xt7rv11vhv27 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rv11vhv27/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-09-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 29, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 29, 1980 1980 1980-09-29 2020 true xt7rv11vhv27 section xt7rv11vhv27 \
VoiLxxui. No.32 K21 el "MEWS": °' §°"',“°';~‘
Monday. September 29.]980 ‘ an indflendcnt student newspaper extng on. en uc y
Students fear ar ma I‘CSU t 111 1 east,
* _
A random survey ofcampus opin- Thefollowing “um survey was he thinks a full-scale war is possible President Saddam Hussein of Austin believes intervention is a Branscum ”a'd- "_w“ can" help h-‘ 3
. ion conducted last Friday by the conducted by K9?"¢”“°¢“"‘Ed" “because of nature of the people Iraq yesterday said his country is possibilitv. because ”a" m'gh‘ do ""h""h"¥
Kentucky Kernel shows that many 10' Jay F0538“, Assistant SPO," (fighting).“ ready to stop fl‘hfin‘ if Inn [0603- "N0! Hi this stage. but i think tht‘y Wlth our hostages. Right now. ‘.‘u
StUdems fear the iran-iraq diSPUle Editor Steve Lowther, DVay Editor But not all students bCIiCVC a full- niles Iraq’s ”legitimate I'iEhtS" along have In it" it develops further.“ he have to pretty mUCh "i on "‘”
maydevelopintoafull scale war. but 10““ Rildd and Mmglng Editor scale war ,5 at stake. their disputed border. See full story said. hahd53"
also believethe United States should Kirby Stepllens. "'9 article waspre- Joey Fields, telecommunications 0" PIS? 3- Brookhart had a different Eddie Duncan “'3 .l"l"'h“""“
stay out of the conflict. pared by Jay Fossett. freshman, said hedid not think a f'ull- — viewpoint. sophomore. also fears lraii may ii- 3

Also. student opinion was split on _—.—-_ scale war was imminent because “I said. “A war would betoo dangerous "I don‘t see any reason to blow up the h""."“g°‘ to ”"”m l "
the question of whether the draft scale w'ar).“ she said. “But any war don‘t think Iran has the capabilities. for them economically." the oil in the Middle East." she said. intervention.
should be implemented. has that possiblity. But i also think it They're in bad shape now." [)0 you believe the United States “1 et them have the oil. I want to "l dOh‘ ‘h'hk W “hh‘” ihc 5h 17‘

Do you believe the lran-iraq con- would take a lot to develop into a Eric Eads. mechanical engneering should intervene militarily? li\c.“ Al—Arab Vwaterway '5 hh’d‘w h‘ "1
fliet might develop into a full-scale full-scale war.“ freshman. said: “lran doesn‘t have Many students interviewed said Linnettc Cuevas. special educa— ”WWW he ““d- "”11“ might -
war? Theaterjunior Sharon Brookhart the power. They don‘t have enough they did not think the United States tion sophomore: “We shouldn‘t 50"“: typeVof “"”“lcml ““r "h“ " '

V“|t looks like a pretty serious con- said: “i hope not. but i see definite equipment and spare parts left to should intervene because the safety intervene because it is none of our (“$93) 11 .. the lihllt‘d 51M .
flict.“ said Laura Bay. an agronomy possibilities." keep the planes in the air. Their of the 52 American hostages in lran business and we hav‘etoo many prob— 'h‘ferh3d~V '
senior. “and it will probably get Kenneth Austin. electrical engi- planes are breaking down already." might be threatened. lems as it is." SartainVes “"5“” “u" "”"Pl‘ " "”
worse before it gets any better.“ neerian sophmore. said he thinks Jeff Sartaine. mining engineering “Besides the hostages.“ said Cap Barton Branscum. pre-medjunior. i" ‘hf’ P0'hlV3 .

Trista Carroll. undecided sopho— there is potential for a full-scale war senior, also thinks no full~scale war roll, “we don't have any vested inter- said the l7nited States is pretty much h“ ‘h" l’h'ECd 5“”ch ““0"” ‘3
more. agrees. because “the way Russia is backing will result from the fighting. est in it. “cg-pl for maybe the oil." backed up into a corner. then the U.S.S.R.V W'H» _

“I th_'hk ‘th W1" probably hathhe “.3un _ _ “No. because i feel like they are \ Worshan. “We can‘t afford to “()n principle. we shouldn‘t aid Do To? “'0' implementation ”f
possiblity (of developing into a ful|~ Forestry Junior Pat Worshan said politically playing around."Sartaine because the military is not prepared,“ lran because it has our hostages." the draft. Continued on page ”‘3
UK’ E P k' ' '

3 van er ins, first student on CHE,
.d h ° t. n ‘ l ~h ll ’ or) the inside '

By CHRIS ASH policyging boards. istrators Association which dcalt (iov. Brown." g '
Scniui sum wriicr “Mr. Snyder is an attorney. He has With legal and Judicial issues on col- Perkins. a Morgan County native, .

