xt7rr49g7j6v_65 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/1982ua002.dao.xml unknown 5.05 Cubic Feet 8 document boxes, 6 slim document boxes, 3 flat boxes, 2 photograph boxes 32.9 Gigabytes 142 files archival material 1982ua002 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Libraries Special Collections Research Center Collection on University of Kentucky University Training School/University High School The U-Hi-Lights annual text The U-Hi-Lights annual 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/1982ua002/Box_6/Folder_4/Multipage3142.pdf 1939 1939 1939 section false xt7rr49g7j6v_65 xt7rr49g7j6v THE






News Editor


Sports Editors

Faculty Adviser

Published by

The Senior Class
Of the University High School

Lexington, Kentucky





:\s \u- whims 1cm 1‘ l'niu'rxin High Mlitml \H‘ wuuhl lung- lhis himklvl \\'hi(h

\lumls 2n n inunnrial in mm high «howl days. In it we hmc i'vumlul Ihc llixh)”
ml our (law. \\‘(‘ haw mid of lllt‘ mum ;i(li\ili(-s in whi/ (unblm TW’H, III grim ('(l.\‘l['\‘.“

Entered in '36; Glee Club 36—37; Hi-Y 36-37—38739; Bible Study 36—37-38-39;
Social Committee 37—38-39; U-Hi Lights Staff 37-38—39; Basketball 37738—39;
Intramurals 36-37-38-39; Outing Club 36-37—38—39‘

"No .mrwm mid I/mn (Iona) i w mix a man of wort/1."

Entered '35; Hi-Y 36-37—38-139; Bible Study 36-37—38—39; Vice—President of
Junior Class; Junior Issue ‘38; U—Hi Lights Stafl 37-38—39; Associate Editor
‘37; Editor 38—39; "Superior" in State Trumpet Contest ‘36 and ’37; Senior
Issue '39; Student Government 36-37—38—39; S. A. S. G. Delegate to Dallas
'38; Editor S. A. S. G. Journal; Senior Play Cast ‘39; Orchestra 35-36-37—38—
39; Delegate to K. H. S. P. A. ’38; National Honor Society 38-39; President ‘39.

‘].\i\'E \VAN HOUSER
"(I/Hue [Jim in my lu‘ur/ 41an pay no H’H/

Entered ‘38 from Henry Clay; Outing Club 38—39; Senior Play Committee
‘39; Henry Clay Girl Reserve 37-38; Girls Gym Tournament ‘38; Sopho-
more's Girl’s Club 37-38.

l).\i\‘ MONARCH
“I am u man and Hal/ling llml umwrns 41 man (/4) I (IW’III u nm/lm
of fut/i/IUH'IHI’ I!) HIV."

Entered ’37; Bible Study 37—38—39; Glee Club 37-38; Dramatics 37-38-39:
Radio Plays 38—39






10 R S

'l ()M POOLE
"[{w‘n Mung/I wanquidu'd, /l(’ (nu/(l mfg/4w iii/l."

Entered in '36 from West Virginia; Bible Study 37—38-39: Hi—Y 37—38-39;
Outing Club 36»37-38—39; Dramatics Club 38-39; Stamp Club 36—37738; In-
tramurals 36—37-38—39; UeHi Lights Business Manager 37-38; Stage Man-
ager for Senior Play '39.

GLENN l’Rl(Il{
“i\l('n [mm m uwnrlwr, (1an I/m/ i.\ //l(’ \(‘(’(l 0/ our ,wir'nu’."

Entered in ‘30; Intramurals 37—38—39; Mixed Glee Club 37-38—39: Boys
Glee Club 37—38: Orchestra 37738—39; Hi-Y 3738—39; All State Chorus 38—39;
Assistant Basketball Manager 38-39; U-Hi Lights Staff ‘38; National Honor
Society ‘39.

”()II(“.\' nut/rm]: ii (I purl of his wirlur.”

Entered in '38 from Atlanta. Georgia; Attended Russell High School. East
Point Gar, from '29 to '33; Outing Club 38-39.

(lli.\l'l)l{ ’l Ri\l’l’
“I'll [ml ll gin/Iv (uni/ml l/u‘ (will in (or/y MIMI/m."

Entered in ‘30; Hi—Y 38A39; Glee Club 34-35—36-37—38—39: Bible Study 3637—
38-39; Lighting Manager of Senior Play ’39; President Photography Club
36-37; Mixed Chorus 36—37-38739; U—Hi Lights Staff 36—37-38-39; Junior
Issue ‘38; National Honor Society ‘39,

:Vl‘LliIC \\'ILS()X
“,4/1, 1211’, how tum/r (I l/Iiug {lu' /I(‘(H'/ of a woman Ls."
Entered ‘34; Bible Study 37—38—39: Hi—Y 36-37—38439; Outing Club 36—37—38-
39; U—Club 37-38-39; Basketball 37-38739; Tennis 37-38; Dramatic Club
38739; Senior Play Cast '39; U-Hi Lights Staff 36—37—38—139; National Honor

Society 38-39; Junior Issue ‘38; Intramurals 36—37-38-39; District Tourna—
ment 37-38-39; Regional Tournament 38—39.

“.S'lzw mamas u gnrldms um! [rm/m u (/Ilw’n."

Entered ‘37 from Wilmore; Girl Reserves 37-38—39; Outing Club 37—38-39.



Baek in 1933 se\en membets of the presettt Senior
('lass entered the seventh grade. These were (latherine
Hall. l)i('k Hord.
Bobb} (Jourtnev. Rov (loons. and ~[ohn Harrison.

