xt7rv11vhs1j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rv11vhs1j/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1943 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, November 1943 Vol.15 No.1 text The Kentucky Press, November 1943 Vol.15 No.1 1943 2019 true xt7rv11vhs1j section xt7rv11vhs1j :_ ', ,II I
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' .. l’imiism-tn II\' 'I’IIli INTEREST or COMMUNITY JOURNALISM « - Or, BY, AND FOR KENTUCKY NewsmpERs { :
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i George D. Olds, with a varied busi« industry essential? It must be some real tising as essential. The public wants III I ,
ness background, is assistant to the contribution to living. lacts about the product or serVice ad— I , 1‘1
president of Continental Oil Co. (Con- Perhaps what our public wants is vertised. Many times you and I. have ‘ I
' 0c0). He recently spoke before the Ad- what we call service on a product. How 11 e a rd advertismg Justified on the i ',_, I;
,vertising Club of Minneapolis on the to get the most heat out of your coal grounds that it acquaints the readers ‘ 1,’ I: -l
sseiitiality of advertising. A resume of furnace or oil burner with the least ex- With important facts about the product. ‘ ,II '_ II t
his remarks may constitute good selling pense and effort; how [0 make a new Honest thinkers Will admit, however, II T! 5-.
.gnilttlldl loi nexvspapcrs ol all sites. kind of muffin lrom your flour; how to that it takes very intelligent handling I Ilr'w III
’55 Among advertising men are sonre ol economize on gasoline; how to start to keep the facts presented ”1 advertis— VIII , I?
l » - . . ' . V ’. ‘ , t . II'Is‘ I
, lire keenest minds, the most tertile ' \‘our car in cold weather With the least ing from misleading the reader. 0‘" '4' 3,1,1"?l ,
J ‘ . . . . ’ . . . ' . . . . ' . . .' . . a ,I I
2 Iiiiiaginations and the most daring in- battery drain; how to design a chicken- 1?“th “908111265 our “ghl to tell gm I '. 3
‘ Irovators in all industry. Their acconip- house [or your roofing to cover, or to lacts understandably and forcefully, 11It I i 1
lislrments, leading to the extraordinary keep a grain binder from rusting. Re— It doesnt “Eh“ “5 ‘0 he to 1" dOCSHL II" = 1 ,
standard of livrng in this country, strike spouse to such advertising, especrally want ”’I be induced ‘0 _huY only to hh_d I :1 _
Iis forcefully every day of our lives. Yet. when no strings are attached, has often disappomtinept Ilhflcahq- The Il’Uth , I. f
IIilong comes the most critical event ol proved startling. \iailrts enOIIg 111-111 Oimgllon so 11: $4111 I, II .
Km” existence and 0111' government Perhaps our public wants advertising niaIc an mu: lgellltl ectstonl w ell ler - ill Ii ~ -
‘. . . . V ‘ _ ( I ‘ r - I. I I‘ i l II
I classes advertismg as non-essential. Why to serve causes such as the Community it) mlt‘“ :10: afnc “’W 11:15“ mufml I‘t’ ; [II ,
: . . ' ‘s ' 'l.’ ‘ ' , ¥’~ , u 5 4
I he very factories “"thh COUVCNCd ”'0 Chest and the Red Cross. The readers 1 “mil. 13 .MSHSI 0: an mm {gem Tint ' I" , ,r ‘I -;
apidly to munitions, tanks, guns, and ol Standard 01] of New Icrsey ads on ( ’31 0 [C 01“ XIWCUI proc ucts . hh- , l” . I, 1
. . , I . ' 1'1 7 ‘X’)lll' '- H ‘. ‘ , -1
produced chemicals and lubricants and fuel ml economy and blood banks, life i“ ‘ C“ (I CLl [3 5* “1’6 never 3‘“ IE I , 1 I .
_ - . . \ "15 'ima/_e( one a ' i- u , = i
"thll PI‘OCCSSCd foods, WCI‘C thl‘C largC- insurance companies on economic stab- l “I ‘1. l' tl Ly 16:1 atVIICCfpiesd t t" , . ; _
- - . . . (en. 0 one 0' ie es s 66 oun- ,. , r .
, l’ because advertising produced the llillltlol), department stores on war co- . . g , l , , I 1'; E
5 vol 1; , , h , b , , . . , . _ d 1 nos in the world, showed a strong de5ire I , . t I
— “me to CCl) l U“ “5)- operation, 01 the countless war bon am [or Grade llbLlln’ in the oil he n l l I If , I '2
‘ 3 If ' " - - v I , l 1' -- -1 ‘ 1 rl " :onceriis and the listeii- . I” ‘ . ‘ h e,“ u " ‘II‘ , ,
, It is uncomfoi ta )lc to )e cassct run 3) )usincss ( , lor 1 Diesel generator A rominent l I , .
