xt7rv11vhr10 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rv11vhr10/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky University of Kentucky Chemistry Department 20010420 A brochure for the Naff Symposium, an event hosted by the University of Kentucky Chemistry Department supported by the Anna S. Naff Endowment Fund. This brochure belongs to the University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Records collection, accession number 2014ua075. archival material English University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Naff Symposium brochures Twenty-Seventh Annual Symposium on Chemistry and Molecular Biology: "Proteomics" text Twenty-Seventh Annual Symposium on Chemistry and Molecular Biology: "Proteomics" 2001 2017 true xt7rv11vhr10 section xt7rv11vhr10 33.35533“ 533%. °~ “33:3353fi‘3a‘cest33323i ”3333333..” “35%;”??? 5““ " 3' “a.“ N's - 3r.r3 ‘~35” ”‘5 a“ :3 «3%... “k 3*»«3 3. i . ts . u 1‘. 5 ‘ "-.‘SMA. ’=-— :55 ' m6 * ’33.: 3" 2:332. tea-:5“; --:7- t. .' " : His-.3" =~'“I*- ‘ 79' “€3'2~‘=f“ :-' 335% 2‘ ifi‘iiwvaerf‘ii‘h --='3. .35.. 333a "-4353 Jr 3.332;. 3-3:. - é" tr". . i~ . .2'» WM ier '. h '. : ; .3 =1 "via-3‘ 3 ~. ~ f.- “svis is“: 3 T3 +3.. . Mt ‘5": a gfsvy’343e3‘ 7‘33 ~ "it" ’ "a . £3” 3°”:$“ - “345:; “‘33333 Mmecfi ,“fi, 33.3”; ‘3. if“ 2001 PROGRAM in; Twenty-Seventh Annual : ‘1 $432.; i Symposwm on 33:32:: : 8:30 am. Registration and Continental Breakfast 11:50 pm. Buffet Lunch, Faculty Club [Please return ; “3,3; 3w12‘; Room 137, Chemistry-Physics Building registration card by April 13, 2001 for reserva- ‘3'" ' ' 3‘."- 33:1 C h e m isfr ; ‘9'? ‘35:. tions. Cost to be paid in advance or at registra- it»; 3‘ y 2:55.”: 9:00 am. Welcome by Dr. Boyd E. Haley, Chairperson, tion: Faculty/Guest ($10.00); Graduate Student {352“ ‘33:,“ Department of Chemistry, University of ($5.00).) Zifigfieé & .45 :9 Kentucky - Room 139, Chemistry-Physics 3&335, 3-,: gig; Building 2:00 pm. Dr. George D. Rose, The Johns Hopkins ,'§B"~‘g,}fg’"~"".‘i M I I 5.3““.‘T"..._.‘\;‘:~‘:~;-.:5f University School of Medicine :f‘iflfaé o ec U a r ‘- 521:1“? 9:05 am. Introductory Remarks - Dr. L. Edward DeMoll, “How Shall We Unfold Thee? Let Us Count the 4;“‘3 ‘, o 3; . f Department of Chemistry, University of Ways: Enumerating Conformations in the “Wfig’vjég, B I O I o g y ”t ;."i¥;_1j:;; Kentucky Unfolded State of Globular Proteins” lfiwx .”";ij€:,"£ .,_-; MW 4%... 9'10 a.m. gg'hfiirligitagigra‘fh’ Univer5ity Of Washington The Levinthal Paradox has long been a challenge for protein !‘3,)f3%it WV‘f‘)‘;J “The Challenge of Protein Analyses in the Post- folders. According to. this conundrum, an unfolded protein. can 1"<~3J 3—- ; 4‘35??? Genome Era" populate an astronomical number of conceivable conformations. Zii‘f‘fy‘igéfi :flif‘~‘§‘°‘6"3t¥fi The length of time needed to sift through this ensemble and find 3333131 ' “373:; $3159“: the native conformation is of order days or years. Yet proteins fold 3‘53.