xt7s7h1dnt4z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7s7h1dnt4z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-02-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 21, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 21, 2008 2008 2008-02-21 2020 true xt7s7h1dnt4z section xt7s7h1dnt4z Racial injustice subject of two weekend plays


Want fries with that? Column lists fast food's health hits and misses






_FEBRUARY 21, 2008



36 out of


By Katie Sa|_tz
ksa|t1@kykarnel. com

Student Government is out of money
set aside to fund campus groups after ap-
proving eight Senate special projects at
last night’s meeting.

Three of the projects accepted
amendments to lower the amount of the
requests. and the Senate approved
510.608 overall — several hundred more
than what the committee had available.

According to a summary by Appro-
priations and Revenue Chairman Kevin
Panott. there was $9. 995 available for
projects. bllt there is a 90 percent usage
rate of the allocated funds. which means
there might be some money returned to
the fund if it is not used. which would re-
sult in more money available for projects.

Amendments lowered the initial
funds requested by over $2.000. Parrott
said he thought the Senate did a good job
in appropriating the money last night.

I was worried it would be difficult."
Pmott said. People realized the situation
we are in and were accommodating

After last night‘s Senate approval of
the projects. there is no available money
to fund student organizations or special
projects. The A&R committee will meet
to discuss what to do with new funding
applications. Parrott said

We have a vision but logistically
there are concems. Ptu'rott said. I think
we will end up having money left. but
it‘s impossible to tell when."

Senate President Tyler Montell said
the situation was difficult because it is
relatively early in the year to be low on
funds for A&R.

"We had this problem so early be—
cause (SG) has been good with commu-
nication and good with visibility so
more organizations have come to us 'for
money.“ Montcll said.

Although it was difficult for senators
to lower the requested funding for their
campus projects. Montell said this could
be a good opportunity for future A&R
members to learn.

“It's frustrating for senators to have
to say no (to organizations).“ he said.
“But it's a good experience for senators
who will be back next year to know they
have to look closely at every dollar."

The meeting opened with an address
from Provost Kumble Subbaswamy.
Senators had a question—and-answer ses-
sion with the provost and discussed the
Top 20 Business Plan. state budget cuts
and retention initiatives. Subbaswamy
encouraged SG members to keep up
their efforts of campaigning state legisla-
tors to pass as much funding toward
higher education as possible.

“People tend to think that by tighten-
ing your belt everything‘s going to be al-
right." Subbaswamy said. “But as the cuts
increase it gets to be absolutely unman-
ageable. Any kind of campaign (students)
can have is going to be effective. It's
much more effective coming from voters
than it is from university presidents."




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UK‘S mascot stands on a statue and cheers with students from public universities around the state at the Rally tor Higher Education in Frankfort yesterday.

Rally round the Capitol

College students from across the state
protest proposed cuts to higher ed

§y_l(otie Saltz

Gov. Steve Beshear told Kentucky
college students who were rallying
with homemade signs and painted
faces in the Capitol yesterday that
there is not enough money for higher
education in the state budget.

“First. higher educa—
tion has to be one of the
top priorities for the future
of the Commonwealth of
Kentucky." Beshcar said.
“Second. the budget does
not contain enough money
for higher education."

Over 200 people
packed into the Capitol
building in Frankfort for
the annual Rally for High-
er Education.

This year's protests
focused on proposed bud—
get cuts for public univer—

Students and student
organizations from Ken-
tucky public universities.
including UK and the Uni—
versity of Louisville. came to express
opposition to the cuts in higher educa-
tion funding — which Beshcar warned

"I agree (with
students) that the
budget should
not be balanced
on us. There are
other things
that could be
cut instead of

Integrated strategic
communications sophomore

could be as high as 12 percent on top
of a 3 percent cut already enacted.

Signs that read “Don‘t Take My
KEES Money" and students chanting.
“education pays" greeted Secretary of
State Trey Grayson. who spoke to the
crowd about economic progress and
its tie to higher education.

Budget cuts would be a step back—
ward in economic
progress. Grayson said.

“I'm disturbed that
with the Commonwealth
again facing tough budv
getary times we might re-
vert to the traditional and
short—sighted approach to
balancing the budget —
slashing higher education."
Grayson said. "We‘ve
turned a comer. and we‘re
not turning back."