‘ . ,, - . .. c i . I.“ I 2
-2 non-essential, then, in our effort to be crs to NBLs great sustaining program cum” of tomatoes shrank wthh horror I I’. :
classed essential, we should find out “Not For Glory," must feel that in this , .' , , . I , I ,'
. {‘- . , . I . . d”. . ”a 1 b , ntial horn grade labeling in canned goods I 1:
list iIliy we are not. already so. i more measure a vertismD ias een esse but was most anxious for it on his gaso I; I I
, ,‘ , ’ . . . I - ' .. ~ 1- I . 1- . c A i . - II ,’ I I
Ithair suspect. we are not recognized as in war. The selllessness ol these ads line The campaign for grade labeling II; i II 3
I essential in war for the same reasons must have had a powerful repercusswn is 'i 5 Im )tom of a normal consumer I I II ‘3
I . , . ~ A ( t , I ,. ' . e .
I that we are not so regarded in peace. in public esteem, not only lor the spon— ireed iorl com )lete information on a I l ‘g .
-, It must be that advertising is classed as soring advertiser, but for the advertis- )roduct facts lpro and con not one . llli . l; j
A 0 o . 1 .. \IlI’, i ,
i non-essential because, right or wrong, iiig business as a whole. These ads have iided nor ruffed ’ , 3 III I I i ,
> . . . .- . , . ,. - , I H
,I- the public didn’t believe they had to been shown by American Newspaper 1. . . . II III ii I
lotion .3 have advertising, and while they might Publishers Assocuition to enjoy the What I lear is that oyer‘einphasis is II: ‘vl' I
I accept it as an industry in peace, they highest reader interest in advertising still true of most advertismg. Look at I I; I, I l .3
: ' ~ . . . . x ' . ‘ - I‘ z: I
I didn’t care what became ol it in war. history. ‘hfllhlhs f0] instance. The American ~ I? I , I
, What is it then that the public wants Still, I believe our public wants some- diet is the best balanced in the world. I I I I
C“Ollgh so that supplying it makes an thing more before it Will classdy adver- I am £0161 by VCI‘)’ good dOCCOF lriends I 'li; .
* .Eli'lii I {It
‘1‘ II t, '
J ‘ ‘33:: ll 3 ' ".
, ’ ‘- I”; l' , 5'
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‘ “L" .V{
; " j 3 Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS November, l943 f
L l
1 :' that most people get sufficient vitamins War Clinic TO Be Held U‘ S_ Court Decision May l
' . ._ Simply in What they normally eat- Some January 20—2l, Louisville Affect Wage—Hour Rulings .
I may miss vitamin D from lack of suf— . . _ . ‘ ‘ ‘ .
, l ficient sunlight, and poverty may deny Kentucky Press Association will hold Alt‘t‘l: “"6 years 01 operations under
I . l them sufficient vitamin C. But the ad» a War Clinic, similar to the program in 1116. 1‘31" Labor Standards Act, during
‘ ‘ l vertising would make you believe that 1943, at Louisville. Thursday and Fri- “’llldl lhOUSfiHdS 0f (1011313 111ch been
i ‘ all Of US need all [110 vitamins 111 215- day, January 20.2], at [he Bro‘vn Hotel, l)£ll(l. out for \‘iOiElliOllS ()f \VitFHUllr
. tronomical quantities and the sugges- Louisville, in lieu of the annual mid- rules and regulations, ltnes are finally
i tion is more than latent that unfortified winter meeting. it was decided by the being drawn on ”w question "I What is
" , bread, cereal or milk, will ultimately Executive Committee meeting in Louis- illld what is 110} interstate COHIHIEI‘CC.
