xt7rxw47rb53 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rxw47rb53/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1996 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 72, No. 2, Fall - December 1996 text Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 72, No. 2, Fall - December 1996 1996 2014 true xt7rxw47rb53 section xt7rxw47rb53 1
; Volume 72 Numbcr2 Fall-December 1996   \ 
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Us ISSN 0016-2116  
Table of Contents  
Introduction to the Frontier Nursing Service 1  
. 11
Report of Operations 3 11
Beyond the Mountains — Deanna Severance 4 11
Courier News - Keren Thamisee 8  
FSMFN/CNEP News — Susan Stone 13 ,1 3
_ ·i.
Martha Redpath — former Courier/CNEP  
. IM
student — Barb Gzbsan 16 1;;
Wendover News — Susie Hudgins 18  
Miscellaneous 22  
. 1
In Memoriam /In Honor of 23  
In Memory of Dr. Willis Weatherford 26  
Cover; Fall at Wendover — FNS Courier Sarah Kennedy with "Winky" a
who showed up at Wendover and won hearts. Photo by Karen T/wntisee 1`
Visit our Web Site http://www.baref0ot.com/fns  
‘ 11
Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin  
us tssn 0016-2116  
Published at the end of each quarter by the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.  
Wendover, Kentucky 41775  
Subscription Price $ 5.00 a Year for Donors  
Subscription Price $12.00 a Year for Institutions ii
Editor's Office, Wendover, Kentucky 41775 1;]
— _?_22_ 11
VOLUME 72 NUMBER 2 Fall December/ 1996  
Second-class postage paid at Wendover, KY 41775 and at additional mailing offices. Z Q
POSTMASTER; Send address changes to Frontier Nursing Service, Wendover. KY 41775.  
Copyright Frontier Nursing Service, lnc.1996/All Rights Reserved V

 “ t A QU/*RTERLX..l3c9LLEUN i
y The Frontier Nursing Service
t Hi! U you have never been introduced to the Frontier
  Nursing Service we would like to take this opportunity to brief you
A   on the history andthe on- going work ofthe service. We encourage
  you to share this Bulletin with o_/riend.
  Bom in 188l into a prominent American family, Mary
_   Breckinridge spent her early years in many parts of the world —
  Russia, France, Switzerland and the British Isles. After the death
  of her two children. she abandoned the homebound life expected
  of women of her class to devote herself to the service of others,
  particularly children.
  Mrs. Breckinridge established the Frontier Nursing Ser-
  vice (FNS) in Leslie County, Kentucky in l925, then one of the
  poorest and most inaccessible areas in the United States. Mrs.
  Breckinridge introduced the first nurse—midwives in this country.
  Riding their horses up mountains and across streams in blizzard,
  fog or flood, the FNS nurses brought modem healthcare to families
l throughout an area of 700 square miles.
’i Until her death in 1965, Mary Breckinridge was the
 ll driving force behind the work of the Service whose influence
  today extends far beyond eastern Kentucky. Through the Frontier
  School ofMidwifery and Family Nursing hundreds of nurses have
"   been trained and this important concept of family healthcare has
.   been carried throughout the world.
  Today the FNS is organized as a parent holding company
 , for Mary Breckinridge Healthcare lnc.. home health agency, four
i  outpost clinics, one primary care clinic in the hospital, Kate
 Qj Ireland Women's Healthcare Clinic and for the Frontier School of
 ‘ Midwifery and Family Nursing - the largest midwifery program in
·   the United States.
`   Remarkably. the purpose and philosophy of the FNS has
- l remained constant since 1925. —Dennno Severance, CEO

