xt7s4m91cc5m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7s4m91cc5m/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 199709 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, September 1997 text GLSO News, September 1997 1997 2019 true xt7s4m91cc5m section xt7s4m91cc5m “is GLSO NE W S LESB ' ' ERVI one ,/ Vol. 10 September 1997 No 9 v A Publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization 9550 / Pride center Considering Merger OHIO LESBIAN FESTIVAL by Terry Mullins Board at its next meeting on Monday Are there women out there who have The Pride Center Taskforce, which is September Bth. never been to a womyn's music festival? now actually two dedicated individuals, This is not a done deal. Any Here is a great opportunity for you to attended the Arrgrrst GLSO Board meeting community member thatwouldlike to have experience lesbian culture. The (thin and made rrs an offer. The taskforce has a say in this decision is welcome to attend Lesbian Business Association produces a accomplished its mission according to its the Sept. 8th board meeting at 7:00 pm. at wonderful one day festival every September. original charter, which was to open the Pride the Pride Center. If you would like to It will be held this year on Saturday, Sept Center (PC). The Stonewall Network,which express youropinion but can not attend this 6th from 11:00 AM. to 11:00 PAL, rain or conceived of the idea ofacommunity center, meeting you are welcome to call Terry shine just east of Columbus,0hio. is no longer functioning and cannot take (25575469) orlinr (2S4~71§0). There will be workshops, great over the running of the Pride Center, as had If the GLSO Board does take on this shopping, and fabulous entertairrnrent. been originally planned. The Task Force has responsibility we will need your help. At the This year Chris Williamson and Tret l’ure asked the GLSO Board to consider taking on present time we are thinking of setting rip will be preforming on day stage. Excerpts this responsibility. two new GLSO committees, one that will from The Kat/21' and Mo .s‘lm/r' will be lthas been the view of many that GLSO work primarily on the Center and another performed by Lori Cannon and Beth is, or should be, an umbrella group, a that will be responsible for the publication Kattleman. Cornedienne Suzanne clearinghouse for information. and a of the Pink Pages, which the Task Force has Westenhoefer will also be there as willlune connecting focus within our diverse produced for the past several years. We Millington and N1'le,adrumming group. community. ltwould seem a logical step for need a number of motivated individuals to All of this for inst 820 in advance or SZS at us to assume the responsibility of running step forward and volunteer their time and the gate. You owe it to yourself to be in a the Pride Center. it would also be a lot of energy. lesbian affirming environment for a day. work. Our community is moving forward. For more information call the Lesbian The board members present at the Since the opening of the Center, we have Business Association, at 614267-3955. August meeting agreed that a merger could received a donation to start an archive for _—————— be feasible and a positive step for the historical material, documents, programs, community. A committee, including and artifacts that exemplify our lives in Spon50r 0f the nrembers of GLSO and the Pride ’l‘ask Force, Lexington. in addition, we have received was set tip to explore the possibility further some books with which we could start a lV’IOI'Ith and to consult with a lawyer. This small lending library. More donations will committee will report back to the GLSO follow. ()ur Pride Center can grow and flourish but not wrthorrt the creatrvrty and la m es Ga I'd“ er GLSO ONLINE: leadership of some of you reading this. Peter: pjtayl00@ukcc.uky.edu Please come to the Sept 81h meeting and get Attorney at Law involved! 