xt7s1r6n381b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7s1r6n381b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-10-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 04, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 04, 1977 1977 1977-10-04 2020 true xt7s1r6n381b section xt7s1r6n381b Volume l,XlX. Number 33
'l'uesday. October 4. l977




an independent student newspaper




Marble Hill brings
controversy to Ky.

Kernel Reporter
Nuclear power is one of the least
understood and most controversial
energy problems to emerge in the
last two decades. Proponents of
nuclear energy claim reliability,
economy. arid lack of pollution as its
major assets. while the opposition
disagrees on every point.
The controversy has come to
Kentucky. centering over the


news analysis

proposed Marble Ilill Nuclear Plant,
to be built across the Ohio River in

Nuclear power is basically this: a
controlled reaction involving
uranium is set up inside the core of
the reactor, and the heat produced
by this reaction is usui to convert
water into steam, which, in turn,
drives the electrical turbines that
produce electricity.

The Marble Hill reactor is of the
pressurized-water category, not the
breedertype which President (‘arter
has opposed. However. this reactor
will produce some quantities of
plutonium. the element used in most
nuclear weapons.

Questions of safety, economics,
arid waste disposal are the three
main points of contention that
surround nuclear power and the
Marble Ilill project in particular.

The safety question revolves
around one specific aspect: should a
meltdown of the core of the reactor
occur.the containment vessel would
be breached.

II that happened. according to the
I957 llrookhaven Report. persons
could be killed up to a distanceot‘ l5
miles and injured up to a distance of
4.”) miles. The Marble Hill facility is
.ll units from Kentucky‘s largest
city, Louisville The report
estimated damages in property
could lit-$7 billion inan area as large
as 150,000 square miles.

According to the US. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (NRC) an
accidentot thise proportions is not
considered "credible.“

'I‘hc Brookhaven Report estimated
the chancesat one in 100,000 to one in
il billion per reactor year. In other
words. with I .000 operative reactors.
the chances of this type of accident
would decrease to one in 1.000 toone
in a million per year for all the
reactors combined.

'I'he report has been criticized
because it (lid not take. into con-


sideration such problems as
sabotage. and it assumed thatallthe
backup safety systems would work

Nuclear proprmwrts argue that
safety backup systems and general
construction technology of I077 has
far surpassed that of I957. wficn the
llrookliawn Report was issued.

l‘ublic Service Indiana (PSI). the
utility that plans to build the Marble
Ilill reactor. is confident that Marble
Ilill's containment vessel willnot be
broken. resulting in the release of
deadly radioactive particles.

“’I‘hc coutainrnent vessel will
never be breached. even in the
unlikely event of a core break-
down." said Dr. James (‘oughlin
vice presideal-nuclear for PSI.
“those plants have backup systems.
Nothing would be released from the
facility. Nothing at all."

“fit Kentucky Asst. .\tty. (fen.
Itayid Short disagreed with that

"If we have nothing whatsoever to
w oriy about. that why does the NRC
icqiiirc the utility It) locate the plant
ina low population zone. and why do
they have to work out an evacuation
plan for the residents ofthat zone‘.’
the whole idea is absurd." said

Short also had doubts about the
proponents' assertion that the
chanccsol a major accident are next
to nothing.

“We're not dealing with statistics.
\\c're dealing with people's lives
and property. l’Sl is doing the least
it is required to do regarding
evacuation procedure." he said.

'l'cstimony at the recent NRC
hetu‘ings revealed that a plan for
Jefferson ('ounty had not been
dcvclorx-d. I’Sl is only required to
worry about evacuation in a two-
niile /.onc.

'I‘wo setsof hearings were held by
the Atomic Safety and Licensing
Roard. The first dealt with en-
vironmental problems. and the
second hearing last week was
concerned strictly with safety

The environmental hearings
board issued a Limited Work
Authorivation (LWA) permit. the
first in a set of permits necessary to
open the facility. The LWA per-
mitted PS] to engage in limited site
preparation, but no actual plant
construction The safety hearings
will determine whether a “con
struction rx‘rmit” is issued. which
will permit the plant to be built.

