xt7rxw47sw9s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rxw47sw9s/data/mets.xml Mississippi Mississippi Historical Records Survey 1939 Prepared by the Survey of Federal Archives, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Works Progress Administration; The National Archives and Louisiana State University, Cooperating Sponsors; Other contributors include: Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.), United States Works Progress Administration, National Archives (U.S.), University of New Orleans; iv, 49 leaves, 28 cm; Mimeographed; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.3/23 books English New Orleans: The Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Mississippi Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series III The Department of the Treasury, Number 23 Mississippi text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series III The Department of the Treasury, Number 23 Mississippi 1939 1939 2015 true xt7rxw47sw9s section xt7rxw47sw9s T I I UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY ‘ » ·,; II"I"“I IIIEI www IIIVI II ww I I III III!/IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I U E IH H meas wrmgg 3 H —— ‘ ~ _ I I _ _ 4; il J y ; gt ,__·;;\`e- I INV Ef\II©i<_Y cw F E DE K A L A KC I-I I V Ii I · ·· » I IN T H E IAII IB I.-IT I E 5; I? » Ia .52 I ‘1I · SEQIES III, THE DEIDAIZIIMEIII {LM THE TREHSL.IRY 1* H0, 23, I ‘_ MISSIBMPPI · 2 2 1· W C.2JC`-5\"Q`( UF ITI.Ki..iI`Y>*.L /=¥`J*QE3%·II`,/‘ ‘ 2 .‘.· w ‘`·. PT *»·~ixJ’j<`T. ,2. · nj; -;‘ :*3:;:* r,·IVl'I’/F·‘ .*<'¤’x.E"I.rIJf\I_ rms;} Y¤i5·‘,».©L [-M/_I,Is?·‘,T; I I [·l;;‘.·; '.I%I_·V.»'·.`J'}, I..<>·;I<;Im:»·. I E .4 [ . I 1 . "\ ·n ` { 4 1 I 1 { E 1 I \ > E E { A ' 4 r 1 1 i INVENTORY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES IN THE STATES Prepared by The Survey of Federal Archives Division of Professional end Service Projects Works Progress Administration The National Archives and Louisiana State University Cooperating Sponsors SERIES III. THE DEPARTNEKT OF THE TREASURY NO. 25. MISSISSIPPI New Orleans, Louisiana The Survey of Federal Archives ICB? I— 3 `- t ii i The Survey of Federal Archives > Philip M. Hamer, National Director Stanley C. Arthur, Regional Director ( George E. Schilling, State Supervisor I I I I I I I Division of Professional and Service Projects F Florence Kerr, Assistant Administrator Ethel Payne, State Director I WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION F. C. Harrington, Administrator I R. ihrvin Porter, Acting State Administrator V I I II ~ iii PREFQQE The Inventory of Federal Archives in the States is one of the producbE_BY°%BE"WB}k"Bfm€H€`Sh}¥E§"EF'?EHEYET`KY$Hivcs, which operated as a mation-wide prnject 0f the Works Progress Administration from January 1, 1956 to June $0, T957, and has been continued since that data in Mississippi as a state project of that Administration. The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows: Series I consists of reports on the administration of the Survey, acknowledgments, and general discussions of the location, condition, and content of federal archives in the states. Succeeding series c0n~ tain the detailed information secured by workers 0f the Survey, in inventory form, a separate series number boing assigned to each of the executive departments (except the Department of State) and other major units of the Federal Government. Within each series N0. 1 is a general introduction to the field organization and records of the governmental agency concerned; the succeeding numbers contain the inventory proper, separate numbers being assigned to each state in alphabetical order. Thus, in each series, the inventory for Alabama is H0. 2, that for Arizona N0. 