xt7sbc3sxz3d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sbc3sxz3d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-08-31 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 31, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 31, 1988 1988 1988-08-31 2020 true xt7sbc3sxz3d section xt7sbc3sxz3d  

Vol. XOll. No. 16


Established 1894

University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky


Independent since 1 971 Wednesday. August 31 . 1 988


UK students not only ones with housing problems this fall

Staff Writer

The record number of applicants for l'ni
versity housing this semester left about non
students with only two options: live in
“tripled“ dormitory rooms and provisional
housing, or look for some place off campus

But UK students should not feel alone in
facing crowded housing conditions Several
other universities have been hit with in
creased enrollments, which have torced
them to look for alternative student hous

Lanny Wilson. associate director of rcsi
dence halls at Purdue l'niversity said that
the rise in the number of students in

creased occupancy in the residence halls
by about 301) this fall.

About 488 rooms were "tripled.” affect-
ing about tjoo of the 6 000 incoming fresh
men living on campus

"A lot of the students had great concerns
about the situation and were afraid that it
would not work," Wilson said. Students
were told in April that they would be living
in "triples." making this the first year
since 1984 that tripling would be necessary.

To ease students' minds. sample triple
rooms were set up during orientation to
show students what their rooms would look

The idea has worked so well that Wilson
said many students have not wanted to
leave their triple rooms when other, regu~

Ellis is first black
to receive KA bid

By Tll(l\l.-\S .l. Sl'l.l.l\' \\
Executive Editor

The image of the
(‘onfederate flag on
the dining room wall
in the {'K Kappa
Alpha fraternity
house was painted
over two weeks ago

Last week. the all
white fraternity gave
a bid to a black basv f //
ketball player ELLIS

[n accepting a bid
from KA. LeRon Ellis. (1 torward. beinime
the first black to ever pledge the l K chap

Fraternity members say that they .m-

aware of the fraternitys reputation as
racist organization by some people

Ellis hltl. however was

‘I would say that there are some .‘loso-vt
minded people on campus 'v\ ho miuhi iiiiik
that ‘KA is rilt'lSi'. accordiiirl io l t‘JtlL'
(‘umberledge KA fraternitv pres dent
"But anyone who knows the fraternity
would say" that that ‘s not the case .it .iil

Ellis was chosen because he is .ve'irlikv'v‘.
in the fraternity. said Kevin Harrison «
KA active at [K “The guys were rcai‘i
excited about him accepting his bid

(‘umberiedge says he realizes some pen
ple perceive KA as being ii racist trait-rm
ty because of its display of the conteder tii'
flag and a celebration called ' Hid soiiili

[n "(lid South ' confederate
are worn by RA members

Richard Barnes. (“((‘t'lllfl't‘ diret tor i»:
the national KA chapter located l‘. ‘i‘vruiii
ia. said KA traternitics have been lilt'
grated for 23 years. since he passage .;
the national (‘iv'il Rights .\tt ill NM

The first KA chapter was ioundcd .2;
years ago

Barnes said he could understand now ”to
display of the contederatc ilag and ‘i lld
South" might cause problems tor l K and
other chapters

"itlld Southi actually evolved .is _i part
of a theme party. actually. Barnes said

The movie "Gone With The Wind

t‘itit tt



Inspired members of KA at the l'niversity
._,i Hklahoma ill the 1950s to hold an "Old
south part‘. Barnes said The idea
spread to other campuses. becoming a true
Barnes and the national chapter does
not .lppl'lnt' It' the use of confederate flags
ind items ot that sort
the contederate tlag "is not. nor has it
ever been the flag of KA." Barnes said
We have discouraged the public display
ot those things people do tend to mis»
understand their meaning "
l‘he riiisiinderstanding of the flags
moaning was the reason the [K chapter
;t:lllllt*4l -i\ er :ts tlaL'. Harrison said
~l'iii-e people equate the (‘ont‘ederate
an.) .vith being racist. they assume we
tl't‘ ":icist \nd that‘s totally wrong," Har-
rison -:iid
l‘ne Y niversity of Tennessee chapter is
,ixvare tit 'hat image. too. said Larry Ladd.
.t 7"" lv’.\ chapter member
last vear we painted over a couple
tit ‘ intederatc ilags” Ladd said. " Just
Jllltkt' sure there was no redneck image
l‘he western Kcntiickv l‘niversity chap-
painted over their (‘ontcdcrate