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Report of Operations
The following is a condensed Report ofOperations for the
' year 1996. Detailed statistics are printed in each September issue
ofthe Quarterly Bulletin.
14 Patient days 5.797
Deliveries 174
  Operations 742
1 X—rays 12,674
` CT scans 996
Mammograms 330
Physical Therapy 6,800
` Home Health visits 34,038
` Hyden Clinic visits 22.419
Kate Ireland Women`s visits 4.035
  Emergency Room 8.918
` Beechfork Clinic 4.389
. Community Health Center 3.663
1 Wooton Clinic 2.103
  Courier volunteer hours 4.171
Number of Couriers 16
  Nursing and other volunteer hours 2.952
  Number of other volunteers 19
Patients registered since 1925 256.620
 3 Maternity cases delivered since 1925 24.274
I l\/laternity deaths since 1925 (9 pueiperal, 2 cardiac) 1 1
. Total number ol` graduates since School began 980
·  Total number of CNEP students enrolled at this time 339
1 Total contributions: l.078.7l4.00

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Beyond the Mountains i
"Here 's to yourliealth, and your family 's good health, and may you _
all live long and prosper. " Washington Irving. -
I This is the time ofyear when those ofus at the FNS receive ·
, such heartwarming and supportive mail from you, our friends and
  supporters. We remember with appreciation all the generosity
, given to us in 1996 enabling us to continue our work. _
.  Independence Foundation
? May 24, I was privileged to be invited to lunch by Mr.
  Harold Kohn. Joining us were Mrs. Kohn and Susan Sherman. Ms. ·
 U Sherman is the President of the Independence Foundation. The
_ Independence Foundation was established in 1932 and contributes I
  to Arts & Humanities, Civic & Public Affairs and Health Services.
g We had a marvelous time discussing CNEP and the implications
  for distance learning for all adult learners.
r¢ ‘
  Physician ’s Assistants
  On May 28, in New York City, I was pleased to present to  y
  the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists physi-
  cian assistant infomation regarding the direct entry route to  
  midwifery now offered by the American College of Nurse—Mid— I
  wives. As part of strategic planning, the Board ofGovernors asked  
  that I investigate the opportunity for creating a pathway for  
  physician assistants to become midwives through the Frontier i
gl School of Midwifery and Family Nursing.  v_
  Mrs. Penny Armstrong did most ofthe investigative work ·
 ‘ for me, and that information has been presented to the CNEP
  faculty. The response about the pathway offered to physician  ‘
  assistants by the ACNM was received with interest. Currently
  there are a limited number of residency programs offered by
  medical schools which prepare physician assistants for an ex-
  panded medical assistant role; however, many physician assis-
  tants are nurses who, like our CNEP students, desire to safeguard
i the lives of mothers and babies through midwifery services.

Berea College President visits
[ In July, we were honored to have Dr. and Mrs. Larry
Shinn, President of Berea College visit the FNS. This was the
l• Shinns first trip to Wendover. We had an opportunity to walk
l through the Big House and tour the Frontier School of Midwifery
[ facilities in Hyden. All of us at the FNS hope Dr. and Mrs. Shinn
" will come again and stay longer.
Negotations with CCA
 » After months of talking with Community Care of America
(CCA) regarding a sale of Mary Breckinridge Healthcare, Inc.
(MBHC), the FNS Board of Governors ceased discussions.
Although the Board continues to believe the survival of the
A hospital, clinics and home health agency is dependent on MBHC
I becoming a part of a larger system, the Board and CCA amicably
l decided to end our talks.
. As always, the summer held meetings in and beyond the
" mountains with our auditors from Ernst & Young. The audit
procedure requires that auditors come and stay at Wendover for
E. two weeks. There is usually one new auditor on the team, and all
  ofus at Wendover enjoy being host during this time. The audit was
  published in the last Quarterly Bulletin.
_;  F U’th Third Bank
  September was a busy month. I had the opportunity to
 . meet with George Schaefer, President and CEO of Fifth Third
 ‘ Bank, Cincinnati. The Board of Governors and I are very pleased
l with the services provided to us by Fifth Third Bank, and it was my
_ pleasure to be able to share that with Mr. Schaefer.
Louisville Committe Luncheon
I The Louisville Luncheon was held September l l at the
Louisville Country Club with 26 people in attendance. Board
members Ken Tuggle and Dr. Anne Wasson attended. Discussions