5, that for Arkansas N0. Q, etc. For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of related rocords, is prwscntcd in the following order: title, in- clusive dates ("t0 date" indicating an open file at the time the in- formation was secured), general description of infornmtional content, description of the system 0f filing 0r indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and purpose 0f usc, form of the record itself (bound volumes, sheets in folders, ctc.), linear footage, description of the containers, physical condition of the records (not stated if satisfac- tory), location by room number or other identifying information, and finally, the number of the Form $9SA on which this information was originally recorded by a Survey worker and from which it was abstracted for the Inventory. This form is on file in The National Archives. `Whan it contains substantial inforwmtion on addenda sheets which has not been included in the mimcogyaphcd abstract, indication of this is given by use of the reference "Sce add©nd&." In Mississippi the work of the Survey was under the direction of Mr. Stanley C. Arthur, regional director for Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi, with Mr. George E, Schilling as state supervisor, until June $0, 1Q}?. Since that time Mr. Schilling has been in charge of the state project. This Inventory of thm records of the Department of the Treasury in Mississippi was prepared in the New Orleans office of the Survey under the direction of lhs. Norris Fazckas, udit0r·in—chicf and assistant state supervisor, and was edited before final typing by Dr. Erik Achorn of the Washington office. Stanley C. Arthur State Supervisor New Orleans, Louisiana Survey of Federul Archives Dccanbur, 1959. in Louisiana iv A CONTENTS I Page [ ACCOUNTS AED DEPOSITS, OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF O I Jeckson, State Accounts Office. ............. l Jackson, Stetc Disbursing Office ............. A C Jackson, Subregionel Disbursing Office .......... 5 I COAST GUARD Biloxi, Air Station .... . .............. 7 Qzlfport, Custody of Deputy Collector of Customs .... . B CUSTOMS, BUREAU OF Biloxi, Office of Deputy Collector ........... . 9 Gulfport, Office of Deputy Collector .......... . l2 Natchez, Office of Deputy Collector . .......... 25 Pascagoula, Office of Deputy Collector. . ........ 25 V Vicksburg, Office of Deputy Collector . .....v... 25 INTERNAL REVENUE, BUREAU OF Aberdeen, Office of Deputy Collector. . . .... . . . . 26 Jackson, Office of Collector ............... 26 Jackson, Office of Alcohol Tax Unit Investigator .... . 58 Meridian, Office of Alcohol Tax Unit Investigator .... Al PROCUREMENT DIVISION Jackson, State Procurement Office ............ M2 Meridien, Office of Construction Engineer .... . . . . Zip PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, BUREAU OF Gulfport, Quarantine and Relief Station (not surveyed). . M5 Ship Island, Gulf Quarantine Station ,.......... U5 %§` 1 J OFFICELSgi CCOEETS AND DEPOSITS .=I£*—52i<§.9N STATE ACCOUNTS OFFICE Tower Bldg., W. Pearl and S. Roach Sts, This office was established in 1955. It keeps account of the funds of the emergency agencies in the state. Records are complete. Reports are sent to Washington, D, C, 1. INDEX OF PROJECTS, 1955 to date. Work project number and loca- tion. (Frequently, official.) 5 x 5 cards, 5 ft. 6 in., in steel card cabinet. R. 701. (655) 2. FORMS, MISCELLANEOUS, IQ55 - Feb. 1956. Old forms pertaining to War Department projects. (Inactive file, seldom, official.) Q x 12 folders, l ft., in pasteboard transfer case. R. 701. (6hQ) 5. ABSTRACT OF ALLOTMENTS, 1955 to date. Filed numerically. (Fre- quently, official.) 9 x l2 folders, 5 ft. 6 in., in steel filing case. R. 701. (612) M, ABSTRACT OF ALLOTLEFT LEDCEA SHEETS, 1955 to date. Form B-ll—D, revised, showing official project number, bureau reference number, treasury reference number, allotments and limitations, net encumbrances, expenditures, and unliquidatod balance. Filed numerically. (Frcquont~ ly, official.) ll x 15 1/P loose sheets, lh ft., in steel filing cases. R. 701. (651) 5, ADVICE OF CHANGE IN ALLOTDENT, D955 to date. Form A—5A, showing project manager, advice number, work project number, and allotment num~ bers. Filed numerically. (Frequently, official.) Q x 12 folders, 10 ft. 6 in., in steel filing cases. R. 701. (655) 6. APPROPRIATIONS AND ALLOCATIONS, Dj55 to date. Record of appro- priations, amounts allotted to difteront units, etc. Filed by project. (Frequently, official.) Q x 12 folders, 2 Ft., in steel filing case. R. 701. (6110) 7, CORRESPONDENCE, GENERAL, 1955 to date. With state, district, county, and federal offices and emergency agencies. Filed alphabeti- cally. (Frequently, official.) 