xt7s4m91cf1c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7s4m91cf1c/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1951 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, June 1951 Vol.22 No.8 text The Kentucky Press, June 1951 Vol.22 No.8 1951 2019 true xt7s4m91cf1c section xt7s4m91cf1c . ., . I
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‘1. June, 1951 The Kentucky Press Page One J J
J k E h l S T description of the improvements being con- J J
J KPA Ta es pOC Cl tepS 0 Improve sumated at the Falls park, and at the other J
J . , ' parks scattered throughout the state. It is ‘r J
J seerce And Effectiveness To Members evident that the commission, under Mr. J
J Ward's leadership, is vitally interested in the , J
Three milestones in the history of the district, leaving eight districts, and, as the highest development of our parks and in J
Kentucky Press Association stand out as geographical distances in the existing dis- the potential tourist trade that will ulti- J J
. momentous and of greatest importance. The tricts have not worked to the best advantage mately come to the state.
first milestone, the formation of the Associ- in our KPA districts, the delegates voted to J. E. Stanford, Executive Secretary, Ken-
‘; ation on that bleak January (lay in Louis- create ten KPA districts. These new dis- tucky Farm Bureau Federation, admonished J
ville, in 1869; the second, the establishment tricts, listing the contiguous counties which the editors that many papers were overlook» J
J of the Central Office in January, 1941; the comprise the new territories, are designated ing full consideration of the agricultural 1
third, the far-reaching decisions of its mem- and listed in the amendment to Article 4, possibilities in each county and neglecting J i
J bership at the Mid-Summer meeting at Cum— Section 4, and a new section, 5, published to give full news coverage to agricultural J
berland Falls. elsewhere. It was understood that this new pursuits. He brought the present OPS reg- J J J
J Standing above these momentous decisions setup will make it easier for member news- ulation on meat production to the attention , J
' were three important epochal steps to im- papers in each district to attend district of the editors, stating, ”This program ma- J J J
, prove and strengthen the Association as 21 meetings. The amendment also increases terially affects the economy of your county. J J J
’ united group, to improve and increase the the executive committee to 12 members, two ”To maintain a stabilized economy in J J J
J services that the Association could render its being chosen from the state at large. your county,” he warned, “you as a rural J J:
members, and to put the operation of the Another important step was the setting of editor should take an active part in your ‘ J
Central Office on a more efficient business the groundwork for the establishment of a farm bureau and other farm organizations ,_ J
‘ basis. Under the able and energetic leader- microfilm center in the School of Journalism, in order to understand the farmer’s legisla- J JJJ
ship of President Douglas D. Cornette the University of Kentucky. The convention tive, social, and production problems better. ‘J J
J “Plan For A Greater KPA” was given full voiced its approval of the project and au- You are not covering the agricultural front J JJ
and unanimous endorsement by the mem- thorized the KPA executive committee to in your county by carrying farm news .on JJ
bership as these, and other proposals, were take the necessary steps for its establishment. the last page in one weekly column. As the JJ
adopted. Your attention is called to the report of this economic life blood of your county, agri- J JJ
. Epoch: It was voted that immediate steps convention committee, and the other reports, culture, the Number One industry, deserves :J J.J
be taken for the incorporation of The Ken~ in this article. front page attention. There is plenty of ac- JJ‘
tucky Press Service, Inc., which will here The informal Mid-Summer meeting open- tive, live, readable news right on the farm JJJ
