xt7sj38kdw4f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sj38kdw4f/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1967062 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1967-06-jun2-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1967-06-jun2-ec. 1967 2011 true xt7sj38kdw4f section xt7sj38kdw4f Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Friday, June 2, 1967. The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in the Board Room of the Administration Building on the campus of the University at 10:00 o'clock, Eastern Standard Time, on Friday, June 2, 1967, with the following members present: Dr. Ralph Angelucci, Chairman, Dr. Harry Denham, and Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer. Professor Paul Oberst, a non-votingfaculty member on the Board of Trustees, was also present. Mr. Smith Broadbent was unable to attend. Representing the administration of the University were President John W. Oswald, Dr. A. D. Albright, Dr. William R. Willard, Mr. Robert F. Kerley, Dr. Glenwood L. Creech, Mr. Robert L. Johnson, and Dr. Lewis Cochran. Also in attendance were representatives of the various news media. A. Meeting Opened The meeting was called to order by Dr. Angelucci who asked that Dr. Oswald read the following Resolution on the Death of Dr. Hershell B. Murray. RESOLUTION ON THE DEATH OF DR, HERSHELL BAYLESS MURRAY The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky notes with sorrow the death of DR. HERSHELL BAYLESS MURRAY on May 21, 1967. Physician, humanitarian and friend of education, Dr. Murray had been a dedicated trustee of this institution from 1960 until his death. A man of varied talents and interests, Dr. Murray found his highest ful- fillment in serving the people of his community, West Liberty, through operation of his hospital, through ministering to them in the tradition of the family doctor and through countless acts neither required nor recorded. Born in Johnson County, Dr. Murray began his practice in West Liberty in 1932 after completing premedical studies at the University of Kentucky and ob- taining his degree in medicine from the University of Louisville. * After four years of distinguished military service in World War II, Dr. Murray was considering leaving Kentucky, but upon his return home, he was 2 met at the edge of town by the Morgan County High School band and paraded triumphantly through West Liberty. From that day, his devotion lay entirely with the people of that town and the surrounding area. The ways in which he served them were many: He bought the old Com- mercial Inn and remodeled it for use as the West Liberty Hospital. He rode horseback to reach some of his patients, once plunging his horse into an icy river to reach an elderly woman who needed his care. He was instrumental in having an airport built at West Liberty, acting as chairman of the City- County Airport Board. Even after he purchased Murray Heights, a horse farm in Fayette County, and became interested in developing the Saddle Horse Museum at Spindletop Farm, he continued active in business and civic groups that served his home area. Quietly, Dr. Murray financed the college education of several youngsters. However, this philanthropy became known, and in 1962, the Former Students Association of the Morgan County High School presented him a certificate in recognition of his active interest in education. That interest, of course, extended to the University of Kentucky and his work with this Board of Trustees. Dr. Murray received his initial appoint- ment from Governor Bert Combs in April 1960 and was reappointed by Governor Edward Breathitt in 1964. He was named to the Executive Com- mittee in 1962 and became secretary of the Board in 1966. When the University began its search for a new president in 1963, Dr. Murray was appointed and was a most active member of the screening com- mitte e. The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, respectfully recalling his service to this institution, his faith in the cause of education and his de- votion to the people of his community, directs that copies of this resolution be spread upon the June 1967 Minutes of the Board and be transmitted to the family of Dr. Murray. %t the close of the Resolution, those present bowed their heads in a moment of silent prayer in his memory. On motion duly made and seconded, the Resolution was adopted, ordered spread upon the Minutes of the meeting, and copies sent to Dr. Murray's family. Since Dr. Murray was the duly elected secretary of the Board of Trustees and the election of a new secretary could not be held until the September meeting of the Board, Dr. Angelucci appointed Dr. Harry Denham as acting secretary for the June 2, 1967 meeting of the Executive Committee.. Dr. Denham reported. a quorum was present for the conduct of business, and Dr. Angelucci