Bakke case protested

UK groups back Affirmative Action

Kernel Staff Writer

An orderly demonstration
followed by a press conference
supporting national Affirmative
Action programs was held in front of
the Federal Building in downtown
Lexington yesterday afternoon

Amroximately 25 people attended
the demonstration, sponsored by the
Women‘s Law Caucus, the UK
chapter ofthe Black American Law
Student Association (BALSA), the
UK Student Senate and four other
local and campis groups.

Thedemorstrationbegan at 1 pm.
with some 15 pickets marcll'ng in
from of the bu’lding, carrying signs
which read “support Affirmative
Action," and “overturn the Bakke
decision" A stnrt press conference
was held on the steps of thebu‘lding
attza), with statements being read
to the press try reposentatives of the
spomoring organizations.

The demnstration was held to
call attention to the upcomiig
Supreme Gout hearing on the Alan
Bakke case, and is part of a
“Natimal Day of Student Protest"

I‘Iconomic aspects are also a point
of contention between the
proponents and the opposition.
According to Dr. (‘oughlin of PSI,
the cheapness of nuclear power was
one reason for the utility opting to
construct Marble Hill.

“'I‘he cost ()I generation of elec-
tricity from the nucleiu‘ plant will be
._'ti to per cent less than from coal,"
t oiiglilin said.

However. construction costs alone
for Marble “ill will total more than
:1 i' billion which is $300 million
more than the current value ofthe
company‘s entire existing system of
coal fired plants, trand‘ormers and
transmission lines combined.

I‘SI public relations officer John
Ilardcsty admitted that instead of

the original 31.? billion figure, costs '

could yimp as liighas Slit?) billion by
tutti. \ hen I’SI is anticipating
starting the plant.
When asked to expand on figures
\ liichliold that nuclear power would
be .1) it) per cent lessexpensive than
coal. t'oiighlin said. “Numerous
Continued on page if

Indiana officials' doday


.\n artist's conception of the proposed .\larble Ilill
iiticlear power station. The contrin'ersial facility
would be constructed and operated by Public Service

stand was clear

Kernel Reporter

Editor‘s note: This story includes
the observatims and conclusions of
reporter Alfred L. Buchanan. who
was at the Atomic Safety and
Licensing Board hearings about
Marble Ilill last week.

The attitude of Public Service
Indiana (PSI). the state utility
planning the Marble Hill reactor,


news analysis


toward the press and public was
almost immediately evident.

To give some background, this
reporter made an appointment for
last P‘r’iday with Dr. James
Coughlin, PSI vice president—
nuclear, to cover the board hearings
andd atterrl a site tour. After
learning the hearings could end
before Friday, an early trip Wed-
nesday was made.

Upon arrival at th hearings, in-


it _,\\\“\


-Iili uni

Supporters of national Affirmative Action programs. Jim Lenahan
(center) and George Slaughter (right) carry signs In front of the Federal
Building in downtown Lexingto to protest the recent Bakke case.

called by the national BALSA group,
according to UK SALSA president
Willie Peale.

Alan llakke,32, an homrgraduate
of Berkley and err-marine applied to



the University of California’s
Medical School at Davis and was
timed down for two comecutlve
years. Claim'ng he was vIctlmhed
by quotas of ferrule and mhority

tervening attorneys (with groups
opposing the plant). advised this
reporterto make a formal request to
attend the scheduled tour of the site.

While making the request, PSI
attorney Harry Voight intermpted
and challenged the Kernel's interest
in the proposed nuclear plant. In-
tervening attorney Charles Kaplan,
representing Louisville and Jef-
ferson County, then spoke on behalf
of the press.