 6  @§@Q .5ERV.lQE. .. .L--L- -.. . {
focused on the Board's Strategic Plan. Many questions were asked F
and answered. Thanks to Mrs. Marjorie Vogt for making this
luncheon possible. Mrs. Vogt and Mrs. Florence Raleigh (former i
courier) visited Wendover on their way to the Smoky Mountains. l.
The Louisville Committee has been a tremendous support to the
FNS this year! Our new freezer and dining room chairs were made y
possible through their generosity. ”
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Louisville Committee members
Channel 36 i
September 19, reporter Sr y Yancy with Channel 36
television news from Lexington visited the FNS. Ms. Yancy was  
resigning from her job at the station that week and said she had  
_ always wanted to do a story on the FNS. The story was very well  
done. Although only six minutes in length, it captured the FNS as  
it is today. F
Visit t0 North Carolina g
October 5, Mrs. Eleanor Stetekluh was a wonderful host- ;
ess to my husband Carl and me. I often write to our friends and
supporters inviting them to Wendover. Mrs. Stetekluh invited us j
to North Carolina and we had a couple of days to accept her ’
invitation. We drove home across the Blue Ridge Parkway,
something we had never done, and the leaves were in their flaming
glory. Many thanks to Mrs. Stetekluh for her gracious hospitality.

 use ..... .. C -   .QUARTEKL.Y. BULLETIN C . .   ..  
Daughters of Colonial Wars
The Daughters of Colonial Wars held their annual meet-
ing in eastern Kentucky this year. They visit the Frontier Nursing
. Service once every three years. It is always such a pleasure to
welcome long time friends. Among those attending were: Mrs. A.
W. Jurgeleit, President; Dr. Jessie Mize, Historian; Mrs. John M.
‘ Birmingham, Chaplain; Mrs. James Dewey O`Brien, First Vice-
President; Mrs. W. T. Buckner, Second Vice—President; Mrs.
i Nevon F. Jeffcoat, Recording Secretary and Mrs. Grant Bricker,
The Daughters have supported the FNS for 49 years and
have met so many urgent needs!
- CNEP Graduation
Graduation was held in Hyden October 19. 300 students
· families and faculty attended this auspicious event. This was the
V first time the Board of Governors chose to hold the fall meeting at
, the same time as graduation in order for the Board to attend. We
; were all so impressed by the dedication of our students and the
support of their families.
;° ACNM Re-Accreditation
g The week of November ll. the American College of
  Nurse-Midwives (ACNM) site evaluation team was in Hyden for
  the re—accreditation survey required every five years. Mr. Bill
  Hall. Vice-Chairman of the Frontier School of Midwifery and
 ` Family Nursing, drove to Hyden November I4 to meet with the
l site evaluation team. Many thanks to Ms. Betty Carrington and
i L Ms. Barbara Decker for the very professional report given to us on
Z Friday, November l5. The ACNM Board of Review will consider
 , the team's report, and we should hear from the Board of Review
. regarding our status in the near future.
As we enter this holiday time of the year, I wish you a
world of peace during this season and always.
-Deanna Severance, CEO

