xt7s7h1dns9b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7s7h1dns9b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2005-08-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 26, 2005 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 26, 2005 2005 2005-08-26 2020 true xt7s7h1dns9b section xt7s7h1dns9b Friday, August 26, 2005

Sweet! Stars of “Napoleon Dynamite' set for OSA l

at Singletary Center. PAGE 3

Women's soccer faces Michigan State in its

home opener tonight. PAGE 5


Celebrating 34 years of independence


Lawsuit names more UK officials

By Chris Johnson
m: xturucxv KENNEL

UK maintained its previous
stance yesterday in response to
Wednesday‘ 3 development in the
lawsuit and deposition brought by
former football recruiting coordina-
tor Claude Bassett

“After reviewing the July 5, 2005
deposition of Claude Bassett. the
UK Athletic Association is entitled
to have the remaining claim in this
lawsuit dismissed,“ the statement
said. Attorneys for the athletics de-

partment filed a motion for summa-
ry judgment yesterday.

Former UK President Charles
Wethington. former athletic direc-
tor Larry Ivy and former head foot-
ball coach Hal Mumme are among
several upper—echelon athletics and
administration officials named in
affidavits filed Wednesday in con-
nection with the recruiting scandal
that led to sanctions against the
football program in 2000.

In one affidavit. former offen-
sive coordinator Tony Franklin.
who worked under Mumme. stated

recruiting violations occurred be-
fore and after UK hired former re-
cruiting coordinator Claude Bas-
sett. who was fired after the 2000
season, when UK went 2-9.

After Bassett‘s dismissal, a se-
ries of newspaper articles led to an
internal investigation by UK into
the football program's recruiting
methods and its administration of
summer camps. That investigation
led to the football program‘s one-
year bowl ban and the loss of 19
scholarships over a three—year peri-

Bassett filed suit Sept. 17. 2004.
claiming his dismissal and the sub-
sequent NCAA investigation that
resulted in his eight-year ban on
collegiate coaching were unfair.
Bassett asked for $50 million in
punitive and compensatory dam-

The UK athletics department

does not believe that further depo-
sitions or other discovery are nec-
essary.' or would change the out-
come,‘ "UK 5 statement said. ‘The
university is not going to publicly
discuss the specifics of this case or

any issues surrounding the case as
it is still a matter before the court."

Franklin's affidavit also stated
Bassett was not the only official at
UK who committed recruiting vio-

The affidavit claims “Violations
went on with the implied consent of
UK administrators...and. to some
extent. with their participation,"
referring to Wethington. lvy, former
athletic director C.M. Newton and
Sandy Bell. current assistant athlet.

See Lawsuit on page 3


Gas prices


By Whitney Waters
111: KENTUCKY mun

As gas prices continue to
rise. UK officials say they can‘t
make changes to help com-

Director of University Park
ing and Transportation Don
Thornton has an alternative
suggestion for commuters.

“I would like to see students
use mass transit." Thornton
said. “Students can save on fuel.
wear and tear on their vehicles
and maintenance by using Lex-
tran and CATS buses.“

But some students that live
off campus do not have that op-
tion; people such as Kelly
Davidson and Pam Bischoff.

Davidson. an agricultural
economics sophomore. com-
mutes approximately 26 miles
everyday to campus from
Stamping Ground, Ky.. and has
seen her gas budget rise from
$20 to $30 per week.

This week gas prices
reached a peak of $2.71 a gallon
in Lexington. The lowest cost
for gas was $2.41 a gallon.

Bischoff. administrative
support associate with the pres-
ident‘s commission. lives in
Mercer County and commutes
about 45 miles one-way to cam-
pus everyday. Because of costs.
she has made the decision in
the past few weeks to purchase
a more fuel~efficient vehicle.
since filling up her SUV has tak-
en its toll.

“Putting $40 (of gas) in the
tank two times a week is amaz-

See Commuters on page 3




Tyler Bolin. a pre-dentistiy fresh-

man, paddled back and forth with op-

ponent Chn‘s Bat x a biology fresh-

man. at a table tennis tounrament in

the Cat's Den last night.

“No one beat me in my dorm.” said
Bates. who lives in Blanding III.
Bates said he came for the free piz-

7a and the “untouchable” competition.

