xt7s4m91cm4w_1 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7s4m91cm4w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7s4m91cm4w/data/2009ms132.0547.dao.xml Thompson, Winston A. 0.22 Cubic Feet 11 folders archival material 2009ms132.0547 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Wade Hall Collection of American Letters: Winston A. Thompson papers Education Education -- Kentucky. African Americans -- Education. African Americans -- Education -- Kentucky -- Louisville Pamphlets. Guide-books High school students -- Kentucky Programs. Bible study pamphlets and safe driving course completion certificate text Bible study pamphlets and safe driving course completion certificate 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7s4m91cm4w/data/2009ms132.0547/Box_wh_45/Folder_7/Multipage1.pdf 1948-1951 1951 1948-1951 section false xt7s4m91cm4w_1 xt7s4m91cm4w DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY _ ‘ $iai4¢hn 0f ”Glaze-i gJuuwl‘mn [3W LomsvnQL'E KENTUCKY 1 '3' This is to certify that mu ynq . 3t; , has completed the reg driving and passed a direction of the Burea ular course of instruction in safe satisfactory examination under the u of Education, Division _of Police. Grade 92 ‘ , ’1 Captairjf-of Police Education. Date . Instructor of School. 194‘s DAILY BIBLE READINGS DAILY BIBLE READINGS I948 DAILY BIBLE READINGS . . , .. - I Dally BIble- Reudlngs-I948 2rhis bookmark is offered as an aid lo lhose who wish lo make daily Bible reading a regular habil. Reading lhe seleclions from lhe Old Teslamenl will give knowledge of lhe hislory and leaching of lhe whole Bible. The reader may wish however, lo add ‘lo lhe Old Teslamenl narralive passages a devolional reading from lhe New Tesla- menl or Psalms. The key lo lhe underslanding of lhe rel- arences lies in lhe punclualion. Mallhew l;2 means lhe firsl and second chaplers of JULY (Conlinued) SEPTEMBER (Conlinued) NOVEMBER (Conlinued) Book Chapler Book Chapler 1 Book , Chapler ,...Psalms 68 - I I .I...5:l-6:5 5 ..... Proverbs Psalms 69 ,. ' 6:6-7:4 y .. ...... Proverbs Psalms ..A...I..70; 7l I ' . : - 8 Proverbs Psalms 72 P AUGUST IIEcclesiasles .IProverbs I Ecclesiasles .I...I.Proverbs Book Chapler Ecclesiasles . ' .. ....... Proverbs .Ecclesiasles _. . 3 ..I....Proverbs Mallhew. John l3:l-|4:24 means all verses Ecclesiasles , .- . ‘ Joshua included belween lhe firsl verse of lhe l3lh I..Ecclesiasles _ ‘ .,.,.IExodus : chapler and lhe Z4lh verse of lhe |4lh Ecclesiasles _ 5 ,James - chapler. ..Ecclesiasles ' 1 .Galalians To gel lhe mosl oul of your Bible reading, Deuleronomy ..Ecclesiasles I .Revelalions read (I) prayerfully and slowly. (2) alerlly . Deuleronomy V | Corinlhians and lhouthlully. (3) search for a personal Deuleronomy ,. .Psalms .