xt7rr49g7j6v_66 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/1982ua002.dao.xml unknown 5.05 Cubic Feet 8 document boxes, 6 slim document boxes, 3 flat boxes, 2 photograph boxes 32.9 Gigabytes 142 files archival material 1982ua002 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Libraries Special Collections Research Center Collection on University of Kentucky University Training School/University High School The U-Hi-Lights annual text The U-Hi-Lights annual 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/1982ua002/Box_6/Folder_5/Item_1/Multipage3167.pdf 1942 1942 1942 section false xt7rr49g7j6v_66 xt7rr49g7j6v The
U-lli Lights





News Editor

Sports Editors


Faculty Adviser

Published by

The Senior Class
Of the University High School

Lexington, Kentucky




I. I). \\'lLLIA.\IS
Dirm for


This senior (lass is the first to haw completed
all of the grades from the first through the
twelfth in the University School, l’ourteen of
the graduating class were among the twenty-
seyen who entered the first grade in the fall of
W30. The graduating (lass now has f'ortyione
members. The newer members haye made a
worthy contribution to the group.

The Uniyersity school is prottd of these young
people. \Ve are expetting each of them to make
their full (‘ontribution to our 50(‘l21l order.
whether it be in war or peace. They are intel-
ligent, eo-operati\e. and flare the good sense
and ability to fate reality squarely.

The bonds of friendship and fellowship are
strong among these seniors. Sharing in work
and play, enjoyment and sorrow. suet'ess and
failure. has welded them together as only (lose
school ties (an.

To the seniors, the University St‘hool wishes
for each of you happiness and sueeess in a full
life of helpfulness. Striye diligently to main-
tain the friendships made during your years at
University Sehool. The sehool will always stand
by you and help you. (Iome batk to see tts

I. l). \\'tt.I,I.\.\is



S("t"(‘)If/I Grade

Typing (IIIIf Short/mull

\A'. l\ BRIGGS
Spear/I (imf Drama/it's

I. 1.. KEI‘TER
C/Ientislr)’ (im/ .\[(ff/I(’}I](lff('5

LUCY G. \\V()()l)
11/; mriu H


l). (I. KEMI’ER
.S'('f('n(‘e and Com/I


Home 1ft UNUI/Ift‘S

[Jig/Ill; (Hm/e

F)'(’H(/l and Spanish








10 R S

JESSE ;\l).\.\lS
“Know/edge will no! he (((‘Iliiireil zei/lmu/ [Nil-71.1 and (I/z/i/iiu/irms,"

linlered 1'rorn lilenienlur) Si’lrool: .\ll Smie ()leeslrzi 11). ll: [11“ ()HllCN‘Il‘él
39. 19. ll. 12: l‘rHi .\Ii\e(l (.lee (11111) .‘49. 10. ll. 12: .\ll Slzue (lliorlh 1(1, 11:
Hi»\' 39. 10. 11.2; I'AHi Liglrlx 11). ll. 12 llll\l\('ll)llll "ll" l'ernn 39. 111. ll. 12:
Senior l’l;i_\ (km 12: SImlenI (;o\ernnrenl 39. 11), 12: lnlrmnurnls 39. 111. 11. 12:
(‘ello Solo in .\lu\i(' (Ionlesl 1(1: ()uIingr (ilul) 39. 19. 11: Bow (.lee (Zlul) 39. 111.
H: .Slring Quurlel 39. 1(1. 11.

lili’li'l‘li .\N\ ALLEN
“The more [he mien/s, l/l(’ more they (lie (l('rr('/o/)e(l."

linleleil lioni \lorlon in 1939: (-lee (11111) .‘59. 111: Rutlio Mars 11. 12: .\l;1~(1ue;rn(l
(lmel 12: l"orensir Speech 'l'ournunreni 12: l’ronlpler l’or Senior Ma} 12: (-irl
Resenes 39. 11). 11. 12: ()uling (Zlul) 39. 11: l'-Hi Lights Slull 12: \uiionnl [)1l11lL’
Review 39.

STEVE B;\N.\H.\\
“Be (Iluwys merry (IS mmr you (all for no one (Iv/ig/I/s in a
.s‘orrou'fu/ man."

linlered 1101]]51,.l()\Cl)lll\ l’rep Seliool in l91l: leio l’l;r\~ H: Hir\ (llul) ll. 12:
Stage (Ireu lor Senior Play 12,

“Hm/)i/(I/I'ly I llmv’ [oi/nil (1.8' universal (15 1111' [aw of man."

linlereil 1101]] lileinenlzn') Si’liool: Sliulenl (.o\ernnienl 315'. 39: Seerelun 39:
['rHi Liglns S.;rll .‘lh‘. 39. 11). 1|: liegnure liililor 12: ,\I;rr(li (.rux (lourl 39. ll:
l‘renrli (ilul) (Zlizlrler \Ieinl)er 38: (vlee (llul) 35‘. 319. 111: \zuionall Honor Soiielr
1]. 12: lnllmnurulx \'i(e President 11). 1|: l‘rexidenl H. 12: (.irl Rewnes‘ 3H. 39.
19, 11: 'l reuxurei 39: \'i(’e l’esnlenl 11): Setlelul) ol’ Senior (lluss 12: Senior l’lzn
(oslunies 12‘ ()uling (Ilul) 19: Speerli (Ilul) .‘19. 111: junior Ixxue H: Senior Issue
12: Soeiul (Ionnniliee 11). H: Bible Stud} 12.

