‘ .

Ashland report read by Miss Laura White.

Campbell County report read by Mrs. Rebeeea \Vinkless.

Louisville report read by Mrs. John J). '\\'hite.

Kenton County verbal report by Mrs. 1. ll. Shepard.

‘1? Madison County report read by Mrs. S. C. Bennett.
Fayette County report read by Mrs. M. C. Cramer.
: Committee on Credentials gave partial report.
‘ Voted to accept the recommendations of the Plan of \Vork
f Committee to leave the Legislative work for school suffrage in
the hands of the Woman’s Club.

Voted that we. beseech the Legislature to submit to the voters
of Kentucky an amendment to the, State Constitution giving all
women of the State. t'ull suffrage.

Voted that we endeavor to obtain l'or mothers the eo—guard-

. ianship of minor ehildren equal with t‘athers.

' Adjourned.


1 Convention resumed at 2 :30.

. Scriptural reading and prayer by Prol’. \V. S. Giltner.
. Minutes of morning session read and approved.

' Voted that we continue our efforts to have women placed on
the boards of all educational, charitable and punitive institutions.

Report of the Covington Equal Rights Association was read.

t Mrs. Mary E. Giltner, member of the National Executive

l Committee, read a most comprehensive report of the Seattle con-

l vention.

l A most cordial welcome was extended to the convention from

a? the Outdoor Art League of Louisville, by Mrs. John 13. Castle—

Mrs. Lucy A. Xicld gave most heartfelt: greetings from the
Reverend Anna Shaw, the Louisville E. It. A. and from the, th—

- ture workers in the cause, the professional women, who are. not at
present members of the Equal Rights Association.

Our President responded by thanking the Louisville members