declared the meeting officially open at 10: 10 a.m. 3 B. Minutes Approved On motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer, seconded by Dr. Denham, and so ordered, the reading of the Minutes for the April 4, 1967 meeting of the Board of Trustees was dispensed with and the Minutes were approved as published. C. President's Report to the Trustees Dr. Oswald briefly discussed the items contained in PR 1, President's Report to the Trustees, copies of which were available to all those present. Follow- ing his presentation, Dr. Angelucci commented on item 2, Quiz Bowl Team Loses a Narrow One, saying that he had watched the May 21 broadcast in which the University of Kentucky team appeared and was extremely proud of the manner in which these young men represented the University. He asked that a letter of commendation be sent to Professor Thorp, the coach, and to the members of the team on behalf of the Board of Trustees. Having first determined that there were no additional items to be included in the report, Dr. Angelucci ordered the President's Report to the Trustees accepted and filed. D. Recommendations of the President (PR 2) Since copies of PR 2, Recommendations of the President, had been sent to the Executive Committee, as well as the Board of Trustees, in advance of the meeting, Dr. Oswald indicated that he would be happy to answer questions but he had no partic- ular comments to make relative to the recommendations contained in the report. Mr. Kerley explained that Item IJI, which authorized the acquisition of certain properties on Harrison Avenue, Lexington Avenue, and Adams Street, was the result of more recent planning which recommended that one of the proposed parking struc- tures be placed on the north side of Euclid Avenue rather than at the west end of Stoll Field as previously suggested. Item IV, which authorized an exchange of property with the Kentucky Baptist Convention, would provide needed land for a second parking structure on Rose Street. Note was taken of the recommended transfer of the Department of Hygiene and Health to the new School of Allied Health Professions from the College of Arts and Sciences. It was indicated that such a transfer would result in strengthening the Uni- versity's endeavors in public health. Mr. Hillenmeyer made a motion that Items I, II, V, and VI of PR 2 be ap- proved as recommended and that approval of Items III and IV be contingent upon approval by the Finance Committee of the Board of Trustees. His motion was second- ed by Dr. Denham and PR 2 was ordered made an official part of the Minutes of the 4 June 2, 1967 meeting of the Executive Committee. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes. E. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3) Dr. Angelucci, after permitting the members a few moments to familiarize themselves with the contents of PR 3, Supplemental Recommendations of the Presi- dent, asked for questions. In response to one relative to the number of new faculty being employed for the fall semester, Dr. Albright indicated that there would be ap- proximately 75 coming from such institutions as Princeton, Stanford, Ohio State, Harvard, Texas A & M, and the University of North Carolina. He added that a "group" would be coming from North Carolina and would bring with them 20 gradu- ate students. On motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer, seconded by Dr. Denham, PR 3 was approved as a whole and ordered made an official part of the Minutes of the meeting of the Executive Commitee. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes. ) F. Proposed Affiliation with Paducah Junior College (PR 4) Dr. Oswald said that, if approved by the Board of Trustees, the recommen- dation made in PR 4 would provide for the inclusion of the Paducah Junior College in the University of Kentucky Community College System on July 1, 1968 through a two- step process. Discussions have been going on relative to this move for some time. The University's position throughout the discussions has been one of interest and a desire to help provide educational opportunity and to make it even more meaningful but, first and foremost, the decision must be made by the people of that area. In the last Legislature, permissive legislation was enacted to permit the Paducah Junior College to become a part of the University of Kentucky Community College System upon agreement between the two Boards of Trustees. An agreement, a copy of which is a part of PR 4, was adopted by the Board of Trustees of Paducah Junior College on May 16, 1967 and is now before this Board in accordance with the Statutes adopted by the last General Assembly. The agreement has the endorsement of the Paducah Board of Commissioners, the Paducah-McCracken Development Council, and the Greater Paducah Chamber of Commerce, as well as strong