University of Kentucky campus scenes scrapbook


The University of Kentucky campus scenes scrapbook contains images and items documenting college life in 1911-1912.

Descriptive Summary

University of Kentucky campus scenes scrapbook
circa 1911-1912
0.2 Cubic feet
Basketball players--Photographs.
College campuses--Kentucky--Photographs.
Dance cards.
Football players--Photographs.
Group portraits.
Track and field athletes--Photographs.
The album retains its original arrangement.
Finding Aid Author
Finding aid prepared by Processed by Janice Childers in April 2008 under the supervision of Deirdre A. Scaggs, University Archivist.; machine-readable finding aid created by Janice Childers
Preferred Citation
2007ua027: [identification of item], University of Kentucky campus scenes scrapbook, University of Kentucky Archives.
University of Kentucky

Collection Overview

Biography / History
The creator of the University of Kentucky campus scenes scrapbook cannot be determined with certainty, but based on the time period and subject of many of the photographs, as well as newspaper clippings and memorabilia the creator was most likely a 1912 graduate of the College of Mechanical Engineering. E.J. (Emanuel Joseph) Kohn is a good candidate for the album creator given that he is featured in several of the photographs and clippings. Kohn was a member of the track team, the Engineering honorary society Tau Beta Kake, and was also on the Kentuckian (yearbook) staff. He graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1912.
Scope and Content
The University of Kentucky campus scenes scrapbook contains fixed and loose photographs of campus buildings, athletics teams, student outings and events, as well as a few newspaper clippings, an itinerary for (and photographs of) the 1912 College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (CMEE) senior inspection trip to Chicago, dance cards for two CMEE social events, copies of the Daily Bushwa a satirical, tongue-in-cheek student-run circular, and a 1912 commencement program from the University of Kentucky, then called the State University of Kentucky. The materials date mostly from 1911-1912, but there is one loose photograph dated 1914, and two photographs of an unidentified man from circa 1950s-1960s.
Several of the photographs in this album can also be found in the 1912 Kentuckian, and some have also been framed out with instructions for cropping and outlining. Consultation of the 1912 Kentuckian provides context for many of the photographs, which are largely un-labeled, including those of a mock headstone and funeral procession for "Willis E. Smith."

Restrictions on Access and Use

Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open to researchers by appointment.
Use Restrictions
The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.

Contents of the Collection

Album pages, Circa 1912

Scope and Contents note

The Albums pages series includes the photographs afixed to the leaves within the University of Kentucky campus scenes scrapbook.

Photo: Ashland Mechanical building, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 1
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Illustration: aerial view of "State University of Kentucky, Lexington", circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 2
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(4) photos: UK campus entrance gates; (2) small campus scenes; Frazee Hall, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 3
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Outside Buell Hall; man in overcoat and hat on campus, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 4
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(4) aerial photos: Frazee Hall and Barker Hall; cannon; central campus; wide campus view, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 5
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(4) campus photos: Barker Hall; pathway and trees in snow; Barker Hall; Administraation building and Gillis building; Barker Hall, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 6
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(4) campus buildings: Trees and lawn with unidentified building in background; Administration Building; (2) Gillis and Administration Buildings, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 7
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Aerial photograph showing Frazee Hall and Barker Hall in front, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 8
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Distance photograph of Administration Building (center), Gillis Building (right), Buell Armory (left), circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 9
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(4) photos: Buell Armory and surrounding paths in winter; Barker Hall; Buell Armory in winter; 2 women in "K" letter sweaters pulling "Kentucky Wild Cat" cart in procession,, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 10
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loose photograph: Women in parade, Undated

