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' " J l “k "x n . | V a. ’1 SENTRAL SERIALS RECORDS ’
“ . j " ., . ‘ J LEXINGTON KY RAR'ES .
Volume 7 4: Number 9 - September 2003 - Published by Kentucky Press Association/Kentucky Press Service 1
W e ve come a ong way 1n years Septr .
Thanks for your that time. You that kind of organization, while get- NeWSTN '
role in the past 20 On Second / can’t point to any ting even better. .3 , _ - ‘“/
ears. Monda , ” one part of this The executive committees and the Tia '
geptember 26, 1983;, Thought 4 organization as the boards over those years have been Egfiengewic I,
reall seems like ;; /gr%%“éé ke to makin it reat. I’ve heard the horror stories ’ "i: ty 1: ,
yesterday 1n some _ ’5%%’% what 1t 15 today. from other assoc1at10ns, 1nclud1ng 2 EV ch theLe gg. w
respects. That was [IgADEWd 177101112150" 4. ’4 An association other press associations, about con- ' ajfi Yea" xmgten '
. mm mm... w . , ~ , - HeraldeeadervMmamwsearxm
the first day I can only be as a fllcts. That s not the way 1t s been 1n , ”.1. »;._.v3,,1.,.;iz.
walked into 332 good as the sum of Kentucky. All of those serving the gerpersonmranewsyayexgtaff; _
Capitol Avenue as executive director its members. I've told past 20 Szpremfimgémmm
of the Kentucky Press Association. you many times I’ll In celebration 0f 20 years as years have mcedtwfiaxafdwrfi’s’ j
Come that day later this month, I put Kentucky newspa- Executive Director of Kentucky Press had one 28W¥eummflrr
can say I’ve enjoyed a job for 20 years. pers up against any Association, the staff at KPA and KPS goalc1 in .- Iggmumtysewww m: . 2;};
Frankl , I can’t imagine anyone enjoy~ state press associa- will host a come and 0 rece tion “ min : to , , "
ing a jgb as much as I have this one. If tion’s members, any on Sept. 26 from 10 mgr“. , 4 gm Stop strengthen {Presentedammlybyfl‘e ' ,.
you’re reading this, you’ve played a day, any time, any by theKPS’ad'staff building, , , KPA. To LexmgtonHerald-Leaderrtfle :
role in that — as a newspaper mem- where. You are that “f _ ? cg . z. / j / If , make it an awydrecomswltfggx
.b- .4 . ecafediwodoorsdownfromthe . W » W . m.
er, as a staff member, as an assoc1ate good. And because of KPABKfidingatifliCo erLane organiza- “.93th I.
member, as a colleague at another that, you’ve made FrankfortCakeand unchwfllbte tion that flfispa?“ £93333»: i
state press association, or just as a KPA/KPS good. ; [cl/5E“ , , , 15‘.” b :, serves its mgéwwg WW1)“ "
friend. (I can’t say I’ve enjoyed every What am I proud- serve Very?” 15 as e ‘- ,0, nnga ‘ member, hshedmmemeqfnféEdWardsE/I
minute of the past 20 years because est of? There’s a lot, fawn“ DaVId Thompson Story or provides TemPhnrpl‘mfién‘alfeCfOFOEW ’
part of this job involves lobbying the but one I wanted took Share a Photo from years past. the ser- I LemngflHeralé-Leaderand ‘.
legislature. Take that part away and 10 years to get and vices need- presadent—eleetoftheKenmtky
every minute has been fun.) that’s to be able to say ”every newspa- ed to help newspapers, without a bias PIESSASSQClatIOBWhflt/hgfijédam ‘
KPA and KPS have come a long per in the state is a member of the toward large dailies or small weeklies. ”67:.”
way the last 20 years, from one that as Kentucky Press Association.” The For the most part, we just call you all It waslaterrenamedtehénor .
Don Towles would tell you, didn’t challenge the first 10 years was to ”newspapers.” andmemonahzeLeWisOwensfor ‘
have two nickels to rub together, to make KPA an organization worthy of And just think of what those hismanyyearsofservice togomv 3.11
one that’s respected and admired. belonging to. The challenge from here munityandsetviceorgamzahéns ‘
I've only been riding shotgun in on out is to make sure KPA remains See YEARS on Page 8 mdtoKenmcky’s/newspapax<
0 0 0 0 9514? Theawfldwmbéwmh ”
KPA seeks Vlce preSIdent nomlnatlons WWW... We... .
Nominations and letters of applica— have been elected to serve on the Following the interview process, the gfivtwflm‘tWfii .:
' tions are being accepted until Friday, board, provided they have previously Nominating Committee will recom- };WW*%§;I‘«§‘%M
Sept. 26 for the office of vice president served as either an elected or appoint- mend a candidate for vice president to 7:”ng J
of the Kentucky Press Association for ed director or those persons who have the Kentucky Press Association and fa“
2004_ served three consecutive years as an Kentucky Press Service Board of aagfigg/awg :
Any KPA member may nominate appointed director." Directors. aggggg,yfiwifé%fi
any individual who meets the criteria Nominations must be sent to; David Following action by the board the :‘Wfigm/fiwjhgy‘i ,
set forth in the KPA bylaws for that T. Thompson, Kentucky Press individual will be recommended for fitfigfifihvfigfi .
position. Additionally, individuals _ Association, 101 Consumer Lane, approval the the full membership of éfikgfifiafifiriflfaibfifég
interested in holding office in the .:,.Frankfort, KYiégQ601. ' . ' . {KPA‘d‘I’iriI-igzthe business session of the tégffi’t’gfgmjfiééw .
Kentucky Press Association may sub— ' ' 7 All nominees, consenting 'to the 2004 Winter convention inLexington. «ggfififfifimgfififfixfiggfi:
mit a letter of application. . “ ‘ 3 nomination agdkagreeifigfiolserve if The person elected vice president f%§%%f€4ffltgffifix%‘§2‘§3
KPA bylaws state: ”The only person elected will'beiii‘nte'rviewed by the during the January business meeting @éwflfyfififlefi‘wfiw‘gV’W?“afi‘ifgfié ;
eligible for eleclion to the office of vice Nominating Committee once it has will become President-Elect of W%t?§”t%§fl§%% .
president are those who are currently been determined that the nominee KPA/ KPS in 2005 and serve as ”@éfggzfifiaggiégygéfigfifigté
serving as elected directors; those who meets bylaw requirements. . President of the organization in 2 006. '- Waffiffitmmfétgjfi:$x _'