xt7s1r6n2248 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7s1r6n2248/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1918 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. I No. 21, November 15, 1918 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. I No. 21, November 15, 1918 1918 2015 true xt7s1r6n2248 section xt7s1r6n2248 Officlal News-Letter of the State Council of Defense
To Edit•rs: Th•
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aw. in thi. ¤.....¤.. THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY ¤ ·»= ·
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press and is released ‘- Pos 0 me
_ _ mgton, Ky.
for publication on Q
TON KENTUCKY . Vol. l. No. 21
November 15,    
—-A" · — . · _ th K t ky T in C { (3 ‘1 Regulations enforced for prevention
The University Of K€ntuc]()r wm im. The boutheru Representative ofthe On September 26th e en uc 0 feD (gun y' ounci s of me Spread of mnueuza at me Um,
[mmm Dr Arthur Everett Shipley Council ot National Defense has Just Council of Defense sent a bulletin to o e ense_ · St tx
me Rgverénd Edyvard xlgwbum wal- suggested a means of raising money all County Councils of Defense in A Sgyjous Epidemic threatens the versity of Kentucky by lthel a4
- s J h For the use of County Councils of De- reference to detection of deserters people Og our Statg Spanish in. Board of Health caused the institu-
k"· S"' Henry ‘I°n°” and DI" 0 H · tion to be closed Thursday October
lolv members of the British EduC=1· YQYUB- and draft Bvaderi This buuetm was fluenza, a throat and nose disease of ’ f th’ St d I
Lioglgu Mission now on A gg days' Advertise a day to be agreed upon sent at the request of the Council of virulent form has attackgd the p€O_ 4,•to all studentscnot o M e 1:1 end
vigit to the Unite} states, who will as "0ld R¤bb€¥` Day-" Nammal Defense' t° wh°m the Adjw PIB in mimY °°“¤ti8S· In some °“S€S· glgy Tm; Tlg ;§1;S"v€8?{x;;il0`vi;.
· come to Lexington. Thursday. Nov- Select a day, a sufficient time in tant Generalof the War Department death has mSu1tBd_ The loss in man itil vgsolgouuad Siwcegsary io pmhib; V
amber 21, at the invitation of P¤‘€31· {hg future, to get word to the resi- appealed for aid in detection of such poxver has Seriously handicapped (hg the atherm of Students for clay
dem MCVBY P A dents Of Your county that °“ this day d9]mqueI:;FS' t ti L, f "Wm th'? Warn Pl'°gl`am‘·— work? supervised study or lectures
P*€S*d€¤* M°V°Yi D°~‘“ F- · “j we Council expects <1¤¤¤¤¤¤s_ Of all .F“"“ me ° me ?‘“m·S ° “?"“ In order to prevent the spread or and Sim, despite precaution, in-
daysom Dean C, R, Melchtr, Doctor the OH rubber thrown asldg in will be sent from various counties, _ _ _ _
` · · this disease, your County Council fiuenza had developed among students
\V. D. Funkhauser and Enoch (Irehan. hOu3€S_ bam; and garages throughout who are absent without leave from b th 1 the barracks and the halls
the committee on entertainment, have the comm. Old automobile tires and Camp Zachary Taylor, Camp Hem-y ·should warn the people of your county eo, rv nattenmm was turned to mt;
arranged the program tentatively to tubes wm be espcciallly dCsir€d· Knox, or any ot the other military es- to obey the proclamation of the State ed; ti f the B memic i
consist of an inspection of University Have a place Of deposit for these tablishments. Board ot Health and should co·oper- ewjlmigapggeiits wer;) givenkhe care
Wa? work. all inspection of COL E· H· materials either in the court house Wllen this i¤f0¥`mati0¤ arrives ¥`€· ate in every way possible with your f . . _
, _ · _ . . . . ul attention of physicians and nurses
Taylors famous Hereford F¤¤‘m· fs ard or the street immediately in cli-vents Should make M thm duty Coumymmd of Health Urge the . . .
view or s A T, C, and public dinner. gy t f th ` t h e You have either through their Council or some l · On the campus and m me h°Smtal§ °t
· · · t F¤¤ 0 6 com 0*15 ·_ _ . _ . people of your county to ¤v¤¤<1 cmwds Lexington and it voiimteei organiza-
A11 details of the I”`°g"am have ¤° no mea how much or this nmenai One appointed for this purpose to per- . .