VV been trained. like i have been. to legVchampuscs. saw the role ofthe councilas that of Columnist Andrew Young discusses the effects on

Evan Perkins. the ilt‘\l student to respect differences in opinion. Per- Second. l attended Morehead. a an informalion-collecting hhd.‘ human r" ht th t t' f t t ‘ ' h

. cvcr serve on the Council of Higher kins said. regional university. and i am now rather than an administratnc one. .'g s a I "sump lo" 0 s 3 es "3 ‘5 move”
Education. considers his pusition on “People don't know me as a per- attending l'K." Perkins received He emphasi/ed that universities ments w'“ have m the future 0" phge 2- '-

that board a "real challenge." son. Manyhavesaidlamdoingitfor bachelor degrees in government and maintain their autonomy because Staff Writer Mal-y Bolin reports on the Sigma (‘hi

"I think I can do a good job." said personal reasons. but l'm notshy. l'll public administration and in speech “there‘s no way the universities can Derby on page 4.

Perkins.asecond-yearlawstudentat speak my mind." communication at Mot‘cht‘dd.) be better maintained than by' the
L'K. "lt'sachallcngc and I enjoy it.l Brown's appointment of Perkins “Third. lhc governor said he administrators that are on campus." Assistant Sports Editor Steven Lowther profiles l'K
also chioy meeting people and I‘ve followed the defeat of a bill in the Wanted to haw on the council a He also emphasi/cd the impor- tight end Jim Campbell. who setarecord Saturday withll '
been able N do that " statc legislature carhcr in the year young person who was still a bciicfl- tancc of “allowing all affected areas receptions. See page 7
(io\. John Y Brown appointed that would have established the first ciary of higher education to present administrators. the council. stu- '
Perkins to the council in July. At the student seat on the CHE. the views ofthe many people who ai'c dents across the state and faculty " .
time. there was some negative fced- Thus. Perkins" position on the students." to have input in decisions and then outSlde
back regarding the g()\¢rnor'5 council ,5 an at-large rather than a Perkins said that despite what compromise in the best interests of
action. according to Perkins , giudcmV seat. . someVpeople niziy'Vthind. he did not everyone. not only the students but The week should Sm" off on a dismal note with rain
One of the more \ocal critics was Perkins saw three reasons for his lObby lorthc position. Ididn t know the taxpayeis as well. . . . . .
(‘Hl' hxecuiivc Director Harry appointment. “First. 1 have had anything about this until the day He believed the council‘s duty'isio tonay “Dd tonlght. Today 5 high Will be in the upper 60s -
Snvdcr. who in the past has been experience in thisarea."He served as before the press conference. lwas sII— pruvidethe hcsicducaiioniotheciii- mm a '0“ tonight I“ the upper 505- The "I" ShOUId be
quoted as saying that students and a member of Commission l5 of the ting at my desk when the phone rang lens of Kentucky. _ diminishing tomorrow with a high in the upper 605.
faculty should never be members of American ( ollcge Personnel Admin» and the Operator told me to hold for Continued on page S V .
3 ‘ 3. ~ .. 5‘ it" i t “fig. . 2r as
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‘ V“ ‘ o" 3 *3 “a? s' .. 3- 3 . .13. '.‘
- By ROBBIE KAISER tions in the game. The Jenkins- 3-: _V x ”‘e \I 35% :3" * ..... ”2% M - ' V 3 ‘ g“ ‘
. Staff wnit-i Campbell connection created g "1.... .. V. """ VVV .2 33%;..V » V_V' Mi... . V filial?" 3‘33 -V.
enough spark for the win. ‘ 3-. a: " ' dry-- the '° . . 33s ..st sf '
V Wading through the tape on the _ 3 -,_. -. . sch *‘it '- . 3* "i" """- " i} 3’ s» 5...". ' is“ _

, 3 Jim "h0u8h3 3% sea:- ' ’ ' ' as 3» . ' -3 ' , : ,st ' ' 1 an?»
floor and the uneasy relief in the air V . V . V. .' . g . . .3.» WV& "its .. ._ V "N733... V '1: “€ng 3,. VV . VVVVV f . dig _.
of the locker room. a Kentucky “Wemake them ekcmng. dont _:;:‘"""”'" i " . "' . at". 1" w 7 " § ”V. .”'” so.» 9'; . '1' . "5; is gilt.
player '00de toward Randy Jen— we'.’“VVsaid CurCI.“Wedidn‘tw1n.they .» . Is. . gs ': 3. VVVV_-» g; 3 \RVVV? V”... V VVV. :V’
kins'locker but couldn‘t find him. He 105‘ r. . . I 01‘ x... ' .. 3' a. V 3.5... H "N "it. C. . 4 Ms-
heard the quarterback‘s vmce bub— Ahd_ 80‘"th 0’9?" 105‘ it 'h the i 3‘ __ Q‘ it. fit V..'"V3'=V.VVV ' ' V a? V' ' ‘ . V?) " ‘ .LV 3 V :
bling up from a sea of reporters. But last minute on a missed two-point "W; ' R .- «V :1: ...-.>3..:: V 1".» "'13.. .. VVVV MT' . . . ~ '.
he couldn't see him. COnVCrS'Oh that WOUId have given :9? Vi "i. "'°" ' """_.'.,..'-'VV2VV'V§ 13.5». ' s 3

them a 22-2] lead with only 37 _ WV _. ' ' 2’ "3.5.".- Vs... Va. ”3% . .