“Charm/m", i/ml divine gill {/ml Hut/H’s a ZUUHHIII r/I/Irmingu”

linlereil lroni lilenienlur) S(’hoo|: lnlrulnuruls SS. 39. 11). H. 12: l'»lli Liglr‘u
Stall 31S. 39. 1(1: l’eunn‘e li(lilor 1]. 12: Delegate Io Slrulenl lmiilule o1 \2nionzrl
(.o\er1nnenl 12: Social (lonnnilee 38. 319. 11). H. 12‘ (;irl~ (-lee (llul) 35’. 39. 11).
ll. 12: Mixed (.lee (Ilul) 35'. 39: Sure .\lu~'i(‘(1on1ex1 :18. 39. 111. 1]: Reprex‘enluliw
ol~ l’ormer Queen of .\I;n'(li (.rus 39. 11). H. 12: l’residenl ol (ilas‘x 38, 39' Viee
President ()1 (Ilzrss 39. 10. H. 12; ’l'reiuurer of (Zl;1s< 11. 12: Speeeli (Zlul) 111. H:
()uling (ilul) 39. 11). 11.12: \'iee l’re\i(lenl o1 ()uiinffir (Zlul) H. 12: Repl‘es‘enlzuhe
lo Queen Bee Dame 39‘. Girl Rescues 39. 10. H. 12: _]unior ISsue 1l: Senior
Issue 12: Senior l’lu) (Inst 12: :\llen(l;1nl lo Prom Queen 11: l’roin Queen 12‘.
Bible Sluil) ll. 12: ’lennis Sports Manager in Inlrunulruls 10. 1|.

“None [ml (/11) wise man ((121 employ leixurw Ive/i.”

Iiniereil 1'ronr Irul’urelle ll. 12: Businexx‘ Manager for l'rlli Liglnx 12: Sel De»
signer [or Senior Hz!) 12: Senior Issue 12 Rzulio l’lnw H. 12: l)r;un;ili(s H. 12.


“xl [ill/e nonsense note and l/H’II is relished by l/H‘ l)(‘.§‘l of ”MN."

lintered l’rom Le\ington Junior High in 38: junior High Basketball 38. 39:
L-Hi Lights Stall ll, 12: InLraIuttrals 38. 39. ll): \'arsit\ Basketball ll), ll, 12:
HiA' l0. ll: Attendant to Prom Queen ll: Senior Plat Stage (lien 12: l'—(I|nb
ll. l2: Outingr (11th 35‘, 39, ll). ll: President Speet'h (Ilttb l9; (.lee (Ilub 39. ll):
Radio Play l2: Bible Stud) 12: "B” learn Basketball 39. ill: .\lar(li (.t‘as (lourt ll).

“Folly and learning oft (law/l loge/law."

lintered I'roni lilenieniar) St'hool: lntratnurals 38. 39: L-Hi Lights 39. ll): Asso-
(‘iate Editor ll. l2: Basketball. "B” learn 39, ll). \ learn ll. l2: Student (im-
erntnent it). ll: Delegate to Southern Assot’iation of Student (-m‘ernntent ll). ll;
Social (Ioniinitlee 39. 19. ll. I2: HiA' 38. 39. 10. ll: (llass President ll: Masque
and (La\el l0. ll. l2: Senior Ma) 42: Outing (11th 39. IO. ll 12: l’roui Attendant
l2: Radio l’la)s l2: l'iClth ll. l2: .\lar(li (iras Attendant ll. l2: Speet’h (1|th
ll: Bible Sttuh ll. l2.

“Be good, (lo good, and you will be happy."

Entered lroni Elementary St’hool‘ L-Hi Lights Stall 33. 39. HI. ll. l2: Mardi
(iras (Iourt 39. l2: l’rent’h (ilnb 38. 39. ll). ll. I2: (iirls (ilee (llub 38. 39, ll]. ll.
l2: ()irls ’l‘rio l9. ll l2: All Slate (ihortts ll. l2: (.irls lutrannn'als 33. 39. lo.
ll. l2: (iirl Rescues 38. 39, ll). ll: Radio Plats ll. l2: Secretan ol lireslunan
(Ilass 38. 39: Senior Plat Pub|i19. ll, l2: Attendant to Prom Queen ll. 12: l'rlli Lights Stall l2: (éirl Reser\es‘
3:3. 39, Ill. ll. l2: Modern Dance Re\ue 12: Senior I’la} Properties l2: Set‘retan
of lntraluttrals ll; Outing,r (11th 38, 39‘ It). Il. l2: Senior Issue l2: Speet'h (2|th
ll: Drainaties l2: Bible Stuth 12: l'-(llub l2.