i; i 3 send you to the doctor. No vitamin ad ville, November 13. Every ellort will \\ ”11 lC‘V CXFCPUOI‘S’ and 111950 were 0i
' vertising I have ever seen warns you that be made to procure high ranking of- 11'\'-C1:)’ lCCthCle "alUl‘C, lllC “Mtge-Hour
l excess Bl has been found toxic in not a licials from governmental agencies to (11"151011 11215 assumed 1110 position that
few cases. Just ask any sound (lOtZlOl‘ give a picture of the war effort and to 0'01? P9153011 CIHIHqul 0.” 11 daily news
about this vitamin advertising. \Vhen advise Kentucky newspapers on their Paper 1-“ engaged 111 llllcl‘SLleC com-
‘ . the fad dies or explodes as a result of future participation in this war effort ”101113 . _
some widespread human wreckage, what and post—war activities. .A FCCCN Ulltlgl States Ctrcuit Court
1 i ‘ i will be the effect on the public attitude President Armentrout appointed John 0t APPCEIIS. dCClSlOll SCLllCd at least one
' 1‘ toward advertising! Hoagland, chairman, James Willis, W_ argument in finding that local distrili
. . V ‘ Two years ago, I bought two gallons L. Dawson, Joe Richardson, and Virgil 9101‘s Of a newspaper are‘not engagedinr
, of red paint from a mail order house Sanders as program committee. The IJIICI‘StiifC ~COIUH'IQI‘CC F1110 distributort‘
‘ i ‘ for my farm. It was a terrible failure in convention fee was raised to $1.50 per [I‘lcd SUll 101‘ minimum _‘\’Rgcs and over
if my location near salt water. Maybe it person by action of the executive com- 111110 COmPCUSHUOH namlng El newspapet
i l - i . would have been all right in Oklahoma. mittee. A report was heard from the :15. defendant. ThC COUI‘K 1161(1 that the
. . J, A warning of the effects of humidity on legislative committee members and l'u- dISl'l‘IlnlLQI‘S were not engaged in the};
‘ J i ‘ this paint would have lost my immedi- tttre plans were discussed. sclllng “l “CWS blll 111 1110 selling Ol
‘ . ‘ i ate purchase, but the lack of that warn- papers. ~
. 1 ing has meant that every farmer, car- —__—_________——“_ H the sale 01 papers be I‘Cgal‘dCd i”
i l penter, painter, plumber, veterinary 39d Perry Buys Owenton, News-Herald ”10 5310 “l “CW-9, 1t ts news processed in
l 1 . 1 other visitor has seen that this paint (11d . . the course of publication into an ett
‘ ‘ poorly; and I have bought 140 gallons All” publishmg 1110 NC‘VS-HCl‘illtl: ttrely new article of commerce,” tltt
J J since them from others. Staving off buy- Owenton, for 42 years, M. H. BOUI‘HC court stated. \‘Vhen papers are sold
~ . i: ‘ ers’ disappointment by two—sided in- has SOld 1-11C newspaper and plant: 10 across state lines, interstate commerceit
‘ 3 formation makes for future volume. John H. Perry,‘ president of VYestern 1nvolved in such a sale. \Vhen the nets
1t , 3 Unfortunately some of our largest Newspaper Union, and. a native of , printed material used in the paper it
1 ; advertisers are putting the mark of 0W0“ CONN)“ John ‘Gll‘hCI1S,.CX1)Cl‘I- transported across state lines interstate
‘» . i Cain on all advertising. You are sup- 011C“! newspaper 1119111 ”0111 Florida, bC- commerce is necessarily affected by ant-
‘ . 't posed to believe that you can cure that comes managing Cdlml‘, While (41111011 thing that affects the publication and
= f : cough if you change to our cigarette, H. Bourne continues as business man- sale (A papers.
‘ i that. dish-washing will produce soft agcr. ”By no possible construction, host-
I hands in two easy weeks if you use our ________________ ever. (an sale or U‘anslmrmtion 0f .P’i
3 ‘ soap, that our toothpaste used twice 1’9” within the state 0J- their l’ubllcf’f
‘ . daily will win the war. These advertis- Recovering From. Operation 11011 be said M be in “SC” ““013le
ers seek to induce purchase by'sltirring Mrs. M. H. Holliday l“. wife of the ('onlipier‘cfgf f 71“ 1) .. . 4 [be Li
, fears. and wants .m. unieal 1C“, S ant editor of the Jackson Times, is conval— .11? C ab? it in (fufiufii ma) ”0 13‘.
. : creatlng a COHVICUOH 0t satisfaction escing at the Good Samaritan Hospital, IF‘K' 1mg. n( 61 “ 2.180 . out “Du t«
, which their product cannot possibly Lexington, after a serious illness and UODS' all persons working in and abotl
produce. operation. She recently received word a daily newspaper plant are engaged .11,
We may still be dilSSCd ”5 “OH'CSWU' that her brother, Lieut. Clyde Wooten, Interstate commerce, because the dull
: tial in peace if our public has grown Louisa, was killed in action, November “CWSPaPCT is allegedly 50 engaged: eff,
3 ‘ , to want something of advertising which 16, in the Solomon Islands. though they perform no actual servld,
3 it is not Often getting, I believe that _________________ in producing the newsPaPCr, such asl.
