xt7s1r6n3868 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7s1r6n3868/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-09-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, September 14, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 14, 1981 1981 1981-09-14 2020 true xt7s1r6n3868 section xt7s1r6n3868 M V 3'5 ‘4" {in} '3“ . 25:1... . 3. 3 33 3 '3, p 5' 3 f 5f .5’ _.~1:,;‘*;.3: 4‘ ., .3 ,,.7.~;‘ 3... ‘14‘3 39:, 11 *r‘ 5* "’ “ *1. ““333”,. ’r‘fl' $4" *‘ a, W‘ 3 ' E‘i'w'iifiéfivi‘” ‘3 3“?""3721; .753 v.33 '15,,11;,11'.‘:5,' 7,111. 4.3., '95:; "1}_n-f:'r.?<5~‘ 3, 5.25; .1555. 1""? ' . , . .' . ‘ 1 ”>5 1. “$155 55 e.’ 3..§*5£*§n.'§ W%W%%5stg’mgw" ,- .1 . 1. 5 ' . 1 1. 5 ' 5 ‘ r .1... .155 . i. . 1 2 5g *‘ .:-55 5,1 .5 .. 51 5. 1.. ~ . 5 ~ . 1 . ‘1. ‘55$’1:%1555"i*5 ’ ‘ . 5*: 55§f5s51155.c§ 342:: . ‘, ,~ . ' . - 5.571.493". ’: ’ 51“.? . ‘*‘55.5"53‘3.“"i‘.‘7“1'7*r""11 5.435- 3 " '1 1 ‘ ! ‘2=;5:.i”§5;*5i’§17{”5531"?"firfi’i’f‘fiiffl " - ' "J“W' ”gffiauf‘fiozf... '5:*f5‘5"11'5‘“’":333%9373. 4'11Mf5155... ~'_; I, " ‘1 f .- . ' “2.1-1" " "5'42 1.9 ,55‘. L ' " ‘ " ‘.“ 5 :‘ ‘- ' : “ . f '51:”3’125' 5:35? "3:121: 5’25. " ‘ .735.5.5.315"35“’3".53“ . ‘5753'1L15t'1’57‘i31?iii}:ti”???3 {5215”, 3' 1 . 5' . '1 .' .. 5 5 5 5 5255-» ; - . , WM , “am“-.. 5 W... _. W.’ 5.521.? fiiiié‘tfimfiifitfx31%;:'55; .5. -' . ' - ' “5*:? _5 ' .. 2 5 1 5i i 3,5,372- '. 5:1 5 . .5 5’???ng 1 2' w 25": 55515 “32’: ' 5” : 1:1,: 315:3:1 21:11.1" HUMID HEAT . ,1 .f ,5 Fl) 3,5 3’?! Mostly cloudy skies today and tomor- 515?; 51:13.3: 3." row, combined with a 40 percent ,. of} 1:15 {I 3 5' chance for showers and highs in the gang/i": ’ g 3- low to mid as, should produce sticky 15;? ”ft 313.1531; '3 f ‘ weather for the Bluegrss area. Rain ,! ';,-’.;-‘.~J_= 5 f , chances will increase to 50 percent ' 57.}-.1’33} ,9.» 1 Monday night. ,5 1,11, ,. ~ 5' N37“. 55:55.5 " ‘5; 2‘ ——___————-———————-—————-—_—.—_————————_ M 3; E J 2 j 5‘ Vol-LXXX1V5N0-21 An W m m use. University oi Kentucky ; f *3, 553-3. 3' Monday, September 14. 1981 1'71 Lexington. Kentucky 3 - .3 3333333333333. _ 3‘3 3 Q 3, , g I: ~ ‘3 3? 3,5'3 3 3. 3 3 ‘. * :5 .' ..';-1.. ,A '1.’ " ' ' f ' 3 1*.- .. .- v . 3. 3 3‘ w 33 ;3... ’ 3 333333 3 . a, i’ . . .3 333 , .333 I 3 3 33 s 5. _ 1 1., .. . ~ 1 11:: r . “t - 5 ' ,1... - ~ '- ”3 3; 3 3 3 ..<3 5...,33; 33 ' ,1 ’y . Inn-w -3 3,3333 3 V .j . 3 V I 3,. , .‘3.’ 2 -1,Mt1'W'-*iv~ - 5' ' 333).)553‘ f 2 1V . 1,5 ' ’ '~ ”' . f 2.5.1172;- 3,313,333 1' 53%”"5 I 1 . \ ' I 3 ‘ ail/gig. 33 “33333333 3’33; "153% .363“ .g} .ygsieiza W 3&1}; i1”. ,3 5 1 ,. ’33 __ “Wit? 333.3; .353” ~ . if; V 3. \ a ,""W$i“« ‘55 “folk: “WV“:- 5’3'2; _3.".=..:n-. ~5 33 “’.",L‘iggf. WWI; 3 “’3 :‘3 ,3 36:5“3‘ " I 3 ” 42);; "‘1 "'" ,' ,1 ,N .5 5g , 5;: r 33 " _- 1 '_ fl? 3 '3 335 3 .2133“, .1, 5 .. 35°53 5 1., ‘ 3 ', 1.,33333 _ . 3 .5 5 ,3“. . 3 .33. 3,333.15!“ 3. 313.3; .1 a, . .1 3 33 35.; 23:3 33352431_3§.3.3.31..-1.1—.5 32.».5. 5.333535. f"; .- 3 1.‘ 33 33 .333 ”.1, 3&2? 5‘s 3 , {1 geyfifi‘. 15:51. 3.3 3 ,3 .. 1 I 0 . .. 1 3 , 3 1. 3- _3 v; 31 r 3 3 3 3 . 3: Pi 3%; $33,533 ..: +k¢&»§#m .3‘33333 3 #:Q’W W533: Qt . 33 3 3 3 33 331 3 3 3 3 3 ,. 5" ‘.3 ._ ‘ / ' ' fa ' .33 f: V f . ' f 5.- . 3 . 5 " , 1.555%- ,.'7.;‘5’1‘i§3‘:-' .,'*""‘”"”f 1, ‘V f 1‘ ’ 2 5'5 1‘ ' .5? V = g 3 .13‘13333333 33333333 333333 33 3’3 3 3 3 3 2, “£339,333 ’;3 3 ,3 33 .5 -3~,1’.3.. 3 3 , 3' S. .ep 3,12? é‘gi ‘ ”131/ i 115:5“ 9.13 33 5 . 3‘3 3 '3‘ ,2 3 33 3 : . . 31'” I A if I 1 M“ V 1' y ' :I 3 * 2’ p.45 i V,» a . I‘ r I " .1 ' . ; .,‘ ., .11" : {ff-‘3‘- ,“ I; ‘- "‘ 1 \ «.4 ‘I' “it '57 ¢ 5 2 ' . .555 ..... “"2 5.,‘eri5. ' 5551.; 5 5W 95 ; . 33555 5* ' " ' i1 “ I" ' "1’." $51; I . 3v 1'} mgr ' ": ' ’ '5‘, 1' A, .1, (9’7; 3.. . "V ". o '1 .3; '31 i _. . ’t s I £41.15 .1,w '." 65"" ‘ - * 15*" 55.1.; 5 .1..- 1-5 .1 3'55 g. _ 2 “ “*5 ‘ ,. '1 «$3.: -' .- ? _ M" ' .1 , . ." 2" 5* if - t I’“--555 .1 5 ' . . '31 2* L .‘ "..,1 '* ’3 ' ' V ' i 1 t2 . .1555 5 ' ‘ 5; ’5 g 51% ’535' 3 .5 3.35:" . i - is» 3 .355 ‘23,; " 5 ‘ f :1 . 