“:1 man's ()(‘Sl friends are 1115 [(‘)1 fingers."
Entered from \Vithrow High St'hool. (lineinnati: .\s.’ ' ant business manager ol '
Senior Play 12: Hi-Y 12.
“/1 [hing of [manly is (1 joy forever”
Entered from Elementary Sehool: Glee (21111) 31S. '19. 111. ll. 12: ()uting (11111) 38.
39.110, I11. 12: Girl Reseru‘s 31",. 39. 11). 11. 12: Bible Study 12: 111:1'am11rals 38.
39, ~10, '11. ~12; .\1ardi Gras (lollrt 10: Queen 111. .\1ardi Gras 12: l'AHi Lights Stall
39, >10, 41. 12: Senior l’la) 12: Speed) (11111) 311. 11): ,\tten(lant to junior Prom
Queen '11. 12: junior Issue 11: Senior Issue 12: \'i(’e President (11 Senior Class 12:
French (11111) 38. (Iharter .\lenlber.
“Politeness goes far, yr! (0.11.; nolliiizg‘." .

Entered from .\sl1land Sehool: H11 39. 11). 11. 12: President ()1 H171 12' Delegale

to HLY Congress 11: President ()1 Student G1)\ernn1ent 11. 12: Social (Iommittee

>11). 1'11; Golf 'l‘eam 39. 10.111. 12: ()111111g(llul)f19. 111. 11. 12: junior High Basket»

hall Team 5’ 39: .\s 1stant Sports Editor 11. 12: I'iHi Lights Stall' 1(1. 11. 12: 9
Senior l’la) (ias‘t 12: Radio Plays 12: Member ()1 Y. .\1. (I, 1\. Leadership Corps:
Bible Stud\' 39. 11). 11. 12: Member ()1 Hole In 0111' (1111b: 1'-(1111|) 11. 12: junior
Issue ()1' 177111 Lights 11: Senior Issue of l'rHi Lights 12.


“U’lio S/)(’(I/((’[]l kind words [ml/1 many friends."
Entered from \Vithrou' High .St’hool. (Iineinnati: Glee (11111) 11. 12: Senior l’la)
Stage (Irew 12: Dramatits 11, 12: Intramurals 11. 12: Girl Reseru‘s 11. 12‘ Radio
Plays 42.


“A lung/1 is worth (1 hundred groans in any market.”
Entered from Withrou' High School. (lineinnati: Glee (11111) 711. 12: Intramurals
>11, 42: Dramatit's 11. 12: Senior I’lay (last 12: 1). .\. R. .\u'ard 12: junior Legis-
lature 112; Masque and Gmel 12: Girl Resenes 11.12: Radio Plays 12‘

“A bird is known by its note and (1 woman by 1161‘ 111/11."

Entered from Long‘ Beach. California: Freud) (1111!) 111. 11 .\lasqne and Gavel 11,

12‘ \Vashington Trip 11: Speeeh (31111) 11: Radio Plays 11. 12: l'-Hi Lights Stalf .
'10. 111,112: Girl Resenes 11). 11: ()uting (11111) 111. 11. 12: .\1ardi (.ras Court 11;

Senior I’lay Cast 712: Bible Study 12.


“The .s‘m'ret of sunwss is ('mtslnnr'y In purpose."

Entered in se\enth grade: Student (.mel'ntnent 38. 39. 111: (ilee (Iluh 38, 39,
111: Girl Rescues 3:4. 39, 10. 11: Girl Resenex Set‘l'etzn'} 10: ()uting (lluh 39,
111. 11: Senior l’ln) (lust 12; Senior Plan Make 1'1) 10: MHN'QUC and Gavel 11:
National Honor Sot‘iet} >11. 12; Speech (lontext 11: l'-Hi Lights 51211139. '10, 11,
12: Social liditor 10: Fditor In (lhief 11: K..\.S.l’..\. 1(1. 11: Inter School Smdent
Council 10.

“The learned man has always ”Thus in himself."

lantered {loin jenkinx‘ High St’hool in 11: St'ienee Hedzt! :tt ‘Ienkins High '11;
l'-Hi Lights Stuff 11. 12.

“Every day ix not (1 holiday."