Students can participate in special
events every 'Ihursday night at r in

the ( ats Den. Next week there “all
be an eight-ball toumament. Events

Dean urges better judgement

Says alcohol education works,
if students exercise self-control

8y Megan Boehnke
m: xrurucxv mm

Dean of Students Victor
Hazard said yesterday that he
believes the universityUK is do
ing a good job in educating stu-
dents about the dangers of alco-
hol, but the burden is still on
students to use sound judg-

His com-
ments follow
the death of
s o p h o m o r e
Thomas Byers
Ill earlier this
week. Byers. 19.
was hit by a
train near the
Virginia Av-
enue overpass
after fleeing UK
police at a Conn

Terrace party. Officers ap
proached Byers and his ac-
quaintance after observing

them holding alcoholic bever-
ages and appearing to be under-

Though he thinks that it is
within UK‘s role to educate stu-
dents on alcohol consumption.
Hazard said that it is up to indi-
vidual students to apply that
education to each situation.

”It’s not going to make a dif-
ference if we as individuals
don't take the information to
heart and make changes be-
cause of it." he said.

Though Hazard said he em-
phasizes students taking per-
sonal responsibility to students.
the university recently revised
its student code of conduct to
further hold students account-
able for incidents involving al-

“At some point. we all make

. a sober decision that I'm going

to drink or I‘m not going to
drink.“ Hazard said. “What we

UK Dean of Students Victor Hazard spoke about students and alcohol following
the death of sophomore Thomas Byers III earlier this week.

versity to administer conse-
quences for a student's behav-
ior off campus only when it

See Dean on page 4

do with that beverage from that
point forward will impact our
lives in profound ways."
Changes implemented over
the summer now allow the uni-


end around 10:30 pm.


Residents hope
for cool down
in older dorms

8y Jenisha Watts

Autumn Konovalski. a journalism fresh-
man and resident of Jewell Hall. struggles
through sleepless nights with four fans going
full blast in a tiny dorm room

She said she and her roommate get relief
from cooler temperatures in the evenings One
of their hall mates pours water over her head
as a resource to cool off.

Many students living in the dorms on the
north side of campus are fighting the heat
without air conditioning. With temperatures
reaching the upper 90s this week. students are
taking extreme measures to cool off

“I hate not having A(‘... 1 can't sleep at
night." Konovalski said.

The study room is the only room in Jewel
Hall with air conditioning. Konovalski said
She said students actually haie slept in the
study room.

“We promise them they'll never get cold."
said resident adviser Katie Kruer. a resident of
Jewell Hall. Kruer. an art studio junior. sug-

See Heat on page 3


 PAGEZ I Friday, Aug. 26. 2005

‘T g

Bassett f

(Trimmed (6555“ I

ic director for compliance.

Franklin's affidavit said Ivy told him
“he wanted to cover up these violations
and avoid scandal to the University by
firing Coach Bassett."

Franklin then gave information to
Ivy pertaining to this matter. believing
the information would be kept between
the two of them and would only be used
to “clean up UK football recruiting
without initiating an NCAA investiga-
tion." according to court documents.

In the second affidavit. Mumme said
Ivy was looking for a reason to tire Bas-
sett. and he said Ivy settled on what he

Commute _

(ERIE Brit page 1

ing." Bischoft‘ said. “I've done some
adding. and it‘s close to a student pay-
ing rent."

UK Parking has sold approximately
3.010 commuter passes this year. and
that number is expected to rise.

But even with rising gas prices. UK
parking cannot lower the price of com»
mutcr permits.


Continued from page i

gests that students should keep their
lights off to keep the rooms cooler

Ben Crutcber. assistant vice presi»
dent for auxiliary services. said resi-
dence life has provided fans in the hall-
ways of dorms without air condition-
ing. Crutcher wants to provide air con
ditioning for Jewell. Keeneland. Holmes
and Boyd halls.

Patterson Hall. located near
Keeneland and Holmes Hall on north
campus. received air conditioning in
2002. Crutcher is waiting for state ap
proval to fund the $400,000 investment
in air conditioning for North (‘ampus

considered inappropriate action taken
by Bassett with a check for a summer
camp run by Mumme.

Mumme's contract stipulated that
he collect payments for his summer
camps. which were held on UK facili-

Mumme believes Bassett used the
check. which he recalled to be written
for $500. for “legitimate camp-related ex-

His affidavit also says he “has no ob-
jection to Bassett‘s use of the money"

Mumme was the only other person
in the Nov. 18. 2000. meeting that result-
ed in Ivy telling Bassett to resign.