After extensive argument. the
board determined the PSI lawyer
did not know of the Friday ap
pointment and expressed views
against those of PSI. *

Ifthe press went on the early tour,
they would have to stay separate
from the main group, the board
ddecided. “Atleast 100 yards away
from them. we don‘t want you
getting inthe way,"according to the
instructions. lntervening Kentucky
attorneys said they couldn't un-
derstand how the press could in—

(‘ontiiiueil on page it

students necessitated by At-
firmative Action admissions
requirements, he took the university
to court to allow him to enroll.

TheCalifornia Supreme Court has
ruled in Bakke‘s favor. but the
Regents at UC are appealing to the
Supreme Court to overturn the

Opponents of the Bakkedecision
view the case as an affront to the
gains made by women and
minorities toward acheiving
equality in education. If the decision
is allowed to stand, it will be a
“signal to milege administrations
that they won‘t have to enforce
affirmative action programs any
longer," according to Young
Socialist Alliance spokesman
Bronson Rooter, a participantin the
lexington protest.

Statements of support for Af-
firmative Action were read by
Peale, Rozier, Margaret Kelly of the
National Organization ofWomen,
Studert Government's Cathy Welch
Cullbertson Kim Green of the
Women's Law Caucts and Carol
muscle of the Women's Rights




University of Kentucky
Lexington. Kentuckv

threat of accidental radiation leakage.

Indiana at an initial cost of more than 8L? billion.
ttpponents fear the reactor will pose the constant



\Iayoral candidate Joe (fray es, said a poll of registered voters taken
tor him within the past two weeks shows .lim Amato's lead has been
slashed to three per cent,

1 hirty nine per cent of the registered voters plan to vote for Amato in
nest month s gen-ral elect ion. w ith :ttt per cent backing (iraves and 25 per
cent lllltlt‘t‘ldt‘d. according to the poll. (iravcs said.

Members of the Fayette ('ouiity Education Association voted 630-9
yts‘feiila} ti) ratify a proposed contract with the county school board
system, The agreement is the first such contract between any teachers'
group and the school system.

l'i'ovisionsof the contract call for an average 7.6 per cent pay increase
for teachers and a grievance proctdure which includes a provision for
non~lnnding arbitration of grievances filed by teachers against ad-

'l‘hecoiitraet now must be ratified by the school board, which scheduled
.I meeting Monday night to hear public comments on the agreement.


Senate leaders. helped by parliamentary rulings front Vice President
Walter I“. .\Iondale. mounted a new effort yesterday to break a lilday
tilibirstt-r over natural gas prices.

Mondatc's role prompted filibuster leader Sen. James Abourezk.D~
S It. to accuse President (‘arter of betraying those who support the
admin istration's plan to kteppricecoutrols on natural gas.

The Senate voted Titlit to support the vice president‘s first ruling
against the amendments to prolong the debates by Abourezk and Sen.
llowmil .\let/cnbaum. I)t)liio.

Senate Democratic leaders have said they are ready to abandon efforts
to salvage the (‘arter plan on the Senate floor because the impasse is
threatening action on the rest of the President‘s energy plan.


l-‘iu- Japanese hijackers who took a ietliner on a 5.000 mile. six-day
odyssey of terror over Asia (llltl North Africa freed their last ”9 hostages.
including one American yesterday and surrendered to Algerian

The terrorists stepped of the Japan Air Lines l)(‘8 and were driven
away less thitll two hours after the plane landed at Algier's Maison
Itlanehe airport. The gunmen ended their long holdout after negotiations
with Algerian officials

til'l'icials said the seven c new members and I2 freed passengers were in
apparent good health.

Indira Gandhi. prime minister of India for If years until her election
defeat last March, was arrested yesterday and charged with acquiring
ltI-i vehicles through misuse of her official position,

.\‘umxn'tersot (:andhi issued a statement in her name charging that the
"arrest iStl political one. It is to prevent me from going to the people. It is
an at tempt to disc mlit me in their eyes and the eyes of the world."


.\Iostly .\IIIIII) amt mild today: high in the mid tits. Partly cloudy and a
little warmer tonight and tomorrow. low tonight in the mid 403. High
tomorrow in the 60s.