after handle all the advertising that goes ed Thursday, June 14, with the gathering in your county that is overlooked every day. J
through the Central Office, and by the ad- of “early birds” with their families. By the The dissemination of technical develop- J JJJ
dition of a staff-solicitor, contact intra-state time the registration desk was opened Fri- ments in understandable language makes J J
and nearby interstate concerns and maHU- day morning, delegates from every section of news.” JJJ '
facturers to procure advertising for the or- the state filled the spacious lobby of the He stated that he would be pleased to JJ
ganization members. The advertising com— beautiful DuPont Lodge to its capacity. In offer a suitable trophy, for the establishment J
mittee, M. H. Holliday, Jr., chairman, all, 157 adults registered with nearly 30 ofa new contest, which would be offered to J J
Howard W. Greene, and Albert 3. Wathen, children of all ages present. the county newspaper that did the best job J J
Jr., have already taken the necessary steps The formal part of the program opened of covering agricultural news. J J
to incorporate the new organization. After Friday afternioon with the meeting of all Substituting for Neil Plummer, Director JJJ
the new corporation has been established, members of the several committees with the of the School of Journalism, U of K, Secre- J JJ
KCntucky pulishers will be invited to become Executive Committee. Each committee then tary Portmann outlined the proposed plans J J
% members and share-owners. Following, the met to prepare formal reports for the Sat— for the dedication of the new journalism J J
:7 oflicers and executive board will be elected urday business session. The executive com— building during National Newspaper Week. I
J to perpetuate the final organization. mittee also held a brief session. He stated that invitationswould be sent to J J
Epoch: The executive committee recom- During the day, the delegates and the all state newspapers, as well as all former ‘ J J
mending, the convention delegates voted to children enjoyed a visit to the Falls, hikes, students, asking their cooperation and at. - J J
raise the membership dues effective January golf at the Stearns Country Club, and horse- tendance at the dedication. He also ex- J JJ J
J 1,1952. The new dues schedule is: weeklies back riding. Mrs. Mary Greer, London plained that nine German newspapermen JJ J
-. and semi-weeklies, two cents per subscriber, school director of children’s activities, su- would matriculate at the UniverSity this ‘J J JJ J
. ! minimum $15.00, maximum $50.00 per an— pervised recreation for the children. That fall for a nine-months course which would J J |J J J
kc and num; dailies under 15,000 circulation, $60.00 evening the delegates were entertained by include social studies as well as journalism IJJ , J
:1 gOOd per annum; dailies over 15,000, $100.00 per the London Lions Club jug band with investigation. He explained that. small » JJJJ
proteCt annum; associate and sustaining members, Patty Higgs at the piano; by the barbershop groups of these students would VISit state ‘ JJJJ JJ
.portant $J50-00 per annum. As the Constitution pro- quartette 0f the JuniorJWoman s Club, JLon- newspapers, and, perhaps, help the editors J JJJ J J
lame of Vldes for the membership dues of the as- don; and square dancmg to the musu: of produce an issue of their papers. Tthhis J JJ ,J
sociate and sustaining members, amend- Mike Edwards’ orchestra from Corbin. Mr. end, he asked the cooperation of the editors J JJAJJJ J ;
ments to Article 2, Sections 4and 5, were and Mrs. Raleigh Lincks, Corbin, directed assembled. J JJJJJ J J:
given first reading and will come up for the figures. The name of the Fort Knox newspaper, JJ JJJJ JJ
the final adOption at the Mid-Winter meeting. Opening the Saturday morning session, “Inside the Turret,” was presented for ac- J JJJJJJ JJJJ
my. These amendments are published in am President Cornette introduced Commis- tive membership, and the Kentucky Engrav- JJJJJJ
5 other column. sioner Henry Ward, Department of Con- ing Company, Lexmgton, was presented for J JJJ J; J
