xt7sf766794s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sf766794s/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1943-07-15 minutes 2004ua061 English Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, July 15, 1943 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, July 15, 1943 1943 1943-07-15 2020 true xt7sf766794s section xt7sf766794s 157 MINUTES or THE FACULTY or THE UNIVERSITY - July 15, 1943 The Faculty of the University met in the President's Office Thursday, July 15, 1943. President Donovan presided. Members present were Thomas P. Cooper, Alvin E. Evans, W. D. Funkhouser, Edward Wiest, and Leo M. Chamberlain. The minutes of June 2 were read and approved, with one change necessary to harmonize them with the facts concerning the record of Mary Frances Hatfield. On recommendation of Dean Wiest, the petition of James Sparrow was approved. Mr. Sparrow was asking that he be allowed half credit for Commerce 109a, Business Law, and Commerce 117, Corporation Finance. Mr. Sparrow left the University to enter military service on July 1, which was two days short of the required three weeks' period. Mr. Sparrow also asked permission to complete the third course which he was currently carrying, Commerce 102, Labor Problems, by correspondence, since his status in the army will permit him to-carry on this work. The Faculty approved this part of Mr. Sparrow's petition, with the understanding that Dean Wiest and Dean Chamberlain would arrive at the proper method of recording the credit for this course. On recommendation of Dean Wiest, the petition of John C. C1arke,dr. was approved. Mr. Clarke had completed the requirements for the degree of LL.B. after having done somewhat less than three years of work in the College of Commerce. He now asks permission to complete the 18 quarter hours necessary to satisfy the requirements for the degree of 3.3. in Commerce under the combined CommercevLaw program. Ordinarily it is assumed that the student will complete the requirements for this latter degree before taking a degree in the College of Law. Also on recommendation of Dean Wiest, the patition of Charles S. Jones, Jr. was approved. Mr. Jones asked that he be permitted to take an additional 8 quarter hours of work by aarrespondence, in order to complete the.requirements for a degree. In granting this permission. the Faculty allowed him to complete a total of 17 hours of correspon— dence during his senior year, whereas the rule provides that not more than 9 hours shall be done during this period. It was noted that this action was taken in consideration of the military status of the student and does not in any way constitute a precedent. On recommendation of the College of Law, the Faculty approved the following course changes in Law: Law 124. Evidence. 6 quarter hours a changed to Law 124 ash. Evidence, % quarter hours each. .Law 172, Problems.of Research, 3 quarter hours - changed to Law 172aub, Problems of Research, 3 quarter hours each. Dean Evans pointed out that because of reductions in the teaching staff of the College of Law, it may be necessary from time to time to 2 9.. _ l-g ..-~-_._.~.......«m.__as. ”53%;” l n' -r'- “A, r. 1303:!55-23:“:“ifif':£i!iiiiiéili?i:i :.:.‘-::-.2:riiz-tz-av-ns-uer“sate-u Lat-mm?- ~ ' Minutes of the Faculty of the University — July 1r, 1943 change the manner in which a particu-ar course is offered. He stated that the Faculty of the College of Law was requesting that the Faculty of the University grant permission to operate the courses as it seemed necessary without securing permission in each case. As it did not seem advisable to grant this authority, President Donovan recommended that Dean EVans and Dean Chamberlain endeavor to find a practical solution : to the problem presented. On recommendation of Dean Taylor, the Faculty approved the peti~ tion of John D. Minton. Mr. Minton was asking that he be allowed half credit in the courses in which he was passing during the current summer term, although leaving school for military service two days ; before the required period of three weeks. The Faculty heard the petition of Arthur F. Vogelman to be allowed ' “ full credit for the courses being carried during the current summer ‘4 V term. although leaving school on June 30. As it seemed probable that this request was intended to cover half credit only, it was referred l back to Dean Taylor. ; The Faculty heard the petition of John R. Eibner, who was asking that the E grades on his record for the first term of 194l~42 be removed. As no faculty action is necessary to bring about the change of a mark where such change is warranted, no action was taken. On recommendation of Dean Boyd and Mr. Clifton, the petition of T. Fred Erwin was approved. Mr. Erwin was asking that he be allowed credit for 24 hours of work including 4 hours taken by correspondence completed before the opening of the summer term except two lessons. On recommendation of the College of Arts and Sciences, the follow~ ing new courses and course changes in sociology were approved: lgfih - y w 7. Social Institutions. 4 quarter hours. A comparative analya | sis of the familial, economic, aesthetic, religious, and other basic institutions of human society. 125. American Regionalism. 4 quarter hours. Regional similarities \ and differences in American society and culture are delineated. and derived problems are subjected to a sociological analysis. 126. Occupational Organization. 