3 * .31., 33:3,...33,§3311€3§W 1.- 3 33 33 333 1,2333 ..33.3333_ 33 3 3 3 3 33 33 3 3 ) 3, 3) .533 ,, 5W 333 f 43 19.13.2353 33:33.3. . .3_.1_333333 33 3 3 3 3 3 3333333 1 1- g2 ,., 3 3 . i 3%: 33335353.?! 333 333333=,3.33.3a.' 55. 7,217,533“ *3. .- 3'3 5. 3 33 1 3333333313,; 1, 1. . . .- 3 ‘3; W . ..,_331,3333333 3 33...... 33 3333333 3 3 . 15 17 .3 1'1 "'1'" '2 - f '51:"?2 ”’3 "f" . . . .’ ' 1'" 5- "’5” H‘ 1 «.5 1' $5?" xii-.5 1.5.52 .. . , .1 5 ‘ '2 2 2 55% $555 5" : ‘ ». .- 5 ’ * 5* 5 £11.25... i q 15 5 . ‘ . ~ ' - me‘ll I. By sum [ADD/Kernel staff . Easy F99 mg 3; With [all slowly bringing cool weather to the Bluegrass. sunny skys and moderatly warm temperatures provide a yesterday and chose a shady spot in front of the Administration building to pass the time. Both persons reside in St. ’2 . perfect excuse for one to participate in outdoor relaxation. Ellen Wayne, left, and Morgan Caldwell traveled to campus Mary 's. Ky. 3; I W k Of k - ' ' i I, 1 ea ree. un ralsmg starts tonight . W— award for the most spirit, which we Saturday is the UK-Alabama foot- sorority members sit in a bucket of with her sorority initials on it is they haven’t practicedi‘or." :2 Senior Staff Writer give out on Sunday. 3 ball game which Sigma Chi members water rather than chairs. declared the winner. This is the 30th year on campus and g A pledge party Will be held will attend in full force. That evening “It’s a lotof fiinandsometimes gets Beck said a “mystery event” will the Slst nationwide for the Sigma Chi :3- 5 ' 3 www 'Ihmdey mshtiromsp.m.3tola.in. the iraternity’s Fall Formal will be alittleviolent,"Becksaid. be included in Sunday’s activities. Derby,Becksaid. “Unity philanthropy and party” at the 5181!“! Ch! house. ACthltles in- held for the brothers and their dates Aneweventaddedthisyearis “but- “The sorority pledges have been “We hope to raise between $2.000 i are the than” for the Sigma Chi Der- clude Decks-Pledge and more skits at Tates Creek Country Club. ton, button, who’s got the button.” working with their trainers (Sigma and $5,000 for the retarded citizens of g ' _ by the oldest Greek activity on cam- by sorority pledges. ‘3‘The skitswulbe "All the crazy events will be held Sorority pledges mustsearchthrough Chi members) for the last couple of Lexington,‘ Beck said. “We‘re doing 5 , p“; whichwillbeheldthisweek 1"de _Oll originality, humor and Sunday, which is Derby Day,” Beck a baby pool filled with flour for a weeks on the skits and everything,” a philanthropic thing. uniting the ‘* 3 “i'herearethreegoals for the Der- WW.3 Maid. said. “This is when we’ll name the small disc stamped with Greek let- be said. The purpose of the mystery sorority pledges and having a good .i .3 3 . . the . As a prelimmary for Saturday’s DerbyQueenandchoosethesomrity ters.’l‘hefirstpledgetolocatethedisc eventistotrythem outonsomethirig time." 51’ . by. to unite sorority pledge football 1 . . . ,, 2 . . , classes to raise money for the 3 W3 3 agalmt Alabama, which displaysthemost spirit. 3,33 I I Bluegrass Association for retarded 8 .0“ Win c9“ ”'8“ a ”mm AW“? from thesorority parking ' i ., 3 * (fit‘ and to have a good time n featuring the Spinners and Benny lot will kick off the day’s events. ew com Uters terminals ii - . deBo‘sb Beck this 333333.33 “Busy Youngman with the Student Center Fraternityandsorority memberswill I if. , 3 _ Daddy" ' Board3or3andaynig3ht. meet at 11:30 rim. and advance to ‘3 g1 ' “'Ihismthefirsttuneaconcerthas Seaton Center for thestart of theac- I :5; ‘ A slave auction at o tonistn in the ’.”" m F’y “8'" 39°“ ““1 mm“ “Vi‘im‘m- S OH ease O VGI'CI'O W In 1' i ‘ 3 3 sorority complex courtyard will kick honally, Sigma Chi hosts an all- Other activities on Sunday include 3,", '3 ~ 5 1 off a week of parties, activities and “mi“; Party; but "“3 Year Fhe Deck-amen with coaches from _ fig - 5 3 , 3 l “m3 Sorority 915186 will bid for fraternity decided to do something athletic teamsas thevictims; Egg-a- By PAIGE WEISENBERGER “ohwhatareliet it is." the curriculum of the beginning 5 i the Sigma Chi brothers, who in turn different,hesald. Pledge, in which Sigma Chi pledges Staff Writer Studentsarealready saying it. course in computer science will be 3;” '. -' ' ’1 are offering their cleaning services The W? “m .3" 3 P'm- 8‘ are “mm with 9889 W by ——_——_ “mm" Cm” D” ”'9’ ”mm" “Mums?” “matawm' 7’3 . 