editorial support in that area of the state. Dr. Oswald asked Dr. Albright to comment on the two-step process involved in the agreement. Dr. Albright said that he would first like to give some background prior to explaining the phases of the agreement. This is an outstanding example, he said, of a local community some thirty-five years ago deciding that education beyond high school was extremely important. As a result a junior college was formed and de- veloped and has made a remarkable record and impact on that area of the state. The desire to increase the opportunity for young people as well as adults in that growing area caused the people in Paducah and McCracken County to consider an affiliation with the University of Kentucky which would allow for such an expansion. Should the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees see fit to approve the agreement on behalf of the Board, the first phase of the agreement would be- come effective on July 1, 1967 with the second phase beginning on July 1, 1968 when the University would assume responsibility for the program and support of the College. During the first phase, July 1, 1967 to July 1, 1968, the University will make certain provisions, such as the employment of administrative and staff person- nel, that will enhance an equable transition leading to phase two. The University will perform three major functions: (1) provide freshman and sophomore transfer pro- grams, (2) provide selected technological programs, and (3) provide adult general education programs. The Paducah Junior College Board of Trustees will continue in order to receive local tax money and gift funds and to hold title to the physical property which it now holds until such time as the bonds are refunded, called, or taken over by the University. An Advisory Board will be appointed during phase two. The expendi- ture of locally raised funds will be on the basis of mutual agreement between the two Boards for purposes which are jointly acceptable, such as the acquisition of additional property, or for certain programs over and beyond those provided in other colleges. Mr. Kerley told the Executive Committee that the bonded indebtedness is $1, 400, 000 and an application is pending for $1, 000, 000 of federal grant money for a library building. There is quite a substantial investment in the plant. Dr. Albright replied to a question relative to the size of Paducah Junior College by indicating that it now has an enrollment of 1, 200, most of whom are day students with approximately 25 per cent being from out of the state. The academic program is accredited by the Southern Association and the curriculum is primarily freshman and sophomore level general college offerings. Dr. Angelucci commended the continuing of local support and Dr. Denham said he felt the University should be honored that they want to become a part of the Com- munity College System. The University needs contact of this sort in Western Kentucky and this move should draw the two sections closer together. Dr. Denham moved, seconded by Mr. Hillenmeyer, approval of the recom- mendation that the Board of Trustees, proceeding in accordance with KRS 164. 593, enter an agreement, as submitted, with the Board of Trustees of Paducah Junior College, the details of which are set forth in PR 4. Without dissent, the motion was approved and PR 4 and the copy of the agreement were ordered made an official part of the Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes. ) G. University-wide Extension, Service and Continuing Education Program Authorized (PR 5) President Oswald said that for some time the President's Cabinet and the 6 Administrative Council have been discussing a University-wide extension, service and continuing education program and that the action proposed in PR 5 would author- ize the establishment of such a program. By means of a chart such as that given below, the general organizational pattern was explained to the Board: |Central Office| L (Campus) \ Agriculture & S Bus Eco Eng Educ Medicine Nursing Others as 1 i LJI I Lrl l L ! I ~~~~~Appropriate Geographic Service Area Offices (15) |Community Colleges serving as Resource Centers in appropriate Geographic Service Areas The present Agriculturai Extension Service will continue but the expertise of other colleges will be available to help in solving the non-agricultural problems of an area. Dr. Oswald emphasized that the action requested at this time was merely authorization to preceed with the planning. When the program is ready for implemen- tation, it will be presented to the Board for final approval. Wholehearted endorsement was given to the plans as outlined and members expressed gratification that the University would be able to broaden its service role throughout the state by the establishment of such a University-wide extension, service