xt7rv11vhx3x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rv11vhx3x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1999-06-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, June 24, 1999 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 24, 1999 1999 1999-06-24 2020 true xt7rv11vhx3x section xt7rv11vhx3x  




World's Tallest


1. Petronas Towers
Kuala Lumpur.
Malaysia 1483 ft..
88 stories

2. Sears Tower
Chicago. ill. l454
ft., 110 stories


muons rowens

3. Jin Mao Building
Shanghai, China
1379 ft., 88 stories

4. One World Trade
New York, NY 1368
ft., 110 stories

5. Two World Trade
New York, NY. 1362
ft., 110 stories

6. Empire State
New York, NY. 1250
ft., 102 stories

7. Central Plaza
Hong Kong, China
1227 ft., 78 stories

8. Bank of China
Hong Kong, China
1209 ft., 70 stories


if, I

9. The Centre
Hong Kong, China
1149 ft. 73 stories

10. T&C Tower
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
1140 ft., 85 stories

11. Amoco Building
Chicago, Ill. 1136 ft..
80 stories

12. John Hancock
Chicago, Ill. 1127 ft..
100 stories

13. Shun Hing Square

Shenzen, China 1066

ft., 69 stories



14. CITlC Plaza
Guangzhou, China
1056 ft., 80 stories

15. Chicago Beach
Resort Hotel
Dubai, United Arab
Emirates 1053 ft..
60 stories

16. Baiyoke Tower ll
Bangkok, Thailand
1050 ft., 90 stories

17. Chrysler Building
New York, NY. l046
ft., 77 stories

18. NationsBank Plaza
Atlanta, 6a. 1023
ft., 55 stories

19. Library Tower
Los Angeles, Calif.
1018 ft., 75 stories

20. Telekom Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia 1017 ft., 55



VOL. 8104 ISSUE “152




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~-»~9--a ~0vov~~o~>~o‘~+ao» uw~~~rv . a . -V‘ .: .» ii

Scene editor


Phone: 251-1915 I Email: KemebrtOyirooxom


o-w'wvovobvsoowovvoeonv-ooa. Q n ‘1




getting eye to eye with a. toothy grin

Undeclared sophomore Hobie Niler gets up close and personal with one of the Newport Aquariums more nefarious residents.

Day Trips ..

3v “93333219.



Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom

.»\ttractions: Louisville's very own
theme park. complete with roller coasters
and everything. Six Flags Kentucky King-
dom does a live action Batman show and
has a slew of rides and other attractions.
The main features incltide the ‘Hellevator'
which drops you 15 stories in a state of free
fall and the T2. North America's first sus—
pended roller coaster( you hang from a rail
instead ot‘sit normally) with loops. Still not
comparable in size or rides to Kings Island.
but quickly catching up. And cheaper still.

The tag: At $28.99 for adults. it‘s no bar-
gain. Plus they bleed you for another $3 to
park. Season passes are available for $49.99

liireciions: [-61 West to Louisville. get
ofi' on rein West. the Vl’aterson Expressway
and follow it to the H53 Intersection. The
Kingdom is right there. For more informa-
llUll. i'lill (SUB) 366-23; .

The Louisville Zoo

.»\itraciions: (‘ute little critters. The
Louisville Zoo is much smaller than the
i‘incinnati Zoo. but costs less and takes up
less driving time. The animal selection is
mediocre. but they have a good layout.
.\leerkat babies (like African groundhogs.

except bigger) and hairless moles are fea-
tured this year. An ideal place to take kids
if you have a spare afternoon.

The tag: The Louisville Zoo has a very
reasonable price at $7.95. Open from 10 am.
to 5 pm. Saturday through Tuesday. and 10
am. to 8 pm. Wednesday through Friday.

Directions: 164 West to 1264 West (Wa-
terson Expressway) and follow it to Poplar
Level Road. Exit 14 and go North. Follow
the signs to the Zoo. 1100 Trevilian Way.
For more information. call (502) 4592181.