7 OUT ON VIDEO . . . . Mo" GAYs‘ . , by Davina Warner effectively isolated from other children 'fi ‘ ' g N— , who are”notsaved, less grows up in asmall LESBIA , V After two months off, We decided to world controlled and dominated by her strict ERVI ' , pick up the remote and resume my spot on and overbearing mother. At the center of this , ORG. the couch. TWO videos i want to recommend world is a small Christian sect to which she i this month are Coming om Under Fire and and her mother devotes most of their time. 1 Lexington Oranges Are Nor the 0211}i Frail. As a teenager, Jess meets a girl who she ; v Coming Out is an excellent convinces to join the sect so they can become 1 documentary about gays and lesbians who friends. When the friendship becomes 1 WGLSO NEWS served in the military during World War ll. sexual, less is humiliated then persecuted by . VOL 10 Issue 8 Quotations from military documents, actual her mother and the sect. who try to drive the ; , trarnmg footage and rntervrews wrth former demons from her body. . PUthhed Monthly by the gay and lesbian service members are woven While religion plays an important role Lexington Gay/ Lesbian together to transport the viewer to the 1940s. in the film, it is the dysfunctional Services Organization of course, the film is the history lesson relationship between Jess and her mother we never read in our American liistorv books, that is the focus. The development of this 321 E 2nd Street , . ' , , , _ . _ but it is much more than that. The relationship, characterized by emotional and Lexmgton, KY 40508 interviews tell individual stories that we can physical abuse is difficult to watch relate to today-realizingyou‘re gay. having (thankfully, the film is divided into two Editor: your first love affair, passing as straight, parts). i‘m glad i stayed untiltlie end. iess‘s Peter Taylor finding community with other gays and struggle to be herself is inspirational, yet lesbians, and being persecuted for being realistic-veverything is not tied up in a Community News Editor different. “happy ending“ package. Ma C Perhaps most haunting are the stories if you're looking for compelling and ry rone . . . of what our government did to gays and tliorrght-provoking stories about gays and lesbians when they were no longer needed to lesbians trying to be themselves in non- Layout Editor: fight the war. Men and women, who supportive environments. 1 highly Charlie Perkins answered their country‘s call for volunteers recommend coming but Under Fire and and who served proudly and bravely were Oranges Are No! the Only lv‘rm’l. GLSO Annual Dues and stripped of their dignity, pride, Coming Out on video this month: Newsletter: 515 commendations and futures just because Breaking [be .s'ar/ace-A biographical they were gay. film about Olympic diver Greg Louganis. Dues and Newsletter for Footage from the recent Senate In the (I’loar/ufng—A'l‘he directoral debut Couples: $20 hearings to determine if gays should be of Christopher Reeve concentrates on a allowed to serve in the military, which begins family's struggle to accept their son with g _ g . and ends Coming Ori/ Under Fire, AIDS who comes home to die. News/1:1? ggilng?nfh:xf::::ima$ 33:2 illustrates that our government's attitudes _ necessarily represent those of the GLSO Board of about gays and lesbians have “OI changed To a-d d 01” update a directory Directors: much in '30 years. hstrng, please contact Submissions are welcome. All Persecution of another type is found in Mary at 2660904- submissions become the pro erty ofGlSO and the BBC PmdUCtion 0f Jeanette Winteisons - - must indicate full name affd address of the book, Oranges Are Not tbe Only Fruit. Set Folr 11;nt ail-dress author The staff reserves the right to edit in rural England, during the early 608, 1221868 Egnt‘ect 1(3) 1131‘ SmeiSSiOHS and ads to met?! PUbliShing Oranges tells the story ofayoung girl who is p 11—21(1‘ re 6 . . . at 273 5843 requirements, “5 we” 33 the right ‘0 rfileCt my abandoned by her biological mother and is summons adopted by a devoutly religious one. _____—_____________________________ . GLSO NEWS PAGE 2 CéMMMN magma rll ?