Fntered I’ront lilententtn'} St'hool: Student (.o\ern|nent 311. 11): HH" 39. 10‘
1L 12: ()uiing (Ilul) 351. 10. 1|. 12: Hi-\' (Zonierence Delegate 11: Basketball
"B" Team 111. 11: {5}“ Lith Stu“ 1L 12: Business Manager of Senior l’lm
12: (.Iee (Iluh 38. 311. 1(1: Frent'h (Iltth 111. 11: Frent'h l’hn 1(1. 11. 2; Mardi
(1111s (lotn't 311. 1(1. 11. 12. I

“Knowledge is its own reward”

lintered l'rotn Fletnentzn'} School: Frent'h (11111) 35‘. 311. 11). 11. 12: [311i Lights
512111 39. 1(1. 11. 12: Senior 1’12!) (last 12: Glee (Iluh 38. 39. 11’). 11. 12: National
Honor Sot'iet} 12: National Musit’ Fesiirttl 38. 3111. 10. 11. 12: .\1[ State (lourt
11: Radio Plays 11. 12: Outing (iluh 351. 111. H. 12: (:irl Rescues iii). v10: (.‘irls~
Trio 11. 12: Mitrdi (11m (Iourt 12.


“In trouble I!) be l1'()1([)/(’([ is to have your [1'()II{)/(’.S‘ doubled."

lintered in 1938: (1ir1 Rescues 38, 351. 11). 1|: .\1:n‘di (Qrus Attendant; Outing
(lhth 38. 39. 1(1. 11. >12.

“x1 little spar/c kirnlltfls‘ a great fire."

lintered from Hinnilton: (Elms Setretur) in 39: 'l reusurer in 11); Student (ion
ernment 11. 12: Set‘rettn') ol' fitudent (.oVernment 1|: Vite President of Student
Gmerntnenl 12: Delegate to S..\.S.(}. (Iom‘ention 12: National Honor Sot‘iet}
12: Fremh (llnh 39. 11). 1L 12: President French (Iluh: Intmntnrulx 39, '10, 11.
12: Set'retun Girls' Intrunnn'ulx‘ 12: Hindi (mix Queen 11): (in! Res‘enes 39,
10. 11. 12: '.\1i\etl Glee (fluh 311, 11). 11: Stine Musit‘ (lontext 311, 10. 1|, 12:
Outing (Iluh 39. 11). 11. >12: l'-Hi Lights Stud. 10, 11. 12: Senior Issue 12:
French 1’];t_\~‘ 11. 12: (lheerlezider 11. 12: (5(31111) 12: .\ttend;in. junior Prom
Queen 12.


 10 R S

“Jill/)HUHI. //l()1l [11111111111] .1our1 (1 of good or 1H."

1‘11111‘11‘11 1111111 l,1'|1;1111111 1113.111 911111111. 1,1'1111111111. 111111;111;1: Romlch (111111 \11~11111
:11 1111111111111: Hir\ (211111 :11 1111111111111.

“x1 sing/1' 1111‘] [S 1111111]; 11 .1111/1/11111/ of(11"3‘111111’11/1."

1111101111 11'11111 11.111111'111- 1n 11.1111: 011111;; (‘11111 111. 11: 80111111 1’1;1\ (.11x1 11: R1111111
Plum 111. 11. 12: 11111‘;111111r:11~ 111. 11. 12: 111% (.11111 111. 11. 12: [3111 I.1f_{11.\
\12111 12; 8111111311 1121111 111. 11. 12.

“131' /ru(' loyour11111111,1111(1‘11'111‘/.', (1111/ your 11'11'1111."

15.1111'1’1'11 1111111 l".11‘1111'111111'\ \1‘1111111: (.11'1~ (.111 (111111 215‘. 351. 111. 11. 12: \12111'
.\I11~11' (71111101 111. 11: (.111 R1-s1‘1‘\1'\ I18. 2111. 111. 11. 12: 51111111 (‘11111 111. 11:
[5111 1.111111% \1;11l' 111. 11. 12: l"\1*111111g1' 11111111 11. 12: 111111111 15x111' 11: \1‘111111
[$110 12: 011.111}; (111111 111. 11: 111111111111“ 11. 12: \1;1~11111‘ 111111 (-.1\1*| 11. 12‘
\;1111111211 111111111 \11111‘1\ 12: 11.111111 S1111\ 12: \11111111 1’1.1\ (l;1\l 12' R2111i11 1’1;1\\'
11. 12.

M.\R\' 1’1E'I‘H .\111’.\R1..\N1)
“Tl/1’ (nu/fous1111111111 (’1 1'."

1511101111 1111111 15101111111111} 511111111: (.111 (.11111 35'. 7111. 111. 11. 12: 0111111521 (‘11111
111. 11: (1111 RC~1‘1\1\31\'. $11.1. 111. 11. 12: 1111111' \11111\ 12: 15111 1.12311“ 11. 12:
11111111111118 11. 12: 81111111 1’1;1\ 2: (.111 (11111 f111. 111. 11. 12: 111111111 [“110 11:
R111111) l’1;1}> 11. 12.