Beshear said he was
glad students were advo-
cating for their education.
but they must talk to legis-
lators about how they can
fund higher education in

“We want you to
speak very loudly and clearly."
Beshcar said. “Everybody ought to
step up and say where this money


Black Panther founder to
speak on state of civil rights

By Dwight Lacy


Black Panther Party co— founder Bob-
by Seale led a group of 30 fully armed
activists into the Califomia General As-
sembly in May 1967 in opposition of leg-
islation targeting the party that would
prohibit the carrying of firearms.

The same man who helped start the
controversial group dedicated to advancing
black people will be speaking tonight at 7
in the Student Center Grand Ballroom.
Seale will share his thoughts on the civil
rights movement and where American so-
ciety stands today. said Valeashia Smith.
director of the Martin Luther King Jr. Cul-

tural Center. which is hosting the event.

“Bobby Scale is an icon in the history
of the civil rights movement ' Smith said.
“It s important that students understand
who he is the importance of the Black
Panther Party and the impact they have
on society today."

Scale was one of the founders of the
Black Panther Party in October of 1966
and is one of its last surviving original

After the assassination of black leader
Malcolm X and at the height of the civil
rights movement led by Martin Luther
King Jr.. Scale helped develop an armed
organization --— separating itself from
non- -violent efforts of the time — that
promoted social change and civil rights
for blacks. according to the party Web site
(www .blackpanther.org).

Scale who resigned as chairman of the
Black Panther Party in 1974. according to
his Web site (wwwbobbysealecom). has
served as the community liaison with the
Department of African and African- Ameri-
can Studies at Temple University and is the
author of three books including two mem-
oirs about his experiences as a Black Pan-
ther “Seize the Time" (1970) and “A
Lonely Rage" (I978)

The event. “An evening with Bobby
Scale.“ is free and open to the public.

“Come because you don‘t know." said
Valerie Clay. a recent UK graduate and
head of public relations at the MLK Cul—
tural Center. “It‘s a chance for the campus
to learn about the true workings of the
Black Panther Party. because there are
misconceptions of what they stood for."


Chicago Tribune

CHICAGO —— Police are con-
cluding that the fonner academic star
who shot and killed five students last
week at Northern Illinois University
took steps to thwart investigators try—
ing to figure out why he did it,

In addition to removing the hard
drive from his laptop computer.
Steven Kazmierclak also removed
the SIM card —— a key computer chip
— from his cell phone. a police
source said.

Police also said his former girl-
friend‘s account to CNN of Kazmier-
czak‘s final weeks differed from the
one she gave to investigators.

The result is that police still do
not have a theory as to why
Kazmierczak opened fire on the
crowded lecture hall.

“That's the one thing I want to
know more than anything is motive."
Northem Illinois University Police
Chief Donald Grady said Tuesday.
“We don‘t have anything to know or
even begin to assume a motive yet."


Campus shooter tried to cover his
tracks, according to authorities

Gov. Steve Beshear addresses the crowd that gathered in the Capitol building yester~

day at the Rally for Higher Education

ought to come from."

Jennifer Hunt. an integrated strate—
gic communications sophomore. at‘
tended the rally because she was con—
cemcd about losing her Kentucky Ed—
ucational Excellence Scholarship
money. There has to be ways to cover
the deficit other than cutting higher
education funding. Hunt said.

“I agree (With students) that the
budget should not be balanced on its
Hunt said. There are other things that


Among the other unanswered
questions are why Ka/mierczak tar-
geted that particular building and
class and why he carried out the
massacre on Valentine s Day. Grady
said. There were no clues in the note
or package he sent his former girl-
friend shortly before the attack. he

“He didn't tell people what he
was going to do." he said. “And he
took steps to thwart any investiga»

Investigators have obtained sev-
eral search warrants. Grady said. in-
cluding one to search Kazmierczak‘s
Honda. The vehicle was listed in a
2006 traffic ticket as a white 2001

Grady said police still had hun»
dreds of people to interview and to-
ward the top of the list was Kazmier-
czak‘s former girlfriend. Jessica
Baty. who in the CNN interview con-
tradicted earlier statements to police
that her former boyfriend had acted
erratically after going off his medica-

“I suppose you could call that be—

could be cut instead of education."