5' I something is a complete rounded guide nightwatchman. Court dccisiOHS sucl
‘ to the strengths and the weaknesses of Former C—J Editor Dies as the above may eventually clear 11!
3‘ our products. Study what the public Charles E. Heberhart, 66 years old, IUUCh 01 [110 "RICHIE 013594 by 311:: ’
I” wants—give u that and.“ 1)“th WI“ retired since 1932, died November 18 ‘ trary rand questlonable ”leons i
1 no longer class advertlsing a non~essen— at his home in Madison, Ind. He be- the “\‘age-HOUI‘ (lWlslon. «
t “31 industry. came managing editor of the Louisville _____—_______“———
. l ————“‘————‘—“——_“" Courier-Journal in the early 1920’s, af— Standard Brands advertise “Breadl
‘ Mag Esquire is cited for printing “ob- ter serving as Sunday editor, and held Basic.” it also makes a better erasfl
: lJ scene, lewd and lascivious” pictures of the post until 1926. In 1907, he worked than our new synthetic pencil rubbtfvh
. unadorned darlings. Tough too, to get for a time as reporter on the Louisville A new wool cleaner ““7001 Foam"t'
' ‘t, that circulation boost right. in the face Times. He also worked on other large being advertised. Will this open thcttlll ~
J: l of a paper shortage. newspapers throughout the nation. dandruff controversy again} "
' ll: ll 1 l f
t, l" at l .
, . _ «r w_._._._,r.gzm_\,w;s;«a§néét. -. »~ .v'a‘nm

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“1: II
I II? .
u; .i 5 I; 5; I
43 5' November, I943 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three ,
I ~ :1- "‘I I
5/5555, .
5 -22»? I "
y 5 . _ 5:1; ‘
'95 ' I 55 I
Ins under I 555 5 i
I, Lilli‘lng ' o o ’ _'5 5 i
71 3mg 00 Itzzen I , ‘
I\~"zu?-H I by am . H 5 ‘5. 5 .
35501“; 5555 have been doing no mean job of collectlng waste fats and 5 ",3; 5 t
waste paper, conserving precious steel and other critical ma- I I 5 5"
(55:5?50515555 terials, selling war bonds and stamps. Thousands of our peo- 5 5::
it publicth ple are taking full part in war activities. ' 5 553 55 ;'
~ . ",lili" _ . . _ , I .5 5H 53*,
1 1mm I5 Just as eternal Vigilance Is the price of liberty, un- 55 1:55 .
may he III: flagging performance is the measure of citizenship. The men 5I’55 ~
my 51‘i55)l:)15:5 and women of A&P take pride in doing the nation’s most 3 5 I: -,
2111(2 45 5', 55_'
engaged i1 efficient job of food distribution, and in making of A&P a ; 53;; 555 s ‘
.'I 5-; :3 ; : 5 i 5
C the d“: patriotic citizen in wartime, a worthwhile member of the com- 1:53;: 5 5: '
Inugcl III! . . I
51535 381-5551 mumty all the time. 2; 55 :15 ‘5 5
~, such £155 5 5 ,5 5’" I
:isions sud'5 1:5,: :55 ,
1y clear "5 - .515 55 '5
ed by aI‘bI 5;»55‘1IR5‘I5 '2
pinions" d ST . " 5 5-5 55 .
IQ ”Breadii ' I 555 5-
ICLLCT crasd . 1 :‘5 .5 ‘ '5'
ncil rubbefm 5 .: 55: :5 5
II>1F03“‘"“ IIIEI I II
)pcn 1110“”: 5 . 5”,. I 55 L
'~ ' ‘~ I I KI.
5525': I
2 ”II-I I ;. '
, 3 2, f'Li ,l‘

 -- ., - 55’ 5‘ i‘ , . , .5
t i
, 5 .5, Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS November, 1943 it, ‘ Nov
_ ‘ ‘ -, 5. 7).. , 5 55 .. 5 _ . _ 5;}.