“.111111 1.1 ((11 (1111111111 [/1111 (NU/:8 his 1"1'1/1111/.s-"

17.1111‘1‘0111’1‘11111 chn (1211: [1111 1.1g11lx 811111 11. 12: 1’11‘x1111‘111 (11 01111111; (.1111)
11. 12: Senior 1’1111 (221x! 12: H14 111. 11: 1111101111111 111. 11. 12: \1111111111 111. 11.
12: 1511110 511111} 12: .\111'11(121111 I11 1’1'11111 (111111-11 11: \111111’111 (111\(*1111111'111 11. 12:
Raprcscnlznnc 111 \.\.S.(.. 111 .\I(*111]1111~' 12.

MARY E. 1’.\'I"I‘ERS()N
"S/u' [1111/ (1116 luxury of 1loinggoo11."

1‘11111’1'1'11 1111111 11111'1‘1\ 811111111 1111' (.1119. ,\Ii;11111. 13111.: (.100 (311111 11. 12: (.111
Rcsm'x'cs 11. 12: R111111> Plum 12: H111111r 811111-11: (l11xl111111'x‘ 1111‘ 80111111 1’1;1\.



“He holds llu’ [(ts'lrr's lute in jeslt‘fs hands."

Outing,r Club 11. 12: Hi-\' ll.

“jeslm's (I!) of! [)mm' prop/leis."

I‘Znteretl lront Russell (Zine Stimul: Basketball 11. 12: (laptain 01’ Basketball
’I'eant 12: Soltball ’I'eatn 39, 19. 11. 12: .\Iardi (.ra\(10urt 1|; .\ttendant t0
Junior Prom Queen 11, 12: HiiY 19, 11: Radio I’la) 12: Senior Plat (last 12:
()lllillg‘ (llnb 39. 11). ll. 12: lntramuralx‘ 39. 11). 11. 12: Bible Stutb 12: Speetb
(ilub 12: Drainatin 12: 15(11th 1]. 12.

“By work you gel money, by lull: you get know/edge.”

lintered 1min lileinentart Srbtml: Student (-()\ernntent 31". 39. 19. ll: President
01' I’resbntan (Ilav 39: Varsit} Basketball 11: ()rt'bextra 38. 39. 10: State Musit‘
(Iontest 3h“ 39. 10: Inirantnrals 11). 11. 12: Asx‘istant Spurs liditor 11; Sports
Iiditor 12: Glee (11th 39. 10.

“Ala/w /I(I)‘ Zl‘III/l‘ the sun shines."

lintered I'rmn lilementan Stimul: l'rHi Lights Stall 10: lntranturals 38, 39, 10:
Baxketball H. 12: HivY (Ilnb 39. >11). 1]. 12; Attendant t0 Prom Queen ll. 12:
Senior I’|a\ Stage (Zreu 12; [3(1lnb 11. ~12: ()uing’ (Ilttb 3H, 39. 10. 1|. 12; “B"
Team 11): Junior High Team 38. 39: Radiu Maw 12‘

“Friends/tip, the wider if grows the .s‘lrmtgr'r il is."

ICntered l'runi I‘Zlententar} Sebool; Senior l’lat Make ('1) 12: Girls Glee (11th
35S. 39. 11). 11: Mixed Glee (Ilttb 38. 39. >19. 1]: I'-Ili ()rt’bestra 38. 39. 11),
II. 12: Intratntlrals 38. 39. 11]. ll. 12: Girl Resenes BS, 39. 10. 1]. 12: Student
Gmernrnent 3S: ()ttting (th1b 38. 39. 111. ll. 12: Sorial (Ionnnittee for Girl
Rexcnes fl Drantatirs 12; Radin l’lau~ 1|, 12: (Zaptain 01. Girl Reserves
Basketball l'eant 11‘ 12: (ibeerleader 12: Manager (ll Basketball Ill1l':lll]lll'tll\'2
\Iodern Dance 12‘



“Though wmquis/u'd he would argue .s/i/l."


Iintered 1min Elementary Seltou]: Intratnnra|~ 3?“. 39: Satial (Ionnnittee 39. 10:
Hi—\' (Ilub ll. 12: Masque and Ga\e1 12: Radio Plays 11. 12: Senior I’Ia) 12,








10 R S

“Silrmiess is (1 good/y quality."

Entered 110111 lilelnentart Sehool: (.irls (ilee (11111) .‘111. 1(1. 11: \li\ed (.lee (1111b
3!): Outing (11111) .‘19. 11). 11. 12: (.irl Resetwes 12: Radio Plays 12: l'-Hi Lights
Stall ’10, ‘11. 12: Literar} laditor 11. 12: lntralnttrals 39. 111. 11. 12: Riding
Manager 12: Masque and (éarel 12: .\ssistant Direttor 01 Seniot Plat 12.