Courier News
Three months have passed since ‘ s   5
K I began my position as Courier Coordin— ._ " ·
tor. I feel blessed to be back in Kentucky      
surrounded by good friends, beautiful     `'`‘‘    
mountains and Cassie`s circle pies! 3 P l
The fall 1996 Couriers have °  
. stayed on the go with numerous dinners _ _  A- V A
? and x—ray runs. Even with their busy ,   -*:1 e =i·~=¤=¢?£;ésf**M
  schedules, the Couriers have still found time to carve pumpkins, y
.  quilt with Alabam, do woodwork with Sherman, and learn how to  
  eat southem food! We will soon be sadly bidding farewell to Eric.
if Tolly, Bronwen and Sarah, but we know they'll take a little of
  Frontier Nursing Service and Leslie County home. We are always
  greatly interested in hearing from past Couriers (so drop us a line)!
», We have enjoyed hearing from the following: 1
g  Jenny Cox ('96) is braving the big city in the cold of
  Philadelphia. Jenny began nursing school this fall at the University
G of Pennsylvania, with the goal of continuing in a midwifery
  program. Since leaving Kentucky, Jenny and her boyfriend have
  managed to complete a full size patchwork quilt (Jenny graduated
  from the Alabam School of Quilting)!
  Lucy Harris ('96) is in her first semester at Macalester  
'  College in St. Paul, Minnesota. Lucy spent her summer living in  
 Q a cabin in Vermont and working as an assistant manager for an  
 , organic garden. She misses Kentucky and may spend a few weeks i
i  with us during her winter term. y
C  Dan Bass ('96) recently sent a postcard from Ecuador, ll
  where he is studying Spanish and relaxing after a busy summer of
  preparing for the MCAT's. Dan shares my affinity for circle pie;  iq
  he asked us to send one down south. ·
  Dan Eldridge ('94), our dearly missed Courier Coordina-
  tor ('95, '96), is braving the northern winds. Dan returned to
  Toronto, Canada in August and has since supposedly been sighted
  in New York City and Boston. We at Wendover anxiously await
news of his most recent travels. I

 4tra-aCe;2L!éBT§¥ a  am 9
Danielle Stanko ('95) dropped us a line recently from
Erie, Pennsylvania. Danielle is in her first semester of medical
school. She says that the work is hard, but she is enjoying every
· minute of it. We’re happy for you, Danielle!
The fall brought us Couriers from all corners of the
country.TheirtimeinLeslieCounty has been one ofselfdiscovery
A and revelation. It has also been atime for creating memories. I have
enjoyed Thursday night medical TV marathons ("ER", The Learn-
I ing Channel's real life surgery show). I will never forget "bagel
fests" with the Couriers, Deanna and Carl (supplied by Sarah's
connections in New York City). And we will all cherish the
wonderful southem dinner prepared for us by the Severances
(Texas style)! Somehow the topic always comes back to food . . .
anyway, I hope you enjoy getting to know our most recent
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  Stefannye, Tolly and Brouwen Pumpkin carving
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TOIly, Sarah, Eric and Branwen

 ` I
Sarah Kennedy, 23, grew up in northern Virginia. How-
. ever, she came to us from New York City, where she has lived and
worked since graduating from Yale University with a major in
Religion. An interest in women's healthcare led Sarah to volunteer .
her time with a Nurse-Midwife in NYC and eventually to become
a Courier. While living at Wendover, Sarah spent a great deal of
time with Jana Cuddy, PA, at Hyden Clinic. She also shadowed ’
Nurse-Practitioners at the outpost clinics. In her free time Sarah
began a quilt and acquainted herself with the surrounding moun-
. tains on weekend hikes. Sarah recently returned home (first to
Virginia and soon to NYC) and is researching various healthcare
Bronwen Berlekamp, 23, is a California native. Bronwen
i is also a recent graduate of Yale where she studied Biology.
Bronwen is involved in almostevery aspect ofthe community. She ’
, has shadowed Jana Cuddy, PA and Dr. Moya at the Hyden Clinic.
  She spent time with Susan Ziegler, FNP, at the Community Health
  Center and accompanied Betsy MacMillan, CNM, to a birth.
’  Bronwen has been active in education. She tutors an elderly lady
  in reading, and dedicates time each week to the fifth grade classes
  of Stinnett Elementary School. In her free time she works on a quilt
—  and visits with Alabam. Bronwen is currently researching nurse-
i; practitioner programs.
  Tolly Johnson, 22, has also been initiated into the quilting
  circle. She came to Wendover from Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
`  where she is a graduate of Middle Tennessee State University. ¥
  Tolly is in the process of applying to Physician's Assistant pro- ‘
Q grams and volunteered in Tennessee to work with a Physician`s
  Assistant. She is enjoying working with the third grade classes at  ~
  Stinnett Elementary. Tolly also shadows Jana and Betsy (with
  whom she saw a birth!). She was a distinguished member of the ,
  Mary Breckinridge Festival parade where she rode on the hospital °‘
V-; float wearing the original ENS midwife uniform.
  Eric Wiesner, 22, a New York City native recently
  graduated with an anthropology degree from the University of `
  Michigan in Ann Arbor. He came to us with an interest in
I medical school, but through exposure to a variety of practitioners,

