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Convention called to order at 10 o’clock.
Devotional exercises by the President.
Voted that the program be made the order of business.
Recording Secretary gave verbal report of business done by
the Exeeutive Committee sinee last annual session. .
The following eommittees were appointed by the ehair: l
(lredentials—Alrs. lsahella ll. Shepard. ‘{
l’uhlieationfiMrs. lllmma M. Roebuck. V
' Resolutions—Mrs. Aliee White, Mrs. Mary C, Cramer, Mrs. .
S. U. Bennett. 1
: Courtesies—Miss Ennna. Hast. ‘
l' First Vice President Mrs. Mary B. Clay was not present, but
i sent greetings and an offering of five dollars. .
3 Second Vice President Mrs. M. (l. Cramer told of the Seattle '
l . convention and the many eourtesies extended to the delegates all
’ along the route to Seattle. .
i. Third Vice President Mrs. N. S. Meliaughlin, not present. -
i Corresponding Secretary Mrs. Mary C. Roark, at present Aet- ‘
‘[ ing President of the Normal School of Eastern Kentucky7 was .
5 . not able to attend, but sent greetings and the suggestion that this
i association ot't‘er prizes for the best essays on woman’s suffrage
i at the prineipal. schools of the State.
l Recording Secretary Mrs. Emma M. Roebuck related her un—
i successful endeavors to have the different labor unions in her vi— 4‘
} einity pass resolutions endorsing woman’s suffrage. l
l Treasurer Mrs. lsabella II. Shepard reported a steady iin— l
l provement in the tinanees ot' the association. L
E State Historian Mrs. M. B. Reynolds not present and sent no =V
l report, but it was voted that a very interesting paper on woman’s
i suffrage, written by Miss l’erle l’enfield, and sent by the His
l torian.be read by the Seeretary.
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