“ 49/93:, With the recent availability of genomic data, an understand- reliably in milliseconds. How can they solve this search problem? Zr” ;.';‘?3§ (3;. q. .31“: ' . ng of the molecular basis of cellular function depends upon un- Our answer to this question provides useful insight into the un- . {5.13 _‘.}‘° 33°83 erstanding the role of the encoded proteins. Over the years, the folded state of proteins [Pappu, et. al., PNAS, 97, 12565-12570 35:}; FT}; ‘gfim ‘ ate of accumulation of knowledge about protein function has been (2000)]. 031“" .5: :7 $3535.15 : ontrolled by the rate of breakthroughs in key technologies. One {35}? §-‘;‘.“'.."?.,_'." estabfished in the memory of :fik‘hgg‘t’l uch development during the last decade has been the adapta- l}‘n"j‘ A S N ff ‘3?“ ' . ‘ ‘ ion of Mass Spectrometry to the identification and characteriza— 3:10 p-m- Break "jflwa nna ' a l‘fiflg, ;‘ “:3"?- I ion of proteins. The suitability of this methodology for answering _ Z‘, 4&0? 3%; “k4 3.3 .3,” “ imely biomedical questions will be discussed. 3:30 pm. Dr. Edward M. Marcotte, University of Texas at 35.2fsgéjifi,"§,jj. _..__.—— 5"”: ‘ Austin 33," . '3‘ “Bioinformatics: A Pathway to Gene Function" {30" __ 9% Pr OfeOITIICS *fig« 0:20 3"” Break In $31.1, ___________ :.’~;§’iii‘?:;‘e.i.:~;3‘.“li=1 to ” 3. 5 $73? 0:40 am. Dr. Thomas C. TenNilliger, Los Alamos National The sequences 0f more than 80 genomes have shown US 3? 8 551%“;‘33 i§mqf?' Laboratory just how few genes have been studied directly. In virtually every m >3 \5 Z—glmi'fiii SPEAKERS .3333» “Structural Genomics: Foundation for the genome, about 1/3 to 1/2 the genes are of entirely unknown func- a % O 33%?“ 5; fififi‘ if“ Future of Biology?" tion. while most of the rest of the genes have functions inferred a) 3 8 1,*‘;§~,’“‘ Edward M, Marcotte $253110 from their Similarity to the small set of experimentally character- 6 5 st- 35‘ :35} George D. Rose figfltkj . ized genes. However, the genomes themselves contain quite a lot LH M > it‘s-rails??? _ _ 935:5 Th? genome proiects have opened upthe prospect ofacom- of information about the relationships between the genes. New 0 ci—i M twanls Thomas C- Ten/i/illiger musty; rehenSIve V'ew and understanding 0f ”9' Structural genomics methods analyze the context that genes are found in, such as their *5 O n "1793335; Kenneth A. Wa|sh w’fi‘fi. an prowde a foundation for ”“3 ”"0th the determination and patterns of inheritance, fusion, and order on the genome. Analy- ‘9 a? 8 3.": '3 a}? naly5is Of protein structure on a genomic scale. RartICIpants 'n sis of this gene context allows assignment of function to many of E 2 155 Z1 ‘ “M73 4,165.12; he Consortium for .Structural Genomics have carried out a pilot the uncharacterized genes (for example, assignment of prelimi- g 0; .E 33:23:: I: 'd _| 20 2001 *(q‘ tructural genomics pr01ect based on proteins from. the naryfunction to more than halfthe uncharacterized genes ofyeast). % 'a N ljkfdi‘z“ I’I CY, Ap" ' “4.31;: yperthermophile Pyrobaculum aerophilum, and are beginning a Q :3 :3 ”€54 Kile: 55:3 arger project to determine and analyze structures of functionally 133?;‘1353 33;»; 1S- mportant proteins from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The les- 4:40 pm. meet withpjakers, Room 137, Chemistry- i:%“‘r““jfi Department Of Chemistry 5&1??? ons learned in this pilot project and the prospects for the field of - ysics ui ing ' i ,3»; . was: . . 