com _ `L__-- M. - mveecl
he is also considering nursing careers. Eric, the third member ofthe
"Stinnett Club", assists the fourth grade classes at the elementary
school. He also shadows the practitioners at Hyden Clinic and the
t outpost clinics. During his free time, Eric has been working on
making a table with our good friend Sherman Wooton. Eric has
previously studied in Brazil while gaining exposure to healthcare
' initiatives in city slums, and he is hoping to return to South
America to do further research.
Stefamzye Woodruff, 21, is our most recent Courier
addition. Stefannye is an Oklahoma native and is currently pursu-
ing a degree in Health Wellness at Oklahoma State University.
Stefannye has expressed an interest in everything. She has begun
her stay at Wendover by shadowing the Physical Therapist at the
hospital and accompanying a Home Health Nurse on rounds.
T Stefannye is excited about the opportunity to work with the Child
Health Educator through the Southeast Kentucky Area Health
Education Center. She would also like to experience the business
side of healthcare. -Karen T/ioznisee
Attention Former Couriers
' The Courier Program currently owns a l987 Dodge Mini Van with
l45,000 miles and a 1990 Toyota Corolla with l50.00() miles.We
want to purchase a new Mini Van for $l5.00() and are asking for
Z the help of each former courier all the way back from the begin-
l ning! lfyou would like to contribute to the purchase ofthe Van to
be used only for the Courier Program, please send your donation
 `P to the Development Office with a note stating what you wish the
money to be used for. Ifyou happen to have a used large-capacity
V} vehicle such as a mini van or a station wagon, please consider
donating it to the FNS on a tax-free basis. Your support will be
greatly appreciated by FNS and by future Couriers.
-Br1r}2 Gibson

Courier Bronwen Berlekamp explains the need for a van
. . . we no longer ride horses (somewhat to our disappoint-
ment!). and even the old jeeps are gone. Instead, we trek about in .
our trusty gold Toyota Corolla and our not—so-trusty Chrysler van,
known to us as "The Van." This poor van is beautifully decorated
on the outside with the words "FNS Courier Program," in stark '
contrast to it's very sick insides. Just one x-ray mn to Hazard is
enough to reveal its problems. On the way down Wendover Road,
you might notice that tuming the steering wheel does not always ‘
1 result in a correlating change in direction. After hydroplaning your
» way up the I-Iyden Spur road, you might be alarmed to find the .
’ braking unpredictable as you pull up to the Thousandsticks toll—
  booth. Once on the Daniel Boone Parkway, do not be surprised if
  the transmission moodily switches between gears without appar— ,
g ent provocation. When you retum to The Van after visiting the
  radiologist on call, be sure to climb in the passenger side, as the
  driver's side door is out of order. And last but not least, expect  
_ . strange looks from other drivers at traffic lights on your way home. p
  The Van does not always know how to idle quietly. I
  All ofthese symptoms have been diagnosed and treated at
 _ some point. But the overall prognosis for The Van is so grim that
 l it has been grounded at Wendover for several weeks, leaving us _
 ‘ with only one vehicle for performing Courier duties and entirely I
gt without for transporting large loads. We are dearly hoping to `
  replace The Van as soon as possible, and we hope that you can help €
  us with this effort.  
  Please help the FNS Courier Program continue it's neces- I
it sary work by contributing whatever you can to the New Vehicle  ‘"
  My stay at FNS will be over too soon to see the new I
  vehicle, but I have witnessed the demise ofThe Van and would be »i  V
? proud to help bring about it's replacement. '