- message. (4) respond inwardly lo God's ., Deuleronomy OCTOBER Psalms message. (5) repeal aloud lhe verses which ...Deuleronomy : : _ John slrike fire, if possible memorizing a key I.Deuleronomy . : : B°°k verse each day, (6) make il a daily habil ,. Deuleronomy. lo keep a definile lime for reading. ,Deuleronomy- Deuleronomy .. Deuleronomy . Deuleronomy . ,Deuleronomy I Deuleronomy ” ,.Deuleronomy l8- I 19. lo I DECEMBER Deuleronomy I9- II 20: 20 Ilia“? ’. I ' '_ ' : Book ,Deuleronomy Sunday | John ,Deuleronomy .. ............... I J h ______ .. Deuleronomy o n ...... Deuleronomy : .Deuleronomy . Deuleronomy z .. Deuleronomy : , Thanksgiving ..... Psalms l Peler .. ,4 ; Psalms I Peler __ ,_ I . Psalms .l Peler .I . Psalms .l Peler , ' Ephesians ,_ l Pefer _ ' . Philippians ll Peler ”ll Peler .. THE AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY ..... John is lhe sole American nalional and Deuleronomy __24 I -25 ID i ft" : Revelalion inlernalional socielyorganized for lhe ---~--Deuler°n°mv- 715- 'I- 26- '9 ”III lolanohn simple four-fold mIssIonary purpose Deu+eronomy .- 27 " ., Jude : of encouraging wider circulalion of B::i::::::; 285321.23; Revelalion V, - .. _ lhe Holy Scriplures lhrough lransla- .DeuleronomyI ..... 30:l-3I:I3 gawk?” . - lion. publicalion. dislribul’ion. and RSIIIZIIZII slimulalion of Bible use. This Is done wil'houl nole or commenl and wilhoul .,IDeuleronomy .- 3 I :l4-32:l4 ....Revelalion I Deuleronomy..32:l5-33:I2 ...... Deuferonomy...33=|3-34=12 __ Revelafion V_ I; ;I purpose of profil. ll is one of lhe - Revelalion --9' j .- oldesl ecumenical bodies in exislence. SEPTEMBER Revelam" ‘ » wilh approximalely 50 Pro’reslanl de- ,, Revelalion . . . Book Revelafion nommallons now represenled on Ils Revelalion _. ‘* : - : advisory council. Revelalion ,..,Revelalion Revelalion Ravelalion _ ...,Revela+ion .,Arnos Amos IAmos —————-—O.—o——-—- This leaflel is available free of charge in quanlilies up lo 50 copies. For 50 or more copies a modesl charge of 25¢ per lif’ry is . " _ asked lo assisl in meeling lhe cosls. Con- NOVEMBER " : I : lribulions in any amounl loward lhe work Ibhrislmas Ink-Y Malll'lew i ' i of fhe Sociely are welcome. Please send your gills and address your correspondence ..l Corinlhians . +0: Isaiah ll Timolhy aban— —:-b'§|:—~ooo\1:o~m Is. l9-I9I -29 Psalms Habakkuk ................ Psalms .............. 3 Leaflet U-139 American Bible Society (Dept. U) 450 Park Avenue New York 22. New York I948 DAILY BIBLE READINGS I948 DAILY BIBLE READINGS I948 DAILY BIBLE READINGS I948 DAILY BIBLE READINGS JANUARY FEBRUARY (Confinued) APRIL (Coniinued) JUNE (Confinued) Book Chap‘Ier Book Chapfer Book Book Chapfer ..I “7333-48 ......Jeremiah ..44:|5-46:28 AcIs .. Kings .. .. Jeremiah 47: 48 Ads Kings ., , Jeremiah 49: 50 Ads Kings .. .. .. ......Jeremiah 5| ; 52 Acfs Ki"95 2 29 Sunday Luke ............ : - Ac’rs Kings .. Kings .. : : ........................ 22:I-23:24 Kings : MARCH . , . 23:25-24:27 Kings : , . .... .. .25 Kings - 1 Book .. . .. . .. Kings ..: 27 .. ' . .I0: IB- II: I4 Kings ,. . ,. : .. .. 2 .28 ' .. . I I: I5- 35 Kings .. : : .. I ' ' ‘ , . ' ,I5. 