xt7s7h1dk72c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7s7h1dk72c/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19290117 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1929-01-jan17-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1929-01-jan17-ec. 1929 2011 true xt7s7h1dk72c section xt7s7h1dk72c Minutes of -he Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky for Thursday, January 17, 1929. The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in regular monthly session in the President's office at the University on Thursday, Jan- uary 17, 1929 at 11:30 a. m. The following members were present: Mr. Joe B. Andrews, Senator H. Id. Froman, Mr. James Park. Meeting with the committee were Mr. Louis Hillenmeyer, of the Beard of Trustees, President Frank L. McVey, of the University, Mr. Warner, of the firm of Warner and McCormack, Architects, and Mr. M. J. Crutcher, Superintendent of Build- ings and Grounds. Senator H. M. Froman was elected chairman of the meeting in the absence of the regular chairman, Judge R. C. Stoll. 1. Bids on Education Building. Bids for the construc- tion of an education building were opened in she presence of t-he members of the commyittee and a number of contractors who had appeared to present their bids. The following list of bidders presented bids in the amounts indicated. W. T. Shirmer and Co., Cleveland, 0...... English Brothers, Champaign, Ill........ Hodges Construction Co., Cincinnati, O... W. T. Congleton Co., Lexington, Ky....... L. W. Hancock, Louisville, Ky...... Struck Construction Co., Louisville, Ky.. Mason-Hanger Oo.*, Louisville, Ky ......... E. S. Holliday Co., Nashville, Tenn...... T. J. Jackson Lumber Co., Lexin. I-on, Ky.. J. L. Kraus, Greensboro, N. C............ J. F. Hardyinan Co., Maysville, Ky. The Leheigh Construction Co., Nevmort, Ky George Hos'i-ins Lunber Co., Lexington, Ky. Bids on Linoleun Floors 1. Otis-Hidden Co., Louisville, Xyr ......... 2; C. F. Brower & Co., Lexington, Ky..... 3. R. B. Hayes, Lexington, Ky ............... $324,630.00 336,998.00 307,348.00 289,897.00 307,000.00 313;261.00 339,750.00 321,321.00 283,000.00 325,427.00 271,500.00 331,262.00 285,797.00 13,204.30 16,380.30 12,600.16 1. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 2. 2. Awarding of General Contract. The bids were tab- ulated an3 add7 :tions and deductions made for various alternates enumerated in the specifications. A notion was .made, seconded, and carried unaninously that the aeneral contract be awarded to J. F. Hardyman Coomany, Maysville, Kentucky,at a contract price of $271,500.00 subject to additions and deductions on alternates specified in the bid. 3. Contract Linoleum Floors. A motion was -made, second- ed, and carried that the contract for linoleum floors be award- ed to R. B. Hayes, Lexington, Kentucky,7.-t a price of $12.5,00.00. 4. Bond of General Contractor. Mir. J. F. Hardyman pre- sented to the Board a request that he be allowed to deposit 425,000.00 in liber-U-r bonds in lieu of the execution of a bond. motion was -.iade, secornded and carried that the proposal be accepted. 5. The minutes of the Executive Co-mmittee of the Board of Trustees for the pr-evious neeting and the ninu',es of the Board of Trustees for the month of Decen:iber were aplnroved as pub3 - lished. 6. Exchan e Land on Graham Avenue. A reouesLi from "Vr. Averitt on Wa.shing.ton Avenue was presen-uted askinc- thae UniveT- sity to exchanre '-ithlh him a few fee- of lance on .-e back of his lot and on the back of the Universi~t-y lot in order to square the two lo ts. A motion was made, seconded, and car- ried that the President be authorized to convey title tio the land in question. 