xt7sbc3sxx9c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sbc3sxx9c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-03-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 29, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 29, 1983 1983 1983-03-29 2020 true xt7sbc3sxx9c section xt7sbc3sxx9c WW
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KEN UCKY ~ Quwihf rhi‘ij lieu-y ,.
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1 . fiat-goon siuii . “when!"
iYaé kib). wuuu
loop“ ru’tturrli . Teaching assistants from other lands are
‘l"’““."",“mfl unintentionally giving UK students big
I u;((:.¥,:§egu' ’ problems, and the University plans to do
I something about it by initiating 0 new
Miscopogu. ’ ' ”W“
Vol. LXXXV, No. I39 Tuesday, March 29, I983 An independent student newspaper University of Kentucky. Lexington Kentucky
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4 Pno'os by "VAN IAVLOR/“o'v a Staff
SGA candidates debate UDiVGI‘Sit .8
By JOHN VOSKUHL dent body." with Davenport and Bradford’s pro- rights issues
Staff Writer She pomtedto what she called her -_ posals to “expand the influence of Davenport said he regards the
proven gxpeé'ieencealasA; plugl m 150:- “4 ~ I ”a " " " Q the Student Government Association “right to safety“ as the most impor-
_.._.____—____. Ymg e ner em Y- e ' 4 7/ V l l q on University life," tant student right
plans to let the SGA Senate set the V l ”1 ’7‘ I, I} ’ “what I perceive as a student
David Bradford, John Davenport agenda for her lobbying efforts.'al— é / ‘ ’j y I a Davenport has proposed an SGA- right is me right to be on this cam-
and Cheryl Hardcastle. the three though financial aid is a priority, Z' 6 .l'lilf‘l I. Ll} “I sponsored textbook eiichange to pus and be safe from attack. the
Sanpidattes to; student body prosi- shesaid. ‘- ,, ' x’ ['1’ I] I l gbgdhsglyhaénfiygduelg: :‘fegmem right to live on this campis and be
en. 5 ress r ams o in- . - - i " ’ Q M f f b k- h sa'd. ”What
creased reprosentgtiogri and services Bradford said he ls committed to r 1" SW15" Bradford has also proposed a: (12:: mreuae ms: :11] tie evident
. representing the entire student , Q l ‘ _ Q pa ..
to students when they met last night . . awn/”m“ . III/{11.47" .. .. a “5*th “Change and the Slab at the end of ms semester
tTh G tDeb te bli fo Wy' 3"“ ”med ‘0 “'5 ”"5““ P“ — -'-'r - ”’ ’ - ' lishmentofacampuspub. .. . ‘ ' .
a e rea a ,a pu C rum sition as vice president of SGA as . Y .- . Y ,_ , . .‘ I - r 3 . ' . I consider student rights the
sponsored by the Kernel. valuable experienceinthis area. :1)" . ;. a} 5,: , ;. :Q .:.;' Asked if he thought he was being right of students to have their own
The debate. held in Memorial ‘05 '~"""""‘_ , -’ ' ‘. ~_ realistic. Davenport said his propo opinion and to have that opinion
Hall. was divided into two major “Technically. I represent every- sal is necessary for students. “Ican- heard by the Student Govemment
parts. In the first portion of the pro one."hesaid. not think of a better place that stu- Association." Hardcastle said
gram. the candidates fielded ques- Budget cuts and financial aid It dent government should be. than She said the fact her vote for the
tions from James Edwin Harris. WOUld be the major areasgf his lOb' - »._- 1.5,. -- ’. ?‘*‘I~;fj“:k4\ working in areas to save students Student Health Fee referendum last
Kernel managing editor. and An bying efforts. Bradford sai . He is in .r , .4” ' - . . _ "5 " ' 7 . money." he said. semester demonstrated her devotion
drew Oppmann. the paper‘s news favor of linking a coal severence tax “Ash/.3 13.9,, ”A” “Bradford defended both of his pro- to student opinion “I‘ll protect the
editor, The second portion of the to funding higher education in the Vllll'llllltl'illlillllllll; tattlllil-lnlllitsllllllu“- posals. saying both were realistic, right of every student to mice theii
program featured questiom to the state, hesaid. ‘ ‘ \ H W‘ He said legislation will be intro- opinion when it comes to something
candidates from the audience of “It would be a courageous thing. "‘—'—-\, $5 R3§$§¢V=WT « duced in the General Assembl 's that will affect them as much as the
,,,, . /I/./////;.,.... , ,— i y
about 50people. and I think it’s one thing that would _,_'"_"’.-—=~”— ‘ gilffi‘.’ Q__ ”‘33:; next session to allow the sale of beer mandatory health fee has,“ she
All three candidates said they plan work very well,“ he said. a,» '"m’yéx l \‘&\ \‘. on campus said.
alicitefsfinli‘édéiilyrfggea'i‘iiifinfi regeal'l‘ientlfgnentail‘s: sfififdbggy ”ii: // , m , WWII/W11. mm\\“\\\\\\\\\\\. “‘3 rexgt‘zwgsyd; §°"‘l.§°'flld‘g "‘3“? plgnggcinffgs‘i’gg [303]“: grain“?
. W“fiw'flun"ll"nuul l l ‘ sax ar cas e _' -
state legislature . . said his administration would “keep 35' "I . “They were not included in my plat- tation hours as a demonstration 0f
. Hardcastle said “her administra- an open mind and an open opportu- a '.u;aili!‘.2:!l form." Speahmg‘m the campis pub his‘com'mitment to student rights..-