Epoch: As the state, following the 1950 servation, who welcomed the delegates. Fol- associate membership. They were duly JJJJJJ JJJJ J
census report, will lose one Congressional lowing his cordial welcome, he gave a brief elected by convention ballot. JJJJJJ JJI JJ
—-d J:
J J .1 “‘ '

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. - { '{mll Page Two The Kentucky Press June, 195]
31 President Cornette called upon each com- per annum, consist of: District One—Ballard, Carlislt‘

' I ; mittee to make its report. As the provision for dues of Associate Hickman, Fulton, McCracken, Grave53h3 gum
3 The business meeting was closed with the and Sustaining members is carried in the ingston, Marshall, Galloway, Crittendm E
. 3 3‘ presentation of trophies and certificates to Constitution, Chairman Swain presented the Lyon, Caldwell, Trigg, and Christian; up 2

" the contest winners in the 1951 production following amendments to the Constitution trict Two— Union, Webster, Hopkins,Mt3t, E
3. ‘3 contests by Secretary Portmann, chairman. to change the necessary wording: lenberg, Ohio, McLean, Henderson, Davitt’ E
' James Ewing, Henderson, president of Article 2, Section 4, Associate Member- Hancock, Breckinridge, and GrarysOn; E
‘ i the Kentucky Associated Press, presided at ships. There shall be eligible to associate District Three — Jefferson, Bullitt, Mead: E
)3 3, a meeting at two o’clock Saturday afternoon. membership in the Association individuals Hardin, Larue, Nelson, Spencer, Shelt3 ___—='f
1 Among other business transacted, at thor- who are connected with the newspaper busi- Henry, and Oldham; District Four —— Todd 2
'3 . : ough discussion was held relative to the ness in the state in the capacity of instructors Logan, Simpson, Allen, Monroe, Warn 2
" 3 possibilities of establishing a state teletype in journalism, salesmen for newspaper and Butler, Edmonson, Barren, Metcalfe, Hmi E

,' circuit. job supply houses, advertising representa- and Green; District Five — Trimble, Ca» E

" , i An informal reception started at four tives, or other related capacities. They shall roll, Owen, Grant, Gallatin, Boone, Kenn E
. ; o'clock, and the traditional banquet was be elected to membership in the same man- Campbell, Pendleton, and Bracken; Distrir E
held at seven o’clock. Door prizes were dis- ner as is provided above for newspaper Six —— Scott, Franklin, Woodford, Faye”, E
tributed to the lucky ticket holders. An in— members, and shall be entitled to all the Jessamine, Garrard, Lincoln, Boyle, Mertu‘ E
formal dance on the terrace closed the con- privileges of the Association, except the vot- Anderson, Washington, and Marion; E
. . { vention’s activities. ing privilege. Dues shall be $50 per annum. District Seven — Robertson, HarrisiiX E
The committee reports follow: Article 2, Section 5, Sustaining Member- Nicholas, Bourbon, Montgomery, Cliil E
" { Advertising ships. There shall be eligible to sustaining Madison, Estill, Powell, Wolfe, Lee, Owsla E
The committee recommended that imme- membership in the Association individuals, Jackson, and Rockcastle; District Eight. E
_‘ diate steps be taken to incorporate The or business firms, who are connected with Taylor, Casey, Adair, Russell, Cumberland E
Kentucky Press Service as a separate di- the newspaper business, or allied businesses, Clinton, “fayne, McCreary, Pulaski, Laure E
3' vision from the Kentucky Press Association. who desire in this method to contribute to Whitley, Bell, Knox, and Clay; Distri E
E, The chairman read the proposed Articles of the welfare of the Association and to assist Nine — Mason, Lewis, Fleming, Bath, Men E
. { Inéorporation. in the promotion of better newspaper prac- fee, Morgan, Rowan, Elliott, Carter, Greet E
{i The chairman, after full discussion of the tices and to the extension of such services up, Boyd, and Lawrence; District Ten- E
{3‘ proposed advertising organization, its pur— that may be rendered through the office of Martin, Johnson, Magoflin, Breathitt, Knot, E
i, poses and its need, stated that the organiza- the secretary~manager. They shall be elect- loyd, Pike, Letcher, Perry, Leslie, and Hi E