7. Business Agent's Report. A report of the Business Agent for the month of December was Dresented and ordered in- corporated in the minutes. The report was as follows: Dr. Frank L. MecVeyr January 15, 1929 University of KXntJucky Lexington, Kentucky Dear Dr. MoVey: I a.- submittiing financial report for -O .onth of Decera- ber l92J8. Co rnlh''-.-- wth your request I az-i subrlittin.. esti- mu -ed st--ote nt of receipts and e~ljpendlitures for year endiing June 30, 1928. Throur.-h '-.- E,. 5divards, Assistaznt S3ate Treas2rer, I secuLUd. information as to amlount credited to Uni- versily of Kentucky on the books of the Stat-e Audit-or as its portion of inheritance tax. A stater:ment of 3. this is submitted. When the Committee considers purchase and transfer of property, will you please take up the request of Mr. S. D. Averitt of the Experiment Station which I an submitting herewith. I am submitting a letter that I received from Klair and Scott relative to insurance on McVey Hall and Memorial Building. Mr. Scott has informed me that he has discussed the question wiih. twie Actuarial Bureau, a-nd. thaw M cVey Hall can no longer be car- -ried as a bus cier s risk. tLe suggests 'hat the amount of insurance desired be determined at meet- ing of Executive Committee and binders be placed pending the fixing of rates by Actuarial Bureau. I think the amount of insurance to be carried on Memorial Hall should be fixed at the 'ame tine, so that it may be placed as soon as that building is released from builder's risk. The loss on gymnasium building has been fixed at 4,340.80. In addition to that we are collecting 37.50 due to a small fire last fall, making the total $4, 378.30. All the claim -rlapers have been signed and we are awaiting checks from companies. In this connection it may be well to call atten- tion to the fact that we are carrying only $50,000. 00 insurance on the gymnasium building. That insurance is not carried under coinsurance clause. At the time the insurance was placed it was thought that no loss on that building would exceed the above amount, but now Mr. Crutcher is of the opinion that total loss may result. I think the Executive Committee should rule on the amount of insurance to be carried on the building. Respectfully submitted, D. H. Peak Business Agent DHP-E Encls. 4. University of Kentucky Condition of General Fund as at June 30, 1929 -- Estimated Incorzme Received to December 31, 1928 Estimated Jan. 1, 1928, to June State Tax Special Agricultural Appropl- Vocational Educt ion Board Interest on Liberty Bonds Interest on Endo7rnment Bonds Student Fees University Extention Fees Rent Ments Dormitory I.iscellaneous 30, 1929 462,000.00 10,109.84 25,000.00 850.00 4, 322.25 57,000.00 12,000.00 1,200.00 4,000 .00 5,000.00 644,997.59 581,482.09 1,226,479. 68 Expenditures To December 31, 1928 Less amount paid on McVey Hall Estimated Jan. 1, 1928, to June 30, 1s929, Salaries Expense Surplus for 1928-1929 Surplus as at June 30, 1928 Balance due on McVey Hall, June 30, l1 (Estimated cost $300,000.00Y Estimated Surplus at at June 30, 1929 639,818.77 109,763.92 530,054.85 403,000.00 145,000.00 928 1,078.054.85 148,42-24.83 199, 659,83 348,084.66 180,574.47 167, 51.0.19 EXHIBIT NB1u Statement of Incorme and Expenditures 11onth of December 1928 Previously Reported Current Fiscal Month Year To Date General Fund Income Fed. Appropriation State Appro.-New Ed. 42,750.00 Bldg. Spec. Agr. Appro. Stante Tax 351,437.18 Int. on Liberty Loan Bonds 850.00 Int. on Endo7,.-ment Bonds 4,322.25 Student Fees 58,222.36 Student Fees - Sum. Sch. 3,349.20 Stu, Fees - U.-.. Stu. Fees - U. Ext. Misc. Receipts General Educpition Bd..- New Educ. Bldg. Rentals Sum. Sch. - St. Appro. Ments Dormitory Total 1,918. 75 11,059. 