and continuing education program. On motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the recommendation contained in PR 5 was approved and it was ordered made an official part of the Minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee. (See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes. 3 H. Dr. William S. Jordan, Jr. Appointed Dean, College of Medicine Since the Board of Trustees established the position of Dean of the College of Medicine as separate from the Vice Presidency of the Medical Center, a Search Com- mittee has been screening candidates for the deanship. This committee has now reached a unanimous decision, which carries the strong endorsement of Dr. Willard and President Oswald, and recommends through.-them to the Board of Trustees the appointment of Dr. William S. Jordan, Jr. as Professor of Medicine and Community 7 Medicine and Dean of the College of Medicine, effective August 1, 1967, or as soon thereafter as possible. Dr. Jordan, a native of North Carolina, is presently chairman of the De- partment of Preventive Medicine at the University of Virginia. A graduate of the University of North Carolina, he received his medical degree at Harvard University, completed his internship and residency at Boston City Hospital, and served three years as a medical officer with the U. S. Navy during World War, II. He joined the faculty of the Department of Preventive Medicine at Western Reserve University in 1947, going from there to the chairmanship at the University of Virginia. Dr. Jordan comes highly recommended andhas already had a distinguished career of achievement. At the University of Virginia he has developed, and financed largely through his own efforts, one of the nation's outstanding departments of pre- ventive medicine. He has attracted talented young people to his department. He has achieved national recognition as a scientist, best exemplified, perhaps, by his service on the Armed Forces Epidemiological Board. His research contributions are impressive. Dr. Oswald expressed the opinion that Dr. Jordan will be a vigorous, strong person, bringing leadership to the College of Medicine and it gave him pleasure to recommend his appointment to the Executive Committee. Dr. Angelucci remarked that he had had the privilege of meeting Dr. Jordan and was quite impressed with him. On motion by Dr. Denham, seconded by Mr. Hillenmeyer, and passed Dr. William S. Jordan, Jr. was appointed Professor of Medicine and Community Medi- cine and Dean of the College of Medicine, effective August 1, 1967 or as soon thereafter as possible and no later than September 1, 1967. I. Approval in Principle of Henderson and Maysville Community College Development Plans (PR 7a and 7b) Copies of both the Henderson Community College and Maysville Community College Development Plans were mailed to not only members of the Executive Com- mittee but to all members of the Board of Trustees prior to the meeting on June 2. The members, therefore, were able to study these in advance of taking action. Mr. Kerley said that the plan for Henderson called for 300, 000 square feet of buildings for an ultimate enrollment of 2, 000 students and 90 teachers; Maysville for 150, 000 square feet for an ultimate enrollment of 1, 000 students and 46 teachers. Both plans have been endorsed by their respective Advisory Boards. Dr. Denham commented that the Advisory Board of Maysville was quite pleased with the preliminary plans. Dr. Angelucci asked that Mr. Kerley convey to Mr. Larry Coleman, Mr. R. E. Shaver, and the various architects involved, the 8 commendation of the Executive Coznmittee for the excellence of the development plans which have been presented to the Board for approval "in principle" over the past several months. On motion by Dr. Denham, seconded by Mr. Hillenmeyer, and so ordered by the chairman, the Henderson Comrmunity College Development Plan and the Mays- ville Community College Development Plan were approved "in principle", with the understanding that the plans will be periodically revised as the program requirements of the two Colleges become more fully expressed. (See PR 7a and 7b at the end of the Minutes. ) J. Report on Bids on Temporary Facilities for Community Colleges Mr. Kerley reported that temporary facilities would be needed at Covington, Prestonsburg. Elizabethtown, Somerset and perhaps at others in 1967. The bids for these movable facilities have just been opened with the low bid being $340, 000 and the high bid $413, 000. He was unable to announce who would be awarded the contract since this had not been finally decided. K. Resolution Accepting Conveyance of Initial Portion of Jefferson Community College site in Louisville Adopted (PR 8) Dr. Oswald reported that on Friday, May 26, 1967, he had received from Mayor Kenneth Schmied of Louisville, a deed to the site, popularly