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fiefi It 30 abide in my Word, ye shall know the 'l rutli, and

3?: 1.3 the Truth shall make you tree. ’

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in; or Title

A Twentieth Annual Convention

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«‘7 KENTbChl EQUAL thjHTb AbeLlAl lOi\

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{2; Novernber‘ 11th and 12111. 1809

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$3}; The Executive Committee met Thursday morning, November
ELL 11. at 9530 at the Assembly Room of, the l’ublie lnbrary, where
1‘ all of the business sessions were held.

29% President. Miss liaura (llay. in the eliair.

‘3: “‘1 it was voted to reeommend: That We present to the Legisla—
‘C?’ hire a bill providing: for mothers the eo—glulrdianshi1) ol' minor
#3 children equal with Fathers.

”2%“; . That we ask the Legislature to so amend the Male (‘onstilu~
3:”; tion as to give the full right, of suffrage to all women ol' Ken-
.‘gfikfi t'ueky on the same terms as men. '

2:351 That we endeavor to have women plaeed on the boards of all
3:5,, edueational. eharitable and punitive institutions of the State.

“ESE 'l‘uat we leave the, work tor sehool suiirae'e III the hands ol the,
”f“% Woman’s ()lul).

Effie; That, we eontinue, to make inerease ol' membership our prinei- _
jg pal work. _ ~ ..

“1%, Committee rose. I} 5‘. :‘Z '
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