, tion would try for cooperation and mty to represent all of the stu- issue. she said. Legislation such as It was the right of chemo he
coordination" with campus interest dents." '-"°"""°‘“"'° "°'”"5'°“ this has been introduced before and said. “And that was what they (the
groups and student organizations. Davenport said he would concen— first must have a large constituent versity first," defeated, and it will probably come student body» wanted ~ by an over-
“We'll be actively seeking informa- trate on increasing the effectiveness base back home," he said. “Then, The expansion of the Student Gov- up again andbedefeated." whelming majority "

r. lion and feedback from every orga- of the UK student lobby by register- once we get into Frankfort. we plan ernment Association's student serv- (hie question from the audience After the debate. the candidates

a nized student on campus." she said. 1118 more studentstovote. to start on the issues of financial ices was another area of concern for asked about the candidates‘ past re- said they were pleased with their

.- “I hope to represent the entire stu- “To have an effective lobby, you concern to the students of this Uni- the candidates. One question dealt cords of involvement in student performance

Baha ’is face ~ \ TUESDAY *' ' m- m «seam ~' .. «at
persecution \ - ”""m“' ""‘w" m""'°”""’ """""“*"'<’« 'i:""""“* ‘~"‘5'“~" 3"""’ '°'

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m homeland V \fl; ’3 - ~ m“, m-“”"“ . mum-ammo
\ ’ . H 1,, ‘ .. ...'."':' z"; ’ IRAIKIDRI _. a ' ring D. H u ’ ”fight ‘3” " f . ,1 "3.5;? .“,‘f"""'; Q . ~ _
—_'—'——— / / ‘ \ _i'.'.'" /, Q} t . ‘ e. .W _ ‘ K ‘ h“.m L ,. _ m , .. m . fa:
By DAvgeEMtlsame W -, . Q,.-5;, Kentuckians "a not choice for a change. . w gfi'“."i “in. g
por er . ;,'j'_Q._._:a-§;’-'i—_:.:-";:t'1 a.“ l‘ state Sen. Jim lunch. announced yesterday mm 4.3.,- [Elli-“lot“.up. “10:": 3| : its. » | .

Q ,1 'I ' 'y ‘ «cm-Whrmr - « afimn~'mllm*mmm

‘ .~ , ., I. “ Dunning. oil-moldfomier protection- . ' ' “as ,_.Q.,QQ« ii. ~ . . .

