xt7rv11vhz42 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rv11vhz42/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-09-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 17, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 17, 2008 2008 2008-09-17 2020 true xt7rv11vhz42 section xt7rv11vhz42 N 0 T Former walk—on and unknown corner becomes
A ZERO a hero after last second stop See spans, page 5



fast to get
taste of

By Laura Clef!
|c|ark@kyhfiel corn



Non-Muslim students may get a new
perspectire on Ramadan with an all-day
fast 'l'hursduy

At least 300 students will be taking
part in the l'ast-:\~Thon tundraising event
Thursday said Ann Mums. president of the
Muslim Student Association. The MSA.
uliich is \pttllsm'lllg the event. will donate
the money raised to the Catholic Action

During the last A~ l‘hon. both Muslim
and lltlllehlllsllm participants will fast from
sunrise to sunset. The e\ent features a fast
because during Ramadan. the lslaniie holy
tnonth. Muslims traditionally first while the
sun is up. Muiiis said

l .ist \\lll he htoken Willi a tree dinner
tot participints at pm Thursday in the
Strident ( LillLl (-rand B illtoom.

Ramadan. uhich began Sept. l this
year. is considered the holiest month of the
lslamie calendar because it is the month in
which the 0mm \MIN tirst rewaled to the
Prophet \lutiittniiad Ramadan. a lunar
month. “1” erd .iiound Sept. Kl). depend—
ing on the tscies o! the moon

lusting can help connect people to
their faith .m:. to the -.'ominunit_\. Mums

"lusting i- not out} a spiritual e\peri—
ence." .\lur:is said “it's also to help peo—
ple tindcrstant: lto\\ ll ieeis tor those \sho
go hung!) .il‘ oi the time in our oven

slip, Ramadan on porn? 10


must guard
free speech

By Laura Edelen
straight, brown hair. she points with of “No” or “Slow down." They're W
her other hand across a grassy field both just happy that Destiny is able -

Story and photos by Brad Luttrell
biutt‘ellflwkemel com

Neither give the slightest mention


With one finger wrapped in her

>3 Xvkift’li'. r‘Crh

(imeiitiien! setiee} .tlter ‘-‘ ll has
hurt militittd seturn} :nterests. according
to the keyio‘e \I‘ki‘. kct dehsertng the State
of th.‘ liist \mt nd merit taildress Tuesday

to an inflated slide. “Mommy, I want to be at the picnic

to go over there." To Destiny, it is about the gems,
Full of energy. Destiny Ross can’t toys and being around her friends .

find enough to do. Mom and Granny But to her family, it is bigger than ”'f~"?f\_‘ _

try to keep up. arms loaded with free that. WU. “:3: ,“;,;..“.::‘,l.“‘ “I“ M “mm

toys. including a firefighter's helmet Today is the Pediatric Cancer Sur- i.» .iiit-m time \ith

and pink sunglasses that Destiny vivors Picnic And today they are

(‘ciitci for he Mud-t ot
picked out from a basket earlier. celebrating her cancer 8 remission “ssh-i "Um W l a“

it the School ot lourn ll
ism and \1. iss ( on rmu
mentions .i the l mutr
\ll} of \liunesota
"l'he\ .icti.ills tinder
mine one .inothei~

lx'irtle) demoted
lltt‘ .idilt't‘ss lli illt‘ \V'l'
Noun;v l.il‘i.ri'} \uihtorium l‘uesday night
.is part \‘l the Scripps llmsard l’trst
\mendme'it ( en':i ‘s annual l irst .\mend-
ment (‘elshtxition which Will continue

Duringv her speech ls'irtle} said l'S.