36 3,260.13 1,652.40 1,110.00 3,957. 80 512,889.43 I ) - 1,652.40 19, 890.16 86,625.98 21.1.01 51. 70 -31 n 25 2,07 3. 33 11,342.68 135.00 10 000. 00 74.65 132,108.16 42 ,750. 00 1,652 40 19 , 890. 16 438,063.16 850. 00 4,322. 25 58,433.37 32,400.90 1,940.00 13,132.69 14,602.81 1,662.40 1;275.00 10,000.00 * 4032.45 644 . 997. 59 Expenditures Instruction Adm. Exp. and Maint. Add. and. Betterments Total Exoess of Income over Expenditures 292,147. 35 115,604 39 121,472. 98 529,224.72 (16,335. 29) 69,998.42 24,615.74 15,979. 89 110,594.05 21,514. 11 362,145.77 140 ,220.13 137 .452.87 639,818.77 5,178.82 Patterson Hall Income Boa:cd Misc, Receipts Room Rent-Sum. Sch. Total Txpenditures Expenso Add. and. Betterements Total 34 755. 35 128. 15 4,290. 75 39,174. 25 21,343.79 285.00 21,628. 79 195.40 34,950.75 128.15 4?290.75 195.40 39,369.65 6,870. 81 28, 214. 60 285.00 870.81 28p499.60 6. Excess of Income over Expend. Gene:13 Fund Incorme General Fund Expend. Excess of General Fund Incom.e over Expend. Excess of Expend. over ReceirDts for General Ledger Accounts 17,545.46 552,063, 68 550 85351 1,210.17 (11.487. 66) (6,675.41) 10,870.05 132,303.56 684, 367.24 117,464.86 668,318.37 14,838.70 16,048.87 (17.464.97) (28,952.63) Excess oa Cxpend. over Receiptts for the f is- cal year to date - Gen- eral Fund (10,277.49) Excess of Expend. over Receipts for the fiscal year to date - General Fund Cash in Ba.nk July 1, 1928 - General Fund Cash in Bank Decertber 31, 1928 - General Fund Trust Fund Incorne Student Loan Fund 1,217.86 Student Notes Paid 3 3,252.66 Total Receipts 4,470.52 (2,626.27) (12,0903.76) (12,903.76) 63,957.75 51,053.99 54.92 466.50 521.42 1 ,272.78 3 , 719.16 4,991.94 Expenditures Exi)ense Student Notes Total Excess of Receipts and Expenditures 241.50 2,222.80 2, 464.30 2,006.22 Excess of Rec. over Exp. for the fiscal year to date - Trust Fund Cash in Bank July 1, 1928- Trust Fund Cash in Bank Dec. 31, 1928- Truvst Fund Experiment Station income Hatch - Fed. Appro. Milk and Butter - Cash Receipts Beef Cattle Sales 7,500.00 6,929.87 4, 895.65 47.00 390.00 437.00 84.42 288.50 2 3612.80 2 2901.30 2 .090. 64 2,090.64 ?1295.60 3,386.24 7 ,500,00 8,230,93 5,998.91 1,301.06 1,103.26 . 7. Dairy Cattle Sales 601.83 Sheep Sales 183.52 Swine Sales 848.84 Poultry Sales 1,101.26 Farm Produce Sales 279.80 Horticultura.l Sales 1,686.10 Seed Test 15.00 Rentals 634.32 Miscellaneous 9,102.00 Fertilizer - Fees 5,885.00 Public Service Pufblic Service - Misc. Feeding Stuffs - Fees 24,811.56 Adams - Fed. Aporo. 7,500.00 Semrum - Sales 2,704.23 - Virus Sales 137.05 - Live Stock Sales 10.53 - Supply Sales 78.85 - M_ iiscellaneous 31.79 State Appropriation Creamery - License Fees 6,487.50 - Testers tic. 1,508.00 - Glassware Tested 581.66 - Miscel. 168.58 Robinson - St. Appro. W. Ky. - St. Appro. Purnell - Fed. Appro.- 25,000.00 St. A-pro.- Patterson Farm Purchase 20,000.00 Nursery Inspec. Fees 1,275.00 ,u State ATTro. 176.66 Creamn Grading 2,100.00 Cooperative Poultry 530.00 Total 132,764.60 1,' 2, 9, 4, 265.00 866.83 552.98 736.50 518.37 1,387.21 183.11 1,284.37 049.17 1,328.97 113.35 1,799.45 18.00 33.00 174.26 2s808.58 9,102.00 6,885,00 000.00 9,000.00 16.55 18.55 600.38 29,411.94 7,500.00 267.27 2,971.50 13.65 150.70 17.05 10.00 33,949.37 55.50 58.00 10.53 95.90 41.79 33,949.37 6,543.00 1,566.00 25.47 607.13 168.58 9,051.88 9,051.88 7,636.61 7,3530.61 25,000.00 20,000.00 20.00 1,295.00 1,203. 65 300.00 73,503.94 1,380.31 2,400.00 530.00 206,268.54 Experirment Station Expenditures Expense 159,635.00 Add. and Better. 2,573.27 Total 162,208.27 Excess of Incorme over Expenditures 32,806.02 3,694. 35 36,500. 37 192,441.02 6,267.82 198,708.64 (29,443.67 3 5 37 3003. 