WM . .. » humanism Whom .
e debate over the separation _. ,/ E l al baseball pitching not, made W333”. . Q 9. WW W Q,.
of church and state continues in this ' -..- . - "m , , W, ,1 -— . ._ . MW. ,: A -
country, several Lexington residents A; ' T'f-r,‘ 1%” a.“ Q K Uni l?“ .. _ MW WW” .0- Q
are Painfully aware of the extremes pr " ‘ viii;- W' “”3”” "" m WW Woman W .
possible when that split is not ob- $15; .5“. m applaud-d and M the m r WNW r -r ~ no
served — their relatives in Iran live 4. .~‘ , . “an _‘ Speech. E::-.:.;:-.:, : - :2; I . “WWW
in terror for practicing Baha‘i. a re- .15“ {’S- ‘ . The M m luv-5W W i «- _ "fig-frvrywhs ,4 t ’ "
ligion not accepted by Iranian law. ’1 j- '3 .« NOW If M3; ”W” t W ’“Err-53$;.s‘r-‘i‘oi‘3~r '. '~ 7 Q ’2‘
MEN“: 30’3” and F910”. 3“ ffi 2" '.; ' - . -s. - acmmmgufia, .-=j
originally from Iran. are members (' :1} ' V “W W m Uta W incin- M . 3, " W “Chow!-
of a local Baha‘i group — the Lex- ,- r" ‘1 [a outlonot system, toying Kenhvckteno “m ._ m "“t . ”willie 5..
inston Spiritual Assembly (They ' » ”r' v «dad and deserve Integrity in Mt -~ not Mm"? ”“ " ' . j;
Wished to use only their first [lama ' l '1” "‘Dum. and W M. *. M .' 5W. « lilgg‘fii’f'AQQfifiw’év‘é. ":""_“=~%‘::
to protect their relatives in Iran). it i WMFIllD/K ISO u MW!“ ”W " W so.'..;..:,:,Q-. A a», . “a:

‘- Though a continent away. the ter- ' ' . m. ° ' W ~ M.“ ”fir‘wfihfixmfis‘ j:‘..,..'i"r~.“‘§“

. ror of the attacks on Baha‘is in Iran Baha‘i center in Israel. the faith‘s tual Assembly. one of about. 1.400 5'! M! 090. Mm W Q 3‘ r‘ ‘ w s ' \r 1;: “#:‘3‘

-' hits them uncomfortably close to major shrine. He said the center re- local assemblies of the Baha'i faith the W3 and I“ MW M hr M “if a“ “moh‘ihfis ‘fi

, home. ceivos no money from the Israeli in the UnitedStatcs. About 300 Ba- another 5'... m m .9, h. .63 y..- M s ”at:

I; Mehran‘s aunt. uncle and comin government. ha'is reside in Kentucky. With 30 W he M WW“ '5. Q '- .' . 33* “t: » - 2* s
were included in the arrests last Soraya‘s father was released from members in the Lexington assem- m w M M w M. Wgy-sgs; ‘ W

month of 20 Baha‘is in Iran. and his prism. and friends helped him out of bly. . . . « ' - W a Q ___ ngQ j‘ V , *‘r' Aim;- fli. .

Q ; uncle is on a list of 2'2 Baha'is sen- Iran. she said. One month later, Ira- Felora, who came to the Umted "l. Ml “”1" ”d PM tech. ‘5 °' which n n-M’ ,Qfifioe W _ ’i
.- tencedtodeath. nian officials were searching for States almost five years ago, said Kentuckians. m . . : *ngg‘e‘g‘lfimgw‘?
Q. Mehran‘s father. a physician for himatheruncle’s home. she “celebrate? that. dayI every ’ . "M *V"‘”*“ as *w" 3
25 years with the Ministry of Health According to Sarah Lee, a data ar- year." Her arm yremainsm ran. M , Q . .. . _ Q .. _
3’ in Iran. lost his job in the wave of chivist at UK. Baha’i is a simple re- Mehran said that until about one OM---_.__._-.____ae_;s_w;.“_g_! WWW" erosive ' w~s:::;‘;:.~ae~‘v
' firings 0‘ Baha‘is in recent years. ligion. based on the belief that di- undone-half years ago. he did not . . Q «. 4 35¢: - r t... . Q _.,- 5Q
‘ “He was told that if he would recant vine truth is not absolute. or limited understand why his parents re- DALLAS _ Three New m M. ‘-r l «t
his faith he could have his job to a single faith. but relative to all mainedinlran. John E. Mn“. 0... m N “M \ . « a:
i back."Mehran said. “He refused." religions as revealed by their found- He asked them. “Why don't you Fa W » 0' . _ ._ ,
' ' f t t?" Their answer i t ical of m w". - W. It'd-y . ' .— fill , 5...;