4 quarter hours. A sociological } analysis of the division of labor in contemporary society, including detailed consideration of professionalism through { a study of the social organization of several selected profesv l Sions. ‘ 127. Differentiation and Stratification. 4 quarter hours. A systematic treatment of the factors underlying differentiation and stratification, with particular attention to problems of caste and class. Minutes of the Faculty of the University - July 15, 1943 125a» Eaaflssiss} 2h29_ry..an.d Msfiméflssr- 4 quarter hours. A . ‘study of the leading developments in sociological theory and ‘ methodology from Comte to the present time. l25b Sociological Eheory and_Methgd9lpgy. 4 quarter hOurs. A continuation of the course listed above. \ 225. Systematic Sociology. 4 quarter hours. An intensive study of certain selected sociological theorists such as Weber, Durkheim, Simmel, Parets and others. 224. Minority Groups. 4 quarter hours. A cociological scheme of analysis is applied to the special problems of adjustment arising from ethnic group relations and culture contacts. i 209. Seminar in the Family. 2 quarter hours. A seminar for ad~ fligh vanced students interested in family reaearch, family counsel- ‘\ v ling, or dealing with family relationships in some other pro- fessional capacity. : 8. Community Organigation. 4 quarter hours. Major structural L and functional aspects of modern American community types are l viewed in terms of developmental processes, human ecology. 5 i and current problems of control and planning. (Change from 112 to 8) 18. Four quarter hours. Change title from Social Origins to Comparative Sociology. A study of the dynamics of culture as shown in-a primitive, a peasant, and a modern culture system. Ui_ii__.\l, . . 105. Four quarter hours. Change title from Social Systems to Social Theory: Plato to Egmtel ’The social theories of . representative social thinkers, together with a brief study m - of their lives and the times in which they lived. Extensive ‘ reading of their works. 124. Four quarter hours. Change title from Methods gf_§ocial Egygstigation to Techniques of Social Investigation. A study of the practical applications of soci010gy in organizv ing, Conducting, and interpreting social surveys, and other forms of concrete research. Some background in statistics desirable. President Donovan discussed with the Faculty the question of the living conditions of men student, and pointed out the unsatisfactory conditions that have prevailed in fraternity houses, rooming houses, and dormitories. He indicated that there had been no plan in the housing of students which ' would permit the segregation of freshmen, and their proper supervision. He asked the Faculty's advice with respect to the policy of having all freshmen men live in the University dormitories under supervision. He suggested that such a program might be initiated at the opening of the first school year after the close of the war. It was the finught of Minutes of the Faculty of the University - July 15. 1943 President Donovan, if such a policy should be adopted, that it should be carefully publicized in advance. The Faculty approved the general proposal and recommended that steps be taken to initiate it. The Faculty heard a letter addressed to President Donovan by E. L. McClurkan, a minister in Pineville, Kentucky. This letter was written on behalf of Harry G. Mullens, a former student who was killed in a plane crash on Saturday, June 26, While serving in the U.S. Army Air Corps. Mr. McClurkan was inquiring as to whether it might not be possible to grant this boy a degree posthumously. As investiga~ tion indicated that Mr. Mullens was approximately 60 quarter hours short of graduation at the time he left the University, and that his standing was below one, it was impossible for the Faculty to comply with this request. " _. , _\ , K/EQ—«o 2/2?“ "7’ £142 "Misses: via-<- n / Secnetary / MINUTES or THE FACULTY or THE UNIVERSITY 9 August 25, 1943 The Faculty of the University met in President Donovan's Office, Wednesday, August 25. President Donovan presided. Members present were W. D. Funkhouser, Assistant Deans L. J. Horlacher, D. V. Terrell, and M. M. White, and Professor Frank H. Randall also attended the meeting. The minutes of July 15 were read and approved, with one amendment which deleted the instruction to the Secretary to prepare a resolution to be sent to the parents of Mr. Harry G. Midlins. It had appeared, after due consideration, that such a resolution might, if given publij ity, embarrass the University, since no such resolution had been pre'9 pared regarding any other boys who have lost their lives in the war. The Secretary presented to the Faculty the revised copy of the rules of the University Faculty. It was explained that an endeavor was being made to bring these rules up to date in order that the new Univerw sity Faculty might have available at the time of its first meeting both a revised and modernized statement of the Governing Regulations of the University and an upeto~date copy of the Rules of the Faculty. Most of the changes submitted for the consideration of the Faculty were addia tions that had been made to the rules from time to time by that body» A few changes were suggested, the more important ones relating to student load and social life. The Rules of the University Faculty as approved are made a part of these minutes by reference to the files of the Registrar's Office»