Destiny was diagnosed with stage IV tucky Children's Hospital Pediatn'c Hema— The tamily tound lhenlsches in the
neuroblastoma. a nerve cancer commonly tology‘Oncoiogy department last year. waiting room 0t their physician .s practice.
found in children under 5. on Sept. 21. Three-hundred eighty of those patients Visit after \‘lNlI.CV€l‘yOHe was still at a loss
2006. were admitted to inpatient care. While Des~ fora solution to Destiny‘s sickness. Sex eral

Two years later, she is finally establish. tiny’ 8 story has been a success not all are months of doctor‘s appointments Came ,
ing the life she had before her cancer She so lucky. without a diagnosis. and they were directed
has returned to school and loves art class A few months before Destiny 5 diagno- to Kentucky Children’s Hospital.

She plays with her cat and loves going to sis, Regina Ross noticed a difference in A few tests and scans later. the reports
her granny's house. Destiny never became Destiny. The talkative, hyper 4~year—old came back. Destiny had cancer.

disc the emirrpmecse WWWWWWW Thuype of cancer wasncurohlasmnia.
of fighting off cancer But the fight was dif- When she stopped bouncing around the and they were catching it late. Stage IV is
fieult. house and became tired all the time, it was at the point that the cancer has already

Destiny is one of many. More than clear to her mom and dad. James Ross. that
4.000 children were treated through Ken- something was wrong.


See new" on page 8 l See Kinley on page 10





The new toca
tinn of the Uni

New health building offet s mores space.

By Ali Cicerchi

amt errhiakvi’ernel rrmt

l'llS Karen (‘lancy “But we didn‘t the behavioral clinic as null .is the
have a place to ptill them all togeth~ health and \\ ellness center l'K

Students returning to the inner
sit_\ llenlth Seruces lor the first time
this semester will find changes. in-
t‘llltllllj.‘ .i bigger space in ii neu lo
cation and .i new scr\ice for stii~

At the l'HS‘s new tat ility at Mo
8. Limestone. students not» have ac-
cess to .t health and wellness center
that has health advisers. tllt‘ilclillls
and a student health insurance coor~

“We‘ve :tl\Mt_\s had the educa-
tors." said :\ssot‘i.:te Director of

er. lt‘s an exciting' opportunity for

[VHS moi'ed its lacilities in mid-
July from the Kentucky (‘hmc on
South Limestone to their own build
on: next door. The new lourrlloor
building has more than three times
the space of the old facility. (‘lancy

The first floor wrll soon have 11
nurses clinic lt ts currently on the
third floor but Will he moved to the
first to offer quicker service for pa;
tients. The second floor has primary
and women's care. and the fourth is



HealthCare “lll occupy some of the
budding. too,

The neu building has more
space. which means more exam
rooms and more prime). (‘lancy

As With the old l'HS site. ulnch
was on the first floor of the Ken-
tucky Clinic. the neu lilt’llll} houses
primary care. gynecology. a behav-
ioral health clinic and health edue.r
tion programs. Students can access
services by calling.Y [HS and making.

See Health tilt piitiii ’0

in «a... Mia-- mix-us»

. versrty Health
""3“” . SBYVJCCS build-
> ing is now 830

S limestone


um: 257.1915; M 257-2872



 _|17)_§§_2_.L..W_eduisda.r. Septemberfl 200% .

























‘ ”N

iiir Tiifb’liilll'ajffiq rag] ““ ‘

By linda C. Black. Tribune
To get the advantage, check the
day's rating. 10 IS the easrest
day, 0 the most challenging.

Aries (March 21 -April 19) —
Today is a 7— Others are
eager to run off and do some-
thing that's unnecessary Don't
follow the crowd, or even a per,
son you love. Make up your own

Taurus (April 20-May a0) —
Today is a 7 - There’s plenty of
confusion and qurte a bit of con-
tradiction out there. Frustration
is abundant, too. Try not to
worry about it. This, too, will

Gemini (May 21-June 21) —
Today is a 7 —~ Let the combat-
ants have two minutes each to
express their opinions. Your
careful listening helps them
stay rational and coherent.
Cancer (June 22-July 22) —-
Today IS a 7 —~ Your communitv
involvement is good for others

as well as yourself You may not
feel like you did much. but every
little bit counts