{ tion would be perfected as soon as possible ed to membership in the same manner as lan. i:
33 after the incorporation. The by-laws would is prov1ded above for newspapermnembers, Microfilming Center 5
3: be adopted which would include that a and shall be entitled to all the priVileges of The Committee commends presidentffl E
{'33 membership fee of $10.00 per annum for the Association, except the voting privilege. nette for the groundwork he has laid [005 E
{3 each member newspaper. The purpose of Dues shall be $50.00 per annum. tain $15,000 necessary to set up a microfil E
{{ this membership fee, together with the sale Redistricting library at the University of Kentucky.“ E
{{ of shares of stock (one $10 share to each Chairman Enos Swain, reporting for the recommend that all members of the Asset E
-{{ subscribing member), would be to seek and Executive Committee, recommended that ation be asked within six weeks fromll E
‘{.‘{ _ hire a competent salesman who would so— KPA adopt the plan for redistricting as out- date, and earlier if possible, to indict E
.{ licit advertising for the members from state lined out the map in the “Plan For KPA." whether they want to participate inll E
{‘3 and nearby interstate manufacturers and Followmg the adoption, Chairman Swain microfilm program. E
3 {3' producers. read the necessary amendments to the Con- The questionaire to be sent to KPA me: E
i‘ As soon as the membership permits, nomi- stitution that would put the plan into op- bers should describe the project, explainll E
{3 nations for members of the Executive Com- eration: cost to each member, and ask for a prowl E
{‘{ mittee of Kentucky Press Service, Inc., That Article 4, Section 4, be amended to answer. When a sufficient number ofnef E
' {3‘ would be made, from which nominations, read: “The Executive Committee shall con— papers have signed up, we recommend [If E
{3 the members would'elect the Executive Com- Sist ohtwelve members, the Chairmanof the the microfilm unit be placed in operalii E
' 13 mittee to serve during the remainder of the committee to be elected by ballot in the at the earliest possible moment withll E
year, 1951, as provided in the proposed by— same manner as the President, Vice-Presi- $15,000 that has been promised for 1156 E
{ laws and the incorporation papers. dent, and Secretary-Manager, and nine other tablishment. E
“‘ M. H, Holliday, Jr., Chairman members of the Committee to be appointed Edwards M. Templin, Chaim“ E
{ Howard W. Greene by the President immediately after his elec— Martin Dyche ' E
{ Alfred S. Wathen, Jr. tion, one from each of the ten Kentucky Neil Dalton TE:
_ Pr 3. . . . . . _ . . '5:-
i Chairman End/:CISn::fil:hli)eporting the ac- tri::sfr[:isisioiihilc:1nthilsgliitisrmeedft tligeCdirii- - Legislative A E
i . | . ’ . . The committee recommends that a! E
{3 tion of the Executive Committee, recom- mittee has been elected, and two from the candidate for the General Assembly be” E
333 mended that the dues structure be changed state at large, to hold office until their suc- copies of the proposed libel law, public“; E
33 to read as follows:. cessors are chosen. The PreSident, imme- t rection law, innocent instrumentalit)’h E
{33; Weekly and semi-weekly newspapers: Two diate Past PreSIdent, Vice-PreSident, and and the proposed amendment to h E
333 cents (2c) per subscribgg,0 gainimum $15.00 ::::et)21fr);-Ill\4anager3shall be ex~offic10 mem- 421.000 together with a letter explainiflgi E
3333pe1r)annum, max1mum . per annum. is committee. . . necessity for their adoption by the A555 E
.{3 . aily newspapers. Up to 15,000 Circula- That a new section.be added to Article bly; that these copies and letters be semi E
{ tion, $60.00 per annum; over 15,000 Circu- 4, to .be known as Section 5: There shall be candidates before the August primary” E
33{ lation, $100.00 per annum. ~ constituted ten districts in this Association. 32 E
{{l I 3 Associate and Sustaining Members: $50.00 The districts, and the counties therein, shall. (Please Turn To Pagfi F‘i Tilllllllllllllllll
{ I““'

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951 , ;
June, l95l The Kentucky Press Page Three ‘ j
ard, Carliglg .