- Susan Stone
The CNEP has experienced a M
year of many changes. Even as major `
· changes occurred within the CNEP Ad-  
ministration, the Program continued to ’   .```  
be successful. As of mid—November,  
~ we had graduated 94 nurse—midwives    
during 1996. This brings the grand .    
. total to 419 since the Program's incept— ·-·» if      
  ion. At the same time we admitted 148 new students during 1996.
This is a reflection ofthe solid foundation that this School was built
V upon.
As we look forward to 1997 with some excitement, we
would like to introduce the current Administrative Team. We say
I current because this summer we convened a Search Committee
_ with the goal being to find qualified educational directors for
CNEP who could be located in Lexington. We realized that the
search for the new Administrative Team could not be rushed. We
needed the time to do the search justice in order to find the best
A people for these positions. The Interim Program Director Phyllis
i Long was unable to continue past November 30 due to other
 ` commitments and Cindy Farley, Interim Clinical Director, needed
- to get back to her research (Cindy is currently finishing up her
 1 Ph.D and working on her dissertation). Therefore new Acting
  Directors have been named. These Directors have agreed to stay
· in place for as long as it takes to recruit a new Administrative
- I, Susan Stone, CNM, MS, have been appointed Acting
 °` ' Program Director. I am not new to CNEP as I was actually a
 V member of the original CNEP Pilot Program, CNEP Class l.
· Before coming to CNEP I received a Master's Degree in Nursing
Administration from the State University of New York. My
history includes positions in administrative roles running inpatient
I and outpatient obstetrical health services. I was involved in

successful grant writing in New York State that resulted in the
expansion of midwifery services to outreach prenatal clinics in
rural upstate New York. After graduating from CNEP, I worked in j
upstate New York doing full scope midwifery for six years. In .'
addition I have held several positions with CNEP including l
Antepartum Course Faculty, Special Projects Director, Regional  
Clinical Coordinator, Assistant Clinical Director and Admissions if
Chairperson. I also served during this past summer on the Search
Committee and the Transition Team. I am definitely devoted to a
long term commitment to CNEP and to the education of nurse-
, Kerri Schuiling,CNM,MSN, .       S , 1
..,  .. ·<—— ’71¤~ 1;; ·~,
has been appointed Acting Education g M   0%;   .t., E
3 Director. 1.   ,__ , _.  `  
  Kerri graduated from college   M i    
  in 1973 with ii asu. site worked as  P .. Q   '  Q it
  a labor and delivery nurse but in     [Nag.   l` i l
  1974 was recruited into a teaching   » ·   ‘   q |_
  role. Since then she has always been I I :1  
  in both clinical practice and taught     .
  either nursing or advanced practice nursing students. In 1974 she
  returned to school earning an MSN with a minor in clinical
  teaching and physiology. Her major was advanced maternity
  nursing. She also earned a certificate as a nurse—practitioner
  during these years. During her full—time teaching years Kerri was .
  active on curriculum committees within the school and university
  and admits that she loves the challenge of curricular activity and
  design. A
  In 1989 Kerri entered the first class of the CNEP Pilot  
  Program. Since becoming aCNM Kerry has practiced in Michigan ,_
  and Colorado in private practices and in a large midwifery service.
Kerri began teaching for CNEP in 1991 as a Teaching Associate
  in the Well Woman Course and became faculty in 1991. In 1993
  Kerri took the role ofCourse Coordinator in Physiology. We feel .
i fortunate to have Kerri. Her past history and experience make her
. a natural choice for this role of Education Director.

