xt7s7h1dnv78 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7s7h1dnv78/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1954-08-11 minutes 2004ua061 English Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, August 11, 1954 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, August 11, 1954 1954 1954-08-11 2020 true xt7s7h1dnv78 section xt7s7h1dnv78 its a : a‘ .- J I > I { } do _ d» , J. g I. marking. probation and graduation. Minutes gi the Univergity Fagultx. June 1, 1254 Dr. Hargreaves presented two motions for the Committee on Minimum Standards concerning the effective date of the new regulations governing Both motions were approved with an amendment as follows: of Lafferty Hall, Wednesday, August 11, at 10:00 a.m., C.S.T. l. 2. 3. The new regulations affecting the quality point system and probation procedures be made effective for all students at the beginning of the fall semester of the 1954-55 academic year. Any person presently under scholastic penalty shall have his case adjudged under the old regulations. The new regulations concerning graduation requirements shall become effective for all students entering the University at the beginning of the fall semester of the 1954-55 academic year or at any time thereafter. In order that the University's responsibility to give publicity to this change may be carried out, the Faculty instructs and requests the Registrar to insert an addendum detailing the changes in rules with each Bulletin of general information which is issued. Dr. Chamberlain announced that Associate Dean Horlacher had returned from leave of absence and the Faculty welcomed him back to the campus. The Faculty adjourned. 2 / . aW/M Robert L. Mills Secretary Minutes 9;,th. University Faculty, Auggst 1;, 1254 The University Faculty met in special session in the Assembly Room In the absence of President Donovan, Vice President Lee M. Chamberlain presided. Members absent were A. E. Bigge, D. K. Blythe, L. A. Bradford, W. R. Brown, Martha G. Carr, Anne Clemmons'. Louis Clifton, R. H. Cojeen, A. L. Cooke, V. F. Cowling, Jesse DeBoer, Stephen Diachun, 3. H. Downing, J. M. Edney, Merton England, Frank Essene, W. P. Garrigus, Carter Glass, Carsie Hammonds, H. W. Hargreaves. Fred Harris, W. A. Heinz‘, Margaret Hotchkiss, James C. Eunphries, W. .. Insko, Gladys Kammerer, Aime Kieviniemi, John Kuiper. S. Larsen, Homer C. Lewis, A. B. McEwen, John T. Masten, L. E. Meece, H. Melzer, J. W. Miles, V. A. Musselman, V. E. Nelson. Edward Newbury, H. 3. Price, Henry H. Rogers, J. 3. Schwendeman, Hill Shine, E. P. Slone, G. Steele. Rhea A. Taylor', D. V. Terrell, Lawrence Thompson, Lee H. R. J. D. Townsend, Charles A. Walton, D. L. Weismann’, Frank J. Welsh, H. E. Wetzel. Paul K. Whitaker, Kenneth Wright and Earl Young. The minutes of June 1, 1954 were read and approved. 'Absence orplained. .1100 ll Minutes 2; the Universitz Facultz, Augustlil, 125A The Registrar presented a list of candidates for degrees and certified that they had completed all requirements for their degrees. He asked F that the names he recommended to the Board of Trustees with one condition; ‘1 be approved subject to the Registrar's Office receiving confirmation of certain courses completed by Mr. Hereford at New York University. The Faculty approved the list with the requested condition. that Karl Thomas Hereford, candidate for the degree of Doctor of Education, citA I 1 COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE ‘ Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts Robert Barton Best Elsie Rea Perkins Earhara Ann Bcnham Julian Morton Carroll William Wood Douglass Hope Sharp Hoff Ellis Perry Hukill, Jr. Earl Clarence Jones Barbara Jean Kegan Roger Bigelow Leland Gene Bell Offutt James Asa Pelfroy, Jr. Sharon Lucille Richardson Gayle Sandefur Royce David Henry Schmieder Robert Maurice Short Gordon Bennett Sither Glenna Jewell Taulhec Stewart William Stokes Stewart Fred David Stull Paul Strcthcr Taylor Cecil Walden9 Jr. Eugene Holloway Warner, Jr. Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science John Samuel Baughman III Jack LeRoy Davis William Stathis Kafoglis James Hohson Lsftwitch Edward Norwocd Porter Ina Lee Ridlehoover Allan Brooke Wetzel Candidate for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Journalism Henry Lewis Mayo, Jro Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Music William Jennings True James David Woodward Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science Gordon Neal Bell in Medical Technology Ruth Ann Lee Jacquelyn Dudley Theobald COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science William Franklin Cartee in Agriculture John Sanford Cross9 Jr. ' 1101 Minutes g£,the Universitz Faculty} Agguet ll, 1254 Kenneth Terry Finley Forrest Parrott, Jr. = Marvin Baletead France, Jr. Ronald Edward Phillips J/ Jesse William McKinney Collas Lay Simpson 3_ Paul Wilhurn Mills Clifton L. Taylor James Daniel Padgett Lucien Coleman White, Jr. Fred Dennis Williams .\ _," “ §§ 5‘ Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Home Economics Lydia Ann Bell Buelah Hughes Duncan Martina Dean Campbell Mary Gertrude Eades COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering 1 l 1 1 PM John Morgan Farris Robert Willis Hodges H Gene Edwin Hatfield Robert Merlin Holmes Charles Julius Herrick Arnold Birchel Magoo ’ William Lloyd Hinkle Coburn Morgan , Owen Meredith Hockensmith Oliver Holmes Raymond, Jr. I Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science T in Electrical Engineering ( Guy Thomas Browning George Rodney Giles | Orin Lee Brumhach Bruce Douglas Irvine Clyde Thomas Cox Oscar Morris Swofford. Jr. I Clarence Robert Crabtree John Milton Threlkeld i David Lawrence Wright Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Norman Kenton Burke. Jr. Billy Darrel McDonald Benjamin Todd Crutcher III Winford Marvin Morris James Hunter Love Donald Clarence Haney Joseph John Schmitt, Jro Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering John Harvey Bastin Kenzie Jones COLLEGE OF LKW Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Laws Lewis Howell Nicholle George Brown Simpson m John Quentin Wesley 41:“ t i ‘ 1102 ‘W i Minutes 2: the University Faqglty, August ‘1, 12a; COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Candidates for the Degree of in Education Mary Ann Anderson John Harold Branson Anna Mae Childere Caroline Croft Susan Jane Daussman Thelma Nettie Jones Estes Leona Violet Fonts Carrie Creech Frisby John William Fust, Jro Esther Selma Grimm Mary Lavadas Hammond James Stamper Harris Pauline Hereford Agnes Burnette Johnson Hattie Crawley Johnson Anna Fay Kazee Barbara Lucile King Bachelor of Arts Ellie Obrene Haggard Josephine Fugate Moffett Mabel Anderson Moore Mary Ellen Williams Morris June Marie Sullivan Murphey Juanita Knuckles Pence Laura Montraulo Phillips Thomas Watson Rash Wilmediea Alice McGuire Shepherd Mary Lee Smedley Della Stapleton Speer Frances Combs Stamper Alice Joyce Stephens Nancy Floyd Turner Nellie Gibson Weisenberger William David Wilson Mildred Corbin Yelton COLLEGE OF COMMERCE Charles Willoughby Adams Bobby Bay Buchanan John Coleman Chandler Alex Dunlap Conyere John Estill Hawkins Lawson Gardner Henderson Guy Alexander Huguelet, 3:9 John Stanley Johnstone Kenneth Julian McGee George Bruce Taylor Miller, Jr. Joe David Miller Donald Charles Sohang William Spencer, Jr. Ruth Lewis Swift Barry Virgin Troutman Arthur Wrightson III GRADUATE SCHOOL Candidates for the Degree of Master of Arts Aimee Hines Alexander Marjorie May Dysart Nancy Dolvin Evans Ethel Virdena Floyd Leonard Earl Griswold Homer Gerry Bankeneon Donna Lee Hill Ernest Luther Hill Joan Clay Kavanaugh Nannie Belle Kelley William Lewis Krnse Candidates for the Degree of John Wayne Boring Thomas Cherry Tlohenor Agnes Ruth MoAbee Harold Clay Mitchell Ruth King Nobley Mary Ethel Jones Moore Dolores Louise Noll Thomas Otto Owen Sara Carolyn Raymond Carolyn Hunter Smith Allen Alford Staples Marvin Steiner Peter MaoLean Williams Master of Science Robert Louis McNeer 1 ' t l } L 0154—. ; l l T V ‘ .,.-—......-7~.. 1103 Minutes g£_the University Facultx, Augget 1;, 1254 Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science in Public Health James Watson Hammone William Jones, Jr. Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science in Agriculture Robert Floyd Anderson Joe Kenton Jones Harry Edward Raplus Lionel Alexander Richardson Sherlie Hill West Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science in Home Economics Ellen Turner Gordon Sara Burwell Moore Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering Herbert Lawrence Fogel Albert Fitzhugh Lawrence III Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering Oliver Truman Bumgardner Philippe M. L. Y. G. G. deStreel Niko Konstantin Yankogln Candidate for the Degree of Master of Science in Metallurgical Engineering Burkett Regan Barrett Candidates for the Degree of Master of Arts in Education Jody Hopkins Adams Frances Mann Auxier Nell Smith Ayers Ruth Bartlett Beulah Poor Braden Charles Howard Bramblett Frank Henry Brittain Marilyn June Broadbent Betty leylor Brenston Clarence Othmer Brown Bernard Ray Brumfield Bethel Grace Burdine Beatrice Keeton Buskirk Willie Lee Blackford Caywood Virginia Florence Collins Alonzo Combs James Eldridge Combs Willie Wood Cook Clyde Copley Sarah Williams Copley Albert Bond Cox Elizabeth Wheeler Crawford Grace McDaniel Daily Donovan Lewis Darnell Katharine Elizabeth Davenport Jennie Bibbs Didlick Harriet Holliday Dotson Frances Jernigan Duncan Elmo Lengdon Earley Ted John Engelhard Festns wade Foley Fronia Jane Fox Albert Harry Frey Eleanor Joyce Gatliff Minutes of the University Faculty, Aggnst ll, lflfig Lucille Wilson Geoghegan Crinona Puccini Ann Scott Giles Garland Thomas Purdom Mildred Crance Giles Johnnie Nell Ray Walter Hayes Greenwood John Lewis Bedding, Jr. Robert Brooke Griffith Lucy Conley Regan Sara Murphy Gumm - Jane hyle Rhorer Hayward Keith Hamblen Jessie Wilson Ringo Ruth Faris Hankins Conrtland Lee Roberts, Jr. Margaret Cole Hare Virginia Kathryn Rogers Robert Lewis Hellard Anita Gay Rose Robert Lyle Henderson Betty Jean Rowland Beulah Jane Hill Minnie Corbin Ruharts John Francis Hogan Hazel Jones Sondder Lena Mae Howard Roy Easterday Searoy Lela Hoover Hnlette Helen Lenore Short Dana Margaret Ison Manfred Oscar Singleton Betty Joan Mayse Jeffrey Howard Cobb Smith Paris Frederick Johnson James Stanley Smith Marjorie Moorman Jones Venn Mae Southwood Virginia Skidmore Jones General Stacey Leslie Daugherty Kitchen Alpha Mae Stansberry William Jesse Lacefield Roscoe Stephens Matt Richard Lair° Jra Howard Cook Stewart Wilanne Leftwich Thurman Willis Stewart McCoy Lewis Henry Allen Stovall Clarice Rowland Long Mildred Norris Stratton Nancy McClure Martha CooPer Sudduth Gayle Elizabeth Miles Elizabeth Parrott Summers John Milkovich Ruth Congleton Templin Claude Mills Angie Beall Thomas Marjorie Cleo Miracle Edward Ugdyke William Cordell Miracle Frances House Veale Amanda Hammond Mitchell Nellie Noland Voigt Elmer Clifton Moore Ralph Smith Voris, Jr. Vida Patricia Nipps Ora watts 01a Smithson Oatley Mary Chick Wilkes George Wright O'Rourke George Randolph Williams Jimmie Christine Parker Richard Allen Williams Eleanor Brooks Parks Billy Lyle Wilson Herman Fitch.Patterson Roy Lee Winchester John Wesley Pinkerton, Jr. Edith Louise Wood Dorothy Emilee Poff Martha Joan Word Grace Anna Poynter Minnie Cramer Wyatt Ruby Mae Yooum Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science in Education Doyt Herald Bolling Robert Lee Kelley Blain Jefferson Callahan John Thomas Likins Geraldine Larmon Cloninger William Lillard Mills William Henry Elster Samuel Tilden Offutt, Jr. Hayward Conrad Haynes James Reuben Owensby John Thomas Henderson Jack Morris Pedigo Frances Horlacher Saindon 1105 Minutes g§_the Universitx Facultz, Auggstull, 1254 Candidates for the Degree of Master of Business Administration Fred Allen Engle. Jr. Robert Bishop Larch, Jr. Claire Julienne Renders Candidates for the Degree of Master of Science in Library Science Dorothy Dennis Adnerson Ruth Marguerite Busseer Ruth Shearer Bentley Love Forrest Clark Edward Byron Hall Candidates for the Degree of Doctor of Education Alto Luther Garner Karl Thomas Hereford Gentry Allen Shelton Candidates for the Degree of Doctor of PhilosoPhy Jean Wallace Bronson Melvin Anthony Schmitz Louis Brown Thomas Estill Sutherland Jerome Herman Laulicht Leo Charles Ward, Jr. Joseph Camille Marek Eric Weingarten William Donald Williams SUMMARY OF DEGREES CONFERRED AT COMMENCEMENT JUNE 4. 