Géayes, 1a fllfllfllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllI|||ll"llIlllllll|lll|||l|l|llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfllllllllllllllllllllllllll||lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll”MINNIE .
I‘lttende E E
hristian;D:r E E §
opkins, Mula E V. E
rson, Davies; 2 E i 1
ullitt, Mead: E . E .
ncer, Shelli E E
‘our — Todt E I] ‘Q l I I I l E E
roe, Warm E E
etcalfe, Hap} E _ E g .
Frimble, C;- E E j ;
)one, Kenton 2 E
cken; Dias E * E ? .
ford, Fayette E E 1 :
ioyle,Merct1‘ E . E 1i
arion; . E E ;
n, Harrim‘ E In its issue of October 20, 1945, the Saturday Evening Post said: E
mery, Claxl E E 1 i ‘
, Lee, Owsla E “Someday you're going to walk into your favorite food store and help E 3 l
trict: Eighl- E yourself to fresh fruits and vegetables just the way you buy breakfast food and E .
Cumberlani E canned goods today." E . ‘
ilaski, Lame E E ‘ i
3133’; Dim E The article told the story of the “Columbus Experiment", originated E Q i
5: Bath, Me" E by A& P in cooperation with Ohio State University, to determine the benefits E i
:ar_ter’ Grea- E of consumer-size packaging and constant refrigeration in the movement of fresh E , i
smci Tfn' E fruits and vegetables from farm to table. E y l
eathitt, knot E E f
Slie’ and HI E Recently the-National Produce Packaging Association held its first an- E i :i‘
E nual convention at Columbus — in tribute to the now-famed “experiment”. Re- E i l }
er , C“ E ports on the state of this new industry were practically unnoticed as news, but E
Presxdent , E they had a lot of meaning. Members heard that: E 1 ‘ I
1215 land too. E , , E , 1 .
.p a microfit E More than 1,000 individual companies are now engaged in the E I?
Centucky. l E pre-packaging of fresh fruits and vegetables. 2 i t
.0: t1;e 385: E Approximately 3%,, billion pounds of fresh produce were pre- 3 i
’e :0 rfndm g packaged in 1950. g y l
cipate ind E Savings due to this were estimated at 167,000,000 pounds of E ‘
E food, 17,000,000 man hours of labor. E i “l“
to KPA m6 E . . E i i
"t ex lainll E Grow1ng consumer acceptance of pre-packaged produce 1n- 3 1 ll
if’or :prom} E dicates the 1945 prediction is well on the way to coming true. 2 [i 1%
3:21:33» E Solutions of major marketing problems such as this don’t come all in one LE: ‘ J ‘
in 01mm E piece. They come gradually, through constant painstaking research of the type E
Ilent withll‘ E that has for many years enabled the men and women of A8cP to do the E ; i l ,
sed for itst E nation’s most efficient job of food distribution. E 3 i i
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T age Four
, The Kentucky Press June, l95l JL
.:~ . ' TH E Kentucky Press Association recognizes the fundamental importance ‘ (CC
.7 . e mi T. PE” ; 8 8 . of the implied trust imposed on newspapers and dissemination of public mm “m
,. ~~ - information. It stands for truth, fairness, accuracy, and decency in the pre- ’ lmbliSher
g omeial Publication or the Kentucky sentation'of news, as set forth in the Canons of Journalism. It advocates S l [Nimrm
. T Press Association strict ethical standards in its advertising column. It opposes the publica- B71111: y 01
l tion of propaganda under the guise of news. It affirms the obligation of a The c
. T u . 1
. .‘ Victor E Portmann, Editor-Publisher newspaper to frank, honest and fearless editorial expressions. It respects Chairman
. . . Printed On The Kernel Press- Lexmgwn equality of opinion and the right of every individual to participation in T the bills
