xt7rxw47qk4v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rxw47qk4v/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1890013 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1890-01-jun3. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1890-01-jun3. 1890 2011 true xt7rxw47qk4v section xt7rxw47qk4v MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 3, 1890 - page 93 -94 The Board of Trustees of the A. & M. College of Kentucky met in the Presidents room in the College June 3 at 3 P. M. 1890. Present His Excellency S. B. Buckner, Governor and Ex officio Ch'm. W. B. Kinkead P. P. Johnston Secly. J. D. Clardy Philemon Bird R. A. Spurr R. J. SDurr Hart Gibson W. D. Nicholas The Minutes of the last regular meeting, of the called meeting Sept. 3, 1889, and of the adjourned meeting Nov. 26, 1889 were read approved and ordered to be signed. The Minutes of the Executive Committee since the adjournment of the Board of Trustees in June 1889 were read approved and the action seconded ratified. The Report of the President of the College was then read and with the accompanying reports of the heads of Departments was referred to a committee consisting of Col. Gibson, Capt. Spurr and Philemon Bird with instructions to report thereon at the meeting on Wednesday morning. Dr. R. J. Spurr moved that a committee be appointed to revise and fix the salaries of officers, Professors and employees of the institution on an equitable basis said salaries attaching to the Professorships and positions and not to the incumbents thereof. Committee Dr. Spurr, Hart Gibson, J. D. Clardy. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, June 3, 1890 - page 94 Capt. Nicholas presented his report as Treasurer showing a balance of to the credit of the College at the close of the collegiate year, said report was laid. on the table of the Board and a committee consisting of Dr. J. D. Clardy and Philemon Bird was appointed to examine the accounts and vouchers of the Treasurer. A Committee consisting of P. P. Johnston & J. D. Clardy was appointed to nominate an Executive Committee for the ensuing year. Governor Buckner asked to be excused, on account of executive duties at Frankfort from further attendance on the meetings of the Board until Thursday the 5th inst. On his rising to retire Judge Kinkead in a few happily expressed sentences assured the Governor how much the Institution was indebted to him for his active intelligent and patroitic interest in the College, and especially for the essential service which he has rendered to it in placing it in a proper light before the General Assembly and the public. The Board then adjoined to meet in the Presidents room in the College tomorrow morning June 4 at 9 A. M. Missing report(s)