Recalling that meeting, held the day
after a 59-20 season-ending loss to Ten-
nessee. Mumme described Bassett's res-
ignation as "forced” and “based upon
dubious evidence."

Mumme also said he felt “blind-
sided by the accusations of cheating

“What many students fail to realize
is that any reduction in revenues would
reduce our services. and we don't want
to do that." Thornton said.

“We look for ways to improve. not
reduce... I would love to provide the
same service for half the price. but
there is just no way."

To cut back. drivers are finding
ways to conserve.

“When I drive to and from campus. I
don‘t use the air conditioning.“ David-
son said.

Bischoff has cut back on driving on
the weekends.

"Where I might make a trip to the
grocery. I do it here (in Lexington). be-


“We have to get the state to approve
the project.“ he said. “Our plans are to
air condition the whole buildings like
we did in Patterson in 2002.“

Willie Miller. a resident in Holmes
Hall and computer science sophomore.
said not having air conditioning affects
his study habits.

Journalism freshman Eli Whitlock.
a resident in Holmes Hall. said he only
got three hours of sleep last weekend
because of the heat.

"It was unbearable." he said. “I have
five fans in my room and leave the win-
dow open."

Resident adviser Charlie Canter in
Holmes Hall said the heat wasn’t as bad
as it was during last weekend’s move-in.
(‘anter said there were several com-
plaints at the beginning of the semester
about not having air conditioning. but
mostly during move-in.

and theft and was concerned that Ivy
seemed anxious to find some violation
by Bassett.“

According to Mumme’s affidavit. Ivy
also told Bassett that as a term of his
resignation. Bassett would not be inves-
tigated or prosecuted and that “any ac—
cusations of wrongdoing would end

But UK launched an investigation.
According to Mumme‘s statements,
Bell. the assistant athletic director for
compliance. told him “it would be in the
University's best interest if everything
was tied to Claude Bassett and that UK
would dump all the problems in Claude
Bassett's lap."

cjohnson ('aerkernel. com

cause where I live. it takes about a half
an hour to get to a decent grocery
store.” Bischoff said.

But these changes won’t stop them
from commuting in the future.

“Even though gas prices continue to
rise. I still made the right choice. it was
my choice. I will still commute. It's
worth it." Bischoff said.

“I won't stop commuting because I
don‘t have to pay rent... and at this
point it’s cheaper to live at home."
Davidson said.


“[There’s] not much air flow
throughout the building." he said.
Biology junior Jayslynn Oliver, a
resident in Blazer Hall living with air
conditioning. sympathizes with the
girls living without it , but not guys.

“I feel bad for the other girls." she
said. “The guys can deal with it."

Having air conditioning is a relief
for resident adviser Megan House. a res-
ident in Blazer Hall and political sci-
ence senior.

“I like coming in from a long day of
classes and not sitting in a pool of
sweat." she said.

Matthew Wood. a Keeneland resi-
dent and nursing junior. has his own
method for coping with the heat.

“I spend most of my time outside."
he said. “It’s actually cooler outside
than it is in my room."


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Douq Scott
Features Editor

Phone: 257-l9l5
E-mail: dscott®liykernelcom


Jon Heder (left) and Aaron Ruell star as brothers in last year's surprise hit "Napoleon Dynamite." Heder and
flue" will be on campus at 7 pm. Saturday at the Singletary Center.

By Doug Scott
mt xinrucxv KENNEL

“Your mom goes to col-
. Even if she doesn‘t. she
might be prompted to stop by
Campus Saturday night.
when the stars of last year’s
surprise hit, “Napoleon Dy-
namite." make an appear-
ance at the Singletary Center
for the Arts.
_ Jon Heder and Aaron Ru-
ell will spend an evening
With students this weekend,
showing bloopers from the
movie and taking questions
from the audience.
‘ “We were contacted by
Some reps and asked if we‘d
be interested in going around
to colleges. meeting the fans
and answering questions."
said Ruell, who plays Kip Dy-
namite. "It‘s great to be able
to meet so many different
fans of the movie. I knew the
film was big, but I don‘t think
I really understood how big it
was until going out on tour
to different parts of the coun-
try and being able to see the
effect the movie has had on
people. I’ve met fans from the
age of three to 78 — it‘s awe-

“Napoleon Dynamite"
has become somewhat of a
cult classic among young

people. The film. which has
become a multi-million dol-
lar success at the box office
and in DVD sales. has
prompted fans to wear “Vote
For Pedro" shirts and inte-
grate “sweet” and “gosh“
into their everyday lexicon.

