xt7rxw47t269 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rxw47t269/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-07-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 26, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 26, 1983 1983 1983-07-26 2020 true xt7rxw47t269 section xt7rxw47t269 Z
Vol. LXXXVI, No.9 Tuesday, July 26, I983 ‘ An independent “ode". new‘”p¢r
J '- Mining building in danger if funds are out
W um. g Blanton said that the recommendation made by the
Senior Staff Writer “The estimates from revenues have failed to materia- committee will be considered again by Warren who can
- lize," Blanton said. Of the $800,000 that was expected to follow its advice, ignore it, or modify it.
____________________ be collected over the two years, only $250,000 maximum thIf lWarren does go along with the recommendation of
‘ . . . is nowexpected,hesaid. e egis ative committee. no more funds could be ob-
th:t riggflisifing me 3:251 gaspeficgin g: : {pcllzdnm‘raivgeirflfdfii Blanton said the 'money hasn’t materialized because tallied until the 1934 legislature approves money {0" the
I million Mining and Minerals Resources building at UK the depressed coal industry has caused a decline in the prolect m January .
Five percent of all license permit and acreage fees request for permits. “.We want to go ahead and build," Blanton said. “Th?
, collected by the state for mining and minerals during Singletary said expected revenue had been based on legislature said, at the last seSSlon that it wanted to
the next 20 to % years was to have been used for the the 1981'82 “boom Year" in Kentucky coal fields. ”U” build, so-we won tstop.
financing of the design and construction of the building fortunately, this particular year is very much the ex- ”9 said If the legislature Willis Um“ January [0 89-
Any money collected during the past two years was to ception, rather than the norm," Singletay said in a As. prove the funds. costs could rise because of inflation,
have been used for the hiring of the architect who would soc1ated ““5 WWW” last week. and more money 9'0““ be needed than is bemg ”’qu‘s“
V ‘ design the building Funds gathered thereafter were .The money Falsed this year was to be used for the de- ed now or the budding might have '0 be smaller ma"
; supposed to have been used to pay the principal and in- Sign of the building, but since there isn‘t enough money planned. . _ ' .
telest on bonds tobesold for the construction. to cover the costs, Singletary asked for an additional The building is to be built on the corner of Columbia
President Otis Singletary wrote to state Finance Sec- $450,000 moretoadd to the $250,000, Blanton said. Avenue and Rose Street. where a parking lot is now 10- V_
retary Robert Warren last month to tell him that there Warren approved Singletary’s request for an emer- cated. . . .
.. was a shortage of funds and to pursue some action on gentcy advance 0f t450,300from ak “3:11 construction f Blaglrtofn sa'd thebulldlng {Sgds nah: mnlreglllestixi
- - - _ con ingency accoun so esign wor co con inue, pen- Our Ive years In a row ore egls a ure
giganrrslzttier, Jack Blanton, Vice chancellor of admimstra dig‘ija rgie‘gyége 19841egislatujre. apgrov 8% the f “$115 :2 r the building. d
.’ ' e pi nstruction an Equipment Purchase esai it wo necessary to fin other sources for V
Shgingégtjvrgatwggéebgheit ggégddsfoygl: :gbégfil’figo Oversight Committe recommended that no more funds the money and that there were many possible places it
be given to finance the building. could come from.
Bro wn released
1 from Med Cen ter,
i . s
, . resumes his duties
-- ~ aes- "m Em
_ __ g . is: $3 Gov. John Y. Brown. hospitallnd' dir-
- - “3 a i 113%»? as ‘ F gery and lung iroblems, was released
is - a“ . gggi§~ N a w M Sunday from the Medical Center in
. '* “'2. ‘1 s $2“ » ‘ .. “'1 x . :« .. “wonderful spirits."
1" :-. w figy vi an . ~--- - 5'13: jogs: .i y. _ ?. Patrick Stone, spokesman for the Med
. p 3‘. s i ”a >_ ; f a ‘ ' ‘ :_ . Cents, said the decision to let Brown
"3 s g N ‘ ; ' V 1 y ‘4 - in- leave was made on Sunday afternoon.
~ 7 «“6535 “"4"“ 3‘» , “He was released at 5 pm. Sunday,"
v .4: 1” as W ‘1 " ‘ Stone said.