Student Govemment President
Nick Phelps helped plan the rally with
the Board of Student Body Presidents.
Beshear and Gray son both delivered
strong messages to students at the ral-
ly. Phelps said.

"(rhe govemor) doesn‘t want to cut
our budget. but he is." Phelps said. "What
he did assure Us of is we are a top priority

See Rally on page 6

ing unctmperative. Grady said

Police are working to obtain
Kazmierc/ak‘s full medical records

they do not know yet if he went
off his medication on his own or was
ordered to do so by a physician
but the priority was to interview peo-
ple while their memories were still
fresh. Grady said.

Grady expected that the investi»
gation will keep going strong for at
least three more weeks and he said
police will issue a report when it is
finished At this point he said. the
university is not worried about costs

“We want to know what it is we
can do. if anything. to prevent this
kind of thing from ever happening
again." he said.

Grady met Tuesday with parents
of the deceased students and ushered
them around campus to view various
memonals erected in their children's

He said police also have heard
reports that a woman. carrying no
books. was at the hack of the audito—
rium when the shooting started and
began crying and ran out.

Newsroom: 257—1915; Advertising: 257—2872

3 #-




«Wrefiiiiiiiiir ttiiilflzflol yourcar

a Horoscopes7

By Linda C. Black

To get the advantage, check the
day's rating 10 is the ea5iest day, 0
the most challenging.

Aries (March 21-April 19) Today
is a 6 — The work has been piling
up, and there’s no way to get around
it. Start with a plan. so you can do
the most important tasks first 27
Vise a schedule and stick to it
Taurus (April 20 — May 20) Today
is an 8 »- You're very attractive
now, and very popular, too. This can
cause a few problems Don't think
you have to accept every iovrtation
Exercrse discretion

Gemini (May 21 - June 21) Today
IS a 6 7 You can't always have
your own way, so don't throw a
hissy fit Do what's best for the
whole family, even if it's not much
fun You'll be appreciated

Today’ 5
Sponsored By:



Cancer (June 2 — July 22) Today
Is an 8 finishing an old task may
require learning a few new skills
Give yourself time to practice before
you attempt the fix You don't want
to break anything

Leo (July 23 — Aug. 22) Today is a
6 4 There are a few things you
need to buy. but you can't quite af-
ford them, yet What to do7 Take on
an extra job That's better than go-
ing into debt

Virgo (Aug. 23 — Sept. 22) Today is
an 8 You're gaining confidence,
and With good reason You ve been
doing the work and doing it well Be
gentle With a i.iitit who doesn't
know the whole story

Libra (Sept. 23 — Oct. 22) Today is
216 Be very careful traveling, ex
pect delays and hassles Watch out
for accrdents in your workplace, tori
Proce, wrth caution

Scorpio (Oct. 23 — Nov. 21) Today
is an 8 You have so many inVita-
trons you hardly know which to ac-
cept Take care not to double-book


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That could cost you dearly, Remem-
ber, family comes first,
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)
Today is a 6 .,- Things are getting a
little complicated. You're being
asked to comply With rules and reg-
ulations that seem unnecessary Do
them anyway, to win the reward
Capricorn (Dec. H — Jan. 19) To-
day is an 8 w Not a good time to
travel Haste makes waste, too
Make your life e'aSier by postpcniog
an outing, and a purchasing deci-
Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18) To-
day is a 6 ~ Financial matters ile-
serve your attention You may feel
wealthy, but you won't be. if you
don't plan ahead Start by paying off
all your debts
Pisces (Feb. 19 — March 20) in.
day !3 an 8 . It's going to be diffi-
cult to get all Sides to agree Instead
of seeking consensus, be a good its
tener let them talk and reserve your
deCiSiuo for a while


sums and

Williams mourns
former fiance Heath
Ledger at a tear-filled
tribute in Australia

By Mara floinstain

Michcllc Williams had to
trawl ncarly 16.000 milcs to
reach Hcath Lcdgcr\ fauiritc
surfing spot. But that‘s whcrc
she found something shc‘d bccn
in scorch of fo.r almost thrcc
weeks: a bit of closurc. The mo-
ment occurrcd around 8:15 pm.
on February 9. after an exhaust»
ing day of scniccs and tributcs
in Hcath's homctown of Perth.
Australia. ()ncc thc wakc at thc
Indiana Tcu Housc cndcd.
Williams and about 50 of thc ac—
tor‘s other lovcd oncs strollcd
l5() fcct to thc picturesque
(‘ottcsloc Bcach.

