xt7sbc3sw673 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sbc3sw673/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 198305 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen. Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Wax Bean, May 1983 text The Wax Bean, May 1983 1983 2014 true xt7sbc3sw673 section xt7sbc3sw673 C-bOfD>;` }— ° \ May 1983 ¤ r ' ¤ r I! \\ A ZS. l!ZIu\.\ 1 u The Uwxvexmttg 05 Ken/tueiay Lxibrtcutie/5 $@156 Ortgavuiza/tion Auppiiemen/t to the GMQQQVLVBQQVL FROM LSO GIFTS GIVEN TO RETIREES As most of you know, six people either will be retiring June 30th or have already retired from the Library System. Respecting the wishes of the retirees, LSO will not be sponsoring a formal farewell party. Instead, gifts have been presented individually to the following people: - Ellen Baxter, Chemistry/Physics Bess Clotfelter, Cataloging Beryl Gaither, Biological Sciences Rebekah Harleston, Collection Development Jane White, Education ’ Frances Williams, Education. Each person has been presented with a small lead crystal candy dish with a lid. Our sincere best wishes to each one. You all have a special 5 place in our hearts and we‘ll miss you. Enjoy yourselves! (You lucky , ducks!) . Thanks to Patty Hornback, Mary Geyer, Barbara Randolph, Joyce Welch, Betty Sutton, and Frances Kelley for purchasing, wrapping, and presenting the gifts. I BOOKSALE REPORT I The annual LSO Booksale was a tremendous success thanks to the help of many enthusiastic volunteers. The total amount of the sale came to $95.99 and there were about twice as many books donated this year as last (about 3 double—packed book trucks). All but one small box of books were sold. Those who cheerfully gave of their time were Norma Jean Gibson, Ron Weber, Ann Hafley, Sandy Clemmons, Gwen Curtis, Barbara Gardner, Teresa Starns, Cathy Hunt, Joan Gatewood, Sara Farley, Emily Pugh, Karen Jefferson, Patti Dacci, Toni Powell and Diane Brunn. Cecil Madison also helped with the labeling. Thanks again y'all for making the sale 8 SUCCESS! SPRING FLING FLEW The Spring Fling was held Monday afternoon, May 23rd in the Paperback Reading Room of King South. Cheese, crackers, fruit, punch and coffee were served. New staff members recognized were Esther Pope, Biological Sciences and Kim Knight, GPD. Many thanks to the Social Committee for all the hard work in putting together another very l successful Spring Fling. Barbara Randolph is the chair of this committee which includes Mary Geyer, Teresa Starns, Hank Harken, Patty Hornbeck, and Jeanne Trimble. A special thanks to Cecil Madison and Barbara Hale For their help as well. You all did a terrific job! Congratulations and thanks! FUND-RAISING FDEAS NEEDED The next WAX BEAN will include a complete treasurer's report. T Unfortunately, we do not need a treasurer's report to know that we DO need some more tund~raising events. It you have any great, good or not—so—great ideas, call Perry Bratcher in SOLINET or Karen Croneis in Math. Sci. SINGING TO THE UNSUNG The unsung stars (one hero and one heroine) of the entire WAX BEAN operation are Cecil Madison who print, publishes and oversees distribution and Toni Powell who serves as editor (and translator of scribblings and typos). F LTTERALLY, we couldn’t do it without you! Many thanks for all your time and energy! BROWN BAG LUNCH » V . The First in (we hope) a series of brown bag lunches will take place beginning in June. The topic for the Wednesday, June 8 luncheon will be canning of fruits and vegetables. the following Thursday, June l6 the topic will be Freezing of fruits and vegetables. Both topics T will be presented by Jean Baugh of the Fayette Co. Extension Office and will be held at i2 noon in the meeting room as you come off the elevator on the third floor of King North. Plan on attending and get prepared to preserve your garden‘s bountiful harvest! ; PlCNlC! Don't forget the LSO picnic on June 10 at Spindletop. Come on out right after work and join in the fun. The price is only $2 For non-LSO members payable to either Barbara Randolph or Barbara Hale. See ya there. _ ` FROM THE STAFF To LSD Members, Thanks very much For your expressions of sympathy tor the loss of · my grandfather, Your thoughtfulness is much appreciated. Sincerely, Dan Hodge . 2