St MYChal T118 Martyr INTEGRITY
g St. Mychal The Martyr Parish holds Integrity is a gay and lesbian group
r. services every Sunday at 10:30, with Rev dedicated to exploring issues within the
e Ken Waibel performing mass. We are Episcopal Church and Christianity. It
)f located at 1350 Eastland Dr. St. Mychal meets the second Sunday of each month
e is a member of the Orthodox Catholic at 4 pm at St Michael The Archangel
1r Church of America, a national denomina— Episcopal Church at 2025 Bellefonte Drive
11 tion that is gay supportive, performs in Lexington. The March gathering will be
9 blessings of gay unions, welcomes on Sunday 13 at in the Chapter Room of
[_ divorced p60ple, and ordains women to the Church. Light refreshments will be
a the orders Of Deacon, Priest and Bishop. served and all are welcome to attend,
;_ The Church is one of about three 7...“, . . . .
d dozen offshoots of the Roman Catholic fl ‘ \§:\ Unltarlan UlllVCI‘SElllSt
e Church, and is open to married, divorced, (SK ’ . if) Church
at and single individuals, welcoming all per- \s.._..s::1"’ .
sons regardless of the blessings or prob- Sunday SerVIees at 9 & 11
n lems of their lives. We have space avail— The Unitarian-Universallst Church wel-
s able for meetings and receptions. comes gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans-
gender people to all our worship services,
:1 Open ‘Door {fellowship educational programs, and other events.
. Please note that we have changed the
e The ‘ Open Door Community time of our early service on Sunday to 9
s Fellowship has an outreach B'ble Study am. We are located at 3564 Clays Mill Rd.
y group for gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and On Saturday, March 19 we invite
’- transgender individuals in Lexington. you to our annual Service Auction.
9 Open Door is a Spirit-led, Dible-centered, This is always a wonderful evening of
" open and affirming Chrlstlan Church entertainment and great food with the
., spreading the awesome news of Jesus opportunity to bid on some interesting
Fl Christ’s unconditional love for ALL peo- items services, and dinners.
k ple. For information contact Rev. Cori Every Wednesday night in March
y WOOd @ 859'264‘7006 or see there will be adult education pro-
t grams that are fun and educational.
. t 7 .‘W
it . Sunday Worshlp 10:30 am
n . .
S . We pubhcly celebrate Gay Marrlage
: . ’ I
; Come Worsth With Us
I 1350 Eastland Drive #5, Laingwn (859) 389-9418
0' t I I p I n
A true Chnstzan communzty celebrating diversity
— W
GLSO Page 23