‘ NETWORKING FORUM ”5 GLSO invites all interested community and board games were played. ltwassomuch spirituality, there is a group of lesbians and be members to the networking forum. The first fun that we have decided to make it a straight women who gather together at the , meeting of the fall is scheduled for Tuesday, monthly event. ltwill be the fourth Friday of church every other Friday night for be September 16th at 7pm at the Pride Center of each month starting at 7 pm. at the Pride discussions, rituals, and other programs ne the Bluegrass, 387 Waller Avenue. The Center. Come out and play! focusing on female spiritual energy. (in .es meeting will be combined with a potluck @ Sept 5th we will learn some healing by dinner to begin the evening. We willprovide SISTERSOUND techniques. For more information call he a main dish, we ask you to bring aside dish Sistersound has begun its rehearsals Mary (266-5904) (E or something to drink. Dates for November for its fall season. New members are )l0 and 1998 meetings will be set at the encouraged to join us at6p.rn. on Sunday WASSON DECISION till September meeting. evenings in the fellowship hall of the Park ANNIVERSARY CONCERT rer‘ An invitation will be mailed to all the Methodist Church on the corner of High To commemorate the fifth anniversary 'ris known lesbigaytrans organizations in the and Clay. There is parking available on of the Kentucky. Supreme Court‘s decision lid greater Lexington area. If you do not receive Clay and in a lot behind the church. affirming our right to privacy there will be Ch a letter; consider this your invitation. Please We would like to form an auxiliary a rally and concert on Sunday, Sept. 21 on we plan ahead and select at least one of your group of interested men and women to help the capitol steps in Frankfort. 'l‘lre :5'5 organization's representatives to attend the with the background work of running a Lexington‘s Men‘s Chorus, Voices of yet first forum. chorus and putting on performances. So Kentuckiana, and Muse, Cincinnati‘s it in addition to organizational folks. come and check us out! g Women‘s Choir will be singing. The representatives. all lesbigaytrans individuals, festivities start at 1:00PM. The cost is 3% to did friends, and newcomers to Lexington are INTERWEAVE. S10 slidingscale Q ind invited to attend. if you are just coming out, interweave will have its second in- this is a great way to find out what is Sunday luncheon Sept 14th after the t‘.l'. LESBIAN DISCUSSION GROUP lily happening in the area. , Church service. We will meet in the Karen Meade has volunteered to liid if you're not a rnerrrber of any Fellowship ilouse (directly behind the organize a discussion and support group for organization, please join us to learn how to church) for a potluck meal at lesbians. This group is open to women who become involved in our community. All of us approximately 12:30 pm. Please bring a are just coming out, who are new to the cal have been known to grumble about our lack dish to share. community, or who just want an of community cohesion or the slow lfyou've been wanting to learn more opportunity to get together with other but development of more meaningful ways to about lnterweave, consider visiting the lesbians for conversation. if you are r a socialize and be connected. liere is the church Sunday, September 28th. ()ur' interested, give Karen acallat 245-2271. rith opportunity to make those kinds of church service, which begins at 10:45 am, observations long forgotten history! will focus on spirituality and social action. SINEQUANON To HOLD BENEFIT Please direct any questions about the The church's social action groups, Sinequanon is a new gay friendly bar Y September Networking Night and Potluck to including lnterweave, will have and restaurant that has opened in the space GLSO Board Member Mike Taylor at 225- information tables set up after the service. previously occupied