xt7s1r6n1s1k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7s1r6n1s1k/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1945 journals kaes_circulars_004_417 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 417 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 417 1945 2014 true xt7s1r6n1s1k section xt7s1r6n1s1k CIRCULAR 417 ·   APRIL, 1946 j
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Score » · L" . V1 t" i
  .i in fFor 4-H Club members who wish ta learn and  
  practice better ways of doing the jobs an the farm.
20 'O Q
30 ·
l. Each member in this project project but should learn to do as Q
must keep a record of hours worked many jobs as possible.
and kmd of work done on the iarm 6. Members Working On the home 1
but n°[_On other 4`H Club pr°]€°tS‘ farm will in addition to the records
To ICCCWC Credu for a Complete pm` required above, select one or more
lm a msmbsé must Work the mink skills to add to their agricultural .
be gf hours heed below, acmrdmg knowledge. A member under 15 years
__ wg lovhls age at start Of Pmlccti of age at close of the project will learn V
.00 hours for member 10 to ll years old and report in detail in the SLOT), (mc
*i00 hours for member 12 to 14 years old ku T km are rc uired
000 hours for member 15 or more years Few S 121 ' Wobs S q
Old rom o er mem ers. .
2- This record is to be turned in 7. Skills will be selected from the 1
- to the County Agent at the close of following: .
the project. (a) How to use effectively electric
. . ' ,···t··, ·l··· t`n
3. ouy time worked m the 12 f§;i§°i‘Q§;; ““°°” °‘ WCM g i
mtmths following October 1 may bf! (by HOW io construct things, likc ’
€0USldered in this year’s record. Work building ;i hog house, a poultry ‘
Should be spread over 6 or more house, a stock pond [or wateri
months. temporary silo, livestock an
__ _ _ _ poultry feeders.
d4`.{\ Wllttcn story ls required _m (c} How to repair and adjust hur-
a dmon to thc Work record [O quah[Y ness, including care of harness
imember for county championship. when not in use.
Th? Story $l10l1ld tell about HCW €X- (tl) Construction and repair or rc-
l)°"€U€€S Hlld skills learned in the placement offences and gates.
P“;l€€t. Total hours will not be the (C) Ffgligucglgnh Of div;;(;I_:C£1tC;§i’
t>n·l‘ · ,· · nsie rcesor · ; _·
they Kisls for selecting llmnersl Wrltc ting into practice contour culti-
th SLOW On separate sheets and attach vatiom
im [O this record To get. the most out of this project,
')‘ Amcm1>cr who works ou a farm study the method ol doing each |t>l>
Q Slllfl lllml his home plagg need unt mid try to improve lt. All WO1`l< (l0ilU
Lzlgcimm dm it Special skill in complete this should be w0rthWh1lC·
iii Orlclhgd
16M»¤·*6  ..  
UNWERSWY OF KENTUCKY: College at Agriculture and Home Economics
"¤*i¤¤tru»¤1 Extension navasaon . . . T*·¤·¤¤= P- €¤¤¤·=*· °°°" °"" °"“'°'

Hours worked,
Month Kind of work todoy or Montl
und doy this week and d
ssiirssr,ssr.sssssssrs._sr i _rr_rrssssss__ss_rrsr_i_ss.rsrs__si_srrssssssssssssr iosr r srsr rrrs_risr_sirrrrriii ii iii O iii__i___iii_iii___ iii___iiiiii,iir O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOiOOrOrOr rsiirr- O  s
1 I ,? $
_ »

 1· I a
— 3 Y  
2 P U
worked, Hours worked, :
|¤y or Month Kind of work todgy Or   ‘
week and d¤Y w74__v—_—·_`WmWV WAWWWM this week i ·
 e        r             

Name of Club member ____________.
r County Address __
R Age Years in Club work . Year 194
Total number of hours worked (pages and )
Number of months included in this record
Names ot [armers [or whom you have worked in this project:
Name Address ____________.....
Name Address __________....
Name Address _____________,,.... ‘
This is to certify that _____________..`____,._.#...
has worked on a l·Zll`1l1 the number of hours indicated in this record.
Signature of [mrcnt
County Extension Agent
cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics: College of Agriculture wd H°¤,}iw 
nomics, University ot Kentucky. and the United States Department of Agriculture. coopcr:1tinS·
P. Cooper, Director. Issued in furtherance of the Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914. NMA
Lexington, Kentucky
_ I , .