. “W i . -- i“ W . “He is very happy right now and land
. ‘ " . as “is f _ " ~ - ~~ to be back home." Stone said. "When he ..
a}, s 125:; a. y, -- ‘1, f "'2 _ f ‘ and hated that he was indeed ready to
{W ’ «"32; 7's w '- 14“» 1 - 1‘“ 75?“!!! £517 /-. 80 home."
, 2s _.., , ; , 5-33”;- :fi is”. int; 23% 1.31.: The week prior to his release, Brown's
‘ " " ' ‘ ' ' " ” condition improved raflcfly. “Last week
cassaueu umau/Kunoluoil he was up w m m acclaim
e e . . abwttheroorn,"Stonesaid.
Sitting and Knitting Brown mmnedtomevewnml-
geriad of_ oonvalescing. His_doctor said
. Kelly Hoke, former UK student, kniis an Afghan while and the Ambassador's in front of Commonwealth 590- wriggl'lnwmillll doaad malleabl‘lilgagi’se:tmrlnmgth
watching a soccer game between the Kentucky Kickers dium with her friend, Simi Wakawa. back up. Er y
See aaowu. page 5 a
Trip to USSR educational
Ho kins re turns from Russia with insights
...Itoldthem1thoughtitstinks!" - - - - 1 .Wn‘eym Hopkins saidasheleft Moseow,hewas
W Hopkins said he did not confine his tiles: 3:53:31]? hrvti‘ngpadiea??;ictme takal amazed at "how primitive life in the
News Editor opinions to just the official discmsions. with a camera. meg thought I might country is." ”As soon as we left the city.
“Later that day, another official with havebeeomiththeKG ,"hesaid. all the roads were nothim ma'e than dirt
' ——————————— Pravda questioned my remarks I had One reflzznik Hopkins encountered was paths and there wasn’t any of the mod-
made earlier. He said in a very sarcastic an elderly women who had been denied 8 ern conveniences we are acclntomed to
. way that life in Kentucky must be very visa tame time. “The despair In her back athmnc."
Describing a society as pictured m sweet. So, I turned to him and said in my face indicated the trauma she has been He said as well that as he traveled fur-
George Orwell’s 1984, Congressman home state we are world reknown for undergomg. She'sald she no long: “8?: ther away from the Soviet capital, he
Larry HOW“ said his trip to the Sowet breeding horses. Well, I told him that lu's ll: the KGB mingle: to “$335 helples- m to notice defiance being exhibited
Unionwasan“eye-openim”¢xllfl'}m- government is very similar to the by- :nugly’ reac pom by the country people. “In the City. the
Hopkins, Kentucky’s 6th District rep- productourhorsesproduce." ' people were afraid to talk to us, but as
resentative, was pan of a WWW Hopkins said the official smiled and . . . . we traveled away. "hey we drowns It
nal delegation invited tovisit Russia. walked away. Hopkins said in order for Sowetsto ac- up
Hopkimaaidhespentmanyhomsdis- “Emmnsaidoneofthemajor MelimsmmW‘MtTQflVGM Hopkimsaidhemwhasabetta'lm-
‘ topicaiissueswllhprominmtSo gmnmmp‘mwmm“ mwumfmunmwwmchm dustandimoftheSovietUnion.Hisvot-
' mausoleum. dressing mnnberofexitvisastheSoviets "twilwfl-Wmmy.“.u¥ "' in; may drama in detain mam "-
“Basically, we bid I VET W areallowingforRmsianJews. 'mfl‘d hydw'mam mum.“mmmfip
ms"mw-mamh¢"¢w “lwasshockedatthenumberofpeo- arebeiilgdelibu'atelywlthheldlySovlet Wmmmimwm”
mmmtolamnfismmdsm- plewhowanttogetoutofdlere,"he “dm- mmmwwum'e."
ammmM-‘m said. “Imatwithsevcal‘rdmdb’ '“l‘hepvernmaltisafraidtoletthem heaaid.
mm,imuhedbyanoflidfldflle (psrsomdmisdsxit visas) andwhat all,"liopsimssld."inhsymlstou. snlnviisuainuysoonbsmlonhs
sate new: my. Pmdl. ml 1 iheytoldmewssqulisaisrming." the Soviets are afraid the world will Soviets to come visit America. “1 really
WtdunSovietformofW- Hesaidthaepeopleareoonstantly begintohlowoftheatrocitiesbeing hopedwecanooatimetotalk."m
meat. Well. I could onlybe My We“ watched by the secret police and they playedout." said.