“In my 011m (113‘ my )I(IHI(’, in (l Atrungr (My my (’[UHH‘S [)i‘m'nre
my 1‘('s/)t'('!-"

lititered from Hamilton: Stttdent (i()\('1'lllll(fl1 11. 12: (-lee (11111) 38. 39. 10. 11.
12: Mixed (.1ee (11111) 35‘. 311. 10: (‘yirl Reserves f’m'. 39. 1(1. 11. 12: Outing (11111)
10. ‘11, 42: Senior 1’1111 Stage Crew ‘10. 11. 12: l'»Hi Lights 351. 1(1. 11. 12: Senior
Play (last ‘12: lntramnrals 38. 311. 10. 11. 12: Bible Stud} 12: .\la1'di (.ras (101111
11: lt‘renrh (21111) 39. 11), 11. 12: Secretan 11). 11: ~[unior lsstte: Senior Issue:
Speech (11111) 39. 111. 11: State Music 38. 519, 10. 11.

“Honey (Iii/)1 from her (awry word."

lintered 110111 lilenientar} School: (.lee (11111) SH. 351. 11). 11. 12: 0111ng (.1111)
11). 111(111‘1 ]{ese1'\esf18.fl9. 11). 11. 12: Bible .Stttdt 12: l'-Hi Lights 11). 11. 12:
Senior Play (last 12: (ilee (1111b (Ionlests fill. 11). 11. 12: (iirls‘ 1110 12: .\11 State
(Ihortts "12; Junior Issue, 11: Radio Plays 11. 12.

SAM \\':\(£ERS
”/15 merry (1.1' (1 ("tn/1’11”

l‘intered l'rtnn Morton in 111111 grade: "B" teain Basketball 39. 111: ()11111g (llttl)
>10, 41: President ()1 Senior (Ilass 11. 12: Radio Plays 12: Attendant to Protn
Queen 111, 12: Senior Play (iast 12: 11171 11. 12‘ Basketball 12: 11(111111 12:
lntramurals 11). 11. 12: \Iardi (;ras (Iottrt 11: 1311i Lights Stall 11.

“A ('lzeerful muntmmnre beta/tens (1 gum] Imam."

Entered from .Sa\re Sthool in 7th grade: (ilee (21111) 35‘, 311, 10. 11: .\li\ed (.1ee
(11111) 38. 39. 10; Ottting (.1111) 3x. 391 11). 11. 12: (iirl Resenes 31S. fill. 11). 11. 12:
President 11. 12: Delegate to (iirl Resene (Ionl'erent‘e 11: Radio P1;1\s 12:
111te1>(11111) (Touneil Member 11. 12: [311i Lights Stall 39, 111. 11. 12: Junior
Issue '11: Senior lsstte 12; Speed] (11111) 111: Senior P1211 Property Manager 12:
Dranutiies (11111) 11. ~12: Intratnttrals T18. .‘19. 111. 11. 12: \‘ite President 12:
\Vinner of Intratnttral Pin 11: Bible Stttdt 12.





“I was in first grade once!"

”\Vere you? Tell us about it."

”\Vell. it was this way—in 1930 the Uniyersity of
Kentucky decided to change the city dump into a
school. I entered first grade. and there I fouttd
Marnie (MAYBELLE. as she was called in them tltar
days) in tears becattse slte had forgotten her tuition.
Among those gathered about her were E\\'Il\'(;
ELLEN TAYLOR. After a year spent trying to
teach NANCY how to hop and skip. the group was
protnoted to second grade.

\Ye were joined there by a qttiet little towhead
natned SAMMY HUEY. It was at this tender and
innocent age that we first tasted the bitterness of dis-
illusiontnettt—I)OROTHY told us there was no
Santa Claus.

In the third grade, an addition to our group was
another blondil)ICK SHELY. Also, our classroom
was on the second floor, which tnade us feel quite
grown up. Some of our Capering Casanoyas dey‘el-
oped their now famous techniques through our stttdy
of the ways. wiles. attd woos of the cayenten!

In fourth grade. JEANNE BUREAU skipped ittto
our grade (literally) attd I’ATSY left us for a time.
As part of our study of Kentucky history, we tnade
bayberry candles and took a trip to Fort Harrodsburg.

[MILDRED MOORE came to be with us in fifth
grade. The tnost memorable event of that year was
our super-colossal production of Peter Pan. \Ye
studied the T. Y. A. in this grade. (FRANKLIN
please note.)

MARNIE left us at the end of this year but
REEI) entered to help make, up for the loss. The class
put on a play about Dr. Doolittle attd had a grand
titne being animals. (Remember the I’ushmepull-
you?) Our first steps in journalism were attempted
when we traditionally put out the S/ty‘utriler.

The day of our graduation from Elementary—a
big ment in ottr young liy'es—found its all dressed
up in white clothes. eyen the unconyentional BILL

On entering sey'enth grade our erstwhile sophisti-
cation left us!we were the youngest tnembers of that
bewildering chaos called high school! I’ATSY SHELY
reentered attd we gained four new people: (".RACIE


BILLY entered about a month late he caused quite
a bit of curious speculation as to what lte would be
like. Luckily. we weren't at all disappointed wltett
he finally put iii an appearance.