36 'I:2 I3 Kings __ _ " ' Kings I2:4-I8 I3:|4-22 _ PhiIippians ..... Kings ,. : : _ . Philippians ..... Kings .. : : ..Ezra . Kings .. ., Kings Kings . Kings . . . . : Kings ..I8: 26- I9: I3 ,. . .IO: 25- II .36 Kings . _ I9: 14- 37 _ . .II :-37 I2 :40 Kings ,, ' .. ..I2:4I-I3:35 Kings .. .. ..I4:I-I5:I0 Kings .. .I5:I I-I6:3I Kings . ,, : . ._ ...I7:I-I8:I7 Kings z : . . .I8:I8-|9:27 Kings .. Kinqs . Proverbs FEBRUARY 221I-46 2 :47--23: I 2 .. . ... Good Frida ..... . Colossians y "kl-bi??? Independ. Day .CoIossians. ' - IThessannians m..I Thessalonians ...I Thessalonians ...I Thessalonians I Thessalonians ...II Thessalonians . ...II Thessalonians .... ...PhiIemon Ea sfer.. DeuI’eronomy' ESIher ...Jeremiah . ...Jeremiah ., .. 3.3 34 . JUNE -- ,_ Jeremiah . 3.5 I- 36: 26 , .. 52: 53; 54 .36: 27-38: I3 Book Chapl’er 5: 56: 57 38:I4—39:I8 .. ............. I3:I-43 .40:|-42:6 Z I3:44-I4:28 Daniel I .. ...42:7~44:I4 , |5 Daniel 2: I-23 Psalms .............. 65; 66: 67 DAILY BIBLE READINGS 0 I9S| S E PT E M B E R Day Book Chapfer I .............. Ma++hew Sunday ...... Psalms .............. Proverbs .............. I Samuel .............. | Samuel : .............. I Samuel .............. I Samuel I Samuel .............. Galal’ians .............. Gala’rians .............. Galafians Sunday ...... Gala+ians .............. I Samuel .............. I Samuel .............. I Samuel .............. I Samuel .....20:24-42 .............. Esiher ..............4 .............. Romans ..........l3 Sunday ...... Romans .‘ .......... I4 0 CTO B E R Book Chapfer ............... Psalms .............. Psalms .............. Psalms .............. Psalms ... ........... Psalms .............. Psalms Sunday ...... Malachi .............. Philemon .............. II John .............. III John .............. Psalms .....,.....I3O .............. Psalms ...........I36 Sunday ...... Psalms ........... I42 .............. Revelaiion .............. Revela+ion .............. Revelafion .............. Revelalion .............. Revela+ion .............. Revelaiion Sunday ...... Revela+ion .............. Revela+ion .............. Revela’rion .............. Philippians .............. Philippians .............. Philippians . . . . .3:7-2I .............. Hebrews . . . . . I0:23—39 Sunday ...... Hebrews ...... II:l-I6 .............. Judges ............I4 .............. Judges ..........l5 .............. Judges .I6:I-I4 DAILY BIBLE READINGS 0 I95] NOVEMBER Day Book Chap'ler .............. Psalms ...........90 .............. Psalms ............. Psalms Sunday ...... Psalms .............. Psalms .............. Psalms .. . . . | I9189-IO4 .............. Psalms .9........2 .............. Psalms ...........|22 .............. Psalms ...........I2[) Sunday ...... Luke .......... I7:l-I9 .............. Luke ,..|7:20-37 .............. Psalms ..........,|O7 .............. Psalms ...........II8 Thanksgiving .. Psalms . . . ........ I l6 .............. Psalms .............. Psalms Sunday ...... Psalms .............. Psalms .............. Deu+eronomy .............. Joshua ...........l .............. Isaiah ............55 .............. Micah .........6:I-|5 D EC E M B E R Book Chapl'er .............. Mal’l’hew .........25 Adven+ Sunday.John .......... I:I-I7 Universal Bible Sunday .Psalms I I I2 I3 Ephesians .......... 4- M II Timo+hy .......... 2 I5 Revelaiion ......... 22 I6 Romans ........... |2 I7 I Corin+hians I8 I Corin+hians I9 I Corin+hians .|5:35-58 20 .............. Gala+ians .......... 