xt7rxw47tc1b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7rxw47tc1b/data/mets.xml  France  1799-09-27 This bulletin is part of a collection of newspapers and journals published during the French Revolution, collated by unknown person, representing both sides of the revolution. Call Number Rare Books: AP20 .R235 bulletins Rare Books: AP20 .R235 French Paris : De l'imprimerie de Meymat, rue des Moineaux, n°. 423  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws French Revolution publications France. Assemblée nationale législative (1791-1792) France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 Le Publiciste, Quintidi 5 Vendémiaire, an VIII, [27 September 1799] text Le Publiciste, Quintidi 5 Vendémiaire, an VIII, [27 September 1799] 1799 1799-09-27 2023 true xt7rxw47tc1b section xt7rxw47tc1b  

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9111‘ 110315, 1021113111 51 1211111 1'1‘5'11111-1' 11:11‘ 1:35 1111111115 & llé—
rilicrs 1111111131115 11‘s 1111115 111111,: 1511:11'011‘1 (‘11 \‘1‘1‘111 1111 1111111
60111111111131“ , c1111! “111111011151 1:1 101 (1:: 17111111511.

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110115135 1111111131112: 8-; 11 3111-5, (1111? V0113 1:1‘1(:*;'1‘z C0110 111111-
111110 113155 (1110-: 111211 131:11'11'
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A11. 1”. Li‘s 1‘111113 1115511111605 11111111111505 scronl 1111;01:1—
21135 1‘11;11111"111I‘111.11111151115 f1111151311111'fil105..

11. 11 05! (161111116 11111? récmupensc purlicuh'm‘o pour 16
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(111115 11110 1011111511: , 11:1 51‘ signaIc 11:11' 11111‘ :1C111111 1111111111119.

311:: 11:1:11111‘11111151‘1‘51 1111(01'110'1‘ park:1:1)r11é111g1'slz1111', 1113111133

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'(11':1 1111311111 1111 11111: 11:1!ir111r11 3111101101 [.135 Fax/(’5 mf—
thazrcx. Les 111111.15 , 11: 111311111‘101110111 , 1:1 1:11111111111111 , 111
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111111' pays , y 50111111. 1111111111111101110111,

[311111113 111‘: LCJI
(1111 5110111 11111115110111
51151 55. Ce 1111:: 11211101131 51:19. (11511051? nnx archives (11‘ 1:1
nip-1111171110. 11 301:1 1101113 (121215; 1011195 11‘s 1131115 11111111111115: '11-'1-
11’: 1111' #1111211. 1111 (115'1-1‘11111'1‘, & 1'011115 5111' 171111101 111‘ 1:111:1—
1:10. .1131, {111 1111111111‘. 1:1 1111111111, 11 1117117011111“ (:05 1111115:
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:1 (7110‘V1311S 1:1 1111111101113 111‘ 101:5 11‘s 11111305 11111 11111 1-11‘1'1'1 10111‘
a) 11:11.12, 8: 11111 511111, 11111113 011 (‘1111111:1H:1111 1111111' 111111.

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1111511 111151111; 1111 1:1 p:111‘i11 , 1:1 511111151111 C11 1:111’1' (10 1111111111:
Pour 1:1111111111.‘ 11 :111111 1311'? 171111111 , 80111 1111111 11:: (1:111:11 1‘ 1111111-
(10 1e f:111'r- 1111‘ (2‘1‘11311'11011111111; 311:1 11111: 111"; 11:11:111101151111
(11311111113 3; (11111:, 11:5 110:.11111.s 11111113111: 1N1 1011113310111 1115

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1’é10gc 111', 11115 9113111015 . (11111311110111, 11‘ 1111-1111111} 111111. 1015-
1111111011010 rl’mm 11011111101151: 11111111113 :1:!1‘:1 111011 31 1111 11(1—
grm'viut‘nt 111? 0111111‘1'1111111111, 5011 1115 1111 51‘s 1115 11111115 1111111‘
151' 11:111‘10 51111-11 01011111153 1:111111111‘ \1‘. :1119 ; 11‘, 501‘111111, (111:1 1:1
1‘11c11n‘1p011‘113 51111 1110111111 :1111 1111111115 111.11 51? 51‘1'11111 8191:1165

:1111‘1 :1 1111 , Bonlav—Palv, :1‘111‘2‘5 :11'1111‘ 1:111 :111351

31:11 11115 2114911113' 11.50131, c11111:11c1:1111'1;.1111’1111\‘111551‘311, But.
LC 1111111115 (1‘1:l51:11nss:"1'1:111x 1‘31 111101116 (nice 11151111114111.111-
19.113115 dc 1\1:1115111' &: d1: .11’1111:1)’—1’112}’.
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S111~ 1e rapport. 1'11! 11:1]1011111'9. 10 1:011 1‘11 apprmn'e 11116


105 131:1ch, mm cantons de Vire, Vassy, Saint—86111.3
.1‘17011'01 , Punt—Fnrcy , la F111‘1‘i171‘13—z111—I)11}.'m1 , Aunay, ,;
Bony & Dunvon, 1112'11111‘1C11111111, (111 Cnl\':111115.

(3112155111111 propose 1':1l1'ls1‘111111111111 110 111 11550111111111 1111101.
111111110 1:1 |1‘\'1'*u 111‘ 40 11111111 1‘111‘1':111$:.

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1:1 111911111110111 puree 11117011 1111111101.” , 1):)111‘ 1:11111‘ 11-11112 .
11111111: do 1111111151111)“ (1111' 1111111111112 1111111131111 souvenirs CV 1"“?
1111110 :111 surcbs 111‘ 011111: 1111‘51111‘1'.

1.1! 1101151111 appromc 121 1'1zs:)11.111.1.

5111' 111 11111111111 11c 13111111111, 11‘ 1‘ 11‘<'1‘11 1‘11'11‘1111 11110, 11411.
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51‘11'1‘1111411111311111111‘511111'411191-15 0’: 111:; 11111111111111 51‘ :11 "1:1 171:1,
guis 11111 voyagcnt CI] 1’1':1111:1‘, :1‘11‘111111 111111 105 1111‘, 11,111 1-115,
1111 [11111111110111 11:15 51111110. :‘1 1:1 1:111‘1‘1‘51‘11111dance 1111.13.30}
1‘1111‘111 111111311115 11'111111'0101111' 1‘1111’13111-5 1311111‘ 001151111111 ,'11.
1*1'\'1:'11-111'ts Voyageurs & 1'1‘1'11131‘ :‘1 cc 1111'115 1112 s’éc:11'1c1111.1_1[13
111‘ 111111‘ 11111111.

1331111111 progose 10 1‘1“}111 (1’11110 31111‘1‘ 1'é.:11111‘.1r112 1111 11111119
111111‘, 1'c1:111\c 1'1 111 1111115511111 1111 V:11§:1‘1111111.1g11 , :111111‘11111

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11117131111 011151me 13111111110 11111113111 1:1‘ 11111 11’1151 5011\‘0111 1'11'111,