“Let him breathe." the player sug- seconds left. Quarterback Dave » ' V ~w “"‘fi 1.33:. 3:33; < i - 3‘55? Q' ’ , VV ‘
gested to the reporters. laughing. Endres. who had just pulled the Fal- . V d. 3» § g V fl. . ' '1 . "fit ' . :-V

1 hey didn‘t budge. “in" wnh'n Winning stiking r angc ' ... ' \'-*" ‘ .. ' ‘ i 4&3 ..

With a one-yard touchdown plunge. '::_ . . ”figs-.5?“ ".a. . ' .-.'-, 2. V . =3." 5. .. L”; ._

They knew Jenkins wasn‘t used to saw Dave Pancryk open in the end ‘ ‘ V $§ >3 5;?" '.g i... $1: I . " V; V . 3
having any breathing room. zone. waiting forthe winningconver- i 5355?: '..‘-= .-< ‘ :j_.'-3?"i‘3' .3. " - I ' V

All day long. this same Jenkins sion pass. Endres threw the ball into _.: 3 -; ‘5‘: .. " t' :" ‘V__°"'V..' . " .'-' 9'53} '- .__
had been shot gunning the Wildcats the ground. " :3 g' ' ' E31 ' -,. j..V .."' ' 33. 3’ "3~.".'E}..V.V:_ V
u m“ field against Bowling (ireen. .. i M . , ' " as: . t" "3" “ I i : " ‘ '
l’grfectly‘ he had Passed up the sides Bowling Green 105" . i .3 w” ". »- " mas. .... z i gas » 5"" 595-7.. a W . ‘23:...) " *K -"--""i "- ‘.
and passed up the middld only to “'t “a” no *t' Put In ”3'0 wk» d: s..." l 3 'i':1':.;: .: . N "' ts:- s "' *3 .3 '
have his teammates pass up numer- ago." said l-alcon Coach Denny V . §§Vz .‘ «W V. ..VVV- :Z ' V: h .3 'V ‘2 VV ‘~
ous opportunities he had given them 5‘0” " .l h“ kid Ju51 underthrew the v . ...-'32.%"“°"°’"‘"‘ *"W‘m‘iéit ::._ .sifi't " «Q ' W ‘5" a
for a comfortable lead. ball a hh~ I told the team during a 3"" at“ NIL-33‘ ) \ i“ 93% . ' 33. .. ‘i’t :.. - .» . " I" H H 1

. .. . ' . . , . . » as”; 3:9" *"‘ W WW. -3 v *

"Randy Jenkins. sand UK C ddch “mm“ "w “d "i for the two- - .-- 33: 3. 3: -- ”ems...” .. .. 3*.
Han Curci after his team‘s 31-20 point conversion if we scored tiie «‘ktfififi’m“? fl .' " " " "' 5K ' "'"fl. " '.Zi."...\.v..-5 )“l. f:
me “did a spectacular yob. We yust touchdown. Our kids play to win.“ §§%§h;:o§g .. - 3: ~‘., . .. sass . fl. “w" W ‘ ""‘~".°‘
fumbled at the wrong times. We “They outplayed us. They outhit sfi‘AWWN,‘ .'jV 3 '~ . " ' M I . ..“i ‘I
dropped key passes. We practiced Us. They outtacklcd us. They out- °$1VVZ§°fifi® V”. .'-;""'- V ' V °WVVV _ . 1 . _ . .. :. - V
ood all week but had no life when smarted us." said ('urci. '.j‘ii °;: i; V... . WW 3,” “iiM‘fifwiew 7' _. . _ ' » ' i i 1' M
Eve came to the stadium " "”‘i‘ggfiwfi‘sfeegfswi . "._ ~ ‘ wwwhse‘mwmmmd '- . ~ . 3'3" .