6 2| Philippians ..... 4:|-I3 22 .............. James ............. | 23 24 Mai'lhew 25 . . . . Ma‘l’l’hew 26 27 28 29 30 3I > l—ifiseaxgi., cam...‘$zzd‘: ; .fw .. THE MBLE——A UGHT AND GMDE The American Bible Socie+y has as ‘i+s singlel simple purpose +0 encour- age +he wider circula+ion of +he Holy Scrip+ures wi+hou+ no+e or c0mmen+ and wi+hou+ purpose of profit +0 every man on ear+h in wha’rever lan- guage he may require. H is a volun- +ary organiza+ionI ins+i+u+ed in I8I6, suppor+ed by many individuals and denomina’rions. The Socie+y's program is fourfold: +ransla+ion, publica+ionI dis’rribu’rion and s+imula+ion of use, of +he Bible. H is +he sole American na+ional and in+erna+ional organizafion for Ihis pur- pose. and is one of +he oldes+ mis- sionary socie+ies and na+ional Church bodies in +he Uni+ed S+a+es and abroad. Approxima+ely 50 Pro+es+an+ de- nominafions are now represen+ed on i+s Advisory Council. Thus ii is no+ only one of +he oldes+ bu+ one of +he mos+ +ruly ecumenical bodies in exis+- ence. I+s work in I'he Uni+ed S+a+es and abroad serves hundreds of mis- sionary socie+ies and na+ional Church bodies. WE Copies of +his and olher Ieafle+s (or a ca+alog of Ieafle+sl may be secured on re- quest This Ieafle+ is available free of charge in quan+i+ies up +0 50 copies. For 50 or more copies a modes+ charge of 25¢ per 50 is asked +0 assis+ in mee+ing +he cos‘I‘s. Con- +ribu+ions in any amoun+ +oward +he work 0+ +he Sociely are welcome. Please address your correspondence +0 AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY (Dept. U) 450 Park Avenue New York 22l New York DAILY BIBLE READINGS 1951 This bookmark is offered as a prac- +ical plan for +hose who wish +0 make daily Bible reading a regular habit H is in+ended +ha+ +his Iis+ will be of service +o all who desire grea+er +amiliari+y wi+h Bible +eaching and s+ory. Grea+er fondness for +he Bible as well as gréa+er +amiliari+y wi+h i+s con+en+s is +he aim. Devo+ional read- ings and narra+ive passages provide +he reader wi+h some of +he mos+ beloved and prominenl' Bible mes- sages +o add +o his presen+ knowl- edge. A daily, sys+ema+ic plan of Bible , '47- reading will help mos+ people +0 find in +he Wri++en Word guidance for +heir lives. "To follow Jesus, I read +he Bible." To make +he Bible your "Iigh+ and guide" and +0 ge+ +he mos+ ou+ of your Bible reading. read: |. Carefully and wi+h prayer. 2. Slowly. wi+h mind aler+. 3. Expecfam‘ly and wilh an+icipa+ion. 4. In a spiril' of enioyment ~ 5. Seeking a personal message. 6. Eager +0 respond inwardly. 7. Repeafing aloud verses which s+rike fire. 8. Keeping a defini’re +ime each day for reading. 9. Copying ou+ a key verse each day +0 carry wi+h you. AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY (Depth) 450 Park Avenue New York 22. New York DAILY BIBLE READINGS 0 |95l DAILY BIBLE READINGS 0 l95| DAILY BIBLE READINGS 0 |95l DAILY BIBLE READINGS 0 I95I JANUARY MARCH MAY JULY Book Chapfer Day 300k Chap‘Ier Chapter Day Book Chapter .............. Genesis I ..............Luke -----~~~-~I31I'I7 I Sunday ......PsaIms ...........65 .............. Genesis 2 .---~~-~------I—UI