5 , using dc inked 01d newsptint, has been Local Government Clinics 5_55,55,h,,,ng
5 5 e successfully used by a New Xork news- 5, k is
' 1 paper in a high speed press. \Vaste pa- The October Readers 131%“ has ‘GC 6 ‘
' 5 er ma hel materiall' the news )rint st01y Wlth some newspaper l)0551bi1itiMACon1)ctil
5 P5 . y P ) I h’ -, - f u ,5? .1
. " . Situation. We speak for the coopera- 0“ t C organization 0 local g0"€1‘.>'éliig" 15 one
5 5 _ official Publication of the Kentucky tion of the entire state press. mcnt clinics. 5T1“ author 5118863535 [119535551121in a ne
5 ,5 . press Association community editor as a focal paint cl :55 the Gra:
, .55 ————-—-——-————*——— organization. Read the article: will it. and presid
3 ' Victor E. Portmann Editor-Publisher . su 'rest )ossibilities for 00 ~' \ -' '
5 j ' Press Keeps On Growmg “ff, 1 g d P10111055 iii-Wii’ml,”
i ' . , , . , ' t5 . sts tie (
5' 5 Printed On The Kernel Press, Lexmgton \V 1th this issue the Press begins Vol- ——————__e______.._w___ iii‘l’iiblisher'
‘ j ,‘ ' ume Fifteen closinr fourteen tears of . . “Ni/5, '.
, 5 Kentucky Press Association Oflicers Service to the Keiitucky new)spapers CFOCprl'S On Advertising Carry~5§5g¢ThC 115‘
5 3 Vance Armentrout...e...w....Courier«Journal, Louisville ' ‘ I ' On In S if f ' ' fif’l’udes:
5 President Fourteen years have seen many changes P e O War Conditionsfl Igi‘cafe Mg
. ‘ Joe Richurdson...........m....................._......_.Times, Glasgow f . . . 5 . 5 . l 5, 555 4,3,, .
5 Vicbpmident or the better in Journalism of which Publis ters may leel there has been? 5,. Registel
1 . Victor R. Fortmann-__...__..e...__-__U. oi K., Lexington , ) ,. ' 5 . ' , . - - ,- . n: 5,555
Secretary-Manager the lresswxshes to claim a small pait letup 1n the 3C[l\lUCS ofthe crackpo e, 391, Other l\
5 Dim,” Executive Committee through its continuous publication5ol who for years5have carried on an Offlocks; T
5 , Tyler Munford, Union County Advocate, Morgan- matter of Vital interest and information ganized campaign to discredit advertis 5;; 'ghters- E
. field, (state-at-large), Chairman; Chauncey Forgey, - , - , (1 ~, - 5 . 5 . . i
5 Independent, Ashland, (statewmame), Vicefichfi' b2}, followmg always its slogan, Publish- mg and it ho succeeded in duping soni $500k B001
‘ 1' man; First, Joe LaGore, Sun-Democrat, Pa uc ; c in h . n t C 1 111' , l‘- . , 5 ".45
. 5 Seconi John 35 Games, Park my New, Bowl,“ 5 t c l teres 0 on m nty Jon thicc hundred educators and psycholo5.,H55311, Chui
5 Green; Third, John H. Hoagland, 1(5:501;i~it;5;—.Iournei, nalism; Of, By, and For Kentucky gists one year ago when they entered iii“.-,-",§’~bses. pr0
Lo'isviile; Fourth. James M. Wi s, essenger, 5 5 ,, . 5 , .5 ,
. ‘5 Brfindenburg; Fifth, WW“ 1:, Sande", Newman}: Newspapers. We reitetate our pledge to the scheme that would have €111}le élear Book
crat, Carrollton; Sixth, Fred B. Wachs, Hera - ' _- - - . ' __ 5 . 5 - r - - 3- 5:3;
5 15885516555 Lenny“, Seventh, Wake, W Robinson again [01 the fifteenth opportunity to nated5 competitne advertismg for [hitctlde Magaz
5 Herald, Paintsviiie; Eighth, J. w. Heddon, Advocate, work for the highest ideals in Journal- duration of the war. 55d Ma s
- 5 ‘ , Mt. Sterling; Ninth, Harold A. Browning, Repubil- - . 1- - . 1 , 1 d ,5 , 1 5 . in?” '5p
. . ,5, can. wfliiamsburg; immediate past President, Harry lst1c et iics, prinCip es, ant Stan arc s— But t tcre 15 no end to the resourced, tertainrr.
