(' L'iiiiytkin High Sthtml h.1- hyyn \\ith<)ttt IIM‘IHiWL‘P tn whom \y mi} pumt

with I‘t‘itiy".

(th u/\' u Macaw It














«3).; 2



_ ,,__. ,, __., “Wu..." . to“. w w. ‘fla-smwv» ~ ~

{Days In U’High

Time has tiown oon to gratinatt‘.

’1‘tii>)t~;tr ot '31;
It \ccnn >‘cd that second Inilc post
And our junior did attain.

\thnc‘cr our way *L‘CIUCd weary
:\ntt dark AIPPL‘LU'CJ thc day,

Kind [CLIChCF tooL Us [3." thu hunti
.»\n\1 POiHIULi out tht- way.

Ltd on 1w t‘hccring \ithflttnf,

\Vc‘w rtuirht‘ti our Senior yun‘;
And now wu \tzind upon the hcig‘hb
And iook forward without flair.

\Vc wonth‘r it \\‘c‘]] oft recall
The plt‘nmrw :tH gonc 1w

And wi