57 7,559,90 Excess of Incorme over Expenditures for the fiscal year to date - Experiment St,--tion Cash in Bank July 1, 1928 - Exp. Sta. Cash in Bank Dec. 31, 1928 - Exp. Sta. Extension Division Incomae Federal Smith-Lever Federal Supplern enta ry Federal Capper-Ketchur. County and Othar Total Expenditures Expense Expense of Exp. over Incoi-ne 76,120.65 27, 321.28 10,000.00 1,331.40 114,773.33 149,434.37 76,120. 65 27,7321.28 10,000.00 920.45 2,251.85 920.45 115,693.78 31,907.12 180,441.79 (30,081.67, (34,748.01) Excess of Exp. over In- come for thc fiscal year to date - Ext. Div. Cash in Bank July 1, 1928 - Ex,. Div. Cash in Bank Dec. 31, 1928 - Ext. Div. (64,748.01) 41.48 (64,706.53) Surimary Gene-r.l Fund Inco-me Trust Fund Incone Exp. Sta-. Incowe Ext. Div. Income Total Gcn. Fund Exoend. Trust Fund Expend. Exp. Sta. Expand. Ext. Div. Expend. Total 552,063.68 1,217.86 132, 734.60 114,773, 33 800,819.47 550,853.51 241.50 132,208.27 149 434. G7 832.737.95 132,303.56 384,9367.24 54.92 1,272.78 73,503.94 203,258.54 902.45 115,393.78 20S,782.P7 1,007, 62. 34_ 117,464.86 638,318.37 47.00 288.50 36,500.37 198,708.64 31,007.12 180, 41. 79 185,019.35 1,047,737. 30 Excess of Zxpend. over Inc oinle Excess of Expend. over Rec. for G-eneral Ledger Accounts-, (31 ,918.48) (11,487.36) 21,763,52 (4 0 , 154-. 96) (17 ,464- .97) (28,952.63) Student Loan Fund - Notes Excess of Exoonditures oure ReC. for iscta-i. year to date - Co0foined Fund (72,373.28) 4,375.05 ( 38.001.23) 8. 7,559.90 31. 399. 82 38,959.72 1.029. 86 76. 5 1, 106. 36 9. Excess of Exronditures over Rec. for thre fis- cal yevr to date - Com- bined Fund Ca.sh in Bank and on hand July 1, 1928 - Con-lsbined Fund Cash in Bank Pnd on hand Decermber 31, 1928 - Coo.mbined Fund 98,e 94.as 30,393.42 Abstract of itc shown on State-ment of Incoime and EX- -eonditurcs as "Excess of Expenditures over Receipts for Gener-i1 Ledger Accounts 128,952.63. u Deb it Accounts Receivable Insurance Paid in Advance Sundry Accounts Notes Paynble Credit 22,848.30 4,331. 25 21, 467.68 26 .000. 00 51,798.93 22,8486 30 22,846.30 28,952, 53 10. 8. Insurance on McVey Hall. The matter of insurance on jonVey Hall was pFesented and a motion was made, seconded, &.nd carried authorizing the Business Agent to make arrange- rients for temporary insurance on the building until such a time as permanent insurance can be arranged. 9. The General Situation on Insurance. A motion was made, seconded and carried requesting the Business Agent to give the committee a detailed report on all insurance now in force on University buildings with a statement as to the amount and kind of insurance and the names of the companies carrying such insurance. 10. Purchase of Organ. President 11cVey reported to the conmittee that the special committee had nade an extended in- vestigation regarding organs and that the best information that they could obtain is to the effect that the most satis- factory organ built is made by the Skinner Organ Company, Boston, 1!assachusetts. He indicated that he had a bid from the Skinner Company on an organ for the University at approx- imately $14,470.00. A motion was made, seconded, and car- ried authorizing the President to purchase a Skinner organ at approximately that figure. 11. Group Insurance. President McVey stated to the Board that in the December meeting of the Board of Trustees group insurance had been authorized by the University and that the Inter-Southern Life Insurance Company had requested that the President act for the University and sign an application for such group insurance. A motion was made, seconded, and carried authorizing the President to sign such an application. 