known as the Presbyterian Theological Seminary property, where the initial development of the Jefferson Community College is taking place. He recommended that the Board of Trustees adopt a Resolution accepting the conveyance of this initial portion of the Jefferson Community College site. On motion made, seconded, and passed, the Resolution of the Executive Com- mittee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky Accepting the Conveyance of the Initial Portion of the Site of the Jefferson Community College was adopted and a copy ordered transmitted to Mayor Schmied. (See PR 8 at the end of the Minutes.) L. Amendments to Construction Schedule Approved (PR 9) Mr. Kerley recommended approval of the three parts of PR 9 which pertained to schedules attached to and made a part of the Resolution of the Board of Trustees adopted on January 20, 1967, and relating to construction financing. On motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer, seconded by Dr. Denham, the recommen'- dations in PR 9 relating to construction financing were approved as presented. (See PR 9 at the end of the Minutes. ) 9 M. Resolution of Regret at Resignation of Dr. Ben Eiseman After reading the following Resolution, Dr. Angelucci recommended that it be adopted and a copy sent to Dr. Ben Eiseman, whose resignation as first Professor and Chairman of the Department of Surgery, becomes effective July 1, 1967: RESOLUTION The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees notes with regret the resignation of Dr. Ben Eiseman, the first Professor and Chairman of the De- partment of Surgery in the College of Medicine. As of July 1, 1967 he will return to the faculty of the University of Colorado, going home in a sense, to an area which he loves and from which he came to Kentucky in 1961 to develop the Department of Surgery. Dr. Eiseman has developed in a very few years a Department of unusual strength that has brought distinction to the University of Kentucky. Already, two of his associates have become chairmen of departments of surgery in major medical schools in the United States. He has been recognized as a "master teacher" by the students of the College of Medicine who awarded to him in 1966 the "Golden Apple Award" as the outstanding teacher on the clini- cal faculty. Dr. Eiseman's research productivity has been maintained in spite of his heavy administrative, teaching, and outside responsibilities and he has attracted substantial financial support for the Department of Surgery. He has worked effectively with the medical profession of the Lexington com- munity and the Commonwealth. Dr. Eiseman has rendered distinguished service on many national committees and in numerous consulting roles for governmental, private and professional organizations. His integrity, loyalty and devotion to the College of Medicine and the University have been un- questioned even when he was not in complete agreement with his colleagues. The Executive Committee wishes to express its deep appreciation to Dr. Eiseman for his services to the University, its regret in seeing him leave, and its best wishes for a continuing career of distinguished service to medi- cine and his country. On motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the Resolution was adopted, ordered spread upon the Minutes of the meeting, and a copy sent to Dr. Eiseman. N. Meeting Adjourned Having first determined that there was no further business to come before the meeting, Dr. Angelucci called for a motion for adjournment. The motion being made, 10 seconded, and carried, the meeting adjourned at 11:35 a.m. Respectfully Submitted, Harry Denham, Acting Secretary Executive Committee, Board of T-rustees PR 2, PR 3, PR 4, PR 5, PR 7a, PR 7b, PR 8, and PR 9 which follow are official parts of the Minutes of the June 2, 1967 meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky. PRESIDENT'S REPORT TO THE TRUSTEES I June 2, 1967 1. FULL MEMBER STATUS ACCORDED SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE BY ACSA At a meeting of its board of directors in New York on May 14, the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture accorded full member status to the University School of Architecture. Dean Charles Graves, who attended the ACSA Convention, said the recognition has been accorded to onlv 65 other schools of architecture in the U. S., Canada and Mexico. The University, he said, has held an associate membership the last three years in ACSA. Full accreditation for the school by the National Architectural Accrediting Board was made last summer. 