xt7rv11vg424 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rv11vg424/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19800201 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen. Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, February 1, 1980, no. 308 text The Green Bean, February 1, 1980, no. 308 1980 2014 true xt7rv11vg424 section xt7rv11vg424 E I HE GREEN BEAN UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LIBRARIES' NEWSLETTER 2/1/80 · Na. 208 CALENDAR 1 February 1 I Tour of Agriculture Library, 1:00 P.M. _ February 1-2 UK Opera "Fa1staff," Concert Hall, Center for the Arts. February 2 2Basketbal1: Lady Kats vs. Tennessee, 2:00 P.M., Memorial Coliseum. Admission: $3.00. Basketball: UK vs. Tennessee, 7:30 P.M., Rupp , Arena. ° A _ February 6 Employee Development Center program "Maslow and A K Herzberg,” 12:00 noon, 15 Memorial Hall. ‘ February 7 - Potpourri 1980: Black Musical Theatre in I America; Eileen Southern assisted by the Black “ Voices of UK, 8:00 P.M., Recital Hall, UK Center for the Arts. Admission free. February ll Library Bake Sale (for information call Janet Purser, GPD, 7-2639)- {n}S»1E·•;,'.j‘;?S%i:'%$ \ "+:i ::r¢!a;‘¤l %..;E;“.>\'éh7'§£ — ;`°~iOl"t§'I 4Ml;:2~;:i"y ¤Yi;£**““LV ‘ m;,!l;i.$.;,·‘ i'.1;;iw*j;_3;_j%rj‘·,{ ` Contributors: David Farrell, Pam Fields, Vivian Hall, Faith Harders, Gail Kennedy, Terry warth (editor), Ron Weber PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT THE MARGARET I. KING LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, LEXINGTON, KY. 40506 ABOUT THE LIBRARIES · LIBRARY STAFF ORGANIZATION - TREASURY REPORT AS OF JANUARY 1, 1980 Balance forwarded from 1978: 4 $142.45 Receipts for 1979: ` Dues $88.50 Cookbooks 43.50 Bakesales 143.80 Donations 60.10 $335.90 +335.90 $478?35 Disbursements for 1979: · Supplies for Staff Lounge $2.47 ` 7 Memorials 76.25 Spring Program Reception 16.26 A Fall Meeting Refreshments, etc. 14.11 ~ LSO Annual Picnic ‘ Meats $98.00 ’ Drinks 60.98 Paper plates, etc. 16.38 $I75T§E 175.36 Christmas Luncheon Q Meat 66.59 _ Drinks 30.00 Paper plates, etc. 33.34 $129.93 129.93 Gift for Director 20.00 $434.38 -434.38 Current Balance $43.97 Respectfully submitted, Tari Keller LSO Treasurer, 1979 -3- . OCCASIONAL PAPER DEADLINE Manuscripts to be considered for the first issue of the UK Li- braries Occasional Paper series should be completed by February 15, 1980. Send to Vivian Hall, Geology Library, 100 Bowman Hall, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40506. If you have any questions, please call 258-5730. SERIALS HOLDINGS INFORMATION To obtain holdings information for King and branch libraries' serials titles call CSR (3-2539) or Periodicals/Newspapers/Mi- croforms (3-2581) between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM. After 4:30 PM call Periodicals/Newspapers/Microforms only. CSR is not staffed after 4:30. KING PERIODICAL INDEX AVAILABLE · The King Library Periodical Index--an alphabetical listing with call numbers of all titles housed in the King periodical col- lection-—is now available. The 221 page Index includes only - those periodicals shelved in the main library periodical/news- paper area. This contains approximately 5,700 titles. To obtain a copy, please send a check in the amount of $4.75 (in- cludes the cost of reproduction and postage) payable to the Uni- versity of Kentucky to: Administrative Services King Library South University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky 40506 ATTENTION: Periodical Index Campus orders are $3.85 and charges to UK accounts are accepted. Please provide your account number with your order. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE University Personnel has asked all units to advise their employees that the Grievance Procedure (Personnel Policy and Procedure #66) has been revised to state that there is a sixty day limitation for filing a grievance. Previously, there has been no time limit. FROM THE LIBRARIAN OF CONGRESS The book is the most conservative and the most liberal, the most traditional and the revolutionary of media, the most atheistical and the most reverential, the most retrospective, and the most futuristic... The book is the reservoir of all the ideas that we have forgotten, and will be the reservoir for ideas still un- born. -- Daniel J. Boorstin ` e A CAT STORY; or, A DISGUISED PRINCESS IN DISTRESS Q - Staff members gave it the "ole college try" this week in rescuing a white cat twice in one day. It was first noticed crouching on a window ledge of Reference Department. A quick check showed that it was trapped by the grill work over the area-way outside. The _ window was unlocked and the gentle creature gratefully allowed her- self to be carried to the front door and released. Apparently she then took off and up the nearest tree adjacent to King North as she was next observed there by an interested Acquisitions staff. For several hours staff members watched, worried, or tried unsuccess- fully to lure the cat down. A member of Collection Development De- partment even wondered about obtaining the services of Sam Bowie! With reassuring words from the Humane Society (and an unsuccessful attempt in near-freezing weather by a member of Acquisitions to reach the animal by a ladder--too short) the feline was left alone. Sometime later students brought a taller ladder from Fine Arts and the rescue was accomplished. The Green Bean is happy to report that the white cat has finally found a SAFE refuge in the home of Libby Gilbert of Acquisitions. ENTWISTLE AWARDS 1980 The English Department again invites students, particularly under- graduate and professional students to submit entries for the 1980 Entwistle Competition. The purpose of the competition is to encourage improvement in writ- ing, and all entries will be judged on that basis. Deadline for ‘ submission: March 1, 1980. The awards for 1980 are: lst prize $500; 2nd prize $400; 3rd prize $300; 4th prize $200. For particulars call Chairman's Office (258-2901). All inquiries are welcomed. KENTUCKY CONFERENCE ON ORAL HISTORY The Conference is sponsored by the Kentucky Oral History Commission and will be held February 28-29, 1980 at Holiday Inn—North, Lex- ington. Registration is $10.00 (includes lunch) with a $10.00 fee for Friday dinner at Spindletop Hall. Make checks payable to the Commission and send by February 22 to: Kim Lady Kentucky Historical Society P.O.H. Frankfort, Kentucky 40602 -5- - TRAINING FOR UNIVERSITY. OF KENTUCKY sUI>ERvIs0Rs Martin May is conducting a course for the person with supervisory responsibility already. Two courses will be held for 5 four-hour sessions in the Employee Development Center, Room 15 (basement), Memorial Hall: February 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 -2:00 PM - 6 PM February 14, 15, 20, 21, and 22 -8:00 AM -12 noon Departments may enroll supervisors by calling Training and Develop- ment at 7-1851. ‘OPPORTUNITIES FOR PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT Catalogue Librarian, Mount Saint Mary’s College, Emmitsburg, Md. Salary $12,000-$14,500. Application deadline: March 3, 1980. Health Sciences Monographic Acquisitions Librarian, University of Missouri-Columbia. Salary $12,000. Application deadline: April 1, 1980. _ Health Sciences Public Services Librarian, University of Missouri- Columbia. Salary $12,000. Application deadline: April 1, 1980. Head Science Librarian, University of Missouri-Columbia. Applica- A tion deadline: March 15, 1980. Q Assistant Life Sciences Librarian, Purdue University. Salary $13, ’ ‘ 000 minimum. Application deadline: April 15, 1980. Physics and Geosciences Librarian, Purdue University. Salary $13, 000 minimum. Application deadline: April 15, 1980. {HI’UHHU&Hlti|i1}{|!ifPHUU[i ?¤ =’€;*¥i if§r1·in:hunrnrnrW; mrgrrm [mum nmigprring HUFFUFHYI ‘* ?_ I’H}l#5tF1*P{*fPifZ’fH{[1}HUllr+ rmhpuffafmgmsv ”£T ¤f@ muh Olhr gun?1Hnhiirn;§:r¢iu`fn Ibnlik `B E¤‘WumrF§¤ugn{Dn,