3 tructural genomics will be discussed. ° 3g€fi>®é U-niverSIty Of KentUCky :g‘g‘:;3:;§' (http://www.chem.uky.edu/seminars/nafflwelcome.html) Zniii'ggfi Lexmgton, KY 40506-0055 1' gag}? M3339» 33333? 3 ~33 3? 3 W a 3 35's , \ ‘ 3‘ stetgrmwmemet’ssfiweflfeMae‘i’e‘aaes‘eegfigsafi? 33“” iii?fifl'fiz‘étrisgefl§?*%%fig§§r§ifigaig§éflgK: fi‘fifg‘g‘féa‘krf' agitwfi. 3:)" figjajgafi:.flfifiafifieggxwtfigyéxgfififfi’:13 "‘iéf‘ififiy “6'“- ”fig‘fifieuggil 3)?» 3,3533; ’3: '- 3.33., " *- (43.3333 3’ ”flea—’3' ”333.. .33 {was ”33‘ g». 333% .3133 ”i- n; 33.7». in“ .5»? “33,3 3,3» It» . w." }-:,3..~.«_:7~' "63133;; “Qi’awéfl 5133?,g‘7’1 ~333€9333451 ~ igaifjgmtfit ’ W5 53;? 3 f-‘i‘. .~‘-..', k his“ was: Iii" 357;??? .1 ”MW 'i~'%i;~:¢tei}“:’3" 333 théé‘fim‘ '1’” ‘gzfia'azlfizééEKmW-ti .139‘3 fight-.15. 1% “‘20-: fil§nfirffizfifiykfifi ‘1‘ 5:435me ’i‘wwifrtert ‘tefiwgais?“2““?‘Ww’g30eiid3esw 57* Department of Chemistry, U nIverSIty of Kentucky rte presents the «,,_, a . i? ’ ,e 37,32 Twenty-Seventh An n ual Symposuu m on “r h 0 "WW” ( I e 31' & ., ml rY Q ,‘3': L35; .2 '4‘ Molecular Biology ,w I" I; ‘1". a”? established In the memory of Anna S. Naff 3% Friday, April 20, 2001 9:00 am. fiat - - - - .53; “111‘. Room 139, Chemistry-PhySIcs Burldlng a? “ft". '35" 1,532: . Proteomlcs 9'3 ” " " : 7 . W swam ' ’J”:'fi:‘ we. r. E ,wasmW‘ .. ‘ ‘ ' ’ ’ ?,}§§,,3/,3§g '55 7 , . “ ' .9 a» .i' ‘ fig‘7t:t%3i‘iz;i3r? -.. : 1 - «:7, . ’ ' ' ' ,1 ‘, ffj‘:1fi;§,,-'1‘x}:, ,~ ‘ , ' ’5 '1 ‘ 3 if? 4234, “ " M— '1“ 7 _~ _ ',,,. f 3:);3651‘ u; ‘- - ,, , ' ,. 3 ' ”perv ~ we . a . 5'," t? '5; ' ' I” f Luigi?" ‘2" {M , ‘3" ,r abéfilwxé ., “' ‘5’ a 2:” ,‘ ' ,4 . ,u . ,; it??? fit? ,f .1; }g a? ,1: .v -, .- t, f. 7 _ Jig-J is}, fa ”fr: gay”, 1 . r, . . ~\ 1 3, _:,‘;, ,1; a; r‘ 7751.3: A -- ‘ , m} 2" °' . » ‘7:?"- *~ ”x ' ’t‘ A3213": | dward M. Marcotte, Assistant Professor, Department George D. Rose, Professor, Department of Biophysics and 1 "5;. "3,352”; f Chemistry and Biochemistry and Institute of Cell and Biophysical Chemistry, School of Medicine and Depart- V. 536w»; l olecular Biology, University of Texas at Austin. Ph.D., ment of Biophysics, Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, fit?” 'niverSIty of Texas at Austin; Alexander Hollaender Dis- Co-Director, Institute for Biophysical Research, The swear: inguished Postdoctoral Fellow; UCLA Paul D. Boyer Post- Johns Hopkins University. Ph.D., Oregon State Univer- 3,13,“; doctoral Recognition Award; The University of Texas Out- sity; John and Samuel Bard Award in Medicine and Sci- if. E;NA*' standing Dissertation Award, Who’s Who in Science and ence, Bard College; NIH Research Career Development ,Vgitfly