by Joe‘s. The bar is 1828. Let'sget going friends, the rainbow flag This will provide an excellent opportunity open 7 nights a week and the restaurrmt is needs all of us to keep it flying high and for you to talk to lnterweave participants open every night except 'l‘uesdays. Come out proud! @ about their group. In the meantime, call and give us an opportunity to serve you a Davina (271»6174) for more information good dinner GAMES NIGHT about Interweave or about the Unitarian On Saturday, Sept. 13th, Sinequanon In July, MCC sponsored a games night Church. is hosting a benefit for AV()1.. Doors will that was quite successful. All kinds of card if you have an interest in womyn‘s open at 7:00 p.m..CON/ymgdonpflgey __________________.______.__—————-——— '— GLSO NEWS PAGE 3 There will be an art auction and a drag show tickets for the first play are now available. For FAIRNESS IN FRANKFURT beginning at 8:00. This is sure to be a fun information call 233-0663. Q On August 19th , the joint Judiciary evening and an opportunity to provide Committee heard testimony on three anti- rnoney for AVOL services. Come on ()utl KINGS ISLAND gay bills. These bills seek to deny The Gay and Lesbian Community gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgendered people PAIRNESS FUN! Center of Greater Cincinnati invites us to join the same rights afforded to our heterosexual Fairness is planning the return of two them for an evening at King‘s island on counterparts. BR 119, BR 143, and BR 305 old Lexington favorites, the Dating game and Friday, September 19th, from 5:00 pm. until are the most recent attempts by conservative The Newly/Oldywed game! The games begin 11:00 pm. This will be the first official “Gay lawmakers to relegate us to the status of at 8pm., Saturday, October 4th at the Pride Day” at King‘s island. The park will be second—class citizens. Center on Waller Ave. closed to the public for this event. Tickets BR 119 and BR 143 seek to prohibit it's time to have some fun! All work must be purchased in advance from the sarneesex marriage in Kentucky and to and no play could make Fairness supporters Community Center at (513) 65170040, or prevent the recognition of sarnesex unions very dull folks. So come on out for the write trr014 E. Main St, Cinn., Ohio 45202. from other states. BR 505 seeks to deny festivities, you could win a date or some other domestic violence protections to samesex valuable consolation prize. DIGNITY BIBLE STUDY couples. SQ? Dignity Lexington will be offering a Senator Tim l’hilpot. chair of the RAPE CRISIS CENTER Bible study based on Claiming the Promise: Judiciary committee and well known for his The Lexington Rape Crisis Center needs An Ecumenical Welcoming Bible Study on antiegay sentiments, presided over the volunteers. The next training program will Homosexuality. Weekly gatherings willbegin session. In front of a packed room of gay be: FriSept. 12 5:30pm—8230pm on Wednesday, October 8th at 7:00pm. supporters, the committee heard testimony Sat. Sept. 13 8:30 ant-4:30 pm Enrollment is limited. For information call on the impact these laws could have on the Sat. Sept. 20 8:30 {11117423011111 lionat299e4458. 99;: citizens and communities of Kentucky. Sat. Sept. 27 8:30 amdfit) pm Professionals and laypeople, queers and Upon successful completion of all SOLIDARITY SUNDAY straight allies, individuals and families, all training sessions volunteers will: Solidarity Sunday, a proiect of spoke out against these bills. 