The Newport Aquarium

Attractions: 11.000 different water
dwelling life forms spread through over 60
exhibits. Both the building and the exhibits
are superbly designed. The exhibits include
one of the world's largest shark viewing ar-
eas. a jellyfish gallery and an alligator dis-
play. Pretty much a great day excursion all

The tag: $12.97 for adults. Opens daily
at 10 am. closing time varies. call.

Directions: 1-75 North toward Cincin-
nati. take 17275 to Newport and follow the
signs to the aquarium in downtown New-
port. For more information. call(606) 261-7444.

Shaker Village

Attractions: ()ver 30 original buildings
dating back to the mid 19th century on
2.700 acres of scenic rolling countryside.


.uurcs crirse | KERNELSTAFF

Shaker Village has a little bed and
breakfast and 20 miles of stone fences. A
riverboat tour of the Kentucky river pal-
isades is offered which takes about an
hour. Very well reconstructed, but a touch

The tag: A tour of the village runs $9.50
for adults and a boat tour is $6. Shaker Vil-
lage offers a combined tour for $13.50. How-
ever. just driving out and roaming around
part of the grounds is free. Open daily from
9 am. to 5 pm.

Directions: Follow US 68 (Harrodsburg
Road) for 25 miles. Shaker Village will be
on the right. For more information. call
(800) 734-5611.

Fort Harrod

Attractions: Old Fort Harrod repre-
sents the first permanent European settle-
ment west of the Allegheny Mountains.
founded in 1774. They have an ancient
cemetery and the cabin where Abraham
Lincoln's parents were married. Incredibly
reconstructed, anti interesting even for
those not particularly interested by histo-


The tag: $3.50 for adults. Open daily 9
am. to 5 pm.

Directions: 32 miles out of Lexington.
Follow US 68 (Harrodsburg Road) straight
into Harrodsburg. The Fort will be on the
right. For more information. call (606) 734-

The Hub “The Hub"
By Amanda York

. .'.lllli
. l'i‘lllllll‘iilll til
‘lll‘iilill.l\lllllll il I.ii'is (il
WW Vllll“l’ll"‘ l.'i l'lli‘il
Mil» iiiiisii‘al iiiiu-iliiilws
All!) h ‘ll“‘:‘.i'.’isl' iln- I (lr‘iil
oi mich lili'llllii'l'
llizliliii- lx’iilwi‘is (loos .i
‘li'.|l l()l)i)lll|£l\\1lllilllli'
[)i‘l‘l‘ll\\lilll slxills oi .liillli
l’l‘li‘“ :il'i‘ inosi llillil'i‘sslh'
'l’he l\i‘ics ll't‘ lillislr ii"
lllllllllil.‘ siipiihiii llir‘iis
li‘lll'l' is iiii ill)lli‘Iil iiivw»
\\lllli' lill'i'l‘\ .‘il'i‘ ilii'i“ ..
(lIIli‘ .iiiil lln;
lliili'si l) is ‘lll iiiiwi‘esiiiig
llll\ ol' l',(li‘lll (aiih llllliilll'
irlezis and songs This him!
is ceiiaiiil'. ()Iii' to l.i‘~‘l-
\(I‘ill' Mm oii 'lhii v.77
\oii‘ll ltiiwxi. \ih..i .1": ii;-
lllll)l)illi is iliiilll

Lucid Grey “Tension and Re-
lease" { C/R Records }
By Amanda York

M-y .Ji -.N. ~‘

|.iicirl (ii'wfs i l) "l' n
sioii (liiil lx‘wlwisw is eh ,,.i
am. wl \wll. l“'l‘l"li .‘illll
release 'l‘lw- iniii‘il lili‘iiilii is
i'ei'i.iiiil‘. hail .l .‘l’v'iil (It i?
on 'lli‘li’ iiiinils when they
si-wiii‘nulx (lilllilliillll llii‘iii"
lit‘ili‘.‘ {l sii'iigulw io (i'ii'l
ioniw personal issiio-s lll'
\piie ihw si)llli'\\l)1ll (1c
lil"‘\\illt' hi'ics. l.li('l(l (ii'et
ill'll‘ii‘ls .l ( l) l):li‘l\(‘(l \\iih
i‘lii‘l“.!‘~. .‘illil seriously haiil

Illiii- (hiens i‘\'lill)lls.