Jackie M0rrill,CNM,MS, y { ‘i
has been appointed the Acting Di-   { _
1 rector of Student Affairs. This po-   I     ~
“,i sition replaces the previous Clini-  ji p,‘‘  j p  ,, ,g        s
  cal Director. It will provide di-  _"j’;      »  
  rection to the supervision and   "   
?’ guidance of the students in order   pii‘;   ‘  _ ti_, `I   *» “ fi 
i to make good Progress through ff ciiiv     ~ .      ll .
the CNEP Program in both their didactic and clinical work. Jackie
will have a team of three Regional Directors and 20 Regional
Clinical Coordinators working with her in this effort. Jackie
graduated from the University of California with a MS in Family
[ Health Care Nursing in 1979. She then went on to obtain a
Certificate in Nurse—Midwifery from the SUNY Downstate Pro-
gram in Brooklyn, New York in 1980. She has held several clinical
I positions as a Nurse-Midwife in the past 16 years. Jackie was also
  a faculty member at the University of Pennsylvania from 1977 to
1 1987 in their nurse—midwifery education program. She held vari-
1 ous positions including Lecturer, Clinical Instructor and was their
l Acting Program Director during 1986. More recently Jackie has
been working with us at CNEP. She started as a Teaching Associ-
ate for the Post Partum Course in 1992. was appointed Course
Faculty in 1994, and most recently has been a full-time Student
Advisor. She is also the current Chairperson of the Admissions
Committee. Jackie's helpful nature and dedication to the education
of nurse-midwives will serve our students well.
These three midwives make up the Administrative Team
3 of the CNEP. Along with the support staff in Hyden. they are
committed to the continuing success of the CNEP in producing
I knowledgeable, qualified nurse-midwives who provide compre-
°` hensive healthcare to families. The new year promises to be an
‘ exciting one with many goals which includes investigation ofthe
A computerization ofthe curriculum and the integration ofmu1time—
dia methods of teaching and learning.

 J ,‘2m.-a-a---.s___ P@ $l3EQ;ada--;
Martha Redpath - Former Courier/CNEP Student
I arrived in Hyden, Kentucky, 9
I in August 1996 with the excitement of *
anticipation as Ienrolled in the Com- g ‘  { ,
munity Based Nurse-Midwifery Pro-   I ,.i»  
gram (CNEP). Who could imagine I  I I     (
would see the same hills and hollers as I   
those I had seen in the summer of ,   ‘ ·* I . 
1978 when I was a Courier. II f ‘
. In 1978, I was enrolled at Duke University School of
Nursing. I leamed about FNS through my mother who grew up in
the Boston area and thought it might be an interesting experience
for me to participate in the Courier Program. Interesting was an
, understatement. It was amazing. I met new friends, had new
gI experiences with a rich and fascinating culture, and became
exposed to the role of the Nurse-Midwife that was to have a
{_ profound influence on the direction of my nursing career.
  I met my fellow Couriers, Bets, Trefts and Martha
I_ Finkelstein. Because there were two Manhas on staff and Verna
` Potter wanted to keep us straight, I was called "Reddy". I don`t
remember who came up with that one, but Reddy it was for the time
  I was in Kentucky. It took only a few days to get settled in. We
_  explored the walking bridge over the river near Wendover and
 . went to the drive—in with Gabrielle Beasley in a flat bed truck.
  There were no complaints about the food from Opal's kitchen.
  The couriers no longer rode horses in 1978. The lessons of
I driving with a clutch in hills that seemed to be ata 90 degree pitch
  was plenty of challenge for me. I loved the drives through streams `
  and along hillsides that held breathtaking beauty. I was taken by
  the warmth of the people. I took supplies to a patient one day and _
  sat and chatted and drank coffee. I heard about the coal mines, the
  lung disease, the cold winters and her family. I heard and saw a
  beauty and strength that comes with surviving the hills through the
.5 years and I liked what I saw. The next day I met my patient at the
Q bottom of the hill tojoin her at church. Car after car drove by and
‘ waved. "You waiting for Hazel'?" How did they know? There were

no phone lines t0 her house in those days, wasn't itjust yesterday
that she invited me to come? Just another lesson for a young
student to take in.
I My work with the Family Nurse-Practitioners and Mary
Weaver in the