3 7 ._ for one day at the sorority houses. Memorial COhseum. Tickets may be sorority members; and Musical Solomon said two new computers will clude the use of terminals. if 3 ' 3 . ,l- .} On Tuesday night. a cocktail party purchased for $6 and $8 at the col- Water Buckets, an event identical in If the computers in McVey Hall beimtalledinlate Novemberinorder “All courses in computer science '5 ' 3 3 3 attheSigmaChihousewill providean lseum ticket office and 203 Student most respects to musical chairs. but could talk, they would probably say ‘0 alleviate some 0‘ the problems Will be using the new instructional opportunity for the judges and Centertherestofthisweek. students are now encountering facilities. They’re much easiertouse. 3 brothers to meet and talk with can- ”fifamedwmdml- 33 _ and muchmoreenjoyable."hesaid. . ~ ,, didates forthisyear's Derby Queen. I Chit was: messover there,3 said 3 -3~ ire on, a Journalism Junior. The beginning :u I. E known _ " ._ “The candidates will be judged for “'l‘helinesgotsolong." ~ - . 1 ' ‘8 CS . . . 150, Will be divided into two causes. . _ _ congemality, personality. and ap- .» ,, . , lmownasCSlOlandCSlMGIOI _ pearance. Beck said. Judges include . . Cramped “cum“ have camed will be offered spring semester and -‘* * Lo' S hm'dt, S‘ m Ch"s _ l hour-sofwai' forstudentswho . ' 1, - mgmgm gem, W's... 1,, M5,. Club sponsors apple gro wmg enterprise 35W mym W $2.5m... no be «we on television channel 27. and basketball thecomputer. ' 5 . coachJoeDeanJr, ’ Dixon said she was at the com- - According to Mart Bern, a COID- ' . Wednesday night is seranade night, is" Mn, WW center rm 8 pm. My ‘0 puter science junior who works in the _ where the Sigma Chi members and /' ""5*:5:;:5.~:::::.-.;.~.-., 10:30 am. Friday last semester computer center, both CS 101 and CS 5' ' 5 pledges make the rounds of the (\x Wilkins for her final computer Pm 102 will be required to fulfill the 5 3 sororities and seranade the women. " -"33..:.3.3;:_~'§_:f§:g;;.-:;:;.i... ""*=~=~1'5':=:-':-':-'-55-1\ 5\ gramtorun. eliminatedCS 150 requirement. 1 _ Sorority pledges then sing and per- 33 M 3, __ 3 \ form skits for the fraternity brothers. 4...} ,‘j.:.'.'1-5 4 ‘ “ATM ' ....;;,..5_..-,.,. ’5’5‘555555;\ Solomon said he was aware of those The new terminals “will open up all *- \ ' ' “We judge them on CNNOSWPhY. / " \W N .h“ N problems and knew it was “very dif— sorts of new avenues for instructional . ‘ originality and performance,” Beck / =- M. ficulttoget work done." programs," Solomon said. “The said. “We take all this into account if / \ The new computers. known as students aren’t getting an adequate f .. when we decide on who wins the 333:;gz-33333333'555333g' / By CAROLINE PIKE \ prime computers, will be limited to education without the use of ter- 3. . “9W“ \ student's imtmctional use only. "mills." ‘5 1 88 0 1;?35555;§;§3§§§:‘,5;g5' l at the center are used for ad- He noted that “more and more , . . .515? An apple a day keeps the doctor away, or so the old saying -. ministrative purposes in addition to classes are using computers." 5 Sands Ill WHO , goes. snidents'mage. test year. the center provided :2 , . / Campus grills and dining halls make apples available to ‘33. "who“ worth 0‘ computer servim. ‘ * students daily — some from the University‘s own gardens He said terminals for the corn- mammoth! sciem Matt ' WASHINGTON (AP) —- Senate op- on UK‘s experimental farms. putters will be set up at various cam- used some $165,000 of that amount. it , 3 ',~ . . ponents of President Reagan’s pro- 5 l Allen Rieman, Food Services director, said that last ~’ pus locations including the M]. King aboutspercent. 