The Week in Music

"till ill‘

Your Fable Caster"

By Ed Brown ~

lllll iii :ill lot ll limit-
i‘, iii Illll Hip-1.1m) is El“. ii
\iil‘il‘ 'l‘his inimdm,
“trill-l li'l \(lll lll]'\\ll ll \iiii’iv
looms): loi' rock \‘.iih .‘i lll
ili‘ ililll'l\ .‘lllil :i in! oi .iiii
iiiilv li's :i i‘l'lilllllillil‘t in)»
ll‘i ! irl slii'ls
\lli'ii‘l' lxl'lsll'il \';iii
llwolt [ii‘o\irlcs this on“.
i. . twichiii: \oiw .iiiil
l\llt‘\ (ill :1 lil' llli' ll‘.’lil\\
lliill slop l)l/.‘il‘l‘i'
and a quirky lilll :ii
‘i‘ \oiee on the i‘wsi
iiil' llll‘ \illle .‘ll'l‘ :i
will :iiiil h‘w- siii'giii:
lli.il .H‘i iii) ll) liJll' ili (is "»
lllll n“ ‘_’l (ill llll‘ (‘|) l'ili:ii)
Shin. l-.~i‘ llizissl. Shir :: l'tlll
whim iih'iimsl .mii lire!
iwswiwn luiiiiar' 'i ‘
imihiii (‘Xll'i'liii‘l‘i
'l'lav rock on this |"'i‘i'l‘il .- -‘.
- '.i)ll('()Il‘.ill“ Uni ll .

ll has ()lli‘ oi il‘K For)?!"

when s ol‘ all Hi): \liiwi

wizi ill sll‘i‘r'l litllits iiiwx l)

‘ilsl poles '\\lll)iiiil goalsf

1m il2e(‘l);inil i-nim ll'Ii‘lli
xoii \\on‘i regret ii.





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namely KEIMEI. l fittiunsoltvffitit zit. use“ ml“?