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) —
Today is a 9 _ Good news from
faraway, or maybe it's mer-
chandise you ordered that‘s
arriving. Whatever, it Justifies a
celebration. Whoop it upl

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) —
Today is a 7 --— Financial woes
fade as you develop another
source of income. Your imagina—
tion is working well, Use it.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. Hi —
Today is a 7 —« Don't argue with
strong authority figures now.
Ask questions if you don't
understand. and then listen

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) —-
Today is a 7 A Keep pushing
now, while you have the chance
to make a few extra bucks. You
can relax later, after this oppor-
tunity’s all used up.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
— Today is a 7 —— You are a



spiritual person down to your
core, The things you feel most
passionate about lead to your
success. Be pushed by your con

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
—— Today IS a 6 7— A person you
.don't agree wrth on anything ‘
can still be a mentor if nothing

else, he can teach you where
you don't want to go That's
valuable. ‘
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) —y
Today is an 8 ~— Keep focusing :
on the area of study that inter- l
ests you the most. You're very l
close to finding the answer that l
everyone's seeking You could i
become a hero. i
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) —§
Today is a 7 —~» Don't tell any- l
body what you’re up to until it's l
a done deal. Keep enough in
your pocket for expenses and l
bank the rest 1

(C) 2008 Tribune Media


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I'lle DiSI-l

Is Jennifer Aniston poised
for a career comeback.l
Though the former Friends
actress had a string of movie
duds M such as Derailed. Ru—
mor Has it and Friends With
Money e- following the se-

ries' end in 2004 (only 2006‘s .

The Break—Up was a hit). her
upcoming guest-star gig on
NBC‘s comedy 30 Rock has
industry insiders saying she's
made a shrewd move. “it's a
hot show and she could use
some heat." James Ulmer of
The Ulmer Scale, which
tracks stars' bankability. tells
Us. ”Television has always
been her forte." in the
episode (season three pre-
mieres October 30; an airdate
for Aniston‘s spot hasn‘t been
announced). the Emmy~win-
ning actress. 3‘). plays Claire.
art ex~roommate of Liz
Lemon (Tina Fey) who ar»
rives in New York (‘ity and
turns stalker (Alec Baldwin is
her prey). "She‘s really fun-
ny." costar Katrina Bowden
tells Us.

Girl on film

But Aniston —~ who once
commanded Si million per
episode of Friends ~ isn‘t
done with movies by any
means, Besides a number of
films coming down the pike
— tearierker Marley 61 Me is
due at Christmas. and the
comedy He‘s Just Not That
lnto You is out next year —
Aniston was spotted dining
with ()scarawinriing director
Woody Allen. 72. at West
Hollywood restaurant Madco
August 26. “It was a business
dinner about a project. just
fleshing things out." a studio

met 90?

From thrills
to the pills

Jen Anniston career

source tells Us. but couldn‘t
reveal specifics. “Jen would
clearly be an amazing pick
for a Woody Allen movie.
She just has that neurotic<
woman thing down, doesn't

I've always felt like
I was different

One new hopeful frotn
America‘s Next Top Model
was born a man. Now Isis
King tells her story to tls

Last season on America‘s
Next Top Model. she was one
of live homeless women who
posed behind the finalists in a
photo shoot. From that dimly
lit image. she was chosen to
compete this year ((‘W.
Wednesdays. 8 pm.) but
that's not the most interesting
part of aspiring designer Isis
King‘s bio. The single Mary-
land native. 22. is also the rev
ality show‘s first transgender
contestant. She tells Us‘ Na—
talie Thomas how she got this
far — and how fervently she
desires the transition to come.

How did you go from
homeless to Top Model?

i wasn't on the street: l
was in an assisted-living pro»
gram and heard they needed
models. I basically gave my
all. I asked Mr. Jay (Manuel.
the art director). “Have you
ever had a girl that was born
in the wrong body?" He said
no. Later. i got a call saying.
"We want you to come back.
We liked the way you did
things." l was skeptical. but i
decided to see what could

When did you first realize
you were "bom in the wrong

going to the RX


From as young as l cart
remember. l‘ve always felt
like I was different. i visually
looked like a boy. but i never
felt like one on the inside. i
played with Barbies and did
double Dutch with the girls.
In high school. 1 came out as
a gay male; even though I felt
like that‘s not who I was. it
started to change things for
me. i was voted Most Outgo-
ing. Most Unique. l was the
autist. the fashion designer.