“I never expected the
movie to become as big as it
has. I thought that we'd be
lucky if a handful of people
outside of our small group
would get to see it." Ruell
said. “Everyone involved
with the making of this film
was shocked that all of a sud~
den. lines from the movie
had become lines that people
would say to each other in
everyday life. None of us ex-
pected that."

The film‘s success has
also changed the lives and ca-
reers 0f the actors.

“It‘s allowed all of us to
do what we were doing be-
fore. which was making
small movies. but now we get
paid for it. It legitimatized all
of us after the film became
such a success." Ruell said.
“I'm directing my first fea-
ture that I also wrote this
spring called ‘Warm Blue
Day.” There are a couple of
movies that I’m acting in this
fall. I‘m also a photographer.
and I‘ve got three gallery
shows left to do this year.

And when I‘m not doing that.
I‘m directing commercials."
Despite the new opportu-
nities brought about by his
role in “Napoleon Dyna
mite,“ Ruell still finds him-
self surprised by how the

film has become a part of

popular culture.

“It‘s flattering to hear my
lines quoted by other peo-
ple." he said. “Just last week.
I was at a restaurant and a

table behind me was full of

twenty~somethings (who)
were quoting lines from the
movie. It’s weird.“

dscottm kykernelcom



What: An Evening With Jon
Heder and Aaron Ruell: The Stars
of ”Napoleon Dynamite"

When: 7 pm. Saturday
Where: Sinqletary Center

How much: Tickets cost $8 for
students, $11 for faculty and staff.
and $14 for the general public, and
may be purchased in Room 253 of
the Student Center.



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(From left to right)
Arvel Collins, an agri-
cultural education, com-
munication and leader-
ship senior, Caton Jones,
a business management
senior from Kentucky
State University. and
Maurice Sanders. an
integrated strategic com-
munications junior,
stroll at “Crunkness in
the Courtyard" Tuesday.
All are members of
Omega Psi Phi.
This annual event was
hosted by Alpha Phi
Alpha and Alpha Kappa
Alpha as part of
“Welcome Back Week.“

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 mu | Friday, Aug. 26. 2005


Continued from page 1

involves student organizations or when
it is deemed a legitimate university 1n-

terest. Hazard said.

Students generally receive a warn-
ing for a first offense. probation for the
second and a suspension for the third.

"We can‘t let up." Hazard said. “The
alcohol policy we have is a tough policy.
but I think it‘s a policy that positions
our institution well to achieve academic


Still. the amendments to the code do
not apply to students engaging in un-
derage drinking off campus when not
hosted by a student organization.

“If you‘re talking about 100 students
who are on their own coming together

pens. there is probably less of an inter-
est by the university."

"If those students are representa-
tives of students organizations. then
there would probably be an interest in
looking into that matter to see if there

are any violations of

Associate Dean of Students ’I‘ony
Blanton said there“ 3 little UK can do be-
yond continuing to provide education

and other activities

nothing you can do

and having a party and something hap-

UK supports educational programs
such as College Alcohol Use Student Ed-
ucators and the Genesis Project to help
curb student drinking. Hazard said. The
former is a peer education program
about the hazards of drinking. and the
Genesis Project is a similar venture.
supported by the campus Greek system.

Still. it‘s up to students to limit

Hazard said.

the code."

to curb underage

irresponsible drinking. he said.

“I think the jury is still out" about
the effectiveness of those programs.
Hazard said. There are new initiatives
that come up all the time. and wme.
Whether or not they are any good has to
do with (how) we as administrators. we
as students we as faculty members ac-
quire this knowledge and apply it to our

“No information is effective if we

choose not to apply it."

If students want to put themselves
in that situation. there is absolutely

to prevent it," he

Funeral today in Ohio

Byers' funeral service begins at 11
in Worthington. Ohio. near his
hometown of Dublin. Funeral services
are being held at St. Brigid of Kildare
Church. with the burial following the
service. Visitation hours were held yes-
terday from 2 pm. to 8 pm.

m boehnkelu kykernelcom


Classrfieds continued from page 7.