_ - at all times. and l‘6D0l‘t to the COUMY tion of Lexington women assisted the
been completed. will be donated and quite a Sum can suede dehnquents to return to ser- _
· ` ·· ’ . . . · Board of Health all violations of the professional staff. The result of the
Y .
Arthur Everett Shipley, ¤c.D., ice be raised by your Council m thls vice, , »_ _. _
. . order of the State Board of Health combined effort has been so success
Chancellor of the University of Cam- way_ _ —— -—· _ ml that the institution Wm be 0 an
hrldge, is well known in the United After Such a campaign` has been 100 PER CENT ACREAGE OF Cl0S1Dg all places of amusements, ed November 11 for classes P
States. in which he has mg Several successruiiy emma out you may and WHEAT FORECAST FOR 1919 churches and bells where ¤r¤wd¤ are ‘
occasions been an h°n°u"€ guest- it of advantage to establish head- 1* accustomed to gather. When the
H6 is an hf>¤0¥`a¥`Y D·Sc· of Prince quarters for rummage sales at which OMV a few Counties have Yet I`B‘ County Board of Health is inactive it   §]%$1.ggIANS
ton University, Foreign Member of patriotic citizens \viu donate Old fur. ported to the State Council of De- may be necessary to report to the
the American Association of Econ- umu-Q_ farming implements, etcq the fense results of their campaigns to ‘
omic Envomologists and of the Helm- proceeds from the Sale going to the increase wheat acreage tor next year. State Bmrd °f Health Up to this time the State; C°“I;1°i1
inthological Society ot Washington. County Council. lf reports from these counties, how- H all of th€_P"°Pl€ hel? the dang"` Of Defense has mt b°°“ mt had t Ft
pi- Shipley is at member (-r the cen- _____ ever, can be taken as a criterion the of the epidemic will soon be over and ¤¤P°*¤**P€¤tS haw b°€¤ mma °f hw
tral Medical War Committee of Great WAR NOT OVER, DEFENSE acreage in Kentucky in 1919 will Sur. the ban ]m€d_ _ torians m every county of the State.
Britain. H8 holds many 0fflCBS of         DHSS by &ppl‘0Xlm8.t€ly 100 per cent. Kentucky Council gf Defense, This must be done at 0ncc' hi k
gi-ent responsibility, ;.._ the acreage devoted to wheat in`1918. Edward W_ Hines, Chairman, In °a`?€’;dt° p“shdf°"wm`d aus Willie
The R€V· Edward Mswburn walker The Kentucky`Council of Defense Barren County was lhs first to Wm_ D_ Cochran, (jhah~m3_n_ Of C0 6; nih an gresirrl gu Sep
has playoda large part in the life of has just received the following tB1e_ make a complete report J_ R_ Rich. com on Health and Edu records 0 so- ers an USM 0 S 1 u S
the University of Oxford during the gram from the Council of National ardson, secretary of the Barren · · vice fromvarious coun cs. as we a
last thirty years. Senior Tutor of Defense at Washington. County Council Of Defense, stated   war activmes of the civilians, it1s ·
Queen’s College and a member ol the Kentucky Council Ot Defense, that their campaign ciqsed on Aug. SHORT AGRICULTURAL highly important that County Coun-
Hebdomadal Council which is charg- Intepscuthem Building, ust 26, with a canvass of a total of COURSE T0 BE °il$_ Pmmptly Select H_‘st‘”`iauS f°r
ed with the administrative w<>rk Of Louisville, Ky_ 310.919 mes. or mis number 19,226 OPENED NOVEMBER 2b' their commas, and mary the sms _
the University, he illustrates in his an is of primary importance that acres were pledged for wheat grow- g ‘   Historian ot such appointments.