1) staff the 24 hour rape crisis line Dignity/USA, is designed to raise awareness of Personal stories, legal issues, historical ‘2) provide support and information for violence against gay, lesbian, bisexual, and contexts, philosophical questions, religious victims and their loved ones transgendered people. On October 5th debates, and psychological data were 3) meet victims at local hospitals and court churches, and other organizations presented in an attempt to frame these three 4) provide referrals for followup services nationwide will be asked to make a anti-gay bills within the context of the larger Volunteers answer the hotline in their "Solidarity Pledge" to fight against verbal societal issues of homophobia and homes and shift choice is flexible. A six and physical gay bashing, and to wear a discrimination. individuals spoke month commitment is reqrrired and "Rainbow Ribbon" as a sign of solidarity. passionately about how these laws would volunteers must be at least 21 years old. The Dignity/Lexington will be planning affect their lives, their families, and their training is free of charge. activities locally and would like to include as communities. They talked of justice and of To apply for this training, please call many churches, organizations, and equality. 253~2615by Sept. 10. individuals as possible. ifyou, your church, The other side, headed by Martin or organization would like to participate or Cothran of The Family Foundation, spewed ACTORS' GUILD would like information about Pledge cards forth the typical Radical Right rhetoric based Actors‘ Guild is opening its season with and ribbons, contact Don at 299-4458. on faulty research zurd their own hatred. Three Tall Women, by Edward Albee on Sept. We have a long struggle ahead of us. it 25th. This Pulitzer Prize winning play will is imperative that everyone who supports run for five weeks, Thursdays through FEMALE WANTED: to share round trip travel equal rights for all Kentucky citizens takea Sundays. expenses to NYC. Sept. 9 to Sept 19. Call stand. Call or write your legislators to voice Actor‘s Guild will be producing seven and leave message 255-7645. your opposition to BR 119, BR 145, and BR plays in the 97-98 $89.50“. 582150“ tickets Cl. 305. confinugdonflflge [I GLSO NEWS PAGE 4 PLANNING FOR DEATH AND recognize the wishes of a non-relative partner of the deceased shall receive the other half. DISABILITY The power of attorney is a document The. scheme continues to provide for the [iii/l7” (fl/"4'18" which permits a named individual (“attomey disposition of the property runong even more its a result of the oldest baby boomers in fact") to make financial or property distant relatives. reaching their early Sil's and with the decisions when the person executing the power if you wish to provide for your partner widespread incidence of AIDS, the media have of attorney is subsequently not capable of upon your death, or to make clear how your increased people's awareness of the need for making them For example, a power of property is tobe distributed, it is vital for you to i planning for death and the possibility of attorney is often signed prior to leaving the execute awill. liven if you have little money to : disability. Same gender couples particularly country for a significant period of time. distribute, you may have personal items that should consider what legal documents will There are two general types of power of you want yourpartner or close friends to have : enable them to protect each other attorney. l’iist isthe springing or conditional after your death. Additionally. and often just i The purpose of this article is to provide power of attorney which authorizes the as important, in your will you can name the ; an overview of some planning documents that attorneyirrfact to make financial decisions executor or executrix of your estate, the person ' may be of help. An individual should consult such as selling property, writing checks, paying in charge of carrying out your wishes. : with his or her attorney regarding the bills, etc. orily in the event of disability. The Members of every family whether applicability or usefulness of the documents to other and more common type is known as a married to each other or not need to act 3 his or her situation, durable power of attorney, which gives the responsibly. This includes considering the ; There are three documents designed to attorney—irrfact the power of attorney to make possibility of disability and the inevitability of 