. i-ortunatcly {0? Kentucky. Jeh‘ Kcntucky "“"lb'c" six times. '0" > Photos by David Coyle/Kernel Staff
kins had enough life for ll players. mg three. Bowling Green fumbled _
connecting on 22 of 32 passes for 275 only twice and managed to recover l'K quarterback Randy Jenkins looks for an open receiver during pleted 22 of 32 passes Saturday for 275 yards. Jenkins‘ favorite
yards. And fortunately for Jenkins. both times. Even Campbell losthon- the Wildcats‘ 2|_20 victory over Bowling Green. Jenkins com- target was tight end Jim (‘ampbell who set aschoolrecord.
there was Jim (ampbcll. receiver. trol of the ball once after catching a
settinga school record Will] I l recep- Jenkins pass.
continued on p.“ 7‘ ilcd. there are still nearly “.000 . cleaning out all the "9'05“ "PM" ..
° “Chi“ remaining. 1 7 200 d l which includes rcstroom~-.
Football thketS end up Nearly 3(s_00()tickctsgolothegcn- 9 Poun S 0 ltter concession stands and locker room.
eral public and state and university (irounds people clear the stun“
. . h d . dignitaries. d and field of trash. which iiittslh
ln varlous all 8 ln state The 5.514 people who contribute move a ter every game consists of paper trash. cmpti
to the University‘s athletic program bottles. forgotten hats and sun
By JEFF HOWERTON m the far 30-yard line on the upper -' ‘h't’ugh .”‘e 8"” am" Wh'” ""‘d . “5°": and "man“ ""50““ “‘“i'
Rm..." level and [0 the near 30-yard line on which has reserved seats located By PEGGY BOECK James Wesscls. . director of the containers.“ Wessels said.
i the lower level. They are distributed “"6" 'V‘W'SVdWP 'h ‘hc stadiums Reporter Physical Plant Division. said the “We don‘t Vcnd up with mam

it‘s a typical autumn Saturday on a first-come. first-serve basis to upper level and 20 rows deep on the . . .. clean-up process "“0”“ about plastic" containers (.'"uCh 3‘ " K

afternoon any full-time student withavalidated lower level. The football game is over. The l.0(V)0 man hours and costs the cups). Wessels said. “There is
. Across the country fans pourin by H). PVCOP'C Wh“ WNW” the Blue and crowd heads for the um and the University $4.666 per game. always a group of youngsters that
i the thousands to cheer for their . . Whhc “"1“ make tax-deductible teams maketheir waytotheshowers. According to Wessels. the clean- comb the space as soon as it \
fayorite football team. In cities such AWE"??? l)Vean .ofd Sthudents T' COhileU‘Vhlhs ‘0 the UK [)CVC'OP' Finally. allspectators. players and up usually starts on the Monday emptied.“
as l.exington. the scramble to get 3621:“ (if'22:;iniZit‘iibtitieonuv’vrorii: mentOfficeaVnd pathhc standard 570 press have left Commonwealth following the football game and is The crew sometimes uses ”1.
tickets to see the teams is as great as “no and he VCCV no changes m me P" 5935"" “9"“ The “awn-“Ck“ Stadium but it is not empty. completed on Thursday. depending blowers. If it rains. however. iii.-
the traffic jams before “Ch game. nearfuture However the first-come cost '5 not tax-deductible. That‘s because remaining inside on the weather and the time allotted paper will not blow and the Crc“

The method ofdistributingtickets f' t-'erve 'mcc“ sometimes rodu: The Blueand Whhc l‘und controls the stadium are remnants of candy between home games. must sweep up the trash. This lahk's
differs from college to college. Butat “.5 5 P . "f' d p d about 1400593“ oraboutttpercent wrappers. napkins. empty liquor However. if rain is forecast for more time and consequpntly m“.
UK. the ticket committee and the ces long In)“. 0 stu ents aroun 0“th Slad'UhV‘“ 583000 593‘" bottles. football programs and Monday. the crew Will move in on the University more money. Wesscls
athletic assocnation make the mayor Mantra]! ( OI’IV’wm‘ . f t 't' V There are four categories of tax- maybe a forgotten pair of glasscsV Sunday. Rainy weather between said.
decisions concerning ticket . ‘ u Ven S WV.0 are I: J3 erni ['9‘ dCdUCNhh‘ contributions to lht‘ Bhlt‘ The trash usually remains in the Monday and Thursday results in the The combined trash is loaded onto
distribution. sororities. residence a S' pro cs- and Whhe fund‘s football program. stadium the rest of the weekend and crew using Friday to finish up. In several dtimp trucks and taken to the

Commonwealth Stadium scars “on“. Vs‘honlsVV or (“sun szl’lus They are. liS'Cd I" 0rd" 0t greatest on Monday the gates are re-opened cases when: home games are several Lexington landfill.

56.900 Of these seats. approiti- $83321:'?:"h;dcnhaVV$m l the $355 COS'- ‘th Uh" RUfU‘ (V'Uh- The “'8 and a team of custodial and grounds weeks apart. the crew will take extra At the landfill. the trash usually
mately l5.000 are designated as stu— _ , g h d y ' 8 g p B'"°( |ub.thc ”Udd"~“ h‘h- and lht‘ people enter to begin clean-up and time if needed. weighs in at about l7.200 pounds
dent seats. seating met 0 loyalty Ch‘h- repair chores in preparation for In the first step in the clean~up and the University pays 350 m

”m... seats run from the end zone After the student tickets are util- Continued on page 6 another game. process. custodial people go to work discard the trash.