5 L‘ Lee Wate'fleld' Gazette' 0mm“- and for the Kentucky Fourth Estate. [ulness of these anti-advertising zealots; thletic E,
, 1 Kentucky Press Women’s Club 1 5 5 5 5_ 15,5
1 Miss Mary E. Hutton, Hex-31:, Hpgrodriburgbfiresidentt: ______________________ W 10 1,10“ “1C “slug the war [0 put 0V0|iif,"urchasc o
l Mis- Mildred Babbage, Brec enr ge ews, overpor , a _ , 5 Y - . 5 5 (55,: ,
i , First Vice President; Mrs. J. 0. Young, Journal, Dixon, lacf‘t 5“ thh the lnlbhc' dulounce {Hill FOOd ft
5 : Second Vice president; Mrs. Mary Henderson Powell. Rate Book Supplement once it discovered what was going 0113555 153mg for ,
1 Record, stearns, Third Vice President, Mrs. J. R. C01“, “7 ”5.15 f ”l C e",
‘ ‘1 Wallace, Advertiser, Walton, Recording Secretary; .11 KPLX C‘ "1 Oil- 5 5.“ 5 , ‘» 011 arne, P195“ U“ 0 He 0115: uses; Don
,5 5 ‘5 Miss Uflth Lucas. Independent. Maysvmei 00‘1‘95' 16 ‘ Cm” 1“ “1 ””1“ ‘l sumers’ Union addressed the seventltwiiis - f I
5' 5 pending Secretary; Mrs. J. L. Bradley, Enterprise, supplement [0 the 194:) Kentuck' Rate , ’ 5 5 5 5' ,3; 95 0
5 5 .__——#———-—-——-—-—'——- B k _ D b l: k ) annual meeting of that organization rcywn partic
I55 5 5 00 1: hecem Ud- 1‘11““ Y newspa- cently and urged that an excise tax a; We all a
' ‘ i NATIO AL €D|TORIAI pers,1w _0 ave ma edc min-505,1? fotmat, assessed upon all advertising of consu111.,,,tuseles5
: 5 1, / . SSOC|AT|O CiI‘ClI ation tateS, an 3‘ vcrtismg rates er goods, and that the Treasury Depart.“ ,, n' k 1
‘ . “,3"- w are warned and requested to forward , .- - , , .- - , . *d .2. »‘ 1C 6
, “my I . f”, 1 d 1 C mcnt eliminate thc right of tax dc UL, ~,, a met
“ """ ‘ ‘ ~ ' ' . . . . . ‘ . a .'
l5 -,? 511ml, ata to t “3 enti al Office for 1n— tions for all advertismg in excess ol thanX {m come
55 . 5 5 MF# C uSion which IS essential for the sale of Clll§5§01101dv
‘i . 5 5 ‘ _ 5. 5,5 ,f. 5 . 4
5 , 5 5 (““31”, ______.______________ tentoutput and thatcontubuted to 15,555, front of
5 5 MEMBER iéfilmlf“) T 0 Ad . _ legitimate war objective, unacconipztnfgfiliulc S,
l w’ 0X n verhsmg icd by “profit puffing." :55 in once
i I ~- u - 51,. ,i . ,, . .. .. ,5
-. K V TUCKY PRES TIIdCZ Unless Congress gets interest- “ ‘n 1“ ‘51150_d“131€d that a Pa” 0;,“ents a r
. ASSOCIATION ed in a tax 011 advertising, you don’t the organization program Will be t» ,, tlic Sp
5 5 need worry about one being adopted have CPT‘SUIHCI‘S protest 3331““ “72,15me Think of
5 0”” 1” “NW"- "" anytime soon. Reason: The Bureau of advertismg and [0 channel the” P_""'i*2':'§ir name
5 ‘“*—",———-5——‘“——_ _—.._— Internal Revenue (which would have tronage ‘0 {11056 companies whlcgm school
l l'olume Fifteen, Number One to collect it) has studied the whole idea “11‘1"“ cooperated Wlth the war effort Wogl‘ilill "
5 ,#~____#_#____.__*_#__ thoroughly and'turned it down, as it “Oldmg 1h“ 1111110955541) d‘dm 0” (”lilac knows
5- ‘ Cooperation Is Asked believes such a tax would ,be far [00 resources." He declared that acht‘tl.g00d cu
In Waste Paper Drive complicated to administer for the reve- ing alone requires a million andayquu i‘l‘chant
. I .\ 1 t 11 l ,_ 1 title that it would produce. ter tons of newsprint, the use of ol),00“-",'i5e(1mg,
. r . Y‘ ~ 5“ - - ' "3 ‘e.