3 posed sale 0‘ ”Phi-9508M radar iii??? year. the 0011989 0‘ Agriculture meded ”PM for at 5*:": Library, Patterson Offlce'l‘ower mez- . ~ ' 1 . planes to Saudi Arabia have exactly s’gé least two days. «approximately 50bushels of apple» unine Anderson Hall lexinstm 0"” mm“ "m“ the "me - the 51 votes needed to block the sale ‘3 ' Normally, he said. all produce is purchased from one of g; 1' . ' . amount at the center include i 5 - a... .. .;.;.;.;.;.;.:. . . . . . . __.,...,,..,.,. ;. .1... . Techmcal Institute and possibly other . . . . . . . ‘ Sen.AlanCranston said terda , '53};:§E’535Eg£§5§5:§:§; two companies. LouisVille Grocery or Papima in liex- .5 5.5,: , agriculture. physles. statistics and .- YO: y :5:?:5::1:=:=:1:25=E1: - The 00d ' k b'dst ' week] nd 5:;.-:;' :1 3" S lmum‘ chemistry Solomon 'd . 3‘" W i“ “0““! “”71 my '“8‘°“- F 5mm?” a ' me ya Pu“ I l : “Over the next year. we’re plann- 5 3.1 - ~ *’ 1" ' .15 hard" for his “fit "“107 “Nil“ '5§35"2’:§E§f§5§5§§2 h chases from the lowest bidder. .' ing to install over 100 additional ter- ~.' ‘ . policy victory and “he may beable to ‘*. During fall harvest time, the UK Horticulture Club will minals which should help the ““3 The colleges of W m , . _ tip the balance the other way," said - " sometimes make a bid to sell the app33l;s grown on the air-3 3 tion way" he said. 3Business and Economies me approx- 3 , _, - , Crariston. D-CaliL a leading oppo- Peflmental farm. Rieman _Says 1 the 3Un3wem 3 3.3-3.3; f lmately mount: about 4 percent of , . 1-5 neat at the proposed Saudi mm Smelly 8"” "my 0“ "“3. when ind " ms "‘9 Rmdlngforthenewsystem wind)- the computer me. on...» deput- . .5 . . " 3‘ , PIMG- . X HorticultureCluban oppurtiimty tosell their produce. W from the 1m“ University merits me the center minimally, in 5. . *' menu has until Oct. so to veto 333311333333“: aflrzasingrghn 1333K [5‘3 Effie? (1:12:132/ budset. a... 3m mm, m presi- addition to the administration's use 5 33.5. 3 3 ,1 Reagan I proposed $3.5 billion sale. 2,3 rimental farm 333 i>rinceton K Stnsdents then shi the duit for student affairs. He said the for mdesandpayroll.besaid. 3 3,331“ .3. , _ ‘ which includu five 0! the Airborne “.3 pe uce to UK to sell . y 1 P f m, m allotted m the 8m] -3 ~ .3 3 f? ' . 3Warnlng and Control Systuem \ Jim McCartry presidentoi the Horticulture Club says fundd’thatbuihet. * ~ 5:2... , ‘ ‘ 1" I 2 3. flflt m 3mm“), to .. sellirg apples is ‘beneficial in two ways. “It‘s good ior us / 1’3, Fab; :‘13 chairman :1 a: K: “wt “tin: mm". m V ‘ , 'L 52:13:. . 3' 1 vote wt the sale the administra- :.-.,"'=:, because we sell our apples and it's good for them because Z / 33:53::5-33333555- 3 compu ence departmen . sai tucky use center. 3 3333.3 3.3 $.35! 5. 2111' tion is coriceritrating‘ on winning IP- .. 231,333 they “n 39' them mm cheaply." ' 5 ‘ :1"! $3 - .- ‘ mm! in the Sn“. which would The Horticulture Club has not made a bid to the Food Q . . -' 55".», 2}; .1}? . r 3 , anhlethesaleto w ' ". "-2.3 Services as of yet. but they are selling apples on Tuesday 3.5333" \ 5 3-1,; ,3. ‘5 x “35.. 5:1; .45 3 . j_ I“ ' 3:45 and hiday at the Oldes Building behind the Tobacco and ,3" 55;" I f5... ’§"“‘5 _,§. 9'" 5 2 m “u h‘ in addition to “ m}, Health Research Institute They sell by the bushel and -5--"-'-"5"5-‘" ’ 3&5 5M. ’1315 ~"..*';:=T; - painters who have sigiied a letter qr f ' .3553?" — ~,....,-._.‘ 51 1:5 én’ 2’ 5.3. the “I" ‘ who M 00¢ 5&1 "Mhel' \ "fiiifi "\ A loohat the women's soccer club See page! 2 W: i? “3.55 '51-“? 1*?" it own." DII'IIUCII SIIIII I ,.;;;:f’_‘""':::':' i “1“ 33. 33.33.33, 3 _ ”3 a“ m the ABC m § ‘_ —/333331.3333.... PMKoppo Tau struggles with controversiolatotue. Sumo. . kéigirm ' “hummus-s " ’ ‘ " "‘ 11* ..* *5 ' - ‘5‘: ,t“i"° 33?”: ' 3 . ' 3 3_3 _ - 3 ’3 3 A- > __ 3 3". 33 3.3 3 I; ' 13:11. i" 1 5 Q’5 215““ 35% it???“ 55*.1-5: . ' , ' ‘ 1 "7 ' t {.5 1'1 .. e ";t; ' 1153*" M" 551:5? sififl‘ 7‘ ' 1 - ' ". $3 5 " ‘5' . gigfins‘x {351:2}, 335.31 «€15 3' \t ‘ i“ 1 . 