\ 1
s ' ' t ‘

 Steve Massey '
KEN' I 'UCKY lulrtor-m-(‘hie/ iii! Masai film: 2:, (."’ wm“ John my ”."‘" Mum”
01:; 3'1; . l “syn." l“ Entertainmenl Edimr Spam Editor D"""’0’ 0/ PhUmK’llphi‘
e e e mi: .
Kirby Stephens (‘lndy McGee :ohn Little
. ' - ~ ‘ ‘ leki Pool .
. Managing [it/Ill” Aisoriule htliiori ¢ 5“" Lowther
. . S.T. Robinso '
I Senior Staff Wmen . -. . n . . DOM" Ward . . Dev“ 6.0".
J k' R dd P I Minn Assistant Lmermmment Editor Assn-lam Spam Milan Photo bdrm;
let u an
o O Dar Editor Editorial Edi/oi Tim Hooley
editorials 8: comma) s W!
. . . O
. r Resumption of states’ rlghts would erase human rights Letters Policy
_ - . . , " ‘ - ~ .- uestiontothe Urban Lea ue‘sJohn Th3 Kentucky Kernel wel-
lh- h h ,, Ph 1' d2l h. lorced to locus on the Mississippi ”hg‘: Of m) ‘0‘?“ And from ‘h" Wallace, Goldwater and the lNixon q 3 . co . II 'b . f h
. ~ ‘ I ““5 I ‘ "‘ ‘ h ““ whi ‘ mob - din the courthouse ~ . , , ~ . .. Jacobs: Do you really believe the mesa CON“ utions mm 1 C
. M ,1 . . d .th u ms elections. \igilante \iolence and the [" guar g I Southern strategy. 80 one must ask, . . , ,, UK communit , for ubl‘ t'
. ‘ '5'“ d “‘5‘ “h 5 ‘ ‘ P - answering co m “Black Power'" door. someone called out. "\a damn is Reagan saying that he intends to black vote is up for grabs this year. h (1‘ ,3I g ica ion ‘
' Splnc’ lh , d. t ik “he e Mgr»- ”Shh WC‘W right behind YOU-n do evervthing he can do 0 turn the Surely black memories are not on I C e "and arm opinion
. Ronald Rea an‘s recent sort to ”u’dh “ m up r ‘ ‘ . .. ,- ' . . . .. . - 1 < ‘ '~ f pages.
g Remembering that do" in Pdisal.’ -; - -- - . . .. that short I esp"? the terrorism o.
”1.1 I, n where he roclaimed h“ dith had lallen. and Martin Luther . . - I . clock back to the Mississippijustice . . . The Kernel may condense or
. d ‘ “ ~ h ‘ . si I I‘m nresentl ‘ obsessed with a ‘ ‘l .. c . 4 the 605, the Voting R'gh“ AC! W35 - 2 ,
- . .. Krnr lr said that it was hardly pp. . .‘ oi I964. Dothe powers of state and t b . . df t
.‘ SUPP”!lt‘ri‘ldlmnghm reminded 1‘ ‘ ‘ f . chillin ue5l10n' What "states‘ - , passed in I965 leadingtotheenfran- reject con n WWW" requen
me d“ [W “mm m rm mm N0 appropiate to march against tear s ‘1: III in , . r - local governments include the right chisement of millions of voters and writers may be “"1”ch
~ . - ‘ Journeis there in the past, “1mm“ a “0W“Cr m Philadelphia. I' ‘0 end the ‘i‘h'hg ”3h” 0‘ hh‘Ck Ch" the election of thousands of black Contributions should be deli-
' . g ”If! . t w ‘ n I964 “h.“ cm] the place regarded by all Mississippi lens‘.’ Would Reagan dare to com— ' , - , _ ‘ . . vered [0 Room ”4 Journalism
. c us a i . s . . . . . h d' . l' . d' tl' h* public ofhcrals. But thiswas paid tor , , _ ‘
. ht work .r‘ lames (‘hanes blacks as the bastion ot w ite racist mission, met) or tn irec ), t c . _ ,' Universtty of Kentucky, Letting-
“g ‘ ‘ ‘ -' — gh 'rer‘ , . d h .r 2,. _ With the blood of those three cmi
‘ ' d - o iodman and Michael . ~ ‘3“ “MN" 1 “'8' “"6310 . . . 2 -. t. ton. Ky- 40506-
. A” R“ ‘ ~ 55:. - _. :,;II.I_._ 'd ... - -. 2 th l't'- rights workers in MisSissippi, of .. . . .
' S 'hw *rner were murdered in Phila- ;. -=;" 3-“ a “ 90”“ again. porsoning epor ' I . . . . . for legal reasons. contribu-
‘ l L h n rew i '2 3 ' cal rocess with hatred and violence" Hames Reeb, d Unitarian minister. t ~ ust re 'em a l'K lD bef re
delphia'a \eshoba (‘ounts lortrsing 3 '. P - V' I . I . . . ’f . orstn . p s , oI
. - - g .-..-';“::- «.. Over the past year we have seen of iola Liuno.aDetr0ithouseWi e. th2 K r [will b 'bl t .
. to register black \oters lhose were ? ‘ ' I fJ' , I ‘k' F' h J ._ c P rte e d e 0 accept
, . - att' k’ bl kl 'ders Man 'inthe 0 1mm) Lee Jac son, at er ona h , -,