“Micthlc had red cycs and
was having trouble holding it
togcthcr." on onlookcr tclls Us.
"Shc didn't even want to go out
onto the beach to cclcbratc with
cycryonc clsc bccausc shc was
so sad. but [Heath's dadl Kim
mama: ‘d to pcrsuadc hcl'." The
group. somc stripping down to
thcir ski\ vics. playfully
splzislicd through thc balmy In—
dian ()ccan (temperature our
side: 86 dcgrccs‘ Fahrcnhcit).
"chryonc in thc w otcr startcd
slappin: thc watcr and shouting
‘Hcathl‘ likc they w antcd him to
hcar thcm." says an cycwilncss.
noting. “It was a mass rclicf that
thc strcss of thc occasion w as
bch nd thcm.” Even Kim
watchch from thc restaurant‘s


we ”is" GOODBYE

balcony and gave a thumbs-up
sign to the activity. says the on—

After more prodding.
Williams. in a simple cream silk
shift drcss. eventually rcmoycd
hcr shoes and hcsitantly waded
in (along with Heath‘s oldcr sis—
tcr. Katc) until thc w'atcr brokc
o\ cr hcr thighs. As the sun LllS'
uppcarcd into the horizon. the
group rcconycncd on the show—
line. Says the cycwitncss to Us.
"Everyone was hugging
. ~hcllc. It was very cmotion»
al Anothcr source says thc vibc
turned into a ‘ party atmos-
phere." celebrating the dcpzuturc
of a door fricnd who know how
to h re a good timc. "Everyone
startcd to relax and drink ulco~
hol." says the onlookcr.

That‘s not to say that
Williams. 27. isn‘t still rccling
from the January 22 phone call
in chdcn. whcrc she learned of
the shocking death at age 28 of
Hcath. hcr costar. cx-fiancc and
lhc father of hot Z—ycar-old
daughtcr. Matilda. (On February
(r. toxicologists revealed that thc
actor accidentally oycrdoscd
from a combination of six pre—
scription pills: see box. next
pagc.) “Michelle was always rc-
ally \‘ulncrablc. so this has shalt»
on her quite a bit." 21 Williams
confidant tells Us. But us the
family bonding in Australia rc—
\‘culcd. she can take somc com—
fon knowing that thc Lcdger
family is still part of hcrs. “We
trcasurc our beautiful grand~
daughter Matilda." said Kim.
w ho also rcfcrrcd to Williams as
"our dear Michcllc" in a public
statcmcnt on February 6.

Univcrsity of Kentucky Bands

see biota

A Time to Grieve

Sc\cral hours before Hcath's
beach tributc. Williams was onc
of thc SUD—plus people who paid
rcspccts in a hcart-wrcnching
mcmorial scryicc ~— thc third in
two weeks. (Williams. Hcath‘s
family and Hollywood friends
also salutcd the actor in LA.
ccrcmonics; shc and Matilda
flow to Australia on Fcbruary 5.)
Among the fellow Aussies who
trickled into ncarby Pcnrhos
(‘ollcgc (Kate‘s alma mater):
moch (icmma Ward (who had
been dating Heath). Cate
Blanchctt. actress Rose Byrnc
and former hock y tcammatcs.
members of local rock bands,
Australian Rules footballers and
politicians. Williams, who left
Matilda at Heath's mother's
house with a nanny. arrivcd with
Kate just before services began
and gripped Kate‘s hand while
walking into the school.

According to one attendee.
guests were handed a program
that featured a photo of a grin-
ning. casually drcsscd Heath sit-
ting on an NYC park bench. A
sclccti m of Health‘s favorite
songs ~ music was onc of his
greatest passions _ playcd
throughout the service. including
the Pink Floyd classic “Wish
You Were Hc " Stcyic Won-
dcr's "Superstition . “The Times
They Are A—Changin’" by Bob
Dylan (whom chth portrayed in
I'm Not Thcrc); and The White
Stripes~ “7 Nation Army." “It
was the most moving thing I‘ve
ever seen." says the guest.


‘ see yourself in UK Bands!



for YOU!