9 x l2 folders, 7 ft. 6 in., in steel filing cases. Rs. 612 and 701. (5QL, 6h5) 8, DAILY REGISTER OF TRANSACTIONS, 1955 to date. Form B—15, revised, ig Commissioner of Accounts and Deposits, Jackson 2 ( showing district and county appropriations, official project encum- G brances, allotments, bureau voucher number, and treasury voucher number. pg Filed by districts. (Frequently, official.) ll x 15 1/2 loose sheets, I h ft., in steel filing case. R. 701. (650) . (1 9. DAILY REPORT CF ALLOTMENT BAIANCES, 1955 to date, Form B—l6, 1} showing project authorization, appropriation symbol, official project _ number, allotment number, liquidation encumbrances, etc. (Frequently, »1 official.) 9 X 12 folders, 6 in., in steel filing case. R, 701. (659) I 10. DAILY SUMMARY OF COLLECTIONS, 1955 to date. Form 1695, showing schedule number, amount, accounts to be credited, and total. (Occa~ ,i sionally, official.) Q x 12 folders, 5 in., in steel filing case. . R. 701. (656) f ll, DAILY SUhm%RY OF DISBURSEMENTS, L955 to date. Form 1692, show- 1 ing symbol number, date, lot number, control account, and appropriation 1 on other account. Filed numerically. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 12 I folder, 6 in., in steel filing case. R. 701. (éhd) I2. DETAILED REPORT BY APPROPRIATION~ALLOCATIONS, 1955 to date. Form SF-l, showing appropriation symbol, official project number, de- scription, location, project limitation, net encumbrances, vouchers, ( unencumbcred allotments, unliquidated encumbrances, ctc. (Frequently, official.) 17 x 22 loose sheets, l ft. 6 in., in steel filing case. R. 701. (652) ( 15. EUCUMBRANCE REGISTER, SERIAL, 1955 to date. Encumbrances with serial numbers. Filed numerically. (Frequently, official.) 10 x 12 1/2 loose-leaf books, 1 ft., on shelf. R, 701. (6MM) lh. ENCUMBRAUCES, MISCELLANEOUS, DQ55 to date. Form A—5, revised, showing date, particulars, voucher, liquidated encumbrence, unliquidated enounmranoe, authorized enoumbrance, etc. Filed numerically. (Fre- quently, official.) 8 x 10 1/2 loose sheets, 5 ft., in steel filing cose. R. 701. (65%) 15, INTEROFFICE VOUCuERS FOR TRANSPORTATION, 1955 to date. Foun S A~20, showing carrier, document number, and amount. (Seldom, official.) _ Q x 12 folders, 5 in., in steel filing case. R. 701. (658) I6, INVITATION, BID, ARD ACCEPTANCE, 1955 to date. Form 55, re- vised. Filed numerically. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 25 ft. 6 in., in steel filing case. R. 701. (GMY) I 17. LEDGER, GENERAL, 1955 to date. Appropriations and expenditures. (Frequently, official.) ll x 17 loose-leaf books, 1 ft., on wooden shelf. R. 701. (éhl) ( 18. NOTICES OF MISCELLANEOUS ENCUMBRANCES, 1955 to date. Form A-5, I showing date, official project number, allotment number, job number, , name of individual or firm, amount of encumbrance, etc. (Frequently, 1 V? Commissioner of Accounts and Deposits, Jackson 5 i official.) 9 x l2 folders, 25 ft. 6 in., in steel filing case. R. 70l. V { (eee) L 19. PAY ROLLS, I955 to date. WHA Form 505—A, for personal services. [ Filed numerically. (Frequently, official.) ll x l7 loose sheets, 85 _ _; ft. 6 in., in steel filing cases. R. 701. (659) Q 20. PAY ROLL ROUTING SLlPS, 1955 to date. Form D—55, revised, show- i ing appropriation symbol, official project, treasury encumbrance, loca- 4 tion symbol, type of work symbol, name, treasury voucher or schedule » number, relief or non-relief. (Frequently, official.) h x lO 1/P loose ] sheets, ldift., in steel filing case. R. 701. (656) 21. PERSONNEL RECORDS, lQ55 to date. History of applicants, applica- tions, and assignments. Filed alphabetically. (Frequently, official.) g X is raisers, i re., in steel mini; ease. R. coe. (seo) 22. PROJECT UNIT INFORNATION, DQ55 to date. Location of project, type of work, numbers, etc. (Frequently, official.) 