(Iooper. ‘lane Magruder. Sontn

'l'he sehool was. b) this time. three tears after its
tonstruetion. seldom called the (‘itv dtunp atid was
beginning to be (‘alled l'-Hi rather than the 'liraining
Sthoof. Those who had not been on the elementar)
side ltad to beeome aeeustomed to the e\er present
prattiee tea(her. Miss Shipntan. who taught us all
subieets exeept seienee. managed to get in some point
ers on how to aet as high sehool students. The rest
:;f her tinte was ot't'upied in telling tis wild tales abottt
Arkansas. The (iirl Reserves gave a grand earnival
in the gym dttring this first vear in junior high. Bible
studt was first undertaken as a wail} projeet bttt it
was not offered to the bovs until the} reaehed the
l’reshman grade. Miss Parker was musi( direetor for
the first semester. bttt ill health l'oreed the duties of
Mid-tear marked the entranee of Miss (Ioleman to

tlttlsle dire(tor and orehestra ttpon Friedman.

the position held b} Mrs. (Lilb.

s(hool had been beautified outside but still there was

The next fall we returned as eighth graders.

not a sign of a football stadium or tennis ('ourts.
“Don‘t" (‘onvoeations were the vogtte. .\tlee \\'ilson
and (lharfes Harris Mi(hler (ante to its that }ear. .r\t»
lee still seems to la\or the eighth grade. Miss Morse
beeame ottr new musit direetor and Mr. (lapurso the
orthestra leader. The attraetion to the glee elub was
strong in the ~lunior High (lass bttt that has greatlv
(lharles Miehler added to
our prestige bv plating in the orehestra. The probletn
of selling ('okes in the

(hanged in Senior high.

(‘afeteria was at its prime that

()ur debut as lreshmen marked the end of football
as at] interseholastie sport. Matbe we were a (liseoutv
aging sight: manv of ottr eighth grade bots had gone
plate of those that left tts. Glenn Mohnet returned to

awat to sehool. However. others (ame to the
[7-Hi alter an absenee of three rears. Tom l’oole
hailed ill from \\'est Virginia and entertained all b3
telling of the merits of that state. Between semesters
latk l)rumnr\ dropped in on its from Morton. He
had deeided that he must pass that ninth grade some-
war and was going to give ['-Hi a trial. He evidentb
liked it.
[\ear—lfff’fl. to take the plate of Mr Cravton. Tennis,

Mr. \\‘illiants betame ottr new direetor this

golf». and ping-pong found manv followers. The fresh-
niati l.atin (lass gave a formal Latin (llllnt‘f‘fll mat

have been formal in Roman da_\s bttt the mantier of
eating would hardl} pass as formal todav. During this
freshman tear we did not have a student (t)llll('ll or
soeial (1111). but instead a eonvoeation eommittee and
a soeial tommittee. whieh held two open houses. Three
new members were added to ottr fatults: Miss Top;
ham. senior l"ren(h instrttttor; Miss Herman. better
known now as Mrs. Miller. for dramaties. debating
and forensi( work. not to mention the linglish (lasses
she now teaehes: and Miss \\'illiamson it) Home EU)-

nomies who took the place of Miss Rogers.

()ur entrante to the Sophomore elass found tts with
“”1,‘ three girls in the (lass. This was a big difl'erenee
and a disappointment frotn the vear before when the
font Moodv. Riehard

Daniels. and Lee Hanks (ante to its that tear. l.ee

girls outnumbered the bo_\s.

Hanks had been iii the grade before bttt had deeided
to 11‘) old Morton for a while. 'l‘om kept us amused
dttring the first hour of eaelt (lav bv gi\ing its a review
of his ten-minute trips from Ni(liolasville. Rithard
won admiration bv his athletie abiltt. espetiall} in
toueh football. Sonnv Hall. ~]a(k Drummv. and Rielr
aid Daniel honottred ottr (lass on the basketball floor
l'nder the direetion of ottr home~rome teaeher. Miss

proposed a home-room strike. but at the last ininttte

\\'est. we had several enjovable pituies. we
the idea blew up. ()uting (lub was started dttring this
tear under the able leadership of Bernie Shivelvi
”Shire" as he is better known. Shiveb also organi/ed
a soft ball team during our sophomore tear but it
was not till this vear (lflfiff) that it has beeen able to
win a game. Midi/war brought to our s(l1()()l Mr.
Ben: we now wonder how the .s(‘lto()f got along for
so mam tears without him. .\ndre (.\. J.) Meyer also
knowledge of mathemati(s and seienee was equaled

tame to us at this time. He hailed from Detroit.

onl} b) his love of women and Fords. \ot fair things
to rate together as Miss l’eek might sat. ('\\'omen and

()ur next advantement was to the rank of juniors.
This was a rear of great arguments and important
Frames \Villiams. Kav Bo_\d. and Harold
tame the S(‘(t)11(l semester from Stamping Ground. It


latln'eni were the new additions to ottr (lass.

was during this war that the Hi—Y through the great
work of its treasurer. Bob (lourtnev. raised one huni
dred dollars whieh it gave to the fund for a new Hi-Y

building. ()r as some might like to pttt it: .4 Hi-Y
building. The Girl Reserves entertained the lIi-Y

with a big banquet dttring the tear. (ilenn Mohne}



beeame assoeiate editor ol l.'-Hi Lights. and Sonny
Hall. assistant sports editor. ’1 lie Senior girls were tlte
big attraetion to ottr boys tltis year.

During tlte seeond semester ol' our junior year we
argued (luting tttany hotne~room periods oyer tlte
preeedettt ol tlte ‘lunior l’rom and tlte Junior-Senior
banquet. Mr. Ketnper maintained tltat it was otte ol‘
those tltittgs lltat iust had to be. but lte ltad a ltard
tinte makittg Us admit tltat it was trite. utttil alter tlte
allaits were oyer. ililtis se