 2- MKHTUMYKMfl, My, M20, m:
8614 weighs Seattm Center bill we “
W ‘I’m not comfortable with the idea of that sense, I wouldn’t have a problem 55>" ““7“
m—fi Taylor,artsand sciences senator, said._ Despite the postponement 0f the bill. . ' "’ .
The Student Government Association Other senators also had doubts wheth- Straub said he thinks campus recreation _ . ’ '
Interim Senate approved postponement er SGA should become involved in the will receive some money, but probably 4’5
m its meeting last Wednesday on a project. “I question whether SGA is the notthewhole amount. “a“ “,5!
bill requesting funding 0f Weights for the right avenue for campus recreation to be In other ousmess, David Bradford, ’“
Seaton Centa- “ntll 8 tentative budget seeking funds from,” Buddy Vaughn, SGA president, proposed a resolution "
outline couldbemade. . _ senator-at-large, said. ‘ commending administrators for their . 1;- _. .
Former senator- Louis Straub, primary “I’m not happy with the postponement recognition of student interest concem- ‘ " a
sponsor, explained that the bill had been at all,” Straub said. “Last year the Sen- ing consuuction of a new 35 million 3
unloved by. the Senate during Jim atepassedit by acclamation and some of aquatic center. i -
Dinkle’s admuustration last year, but those same members are on the Senate “One of the things in my platfom was - '-
funding wasnotavailable at that time. now.” . the support of a campus pool,” Bradford \, w\
SGA comptroller Cindy Moon sug- “The athletic department gets the said. “This is just a formal statement of ‘1
gested a postponement of debate on the press — Seaton Center just keeps going support,” - ' é
bill until the 133-04 budget could be out- along,” said Russ Pear, assistant direc- Bradford said, however, the commen- 1'” a... a;
lined. She said once the budget was set- torofcampus recreation. dation does not mean that SGA plans to Q, t :._
tled it could be determined if there were Tim Freudenberg, vice president, said, offer financial supportto theproject. . “a -*“ "
funds availabletosupportthe request. “I have no philosophical problem against “The athletics board took a courageom .. .. . ,. '
:33“ 2:11; debate on“? bill, the Sen- SGA purchasing equipment for campus stand in allocating money for student a
a approve postponement recreation. recreation in a time of budget cuts and
andtakeupdebateatalater date. “It’s a service to the students and, in scarce resources,” Freudenburg said. DAVID BRADFORD
‘ Library Science takes 0 e co I '
'5 m w “my more students'coming into the program With “The Universti has no trouble aci aduates in the
Reporter computer science bachgmimds,”Sineath said. field of childrenys literature.” pl ng gr
Trudi W» assistant WW0? 0f Library. and 111' Kesse said of the program, “There are people who
—__———_‘- formation Science, said that students With a science 0" are very well known in several areas: Dr. Lois Chan in
information for this story was also gathered by staff onenemns beeke‘omd who so {nto library science cataloging and classification; Dr. Cazden, rare books;
writer Annalieee Griffin. achieves “really powerful combination.” and Dr. Michael Harris, history of libraries, are all na-
milany peo'p'lighassoc‘ilate library science students with wh'li‘ehs h:ziombination would prepab‘i; studeaillt‘si Sidi- jg fiomuy known.” ’
”i313 rapi Y changing“ techhdosyi there are ve been 099m"? up m mess . “3 , The coll e has recentl ained esti e because of a
new m for informational services WhiCh the tra- and government. “”9““ t0 Bellardo, these 30!” offer survey whfgh placed it anhoig the tip 20glibrary science
. dltional discipline 0‘ lih‘ary science is expanding to en- the infirmational science yaduate higher statusand schools in the nation;The survey, conducted by Robert
better pay than the school and public library pos1tions, . . .
_ eomrass. whichwere traditionall ntograduates M. Hayes from UCLA, included all accredited hbrary
ml: stab with otlfielsféhanggzl. UK htgsloiobnvertefil'étslgas- Computers are ”$8 big role in. the cha . science schoolsin Canada andtheUnited States.