5 5 ‘ 1) ea ‘_) ‘1 hlu“51)5al)€15liu) 151015 [0 . cars lor transporting, together WNW-it tl'adin
‘ . v > i _ ———“‘———'————-—--—~——--—-—— . , _ . , ,5
5 5 coopgratc in t e Iliatéonglul‘iaiiltcl pa chemicals, electriCity and skilled lab g5:l55515,'5k over
5 per rive, requeste y ona ( e son, . . . ,- . M‘T'i-a
l . 2 chairman of WPB was issi'ied last week Rahon Stamps In Ads “171 to “NPR” us “1th lbhmd ndn' .5;;~,”1ng.
l 5 1 El . S F . ’ ,1 1 ‘ “ arne asserted that relatlvc COiIipClltl‘k, 0155550
' ’ “ ‘ ’ ' ‘ . , ' . . .«15' '
)f h( V5115“ .Y If”; ), $31,121:; manager “larntng is giien by OPA that illus- posnions of concerns would be ads-.255 5.55.1555 0:155
0, [1: CW 01C 1111,53!“ 5 éllmall 0f trations of ration stamps and certifi- ‘quately maintained if all concerns “117555,; flir c
i) 1e etéspaper 5on1Anitteclolt the \Vaste cates may not be reproduced in actual to taper off their advertising. ‘
>5 paper .filmpalfin'h dmlfml: 0f suggcs- size and colors in advertising to preycnt The \Varne suggestions follow (:lose‘ 23555.5 ,5 cm
7 ‘ ‘ ' "— -) ., ' .4 e . ' _ . . . . ~ ' ‘ -
5 5 10m “} reac t C 65 5 0 CWI‘Y INNS usc theicol as actual iation cuirency. the lines of the communication Sigm3":ilé:i5,ce PW
‘ Paper 1“ the 11631 future, and fullest OPA ruled all illustrations must be in by the 300 intelligentia and sent to tl 11:55:55,, of :13
. .. ' . ‘. w '_ 55 . '. 551 ' “w, t
5 L5 l:oopeiatfionl is asked asl lutthci contri black and white vuth enlargements at Ircasury Department a year ago. 131310111 es
55 IUUOII, 16L) gnarl m [16 PEN )‘Cdl, t0 least one and one-half, and reductions idea of a special tax on advertising 151‘? 55,;Ca5‘5,[ (ll
5 5 5 t1: war pffott. “e may have a selfish not more than three—fourths, of the ac- catch devised to attract the attenth1 0er f;
L 5 in erest tictcin as piint papet, pattidlly tual size of the originals. Of the Treasury Department. 5 1
t3 ‘1‘ .
‘i‘: l '
. l‘, L ‘ _
l. -: l5 \ 5 “L cit.
‘ H l " ' "m “"‘ _“M;___"r-:i.u~:::.aeeax, , 5.; L'L-I"?‘i:§ei‘3§?¥li/

 , ‘ 2 E" .4522??? “1E .
i3 it, ‘ November, i943 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Five ,3:
5 ; ‘ I 2 ,.
S 5:: 55.55th The Local the pioblein of lacket advertismg has Pnze Contest Announced . 1515:: iE' 5 ._-
5, has "rackets Advertising bcf‘l} SUCCESSEUHY “’h1PP€d- 5 For High School Students :2“ 5 l *
ssibilitiw‘fti“Competition from “racket advertis- , The Grand . junction Chamber Of The National Newspaper \Veek Coni- ' l i 1
gOver if SEE” " one of the )erennial worries of' Commerce 0rlg1nated and for a number mitt. ha' ' 'k ‘1 ll * l" "l i it: i 1
[53:32:93 “5 l .: : of years has carried on a solicitation cc 5“” u .“L .105 to icease to Ed" :1 l
gests Highway a newspaper publisher. Al Look, control plan that has been adopted as members for publication an announce- - _ 55 5 5 .
paint of of the Grand Junction ‘(Colo.) Sentinel standard by many communities through- inent appended below as to prizes to be 2,; 2i “i _
2 wlll 15!: and president of the Colorado-Nebras— otit the nation. Its effectiveness in awarded in two new contests to he spon- 53; 1.:
1)1‘(')11105~: "kaWyoming adyertismg managers, sug- Grand Junction has been so pronounced sored by the National Graphic Arts ' 5 2i _
52%: geststhe followmg remedy in Colorado that few business men are now compel- Education :\ssociation,:oiie prize for the 5 .