'i'i‘ .li‘t'

f‘tiere .vas reallv no main reason tor
panting over 't we rust painted over
! and Bob Stone. ti KA member at West
stone said the RA chapter at Western
‘l.t\‘t‘ .t racist image in tact. he
silttli 'he\ have been leaders in integrating
’iltlll‘ chapter

We were ”he first chapter
to 'iave .t black active." he said,
Who l‘aii Delta pledged two blacks
seiiieslet‘ and 1 think our adding a
‘iliick .ic‘ivc in initial kind ot helped 'hat
happen ”\tonc said

i.1l<.t' t K. Stone‘s cnapter has a black
pledge This semester

tint illllllv't' WKt'. {'K‘s chapter is pledg
:iu .i black student tor the tirst time

i‘umbcrledge. however. insisted that
this .s nodiitcrent trom any other pledge.

‘l eHon has been around here tor a year
.iiid Jillllt‘tl the respect oi the members. '
-‘iiintierledge said.


on campus .


sec ELLIS. Page ‘

Bush uses Kentucky speech
to assail Dukakis judgment

By MARK R. (Hm .I .( tltl—2\
ASStK'ldlt‘tl Press

(l.-\K GROVE Ky Vice l’tcsidei'l
George Bush brought his message oi oi
vent patriotism to western Kcntuckv yes
terday and received a warm response

This small community by Fort t‘ampbcll
contains the kind of Dcmoc'nts Bush must
will to carry Kentucky conservative tm
triotic and independent when it
presidential elections

”:\lllt‘l'lt‘il is back and l intend io
keep it that way." Btish said to an over
tlow crowd ot more than too .it the \iiieii
can Legion Post 23:! hall

Bush‘s speech to what he tallcd this
militarily oriented community " was iiidic
ative of recent addresses that have raised
questions about the patriotism ot his Dem
ocratic opponent. Massachusetts (aw \li
chael [)ukakis

He recited a litany of what he said were
the iiationalrsecurity victories ot the ltea
gan administration. from the intermediate
range nuclear forces treaty to hope toi .i
withdrawal of Soviet troops from .\tghani

comes to

\Il oi ftiosc initiatives. Bush said. were
"icir-siitt tit \iiiericanstrength.

‘l‘his s one crowd we dont want run»
lllllL’. the sccurity of the l'nited States.‘
Hiish said

Rash said he was not questioning Duka»
Kis patriotism

lm questioning his iiidgnient.”

llllltliL‘, .i brici impromptu address to
’iuiidreds oi spectators who could not fit in
'he nail. Bush made a plea tor help in the
election less than loweekst‘iway

l 'v\.iltl in see us keep moving.”

Pi ior ‘o his speech. Bush visited private-
!_v with 'hi- commander of Fort Campbell
and received a brieling about the status of
‘hc loist \ii‘borne Division ‘All‘ Assault!
that is based more



Hush s trip took him to the only precinct
that could conceivably be called a Republi-
can outpos' in heavily Democratic Chris-

Hut even with all ot the Republican niili»

t.iiy personnel in (iak Grove 33 precinct.
the Democrats still outnumber them,

lar rooms have come open. and that some
of those that have lett have asked to mini
backlnto “triples '

"It has come out to be a very l)t>.\lll'.t‘
situation." Wilson added, mind we‘ve ltt‘t r
very pleased with it "

Morehead State l'niversitj. has not ltlltl -'
quite as easy

According to Tim Rhodes. t-‘(t‘CllltM‘ [ti
rector of Enrollment Services. the years
enrollment has been the highest since lotto
with an increase oi more than ooo student-
living in the residence halls than this time
last year

“We‘re completely tullf Rhodes and
"After everything has shaken down ttiorr
will be between to—to-To students who
be either the third person in a. two perm-1

. lt

room or the tittli person ,r: ., 3+1!" :in i.i_l;,..~ “in”... ii; 3,» at , 1.53,.“ l”,
\t thi- beginning at 'ne ~e-~;i
.ztio students .mtluivit .- iv -
Cw Mt‘t' plated .1, ‘vrzfii
ill‘itl ii it"ik ,U'I‘v t '.n-
lloldizi'. in". ’ii.t l‘i
(ith 'n noshoxvs and-iridium . _ _ .. _ t ‘ .. ”1“,.

iiirred toiiormal Mitotic» -- :"l

par 1'


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