‘ h‘ davs when the Ku Klux Klan : - " \ . 1 ac son ac ea " y - , . ., ‘ ematerial.
, 1 C . . I. . . bl' k . ’t , , ,- d th't thon Daniels and hundreds or even 1 _
‘ mentaliti held that whites had a >5: - ' .. .-. ac communr 3 “6 convince d thousands 0f others over the years .etters. .
" “cm" ‘" h” MM“ and m“ do“ — " 7 "‘6 Sh°°“"g 0.’ WW7” 40rd?" was Now many people believe that Show b“ 30 “”e“ ” I“? .“‘“ ‘
_ 1.. . . in ~- r-\ ‘nt'dl‘d- _. ‘ \ 2. .- ; part ofaconspiracytoinCiteviolence , .‘ . _ _ I no more than 200 words. lher
' , '» ”lhe“ “4‘““3 ‘ h ‘ L ‘ h . . . . ‘ -, -- , . . - f 2 socraliustice. crvrl and human rights should concern . I._ l'
. eral intervention to protect “WNW terror Here. local officials were inti- »- s... . .. and thereb) contibute to urthering have been achieved and that those - par icu ar issues.
' h , . m n .ludm, the n ht m maielv involved in the legacv of fear _I.__. ' .j the country‘s move to the right. I - I - concerns ore\ents relevant to the ,
. ' uman rig s. i s s g ' . . ' .. 22.; ‘sl . , R , , .. . , b I' who would kill and terrorize blacks UK community
, vote and intimidation, Sherill lawrencc 53;.“ . - 0“ comes Cdgdnh 5M“ 0 W will nolon crbetolerattdin th Uni "
‘. I . _ -~ . Ht." .' . . . . I s . s C _ . . .
' \h wwnd mm. m Philadelphia Rainer and his posse were night rid- :. \‘I,: visit to Mississippi. coupled With a ted Statesg Yet the hi htriders are Opinions. .
.' was Vin I966 during the ”March ”2‘ m good standing. and a black 1: it": \ ' recent Klan endorsement Of the still ‘out there waitin gfor the dav hShl(()jl::lld'bc 90J'hC5I0Ir I6» and
i . A r' inst rear " be run b\ lames hh‘h.‘ hh’ ““‘n‘l ““"thCh once he rights" would candidate Reagan Republican platform and candidate. 5 » . ‘ .g . . ' 5. 0" s“: an exp ain d p05"
, I .I . 5d - t: . » _ . B'll W'lk' . l -,l W' , d f when federai protection of voting tron pertainingtotopicalissuesot
. . \1- dub H. ,h. “mm 0, that WI”; decided to approach the courthouse rung) ln hi,- speech at the .Neshoba i i inson. mperia war 0 _ _ _ I , _ .
. , ~ s” . H . - . . _ h “l ,» 'bl F . K - h , f h rights and Civil rights are Withdrawn. interest to the UK communitv.
, : electrons in a tear-ridden state “”h “‘“hg “” h" 'mhd' (0UP!) hm- Reagan declared he I e mm c .mpire. nig tso t e That is w'hv code words like (‘ tarieS' I
‘2 - Meredith‘s contention was that l “7"“th Mum" standing on beliesed in "states‘ rights." and as Ku Klux Klan regardedIas the “states' ri hts"'and s‘vmbolici laces (LIETCI: b‘ 961' rl w'th
' -~ _ _ . , . the Veshoba (‘ount\ Courthouse . , , . . i ' . Iar est Klan organization in the . _ g . 1 p r ‘ u " 1h“ 0 “3 l
; someone had to prom that bldsk - huhdml “Wd d‘ ””1” mg m ~ . like Philadelphia Miss leave me no more than 800 words These
' - People could participate inthepoliti~ ‘ICP‘ l" ”“h— dCWHPmE M)“ lhf could to reorder priorities to “restore 90‘1"”) w'rotein h” SFOUPSPCWV cold ' " articles are reserved for authors
2 . f . cal process run tor ottice. register hm‘hc‘ “l ‘hhh “”1 “3h“ “”1““ l“ “a” and local governments ”W paper that they endorsed Reagan i who inthe editor‘s opinion hase .
' . .. . . . had been tound buried in the dam (men that m cm belon m and that the Republican plattorm I t ’ i . .
. and \OTL without tearot reprisal Ht P P P . 8 .. , , _ A d ‘Y . . . specral credentials. experience.
“I“ shot alter marchin , onls a mo” two Iiears earlier. He said."lhe mur- them." reads as if it were written by a n rew oungisa nationally syndi- ,- th . l l" .. t' t
' n ‘ , E ' .r. (~ . ‘h, . , . , . Klansman " eated columnist.His column appears training oro er qua 1 19d 10m 0