3 provide protection in the event of disability. those financial decisions at the time the death. lTnmarried couples are provided no i These documents are the living will, power of document is executed. it is “durable“ in the automatic legal protections as are married ; attorney, and health care surrogate. All three sense that it survives the disability of the couples. Consult an attorney to see which of 3 of these documents are effective during the life person executing the power of attorney. the above documents may be appropriate for '. of the person executing them and terminate at To have control over how your property is you. 1 his/her death. to be distributed after your death, you should I The living will allows an individual to have awill. if you do not have awill, the State . determine under what circumstances certain of Kentucky has a scheme known as intestacy NETWORKING FORUM l treatment, nutrition and/or hydration will be which determines how your property will be 7:00 RM. PQTLUCK s withheld or withdrawn so as to permit the distributed. A partner that you are not legally TUES. SEPT 1611-1 3 person to die naturally. Thus, an individual married to or other norrrelatives have no 3 can make his or her wishes known in advance rights of inheritance under this scheme. 1‘ concerning under what circumstances life- The intestacy procedure provides that a PRIDE CENTER ‘ 1 prolonging treatments will be used or not. marital partner shall receive one-half of the 587 WALLER AVE. e A health car surrogate. which is often property and any children will divide the other OPEN TO ALL ’1 executed in the same document as the living half. if there are no children, then the parents ' ’ r will. allows 2m individual to name a person (”fl—H"—'—”""_;“—"“WW“—“fi""“‘”"—”' ”i if who will have the authority to make medical STEPPING STONES decisions on his/her behalf when he/she can l l n no longer make those decisions. People often : Lisa Perkins Hatfield, AJA; ATR j d refer to this document as a medical power of l ART THERAPIST ‘2 d attomey although that is not the legal term in l 1 “much" . _ SPECIALIZING IN GRIEF AND LOSS ISSUES it The health care surrogate is particularly 2 ; is useful in naming a gay or lesbian partner or l a other non-relative individual. Otherwise, 322 GERI LANE . 1e medical authorities are under no legal l RICHMOND KY 40475 l R obligation whatsoever to consult with or to PHONE 623‘8454 , _ __________________________________————-—-—-—————'_———— GLSO NEWS PAGE 5 , _#_#__WW_____7W WW . ., 1:1 a, . I l r 7:30 pm. 8:30 pm. 6:00 pm. 7:30 pm. 7:30 pm. 9:00 om. Pride Center Task Force Rainbow Bowling League Frontrunners (Woodland UK Ldmbdd (Room 231 Goy/Lesbidn AA Frontrunners 8:00 pm. Pork) Student Center) (Arboretum) AA Step Study 6:00 pm. 7:30 pm. HIV/AIDS Support Group Gov/Lesbian AA . 8:00 pm, 5 Gdy/Lesbidn AA 1"“; 8:00 pm, 'I' 2 Step & Swing ancing (Club 141) ._ . . 1 Y ,> , _ ,, ,, g BESTALBANT ,‘ g : . i, ', , "f2“ ff 3‘ 'l“ l. f P F V‘ . 10:45 om. 7:00 pm. 7:00pm. 6:00 pm. 7:30 pm. 9:00 dm. 0.)!..7 So IAlm‘,‘St‘.n0 Unitoridn Universolist Ch. GLSO Board Meeting LMCC Board Frontrunners (Woodland Gay/Lesbian AA Frontrunners . v v 11:30 om. (Pride Center) 8:30 pm. Pork) Evening (Aboretum) '40Xlllgt0ll. k‘ , Lexington’s Metropolitan 8:00 pm. Rainbow Bowling Leogue 6:00 pm. MCC Compout 7:00 pm. 6 — .. " Community Church AA Step Study HIV/AlDS Support Group (Deer Run Stobles) Dignity Potluck 2‘.) 3-00 I 4 7:00 pm, Dignity (Pride 8100 pm. 7:30 pm. Center) Gay/Lesbian AA Goy/Lesbion AA 8:00pm. featuring the Ballroom Dancing ‘ ‘ . (cobra) Famous Alfalfa Y 10:45 am. 8:00 pm. 7:00 pm. 6:00 pm. 8:00 pm, 7:30 pm, 9:00 am. I: . a h . Unitarian Universalist AA Step Study Networking and Potluck Frontrunners (W. Pork) Bluegrass Colts members Gory/Lesbidn AA Frontrunners I u n ( , 0 Church (Pride Center) 6:00 pm, 9:00 pm. (Aboretum) . bl 11:30 om. GLSO NEWS DEADL/NE 8:30 pm. HIV/AIDS Support Group 8.0 non—members 7:30 pm. gel. ‘7 (6 g n o .v Lexington’s Metropolitan ALSO SUBM/fADD/f/ONS, Rainbow Bowling League 7:30 pm. Goy/Lesbion AA ‘ ' I n 9 u e he I l 3 Community Church UPDATESAND Fairness Bd. (Pride Ctr.) . 