Rates as low as $399
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February 21,
2008 '



Emily Coovert
Features Editor

Phone: 257—1915

kernel 66






You want to hear my new career
and dating philosophy? When I find
someone who fascinates me as
much as my career, I’m gonna go

for it.”
—— Taylor Swift, singer


ontap I?‘ “

SUNDAY, Feb. 24

Battle of the Bands

4 pm, Headliners, Louisville. Tick-
ets cost $8.

Citizen Civilian w/ The Beau '
Alquizola Band, The Last Trou-
bador and The Walk Off

9 pm, The Southgate House, New-
port. Tickets cost $5 to $8.

FRIDAY, Feb. 22

“Art in Motion" Benefit w/ Born
Cross Eyed

9 pm, The Dame. $5 to $10 dona-
tion requested.

Backyard Tire Fire
9 pm, The Dame. Tickets cost $7.

Hoots & Hellmouth w/ Giant
Bear and Warm In The Wake
8 pm, The Dame. Tickets cost $5,

MONDAY, Feb. 25
ChurchillJax w/ Tim Krekel Or-
chestra '

9 pm, The Dame. Tickets cost $5,

Open Mic Night w/ Mike Kuntz
9 pm, The Southgate House, New-
port. Tickets are free.

TUESDAY, Feb. 26

Baby Dee w/ Attempt and

8 pm, The Niles Gallery, UK.
Tickets cost $5.

Joshua Scutella and the
Dusters w/ Jenny Ward 8i The
Slingerlands and The Low Land

9:30 pm, The Southgate House.
Newport. hckets cost $3 to $6.

'805 Prom
9 pm, The Dame. Tickets cost $4.

Dead City Shakers
9 pm, The Dame. Tickets cost $3.

De Novo Dahl w/ Morning State
9 pm, The Dame. Tickets cost $7

Los Honchos
10 pm, The Southgate House.
Newport, Tickets are free.





1. Merry musicals

Head on out to Danville this Friday for a chance to be a part of one
of the biggest musical parties of the year. The Norton Center for the
Arts will host a parade of your favorite songs, including “On Broad—
way.” “This Magic Moment" and “Only You." Showtimes are at 6
pm. and 9 pm. For more information. call (877) 448-7469.

2. Sleeping beauty

Don’t sleep away your weekend! Instead, let this ballet classic do it
for you. The Kentucky Ballet Theatre will present “Sleeping Beau—
ty" with live music performed by the KBT Orchestra. Performances
are Friday at 8 pm. and Saturday at 2 pm. and 8 pm. Tickets cost
$12 to $25. For more information. visit the ballet’s Web site
(www.kyballet.com) or call (859) 252—5245.

3. Flower power

The Fayette County Extension Office will be hosting “Food. Flower
and Fun” on Saturday featuring popular yard designer and author
Jon Carloftis. local food expert Tootsie Nelson and expert floral de-
signer Sharon Bale. The event costs $25 and includes lunch. Fayette
County Extension Services is located at 1140 Red Mile Place. For
more information, call (859) 257-5582.


13()L"l'l(‘it‘li()l< ’l‘lll-Z \\'iaiai\'


canisnmi wrou I STAFF
The Black Market offers a wide variety of clothes, from jackets and T
shirts to shoes and jewelry.

Name: The Black Market

Location: 516 E. High Street

Hours: Monday through Saturday. It am to 6 pm.

Why it’s cool: Owner Melanie Williams. originally from Paducah.
Ky.. has been in business for seven years and is a UK alumna.
Most of the items in her boutique are ready—to-wear and trend-set-
ting attire. The Black Market has a wide variety of eccentric cloth-
ing. shoes, accessories, baby tees and home or domi decor styles
to choose from, and all of it stays within a reasonable price range.
Williams said she specializes in taking vintage jewelry and re-
designing its look. She has silver jewelry with stones like moon-
stones and amber. This boutique also features local artists‘ work.
as well as tapesU'ies, candles and incense.









The cast of "for colored girls who had considered suicide when the rainbow is eriut‘ takes the stage during tlieir dress rehea'sal'nii Monday night
at the Guignol Theater in the Fine Arts Building.