Soraya emigratedtoCanada rom ers. ge on s yp 7 __ _ Q , 7 7Q .

Q Iran five years ago. ”We had no The Bah‘u'llah and the Bab — the most Baha‘i: who stay in Iran under “7 '0‘ d W m “3 “uh m h“ ‘ -‘ ,- . ir‘ir;

; clue the revolution was coming." founder of their religion and the threatofpersecution.hesaid. if for qua-m h the” of 1m ‘ , . Q. a.
she said. "We began to hear things. prophet who foretold his coming —- “ ”this is the time to stay there.‘ " m, ~ . . : . , ~Q _.

" butstillldidn'tbelieve." are simply the latut in that long he said his parents told him. "It's Officers 8 M. w p. m. , W, T . .. Q, _ Q _ - - ~..Q “35’"

Realilation sank in when police chain. shesaid. Iikea front held under pressure. and m I m w . , m .. . .k.1....“...t acts-s ; ~55.in :téppesrs. .. L
arrested her 75-year41ld father and Islamic fundamentalists, by con- youdon‘twanttolet it go. - wt .: .. we smash, Q . _ a. Q "3'3 s. a .3. :33
accused him of sending money to Is- trust. believe that Allah is the one “Every time you '0“? the front. m “M d Ito M“ ‘ = .‘I in“. " :w V;“3r_, ,1 ‘-,\9.P‘i:',__ lie 3";
reel. “He was imprisoned one true God. and belief otherwise. she it‘savictory of wrong over right." WWW. ‘ . h Q Q s. .- .Qj,,-3§QZ§"§'= “t ? £53 x§~s
night." she said. “They took over said.inacomtrywhereiellglon and Underground: to help people flee m. M W m m . W»: aw“ g. .“fixng
his house — furniture. carpets. nation are confinedly synonym”, the country have not developed be- mm a W m u m “_ . . u '- ‘1- ,Q h Q; glass ._ ._ 4...},
money.books.everything." ls collidered heruay or lack of pa- name most Baha'i: are reluctant to mom "no m m M -.‘Q Q,. “3W” . Q t _ in

Mehran said many Iranian Ba- triotism ——diecretions piuiialiable by leave. Mehran said. ”They regard ' ‘ fl - two” "23,» a». see :3: - ' it's-gin“ 593%:
ha'is are charged. like Soraya's ta- death. Iran as the land of the tnrth of their “"7 0 maximum 0". W 3' m .5" _ . ,, . .1“ :\%m . ‘_ £33361" ‘r
ther. with mph-mg with Israel be- Lee is the Secretary of the Media religion, They love Iran. and they SI.“ "no. . cm '1.“ . ... my; “bf; _ g};”53*?“13%;:‘7'7239; Q Q“; 3 War“
cause they send donations to the Committee for the 1mm Soirl~ monuments - T _ . secure“ 7.» that up, ..