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r,ll.ilili \ rum .”)5 ool4 —"—"““""" ""
Miiil‘lllulll 325 9194 —~7 COMP'LED 3189551993,. ,
rennin it. ..n,, g 53 4567 8mm. Joel Schumacher‘s descent into the lurid War.
[WNW W ,d 33% 4567 underground crime world of sex. Starring The Love Letter. Kate Capshaw, Ellen DeGeneres
A( W .\ mm Li 3 3,0663 "“095 C309 and Joagurn ”109an . Playing at and Blythe Danner star in a comedy involving
. t 254 8128 Carmike. . a mysterious love letter. Playing at Lexington
" ‘ Analyze This. Robert Demo and Billy Crystal star Green.
I" a comedy about a shrink and a mobster. T'he Matrix Keanu Reeves in a noirish cyber-
Cincinnati venues oils died Lode): Guess who plays which role? Playing at punk action flick. Surprisingly he pulls it oft
Bouiilt s . -- “8738801 Carmike. Be ready for a slew of twists and turns in the
n, M WM ,. 2327o220 Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagoed Me The plot. which, also surprising for a Keanu
MN MW”, _ 721.04“ second installment of the Austin Powers Reeves movie, has been called intellectual by
W Crow” 421 4111 series. Starring Mike Myers in dual roles as critics. Still around after many months.
‘ ' ’ ’ Austin “Danger" Powers, and his nemesis, Playing at Man 0' War .
WW ””0”“ " """" ""7"”50 Dr Evil- He also plays a character named The Mummy. A special effects driven film. This
R’D't‘VVS-m » - - ~ ~--86I 6800 ‘Fat Bastard'. AISO With Heather Graham and one follows Brendan Fraser as a French
Playhouse in the Park ..... 3452242 59th Green. Playing at Man 0’ War, South Foreign Legion soldier who must combat the
Park and Turfland Mall. evil of an accidentally awakened mummy.
Louisville venues (502 area code). Babny1 (tie-(reiisusfe:h PossiblyMone of the wogst h Playing at Lexington Green and Woodhill.
, V' 0 e year. a 95 YOU W0" Gl' W 0 Nottinq Hill. Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant in a
:SSTIV.FifjffiféfnthOr775’7777 '°°ked at the 9'“ “mp“ ”this thing and ”mam“ C01ml! about a famous Star-
motorunmsnco my “gm 45872020 might. $3.35: 1919'5 onwmlltfli'7m Roberts, who falls in love with an unassuming
. . . - ~ . """""""" 0 a 3' . U 198 Y "0 wor bookseller, Grant. Trouble brews when her
Blues Maestro Moio Nixon plays at Lynagh 5 Saturday wrth the Toadliquors. For info call 255 6614. Kentucky opera. ...,584~r777 your dollar. fame and actor boyfriend start to crop up.
' Hibisvllle Gardens ”4.574'0060 Cookie's Fortune. A murder mystery and set Playing at South Park and Woodhill.
Actor's Theatre ..... .584-1205 piece combined. This one takes place in a Star Wars: Episode | - The Phantom Menace.
Headliners MUSIC Hall , small town in Mississippi and involves two Billed as quite possibly the most anticipated
sisters. Apparently one of Robert Altman's movie in history, but more just a showcase
Movie “waters: best films accordlnoto critics: Starrino an of industrial Light and Magic's special effects
amazmg cast, "lC'Udlnq Patriua Neal, 5|?” wizardry. Also sort of morbid if you stop and
I I I 5°“ 3”“ Close. Julianne_Moore. Liv Tyler and Chris think about it, the Dark Lord of the Sith as a
WWW“ ' O'Donnell. Playing at the Kentucky Theatre. cuddly 10 year old. Starring Liam Neeson and
Lexington Green... - Cruel Intentions. Twisted little set piece about Ewan McGregor as Jedi Knights and Jake
Man o. War ,,,,,,,,,,,, . a bet based on sex. A loose outtake of Loyd as young Anakin Skywalker. Playing at
FOI' the WEEk 0f June 24"JUI'IE 30 Kentucky Theatre. Dangerous Liasons, except substitute Lexington Green, Woodhill and Turfland Mall.
Turfland .......... gaggignrtfii/erwsew;Sfigdligfaeisctggtritis.th |_ Tarzan. Disniy's ‘9?hsuntimer.;oray. and l think
. - - . . U X l e C l' everyone nows e s ory. an raised by apes
M11519 wggyogfinmag 3,5621 8'30 p.m., 512' , max. Starring Sarah Michelle Gellar, Ryan struggles to find where he truly belongs when
T H u R S D A Y $12 advanced $14 door. 111% ca'm'ke -------- ‘ arms: and Reese W'ihNSPOOD- Playing at ge difjcoveEr:1 he’sRhumgn. Very htoughintg, refally.
. . - . - ase on gar ice urroug 5' oo 5 o the
ms "we “W "I m :fiwLHeadltmerAs Mu5ic :mdkrmimnByThflgdasys Campus listing: Election. The chronicle of a disastrous high same name. Expect some Disney twists on the
l M W‘ Lynagh 5'10 p.m. 53' Lguisville 8?:qu :5? venue, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays 5A8 '''' school election. Starring Reese Witherspoon action. Starring Minnie Driver, Glen Close and
9 W Nixon WI Bit] in Iowa. through Ju|y 11. $10 for students. SGA.. ”.2573191 as Tracy Flick, an over- achiever running Rone O'Donnell. Playing at Man 0' War and Lex-
Boga “,5 2621 Vine Street Call 233-0663. Gui no. Theatre 25711929 unopposed for class preSIdent until Matthew ington Green. ’
Cincinnati 8p in $10 ' T U E S D A Y . 9 - Broderick, playing teacher Jim McAllister,
' ' ' ' The RiversideProject. Lynagh's. Slnqleialv Center ------ -.--257‘4929 bribes dumb jock Paul, played by Chris Klein,
Kelly Willis VI/ Paul Thorton. 10 pm. $1. Misg- Art Museum .................... 257-5716 into running against her. Playing at Man 0'
Headliners 1386 Lexington .. . , Student Center ...... 257-8427 War.
'~ . SW-Pmmwm ~ . . W
Avenue, Loursvrlle. 8 pm. $12 Landis Fame. Headliners, 1386 tographs by m W Free Kentucky Kernel.... ..257-1915 Entrapment. Catherine Zeta JON-‘5 '5 sent 0” the
advance 5‘4 d°°'- Lexington Avenue. Louisville. 8 exhibit at the Public Library, 140 Kennedy Bookstore ........... 2520331 "3" °' 3 "‘35“? a” "”9" P'ale" by sea” -