Did you make the change
gradually or all at once'.’

i used to take my moth»
er‘s shoes. l've been practic-
iitg catwalk for years! I didn‘t
start trying on her clothes un-
til middle school. After col—
lege (King earned an associa
ate's degree from the Art In-
stitute of Philadelphia). 1
knew i was going to start
transitioning. i went out with
my best friend. and we got
my shoes.

How did your family re—

My mother was very anti
~ everything at first. Then i
did a documentary called
Born in the Wrong Body last
year. Now she is very sup—
poniw. My baby brother.
who is 7. is happy for me.

How are you completing
the transition?

i started hormones last ,
summer, (They facilitate de—
velopment of feminine char»
acteristics. such as breasts.)
When i first started taking
them. l got sick a bit. and
that‘s normal.

Copyright 2008 Us Weekly




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Wednesday, September 17, 2008 I PAGE 3 (b



Physicists urge US. to prioritize energy efficiency

Pei Item Sellout
Mc etc y ewspapors

can reduce its dependence on for-
eign oil and greenhouse gas emis-
sions by making cars and buildings
much more energy efficient. accord-
ingtoastudyreleased'l‘uesday bya
large national association of physi-

The 46,000-member American
Physical Society argues the need for
action is urgent because the energy
crisis is the worst in US. history. It
also says that the physics and chem-
istry behind the human causes of
climate change — such as heat-trap-
ping pollution from the burning of
fossil fuels — is “well understood
and beyond dispute.“

The report argues that the coun-
try can still go a long way to reduce
energy use in cost-effective ways
that allow for continued comfort
and convenience. Although efficient
energy technologies can save mon-
ey, the US. has been slow to catch
on. the report says. It recommends
that the federal government adopt

policies and make investments.

“The opportunities are huge and
the costs are small.“ the report said.

The report's authors noted that
both Republican John McCain and
Democrat Barack Obama have
called for improvements in energy
efficiency and reduced oil imports
and emissions. They said that the
public also wants these changes be-
cause of worries about global wann-
ing, gasoline prices and national se-

“The bottom line is that the
quickest way to do something about
America‘s use of energy is through
energy efficiency," said Burton
Richter. the chairman of the study
panel and a 1976 Nobel Prize win-
ner in physics. “Energy that you
don’t use is free. It’s not imported
and it doesn‘t emit any greenhouse
gases. Most of the things we recom—
mend don‘t cost anything to the
economy. The economy will save

The report concludes that the
projected growth of energy use in
buildings - 30 percent by 2030 —
could be cut to zero using existing

technology and what’s likely to be-
come available in the next decade at
the current level of research and de-
velopment. It argues that the federal
government should encourage states

search and development in building
technologies. .

Consumers would have to pay
to install the technology. but they
would save money in the long run.

to set standards for residential build- the repon said.

ings and make sure On transportation. a

they're enforced. ,, key recommendation is
- “One of the Most of the things more federal govem-

things we would love ment investment in dc—

to see is all buildings we recommend veloping cheaper and

have Energy Star la- don't COSt anything more reliable batteries

bels." Richter said.
“Right now you
don't know how
much energy a build-
ing is going to use
that you’re interested
in moving into. We‘d
like to see an energy
audit required before
a building is sold or
even built."

Some of the re—
port‘s suggestions included in-
stalling roofs that reflect rather than
absorb the sun‘s energy in hot cli-
mates, more efficient heating. cool-
ing. lighting and appliances. and
more government investment in re


1.8 million acres proposed as
critical habitat for red-legged frog

to the economy.
The economy will
save money.