NEEDED P7 SALES Assoc. The Castle 2645 Richmond
Rd Please call to schedule interwew for Mr Stone. 268-
4959. .
NEEDED. AFTERNOON NANNY Good drivmg record. Pick
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NEW UPSCALE TANNING salons Spa needing tan7n7lng
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NOW HIRING DRIVERS. day— cook & daytime drivers
Great pay flex. Schedule Apply In person. 393 Waller
Ave. or call 259-1300.

NOW HIRING LIFE Guards. water fitness * swm instruc-
tors. All Shifts (5:30am-10pm) Please submit applica-
tions to Beaumont YMCA 859219-9622. Also Day shift
Lifeguards 15:30am-4pm) for North Iex. YMCA 859*
258- 9622.

NOW HIRING P717 Childcare staff7 4- 8pm. warden and
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NOW HIRING SERVERS all 77s7nli7is7. Please apply In person
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OFFICE CLEANING: W t F 58. 750/hr. 57pm T27a7m. MTR
525/5th 6: 30 8: 30am. Candidate must be reliable and
have good work ethic. Leave message at 983- I919

PEPPER HILL DAY SCHOOL is taking 7applicatl7oris7 for
WW employment 859277-6813 or send resume to
2104 Eastway Dr Lexington KY 40503.

PERSONAL CARE ASST needed—_ for7 guadnplegic M0571
have reliable transportation SIMS/hr. Call 258- 2404.

PROFESSIONAL MOM NEED7S7He1p' Are7 you an ediica-
tion/early childhood manr who needs a great Iob2 I
need someone reliable. energetic E nurturing to care
for 2 children (9’14) M-F 2:30-6pm. Must be willing to
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transportation required Please call 806- 9606.

PT ASSISTANT PHOTOGRAPHER needed for weddings.
digital photography exp. regUIred Send resume to The
Time Photographer 118 IrVIne Rd. Lexington KY 40502

PT AUDIO visuAL T7E7C7H7 Experience required. Must be
flex Email resume mlemhan'dvaecorp com

PT 7BA8YSITTER NEEDEOAfterhoons on Wed7 i Fri All
day Thurs Specific times can be negotiated Must be
21-over w/ prior exp. references and background check
required. N/S only If interested please call 269-1244
b/w 9-5pm.

PT CHILDCARE NEEDED References 9 experience
regurred. 859 509 6883.

PT COMPUTER TECH. 7M771is7t7 have basic skills. 7profici7e7nt7 In
networking website design and maintenance Email
resume to srwaldman aaol. com

P71 INSTRUCTORS 77& TUTORS who caii teach 7ES7L H775
Math TOEFL and SAT Verbal and busmess communica
tions to Japanese Teaching certificate not regmred. BA
or 85 required Send resume to Obunsha Bluegrass
Academy 2417 Regency Rd Silite F. Lexington KY
40503 Fax 859276-3120 Email KKUTOKI‘MOLCOITT

PT NANNY TO sit ‘or infant twins in our77ho7me $77/hr7 15
hrs/wk 232-6418

PT NANNY'CAREGIVER for 2 boys ages 7&2 M-F 2-6pm.
Begin Aug 2005 include pick-up from elem .
preschool homework, piano. ln-town car trips. child
care related duties Child care exp. good drivrng
record backgroundcheck references required Salary
commensurate w/ exp Call Immediately 333 4641

PT OFFICE WORK 715- 25 hrs. eves i weekends Excellent
pay heavy iifting required Customer servrce a com
puter exp useful. Apply In person at Lazy Boy Furniture
Galleries 11'! Hamburg Pal/Ilion

P71 PAINTER/HANDYMAN needed T07 rental property
company 859-2250238

PT POSITION AVAIL. at Room SerVIce (Home

Furnishingsl Must be energetic friendly 9 avail. on
weekends. Great lob for college students. Flei. weekly
hrs. to fit your schedule Ca11226 0423

PT SECRETARY WANTED 7f707r 7I7a7w 77of7fic7e 87107 7h7rs7/wk.
Please call 296-6690 weekdays.