7 12:15pm. CORRECTIONS/:0? 8:00 13-01 but k“ heat MCC POT LUCK SEPIEMBER NEWSLEITER GOV/LGSbiOn AA 273.5345 8:00 pm. [HI Ill-a keS, Line & Portner Doncing 0 (Club 141) eggs [JEIIGIIIPI 0 arnold. Spanish . omelettes. “ourmel P 10:45 om. 8:00 pm. 8:30 pm. 6:00 pm. 6:00 pm. 7:00 pm. 9:00 om, d ‘ ' U.U. Church AA Step Study Rdinbow Bowling Ledgue Frontrunners (W. Pork) HIV/AIDS Support Group MCC dees Night Frontrunners ! s s . o w a . 11:30 om. 6:00 pm, 8:00 pm. (MCC Suite) (Arboretum) ‘ ' 33‘ ll ts. ‘lnd Illu‘ h LMCC Church HIV/AIDS Support Group Goy/Lesbidn AA 7:30 pm. 7:30 pm. III ‘ . ‘ NOON 8:00 pm. Goy/Lesbidn AA Goy/Lesbion AA Goy/Lesbidn AA ’1 ‘ 0 9 0 Singing for Our Lives 8:00 pm. Copitol Plozo Frankfort Open Doncing 6:00 pm. (Club 141) - ‘ 5,5,e,30md All 0! our breads and (Pork MeCh.) ‘ _‘ . 7,00 pm, desserts are baked Dignity (Pride Center) 0 v o 0 daily In our kitchen. f a, ‘ r l , l F R E E E V E NI N G 10:45 am 8:00 pm. 8:30 pm. ”or é y , l. i l U.U. Chu h AA t t R ‘ b B l' L tit??? ititt', till" iii? itiii ‘li‘iilllléf lift it’ll-5i. little Eiliili} tilifthf-‘tili‘t tigtl‘tl‘: ‘ I ,tliil‘i‘” 1 130 (lm. [C 5 ep 3 Udy Oln OW OW mg eogue ‘i-til.:',:iliftf“ "llllli‘rliilzileiiim lllllli‘ ,1 ‘l ‘rétillllliiléiiiitn- axl‘lrllis. 'ltllllil‘ if?” :‘l1llgglitleiizlgtli‘lli‘“ iilllfil‘rlfil‘rwtiz" ,1!th “lilliv‘ W . vikillllllll -s:i-:ii:iiii‘f"i 1111:“ PARK] N G o t. it :1 1:. iii. it: t... r;.,‘r 31-1: .:%“1":;:, 111112.11 ti: :1- 1.151;: t. 1...;1 1111 it- 1 21.211. 1; 3 £1.21 out: AND PROMD the cost of their subscription without checking You might think that coming out by Mary Crone off the space that says we can print your publically, which is often coming out to October is Coming Out Month. This name. if you have made a donation 2u1d strzmgers, is not as difficult in that the month is set aside to encorrrage all of us to want to make sure you are on our list. give reactions of strangers would matter less. It take our next step our of the closet. it can be Mary :1 call (2665904) doesn‘t always feel that way; fear or a small step, but if each and everyone of us if you haven't sent us any money yet, discomfort can hit us when we‘re not takes a small step. we will continue the please use the form belowto make adonation, expectingit. igot tongue tied the other day process of chzmging the world into a place to subscribe, or both! Asaspecial deal,wea1e when a fellow dog walker (who i will probably where difference is honored rather than offering a free 'l‘—shirt with a picture of a $3 never see again) asked what my Stonewall 2% feared. Bill to the first six people who makes an 'f-shirt was commemorating. (lsure am glad You may think that you are totally out, donation of $15 ormore during October. Call that the riots didn‘t start at the Glory Hole! but check your outer walls. you may simply be Mary to get one of the these shirts! What a 'l‘-shirt.) in a larger more comfortable closet. For Why are we printingsuch alist? it is one Making the choice to have your name example, are you "out" only to other gay way to encourage members of our community printed is one of several ways to support our people. or to a few straight people you trust? to publically affirm their gayness. We realize civil rights movement. It is not the only way. Some decisions of staying closeted in certain that not everyone has the choice of being this if the time is right for you, give me a call. situation or to certain people are. of course. public. but for many of us it can be a step Mary Crone at 266-5904. reasonable or necessary, Other times, we let forward in our struggle to accept ourselves fear or discomfort keep us hidden when it is and to overcome fear. As the years go by you not really necessary. can see more and more of us are willing to put If your Mailing Label This October we encourage you to our