5 l/E x 5 and 5 x 8 cards, 5 ft. 6 in., in wooden card cabinet. R. 70l. (65h) 25, PURCHASE ORDERS, DQ55 to date. For supplies, etc, (Frequently, official.) 9 x l2 folders, l ft. 6 in., in steel filing ease. R. 609. (592) 2h, REPORTS, 1955 to date. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 fold- ers, 2 ft., in steel filing case. R. 701. (657) 25. REQUISITIONS FOR PURCHASES, 1955 to date. Form A—6, revised, L showing official project, allotment number, project authorization, ad- 1 vice number, agency classification number, job number, location symbol, e type of work symbol, etc. (Frequently, official.) 9 x l2 folders, 28 ft., in steel filing cases. R. 701. (661) 26. SCHEDULE OF ADJUSTLENTS, LQ55 to date. Form 1091, showing do- partment funds debited and credited, name and address, appropriations and funds to be debited, amount and number of vouchers. Filed numeri- cally. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 6 in., in steel filing case. R. 70l. (657) 27. SCHEDULE OF DISBURSEMEHTS, 1955 to date. Form lO6h, revised, showing department, bureau, date paid, name, title, symbol number, bureau schedule number, disbursing officer's voucher number, and bureau or office voucher number. Filed chronologically. (Frequently, offi- A cial.) S x l0 1/E folders, ll ft. 6 in., in steel filing cases. R. 701. (eso) L 28. SUMMARIES OF DISBURSEMERTS AND COLLECTIONS, DQB5 to date. Form C-l0, showing appropriation symbol and title, official project number, V disbursements, collections, and not charge. Filed numerically. (Fre- 7 quently, official.) ll 5/L.x 17 loose—lcaf books, 5 ft. 6 in., in steel filing case. R. 701. (6L5) § Commissioner of Accounts and Deposits, Jackson li I :5 2Q. SUPPLY RECORD, lQ%G to date. For supplies received, disbursed, Il and used. Filed numerically. (Occasionally, official.) Q x l2 fold— g ers, 2 ft., in steel filing case, R. 6OC. (5Tl} V? $0. TADULATIJG RFCOPDS, lC%§ to date. Done by calculating machine. (Frequently, official.) 5 1/2 x 7 5/L cards, 2¤$ ft. 6 in., in steel L filing cases. R. 701. (ohél Ii §l, TELEPYOND SERVICE COVTRACTS, l9$§ to date. Form MO, showing I 1 de artment bureau or office and address contractor and address de- ` 1 s : scrintion of service, nonrecurring charge, rate per month, etc. Filed = numerically. (Frequently, official.) 9 x l2 folders, 2 ft., in steel » filing case. R. 70l. (63h) $2, VOUCHER DISTRIBUTION SLIPS, TQBE to date. Form A—h, revised, showing voucher number, appropriation symbol, official project number, I allotment number, treasury voucher number, treasury encumbrance nuwber, classification, job number, etc. Filed numerically. (Frequently, offi— ( cial.) L x 8 l/2 loose sheets, 15 ft. 6 in., in steel filing case. R. voi. (655) $5, VOUCHER PAYXENTS, TOE5 to date. Vouchers in payment of WTE projects. Filed numerically. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 6 ft., in steel filing case. R. 612. (@95) . STATE DISBURSIUG OFFICE ` i Tower Bldg., N, Pearl and S, Roach Sts. ‘ This office was established in IQBB. It disburses the funds of re— » lief agencies for the state. Records are complete. Reports are sent to Washington, D. C. 5h, INDEX TO PERSONNEL, IQ}? to date. Name, address, telephone num— V . . "* ber, position, department, etc. Filed alphabetically. (Frequently, official.) 5 X 5 cards, 5 in., in wooden card cabinet. R. 602. (58h) _ §§. ABSENTEE DAILY REPORTS, 1935 to date. Form 22h2, showing name, time cf arrival, and time charged. Filed chronologically. (Frequently, official.} 9 x 12 folders, 3 ft., in steel filing case. R. 60l. (596) 56. ACCOUNT CURRENT, TEN DAY, LQZB to date. Record of disbursements and funds on hand; sent to Washington every ten days. (Frequently, offi- cial.) 8 l/2 x ll sheets, l ft. 6 in., in steel filing case. R. 602. <5%> $7. CHECKS, COPIES, lG$¤ to date. For personal services, material, equipment, office rentals, supplies, etc. Filed numerically. (Fre- quently, official.) 