_ T the Constitutional guarantee of Freedom of the Press. It believes in the letter 0f
. . ————— newspaper as a vital medium for civic, economic, social, and cultural com i also write
, T Volume 22, Number 7 munity development and progress. Operation
- - f the mndi‘
We als:
,! K t k - ~ - ‘
2 en uc yPress ASSOClatlon the price of cabbage seed." No comment member oi the News staff. An uncle Broadcast:
l, Douglas Cornette, President, needed. D Babba e 11 - b . (John; a similar
. I, ' Courier—Journal, Louisville —————._____——— C'l‘l‘ 2g 15 a usmess Executivefi cordinate
‘ l Bennett Roach, Vice-President 1 , - - - a 1 0mm i '
Shelby News, Shelbyville .T 16 Railway Mail Servrce has ruled they The News was the product Of a job prim This CO]
., T Victor B. Portmann, Secretary-Manager Will not accept Single wraps which are ing shop opened in 1874 by Mr. Babbitt: a“ KPA n
University of Kentucky, Lexington stapled instead of Wrapped for mailing. They He took pride in development of the weil en the sta
1 District Executive Committee pornt out that stapling does not meet the ly, and having as a policy a clean who]: legal mat
T Chairman, Enos Swain, A dvacate—Messenger requirements of Section 34.62 of the Postal some publication, a goal still followed it Press ASSC
Pam’éue (ST-fig); First, Paul Westphaling, Ful: Laws and Regulations and as outlined on the present publisher Mr Pelk
. l on t . ~ . - - . l ' ' ' P
T Gainesftl’naii’k 0532?] 653132;” lisifgogieggl’ll‘rhirg' page 2 of form 5296. This section reads as The spec1al article, contributed by awfit, (NET. .
' l Niel Dalton, Courier-Iaiirnal, Louisville; ’Fourth: follows: Section 3%‘62’ Paragraph A! Postal er signed “Old-Timer", said that Mr. Bil pose 6g“
T Alfred S. Wathen Jr., Kentucky Standard, Laws and Regulations, states that “no news- bage and his dau liter neve ‘ d ' newspaper
T Bardstown; Fifth, Charles E. Adams Gallatin paper shall be received t b d b ‘ 'g r carrle 0th
T County News, Warsaw; Seventh, Fred Bullard , .1 o. e conveye y tionable advertismg, and nothing we The co
l3 Herald, Hazard; Eighth, James G. Wilson, Log mai unless they are sufficrently dried and printed that would hurt or olfend ‘ - n
T Cabin, Cynthiana; Ninth, Martin Dyche, Senti- enclosed in proper wrappers.” Therefore, it The ”Old Timer ” who has b .1 vestigate t
t nel—Echo, London; State—at-Large, William Cay— would appear that those who are v' f 1 i , . i . rougrtmii the Post (
T wood, Sun, Winchester; State-at—Large, Mack . . . using 0 tie communitys leading figures toil service to
T gisk, grog‘riess, Dawson Springs; Immediate staples for their Single wraps Will have to Breckenridge News’ columns made it w
T t . _ b - . , . ’ > e reco
li Pifilucalrfm mt, Joe LaCore, Sun Democrat, go “kw—Trier methOd 0f wraPng- :Véfiklys anniversary the occasion t0 Pi into P. L.
lT ________—-—_—_‘_‘ . . r1 ute to the Babbage family, of Circulal
ll ,. Lexmg’ron Paper Sold B d ° “She“-
i,‘ ern
ll NATIIO N AL E‘DITO R I AL Chase McClure, a Cynthiana wholesale NewOPrr E Egg-ell? A We reco
T) mffigm IAStst CEIIION grocer, paid $500 for the Community News, exy E Tear: Whé
,: ' ' ”"' ‘ ' (n ‘ Z
‘? 0‘»; ..A.c H'VE v'MEM'BfER . LeXington weekly newspaper at the recent Bernard 12' “Bunny” Esters, P‘IbliShell 1:1)th
T - l public auction. the Pioneer-Times, Houlton, Maine, m fur 'h Sh
. Tl ———____———————-—..- McClure plans to continue publication of elCCted president of the National Editor'i tin: 1; ca
9‘ All publishers should read the copy on all the paper, WhiCh has been in Operation for ASSOCiation at the June meeting in Seatllz Th at?
