xt7rr49g7j6v_68 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/1982ua002.dao.xml unknown 5.05 Cubic Feet 8 document boxes, 6 slim document boxes, 3 flat boxes, 2 photograph boxes 32.9 Gigabytes 142 files archival material 1982ua002 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Libraries Special Collections Research Center Collection on University of Kentucky University Training School/University High School The U-Hi-Lights annual (photocopy) text The U-Hi-Lights annual (photocopy) 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rr49g7j6v/data/1982ua002/Box_6/Folder_6/Multipage3217.pdf 1944 1944 1944 section false xt7rr49g7j6v_68 xt7rr49g7j6v ‘ Eh?
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 The Will

We. the seniors of 1944. being low in I. Q. and
spirits. too (you know how hard they are to get
now. anyway), do declare this to be our last will
and testament.

Tommy Asbury leaves his friendliness. which
has made him one of C—Hi's mOst popular seniors,
to Betty Ann Shropshire.

Tommy's tall pal. George Willmott. leaves his
"Howdy” and the Willmott W'altz to Frank Bard-
liis many admirers to the entire school.
Allen his voice to Hammet. his
Brewer (to keep Brewer‘s rabbits
company) and his pretty little gold basketballs to
Miss Galloway.

President Wilkie leaves his ability for holding
(:tfice to Bud McMeekin and his intelligence to
the sophomores (who could certainly use it?) His
position on the all—state team goes to Griffin.

The Damon-and—Pytliias act which they‘ve done
so well. Gush Foushee and Jimmy Steiner leave to
Fergus and ()‘Bannon. Their duties at the Guignol
they cheerfully relinquish to anyone who‘ll have

Morris Beebe leaves his flashy sweaters to Don
Evans. his golfing ability to Dunn. and his wolfish-
ness to Chubbie. who does pretty well on his ownl

Her "built-iii swing and sway" inherited from
(‘ongleton. Glenna Ritchie leaves to Missie Van

Jetty Sue Scott's interest in the armed forces
—except for one or two special ones——goes to
Nancy Potts.

Glee clubs of future vears are to be made richer
by the inheritance of Frankie Horlacher's voice.
Her collection of Army shoulder patches she pre-
fers to take with her.

Pep Club President Stokes leaves her over—
abundance of school spirit to Beth Bicknell. Her
red hair (minus the usual accompanying temper)
goes to Charlotte Garr.

Alice Weil leaves her petiteness to Elsie Meyer.

Martha Crutchfield leavs her quietness in class
to be shared by Horine and Winfree. (This the
faculty should appreciate!)

Pat Evans' bent for digging up dirt for the
scandal column is inherited by Joe Mathews. who
has already proved himself very able in this de—

His editorial duties are left by Editor Under-
wood to anyone sucker enough to take them. His

well. and



wonderful sense of humor is put on reserve for the
next exchange editor.

Eloye Mullinaux leaves her artistic talents to
everyone in general. Her Art she is definitely
taking with her.

A. P. Schneider leaves his ability to be seen
every Saturday night with a different blonde to
Dunn. already a past master at the art.

()ur Georgia peach. (‘arolyn Silas. leaves her
Betty Muir and her southern
drawl to Pat Storey.

independence to

Phyllis Valleau leaves her good-looking “tigger”
to l’eggy l'lerryman.

Esther Brumfield leaves her reserved seat at
J. nes‘ to Carolyn Hansen.

lane Clark. Patsy Karsner. and Ann Carter
want to pool their riotousness and divide it be-
tween Junie Roberts and Jane Garrett.

Her ability for choosing a seat in the back of
the room for every class she takes, is left by
Nancy O'Hare to Dal Thorp.

Betty Jo Underwood leaves her talent for Negro
dialect to Joan Specht. We feel that this should
enhance Specht's rendition of “Stormy Weather"

Eva Lewis leaves her strikingly stylish clothes
to Betty Joe Harris another likely candidate for
C-Hi‘s best-dressed gal.

Queen Nancy of the House of Skeen leaves her
reign over the Junior Prom to all the girls of next
year's senior class. She's taking with her an active
interest in the Merchant Marines.