 . 5"... . _’
. i '
If" “m Anto- W John 00% “oy Pun-eon Llnl S. ladd- J... Value... 0.0 Cllflud
(door In Chief News (duo: Arie Editor Sports Editor Spec-cl 'votutoiduo: Photo Editor Graph-u Edllot
PE RSUASION WW WWW Mm». ”W ............. ”W
Mongol". Editor ldiluiial Editor Ann-tom Arts (duo: Assistant Sports Editor Spoool Plolotll Aumom Chic. Photographgi . our DH. i , .n
somtor_at_|ar 0 tion Assistance hind should be more arid economies college fairly and d- only dos it take on issues that af-
9 accessible. with less red tape when fectively. A willingnas to work cou- feet the student body but also isues
applying. pied with a knowledge of the work- that concern the campus as a whole.
Michael Bush: I have a long- dent Government Association reach elected to the Student Senate. The ings of the business and economies [feel I coulduse my abilities toward
standing interest in government. Up the students and Vice V9138. My isues I am most concerned with are Nancy Kelley: Having been a aen- collegewillenable metodothis. forming an even stronger SGA and
until now, my interest has been in strongest belief regarding SGA is improving the campus bus system. ator for arts and sciences, I believe facing issues focused on the business
watching others in the political that the students' opiniom be the top lobbying in the 1% General Assem- that I fulfill the qualifications. I be- Brad McDearman: I am running and economics college.
arena. and I have learned much. I priority in all decisions faced by the bly and working with the Student lieve that this is a very good way to for the office of businas and eco- '
now feel anxiors and prepared to Student Senate. Government Association speakers get involved with the campus. I nomlcs college senator because I Mark Stlvers: I have decided to
participate in government and the bureau. would like to be able to continue rep- would like to become more involved run due to the fact that I believe the
Student Government Association ap~ Neal "Nelly: 1 am seeking the resenting the student body to the in the activities around UK. I would students deserve a more representa-
pears to be an organization I can office of senatorat-large for a sec- ’nieo Monroe: The Student Gov- best of my ability. I believe that I like to see the Student Organization tive body that is not characterized
work well in. 00d term because I Still see a 18138 eminent Association is $58.”. This am a very open-minded person andl Assisunce Fund utilized to its full- by petty political manuevering. Spe-
gap between students and the Stu- is your money. and you should be in- also believe that my decisions at by campus organizations, and cific issues that I am concerned with
John Cain: If reelected as senator dent Government Association. I be- volved in deciding how it is used. (made) will be made for the majori- plan to be an active part in the drive are creating a more studentoriented
at-large, I would aid in all efforts to lieve by giving the students a louder The representative you choose must ty ofthestudents. toexpandtheSeaton Center. atmosphere in central campus, cre-
fight budget cuts. including lobbying voice in how they want to spend listen to your needs and ideas and ‘, ating safer campus through special
the upcoming General Assembly I their money and by funnelilig more act upon them within the SGA. I am ,‘ Henrietta Pepper: I believe that programs and realization of student
Will continue to promote student ”1‘ money back ‘0 the students. we will 83km you to allow me to carry 0Ut Jonathan S. King: I feel I can rep- the Student Government Association organization and activity center in
volvement in the Student Govem- be able to narrow the gap between these duties. resent all segments of the business is a vital organization at UK. Not the old bookstore.
merit Association and other student students and SGA. I believe my ex- 5
organizations. I will also continue to perience on the Appropriation and Cathie Northern: This year I have . . ‘
fight for increased student parking Revenue Committee. the Student Or- had very close contact with a large, commulncat'ons
on campus. Having already served ganization Assistance Committee diverse group of students while serv- . .
two terms in SGA. I can get a heads- and as chair of the Program Com- ing as the Little Kentucky Derby Mary Anne 0wens:(Communica- of Kentucky and especrally its stu- aware of the many services pro- ‘
tart ina more productive SGA mittee. I will be able to better rep- chair. I would support any legis- tions) I am seeking this office as dent government. It IS through the Vided by UK. Also, I want to be a
resent the students in appropriating lature that the student body felt was communications senator because of Student Government Association more direct part of helping the ever- ; 1