pm 57. East Main Street Open during UK B k t 257.2947 Connery. There is the mevrtable love story and call Hlm
F R | D A Y library hours ' ‘ 0° 5 0'9 """" action sequences, pretty formula, but the plot
1W w/The Hub. ‘ Wildcat TEXtDOOKS- »----225'777‘ has a couple of twists. Also starring Ving Dada
Lynagh's. 10 pm. $3. The Buzz "I John "Wall-2 MA- Feed Your Head: Food as Subject Rhames and Will Patton. Playing at Lexington y

9.30 pm. $10 advance $1 door. and Metaphor. Free exhibit at m Ggen anld Moan o'hzlar'M H d th H

Coyote w mm,“ . the London House, 209 Castle- e nera '5 aug er. ii ary mur er ri er
firmer; 1386 {exington NS w E D N E S D A Y wood Drive. in the same vein as a Few Good Men. This I” W
Avenue, Louisville. 8 pm. $5. The Yonrico Scott Band. one revolves around the rape and murder of '

Lynagh's.10 pm. $5. I U E S D A Y 8 respected General‘s daughter (get It?) at Adam Sandler IS back tonyet
erflt Ffldayfeaturlanutverof “them F , f 1 West Point. Starring John Travolta and another summer romp. Thls time
Jasper. Lexington Art League, . . cam ' "*9 '" °""a Madeleme Stowe. Playing at Woodhlll, playing «'1 directionless looser (see
209 Castlewood Drive, free food We “MI W mus “mot performance at Arts Place, 16' Lexington Green and the Kentucky Theatre. 3 theme here?), Sonny Koufax, .

North Mill Street. Noon. who adopts a child in order to
prove to his girlfreind that he has

direction in life. Sandler’s frat-boy

from Applebee's, 6 to 9 pm. $5. Yats.10 P-m- 54- Hideous Kinky. Probably not nearly as interest-

ing as the title. Kate Winslet stars in a heart



VeteransofFuture Wars w/ John Mayallw/The Buzz Head- F R I D A Y warming mother daughter thing involving a humor mind numbin
. . . . . . , , g at best.
Autumn rising. Yats.10 pm. $3. liners, 1386 Lexington Avenue, Kentucky um“: m- nipple and her kids. Despite the title don t seems to have garnered a huge foI- .
Louisville. 8 pm. $12 advance tion. Reception at the Kentucky eXpeCt t0 see any WhlpS 0r Challis. Playing lowing after the Waterboy. Open-
91Xposure, yy/ Rockets to Mars. $14 Door. Gallery of Fine Crafts and Arts, at the Kentucky Theatre. . ing at area theatres tomorow.
The Simpletons and Thistie. Bog- 139 W Short Street. 5 to 7 pm. Instinct. Anthony Hopkins and Cuba Goodlng Jr.
art’s, 2621 Vine Street, Cincin- - _ star in a tale of a scientist, played by . .
nati. 8 pm $5. 33%;; %Ii:ca|::a%_"?t3eo pm. 2 Hopkins, who ‘goes native’ while studying The Red VIOII"
$22.35 ' m great apes’in Africa. Playing at South Park Follows a violin as it changes
5 A I U R D A Y Have an interesting event, art . and Vloodhill. , ownership over three centuries.
, , , C 0 M I N 6 exhibit or bands you think the Life. Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence nlay An emotional get of short stories,
N010 "m“ wltheToadquuors UK community might be inter- criminals sentenced to life in prison. The obvious chan es in settin and 6
nd Sa ' S 0 0 N ~ 8 8 p
l 350 m. Lynagh 5-10 P-m ested in? Let us know, 257-1915. movie's motto, Life: Share it with somebody riod as the violin moves through
$6 advanced $7 door. Rollins Band. JUIY 3 Bogart's, E mail: kernelart@yahoo.com 0' you love, lets you know this is one of those time. Starring Samuel L. Jackson.
2621 Vine Street, Cincinnati. fax to (606) 3234906. feel good type comedies. Playing at Man 0'