PT W/ 7FLEX. HRS. needed to work on ho7r757e Tarm7 in
Lexington Weekends regiIred. Good working environ-
ment some horse exp. regilired. Call 859 293-6480

PT WORK OPPORTUNITY. Area‘s best country club needs
sewers for banquets grill, and dining room. We are
looking for people who want to provrde excellent ser-
Vice lor our members and guests. Competitive pay.
benefits and the opportunity to belong to a team of
dedicated profesSlonal service staff that offers out-
standing food and beverage semce and a chance to
grow as our business grows. If you can meet our needs
please come by and fill out an application at Spindletop
Hall, 3414 Iron Works Pike. For further information
please call Brian at 255-2777 or e-mail Brianiispindle-
tophall. org

RESPONSIBLE. RELIABLE PE7RSOIT77 to plci 27 childr7E7n
near UK 3 5:30pm and drive them home (1 mile past
Keenelandl M- F859 5- 8904

RHETT'SLANDSCAPING7 Tier Hoots. Students welcome
Starting pay S9/hr Call Rhett days 229- 5695 eves 269
RITE-AID Cashier. stocking ¢ photo clerk openings. Part
or F7 Flexible hours Above min. wage Apply at 878 E.

RUBY TUESDAY HIRIN7G for7 all7 7pos7it7ii7>r7is7. Nichr7ila7s7v7ill7e
Rd. /LexIngton Green Turtland Mall/Harrodsburg Rd. 8
Hamburg Payilion locations.

RUNNER NEEDED FOR busy law firm. Some mornings. no
nights Call Barry still at 859 296- 2300

SCORE SOME EXTRA CASH this football season 7a71 UK 5
home football games. Sodexho UK s catering and con-
cession's contractor is seeking energetic students for
concessmn and catering DOSlllonS. Please contact our
office at 859-257-2719 or stop by the Sodexho Office.
M- F between gates 9 and 10 at the football stadium

SECRETARY NEEDED F7 or PT B7Ilingual a plus Easy .
relaxed enwronment 859- 373 0123.

SERVERS 7S COOKS. 7Two Ke7y7s Tave7rn 333 Limestone Sf
Apply In person.

ble to participate In this research study If. I You are a
UK or LCC student, 2 You speak 8 read English, 3. You
are 18 years or older. 4. You are sexually active. If inter-
ested, please call Dr Richard Crosby at 257-5678 x.

SITTER NEEDED IN my home for 2 boys M-F 3-,6pm
some weekends. Dnvmg needed. Jennie 859- 312 6871.
SMALL GOURMET FOOD Shop In Chevy Chase 7need7s
counter help. brunch sewers for weekends Good pay
flex Hours Must enIOy working with public Call 266-

SOCIAL DRINKERS:7 If you between 21-7357 years of age
you can earn motley for being In a research study on
the effects of alcohol on behawor at UK. For more Infor-
mation call 257-3137.

Learning program, at KET PT position tutoring high
school students over the phone. Job starts Sept. and
goes through May 2006. Must be able to demonstrate
advanced German skills at InterVIew Please contact
SGolorthfi KET ORG

THE UK TEAM SHOP 15 looking for event associates.
Evening * weekend work necessary Must be able to
work all home football games. If Interested. send
resume to employment a ukteamshoprom

THE YMCA IS In Need of after school group leaders.
Must be energetic patient responsible i love working
w/ children ages 514. Free YMCA membership to all
employees. If Interested, please call 367 7337 or apply
in person at 239 E. High St

T7-R 8:-30 6PM RECEPTIONIST Plastic7 surgery Office.
Next to campus Call 263- 5700.

UNIOUE, ARTSY 287R, 1. 58A. —w/d. d/w. $650.7lmo7. 8597-
229- 2904.

WANTED: ADULTS 18-21 who have a parent living with
cancer and adults who had a parent hung with cancer
while they were 18-21 to partICIpate in an interView for
a UK research study. Call Kerri at 859-492-3007 to par-

WE ARE LOOKING for healthy adults (18-45 years old) or
children 15-11 years old) to participate in an Interesting
and fun brain imaging study at the UK Chandler Medical
Center. Individuals will be compensated for participa-
tion. For more info please call 859 257- 7444

WILCATSNEEDJODS. COM. We need paid survey takers7 In
Lexington. 100% FREE to Jon. Click on surveys

WOMEN & MEN NEEDED 7for dancing. $125/hr 9 Call Paul
I 859 9791076


CHINESE MARTIAL ARTS Buell Armory. 7Mon7da7ys77 8
Fridays6: 30 30pm.
http: //members. aol. coni/ukkarateclub.7 com.