8 1/2 X 15 5/L loose shoots, 20 ft., on 5 wooden ` shelves. Rs. 601 me ece. (sas, ece) E2 Q Commissioner of Accounts and Deposits, Jackson 5 i 58. CHECKS, DUPLICATES, 1955 to date. For personal services, Q nnterials, office rentals, supplies, etc. (Frequently, official.) Q 8 l/2 x 15 5/L loose sheets, 25 ft. 6 in., on floor. R. 5 l/2. (605) QL E 59, CHECKS, RECEIPTS FOR, 1955 to date. Form l682: lot number, Q date, class of checks, name of pay roll, period covered, number of Q checks, symbol number, and serial number of checks. (Frequently, offi- Q cial.) B X 1O 1/2 loose sheets, 16 ft., in steel filing cases. R. 60l. ~ (QW) A Q QQ. CORRESPONDENCE, GENERAL, 1955 to date. With state, county, dis- 1 trict, and federal offices. Filed alphabetically by district. (Fre- [ quently, official.) 9 x l2 folders, 5 ft. 6 in., in steel filing case. j RS. éoi and eoa. (see, ooo) ( hl, COTTON PRICE ADJUSTMENT JOURNAL, 1955 to date. (Frequently, official.) lO x l5 vols., l ft., on wooden shelf. R. 602. (585) y Q2. DAILY STATEMENT OF BALANCES, T955 to date. Form 1705, showing A number, account, debit, credit, appropriation symbol, etc. Filed chron~ I ologically. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 12 folders, l ft. 6 in., in transfer case. R. 601. (597) ~ A Q5. DAILY SUFRMRY, TQ55 to date. On daily activities. Filed nu- merically. (Frequently, official.) O x ll loose sheets, ll ft. 6 in., · in steel filing cases. R. 601. (601) QA. DISBURSEMENT SCHEDULE, T955 to date. Payments for personal ser- vices, materials, supplies, etc. (Frequently, official.) 9 x l2 fold— “ ers, 16 ft., in steel filing cases. R. 602. (587) Q5. PERSONNEL REPORTS, IQ55 to date. Affidavits, personal history statements, service records, copies of letters of appointments, applica— tions for leave, yearly leave records, and job analysis sheets. Filed I alphabetically. (Frequently, official.) 9 x l2 folders, 5 ft., in Steen. filing; case. R. 602. (seo) ~ M6. PROPERTY RECORD, IQEG to date. Form D—l2, showin; date, voucher number, quantity, unit price, amount, requisition number, station, etc. ` Filed numerically. (Frequently, official.) 5 X 8 cards, 1 ft. D in., `. in steel card cabinet. R. 60l. (595) Q7. PURCRASE ORDERS, 1055 to date. For supplies, equipment, and 1 material. Filed numerically. (Frequently, official.) Q x l2 folders, _ l ft., in steel filing case. R. 601. (598) ( SUBREGIONAL DISBURSING OFFICE Tower Bldg., W. Pearl and S. Roach Sts, This Subregional Disbursing Office, under the Regional Disbursing 'I A 2 I Q Commissioner of Accounts and Deposits, Jackson 6 E Office, New Orleans, Louisiana, was established Oct. Bl, lO§6, for the g sole purpose of making AAA payments. No records have been lost or de- ,_ stroyed. No archives are sent to Washington. Q @8. CHECKS, Oct. lQ§6 to date. Nome, amount of check, date drawn, Q voucher number, serial number, sywbol number, and object for which ; drawn (duplicates). Filed by dates. (Daily, official.) 8 l/E x 17 _ sheets, l7 ft., on 20 wooden shelves. R. 206. (lO2Q) L ~ MQ. CORRESPOWDEWCE, REPGRTS, AED RECEIPTS, Oct. l©%6 to date. Cor- l ( rospondenco with county agents regarding reports and lost, unclaimed, and missont checks; reports to be sent to Washington concerning issu- ance of checks, end rocoiots for checks received by county agents to be delivered to growers, Filed by counties. (Frequently, official.) ll l0 x l2 folders, 12 ft., in steel Tiling cases. R. 206. (1028) I ` ` I 7 l g g_oAsT GUARD suoxi i ii AIR smriom , Hanger and Office Bldg. A This station was established Decevmer 6, b95h, and is operating on AQ the same basis and in the same location. The barracks are not yet com- 7 pleted. Onee each year the chief of the filing division visits the 7 A office and selects the papers that may be destroyed. He also ships Q necessary records to Washington, D. C. Original pay rolls are sent to Q Comptroller General in Washington, D. C., by the headquarters office in T Mobile, Alabama. y Q 50. NAVIGATION CHARTS AND WEATHER MAPS, Dec. l95h_to date. Lhps : prepared from daily radio air-commerce bulletins, showing barometer , readings and direction and velocity of the wind. (Daily, official.) ¥ 18 x L5 and 56 x 90 documents, 6 in., in chart desk. Radio Room. (17h) Q 51. COMMISSARY REPORT, Dec. 6, 195h to date. Daily report, showing 3 purchases of provisions for personnel. (Daily, official.) 