BURTON RICHTER house gases would be
chairman of the Amencar
Physmal 800er study pane;

By Michael Doyle
Mc latchy Newspapers

California red-legged frog re-
gained political territory
Tuesday as the Fish and
Wildlife Service proposed
designating 1.8 million acres
in California as critical habi-
tat for the threatened species.

The proposal spans 28
counties and more than
triples the agency’s previous
critical habitat proposal. Fish
and Wildlife Service officials
also hope it quiets the long-
running amphibian controver-
sy, although that may be un-

“The goal of the Service
is to help recover this species.
which is a California icon
that Mark Twain first made
famous in the days when car-
ly Californians hunted the
frogs as a food delicacy,"
Mike Fris. the agency's
Sacramento-based acting as~
sistant regional director, said
in a written statement.

The largest native frog in
the Westem United States. the
California red-legged frog
casts an equally outsized po-
litical shadow. The new criti-
cal habitat proposed Tuesday
is the fourth revision in seven
years. The last rewrite was re-
tracted after federal investiga—
tors began examining former
Deputy Assistant Interior
Secretary Julie MacDonald.

Though avoiding her
name. the Fish and Wildlife
Service stated Tuesday that
MacDonald “may have inap—
propriately influenced the ex—
tent and locations“ of the
frog‘s prior critical habitat

proposal. The latest revisions
largely pleased environmen-
talists. who along with Fish
and Wildlife Service profes-
sionals had frequently
clashed with MacDonald.

“No endangered species
can survive without its habi-
tat intact. and the red-legged
frog desperately needs pro—
tection of adequate wetlands
habitat throughout its former
range,“ declared Jeff Miller.
conservation advocate with
the Center for Biological Di-

Critical habitat is the area
considered essential to
species recovery. [I is not a
reserve. nor is its land pur—
chased by the govemment. If
federal actions such as levee
construction potentially
threaten the species or its
habitat. the agencies must
consult on plans.

The latest critical habitat
proposal grew. in part. be
cause officials added land ad—
jacent to known populations.
Officials also lifted a previ-
ous restriction that kept up-
land‘critical habitat to within
several hundred feet of a wa-
ter source.

()f the total. l.2 million
acres are privately owned and
the rest is owned by state.
federal or govcmment agen-
cies. This includes. for in-
stance, portions of Vanden-
berg Air Force Base and the
Army National Guard‘s
Camp San Luis ()bispo.

The specific 49 habitats
range from a 4.449-acre par—
cel in northwestem (.‘alaveras
County to several hundred
thousand acres in San Luis
()bispo County. It excludes

land in Merced. Fresno and
Stanislaus counties that had
originally been included.

Critics including Rep.
Dennis Cardoza. D-Calif..
have suggested critical habi-
tat designation effectively
lowers property values be~
cause landowners feel more
constrained. Fish and Wildlife
Service officials said they
avoid developed land where

“I have reservations about
the need for a listing.“ Car—
doza said Tuesday. adding
that “the process is broken.
because they have had to go
back and redo this a number
of times." '

Officials are still calculat—
ing the proposal's estimated

The Fish and Wildlife,
Service initially proposed in
2001 a critical habitat cover-
ing 4.1 million acres. Ranch-
ers. developers and San
Joaquin Valley lawmakers
erupted. The agency then
scaled the proposal back to
737.912 acres. That didn‘t
end the struggle.

in April 2006. the Fish
and Wildlife Service pro—
posed 450288 acres. A year
later. officials backtracked
and said they would try yet
again because of MacDon-
ald‘s apparent interference.
MacDonald abruptly resigned
in May 2007.

“MacDonald did not
want to designate critical
habitats." the interior Depart—
ment's Office of Inspector
General reported last year.
adding that MacDonald ap-
peared “frustrated" by the
critical habitat decisions.

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for electric cars.

“If you look at mag-
ically converting the
whole fleet to plug-in
hybrids" that get 40
miles per charge. green—

reduced by 33 percent
and gasoline use by 60
percent. Richter said.
That would be the
equivalent of cutting oil
imports by 6 million barrels a day.
Richter said. That‘s the amount the
US. imports from OPEC (largely
from Saudi Arabia. Venezuela and
Nigeria). out of a total of about [3.5
million barrels imported a day from

all countries.