  • Box 1, Item 10a
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(2) photographic prints: Campus entrance gates; winter campus scene, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 11
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(2) photographic prints: Barker Hall in winter; campus lawn, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 12
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(2) photographic prints: Administration Building; cannon in front lawn, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 13
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(2) photographic prints: Trees on lawn in front of Administration Building; Natural Science Building, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 14
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(3) photographic prints: Drive in front of Administration Building with Gillis Building tower visible; Ezra Gillis Building; trees on the lawn, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 15
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(2) photographic prints: Mathews Building; Experiment Station, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 16
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Photo: Telescope; photographic print of campus buildings, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 17
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(3) labeled photographic prints: "Civil Engineering-Physics"; "Mechanical and Electrical Engineering"; "Mining Engineering", circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 18
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(5) labeled photographic prints: "Patterson Hall for women"; "Dormitory for men - no. 1"; "Dormitory for men - no. 2"; "President's home"; "Gymnasium", circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 19
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(4) labeled photographic prints: "Administration Building"; "Old Chemistry Building" [Gillis]; "Library" [Carnegie Library]; "New Chemistry Building (under construction)", circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 20
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(3) photographic prints: Carnegie library in background, corner of Natural Science in foreground; campus lawn; drive in front of Administration Building in winter, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 21
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(8) labeled photographic prints: "Judging corn"; "Corner scene in Mining Laboratory"; "Judging horses"; "Judging cattle"; "Assay Furnaces"; "Hemp field"; "Interior view in Dairy Barn"; "Spraying with iron sulphate for the destruction of weeds", circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 22
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(4) photographic prints showing classrooms and laboratories,, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 23
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(4) labeled photographic prints: "Experimental Engineering Laboratory"; "Corner in foundry"; "Machine Shop Annex"; "Corner in Steam Laboratory", circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 24
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(2) photos: Young man in suit sitting beside tree; interior of a dormitory room shwoing desk and pennants, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 25
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(2) photos: interior of dormitory room showing bunk beds; interior of dormitory room showing photographs and pennants, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 26
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Group portrait: male students and professor on steps of building, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 27
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(4) oval portraits: "W.H. Ammerman"; [James Thomas Lowe]; "J.W. Cary"; "J.R. Duncan", circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 28
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(3) oval portraits: [Bain Morrison]; "H.C. Galloway"; unidentified man, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 29
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(4) oval portraits: "O.W. Hollar"; "L.C. Hardesty"; 2 unidentified men, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 30
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(3) oval portraits: "Fred S. Karn"; unidentified man; "H.G. Korfhage", circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 31
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(4) oval portraits: "J.S. Lowe"; "Gilcin Meadors"; "V.B. Milligan"; "Alex T. Ramsay", circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 32
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(3) oval portraits: "S.D. Saunders"; "H.B. Shoemaker"; "H.F. Vogliotti", circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 33
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(3) photos: [E.J. Kohn]; machine in a shop; papers posted on a door, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 34
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(10) cut-out photographic prints of campus scenes and students, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 35
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(9) cut-out photographic prints of students on campus, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 36
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(6) cut-out photographic prints of students on campus, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 37
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(4) photographic prints of groups of students, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 38
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Photograph: mock military exercise, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 39
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(3) photos: man climbing pole as people watch; women standing on lawn; men wrestling on grass, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 40
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(2) photos of "Willis E. Smith" mock gravestone, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 41
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(2) photos: men carrying uprooted tree in mock Willis Smith funeral procession; gathering for the mock funeral on the front lawn, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 42
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blank, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 43
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(2) photos: Pall bearers in mock Willis Smith funeral procession; mock Willis Smith funeral procession, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 44
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(3) photos: Willis Smith mock gravestone; pall bearers with coffin in mock funeral; mock funeral procession, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 45
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Group portrait of male and female students on steps in front of building, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 46
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(2) photos: Group portrait of male students and 1 young girl on steps of building; group portrait of male students sitting on grass in front of house, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 47
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(3) photographic prints: Men in a procession in front of Central Kentucky Tobacco Warehouse Co.; Group of men in a horse-drawn wagon; procession of men on street, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 48
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(3) photos: Highbridge and Kentucky River; Kentucky River; Highbridge with train, pigs on banks of Kentucky River, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 49
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(3) photos: Clifftop (Natural Bridge?); Ridgetop trail (Natural Bridge?); water flowing over dam by Palisades, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 50
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(4) photos: Experiment Station; Buell Armory; Soldiers on parade; man with bear in front of Gillis Building, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 51
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(3) photos: dormitory room with (class of) 1915 memorabilia (2); man seated at desk with several trophies, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 52
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blank, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 53
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(2) photos: football team; football game, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 54
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Group portrait of football team, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 55
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(2) photos: crowds in stand watching football game; football game, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 56
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(3) photos of a football game, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 57
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Group portrait of football team, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 58
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blank, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 59
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(3) photos: group of men with rags tied on their heads; group of men with football (2), circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 60
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Cut-out print of footbll player, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 61
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(2) photos: track team; 4 members of track team, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 62
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(2) photos: track team member standing; same track team member kneeling for starts, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 63
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(2) photos: track team member standing; E.J. Kohn kneeling for starts, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 64
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(2) photos: track team members kneeling for starts; group portriat of men in snow, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 65
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(2) photos: 4 track team members standing; group portrait (track team) seated on bleachers, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 66
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(2) photos: 7 track team members with ribbon banners sitting on bench at Minerva, Ky. High school; starting line at a track race, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 67
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(2) photos of runners approaching finish line, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 68
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Group portrait: 5 members of basketball team with coach in front of Buell Armory, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 69
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Group portrait: basketball team with coach in front of Buell Armory, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 70
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Group portrait: 1912 senior basketball players with coach, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 71
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Group of six men standing, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 72
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Composite photos of 2 basketball players and basketball coach, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 73
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blank, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 74
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blank, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 75
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Group portrait: baseball team seated on steps, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 76
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Group portrait: Girls basketball team, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 77
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(4) photos [in Chicago?]: group of men with suitcases; long view of unidentified building; 2 men in snow outside building; group of men in snow outside building, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 78
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(3) photos [in Chicago?]: street view with monument in background; machine room; photo of invitation to a dinner, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 79
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(2) postcards: "Hooven, Owen, Rentschler Co.'s Corliss Engine Works, Hamilton, O. [Ohio]"; "N.C.R. [National Cash Register] Facts", circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 80
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(2) photos in Chicago: Gourp of men around lion outside Art Institute; Group of men seated on steps, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 81
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(2) photos: men walking down path on U.K. campus; 6 men seated on steps, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 82
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(2) photos: group of men; group of men looking to upper left, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 83
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(2) photos of group of men posing on and around lions in front of Chicago Art Insitute, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 84
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(4) photos: Chicago street scene; smokestacks and buildings in Chicago; Group of men on Chicago street; Group of men on steps in front of Chicago Art Institute, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 85
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(3) photos: men walking on Chicago streets (2); small house with outbuildings, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 86
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Boy riding rails on outfitted bicycle, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 87
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blank, circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 88
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Album front and back cover, Undated