1O x 12 folders, 2 ft., in steel filing case. Pay Office. (169) a 52. PROPERTY RECORD, Dec. 6, l95h_to date. Financial account and y inventory, showing quantity on hand, quantity received, value, and total V quantity. Filed according to Federal Standard Stock Catalog 1-7h. (Daily, official.) 5 x 8 cards, 5 ft. h in., in post index filing cabi- A net. Pay Office. (166) A 55. RECORDS, DAILY AND MISCELLANEOUS, Dec. 6, L95h to date. Health ‘ records, medical log, ships's log, flight lo , special liberty book, and A conduct book. (Daily, official.) 8 x 10 1/E vols. (7), 6 in., on book~ i shelf on top of desk. General Office. (175) y A 5h. RECORDS, MISCELLANEOUS, Dec. 6, T95h to date. Personal records, Q pay rolls, general correspondence, and continuous service certificates. { Filed alphabetically and numerically. (Daily, official.) h x 9 pockets, Q 10 X 12 folders, 7 x 1O envelopes, and 8 1/L.x lh loose sheets, 8 ft., Q in steel filing case and folded document holder. General Office. (172) if 55. VOUCHERS, PAID, Doc. 6, D95h to date. Completed orders for sup- { plies and paid vouchers covering same. Filed alphabetically. (Never.) ~& 10 x 12 folders, 2 ft., in steel filing case. Pay Office. (167) li 56. PERIODICAL CONTRACTS, 1956. Contracts in force. Filed alpha- ’; betically by service. (Daily, official.) lO x 12 folders, 6 in., in Q steel filing case. Pay Office. (168) ~ - ‘@ E Coast Guard, Gulfport 8 1 E $7, WORK FILE, 1956, Purchase records. (Daily, official.) Q O 1/Q X 11 loose sheets, 6 in., in 6 compartments on open wooden g shelf. Pay Office. (170) é 58. ROUGH PAY ROLLS, Mer. 1936 to date. Get. 2677, drafts from - 1 which personnel pay rolls are made. (Daily, official.) 11 x 16 Q loose-leaf book, § in., on desk. Fay Office, (171) I 1 ( QULFPORT ( RECORDS IN CUSTOOY OF if DEPUTY COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS 7 Post Office Bldg., 15th St. and 25th Ave. E 99. SAIARIES OF REVENUE GUTTER PERSONNEL, 1908 - 1910. Pay rolls 2 > of nonoommissioned officers and enlisted force. (Never.) 10 x 12 1 I bundle, l/E in., on floor of upper well vault. R. 210. (Q) I r 2 ME FQ I 1 E’]JE‘°é}L€’FPH$}‘@§ 1 § The act of February 2h, 180b, which created the District of Miss- 1 issippi, established the Pascagoula River as the boundary of that dis- i pf trict and provided that New Orleans be the only port of entry. It was 1 1 not until 1852 that a separate district was set up to include the Gulf I 'g Coast territory between the Pearl and Pascagoula Rivers. A port of , lg entry, to be situated near the mouth of the Pearl River, was to be 1 selected by the President. This port was located at Pearlington. 1 Pearlington continued as headquarters of the Pearl River District until ,Q Congress, by an act of Juno 15, 181Q, named Shieldsborough, on the Bay it of St. Louis, as the port of entry for the district and relegated 1 .; Pearlington to the rank of a port of delivery. April 5, 1875, Shields- } Q borough was incorporated and the name changed to Bay St. Louis. ( Gulfport, Mississippi, was designated a port of entry by the con- ` j gressional act of April 22, noob] At that time it became the head- I Q quarters port of the Pearl River District, with Bay St. louis and Pas- § oagoula as ports of delivery and Biloxi as a Customs station. July 2, § 1903, Pascagoula was made a subport of entry and in 1912 the Bay 1 l St, Louis office was abolished. E March 5, lO15, the President submitted to Congress a plan of re- f organization of the Customs Service, authorized by the act of August Y 2h, 1912, and July 1, 1915, the Pearl River District rms abolished and Q all of Mississippi south of 51st degree of latitude was placed in Dis- , trict LQ, with Mobile, Alabama, as headquarters port, while the northern w part of Mississippi becanm part of District 20, with New Orleans, ( Louisiana, as headquarters port. Gulfport and Pascagoula became sub- Q ports of entry and Biloxi a customs station of Mobile District D0. 