Plays bring racial issues to the stage

_B_y Casey Kurkowski


Put down those textbooks
and spend the weekend with
two plays: one that confronts
American society‘s history of
prejudice and one that proy ides
a hipshop View on what it
means to be a black woman to-

The two plays. “A Soldier‘s
Play" and “for colored girls
who have considered suicide
when the rainbow is enuf." are
being produced simultaneously
and will be performed at (iuig—
noI Theatre. "A Soldier‘s Play"
will have its first performance
tonight at 7:30. and “for col—
ored girls...” will begin tomor-
row night at 7:30.

"A Soldier‘s Play." which
was written by Charles Fuller.

explores the harsh realities of

racism that still occur today.
said Herman Daniel Farrell Ill.
director of the production.

The Pulitzer Prize—winning
play takes place on an army

base in Louisiana in the 194(ls.
when the Army was iacially
segregated. The play begins
with the shooting of a black
sergeant and then dey chips into
a murder mystery.

The performance has gotten
sortie help from a group not
normally associated with the
ater a the R()T('.

“I was never in the iiiihtai'y.
so I knew that I would need
some help." Farrell said. "I do
cided to contact the [K ROTC
to see if they would be willing
to help iii the rehearsal

Lt. ('oloiiel Dotson. I'K
ROTCK commanding otlicer.
read the script and set up a
training session for the entire
cast. Farrell said.

“We were drilled iii army
positions and taught how to
correctly salute." said Alex
Klucniper. a theater junior.

Dotson and Sgt. Ist ('lass
Patrick Stoker taught the stu-
d'nts about the military ‘s pro»
cedures and hierarchy. and the




Arctiuiitriig and Spanish KER‘ittl' Kosha H=istiii Kil‘ils rtuWu the dress

rehearsa (l "W WWW“ ‘l-“i

cast incorporated those lessons
into their iiioyciiiciit and char
acter relationships. Iiiircll said.

"This helped giyc the play
a certain authenticity that it so
desperately needs." he said

liiii‘aiinucl 'l‘htiriiiaii. a
chemical engineering and they
ater senior. said he hopes the
audience will gain a better uni
derstaiiding and appreciation
for .-\lrican~.\iiicru'an theater

"There are far too littlc aw
ciiucs loi African«\iiicricaiis iii
theater here in l.c\iiigtoii." he

«in Monday Mm

kills weekend‘s other play.
"for colored girls..." by Nto/a-
kc Sliaiige. is a series of poems
that blends music and dance.
The play is based around hip-
hop music and c\plores issues
including abortion and rape.

Lach of the play‘s charac»
tcrs is identified simply by the
color she wears. said director
lili/abeth .-‘\ Herron

“This is a play that‘s not rca
ally cliaractcr-driycii . it‘s
more story -dri\eii.” iic‘t‘l‘ttll said,

Sm Plays or page 4

Fast food: not always hard to eat healthy

With a busy class schedule and a part—
time job. it can some
.~ times be difficult to
‘ find time to eat. Fast
. food restaurants
thrive on this com-
mon student
dilemma. and it
seems as if new
places pop up
every couple of
offer quick~fi\
solutions to students on the go. But at


EMILY Convent
Kernel columnist







many of these stores. onc- iiical packs in
iiioi'e'than a day ‘s worth of calories So
when you lime to eat otit and you're
staring up at the glowing driyc thru
menu. what should you chose to fill
yoti tip without eypandiiig your w aist

When many people roll up to the
McDonald's driye-through. the first
thing they check out is the dollar menu
Double cheeseburger. fries and a (‘oke
for $3? That sounds like an easy deal to

w allct,

me. But it's not had to liiid a healthy
altci'natiye that‘s equally easy on your

McDonald‘s salads are one of the
healthier options tillVIilC menu, The ( ac
\al Salad with (irilled (‘hickeii has only

130 calories and si\ grams of lat. accord-
ing to the restaurant’s \Neb site

tw w wincdoiialds coiiii. But you don't
lime to seek otit a salad to cut \tlilII'IL‘\.

\IcDonaId's hamburgers contain 250
calories and nmc grams ot tat. a small or—
dei of french tries has 250 calories and
I.z grams of fat and a si\»piecc order of

See Coovert on page 4

Open till 3am Thurs - Sat

Uk Campus - 544 S Upper St
















 PAGE {lgglhursdayil‘ebruarv 21, 2008

Continued from page 3

Herron. a guest director
from New York. said the series
of 20 poerris explores the
everyday realities of black
women. Although “for colored
girls..." was originally per-
formed in the 1970s, Herron
said she tried to make the set.
costumes and lighting younger
and more contemporary so an-
diences today could better re—
late to it.