5 ,. ‘ __ ‘3 , 1 '5‘ W?" 9' '1‘ 1:"?i11.~._,‘33- agitf‘gini.3o$5~ “ % .133; 5 5‘ - 1 ' - “ - ” 3 5:5};e1iiiof . .2333, $333.33&;..:‘333 .3-‘333 \3 3.133 ,3:33 3.33 :3 3&3} 33.333333 3,33 3 3'13 M. 35.. 5.11.13. {$519.5 3.5.3; 73h “9” ,3.3,..'(L;_,.. 5;. J ‘ '5 3 ’ 33333,. 3: 3.3], , 3.31:; ,3: “i: 55 5 53 ~15. 3.351,;(2 5’33»; .3 5:35 3,3333!) ".512'3'333 . 35 3* - 3_ . . 3 1 53 ‘33}: '33 3333 ,3 .3 3 3333 ,3 .. 3 , "ff:- “ "'T - ~*,’"f’.7.f i“: b‘§§£§hfifi finger ’ 'r gaggmfiimgyfi“.fl “’2? 5‘_ f ,y;ti§{ifi cwgfl’gfi 33 5%955 53 1.5.3 - 3 : , ~ E ' 3. . '93 3 3 . .‘. , ‘7‘ " ire. 3a, ~19 'v : rue-affiyfi- g Art/J. Tan-'1‘: 31:qu ,‘rli'vv‘lis ffiA'ngrw'-v.\,a{:pw; i ' -l w: “hf-"in r‘g-ijt. “if 2- do". ~ a ~ . v hearing ta'zla‘T‘Tgfil‘Ht -‘ ‘ _- "labiaw‘vafip‘lc‘il‘l it“ ”all: “W;lmfigwi‘wwwk“Mtfiffi‘mmhwléflxw l are awa‘a‘tl’i’lr‘r’iT ‘2 it i ii L5 . - t . -,‘ 2;, w: ‘- ‘5 ‘1‘"Ti‘itlat'a3335333»i73~"{?‘23-:?-“l;: I t .7 -' I i. it" - » ‘ . ' '1 i f a? a 't‘ . ‘ if? ”4%“ a? “hath?"“.4- ‘ Z ' . . ‘ ~ - . . . - '1?“ .- «slit, "5.r.ji*’i”al':t' " . ' ti .9 “l ', J -_ Ti; . . ' ' ' 49.5,; ' , . : '4;‘u%=',‘éfr‘zl tficg; ° i."- » . V ‘ ' . ‘ “t ‘ ~ T" ' . it} “ , ‘ ' whiifii‘d‘flllwflti‘f. ‘ I I"- t .1311 Hat‘s": " W ~ '~ 3 at Margit ' ' ‘ " ‘ . " ' . . .. . .,..........f.«aaa .. 'j W ”We- "5‘7 . ~ " attic» Ilia?" I i _ hi “we“ 1‘ “ill? ' a: “it | W'TTT'fiiamaTaa ‘ . l a WW“ I a": to.» o g at} . “hm cur-rum KenAIthe AnneChIrlu LIIIWIIInce mandrel-noun l ersuasro “W W“ tam“ W“ 'T'TTTTTTTT WT p '7 Pour noecli bums. mollu- Steveuw.uwthor LeIIIeMlchelua BMW ' '~ 5 a ' .. tint: murmur maniacal-miter Mutantbituuuunultlb‘dlwr mdmw-W' 4, . - “ "n Kirby Stephens ‘ ~ , Graphicall‘tlitor N1 . . l o M'I'ta ' of I I' B ' I 2:“ , I. - I I I'Ism Srae S egln ~ [535(X"W H 7% ' .v 6 (cm X , wt; ‘ _ "y . . ‘ . 1/ W" /./.’ , . g .‘T’ ’. becoming unpopular in U S alt" ”x“ \’%' ' é~’o\; l 3 I . ‘ . ' .,->" ,€ 5; 2' . l} . L t , ‘\ \ ‘1 ‘e’ 3/”?- / 1/ ¢ I ‘ & L/ I ha: According to a recent poll by the Gallup cess one of the biggest debtors in the history ,-‘ .- a. - ’ ” ' '- . - o . 80 ‘ 0 7 two organization for Newsweek, support wrthln of the world — she has repeatedly shown a pf .» g . o ‘. . REY 3‘ tion the. American Jewrsh community for the disturbing tendency to bite the hand that fie '/ CH ’ ‘ “e“ policies of Israeli Prime Minister feeds her. 7— R[/ i . . 8e; Menachem BeglhlS 0“ the decline. Incidents such as the Israeli Air Force ' a”, E l ~ ~ - . . . . . l e I 2 ° T the In fact. a malorlty of those surveyed said bombing of an American ship in 1967 -— with .‘ , d076,” . pie they believe Begin s p0llCleS are “hurting heavy casualties sustained by the crew — . ': Q/ 5 . _'j totl support for Israel In the United States, and and more recently, the use of American- . a o ‘ CPZ‘a‘ . 3‘ although opinion was varied, 54 percent built planes to destroy a nuclear power . , .'. V - -' a test favored dec1dedly milder stands than plant in Iraq and slaughter of hundreds of r .. x — ' . . In?“ Begln’s on the question of Palestinian civilians in Beirut, have been a repeated I r i \ ‘ y a“. Despite what should be a disturbing show And, as the Newsweek article pointed out, . . a ' ‘ I . Al \ staunchest f- and wealthiest —— supporters David accords by constantly reinterpreting “,‘la . . f". , ’1 I} the: 1n the American voting public. Secretary of the details of the agreement to suit his own ~ at?“ v . 