1954 AND AUGUST 13, 1954 ARTS AND SCIENCES June August Bachelor of Arts 99 23 Bachelor of Science 43 7 Bachelor of Science in Industrial Chemistry 3 0 Bachelor of Arts in Journalism 16 1 Bachelor of Music 12 2 Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology 12 _%_ Total 1 3 AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS Bachelor of Science in Agriculture 32 13 Bachelor of Science in Home Economics 40 _4_ Total 122 17 ENGINEERIHG Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering 45 10 Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering 26 9 Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering 22 7 Bachelor of Science in Metallurgical Engineering 5 0 Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering ____jL___ 2 Total 107 ' "2'8" LAW Bachelor of Laws 26 3 EDUCATION Bachelor of Arts in Education 120 34 Minutes 2: the University Faculty, August 1;, gggg COMMERCE June August EN Bachelor of Science in Commerce 116 16 ‘gk! (1,, C242 PHARMACY 2 Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy 35 O 2 TOTAL UNDERGRADUATE DEGREES 712 134 '5 GRADUATE SCHOOL 2 Master of Arts 11 22 2 Master of Science 13 3 Master of Science in Public Health 2 2 2 Master of Science in Agriculture 12 5 . Master of Science in Home Economics 0 2 2 Master of Science in Civil Engineering 3 0 . Master of Science in Electrical Engineering 3 2 '”~ Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering 3 3 $2611” Master of Science in Metallurgical Engineering 0 1 ‘1r‘ Master of Science in Mining Engineering 1 0 . Master of Arts in Education 35 121 2 Master of Science in Education 4 13 2 Master of Science in Business Administration 4 3 Master of Science in Library Science 5 5 Master of Music 2 O 2 Doctor of Education 1 3 2 Doctor of Philosophy 20 9 2 TOTAL GRADUATE DEGREES 120 194 2 TOTAL UNDERGRADUATE DEGREES 712 134 ;v TOTAL UNDERGRADUATE DEGREES FOR 1954 846 ‘ TOTAL GRADUATE DEGREES 120 194 2 TOTAL GRADUATE DEGREES FOR 1954 314 4(\ TOTAL DEGREES CONFERRED 1954 1160 [2}. Dr, Alex Remanowitz read the following Resolutions on the death of '2 Professor Ernest Adolphe Bureaue ( Professor Emeritus Ernest Adolphe Bureau, former head 2 of the Department of Electrical Engineering, university of Kentucky, died on July 13, 1954. He served the university in that department from September 1918 until July 1952 when he requested change of work status at the age of 66 years. France. on July 11, 1886. His family cameto the United States when he was four years of agee Professor Bureau was born in La Chapelle aux Naux, 2 He received the Bachelor of Philosophy degree from Ottawa University, Ottawa, Kansas and, later, from Purdue 1107 Minutes gfithe University Faculty, August ll. 1224 University he received the degrees Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and Electrical Engineer. He did ‘Efi; advanced graduate work in electrical engineering at ifh California Institute of Technology. 7 Professor Bureau was made Head of the Department of | Electrical Engineering in 1942. It prOSpered and expanded 1 under his leadership. He made significant contributions to ‘ its growth in the late nineteen-hundred thirties when the BS in EE degree was first authorized, and also during the War years ’ when the Army Specialists Training Program was in progress. 1 Following these Years he directed his energies toward strength- \ ening the graduate course programs of the department. Professor Bureau had always been regarded as an excellent teacher by his students and his close academic associates. His wholesome influence upon both students and faculty has been continously evident. His friendliness and ‘Eflm , genuine desire to be helpful to others endeared him to these “5“ who knew him well and brought spontaneous favor from those of ‘, lesser acquaintance. 