“I grew up with this material
as a backdrop to my life. My
mother owned the album. and l
was fortunate enough to hear it
several times dttring my devel—
opment." said La‘Shelle Allen. a
vocal performance freshman.

“It is an honor to present
this work at UK." Allen said. "I
hope that after people see this


Journalism JUlllUf Gonna-Gabrielle Cobb performs a solo during the dress

rehearsalof“lorcohued gals

stacles of others. We all walk
different paths to enlightenment.
1 would hope that compassion
for others in their joumey is al—
ways present in our hearts."
Tickets are $5 for students.

on Monday night

‘Slll for seniors and UK faculty
and staff. and $|5 for general
admission. For additional show—
tirnes and ticket information.
contact the Singlenuy (‘enter for
the Ans at (859) 357—4929.

piece. they are opened to the ob-

COovrsnr _.


chicken nuggets has 250 calories and IS grams
of fat.


This oil-campus favorite offers a surprisingly
large number of lower—calorie options. The salads
are one healthy option. with the ('har~grilled
(‘hieken Garden Salad containing only 180 calo»
ries and six grams of fat. and the Southwest
Char-grilled Chicken Salad containing 340 calo~
ries and eight grams of fat. according to (‘hrck—
til-A's Web site (ww'w.chickfi121.coml.The eightv
count order of chicken nuggets has 2(le calories
and I3 grarris of fat and the (‘har~grilled (‘hrcken
Sandwich has 270 calories and 3.5 grams of fat.

A good way to avoid racking up calories at
('hick-ftl-A. too. is to avoid the fries and opt for
a healthier side. (‘hick—fil-A offers a fruit cup for
only ()0 calories with no fat and a chicken soup
with only I40 calories and 3.5 grams of lat per


Ar‘by's can be a tough place to find good
food. with most of its options soaring up into the
350— to SlXLcalorie range per item. like the other
two chains mentioned above. one of the healthiest
options is a salad. The Martha‘s Vineyard Salad
contains 370 calories and eight grams of fat. ac-
cording to Arby"s Web site lw w warby scorn l. The

next best option is the Jr. Roast Beef sandwich.
which contains 273 calories and Ill grams of fat.
If you absolutely must indulge in an order of
Arby's curly fries. keep in mind that e\ en the
small serving has 333 calories and 20 grams of

Jimmy John's

Jimmy John‘s ollers one thing that many oth—
er restaurants don't: a fully customi/able menu.
You can pick and choose what you want on your
sandwich. which can ultimately save you hun-
dreds of calories. For example. stay away from
their mayonnaise at all costs. it adds at least a
hundred calories. if not more. to your sandwich.
and often isn‘t worth the cum fat. either. They
offer Dijon mustard as a tasty allernatiye. Try
making your sandwich an “l'nw icli." loo. to saye
calories on bread. An "Hiwich" rs‘hlaces the
French bread sub with a lettuce wrap. The Turkey
Tom sub as an "inich" with rnustard instead of
mayonnaise is only llll calories w ilh approyr
mately 3 grams of fat.

FastFood Shockers

Be wary of these sky-high choices-
I McDonald's Strawberry Triple Thick Shake
I32 o/.l: l.l Ill calories. In grams ol fat.
I Arby ‘s Roast Turkey Ranch and Bacon Mar-
keth‘esh Sandwich: Xl7 calories. 37 grams ol fat.
I ('hick~fil*:\ (‘ookies at (‘ream Milkshake: 701)
calories. 33 grams of fat.
I .limmy John‘s .lJ. (largantuan llnw ich: 7m
calories 54 grams of fat.




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Private decks

Clubhouse with group study
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Indoor basketball court,
state-of-the-art fitness
center and tanning bed

Resort style pool and
beach volleyball

‘available option

951 RED MILE coum‘


{% fierf flflflcmr


{% mm!

Short walk to classes
On-site parking
Lease by the bed or unit







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ass ambassadors present

. "BLeed oLue”

10:00am - 3:00pm
auett nrnorg 5
central Kg. Blood center

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professor norman uLLl present autohto
graphical stories and anecdotes that touch
on severaL themes inctudtng space, place,

time, memnro, rnmmunrtros of memorn ard the


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