'Tit‘l ( ’ , a g l 0V3 State Alexander Halg last week reaffirmed increasingly hard-line view of the situation. i 1.” . if, 50 e; _ the long-standing 115- commltment t0 the This added to Haig’s statement that Israel . “ Mo. .. '9 j? fede continued shoring-up _of that country’s and the United States would “continue to , T. a T; cont government. Israel gamed this without a work together as partners for peace" vivid- ,, ,- . . ’ .1 usua srngle public concessron from Begin on the ly illustrates the hypocritical attitude that I " ' ‘ ' . matter of Middle East peace. _ characterizes both men. '. a JA What the administration expects to gain The most detestable part of it all, ‘ " ’. who, , from lts support or the Begin regime lS dlf- however, is that while Haig continues to de- envi flelllt to determine. For many years, Israel nounce Soviet support of terrorism, be con- begil has been Amer rca’s strongest ally to the tinues to support a man who not only has a “9‘ potentially explosrve Middle East, but a terrorist background, but is still in every _, I . fickle friend she has been. Although Israel sense a practicing terrorist. Because of :0: has purchased numerous weapons and Haig’s two-faced foreign policy, Begin is W nfi - h a w”! . taken out billions of dollars in foreign aid well on the way towards becoming W m moslt III m W Go from this country — becoming in the prO- America’s own Khadafy. ) u u u t then a WI - must first retain its most qualified faculty a... gove: ' Students are education consumers, . . satiSI . and Let the Buyer Beware is as ima at . schools wrth 30°.d research . A" o portant to remember for those who . I . faultlesandUKcan clarma number _A 1 1 purchase education as it is for buyers ' 0f 3:5? fagh?tfi:s$orelrzlrlf::c‘tli:g clain . _ - rosea Ia ds ' . “$118229?an guarantee or warranty 3:13;? tnifgozls' ilst I: Ewell-urn good professors. however. is putting 1A accompanying tuition payment at business fartherhone .. eac mg thecart beforethehorse. natio V UK, orany other university. Andso it It is still more incrzledible that th There is great competition for pm is that college students need to pro same author would write in the 5am: research funds, and it requires an I ‘A \ tect their academic interests and editorial “the trend toward facult ”sanding faculty t° “mad the l “588‘ financial investment. by demahding dissatisfaction and the owl y millions 0f dollars necessary for , great the best education their money can number of professors leavfifg (I: development of say, a 9mm" center saidl buy. University to accept better offers gniiethfilf Ephraim McDowell leave . It 1 ' to d ‘ " . . Kernii’seéioer‘ius?’§22t left-NEE meld? ”we“ “a“ "‘“S‘ be “a most capable attract the i trustees should realize research, w ll. tlle , . . research money, and so rt 15 strange , . fl \ (/fJ \ . & development needs”); it is not oftena to thee pnvatmzrsbeacrsgzlflfgbnrg the Kemel’ an independent Student ' y / 9 \\ :u’u.‘ :- ‘ (ta student voice claims the faculty is better research facilities that’s to publication,de advocate diverting _ ’l ft 1"“ 1:15 )' overpaid. College students generally sure ‘ r funds from the general university cof- 1h .’ " .5’ “ ‘ i want better Proteosm. especially what private practice offers the 3?”. IV“ "35“?“ l" rm?“ ' Kentt , . 9- ") 3-4 ,A\ professors with high academic law. medical, agricultural, architec- 50" "“5 °r eve ”me” ° "‘3’” durin Kl 4.. j), §,- 4‘ ox ‘ \ reputations to lend credence and ture business com ' t' research centers. K a _‘ . v ’ \fik \‘K [I f!“ 0r , , valuetotheschool’sdiploma education l'b ' munlca Ions, Some amount of university— Third | \ NV .1 -. a; 0n the one hand it is hearteni , I rary or nursrng school supported research must be con- ..._ , . he professor a better research envrron- rates \ 1| (' \ that the author 0f the CdIIOI'laI mentthan UK.) ducted, but the bulk 0f research 0f ,S l " . / ' recognizes “without a competent And “,5 one thin to be the development funding should come ' - . l f facultyUKwillbecome nothing more business for the mgne " andIn 'te from those who profit from the . tha - 1 - n y . qur results: government and blBIDCSS. _ nastate-run {hp oma mlll. another to expect a stable exrstence 'I‘hi - tr dit' II the of . \ But wait .. . five sentences later, and professional recognition. Lex- s 18‘ a rona y,_ source I'M—l the author writes nth t . . . , research funds, and UKlsontheshort _ _ “It! I a . e rustees and lngton is an expensrve town, and - ' administration have already spent many on