own person the characteristic fea- the receipt of the German note Should lng during the forthcoming year, Bai-- In order to meet conditions in- A STEM many coulftles m {he State
ture ofthe two ancient British univer- not in any Way result in me slowing ren County’s wheat acreage in 1918 cident to the war, the Agricultural have already appomted h‘st°"iauS*
Sl£l€S——IhB f€(lBI‘3tl0I1 of 3. l1l1II`Lb€l‘ of down of war activities. Will you totaled only 9,730 8.CI‘€S, Cgllggg gf the University Of Ken- and forms and SuggBSti0uS_ha·ve been
autonomous colleges into a larger therefore immediately can the amen, .ln making the canvass the County tucky has arranged to conduct a Sent tv th€m· S0 that them w°rk is
corporation. . mm of all members of the Stam Council of Defense divided the county series of short courses in agriculture, IWW $6mug well ¤¤d¢r, “'5·Y· when
Mr. Walker’s scholastic interests County and Community Councils of into 140 school districts, with cap- beginning November 25th, each last- the history Of Kentuckys part ill the
lie in the field of Ancient History, and Defanse to the absolute necessity 'Og tains and lieutenants faithfully can- ing two weeks and each so concen- War is Written- if the part which a'
particularly Greek History, on its con- Supporting and continuing an wa,. 3_c_ vassing every farm. tmtmg upgn one Single branch as to SIVBH Q011¤tY lakes does nvi ¤PD€al' in
stitutional side. On this subject he tivmes with unabated Zea]? W. T. Kenton, of Mt. Olivet, chair- give the farmer 3, good working that h1St0¥‘Y it will be a matter Pt
has contributed many articles to the ··We may Safely trust the President man of the County Council of Defense knowledge of that particular subject. keefl mgmt- Rccmds made DOW wm
Encyclopedia Britannica and other to guard our mmreqts and direct Ou,. in Robertson county, reported that For example, one wishing to study be ¤¤v¤1¤¤b1¢ in ? fefv Y°m`S· _ d
publications and has written a book diplomacy Om. duty is to give 2080175 acres have been pledged for farm tractors can take a two-weeks' COUHW Historians Hamas Shoul
ou the Hellenica Oxyrhynchia, its au- Strength to his arm He will know wheat this fall against 791 acres in course in that subject alone and get be will to Fred P· Caldwell, State
thorship and authority. how to use ih the county devoted to wheat raising back to his farm without having ser- H1St0¥'1a¥}i @014 Intepsouthem B“‘l`d'
Ch¤»ir·hW=¤;lk]§r is 3 clegslsimsrg ¤f gw (Signed,) ··;.—mnkH,, K_ L,me_»· laslthyear. i iously uegiectea his business at home. ms L¤¤1Sv¤1l¤» KY· .
