Minutes_g§ the University Faculty November 8. 1948

The University Faculty met in the Assembly Room of Lafferty
Hall, Monday. November 8. at 4:00 p.m. In the absence of President
Donovan. Vice President Chamberlain presided. Members absent were
George K. Brady‘, Alfred Brauer. Thomas P. Cooper‘. John Crockett.
May K. Duncan. Carsie Hammonds. R. D. Haun. Sarah B. Holmes’. M.
Jongeward. A. C. McFarlan. M. Scherago, Earl P. Slone. William S.
Taylor”. D. V. Terrell. and M. M. White”.


The minutes of October 11 were read and approved.

Dean Seay presented a proposed calendar for the year 1949-1950.
He called attention to the fact that in this calendar the summer
session was shorter by two days than that of the summer of 1948
and explained that the tttal number of teaching days was still
more than half that of the longer of the two semesters. He asked
that the Faculty approve the calendar for 1949-1950 and also
approve an amendment to the calendar for the summer session of
1949. so that the session would begin on Monday, June 20. instead
of Friday. June 17. The University Faculty. after some discussion.
‘hfl’ approved the proposed calendar for l949ol950 and also the amendment
“All '


to the calendar for the 1949 summer session. The calendar as
adepted by the Faculty is as follows:

134g First Semester

September 12’14 Monday. 8:00 a.m. to Wednesday. 5:00 p.m. - Classi-
fication tests and physical examinations for
new students

September l5a17 Thursday. 8:00 a.m. to Saturday noon « Registration
and classification of all stummnts. according
to an alphabetic schedule.



September 19 Monday a Class work begins.
September 24 Saturday a Last date one may enter an organized
class for the first semester
October 14~15 Friday and Saturday - Period for filing application
, for degrees
1 October 24 Monday 0 Last date one may drop a course without a
November 24 Thursday - Thanksgiving holiday.
December 17 Saturday Noon - Christmas holidays begin
1250 figggnd Semester
January 3 Tuesday, 8:00 a.m. , Christmas holidays end
January l9a24 Thursday through Tuesday. Final examinations
January 24 Tuesday. 6:00 p.m. - End of First sembster
January 31 Tuesday. 7:45 a.m. - Classification tests and physical
examinations for all new students
February 1—2 Wednesday. 8:00 a.m. to Thursday. 4:30 p.m. - Registration


and classification of all students. according
to an alphabetical schedule

'Absence explained