Kevin McCann Carr: I shall be SGA funds tohelp narrow that gap. needed (is. extended residence hall my strong interest in the University that I wish to make more students growing College of Communications. 2
seeking the office of senator-at-large visitation and a campus pub). Also. ;
so that I may help provide a better Keith Hill: Serving as an RA at I would like to establish a program D t' t 3
student government that will serve Haggin Hall and as an administra- in which students could cash person- on IS fy . .
the needs of the student body and tive assistant to Student Govern- al checks at loeal stores. This past 3‘ l
the collQe community as a whole. I merit Association president Jim weekend I helped organize the Stu- Doug Knight: I enjoy the job and like serving the college of dentistry. ‘
look forward to and would appre» Dinkle. has gven me great insight dent Center “Beat U of L“ Bash and ‘gl i
Ciate good support on election day to campus leadership. Next year I realized the students are supportive. I I g
look forward to working for better They just need someone like myself Englneerlng g
Greg Crockett: I would like to campus lighting. improved dormito— in the Student Government Associa- ‘ ' . i
make government more accessible ry living conditions and serving on tion who would be supportive of the . Brad Hobbs: I am seeking this of- Jay F. Perkins: I feel that student gineering senator. I feel that I would 3 i
to the average student They pay to the SGA Campus Relations Commit- student body wishes. free as a forum through which I can senators should only be concerned bethis kind of representative, 1
come here. and they should have a tee. represent the interest and needs of with the wishes and needs of the stu- ; i
say in dorm vigitation fogs student Jeff Rice: I am seeking the office the College of Engineering which dent body. Senators should always Robert Vanderwege: Because my i
rights and even parties. if that's Alan Holt: I think most students of Senator-at-Large because I firmly have become apparent to me during be available to the students they friend Dean bet me a keg that I g
what they want. Student Govern- at this university fail to realize what believe that our student Govem- my current term as president of the represent as their avenues into the wouldn't win this election, I will 3
ment Association is a farce if it does an influential and iseful role the merit (sorely) needs to become more College Of Engineering Student Student Government Association de- share it on election day with my i
not address these issues. Student Government Association can responsive to the inputs and require- CounCiI. cision making. As the College of En- supporters. ;
and dog play on this campus. I merits of all students. Specifically.l
Kevin M. Devlin: I intend to make think the SGA should be put to task will (as your Senator) support semi— . t
Student Govemment Association to implement more programs and annual student referendums on Educatlon ’
more accessible to the student body. set-Vices which directly benefit a major issues . . . particularly . . . 2
Communication between the stu- wider spectrum of students at UK. any proposedtuition/feehikes. Penny Heston: As a junior. I ation is better lighting on campus. cided to run for senator because
dents and the Senate is necessary to The best example I can think of would like to get more involved in Students studying at the library and there was a need for honest. faithful 3
make it an effective organization. I where it would behoove the SGA to Rudy Schlich: I feel it is a great Student Government and affairs. I attending night classes deserve the leadership. I have learned how the
intend to plan for adequate funding get involved would be working to re- opportunity to be running with Jo think that much can be done to ben- righttofeel safe. Student Senate functions and should ;
for highereducationoncampus. organize the inefficient bus service Ann Liston. Angie Medley. and efit all students on campus. One be even more effective during my 3
that now exists. Drew Gaines. This provides a good issue that deserves special consider- Glenn Temdrup: Last year I de- second term. i
Bob Easwn: I intend to return combination of experience. but . i
representative gavemment to UK. Stan Lee: Why am I running for equally important it contains new Flne Arts 3
The cliqueish “big brother“ attitude office'.’ Instead of giving the usual blood. New blood with new ideas ea- 3.
typical of the Student Government "BS“ about wanting to serve my fel— gerly awaiting the chance to change Jacqueline Embry: My reason for that requires a person who is accus- record in the Student Government i
Association over the past several se- low students or wanting to make UK the direction of Student Govem- seeking this position is my realiza- tomed to spot‘mg problems and find- Association. '1