“So if you're looking at energy
security issues, which is govem—
ment's business. if you're looking at
the overall economy. which also
ought to be govemment‘s business.
to spend a bit more on research and
development to hasten the day
when you‘re going to get all these
benefits is a good thing to do."
Richter said.

Also Tuesday, a group that in-
cluded Pacific Gas & Electric. The
Real Estate Roundtable. the Steel
Manufacturers Association. AFL-
(‘IO and Ceres called on state gov-
ernments and the next president and
Congress to make energy efficiency
a priority.

Energy efficiency investments
generate attractive. low-risk returns
for investors. said Mindy Lubber.
the president of Ceres. a network of
investors and environmental groups.
And efficiency is "essential to re
ducing our greenhouse-gas emis—
sions to levels scientists say are ab-
solutely necessary at the lowest
overall cost to our economy.“ she


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UK Police reports from Sept 9 to Sept 15


Sept. 9 Criminal mischief reported from Hospital at 3:54 pm

the Sigma Alpha Epsrlon house Sept 12 Theft of phone reported from

318303” Complex Driveat929pm NEWMAN FOUNDATION, INC. PRESENTS:
8"“ 9 SUSD‘C'OUS person reported 0" Sept 13 Alcohol intoxication reported on Jo n at h a n Wilson -H art grove

South Limestone at 1129 p m

Sept. 10 Marijuana use reported from
Woodland Avenue at 9 59 p m

Sept. 10 Scooter theft reported from in
front of the Reynolds Building at
1014 pm

Hospital Drive at 141 a m

Sept. 13 Subject passed out behind wheel
of running car arrested on South
Limestone at 3.10 am

Sept. 13 Person refusrng to leave UK Hos-
pital arrested at 3 32 a m


Author, New Monasticism: What It Has to Say to Today’s Church
and D1 rector, School for Conversion





- 8"“ " é'c‘mofl ‘mofcanonflloned 0” Sam-14 D'sorderlv person arrested 0” Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove describes a new monastic
0“ ”“95 one an arren Jersey Street at 2.44 am.
Court at 1:55 a m Sept “ Pemn arrested for ref mg to movement in the church today, telling stories of hope
. t . 1
Sort 11 §Ike theft reported from leave premises on Woodland AV. beneath the radar in forgotten places. knefusing to
Sam 11 agrehzusflu‘gdgnij 1 ?6n2: 9"”9 3‘ 4 3‘ a m ignore the culture of death that infect: do much of
' w' " U m [0 "’ So t. 15 Sus icmus Circumstances includ ‘1

rested forgindecent exposure at P ing : machete-like object In a American chlfistiani?29 hG WHO! tn ' “1'ka
Nicholaswlle Road and Cooper milk crate attached to bike ref ‘0 m. 110” Of W . . _ . _
Drive at 7 14 p m ported from Universrty Drive at . ~ .

Sept. 11 Arrest made at UK Hospital at 204 p m


Sept. 12 Alcohol usage arrest made on
Woodland Avenue at 12 34 a rn

Sept. 12 Narcotic theft reported from UK

Sept 15 Moped theft reported from Hill-
top Avenue at 8 40 p m

Sept. 15 Marijuana use reported on Hill-
top Avenue at 11 27 p m





 PAGE! I Weftnesday, September 17, 2008


Northwest sea lions teach humans the folly of fighting Mother Nature

The Seattlmtes

SEATTLE — The mus—
cle—bound beasts sprawling
across the wet wood were
males. all of them. big~
whiskered. furry fellows in
their prime. the nourishing fat
beneath their skin thick
enough to measure in inches.
The beasts w four California
and two Steller sea lions -—
were lounging on two bed-
room-size floating traps that.
ringed with chain-link fenc-
ing. bobbed on the water like
a pair of giant bird cages.