Our second year in junior high school brought
left us the laughable memory of Mr. Bet/7s home
room. Mr. Bell was new to the school attd he con~
sidered 11s the worst bunch of little deyils with whom
he had eyer cotne in contact. Before he left to sery e
I'ncle Satn this spring Mr. Ben amused tts with seyv
eral stories about our cotttluct as eighth graders. Once
he attempted out-andiout bribery. At Christmas he
was about to present each member of the class with
a Clark bar (paid ady.) when one skeptic drawled.
“\Yltat's’a matter} They got worms itt 'em?" \Yhile
Mr. Bell was patiently trying to etttlure his ‘roontful
of hoodlums‘. NANCY ELLEN was haying a big titne
itt Europe. but she was with us again the next year.

As friy'olous l’reshies. we began to get a little bit
used to the ways of the sophistocated Settiors. BETTE
as newcomers that year attd MARNIE cattle back
again. During the second semester we were initiated
into (lirl Reseryes, Hi-Y. and Outing Club. On the
first meeting of Outing Club, which was out at Dick
Hord's fartn. they made us walk three miles for our

and SAMMY \\'ACERS were new additions to our
class of silly Sophomores and MARNIE left again.
Our Sophomore Spring Swing was the big accomplish-
ment of the season. Seyeral of its became reporters
on the staff of the U-Hl LIGHTS. Others became
members of the senior high Glee Club. the basketball
team, and other school organizations. \\'e really bt»
gan to take a part in the attiyities and to feel 1r
though we belonged to the school.

As iiying ‘Iuniors we again had Mr. Bet/ as home
rootn teacher. attd BOB MOLER entered lrotn La,
fayette. Our dratnatics. English. and biology classes
took a trip to Cincinnati. where we \‘isited the Zoo
and saw Katherine Hepburn in “Philadelphia Story."
The year catne to a climax in the spring when we
gaye our ~IunioraSenior Banquet and l’rom. attd two
of our members made National Honor Society:
BETTY A N N E (L l N O CC H l O and BELI'Y
BRO\\'l\'. A new honorary speech society. Masque
attd (layel. was brought to l'il'li. and in May. BETTY
ANNE CINOCCIIIO. MARY _].\NE (;\l.l..\lll’.R.

ICU/[lowed on I’rlgc Seventeen)




By 5\oot>t.kyt.\.\

()nee more. and for the last titne. we take up our
quill and stroll to put down the aetiyities around
L'niyersity High (and outside too) of you ladies (Pi)
and gentlemen (P). The span of a sehool year has
tome and gone onee more and we shall return no
thought of our unit whieh has for twely‘e years re,

more to rotnp misehiey'ously through the halls.

mained solid and whole, suddenly breaking into its
(omponent parts. makes us wish we had it all to do
Not that
summary of

we‘d haye it (liflerent!


over again.

may they (’ontinue to always haye as tnueh fun as


our Seniors' aetiyities and
they hay'e had this past year.

Miss Brown and Mr. Buekley seem to haye strayed
from the beaten traek that they had set for them~
sely'es at the beginning of the year. This allair should
months when “Hi" returns and Miss (Ihandler shines

reaeh a definite eonelusion during summer
forth with a swimming pool in her batikyard!!

Maybe our new friend. Fred Miller, doesn’t go for
our Southern ways '(‘ause though the gals haye tried
hard, he hasn't giyen any of them a tumble. Hare
you a girl baek home in Indiana, Fred?

Bill (lhamber's heart is far up Michigan way and
the girls here haye long sint'e giyen up hope. How
'bout (‘oming down below the MasotrDixon line.

The Fenimores seem to hay'e fitted in beautifully
with the UvHi \\'ay since their leay'e-taking of the
big (‘ity' of (Iineinnati. Not only hay'e they thrown
some good parties sinee they'ye been around 'ye old
town', but the dark-eyed Susie has (*aptiy'ated us with
her infectious giggle and managed to transplant her
‘(liney' beau, Diek Dillon. down Lexington way. Niee
going, Sue. would that We (‘ould do the same! Fair
Agnes has left us slightly confused what with her
attentions to the ‘l’res' of the Senior Class and the
numerous letters. with the address reading ‘Mister'.
going on, are you giving us the run around}?

\Vith the exception of Ruthie. it’s pretty plain

to that town in Come ('lean. Aggie. what's

that Sammy Huey has little use for this year’s crop
of females of our soon—tobe alma mater. ;\s far as
we know. the Henry (llay Band sponsor, Miss Gilson.
an ex—L'—Hi gal. is his only other heartbeat.

‘Ieanne Bureau's heart-throb is now sailing the
oeean blue and though she ('laims it’s over and done
with, her absent-minded humming of “Anthors
Aweigh" betrays the fad that the nayy blue and gold

is still supreme where she is concerned.

Miss Dimotk started with smooth sailing, but
things definitely picked up long about 'l'hanksgiy'ing
time when she flew the (‘oop to Kenyon to return
sighing of her true loy'e. (Lasting aside all home-town
lads to turn her eyes ('ontinually toward (iambier.
she trifled briefly with the afleetion of ’l'oggy and
Bob O‘Brien. finally settling down to Big Diek Shely.
Maybe it‘s ”out of sight: ottt of mind” for (latter.