.3099!“ , in? once ary 0!” . . . .. . "81118. Last ear the am celebrated its 50th Aniversa
motion Science Tim Sineath. dean of the college, ex- cimplmm 0‘ “hm? tum-n “hwy 9'89“” def" and hozted the “flaw meeting of North-Americiarh,
planned the new appeal that traditional library skills gm Y gneeddemmgtgthtgcfihmgefifid-cga {g . Libraries Association. Both Gov. John Y. Brown and
have. . . . . . courses includiig Com ter Based Reference Sergigce Lexington Mayor Scotty 3395‘“ proclaimed May 22‘2”
I a” are mu. M. y more .Job W for infor- as electives. According ElBellardo the course has been Information Week. _
mation makers in business and industry, modern com- 'th ' ’ ~ “The program also has an off-campus program for
. . very popularWi students. . . .
puts retrieval, storage technology, information theory , _ » _ _ , _ Northern Kentucky, the greater Cincinnati area and
and pactice, mdenns and classifying, to name a few 0f TO “1.19"“ offerings "1 tlus area, the Library 311d 111‘ Charleston, West Virginia, with an agreement with the
the jobs, open for someone with a information back- formation Science program has recently received a new Board of Regents,” Sineath said. “The off-campus pro-
ground. , , _ . IBM computer and has hired computer scientist RiCh- gram is to enable a student with the opportunity to take
Although UK 8 Libel? and Information Science ['0' ardPollardasanasSistant professor; . _ classes where they are, in case they have a problem in
8mm memes epptommately 75 shidents each year. A1900; swam! unyvemtm. UK S emphaSIS on chll~ attending the Lexington campus. But the student can
many people ‘30 Mt know that the program eXIStS. 51- dren 5 literature ts highly regarded. As 50°" as funds not receive their master’s without attending the Lexing-
_ neath said. “The school is ally open to graduates on a are available, UK plans to open a new center for chil- toncampis.
mate's basis. - - - UK fails to offer a doctoral [rogram dren’s books, in cooperation With the State Library and “The (college) also has a five—year plan for profes-
becausethefundshave neverbeenavailable,”hesaid. Amhlm department. The purpose 0f the center is to sional development ” he said. “This program is to up-
The college draws students from various back- provide teachers and parents with the opportunity to ex- date the Fofessioné] world with the changes happening
M- “The F0931“ 100‘“ for Juniors "1 the general WWW shocks. . ‘ . in the information world. We are entering a information
sciences, social sciences, humamties and there is in- According to End! K686. library SClenee graduate, age,”
, . l ,
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 UK' (Id MKWYKM haulinmn Im-J
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“mm W on s e p create plm craze e .
t0 OXtOIISiVO m m 'You can put whatever you wanton them'
EJUUKMKUEK 5y Bfimflxgflfifl: theless he savs 70 rcent of the store's clientele ls
Staff Writer Staff Writer made 13) (1 college sagents
Pat 'Brien. senior vice [resident of Domuio‘s. said,
___—__—————————-————————— __.___...___._—.__ _ __ _,._ 7 “Our specialtyisdeliveryandall Domino‘s deliver."
. . . _ , . According o Websta' 5 Third New International Dic-
Audio tapes of Kentucky politican Edward F. pm. In the, past few gears, pizza has quickly. become tionary inn is a "l e open pie made ty 'cally oi
chard, an important figure in Roosevelt's New Deal America-S favonte_ 00d as 46 different Pmenas have thinly roYled bread 6033i spread with a smegmixtm
Administration, will have been added to the collection apguudenredtsmatit“: mgmm this food craze Dawn 3% tmtonsauce, cheese. ground meat. garlic, and Oil)
0‘3?“ gsltfrfiatdlgl' gmglfafiearyubyglextt summer. ch Chew, data processingfjunior said, “You can get‘all the Pizza is'nutritiom and may have been invented in the ,
1c , e_ ar 3 ec ”,0 8‘ aive 359‘“, needed requirements or a healthy meal b eatin a 17005 in Na les, Ital , and “ di what ou
Co the . . . . . y 8 P y dig”! "8 upon 2'
31111115810“. 15 conducting. taped IDEH'VIGVYS With pizza mthmspycmstsandfreshmgredients.’ have on the pizza. you can 11 the {our basic and
Prichard. Terry L. Birdwhistell, UK Librarys Oral Pizza is a good source of calcxum, which is essential groups,” Matthews said.
History coordinator, will also tape interviews with 20 for goliid bones and teeth, and proteins that are needed Pi'zéa lovers can get round ggimbas from bin: to 16 inch
t030 talkmg' botPrichardandhi lit. 0799.3, esa n ‘zzasinsizeeei t 10inc tolzb'n
Budwmgfgiesays he hilipesl to question formers Keri .“1 ”‘9 Fm because there is “Ch a variety “.ij inCM-pgfié vary fmm a SKEW" Chm piua3t