urc 0 ng an an as een e- e canvass in Dav ess County, It has been the Custom of the Agri- ****1 ·
lect Preacher on several occasions to WAR WORK CAMPAIGN TO under the direction of J. W. White- cultural College to offer a continuous OBEY ORDERS AND HELP
the University of Oxford. ST  Nov 11 IN STATE house, County Agricultural Agent, ten-weeks course each winter, but TO LIFT EPIDEMIG BAN
4 Sir Henry Jones, Professor of Moral ' was completed in one day, 128 men the scarcity of farm labor and. other _ fi
Philosophy in Glasgow University, is. A great drive for funds was Starb participating in the wheat survey. conditions incident to war have made A Serious epidemic th"°at'~i“S the
as his name implies, a Welshman. He ed throughout Kentucky by the Unit_ Daviess County will have 18,510 gems the new al-mngemeny necessmy people of Kentuclgy. Spgiush I:
is, in tact, one of Mr. Lloyd George s ed Wm, Work Campaign Committee of wheat the coming year, as against Those who wish to continue studying Hl1€¤Z¤· a throat an nose *S°&S° ‘
Oldest personal friendsv and as the Nov   and   continue to NOV.   HCTES 13.St YGZII`, 3.Il iI1CI‘B3.S€ of thrugut ar pgrigd of fourteen weeks `V1l`I1lBIlt. [OTH], h3.S· attacked the pCO' -
Prime Minister is the gl`€·atF’§t· living ]_Sth· inclugivii The President of the 62 DBF C€I1t. · may take   series qt [wo w3gkg’ ple In many COIIIIUGS. IH Illillli C3·$€$» )
I`€D¥`9$€Uta·tiV€ of Welsh DOIIUCQI life. United States` the War Department Report fI`OIl1 GI'3.VBS COllI1ty, Compll- courses on diiergut subjects, and thug death has I‘€S\1ltGd. The loss I1 man
S0 Sir Hem'? Jones is regarded ill and the Council of National Defense ed. when only seventy out ot 107 employ their time to great advantage power has seriously handicapped the
Wales as the greatest representative have endorsed and Sanctioned the school districts had tu,-Md in thmout the wmten »·Wi¤ the Way- pmgl-am_ .
of literary and academic Wales. I raising throughout the country the pledges, indicates that a total acreage Work will be provided especially ln order to progent thoilipfggguag
Many honours have fallen to Sir Sum of $170,500_000, for carrying out 0;. 20,000 will be devoted to wheat- for women,-on such subjects as dress- this 6156389, coun g t;>10\}¤¤l mms {0
Henry. He is an LL.D. of SE. Ang wm, Work plans of the Young Mews t is year. The report was made by making,. millinery, making over and warn the people 0t_ €11‘f¤<;\;e State
draws. 8· D- Litt- cf the UYliY€;S;Y $1 Christian Association, Young W0mEn·S Jl; W· Kevil. of M3·YflF>ld, Chairman of remodeling clothing, planning meals, obey the pr<;Ch3.m8;110l1; (id (:0-0 grate
Wales. a Fellow of the Britis e ca - Christian Association, National Cath,) t e County Council. of Defense. The home cooking and table serving, meats Board of Heat an S Gu _ D _;
emy. He served nine years as Hibbert lic War Council Jewish Welfare seventy school districts heard from at and meat substitutes, besides a num- in every way possible Wlth then
Lecturer in M€t”·PhY$i°$ in `M‘m°h€S‘ Board Wm- Caml; Community gel-- the time the TBPON was m¤d€» Dl€dg· ber of such subjects as poultry rais- county boards of health. They should
_ ter College, Oxford. He gave the vice American Library V Association ed 16,655 acres as against 4,081 acres jug, gardening, fruit raising, home urge the people in every county to
Tennyson Centenary lecture of the anlfsalvation Army The quota fm, in the same districts for this year. conveniences, dairy manufactures and avoid crowds at all times, and YGDQN
British A¤¤d¢¤¤v» wd has held many Kentucky is $1 770 8(j0_ The wheat acreage or the entire meat curing, in which women as well to the county boards ot umm an v¤¤·
of the foundational lectureships of The Council gf Nzaltgonal Dafehsg has County iu 1918 was OHIY 6,600. · as men are directly interested. lations of the order of the State
British universities and learned so- requested the Kentucky Council of —  In addition to. these subjects, Board ot Health closing all Dl¤c¢;lSl<;f
<¤i€U6S· H8 1`€¢€1V€d U16 honor of Defense through its County Councils HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS courses are onered in soils and crops, amusements, churches and a s