masters is over. Every issue of con— a better place. I will be honest. It ment_ tion of the need for a qualified indi- ing reasonable solutions. As [resent i
cem to the student body will come would be quite interesting to see vidual who has experience in stu- art studio representative. I am the Rene Smith: I will represent the 3
to a referendum. including drops in what the Student Government Asso— Louis Straub: Waste of money on dent leadership. This position is me most qualified and will continue my college well. 4‘
educational quality and raises in the ciation really does and particularly programs and services that serve
cost of your education. how it spends its budget. little benefit for most students on .
campus. This is the policy that I Graduate SChOOI -
Jdin Fish: This past year I served Jo Ann Liston: Throughout my have tried to stop in Student Govern- - — -
as freshman senator and through high school years I was active in ment. As a senator I have worked in Deepak Dhawan: Graduate stu- some experience with the represen- sider this an (pportunity for person- .
this involvement. I found the Stu— student government I enjoy work- the best inter-fits of the students. 1 dents are an important part of the tation of student interest at an un- al growth and also to increase grad~ ’
dent Govemment Association to ing with policy that will affect the have always kept their goals and student community and hence need dergraduate level and would now
have a great deal of potential. As student body and want to become a ideals in mind as I voted. If re- to be represented on the Student like to offer my services for the uate student contribution toward -
freshman senator I served on the part of itatL'K. elected. I will continue working for Government Association. I have graduate student community. 1 con- student affairs. (
Political Affairs Committee and the I f l the I the students and continue working to H E .
Undergraduate Studies Committee. I Elizabeth Masters: ee t sto the wasteofstudent money.
would like to have the opportunity to would do a good job as a Student p ome conomlcs
continue working through the SGA Govemment Association senator be- Michelle Knapke: As a future tea- nomics. I would like the opportunity of home economics senator because .
for you. the students of UK I will cause I am receptive to the needs Rod Sutherland: Through my ex- cher. I realize the importance of re- to explore other ways of working Iwant to keep everyone informed on
keep a constant awareness Of my and opinions 0f the students. I be- periences at the College Of Agricul- lating to students. By serving other with students and faculty of my col- what is going on throughout the ‘
comtutients' views concerning is- lieve that I am very well qualified to ture and my desire to improve life student organizations, I believe 1 lege as well as the University com- campus. I feel it is important for my
sues faced by SGA be a good representative. and I am here at UK. I feel I would make a have leadership qualities necessary munity. fellow students to be involved in all '
willing ‘0 spend all the time and ef- 800d senator’at-large. My record for serving the college of home eco Julie Lien: I am seeking the office of the important activities.
Drew Gaines; I have served this fort required of me by the duties of shows that I can offer you, the stu-
year as a freshman senator and theoffice. dents of UK. an enthusiastic and
wish to stay involved In the Student hard-working voice. I would make Law SChOOI 1..
Government Association. I feel as mygoaltostandforwhat'sright. . p ‘
though the experience I have gained Angie Medley: In high school, I Rod Flynn: As a veteran of many rooms, I am confident that I wrll ef- UK‘s law students.
this year will allow me to become was active in our student govern- CM. “Buddy" Vaughan: I would long meetings m dark. smoke-filled fectively represent the interests 0f
involved in a greater degree next ment, I worked hard and received a like to see more cooperation be-
year, I believe that l have worked to great deal of self-satisfaction from tween greeks. oncampus and off‘ LTI
serve the students this year. it. Because of this. I would like to campis students. I will work toward
continue my work in student govem- a 24-hour study room that is central- Cindy Taylor: The students at ment sometims overlooks the spe~ how to get things accomplished. My
Flo Hackman: Ihave enjoyed try- merit here at the University of Ken- ly located. I would investigate the Lexington Technical Institute are cial needs of LTI. such as a large experience in the Student Senate is
ing to reach the students through tucky. prospects of having a beer pub on long overdue for a strong voice that number of part-time and adult stu- going to help fulfill the needs of LTI.