Dianne Le Stourgeon leaves her very secret love
to Elaine Ashley. Be good to Moose. will you,

Ridgely Park‘s wit is to be devided between
Deiss and Glenn (neither of whom needs it) as
there is far too much for one person.

Vella Wise and Harry Scott are giving up their
noon parking place at Jake‘s to the Henry Clayans.
who'll no doubt be glad to have it back.

David Morton leaves his tales with sound effects
to Glenn. His motor bike goes to Bill and Wallace.

Nita Jacobson's naval mailing list goes to Bever-
ly Brown. who. although she has sworn off men,
might some day find a use for it.

Jake Graves leaves his friendliness to everyone
and his ability to get along with Miss Peck to the
history classes of coming years.

The bottle of Burma Shave which has been

(Con/mum! on [mgr \1‘1‘1’71H’f’n)






 Sport Sparks

U-Hi basketball fans this year saw their big
Purple-clad boys fight their way through a tough
nineteen-game season plus three tournaments to
roll up an impressive record of twenty-one wins
against seven defeats.

At the first call for basketball practice, (‘oach
Lyman Ginger told the boys they could make what
they wanted to of the season: they had the size:
if they wanted to win. it would take work. train-
ing, concentration. Practice every day on funda—
mentals and frequent scrimmages marked the first
month of practice. and on November twenty-third
the Purple quartet played their first game of the
season with Lancaster, losing,r by a score of 19-17.
This low—scoringr setbaek for [Elli showed that
the team was lacking.r in the fight element and
('oach Ginger set to work to put a little pepper in
the boys. That he was successful was shown by
the scores of most of the games from there on out.
Williamstown. ()live Hill. a highly touted team.
\Vinchester and ()winesville. fell in rapid order
bettre the Purple onslaught. and by (‘hristmas
lv-Hi was rated one of the strongest teams in
('entral Kentucky and was invited to the t'entral
Kentucky High School Invitational Tournament.


The first game in the tournament was U-Hi all the
way over a smaller Burgin team. but in the second
game Cynthiana's more experienced five beat the
l’urples by nine points and went on to win the

The first scheduled game of 19—14 was with
Lafayette, and here U—Hi got its worst loss at the
season by a score of 36-19. Perhaps this was all
for the better, though, for it seemed to settle
the team down and they opened up with both
barrels to beat 'Wilmore, 42-24: Kavanaueh. 233—24:
Athens. 42-10; Versailles. 41-10; Georgetown. $31—

Probably the cause 01‘ this impressive line of
victories was the pep talk that (‘oach Ginger gave
the before the Wilmore game. Nothing:
could have restored the broken hopes and injured
pride received from the defeat by Lafayette bet-
ter than those all inspiring.r words words that
put tight and team spirit into the boys. two thing's
they had missed previously and needtd greatly
in the trvintr contests that were to follow.

They went out there and beat Wilmore and the
four teams that followed. Then Lafayette again
marred their record by handing: them a SET—BC dt-



 Sport Sparks

feat. It hurt them a lot. Clark County and Mt.
Sterling defeated the Purples in quick succession.
the latter being quite a heart breaker. Then. once
again. the Purples rose from the mires of defeat.
tinishing the regular playing season at home with
a decisive victory over Kavanaugh and that
abroad with two other lopsided affairs over Wil-
more and Athens.

A week later. the District tournament arrived
set ing the l’urples defeat Athens in their bracket
and Lafayette squeezing by Henry (‘lay in theirs.
Again it was “L—High vs. Lafayette" in a grudge
match with the Generals highly favorites. The
boys from C-High thought differently though.
They knew they had a job to do and they went
on L'K‘s floor with that object in mind. They did
a good job. They blew up the Generals‘ foxl‘. les
to the tune of a 29-23 score and became the first
U-High team to win the District in four years.
They took the first game in the Regional from
Burgin but 10st the game with Madison in the
semi-finals. It was a defeat that was hard to take
but it wasn't brooded over. The Purples had a
great team. a great coach. and a great season.
It was ranked as one of the ten best teams in the
state by Coach Shively of the University of Ken-
tucky and