the UK faculty su lement end 0f the stick only because we do too much time improving faculty their teaching income. pp no;wrl'1rll‘the'competition for 22$!) a, - ,oratl t 'ta" t . , a eosownerGeorge ln ren~ \ 3 arms eas main lnrng hem Its true. there are good professors ner and Kentucky coach Joe B. Hall - know that quality personnel will more than pay for themselves in revenues. , I 'l'henew trustees and all of UK’s ad- _ ets — doux "new 0...... a am "a - Kernel editorial ——- it is not the true ‘ voice of UK students in this instance. . ' We need a high quality faculty, and g _ _ the best will be attracted by the most M W striking Bluegrass music when our something the courts will eventual] ' out . «use here ~ - competitive wage and rewards for great University is positioned right in decide. y Igiglure. and demonstratlng y H a diplorannad mcreasmg the value Of a UK professionalism. § In hesitant response to Mr. the heart oflaluegrass. Maybe your Though Mr. McNeill’s fraternity 'l‘heauthorstatedthatrightnowthe ' i‘. Steiden‘s article on bluegrass. and Immemeblhm WW“ be more 31? "tomb” chose to term my asser- system is “extremely fair.” m” ”“3 1"" G'Vfi" ‘3 " mt” “01'0”"! l" ’ , country-westem music, it appears precrated "l V01 country,but then you tion that I did not condone the (However) thereisa segmentof the computerSancesem ”9“,“ Mr. Steiden must be joking. For a would find yourself in the heart of shooting (in a phone convesatjm student population who are being s‘“°°‘f"°_"°'d°m¢ “fall's M l senior in college to be so narrow— country "1le And very close by priortotheprintingof therebuttals), cheatedby thecurrentsystem theso- Law 0"" m - ‘ minded. belittlss the integrity of this would betheGrand Ole Opry Itself. I am pleased with their show of sup- called high achievers people who . - - Lane's T institution. .Comparing' Country and weswrn to port against firearms even If their have dexnonsh'ated an 'academjc ap. I m While to 88k 8 favor 0f, you' I y Being from the sticks of dlseo lS llke comparing “Shit- Opinions on trespassing are not titude am an mm.“ ‘9 Southern Gina, and . southeastern Kentucky, lam surpris- lekerS" t0 “we? Pleel‘S- We listen- similar tomine. If there is a group of borderline was wondering If M would be any 3 edof my naivete in never being aware ed to sounds from AC/DC to Who students in a class most instructors way that you could run an ad in your Persom desiring to have letters , of all of the inbreeding and malnutri» Now that We broadened my listening Ruth Hull will tend to cover less material so as paper for me. 1 amhopinstobuild my or opinions appear on this page ., tion which you seemingly know as be— lhardly consider this noise. which on- and...“ Itudentanth. not to lose anyone Man courses Wm M your help. 1 should address their comments , ing very prevalent in this area. I 1y sounds good at wear-piercing curve tart scores the y le who have never done anything like this, typed and triple-spaced to the ,' I doubt serioust if you. Mr. Steiden, decrbals. as music. Rock “music" shouldn't be at mg m _ for there was "9"” any need. But it editorial editor at 114 Journalism are a native Kentuckian. it you are provrdes no purpose but to party by. Banning SW8 ,y (thus) Mating We", Emmi,” '00” as though the years. people Building, University of Kentucky, ,. am you must be a traitor to your What about listemng pleasure? Most ' net effect is that cod stundentsdon't seemtofademseverytmngebg W. , heritageorelse ashamedofit. rock vocalists couldn’t carrya tune in There rs another viewpoint that receive as much frgom If therewould be any way that you Students. University employee- Judsing from your article I would aluslop-bucket" (which would be the Dana Pico did not addre- in we "“3" m“ 00““. this to what I would like motherintemtedpermmmt beg that you are from a northern nghtpucketforitl. “Stricter admission policy m . motto (11mm lonely 32-yearold include their names, addresses. state. If so you Md be reminded