1 I Many campus activities benefited substantially through Professor Bureau's active interest. Some of these are: The ! Athletic Council, Cosmopolitan Club, YMCA, Faculty Representa- T tive Group of the Student Government Association, Student 1 I I Branches of the Electrical Engineering Societies. Phi Sigma Kappa social fraternity. In grateful memory of Ernest Adolphe Bureau's long and unselfish service to the University of Kentucky and its College of Engineering. as well as to the community and state in which he lived. the University Faculty, of which he was a most valuable member, resolves that this resolution be spread upon its minutes and that a copy be sent to the bereaved family. [5/ H. Alex Romanowitz H. Alex Romanowitz, Chairman Resolutions Committee The Faculty approved a motion to include the Resolutions in the minutes and to send a copy to members of Professor Bureau's family. Dean White presented recommendations from the College of Arts and Sciences concerning new and dropped courses and changes in courses. I. ADD: Geology 60a, 60b Historical Geology (3 each) A study of the events of earth history and the interpretation of this record from the rocks. Con~ tinental evolutioneastratigraphic successioneafossil Minutes 3; the University Faculty, August 1;. 135g _-—- record. Two lectures. one laboratory conference. Prereq. Geology 50a and 20a, or equivalent. I Geology 61a Eigggglggz (3) ' A study of geometrical crystallography and other physical properties useful in mineral identification. Lecture, one hour: lab, four hours. Prereq. Geology 50a and 20a, or equivalent, and Chemistry la and lb (or concurrent). 4‘: x... ,, Geology 61b Mineralogz (3) The determination of minerals by physical properties, blowpipe analysis, and the petrographic microscope. A study of their origin, occurrence, and associations. Lecture, one hour; lab, four hours. Prereq. Geology 61a rd e _ ‘_.—.__.\. Geology 135 Advanced Principles g: GeoIOgy (4) \ A general study of geological processes. Lecture, ' three hours; one laboratory conference. Prereq. Ree stricted to senior major students in geology or by permission of the instructor. II. DROP Geology 303.?) (5 each) Geology 123a.b (3 each) Library Science 133b ( > Library Science 187 (3; III. CHANGE NUMBERS Ancient Languages 84a to Ancient Languages 180a. No change in credit or description. Ancient Languages 84b to Ancient Languages 18Gb. No change in credit or description. The University Faculty approved the recommendations from the College of Arts and Sciences. Dean Stahr presented recommendations from the College of Law for certain course changes which were approved as follows: COURSES To BE ADDED: Law 105, Agency, 2 semester hours Law 141, Partnership, 1 semester hour (Approval of the above will merely have the effect of restoring * two courses which were formerly in the Catalog but which were ‘ drOpped when they were combined a few years ago. The combined course is now to be dropped.) Law l97a-n, Seminar in Selected Legal Problems, 2 semester ‘ ”flgfi hours. m 4 1109 Minutes 2; the University Facultx, Auggst ll, 1354 COURSES TO BE DROPPED: Law 177, Statutory InterPretation, 2 semester hours Law 196, Agency and Partnership, 3 semester hours Law 188, Corporation Finance Law, 2 semester hours CHANGE IN COURSE CREDIT: Law 187, Corporations, change from 3 semester hours to 4 semester hours Dean Spivey made a brief report on his and Dr. Nesius' trip to Jugoslavif as members of the Foreign Operations Administration Committee to discuss with the Jugoslev Government possibilities of a contract between that country and the University. The Faculty adjourned. /M«6«/ . /’“/“‘/é«” Robert L. Mills Secretary Minutes oi the University Faculty, October ll, 1254 The UniVersity Faculty met in the assembly room of Laffert; Hell, Monday, October ll, 1954, at 4:00 p.m. President Donovan presided. Members absent were Staley F. Adams, Merl Baker, Martha G. Carr, Vernon F. Cowling, C. Howard Fckwl, Lyman V. Ginger, H. W. Hargreaves, W. W. Haynes‘, J. C. Humphries, Laura K. Martin, John T. Masten, J. H. Melzer’, V..A. Musselman‘, Frank D. Peterson, H. A. Ryl:nd* iorris Scherogo‘, Don Cash Seeton, Roy Sigafus, H. F. Spivey, Dewey G. Ste le‘, E. G. Trimble, Gilbert T. Webster', and Frank J. Welch. The minutes of August ll, 1954 were read and rnproved. Professor Matthews,Chairman of the Facult by Com ittce on Flec ions, presented the report of that Committee covering newly elacted members of the University Filcul tye Upon cenvessing the ballots, 'he Elections Committee is trepared to officially certify the following new members: ARTS ANT “CIFULFC Literature, Philosophy and Arts Blyton, Gifford Adams, Clinton Jansen, W. H. Hernandez, J. E. Plummer, Niel Ryland, Hobart Martin, Laura K. ‘ Absence eXplained