home phone numbers in the directory, or . overcome some part of your fear and take one to write a letter to the Herald Leader, or to ‘5 YEHOW more step out. We know that homophobia speak before legislators in Frankfort. Each of Please Renew decreases for people when someone they know these public acts takes courage. Thank you to or comes out to them So tell someone, or wear each of you who have been public lately. if you picked this up abutton, or put abumper sticker on your'car. Additionally. as more of us come out - To celebrate Coming Out month. GLSO publically. we offer encouragement to those free' please subscnbe plans to printalist of names of our supporters who are just beginning to come out to we need YOU! who have donated S?» or more to our themselves or to their friends and loved ones. What a 900d way organization within the last year. We call this We are not asking everyone to be as out as the to celebrate our QueerAsA Three Dollar Bill Campaign. most out among us. but we do want to let you coming out month Some people have added a few dollars to know that it feels great out here! N a m e (s) ______________________g_________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________ City, State, ZIP_________________________________*_________________ ____$15 Membership and Newsletter ____$20 Couple Membership and Newsletter ____I am (we are) including a donation of $3 or more. Please add the above name(s) to the oust AND PROMD sponsorship page in October, 1997. ___I am including $15 to have my name printed and receive a free T—shirt. ___I do not wish for my name to be added to the Community Mailing List used exclusively by and for Kentucky Gay/Lesbian organizations. mail to QESO News, PO Box 11471, Eex., Ky. 40575 ________________________________————— GLSO NEWS PAGE 7 flexington's Men's Choir SINGENG egg ‘ Voices of Kentuckians Q? MuseCanmnatI wemens Cheir AWWEENE k sluolgda? éepi 2E F u n d ra is e r: wmetogethertocelebratee onte apita ‘teps h the 5th anniversary ofthesww ‘ T eDdUYl Gail/K end tc‘tfie’statugtb ghee A E e j FPaIkaOEtW n a SIS/the g criminaliiegi’intimafiy gffe e: fi$19$155fidjfiéscafbe Cf « ”“3 between figififfifieifii»if; All“? 15: 2 fleQWIy/ samegende” 3’ 5 N ‘ ‘ “ “4‘ ‘e / > “:3 Q»: W fem“ 1‘4 ‘deetthgp 'd , tits; I o I V ’ > 5 M. a (3Y1 CGH‘QF lexmgton FannessInfolme: ,yw ; I; 3’35“: in (d 'd b, V éyyyh' 5"» OCt4 W“ W' ”’9' v pm. http://lexfan.home.ml.org fine] ' '31 w A _ _ I W P 3:1”;ng TH E R S SON a sister and a brother, is buffeted by hostility Mrs. llajdys is currently campaigning to and lack of compassion from everyone from keep Terry llelvey (the sailor convicted of The dramatic retelling of Allen distant relatives (and in the case of his dopey Allen's murder) in jail for his entire sentence Schindler‘s death premiered on Lifetime early fundamentalist cousin, l‘d say the more (25 years ifl recall exactly) and is trying to in August starring Bonnie Bedelia as Dorothy distance the better) to Allen‘s brother‘s collect a million signatures to present to his llajdys, his mother. This is a servicable coaches at schoolwho evidently consoled him parole board. 1 encourage you sign her prodrrction, that becomes emotionally in his grief by warning him that Allen petition ifyorr agree with her. The petition is powerfrrl, depicting the family's forcible “deserved it". ' available online at wwwsldnorg consciousness-raising after Allen was ()n a public policy level the sanguine /schindlerApetition.html or send a letter to stomped to death by a couple of his Navy way the Navy handled both the murder and Servicemembers legal Defense Network. 1’0 associates in a public restroom injapan for then attempted to deceive and manipulate BOX £3013, Washington DC. 3000979013 being gay. Mrs. llajdys into not asking or not telling <—-—-————> ldon‘t really feel comfortable critiquing anything about the incident was of great COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP this moyie by the same standards thatlwould in