knighthoud in 1912- . and Community Councils to assist in ADMITTED TO THE S, A_ T_ C_ farm motors, farm management, hor- where crowds are accustomed to
John Joly, M.A.. B.A., Engineering. au ways looking to the raising of the ;—— tieuiture, animal feeding, live-stock gather. When county boards of
D·Sc·· has been Professor of GQOIOSY amount On receipt of this bulletin P1`€$ld€¤t McVey has reported to judging, beekeeping, diseases of ani- health are inactive it may be HGCGS-
und! Min€l`al0gY in the UMVBYSRY Of Countylcouncils of Defense are urged U18 S€¤¤t€ of U16 U¤iV8l‘SitY of Kon- mals, plant diseases, injurious insects sary to report this fact to the Statc
Dublin for the last 20 y€arS' Hs was to call meetings of County Councils tucky that he had received a tele and marketing Board of Health
born in Ireland in 1857 and educated in conjunction with the County Di_ gram from the War Department, au- The mst or these courses will open If an or the people help, the dan-
at Trinity College- rectors of the Wm. Work Campaign, thorizing thé Ullivorsity to admit Stu- November 25th and each course will ger of the epidemic will soon be over
F0? m0¤‘€ than 30 YGKYS hé has GM`- and Offer assismncti Get word to dents to the S. A. T. C. who have not be repeated two or three times during and the ban lifted.
I‘iGd OH I‘€S€H.!‘0h ill DhYSiCS, and €S· Community Councils that no more im_ the prescribed number of high School the winter. This is done [Jr a. double ———·——·-—-
peciallv in the application of physics pmzmt work devolves upon them at units, but who, in the judgment of purpose; nist to suit the convenience Num; MEN sswr T0
tv €¤Si¤€8¤'i¤S· this time than the raising of each the committee, Seemed Gompetont to of those wishing to attend and second OTHER CAMPS
One of his earliest inventions was count . . , _ pursue one of the programs prescrib· to prevent overcrowding classes. ——-—
_ ys quota in the shortest pos- _ _
NIB Btffiim calorimeter. by ¤1€=1¤S of sible time ed for the S. A. T. C. The President Permission to enroll must be ob- Since the opening of the University
which he Sllccéédéd in determining ` ·. recommended as a war measure that tained by letter or otherwise before in September- nine men have been
, The Government has a right to ex- ____
dl¤'6¢tlY the SDGGIHC heats of SRSGS at pect Each one to do his part The students with thirteen credits, who de- coming to the University. sent for work to other camps. Early
constant volume. This was a prob- boys Hover There., and in 'camps sii-ed admission to the S. A. T. C., be Everything is free to residents of in ()ctober {ive were sent to Fortress
lem in experimental science which .. , H ' admitted to the University without Kentucky. No educational qualifica- Monroe. They were: H. L. Fremd,
had long baffled physicists Oval Hem Med your hem examination tions are required for entrance as Fmjnence· VV R David Lexington
Distinguished as a physicist, he is » The President further recommend- these short courses are designed ex- H. B. Clarke, Maysville; L. F. Bis-
more widely known as a pioneer in tion, The Birth·time of the World; and ed that if this authority was granted pressly for the benefit of active farm· chof, Louisville, and C. F. Johnson.
the modern method of photography in a number of contributions to various it should be exercised only with the ers and their families. Particulars Mayfield. Those who went-to Camp ·
colors. scientific journals, notably to the view of completing the quota of the may be obtained by addressing Hancock, Octobe1· 19th were: Merrett
Among his many publications are to "Philosophical Magazine," of which Students’ Army Training Corps. The Thomas Cooper, Dean of the College Cockrell, Atlanta, Ga.; H. T. Adair.
be noted—Radlo-activity and Geology. he has been one of the editors for Council. approved the Presidentfs of Agriculture, University of Ken- and Thornton Connell, Paris, and
Synchronous Signalling in Naviga- many years. recommendation. tucky. Lexington. Ky. Bernard Moosnick, Nlcholasvllle.