ll patent medicine ads and see whether or not three years. He succeeded Clifford Kaynor. llOH Ce cm
T the newspaper is doing a disservice to its . The paper was purchased from Commun- Other NEA officers elected were 0' ll all KPOIilce
, ET subscribers by running such copy—regardless fly News, Inc., a firm formed by Charles Brown, Enterprise, Oconomowoc, Wis.,vi: 1r
T of whether or not the ad will mean a tidy Drew, Mrs, Stanley Drew and Edwin T. president; Art C. Gardner, News, Ciel?»
_ T advertising profit. Only by taking such an Leavens. Nebr., treasurer; and Don Eck, Chicagofli
T attitude can newspapers measure up to their ____._..____ retary-manager.
,l responsibilities in deservin “f ‘ ' D. ' . L
l g a reedom of _ irectors of the Board include: Clili lit Th
T: the press." Ezgfiéfigdgfinfiews PUIEIdlshers nor, chairman; Al C. McIntosh, Star-Hefiltuckyenfegvr:
T . verso ry I‘l'lon Luverne, Minn.; Ed Anderson, Times, Brflway Safety
T 1 h——-——————. The Breckinridge News, published in ard, N. C.; Pete G. Stromberg, Times, Ellit forts to pr(
:1 n t is era of greater clamor for greater Cloverport for 75 years, issued a commend- CRY! Md-5 D0“ Hardy, Daily RCCOTd- CW mend that
i government control 0t everything, the fol- able special Diamond anniversary edition, Cit)" C0105 A1 W' Epperson, News, Morgll tee in the
T owmg little piece, printed in a Minnesota featuring an historical review of its history Utah; and Victor R- Portmann, Kentufl periodic re
T newspaper, ‘seems appropriate. “The story under the editorialships of John Davis Bab- Press Association. portam wo
ll of the creation of the world is told in Gene- bage and his daughter, Mildred Ditto Bab- The three-day convention was held7
T $15 in 400 words. The world’s greatest bage. The father died in 1947, and Miss ‘ Seattle, June 2'5' Nearly 160 NBA membt
i méral C(l)de, the Ten ‘Clofnmandments, con- Mildred, as she was affectionately known by [00k advantage 0f the post-conventionll It is 0f 8
T: tAailr‘iis on y 297 words. Inneolns Gettysburg Kentuckians, succeeded her father until her and visited Alaska. There were no Ks bers of the
. T A ( refiS is but 26 words in length. The De- death in 1949. tUCkY NEA members at the convent“ track 0f al
i? claration of Independence required only The traditions of the family and news- mostly due to our own midsummer con‘flKemuCkl’é
l (11,321 “791115 “6;? upfa mlw concept of free- Paper are being carried on by William G. tion WhiCh soon followed. limmediateli
if ‘ om. “3 CC 0 PI‘lei Administration Polk, grandson of the f0 nd . ' - Orial '
lT' I l H ll Uses 2,500 words to announce a reduction in was Louise Babba e Pollk Ch HllS mOther The more happlness you pass on to otlf With com!
Ti l l g w o a so was a the more you have left for yourself. as CO]
13; _

 ,_L , L i ‘ I“
_ 2 l
951 June, 1951 Fhe Kentucky Press Page Five : :
'tance , (Continued From Page Two) and accomplishments of the deceased, age two would tend to defeat the purpose of j I
. tions, and that each Kentucky newspaper and connections, so that full and proper the two suggestions. ; :
)ubltc . publisher be asked to cooperate by making recognltlon be incorporated in the annual Despite the committee’s usual aversion to , l
8 pre- 1 a personal appeal to the candidates in his report .of the Memorial Committee at the surveys for survey