Compiled from Associated Press Dispatches







.{ editorials 8: comrmnts

W New W out Photograph! 0.” Editor:
9-" loll-cu tulle Dillon ml tum
Mil Egnruln
M [0. mm W mu like! Lynn Punk
M Gabriel m lttclolt mm “mm 3..” Pure.
Phil Rutledu
mm m m W M.- flit-l
Jm Ito-w MIMI! "uh Man an


Nader is a crusader for (oh, no) sports

Once upon a time consumer advocate Ralph
Nader incurred the wrath of General Motors. He
was a big man then, getting the cigar smoking
execs to take the air-cooled Corvair off the
automobile market.

But Nader must be hurting for new worlds to
conquer. He‘s now fighting sports’ evils of all

Nader has launched a new lobby
unimaginitively named FANS (Fight to Advance
the Nation's Sports) to denounce what he calls
“the rising cresendo of fraud and fast buck ar-
tistry" allegedly occurring in professional
sports. (Nader always could turn a phrase.)

FANS '5 against practices like charging $3.50
for a red stratosphere seat at Cincinnati’s
Riverfront Stadium or demanding $5 for unsafe
parking outside Chicago’s Wrigley Field or
asking $10 for a ticket to an Atlanta Hawks’
tzzzzzzzz) game.

But mostof the38.5million schmucks who paid
the ridiculous prices to attend major league
baseball games this season could care less if
crusader Nader fights for them or not.Some of
them probably don‘t know who the guy is

Besides, we doubt they’ll want to shell out the
$9 fee to join FANS. A waste of money, they’ll

And Ralph will have to come up with a better
line than ‘Think of the fan,” if he’s going to

convince the owners to roll back prices.Because
sports is a business and so many of the athletes
earn higher salaries than Jimmy Carter, the one-
time regular $1.50 ticket is nonexistent (except
for promotional dates) and will likely stay that

To show you how seriously the advocates take
their new cause, they’ve issued a FANS Con-
stitution, complete with a Bill of Rights and Ten

Some of the legislation includes:

~-Citing the arrogance of the owners and their
lack of sensitivity toward their fans.

~ lnstre that the fans are listened to about the
three-point shot in basketball.

—~ Educate the public in seeing that the proper
role of sports in America does not become
exaggerated or distorted.

Make sure the fans have the right “to be in-
formed about the operations” of teams, to
“participate in the formation of the rules,” to
have their interests “represented" in contract
disputes between players and owners and to be
“treated with courtesy and respect" at sports

in case Nader doesn‘t know, fans un-
fortunately don’t want to be flooded with in-
formation about the operation of their teams.
With terms like “reserve clause” and “free
agent“ and people like Marvin Miller, Charlie
Finley, Ted Turner and Bowie Kuhn floating







Hagan shows he has a mind,
Curci mysteriously changes his

[is not often when UK men‘s athletic director
(‘liff Hagan is praised on this page. That’s
because he has done little in his two years as AD
to merit a pat on the back--until now.

Hagan has decided that Commonwealth
Stadium will not be expanded for at least another
we years. That stand took courage considering

.he football fans‘ clamour to enlarge the $12

million facility.

The stadium ranks seventh in size in the 10-
member Southeastern Conference, though its
only five years old.

“We're interested in investigating the
possibilities," Hagan said. “We need to have
more solid experience of a sold-out situation. We
think we‘re for real, but I’d like to have more
concrete demonstratiors for at least two more

Last year, the Wildcats' averaged 56,204 fans
per game, 17th best attendance figure in the

Hagan‘s wait‘n see, let’s test the market at-
titude is wise, however. Why rush to spend
several million dollars for about 15,000 more

seats, when you‘re not absolutely sure those
seats would be filled?

Of course, with more victories like the one at
Penn State Saturday, expansion may take place
sooner than we think...

While Hagan is being commended, UK coach
Fran Curci deserves a condemnation.

ltwas Curci who became upset (off the record,
naturally ) when he learned that Joe Hall had
solicited funds to build a dormitory for the
basketball team.