19. B I LOX I :1 OFFICE OF DEPUTY COLLECTOR _§ Post Office Bldg., 2hO Lameuse St. l 5g This office was established about 1892. From an unknown date until { April 1, 1908, the office was located in Old Peoples Bank Building, 1 Howard and Lameuse Streets. It then moved to its present address. 1 Records are complete and are never destroyed except by permission. 1 Reports are node to the Mobile office from where necessary inforrntion { is sent to Washington, D. C. § 60. INDEX, Nar, 1910 - Dar. 195%. Index to File No. 1, showing Q title and number of each folder. Arranged alphabetically. (Occasion- E ally, official.) 5 x 5 cards, 5 l/2 in., in wooden card cabinet. .$ Rs. 509 and 510. (122) 1 1Q Bureau of Customs, Biloxi 10 I Q 61. INDEX TO l%STERS* OATHS, lar. 1910 - Lbr. 1955. Name of master, l el oath number, and catalogue number of oath. Filed alphabetically. § (Occasionally, official.) L x 5 cards, 1 ft., in card cabinet. Rs. 509 and 5in, (31},) E 62, INDEX TO MOTOR BOAT FILE, June 10lS to date. Form 1512: name is of owner, boat number, address, name of boat, length over all, prin- I § cipal occupation, and when, where and by whom built. Filed numerically 1 Q and alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 5 x 5 cards, 6 l/2 in., in ) pg steel card cabinet. Rs. 509 and 510. (107) E 65. INDEX TO VESSEL FILE, 1955 to date. Name of boat, type, and n Q folder number. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 5 x 5 cards, Q 5 1/2 in., in steel card cabinet. Rs. 509 and 510. (1D9) 2 6h, CORRESPONDENCE, MISCELLANEOUS, 1892 - 1910. `With headquarters, · Q pertaining to rules and regulations and customs intelligence information. { (Rarely, official.) Variously sized vols. (6), 1 ft. 2 in., in wooden Q cabinet. Brittle, damaged by vermin, bindings broken. Rs. 509 and 510. j (112) . 1 65. STATISTICAL BLOTTER, Sept. 25, lS92 - thy 17, 1905. Cat. 1016-B, ( 1 record of exports, showing date, rig, flag, vessel, exporter, port, 1 1 country, and exports. Entered chronologically. (Occasionally, official) L 10 x lh vols. (5), 2 in., on wooden shelf. Rs. 509 and 510. (115) · 66. ENTRAHCES AND CLELRAUCES OF FOREIGN VESSELS, Oct. h, 1092 - 1 Sept. 50, 1905. Cat. 5l5—B: tonnage, date of entrance or clearance, f official number, rig, nationality, name, where from, destination, ton- 1 S nage tax, number of crew, fees, cargo, and ballast. Entered chronologi- 6, cally. (Rarely, official.) 9 l/2 x lb vols. (2), 2 in., in bookcase. 1 Rs. 509 and 510. (118) Q 67, ENTRANCES AND CLEARABQES OF COASTWISE VESSELS, Nov. 10, 1095 - 1 Oct. 5, 1005. Form 516B: date, rig, name, where from, destination, ¥ tonnage, number of crew, fees, ballast, and remarks. Entered chrono- 1 logically. (Rarely, official.) 9 1/2 x lh vol., 1 in., in wooden 1 bookcase. Rs. 509 and 5lF. (ll?) I , 1 s 68. OATHS OF NEW RMSTERS, Jan. 2, ISOQ - cept. 6, 1915. Name of § master, vessel, home port, and tonnage capacity. Filed chronologically. { (Rarely, official.) 10 x 12 and Q x 15 gum stub files (5), 1 ft. 2 in., 1 on shelf of filing case and in revolving bookcase. brittle, damaged by Q rodents, bindings broken. Rs. 5G? and 510. (lll) ci 60. MISCELLANEOUS FILE, Dar. 1QlO - ibr. 1955. Forms 1280A and (Q 1511, nnster's oaths; Forms E and K, seamen's identification cards; 2 customs intelligence reports; and correspondence. Filed numerically. g Indexed. (Occasionally, official.) 10 X 12 folders, 6 ft., in wooden QT filing case. Rs. 509 and 510. (115) é 70, CORRESPONDENCE, EISCELLANEOUS, AND OATHS OF MASTERS, hhr. 1910 g F I ;%E Bureau of Customs, Biloxi 11 in to date. Filed numerically. Indexed. (Daily, official.) 10 x 12 l LQ folders, L ft., in steel filing case. Rs. 509 and 510. (121) gi 71, NAVIGATION CASES, July 15, 1915 - May 5, 1956, Forms 1080 and gf; 1507, record of seizures, fines, penalties, and forfeitures for viola- 5,% tions of the navigation, steamboat inspection, and immigration laws. L Al l (Occasionally, official.) 