_— 55:1?ublishcti . ,, . . ,, . led to contribute, or even to undergo 11C“ 588a)“. 0“ Printing “1.11““ a Free . :11“ '5' 1 i
9 Carry: 5:;55Tl16 list of racket adyeitising in- the unpleasantness of rejecting a ques- lress, oflered by International Print- £155 "
dlflonsgi‘gipdes: . 5 tionable proposal. mg Ink, and the other by the Mergen- if: :5
,2; _:.f;,Cafe Menus: Hotel Bulletin Boards I 2 k , h' thaler Linotype Company, of $1,000 .5 i 2
.5 been if 5} Registers; Railroad, Sheriffs’, Labor t nor S m, t 15 “mung—136 Grand for the best drawings depicting freedom 1: f5
crackpo “git Other Magazines; Trade Directories; Junction busmess establishments have of the Press. The winning entries in ,‘
[1 an oiié glocks; Thermometers; Scales; Cigar signed the followmg pledge: the art contest. will be made available . 1;: El '
.aCIVCFtisdi’ilgllters; Bulletin Boards; Time Books; ”Under a penalty of $10 for each 1" Newspaper "““xlmm'l Managers, l E 5
ing 501“ film B001“; Curtains for Community violation, the undersigned business Inc, SPOPSO“S "f National NCWSPaPCF ‘ li’ i '
PSYChOIO, "3:311, Church, Theatre or Other Pur- and professional men agree not to WCCkE to bc “59d in thc Fifth Annual 2 i. 1 ‘
ltCr€(lln§“.f§05es: Programs 0f EVCI‘)’ Character; purchase advertising space, or to Newspaper ““CCk observance m be held ,1 .
"9 Climlfljear Books; Special Editions of Out- contribute money, {00¢ or other in 1944. 2 15
for ting; iide Magazines and Newspapers; Guides merchandise for any cause unless The announcement follows: , it i l
gipnd Maps; Prizes for Rodeos, School the solicitor has the ‘N’RITTEN S' . , -_1 . I“ l i i '
1”050111195ntertainment, Church Carnivals, Fairs, APPROVAL OF THE CHAMBER _ ‘ ,me “Hg 1 Who‘ll “f‘dems, “”11““: . 1F :11;
g zealots; gthletic Events, or Other Purposes; the OF COMMERCE. invited to compete for $2000 m PUZCS “1‘ ii“ “i la“
Pm ()\'C|i55:,urcliase Of Tickets or the Contribution “Although the followin r items m t-WO newtontests announced by “he “1: 1: '1 i
enotiiicedi,5f Food for dinners Purchase of Uni- 5 : 5 p _ is 5: National Graphic Aits Education Asso- 5 :1
, : ’ 5 ate speCifically mentioned, this ciation . . f 1 ,5”, _. : 12:35.2; it
{Ulng 011?. forms for Athletic, Band or Other Pur- ., . , , - - SPOHSOI 0 “e C U “5‘ . ;. 2‘2E' if
_ 5, 5, : . .giecmcnt embraces all advertismg, : .- . . . 2 l 5,2: 2
the COWS: ”565; Donations for Charitable Enter- other than local newspaper and ra— 'Inteinational anmg Ink, New York 1 . i1“: *2“ '
: seveiitl 15595 of Every Character. (Add your dio and all contributions or siib- City, is offering $1,000 in prizes for the 55,5 5 .
22‘s.: W P... 2...... . .2- 112; it. i 22 .: ‘i *
‘5 a agWe all admit .that this list is l00 per (Here follows the list of items ’: y , , 5 . . y“ -' fii1§ifl,' ’ A
E consunl 2' W'iit useless advertising. It doesn’t bring shown above.) Company, “(3W \ml‘. (Elm IM’000 [01: 1155112“ ‘ ’
y Departifilzi a nickel’s worth of business, but how 5 5 5 : the best drawings depicting 1‘ reedoni of 2: $1115! _. 55 2:
ix dediic n a merchant keep from buying it: : A printed card of this pledge is posted the PI‘CSS. . 5 f. 5 i 5
:ss of tlialé, it're comes Mrs.‘So-and—So into a store. in each store, and when a merchant. is The art contest is a new event held >5 L355 55 .
e of CUTE, (gm holds a creasededirtv and worn card approached by a solicitor, he simply in connection with IPI’s annual essay ’ 2“ i .5
tith to 1555 front of her bosom. “It is marked off calls attention to his definite agreement, contest, now in its eighth year. ‘ ii, ;,
LCC01111)2111};’3E5§1iulC stltiares, beautifully Cmbellish- whereby he is not permitted to: Cf)“— The contests “'hiCh are educational i 1%. A
. - E1215“ in once bright colors. The card relJ- tribute “,VHhOUE the written permission in scope, Will be conducted through '1' 2“ ii “
”.1 Pa“ (“agents a new curtain they are hanging 01. the Chamber at Commerce; [1121th cooperating high schools, each 0f WhiCh 1 l 1 l
ill be Up ,5 the Spud Hill school house stave. Wlll be glad to consider the matter if it will send entries selected by faculty ‘5 tr} _ fii i
[ wasteftl Think of all the people who will sbee is approved by the Chamber. members, or a jury