. distance trom the Tennessee border d"“‘ “1 "l”dm‘m- ( “m5 ‘hd lraditronall). these Wd" “0rd” _ ' . ever M d addressa particular subject.
. . ' :nto \lississiPPi and the nation was Schwernct are "0 doubt “'th'h the haie PW" [PC electoral language ”f AHO‘ ”"5 prompts meto powth” y i on fly.
,_ II I team when it makes its mm in Spring choice or a speculatiie scenario to The \ isiting Team cannot voice more teaching space than ever acknowledge these efforts in its next
. - . . 1%]. it would seem highly introduce the topic. namely. what strongly enough its concern before. and the facult) are not report. that it win recogmyeihai no
‘ i Accredltatlon improbable that it will be tempted to might be the outcomes it regarding the physical plant and complaining at the sacrifice in office further improvement or significant
- . , = rec o or me nd w ithd raw al ot accreditation were to be withdrawn urges the unisersit) administration space that has been made to achieve progress is possible in our present
. .‘ . ~ l w iuld be greatls obliged it ‘ou accreditation WM) 0,, account ot min summer. and his selective to press lora new lacilit) as soon as it. quarters. and that it will renew its
' I - ‘ ' - . i. ,
. - . V. .. ,. ) . ‘ . I I ' _ sI . ". .' H ‘2
, . I_ I would provide man, in sour our mIiscrabch phIsical tconditit n; misrepresentation of m) remarks in possible admonitiontotheLniversit) andth.
. anuniru.'2-‘.'~ » ~~ ., ‘ ' .
, . correspondence columns m permit wh hv: ml LpsUIfitNIdm-C IN; tthproctss. Mr. Steiden. l recall. was ”“de (ommonwcalth that Architecture
l. . i . r . n r ) s . s x r s v s ‘- h I , t V
‘ .r '_ me to correct certain oi the more k LA“ ham-M1 t 0“” m 53‘“ [thI matter I2”; ”ML 5"? While n .5 cm] the case that our to inspect some of these madhb‘: new [I’u'ldg’I‘g 15:00“ d”
- I , _ , , .. . am: in u ic.itmi t ewe rte . ’ . , -. ossi c. re era ' core its
. ' . ‘ : detdl} ‘Cn‘dl'k‘ndl ‘PIHUld‘Wn‘ As Is made mention m the I975 VATAB visit'n rgt‘a . I . . buildings present insurmountable imprmementsatthetimeothisvisit. p “t p I985 )l986
' ~ ' t ' contained in Mr Steidensarticie on . , i . l L. t. ms t pinion b , . . I . . . '. . . . . Had hetakenthetroubletodoso his ”TSP“ 10" m or -
i ' ' .. . . , d b .. . i PC” Ulltmiils‘ paragra Ph 0’ ot our lacilitics were reported in tull: 0 width '0 ”N" dLhKumLm 0‘ d - '
. .- I. . accreditation an id prospects or Mr Steiden‘s article. the \AAH. lull} integrated prograni.the (1)“ch report might have been couched in S .. l't . . II d h'
' ‘ , . future architects lll kcntuclu. which h‘ . - _ , ,- _ _ rather different lan ua e. ~ PW“ d '“ Jeremia on Vt d1
_ Ullllht.‘ mam other accrediting . as LOnslderbl} improved upon the g g mi ht ha en in the v t f
‘ . appeared on the front page ot ‘ The strongest point the ‘ l' 'b . . , . _ g PP C en 0
, , agencies. has ”Ham” lrom . into era le conditions encountered catastr h" I_ 'bl' .
. ' lridas‘s Acme/dept 2m establishin LlIhLl Udlllldtn II \isiting learn can make in this b\ the Visiting Team m I975 Although the teaching space 0p K unreasona ”k” on
. . . i i - i i ‘r v C ( . » ~- . . s 4 r -s s v ' . . .
. When mmucwcd b) Mi Steiden qualit it \e st IIIde l t I th report h on the inadequac} ot the remains inadequate and none of it is the partIIof an accreditation agent}
- » ‘ r t c t ' cs 0 c _ . , ._ . . . . ' I
. . I‘ on lhursda). September 25. l was buildings in which schoo's or phIisical plant lhe tacilities are l;nrollment.lor example. has been surted to our purposes and though ma) “It." h‘ ‘1 I‘fi'tlmdte torm ot .
. ' ’ ' r . . . ' ‘ x r .
~: “hi“ “l “”hhrm [h‘” ‘h" \“lh’h‘” 'Hc‘hltt‘clure ”I. housed H'id (hm WmPls‘It‘l) atoddswithaprogramin cut b} means oi selective admission we are increasingly desperate for Iiourna ”m m d ‘0 ege “C“SP‘W”