Curci stressed then he didn’t want a football
dorm because the costs would be prohibitive
(about $2 million) and because he thought it
wrong for his players to be separated from the
student body.

But Fran has done an about face and has
received permission from UK President Otis
Singletary to ask outsiders (coal barons again?)
for funds.

But why did the coach change his mind,
especially when he put down Hall's efforts only

three months ago?

To paraphrase Curci: “That‘s college foot-

————Letter to the editor——

I teel that I must raise my voice in
protest against the recent letter by
\ls. Sefonda Peters in which she
chided lflx‘ students for having their
collective fingers up their collective

Don't you


think your tone is
somewhat harsh?
your letter, I must confess. I was

tis sweet amnesia. come to steal the
night tliitlyl.

And, Ms. l’etcrs, i very rarely
match the Three Stooges. Am i
atypical? I think not.

After reading




around, the sports pages have become ac-
counting reports and law briefs.

()h yeah, Nader, his raiders and FANS have
another gripe with the sports establishment.
They think that the “food“ sold at the events
should contain ingredients other than rodent


For example, commandment three insists
“Fans have the right to insure that foodsold at
hese events is healthful."

“lley, get your peanutshere, healthful peanuts

Wise up, Nader. Get out of sports and get back
to fighting for a legitimate cause.

asses and for the unpardonable sin
of smoking dope (What? Dope
smoking here. What a revelation)

She also. if i remember correctly,
objected to those lovable sado
masochists the Three Stooges. Come
now Ms. Peters!

Let us reason one with the other.

('ould it be true? (‘ould i be one of
those tlopc smoking, smelly
lingered Stooge watcims? l racked
my brain for answers. I searched
my soul. Ms. Peters, 1 am none of
those things you deplore. i don‘t
have my finger up my ass. i don‘t
smoke dope, although I must confess
.r certain for Jim Beam whiskey (ah,

“Mm .m A: e- .

The explanation, it seems to me,
lies in the fact that you suffer from a
severe case of terminal arrogance.
Ask yourself if you‘re fit to judge.

Again. I think not. But don‘t shoot
yourself. After all, we aren't worth it
are we?

Political Science Junior

Education: The great
American trivia game


Trivia is a noun meaning trifles or
insignificant things. Trivia is a
game played by folks whose minds
aren't as burdened with thewoes of
the world as some.

Excellence at the game requires a
stbstantial trash index and an
ability to spew forth meaningless
items at will. It's fun to play with
sportswriters and boring people at
parties. it‘s no fun at all to play in
the classroom.

In Trivia, you might be asked:
what are the names of the Phan-
tom‘s two porpoises? What is the
nameof Little Orphan Annie‘s dog?
In what movie does Mae West sing,
“I‘m an Occidental Lady in an
Oriental Mood for Love?” If you
answer (respectively) Solomon and
Nefertiti, Sandy and Klondike An-


nie, you’ll be correct and
cmgratulated If you don’t, nothing
much willhappen. Chances are the
questioner doesn’tknow either.


ln classroom Trivia, you might be
asked: who discovered America and
in what year? Who is Kingfish Long?
Who said, “i only regret tha l have
but one life to give for my country?"
If you answer Columbus in 1492, a
former governor of Louisiana and
Pat Herry, you'll be correct and
congratulated. If you don’t, you‘ll be
flunked out of class, possibly out of
school. Chancesare the questioner
won’t know these answers either.

What's the difference between
questims about MGM Studios and
Wily Lormn? Comic strim and
Great Classics? Wrigley Fun Facts
to Tell Your Frienis and the World
Book Encyclopedia? Why will no one
offer an “A" for knowing famous
pairs like Batman and Robin or
Yancy Derringer and Paho, bu be
all too eager to bestow an “F” for
failingto know the Monitor and the
Merrimack or Custer and Sitting
Bull? Why sinuld one need to know

the real names of lewis Carroll and
Mark Twain and not thereal names
of Superman and Spider-Man?