Naney Ellen started the year with Ben .[ohnson


(whom we don't know!) bttt being seemingly unsatis-
fied with the results she put an end to thati\\'hat’s
going on now, Naney? .\re you holding out on us}

Mary lili/abeth Patterson has interests whieh are
rather wide spread: speeiali/ing partitularly in Frank-
\\'e have heard rmnors of her
1!. K.
to be tnore there than meets the eye—How 'bout this.
Mary Lib?

Perhaps the males at ll-Hi don't fully appret‘iate
Dorothy Knight. Harold (larr was the ‘big moment"

fort. the home base.

in eonneetion with the K;\'s at 'l‘here seems

in the fall. then she switehed with Mary Lib for Phil
~lones. Now we KN()\\' it to be an entirely dillerent
story. It's a tall, blue-eyed. rough and ready man at
[7. K. Had you notieed the third-finger—rightihand
reeently. and ('ould his name be Beard}?

Congratulations, Sally! \\'e neyer thought
could do it!! \\'ould you tell its how} \Ve are refer-

ring to your superb management of Bueher-Hollings-


worth (‘ouplet. Both are just as attentiye as ey er. not
to mention Tom Baldwin. Billy Goddard and the

Might we (all your attention to the big romanee
of the year? The Franklin.
piano Virtuoso. Miss Bette t\nn .\llen, hay'e finally

(ireat Loyer and our
decided that they’re made for each other. Franklin
played the field for many months 'round the halls,
datin‘ both Caroline and Betty Brown until suddenly
he espied Bette .\nn and all was lost. At this point it
looks like they're settled down for life.
How ‘bout this Gallaher woman?
y-o-u! Sailors haying girls in ey‘ery port hay'en‘t a

I'm a-tellAi-n-g

thing on her. She’s got a string of' ’em. 'l‘here's (lolly
\\'illiams at U. Kfmost ardent. there's ‘Doe'. a Sigma
(lhi,imost Fred
daneer. There are, Nieholasyille men. K.r\'s. George,-
town meni‘Cal' not being happy with this. adds
‘Big Stey'e' who is after all best all around man! Need

attractiy'e, there’s somebody—best

I say more!

(Con/inner! on Page Six/(WI)




A boon to society. a boon to science, and a boon
for us becattse DICK HO\\'ARD, U-Hi's 0th Edison
has invented a new machine wlticlt permits you to
look into tlte luture. \Ve gathered all this ntaterial
lrom this machine and lor the convenience ol any
one else wlto wants to ttse tltis machine, Dick has it
set up in tlte tower.

The lirst scene wltich llashed on the screen is the
metropolis ol' the world, New York. The scene is the
Great \Yhite \\'ay and Broadway. 11 has changed
considerably since 1942 for now the biggest attd
brightest spot is BOB O’BRIEN'S new night club La
(laramba. \\'e see that JACK BUCHER is bouncer.
jack still insists that this is just to keep him in train»
ing lor his Boy Scout work. SALLY BUCKNER. our
prolile girl. is now thrilling Boy Scouts.

tainer with her ”You Natne It Dance."

The scene moyes l'artlter down Broadway and we
lind BETTY ANNE GINOCCHIO playittg in the
reyiyal ol that old layorite “Young April" which.
incidentally. littally reached Broadway with the orig—

the leatured enter—

inal cast. It closed shortly alter its arriyal, though.
because Mr. Briggs collapsed into a cotna.

()n Filth Ayenue the shoppers are all excited
about the opening ol a new shop lor women. It’s
proprietors are none other than CAROLINE

There‘s the old \YaldorlvAstt)ria Hotel. It
that MARY BE'I'H McI’ARLAND has remodeled it
and renewed its lame by her lamous southern home


News Hashes:

The social news ol' the (lay is that ELLEN MAR-
SHALL has snagged hersell the leading New York

The scientist IRVIN STERN
paign illuss illigmtion Io illurs.

place as the man with the best physique.

is leading his cam—

has Charles Atlas‘s
The scene now shilts to Hollywood:
Our illustriotts SUE ANN FENIMORE has takett
“Corn Liyes On!" All
712 class members are accepted on this program.
The lamous actress and beauty qtteen RUTHIE
DIMOCK has recently retired front the screen to
become the wile ol a larmer in Lexington. Kentttcky.
BILI. “The 'I‘error" REED. the latnous baseball
player, returned l'rom spring training camp to wel—

oyer Bob Hope's program.

cotne the guests at his new sea food restaurant. His
manager, BILLY MAC RHOADS, accompanied him
to protect him lrom the women fans.


Speaking ol sports. it seems that BILL EMBRY
has really made a name lor himsell' in golf. He just

limshed wntntng the National \\'omen‘s Open