7' ................... ._.1

Like to write, hike canoe, i
see wildlife?" I


I .
I '\si\‘ .iliiiIIi L7K7x \lilllllli‘l I
I I I;\lliiIIIl)L‘III.Il “711ml: l’iiigiaiii l
I L'lt'L‘tll/(l iilcyi'liii I
GOOD EXERCISE. Practical self defense. Friendly club
enVIronment UK Karate Club. Mon SFn.6:30-:.830pm
Buell Armory

http //members. aol com/Ulikarateclub. corn e mail
ukkarateclub a. aol. com.

MISS LEXINGTON/MISS Metropolitan Pageant. Cash and
In- kind scholarships awarded Oct. 8 2005 at the
Lexington Opera House Apply at misslexingtontri-

SIGMAATPHA77LA7M7BDA7n7atITna7I IiiinBEs Riemann is
seeking to establish a campus chapter at UK. Min. 3.0
GPA reg. Contact rininer asigmaalphalambda org.

WRFL SEEKING INTERNATIONAL Students7 for multi cul-
tural programming. For Fall 2005 Come train now! Call
Katie or Mikey 6 257-4636 or email


i privirriiraan‘iamaa‘umc ranged if
needed Deadbolt utilities 9 parking included.
$340/mo 509- 2227

I FEMALE ROOMMATE Needed to Ioin 4 girls in a 581i.
28A house on University. All elec. S325/rno. 1270-302-

1 0R 27 MALES. 478R. Very 7ni7ce h707use 798307726.


111 ARCADIA PARK. 28R house. SZT5/Ino. i utiI. Walk to
campus. Call Ines 859-552-2325.

2 FEMALES NEEDED in 4BR. 28A House. 510 min. drive
from campus $295/mo i split util. Call 859221-2450.

FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to live with 3 oils In 48R
house. 5375/1110 0 bill 502 548- 6648.

town house. $295/mo. for large BR. Clean. friendly UK
students. Cheap iitil. For more info call 8598060065.

FEMALE TO JOIN 4 girls in a 58R, 28A duplex on Waller.
Deposit i first month's rent covered. 309-828-2831 or

FEMALE 10 SHARE mainline. Nicholasville Rd. area.
3450 all bills pd 1159- 333- 2645

MALE U171 STUDENT to share7 728R 7town7 house.
$317.50/person. 859- 519 6270

MALE/FEMALE ROOMMATE; needed on UniveISity Ave
614- 668-0023.

$350/mo. allutil. included 0wn8A Large 8R 3514292.

ONE FEMALE ROOMMATE needed to live with 2 girls in a
3BR house on Derry Ln. Twenty minute walk to campus
$300 + bill. 859- 576-5807.

ROOMMATE WANTED FOR large condo 175 Malabu Dr.
Real nice Parking, Internet cable, balcony w/d
S365/mo Call Matt 502- 545 3350.

ROOMMATES NEEDED IN 3BR. 2.58A furnished town
house Fall semester or I year lease. Call 502-275-9255.

, utll. Plenty of parking. 859797-9647.


BES7T7 RATES 0N student major medical insurance from
Fortis Assurant Health, the III student health Insurance
plan in the US. Apply online at
wwaStuderitSc-Iectcom 888-398-6246.

2871! We can help!

DDEYDD’RCAR souRsts ire; BMW and indie like—a
Pinto every day? Need a ride? Call Kernel Classifieds at
257 2871! We can help!

NEED A RIDE2 Kernel Classifieds can help! Call 257 2871
and place an ad today! You' ll get results!


"7:3717SPRI7NG BREAK WEBSITE! Low prices giaranteed.
Free Meals 1; Free Drinks Book 11 people, get 12th trip
iree! Group discounts for 69.
www.SpringBrealescountscom or
w LeisureTours com or 800830 8202.

SPRING BREAK 2006. Travel 7with STS. America's 871
Student Tour Operator to Jamaica Cancun Acapulco
Bahamas and Florida. Now hiring on-campus reps. Call
for group discounts. Information/reservations. 1-800-
648-4849 or w ststavelcom.












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RA, says


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around your ocodcmic achcdulc. Now
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\I- wanocx cows


Need Money?

Looking for a job with flexible hours?
Want valuable experience working
with students?

The Center for Academic 8. Tutorial Services
(CATS) is hiring tutors for fall semester.

If you are interested. please attend the mandatory
Tutor Orientation on Thursday August 25th at 6:00
pm in the CATS quiet study. Room 123 located in

Memorial Coliseum,

For more information