Putsimply, it's because somebody
said so.
“Sombody"is an educator, who,


arbitrarily and with malice, chose to
assign significance to some facts
and not others. Probably he chose
the categories he knew best.

Someone should beasking, “Why
is your fact more importantthan my
fact?" and then “Is your fact irn-
portant to me at all?"

Will anyone ever be requizzed on
the names of Columbus‘ three ships
(the Larry, the Moe and the Curly
Joe)? More likely, someone will
dare you to tell them it was
Broderick Crawford on Highway
Patrol, that Sky King‘s niece was
Penny and that Lamont Cranston


Why should
one need

to know the
real name of
Lewis Carroll
and not



wasn‘t the Shadow‘s real name.

Regardless of which version of
Trivia is played. the rewards are
about the same: om wins a beer,the
other wins a seat on the GE Colege
Bowl (BZZZT! Five points, can you
take it, USC?).

The poblem is,whether the game
is recreational or educational, me
retains only items, with no usable
knowledge beiind them. The student
who excels academically B the one
who ha the best rotation for the
most unoomected facts. And that
smdentwtllcontlme to memorize,


continue to regurgitate, never
asking why something is this way or
that,until allthat‘s left is input and


That the character of education
and Trivia are so similar is a sad
thing. That the only separating
factor is that elusive, arbitrary
quality of “significance” is ap

There are those who refute the
accusation. They defend rote
memory on the grounrb that a
factual basis isthe only basis for in-
depth study of a subject, that a
suidcntcannot work with a subject
and understand it until he knows
something about it.

This would be valid if there were
not so few educational programs
that pass the stage of rote memory.
College entrance exams, GREs and
SATs all depend on fact retention,
andthe ability to reissue. those facts
in 30 minutes or less. Nothing in
those tests, those measures of iri-
telligence, ability and readiness.
require astudent to place things in
evena cohesive. much less original.

Sturhnts learn about science, the
humanities, literature and
mathematics. That is, they learn
“about," not ”why." John Dewey
wrote, “Education is what is left
after the facts are forgotten.“ if,
these days.one forgets thefacts, one
is left with precious little 'ndeed.

Seriously, wherein the real world
are people faced with prepared
questions, the arswers to whicharc
already known?

That sums up the Trivia game:
asking questiors that already have
answers. And what better describes
current education?

Education needs to be something
more than recall.Whenit becomes
thought, reason, realizations,
discovery, we will learn something.
And learn something worth
knowing, not by standards that
prove om from column A matches
one from column B, but lasting
throtgh tests and time and serving
as somethirg more than a game.


Leslie Crutcher is a journalism
gnduate who read Terence P.
Morgan's any, “The Language of
Him-alien." while she was still in
srltmil. Ric's glad to be out.


 — . y I ' y ’5’ ‘-
I , .1 ' 2
' . , ‘ 1’ t


Kl’N 'lUCK Y K l'.RNl'.l.. Tuesday, October 4.1977-3


Nuclear controversy comes to Ky.

strontiuinsu, If inhaled. for example, is a sufficient
amount to indice lung cancer.

I’SI official Join llardesty. compared the
problems of nuclear waste to other forms of

"(Toalsettling ponds are much more toxic than
one lear wastes from the commercial side of the
n," asserted llardesty.

n IIttomey who testified in the Enrico Fermi

continued iron. from age Ilation .“Ihe Indiana Public Service Commission
studies have been donet t prove this. Besides, it ”W l allows the company to collect revenues
.swmsthaiil'youcan min oal. you can‘ttransport equal to its cost plus rate of return’ equal to a

it And it you can‘t tran rt it you can 't burn It percentage of those costs (currently 7 per centl.”
It‘ s all the tedeial Iegul ons that are driving the l"l.teret0re the higher the costs, the higher its
costs way up‘ ' pi of it. The l’S(‘ could refuse to allow PSI to put the
Dr. Harold (‘assidy 1, emeritus professor of costs ot Marble Hill into its “rate base " but that t
chemistry at Yale Univ ity and a local resident could ‘threaten the utility with bankruptcy." ad c
iiiitted I’S(‘ chief accountant Ben Koebel.