Engineering; The Linus Pauling Prize of the American Crys- Award, Hinkle Award & Lectureship, Hinkle Society of faififgf tallography Association, The Schuhardt Award in Microbi— Pennsylvania State University; Honorary Associate in Com- :2 a”? ology, Robert E. Eakin Centennial Fellowship in Biochem— puter and Information Sciences, American Museum of Natu- fife/fig , istry; National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow; Co- ral History, New York,NY. gézgdg Inventor of Protein Pathways’ Technologies. :fioggfafi as. r :.« - » ”ff-a . ‘ , ~. ::..;T§"§' Pifggfiigsg'af' 4‘5 , 4‘“ 3W ’47.?" 2'“ ,3” 3 f 7 ‘, V , 3hr“? ' ' it fl refit ' 5" i " ‘ . 5&1: :iz‘ ‘ " V ‘5‘“? .,.?-'~' 3 3;: $5511? . . Weir‘s , 5,1: .5153}? ~‘ .r/y-;1,_::,~ .7,“ :2 Thomas C. Terwilliger, Technical Staff Member and Kenneth A. Walsh, Professor Emeritus, Department of i: gift"; Structural Genomics Thrust Leader, Los Alamos Na- Biochemistry, School of Medicine, University of Wash— , 1.1,1,, tional Laboratory. Ph.D., University of California at Los ington. Ph.D., University of Toronto; Member and Chair- 4,'%,:fj,l;3§§l Angeles; National Merit Scholarship; Bronze Award, Michi— man, Physiological Chemistry Study Section; Chairman, Sci- 3,?231‘ gan Mathematics Prize Competition; Harvard Scholarship; entific Advisory Committee of the Sixth International Con— ;€’:¢fi§ NSF Graduate Fellowship; Helen Hay Whitney Postdoctoral ference on Methods in Protein Sequence Analysis; Found- gag/“0’53, Fellowship; Presidential Young Investigator Award; R&D ing Member and First Secretary/Treasurer, The Protein 80- ir‘éifil‘g? 100 Award; Los Alamos Distinguished Copyright Award; ciety; Member, National Advisory Committee for UCSF ‘2?“sz AAAS Fellow; Los Alamos Platinum Licensing Award; Mass Spectrometry Facility; Member, National Advisory i‘rfirgfigfi Member, Association for the Advancement of Science, Committee for the Protein Identification Resource (NBRF); i§§§§r$g American Crystallographic Association, American Society Outstanding Teacher Award, Medical Students. ”1%) of Biological Chemists and The Protein Society. %§:E ———————-—-——"—"—_————'—_——————_ £59m" 3:" Free parking available at Commonwealth Stadium in the “K Blue Lot” designated area on Cooper Drive. Shuttle buses run to the firmsfisfi’f main campus. Additional parking (for a fee) available in UK Medical Plaza Parking Garage, located approximately one block fine’fi south of the Chemistry-Physics Building; this garage can be accessed from both Rose and Limestone Streets - look for Medical figéf} Plaza Parking signs. For additional information, call Professor L. Edward DeMoll, Department of Chemistry, (859) 257-1370 or 3: i" ,1 “(It by e-mail (eldemol@pop.uky.edu). ,, sfi’g’ ,..‘ ‘ is f»,,,,:,;:;,,,,; man; 2001 Committee: L. Edward DeMoll, Chair (Chemistry), Becky Kellum (Biological Sciences), Marcos Oliveira (Pharmacy) %.;%,I~.z_,y,,”,-fl ,:,_:. ,gfiv "P: if}: ’S‘ ”K. a. _. "Er; Symposium supported by the Anna S. Naff Endowment Fund ($455,? w. . ,,,'=',-r,§:,r.