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Try these specials pfsoumosanENs on THREE SCREENS me PHANTOM Menacsleoiors
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. 'TARZAN idiots v’ H .. . . e ‘
. 2 for TueSday ourwoscnesns '“RWIG’ Jthié’ti'ttLESS‘UMR‘” nimrlulion lillt- \i~.iul.irn-n nil m \ ”Minn..." inn; 1‘. rain I .
1 6 mm SUbv another Of equal or 1115121512022533543‘ no 075 ourwo SCREENS , . is ~210 215 so 455 705 \liriucivnn iv. runner (Wanton-v.our. .i .. I'llev is. i. »ll'.l \l: \ in: l'v 1-"
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- . , ii .iL on INS IN ..
w/medlum drink. fig‘finflfi'figjflifififigwmms AUSTIN POWERS THE spv we on TWO 52235945 \Iujrir ruin-“or iir Rmmsiitvliiilu \ in win u- .r
SMGGED ”MPG-131““ “or “30 740 ‘45 r o 720 i) .. i i ‘ low \lu or i'rrilewir: lli \ 1" tr ll ,.
ONTHREE SCREENS _ a . nu. ll \ . l
'$I OFF any footlong SUb ”25 i2001235 220 301i 1.10 .9.” “0.563%... “5 P Time; ililv...ni “i l ‘ i‘
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.$-50 OFF an 6 SUI) 5‘5650 710 8‘5 9J0 9‘3 72' 7‘ a“ ‘ ( ) Place: illl IIl‘JIIIl \l mu. Risoll ‘ II2IIt'. \ :wrsl
. . meuuuuvleotsi THE “mm,“ 9V,MQ§ER25,E"S.. 45.. 65: z’ ‘ .
OLate nght pecral ii is 155 435 715 looo i225 -- 750 Q :5 3003 , _, s iiiniuine urn. i .

buy 1 tootlong w/medium drink of gugflVitPV-‘rbigl ms ""“‘” \ “ W \
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Name \‘it'lix \\ I.\‘\\L‘l\ \illlll'l lciiliiir-l iii. 1. \l
lesser value for 99¢ Program liisliiicliuii .\ \rIl'lllTiKIl ll I’rournmzl in. r. sl~~
: (every nlghl) after 5 pm ronnvs rims man All. ruurms HANDICAP Acczssmu - N0 PASSES no supemms '"“‘"""""" “u": H'" I "V“ “' “i“‘mmm “H": \ " I“ U“
I Igulllic‘l III\\|3III\\' in I out Instcm I ' " "lsxr L"l[ P'l ll‘l' ~ i-»i ~l-i"~ l" "
' kk‘llttkk‘i IlllIIIIl (ii.illcls1)ilrlny i' i. [‘Ilicl-l .91 l.‘ \ ixsl
\‘lliillfl' iiiilr it'list‘s \ I1‘ :iilt'r r: l .
\Iajur Prllfl'\\0r2 I): lkiiclsc It‘lh'\ \I.t|or I’rohmsnr. Ii \ . Ill ll‘
Rea t e paper, . , .
s - If you have athlete sf t n...
don t eat 1 00 , Plan-t 5T I.i\l~i Iiilttiilllih Hull-tiny Him 1 l IIt'il-lxi'\ I" ~ -
’ ' d
here 5 some goo news .. .
'__ A TV“ A ~_— 1 V. Program \1 lir‘ll.II‘- \l ir-occ‘ .tllsI Illll:! mi. kilir s. 5 'll. .iilii
I-igilull’lw " \
You may be eligible to participate in it research study Iiiw-rtuiinn Iiiio: Il‘llfli‘ri‘liilly ..r lhssrrlillilm rim. \l. is I‘l rniiriir
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Editorial Board

Clarlt Case. dialogue editor
Pat Clem, editor in chief
Jill Gorin, news editor

Dave German. sports editor
Robert Ouan. scene editor
Brian Richardson. photo editor