my pmition‘ public relations direc- this campus. I also support the new is willing to speak out on all issues dents, a large number of evening I have spent my three semesters at
tor. but now I would like to work Jim Metcalf: Student advocacy swimming pool and regularly sched- that affect them. I feel that the stu- class participants. and a nonstradi- the Student Government Association
even more closely in helping the Stu- will be my first priority if I am uled buses. dents at LTI are an important part tional curriculum that gives this in- trying to get the students to realize .
of the university community and de- stitutiona distinctive personality. LTI is a part of UK and they are en- '
- serve the same representation that Ann Wessels: After spending three titled to the same “fringe benefits."
AngCUIture the students on the campus have. I semesters serving as Lexington If I am elected for a new term. LTI
feel that the present student govem- Technical Institute senator. I know will keep seeing the changes. :
Scott Yocum: I am seeking this of- Chris Greenwell: I am seeking the should hear the entire campus' . . ,.
fice because I feel like I can make 3 office of agriculture senator because voice. While this past year has seen lerary sc'ence
legitimate contribution to the Stu- I would like to see the largest coi- more student involvement in the 3
dent Senate. The agriculture college lege on the campus of UK also be- Student Government Association Bill Richardson: To continue rep- and Information Science students on bodia.
is one of the smaller colleges and come one of the most—recognized col- than ever before. there are still im- resentation of the College of Library the Student and University Sentate
the students need a strong voice to leges. The agriculture students‘ portant issues that the students
protect their interests I think I can voices should be heard and at the should play an important role in de- M d' '
fill this need. same time. the agriculture students ciding. o ICIne
. Ellen Burnett: I realize that a veloping disciplines now that will set training ili governmental responsibi-
Arnhltocture PhYSlClan_can choose to play a vital the pattern for a subsequent medical “US. ,
role in this community. If I am de- practice, then it is also the time for *
Jeff Moneypenny: As a student of senator activities. This has to have a stronger voice on campus. I ..
the University of Kentucky. I have change andlwill change it feel the University has placed ar- Pharmacy it
been illinformed of the actions of chitecture on the back burner. caus- { .
the Student Government Assoma- Todd Osborne: I am seeking the ing a spirit of hopel$sness among William C. Thombury Jr.: I am professional community should have ests or my college and to uphold the “
tion Other than the Kernel's ram- position as senator from the College the students. I would like to do my submitting my name for comider- an active voice in the legislation and fine leadership that has preceded ‘
blings of SGA debates. I know of no of Architecture. so the college will par-tincorrecting the problem. ation to represent the College of development of student government me. ’1.
Pharmacy because I feel that the policy: I pledge to support the inter-
Arts El 8 ' ' ?
ciences Social Work 2 »
Kathy Ashcroft: UK has many the Student Government Association tion), I feel that I still have quite a Harold Nelly: lsee great potential the Student Government Associa- continued association with Social
problems ranging from the inade- and the Student Senate. Academics bit yet to do for student rights and for the College 0‘ 50d“ Professions tion. 1 "Item to make it heard. We Workers in Action.
quate bus service to the continued is the heart and soul of university getting my constituents to send a in the coming year. This COIIege is are small and can be well organized
debate over Robinson Forest. Stu- life and an area of keen personal in- crystal clear message to the admin. in great need for a strong voice in for lobbying in Frankfort. I pledge
dent aid is disappearing. Where will terest to myself as a pre-med major. istration as to ‘ust how the want
the UK students turn to in the fu- Iaspire to serve the students of Abs their universitylmanaged. This can Elm" COUNTY by Berke Breathed
ture'.’ The Student Senate makes the by representing their viewpoints in be accomplished through ma‘e nef- '
decisions that affect UK students, I seeing that valid academic policy erendums. and a greater responsibi- no 00 my 04 M w. oee’s
want to be part of the Student Gov- decisions are made. lity to the needs of the students at Mitt) moon (or ermine ABSIRACI
ermnentAssociation large. weveomm 5055 wow Rewrlous? LL write
Phil Taylorzl believe that I can 910? no ABbIRACTRewa mqumé GIRL? ...ieeu~oa BY” i
Jain: amen: Having served as accomplish a lot for the students in MOW W WWW \ gwmu ‘ 60mm .