I.’ 'f - Architectural Accreditation Board done str Pcrh'll“ three ‘qu'iriers oi architecturewhichisdedicatedtothe lrom over 500 students in Fall ol space in the Library. the Workshop 0 l‘ b l h
.‘ . , .- news the physical tacilities ot the the schools in this countrs would be design ol a surtable environment tor I975 to 300 by Fall of I978. This has and several other vital elements ol h n: “m on} C IUL‘ IO‘LHU'
, .‘ . I. t ollegu as a matter or \er) serious torced to burld ”WI quarters or face human Us“ resulted in the growth of an program support. the continued I at td ebcarInpus communrtIvdis utter
', . concern esiinction Architecturearidthe line The teaching tacilities extraordinarily well qualified efforts of this [innersitIv to 5”“ 3° “I“ Lepprtingan d“) er
‘ - i . . .. . . (classrooms studios) are in two student bodv. in the establishment of ameliorate our conditions of work. assessment 0 I l“ acts. ‘
Arts are the recognized urchins ol - . . .
» - lalsointorrned him.howe\er {hIH . .. , . . , burldings. approxrrnatel) ISO yards ade uate student lacult) ratios and bothin our resent uartersand wrth
I American dedLntlrt I . . q _ . p q . .
~ . (ht excellence m the program m apart. In addition tothe lactthatthe in a tar stronger program. and in regard to a new burlding. can be
. in imam” at Kentucks i. spaces are cramped. poorly equrpped substantial relief in overcrowding. regarded only in a positive light by ~.
- (I ’ ‘ undisputed both nationalls and lhis being so. we do not in the and POOH) maintained. the ph_\sical In addition. ellort has been made the forthcoming accreditation team.
' r. illtcl’li‘dllitnall} Ide ”10!“,er that in“! Ohlt‘t‘t m M, Sreidcn makinga separation turtlicr hampers the bIs the (‘ollege to imprme the As I indicated to Mr. Steidcn.
. - Ii suit-g this tact will be iihundrtnll} campus issue or our lnt’ldcquutc deselopment ot a lull) integrated characteristics and optima/ethe uses what I anticipate is that the Anthony Enrdlcy
' - “ esident to the nest accreditation lacilitics. wliar ls distressing H his program ot spaces aiailableto itTheieis now accreditation agency will Dean. College 0“ Architecture
.rI 3' ii
I, ' o o
' L Lsual tmpact not 8130 en WOT p ° ©
‘ .k' .' 1' . . . . 88
decrde preSL entla 8 ate victor
' “l‘ A lt‘llfl'dtl“ “V“‘hts' ”1 ( ““1“" ”hP'C‘W‘h‘ ”Md" ’7‘ will“ “hd better intorrncd Anderson set forth
‘l, 5 . . ’ iii.i. l sat among a cirtli or campaign “tittlt ideas and concepts “high he had 0 ‘
' _v‘ I aides and watched the lust telewsed loi csarnplc watching the quite VIN”) thought through. And— somtlmes even a I
"I. ' ' s debate betwceri Richard \isoti and Anderson—Reagan debate on tclcii— ctson “”de I’C'dllh. He thinks [here 000 I
I’ “- i lolxii lscnncdi f\llttltlllt>l] was the siori. l tliotiglit Reagan was the clear II an eticrg) “1‘” Reagan wrapped . .
._ .'_._‘ l word tor our mood and l had no winner He was relatneh at ease He the “N‘ in obscure optimism. Arid‘ '
‘ ‘. _' torewrrrriiiigiliat slioirh l would feel deriioristrated a human quality Me “In” .inswcred Reagan‘s debating WOU a appy 5'8 . -
, ' -:,‘.‘ dcspondcnt mentioned people He eien told a points Reagan wandered oll .
I 'I r. i .‘ 1 MW“ ““1 “H ”"5 FWD“: “1”] — i was interested to learn that a
t wliorr‘. l was working in that carn- partclol prolcssorswhoteachdebate
-I'. ‘, I‘ ', priign line-w that loliri Kenned\ had 0m thougltt that Anderson was the .
i ' I-,.' It; tresli. \igoiiiiis wellanlorrricd and among ms acquaintances who are /
. _I lbai s thi wa\ :t lot-lied toallot us stor\ He was .l\lllltlllrlIl. kindli. not predominant I .iw\crs are natural ,
- ’ .n that room and l lhlllh we were at all the hard as stcci inaii ol the point