  • Box 1, Item 89
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Loose items, 1908-1914, Undated

Scope and Contents note

The Loose items series includes photographs and ephemera found inside the University of Kentucky campus scenes scrapbook but were not afixed to a page.

Photographs, 1914, Undated

Woman in hat "Boston, Mass, Mar 1914", 1914 March

  • Box 1, Item 90
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Students carrying "Freshman" banner, Undated

  • Box 1, Item 91
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Statue of Liberty, albumen print, Undated

  • Box 1, Item 92
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Girl carrying "Kentucky Thoroughbred" sign in procession, Undated

  • Box 1, Item 93
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Group of young men - labelled with names on back, Undated

  • Box 1, Item 94
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Cut-outs for yearbook with markup on back, Undated

  • Box 1, Item 95
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Athletics team members, Undated

  • Box 1, Item 96
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Man in glasses [E.J. Kohn?], Undated

  • Box 1, Item 97
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Man in glasses, Undated

  • Box 1, Item 98
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(4) photos of track athletics, Undated

  • Box 1, Item 99
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Formal dance, Undated

  • Box 1, Item 100
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Group of men on steps, Undated

  • Box 1, Item 101
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Cut-out portrait prints for yearbook, Undated

  • Box 1, Item 102
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Cut-out portrait prints for yearbook, Undated

  • Box 1, Item 103
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Ephemera, 1908-1912, Undated

Dance Cards, 1912

  • Box 1, Item 104
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The Daily Bushwa German-English highschool newspaper, 1908 March 25-March 30

  • Box 1, Item 105
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State University of Kentucky programs, 1910-1912

  • Box 1, Item 106
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Newspaper clippings about the State University of Kentucky track and field team, Circa 1912

  • Box 1, Item 107
To top

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