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including Greek Lettering



739 Lone Allen Rd. 276-l lOl










| news alysis According to Fineman‘s article PSI claims an I actor casein Michigan had a different opinion.
' .I It” million per year savings over coal for its ' lIese lission products are more toxic per unit
heading Save the Valley, group opposing Marble customers but if the facility Is built before demand iglit than any other industrially known materials UP To $IOO/MONTH
IIill construction sai percentages can be is iealized, it could cost Indiana customers more II Iactorofa milliontoa billion," he said
misleading w than $200 million per year. ccording to II recent (leneral Accounting Office
. l “When DFOPOIK‘IIIS 53 "“019?” power IS more Another economic aspect of Marble Hill is I "N there '5 "0 acceptable way ‘0 dispose 0f
3' economic they mean is more economical for financing p51 does not seem to be in great dif. sion wastes. The Maxey I'lats disposal site in
then‘ said l‘I :y‘ don't c esilder th‘e ticulty [inamially‘ but itwill not own the entire Intucky wIIsiecently closed after the discovery of
. tr: endo orit' Veggie ML nmentge dummy akage ofhuried nuclear waste. ~
i I area preul ' 'l‘he Wabas I . ical Cooperati - is 513 . to Nuclear waste can be handled, says Coughlin. F07 plasma donations.
i Ile lopm. (’1 )A . ‘I I. . .__‘,“ Ir‘cent .I, , , .. ‘ ... . s[_ "The technolo, is there-Iit's just a political OPEnSOct.IO Qplastnaalhatne
“PR *‘ffilm, ‘ l - ,' '4' In :I , . oblem Vle‘ vel enhandling high level waste for 20430xfordClrcle
. . - one years. Ni ety per cent of it comes from the Cardinal Valley Shopping Ctr- 2543043






eapons pi ogi - ,and Ii small percentage from
vlllt‘ rcial I ea ors and this can be solidified and

' rig": I
, cw." Jraise‘aip % I. I.
loans 3 I 1
The; pmpltfhay‘e ot’lltsettp-I ‘ Io ..- g ”Ham‘s“ . g ‘
nIIIinten nceof wasteszg edecommis‘ 1"; ”ea“ way/'11.}..w'r1’w‘ tored lllt'illllllS' rs. [two have to store it toralong
the plan afterit snol .‘ . “ T : ., id. WIUIfkn e we shoot.
(‘Iissitlsaidt reasdh E ' f ‘ ' l , {010. ll' (I M M By the year

cut it in the salt mines,“ he said.
is notlorthe godd of tlnfiéple‘ ‘flutfu - L.“ 3‘“; ”an ok the waste






All Sent! 11.50 ‘I'll2130 pm. All (‘lnemus ucepi “Slur Vturu" J

FAYETTE.“ “All Nowsnowiw Why







Ienerated by every reactor since

tltltl, ifwe have 400 reactors and
not antage .7 solidified I and put it in cannisters one foot in




linanc1 r .
F mi: of all" héigj: tall . " ”(51,,“ Rain; ' int-rte and I feet tall, all of it would fit on a ”tummy“.
“5,000? captive cu 3 . _: , W ., éootball lield,” aid Coughlin. matut'wmim‘ ”’5 new:
_ W , , . .. , , t ; , A This is lust II (‘X' I: eof another alftrutlr: 2'31: «Thanh-L“, I “m“. “mm” mm
' ° ‘ We; olinethin ' " . Id” luo ioggsa- Im-