12. Constr ction of Dairy Building. President MoVey reported to the Committee that plans and specifications had been received for the erection of a dairy and office building. A motion was made, seconded, and carried approving the plans and specifications and authorizing the President to advertise for bids to be opened on February 7, 1929. 13. Change in Material in Dormitories. President Mc- Vey stated to the Board that the architects had recommended a change in mlaterial for exterior decorations from stone to wood in one of the dormitory buildings in order to secure better exterior appearance. A motion was made, seconded, and carried authorizing the change. 14. Printing Matters. President McVey reported to the committee that the printing situation is now very difficult owing to the congestion of printing in the State Printing Office. A motion was made, seconded, and carried, authoriz- ing the President to have printing done elsewhere where fed- eral funds can be used legally for such printing. 11. 15 Seats for Men's Gymnasium. A bill for $2,398.72 for seats for men's gymnasium was presented and the committee agreed that the University would pay $1,200.00 on the amount, the balance to be taken out ofi.thc Athletic Council. 16. Appointments Resignations, and Leaves of Absence. The following list o aopointnents, resignations, changes in salary, and leaves of absence was presented by President McVey and on motion duly secon-ded approved. Appointment of Mr. L. MA. Chamberlain as Assistant in the Bureau of School Service for the remainder of this se-mes- ter at a salary of $300.00 a month. Appointmnent of M.r. Maurice Seay as Assistant in the Bureau of School Service for 1929-1930 at a salary of $1,000.00 a year. Appointment of George Tilhian as full time instructor in English for the second semester at a salary of $800.00. Appointment of D. W. Harp as instructor in Mathematics at a salary of $200.00 for the montis of December and January. Appointment of Florence Alberta Imlay as Field Agent in Home Economics at a salary of $3,000.00 a year effective January 1, 1929. Appointment of Miss Statie Erickson as Head of the De- partment of Hone Economics effective February 1, 1929 was approved at a salary of $3,600.00. Appointment of Mrs. Pearle Ruby Bullard as Assistant Professor in Home Economics at a salary of $1,400.00 for the remainder of the year. Resignations The resignation of Miss Mariel Hopkins as Head of the Home Economics Department effective JIanuary 31, 1929 was accepted. Leaves of Absence Leave of absence without pay for Miss Margaret I. King during the second semester of this year was granted. Leave of absence of Miss Olara White of the College of Law for one month with pay and two months without pay to be granted during the coming summer was authorized. Leave of absence on one-half pay for Professor E. L. Rees for the year 1929-1930 was granted. 12, An increase in the salary of iMrs. Hazel Kirkpatrick stenographer in the Extension Department, from $85.00 to b9Q.0O a month was granted, effective January 1, 1929. 17. Continuation of Employment. The continuation of employment of the following list of County Agents and Home Demonstration Agents was approved: J. H. Atkerson, Allen County Ruby Barlow, Christian County C. C. Bondurant, Owen County Stewart Braybant, Logan County John C. Brown, Warren County Carl B. Day, Casey County Florence Cobb, Graves County J. It. Dyer, Henderson County H. R. Tarkner, Boone County Miss Zilpha Foster, McCracken County C. E. Gabbard, Estill County Hazel Graves, Boyd County R. H. Lickert, Fleming County R. B. McClure, Garrard County H. P. Nichols, Ohio County H. D. Rice, Henry County H. W. Whittenburg, Simpson County G. A. Wicklund, Kention County R. W. Woodfin, Wolfe County Respectfully submitted, Wellington Patrick Secretary