8 1/2 x 17 l/2 vol. and 9 x 12 loose—leaf , (py books (L), 1 ft. 5 in., in desk drawer. Rs. 509 and 510. (10h) i ip 72, RECORD OF INDORSEHENTS OF CHANGE OF EESTERS, Jan. 1, lQl7 — I ii Feb. 8, 1955. Cat. 1h25: date and kind of document, number, where I Q issued, rig, vessel, late raster, present master, when indorsed, and A ir remarks (replaced by loose-leaf form; previous vols. destroyed). A1; Entered alphabetically. (Occasionally, official.) ll x 16 l/2 vol., g 2 in., in revolving bookcase. Rs. 509 and 510. (116) 1 A é 75. NASTERS* OATHS FOR RENEWAL EY IHDORSEMENT OF LICENSES OF PER- 5 E GRANT VESSELS OR YACHTS, Jan. 2, lOl to date. Cat. 1280-A: district, I gi port, master, boat, official number, citizenship, birthplace, and date Q and number of license. Entered chronologically. (Occasionally, offi- Q cial.) 9 x lh vols. (6), 9 in., in wooden cabinet and desk drawer. § Rs. 509 and 510. (110) F w , 1 Q 7h. DAILY RECORD AND STATEMENT OF COLLECTIONS, DEPOSITS, AFD BAL- Q ANCES, Apr. G, lQ19 to date. Form §207B: collections, source, and g balance. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 lcose—leaf book, 5 in., in ii desk drawer. Rs. 509 and 510. (105) I 1 75. ACCOUNT OF NAVIGATION FINES, PENALTIES, AND FORFEITURES, July 1 26, 1910 — 1025; Thr. 16, 1955 to date. Duplicate receipts. Filed I1 chronologically. (Occasionally, official.) Q x 12 loose-leaf book, d 1 1/2 in., in desk drawer. Rs. $09 and 510. (100) § 76. RECORD OF ADTOR BOATS, 1055 - Feb. 1956. Memorandum for head- § quarters port and notice to Collector of change of ownership. Filed 1 alphabetically. Indexed. (Daily, official.) 10 x 12 folders, 2 ft., g in steel filing case. Rs. 509 and 510. (108) d 77. RECORD OF DOCUEENTED VESSELS AND PENDING NAVIGATION CASES, 1955 1 to date. Oaths of affirmation of new masters, ownership, masters* oaths, I li etc. Filed numerically. Indexed, (Daily, official.) 10 x 12 folders, A ~ % 2 ft., in steel filing case. Rs. 5(Q and 510. (120) ii d 78. RECORD OF ANRINE DOCUMENTS DEPOSITED, Nay 1955 — Aug. 1956. Q Form 1517: index number, rig, vessel, document, (kind, number, port, § and date), latest renewal, department letter, date of fine imposed, 1 _§ case number, document (received from, date, delivered to, and date), Q and remarks. (Daily, official.) 10 1/2 x 16 vol., l in., in desk 1; drawer. Rs. 509 and 510. (106) FV, . 1;:’ r d [QE Bureau of Customs, Gulfport 12 l hd in i li "] GULFPORT All OFFICE OF DEPUTY COLLECTOR . ,Qd Post Office Bldg., l§th St. and 25th Ave. QiQ This office was established by ect of April 22, TOOL. Some records Z %f were destroyed by water due to a storm, but the date and extent of { ip, damage is not known. bhny records are obsolete and will be destroyed ydy upon authorization from.Washington. i Mg; N.B, District records dating from 1P70 were transferred from Shields- j Q4 borough to this office. Records prior to DQOQ are therefore Shields- ‘ y% borough documents. 1 Q; QQ 7c. GEHERAI.INDEX TO CONVEYANCES OF VESSELS, Lhy 17, 1871 to date, l il Commerce Cat. 1561, for registered, enrolled, or licensed vessels, in- A Q§p dieating name, official number, rig, press, grantor or mortgagor, grant- I py ee or mortgagee, part owned, part conveyed, kind of conveyance, date of A lf; conveyance, consideration, date received for record, and book of record. 1 é This is an index to records reported on in Abstracts Q, 15-19, 27, 2Q, A r and hl. Arranged alphabetically. (Daily, official.) ll x 15 and 15 x é 17 vols. (2), h in., in closed wooden pigeon hole of wooden counter and : Wy on floor of upper wall vault. Damaged by careless handling, brittle, l fg torn, bindings broken. R. 210. (h) rd BO. INDEX T0 COASTWISE EUTRhNCES AND CLEARANCES, Mar. 1902 to date. l Arranged chronologically. This is an index to records reported on in 1 ig Abstracts 20 and 21. (Older records, rarely; current records, frequent- , l“§ ly, official.) 10 x lh vols. (h), 5 in., on open steel shelf and in A g desk drawer. R. 210. (2b) d 81. INDEX TO FOREIGN EFTHANCES AHL CLEARANCDS, May 1, 1905 to date. d Arranged chronologically. This is an index to records reported on.in ` Q Abstracts 22 and 25. (Older records, rarely; current records, frequent- Q ly, official.