‘40“ \NthT\(}

Pricesgli ah fanning? . . , V “‘i H" I‘ . r: ‘ I‘. ,I , .
Mbmm ’ '. , . . :‘- 23‘ . mm: MALI
*ST‘Qflndlv. them mi 'I ‘ ‘ ' ' musvulouwcxulm sw‘rlflsis
tially, thegmemme'nt willpay filrtrtit 20pe ent mm“ Daviolanssen


















of the cestdf the plant Cassidy said.’ ”The «utility: _, _ .. ' : ' . DIRTY SECRETS Setlaflertel
uses two sets of books when determining“ . ._ ’ __ -_ I, .' ‘ _ _ ‘ I . _ ‘. . , 'I‘lmu: I:303:305:301:ro9~25 [filfiplflfim
‘31?” . “ 'I '- . - fM blH ‘IIG
III pi eciIItion on II nucleai facility. ““43” , ’ - - j I . . I _ ~I . , f- 0 ar e ill
39 insists tecth legal They use a straight-line deprbfiofmn 3i - . - ' 2‘“ «new! ”dig?” ' ' AND MALI. WMMM.
ndsold at for rate setting Ito enable them to r . “I‘lieres "€th . ‘ , . WWIWLW'P‘lW ., quM “—7. ‘
Neil’srahdthey use IiIIpid depreCIatlon formula on. ltfit'kwot e (a; ‘ ;‘- , . 1; “01‘1" emetmll‘l’lay a major role. m energy on an ryuv E II. . . .\ WI) I‘OV'fR
l , taxes.’ “lie said. .. 1.0m 13:“ Tuck Itieyfing hfie & iTI yi-‘lome-ntwny Into the next century. We have no
I‘ In. m1:
u pearl S Supportingt IIssid\ sclaim thata \ery expensive [damn (h s de'lay cyol‘k PSI and its custom IIlte'fi‘lIItiveS except coal and nuclear.’ We haVé t0 The Other Side Of Mi
nuclear power plant would actually improve PSI s H .ltlitl ‘ yd K Intucky could care less" develop lneeder reactors too“ said (oughlin Tth' l m m .0
dget back tianciai position all? facts included in a Julyat) \ i D ( "a ‘ (lpponets cite' reg .smdiesxthich Say the ear-
I ..umma ( "u. in. “mm,“ story by Howard litnally, there is the problem of waste disposal. I‘h s uiIIiIiunI supply will lasttor only another-30 to upplmo MALL llllIHIH i.
I- iiIenIan: Nuclear waste is generated as a by-product of the ..0 ye ais III the run‘ent rate of conSumption (oal IS "“'l°°“‘"“° 2___70- “445m
It is impossible to say with any accuracy right fission process As uranium atoms are split they IstIInIIted to lasttoranother Still to 50t_)years.. ,‘ T‘m;_';029_°;’0‘ 3°
now but it appears that rates could be about half Iecombine and generate Mioactive isotopes like Nuclear and coal only‘"?~‘asked Cassidy. :Sdl‘hr NoPosses. ”A“
again as high as they are now, and that does not (obalt. cesium strontium iodine and plutonium ("llt igycould be available in industrial size in the
take into account other increases likely in the in- Many of these spent fuels" are more dangerous with II ithin five years and the electrical network
ten’ening yeais for new coal fired plants and in- thanuranium is in its original state. One particle of twists tor trIITIsmitting it Hist."
' ' ' use A um: GET RID OF THE
ate, IIIIII n lane 0 IGIa S I
this way or flu? N no: WEEKDAY BLAHS.
took clear stand
If education
lar is a sad
separating t'oIitinIii-d from front page any seepages after you left NOW 0 pen Later
, arbitrary PSI'S attimde 0i 59‘:ch Florida {30“51‘ & Light? "llllip.m.Sun-Thur ‘TTIMldnite Fri-Sat Free Delicious Hor‘s DOQTVQS
cen is alt pervaded the hearings. One (oughlin. es. 919 S Limestone at Rose during cocktail hour

contention was that in- Question: Are you aware L
tervening attorneys shouldn‘t they were caused by design
have the right to cross- and construction?

Carry Out 253-2469

4:30 - 7 nightly

o refute the



lefend rote examine PSI officials. Coughlin: No.

Inth that :1 Thomas Dattilo, attorney for