Biologists had jUSI started
using these pens to capture
some of the sea lions 4 the
ones most responsible for
wolfing down imperiled
salmon and steelhead below
Bonneville Dam. 145 miles
from the mouth of the (.‘o-
lumbia River. The traps were
simple affairs that mimicked
the sea lions‘ simple needs.
Every day. a few passing ani—
mals would launch their rip-
pling bellies onto the plat-
fomis through open cage
doors. While they lolled
about in the spring air as if

- the platforms were any other
handy haulout. authorities
with binoculars compared
their markings to a wanted
list of known fish-gobblers. lf
offenders were aboard. biolo~

. gists Would trip the cage

doors shut. trapping the pred-
ators until they could be
hauled off and shipped out.

As dawn broke on Sunday
May 4. the six sea lions
aboard the platforms were
moving freely. wriggling
about like squirrely children
on an unfamiliar mattress. But
when Robin Brown. a marine—
mammal biologist with Ore—
gon's Department of Fish and
Wildlife. got to them six hours
later. the trap doors were shut
and the squimting had ceased.
All six sea lions were dead.

Authorities immediately
suspected an assassin. Sea Ii-
ons are known for thieving
chinook from anglers‘ lines:
perhaps a vigilante fisherman
had taken revenge. Certainly
the circumstantial evidence
was convincing. Two sea li-
ons had metal fragments in
their necks. A metal slug was
lodged in the blubber of a
third. Rangers the day before
had found three elephant—seal
carcasses in California. each
with gunshot wounds to the
head. Federal authorities
quickly announced what they
presumed had happened:
Someone had shot and killed
these creatures. Another en»
dangered‘species conflict had
been settled with a gun.

To those who grasp the
West‘s cultural DNA. it
seemed an obvious end to an—
other chapter in the story of
man vs. nature. We burld
dams and locks and reengi-
neer rivers to suit our needs.
each time generating unex-
pected problems. In trying to
fix the problems. we in-
evitably generate new ones.
Resolutions remain elusive.

Truth. it turns out. isn‘t
easy to pin down, In the case
of the sea lions. the facts that
emerged created more qtlcse
trons than answers. The bodies
yielded no bullets. The slug
' and hits of metal biologists
found had been stuck in the
animals for years The actual
cause of death did little to clear

things up: Something had agi—
tated these sea lions. They died
gnawing at each other. Stress
made their blood vessels ooze
like soaker hoses. filling their
lungs and livers with fluids.
Their tissue and internal organs
actually started cooking. the
bum so intense the heat still ra-
diated hours later. On a chill.
sunless moming. these animals
had boiled to death.

"There‘s just no telling
what got them so worked
up." says Peregrine Wolff. an
Oregon Fish and Wildlife vet»
erinarian who helped perfonn
autopsies on them. "In other
cases where we‘ve trapped
sea lions. they're laid back.
even though they‘re out of
the water way longer. This is
truly a mystery. one we‘ll
probably never solve."

In the Pacific Northwest.
people have gone head to
head with these fin-footed
tricksters for decades. Yet
even in death. sea lions can
outsmart humans.

Sea lions —— the ones
called Califomia sea lions in
particular — are sophisticated
creatures that can learn and
adapt. a sort of water varmint
that humans find both amus-
ing and frustrating. Pat
Gearin. a sea—lion expert with
National Oceanic and AtmOs-
pheric Administration Fish-
eries in Seattle. keeps a few
photographs of some of their
greatest hits: a sea lion that
wiggled itself onto the back
of a police car; one staring at
a sign as if questioning the
words; a dozen sea lions map
ping on the back of a Navy
submarine. But when things
get more serious and we war
with these mammals. it‘s al-
most always about fish.
Gearin has seen sea lions
cruise net lines and bypass
low—grade pink salmon and
chum for the tastier sockeye
that humans prize. too.
Brown. with the state of Ore-
gon. says sea lions have been
known to track boatloads of
weekend—warrior anglers.
“When the fishermen jump