Asor me, my heroes willbebeer discrinrlnatory."'l‘heiasueofeoncern m~ not - - ma iseeklnscon'espondance telephonenumbersandthelr ma- ”! how do” this community is to dnnkmi‘ shit kickin’. tear icrkin‘, to UK sum“ is theestabliahlng of along livith naugwg’igy 050mm? and friendship with those who care jewelsuificationsorconnectiom “sum“ansflth and Midwfit. redneck, caw srngers over acid head academics criteria for entrance to m but the University of Ken- slough to take the time. I am an in- With UK Iguasshmlldbelimited I lpersonally enjoy both rock and rockol'tt.solongasthesunshlneson this institution as proposed by the tucky tllempacademiclmtltufimin nuteintheSouther-nOhloOon-ection tozsowordsandopinlomtom , emu-y.mm mmic' However. Texas and BIW ms “1 Ken- m m my mum in m- the 83:8th If mm cflm. were FleiutY' A" "I‘m“, P19.” write m- whenyoucall rock music themusic of tuck! tucky's Nun-e. ' to Nute 5- WM. 019-515, PO. Box The Kernel raerves the ri tto . . established, the quality of the 5" g reality. itbecornaapparent that your To Show my faith to students 0f the The article focused on how unfair "We student wouldinorease (and) m, Unasviue, 0th 4509. edit for mmmatical ms. clari- A poorluteisexceededonlybyyourig- Blwsrasalcalltorapolltobetaken suchasystemwalldbe.Whatseg- mmmmmch “am lthonltwaortakinsmeumeto tymtuuth.andtoelunimte f mm. For anyone to wider the onthematterbytheKemel. mentofappllcantsarewedloctllulg? level, "WY mm the quality Md ““3- And for prlnflng it. if there libelm material. I"! .' t mam-mud lyrics by 'l‘helow-Ichlevlngstudalquaper- ofedtlcadonofthooewhodidmakeit 3|"!- l ‘ l mkmmchuKiss,AC—DCand mm“ amdidn’tdowellinhi‘hgchooland MJ-WMI. -_____s,_,.__* , ' t Muwmamflectimotmlity “W““hl'VN‘” scored low on their ACT, in it w CWNTY [UBCI'BBBI'QCM ’l , 1.; ,1 la hingng orllI being ludicrglals. Mural: reasonable to cum they'll do well to" K | 114': ‘ PHI.” m Vi W I!) m y. ' It UK? mi” ' m ,3 ,1 rum. m M m The proposed s tern doan't bar m"? mos. in 4:0.me ans—“”5“ was WW um ’ Kevic'm} y. . 5&0“! WU! minus m m 5 51““ 5“” l M r M u 1|"th lttendlns UK. It you re 1%, mm. Micaela my new“. map ovum l .W , Mich-cl om lie to clarify my petition not qualified to be here by your high more. new, my, mm x : ii“; Clvllengheerhgunlor on mill?“ of I UK “Matt. I do w ran-d, thul you'll have top-o l I O / NW- 7“ g are" . . not ”mum“ veyolnellataconumnltyconqs ' . 0 . l L‘ ,_, Md...” dummmmml («awhileflcoclalmthuum l‘ ' § ' ‘3 ‘3 T " “i, am truly sorry Ir. flcNelll was in- (m to p the mug, collqe yf .\ I 7- ' I/ i . ' I i a I 777'." What mat. you such a well- w;lamobomyhewualleged- matewouldtlirtmlnndfc“) '\ f , 1, 7.: ’; f§‘ = _, ’ mmcflfic'llbdievefl'l ”flauntm'lmfl'dl . “I.Wm,"m ”,_ ==: ”3 1I A‘ a, VI", K ‘ ' . be you but off you- chaup uylflgdybeuucththtbebuic m m an m m jv...’/.',—e I . Q1. ' 99.3 at flo‘ ,7“ , “nu-,nmcoddmwhth-Mudaluumm Wmmmm —‘—='- ,v ,,‘ ., ' (II N. ”f "‘1‘.‘ 7' "vmwo-ma-bm m to my editorial and mmmmmamm- . I -. .I- 29" ‘.‘ 1W)“ I" \ l-g "I . . ,. "l. p _. ~: \ ' ’I ' J .«r' We he‘ 3%?“ 4ft l-fl rs: _ _. . , . «so e» rs v»: Q 5th , ,.,._;_',"',;, clog-t» «,7W‘ii’f’fifo‘a-ail 1.7, 141:5: warms , . t i . T ‘ I i .. . ~ """""‘ . . » i“ :1? am,» iv” s". a *5 '1’ ,, owl‘f‘ alias "r” “1’5 “i“ a W” ”T a“ : 1. WW ‘ - . a a, ’~ .- “ -. eastaaWataiiwae ’c “it? “T T . . - . - . ._ _ a a“ a a has: I ans ==:;Tt it . - . afar“ . 4 - ‘ . . . . . ~ T «r . - ~ - . : . ‘. visa; tagfloiw’i refit“; ‘a i t“ -“ '~ ' - ., aw. ‘ T ‘ ~ J...“ - awn - 5 ; w. iii-n- 2 tux .- 2 “-5351fi'gfiiwivi WW”. '1-9 573,71"? 2i‘1titérféfi‘1‘fig-‘i 11:11,! ”‘$p}e-1§hm‘l 3‘; '1 j ' . I -l , l ' i :11 ,. . i . . - 5» . 2.3a;- , rip. {Ft-1‘56! ‘2 W @“W‘Wifim W idlime‘ht ”7*;-.;.-;-11.s:f;;o2e;:.9y.«figfriga tgi‘ég'g‘ifiégéiafi 1 ‘ ‘ ’ - 5 ‘ RamwhrliiiiiyflwtL's.- I'lLIjE 33““ "iii“ ‘ " " ' ' 33,2 " . “kite“ a‘tfihntfim‘t if a '1 1‘ . ' -' ‘ 2» a A .1 not: 5‘ '. ~ :1, "-1-“1‘” =, = . 1- 1 .1 - -. .1 . a _ .1 « ‘1 i 1.1a»; i ‘ : r t- x‘. 5 - 1 :z;-.-.t:yn1>