2. QUIZ BOWL TEAM LOSES A NARROW ONE A last minute series of "bonus" questions awarded to the Uni- versity of Colorado sent the University of Kentucky quiz bowl team down to a narrow 235-220 defeat in a New York television appearance Sunday, May 21. The Kentucky team, after falling behind in the first half, rallied to go ahead with about a minute to go. At that point, the Colorado team correctly answered a question, earning the right to bonus points which led to its victory. All was not lost, however, as Kentucky did earn $1,000 for the Scholarship Fund, $500 from General Electric, and $500 from Seventeen magazine. The all-male team ac- complished its major goal in New York--"to make a good showing." Re- presenting the University on the program were Robert Howell, Charles G. Nichols, Fred G. Christensen, and David L. Mathews. 3. 65 ENGINEERING STUDENTS ENDING SUMMER CAMP Since May 7, 65 College of Civil Engineering students have been attending the annual post-semester camp at Carter Caves State Park, Olive Hill. The camp serves a double purpose: students gain practi- cal experience complementing classroom instruction, and their skills are utilized by the Department of Parks in laying our new routes in the park zone. More than 20 miles of new roads were built in the last two years at Barkley Lake, following camp surveys. Students sleep in cottages and have a main assembly hall for meals, recreation, and instruction. Each student pays $60 for room and board for the four-week period. The cams session ends tomorrow. - 2 - 4. WRITER TELLS OF UK'S COMMUNITY MEDICINE PROGRAM Harry Salsinger, president of the Education Writers Association of America and education writer for The Detroit News, was the author of a recent story in his newspaper on the University's community medicine program. He discussed the clerkship program, which takes senior medical students into a community for six weeks to see "what medicine means to the people, not to professors." The project, Salsinger said, gives graduates an "idea of what real medicine is like." In another story, Salsinger described the new academic pro- gram and its ties with the community college academic program. He was a recent guest of the Alumni Association at its third annual editor's conference, when a capsuled view of University programs-- from the new one in Thailand, to plans for The Lincoln School for dis- advantaged but gifted children--was presented to the 10 newsmen. The visitors talked with students, exploring student attitudes and the discipline-and-rights code recently adopted by the Board. Robert L. Johnson, vice president, student affairs, said the code evolved from discussions rather than from crises. Dr. Howard Beers, director, Center for Developmental Change, briefed the visitors on the contract to develop the Thailand research center. Dr. William J. Tisdall, director of The Lincoln School, described the school's pur- poses. Dr. Stanley Wall, associate dean, Community College System, out- lined programs developed in the colleges. He explained how each is planned as an integral part of the University, but oriented to the needs of its community. Dr. A. D. Albright, executive vice president, explained University financing. He noted that monetary support from sources other than state appropriations has doubled in the past 18 months and now totals about $12 million a year. He estimated it would reach $20 million by 1970. The academic program, with its in- creasing emphasis on graduate work, was outlined by Dr. Lewis Cochran, University provost. An over-view of the entire University was presented by President John W. Oswald as an introduction to the other presentations. Dr. Oswald said the University is in a state of "acute transition" from a small to a large school, from a simple to a complex university, and from a regional to a national and international institution. Dr. Glenwood Creech, vice president, University relations, presided. Con- ference participants were Joseph B. Cummings Jr., Newsweek; James W. Kitchell, NBC News; Kenneth Kramer, Business Week; Edwin M. Crawford, National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges; Harry Salsinger, Detroit News; William Miller Jr., Chronicle of Highel Education; Mrs. Patricia J. Doyle, Kansas City Star; Brady Black, Cincinnati Enquirer, and Hal Boyle, Associated Press columnist. Don Whitehead, Pulitzer Prize winner and UK alumnus, served as official host. - 3 - 5. CANCER SELF-STUDY KIT DEVELOPED AT MED CENTER A new type self-study kit containing information about oral cancer, developed at the Medical Center, is being distributed to every dentist in the state. The kit contains a series of color slides, a hand-held slide viewer, and a written syllabus, providing information on the latest biopsy techniques feasible for the general practitioner and showing diagnostic criteria and clinical appearance of the differ- ent varieties of oral cancer. The prototype was developed by Dr. Sheldon Rovin, associate pro- fessor of Oral Pathology, and Dr. Michael T. Romano and Dr. Ian C. Bennett, of the Division of Medical Center Communication and Services. 6. MATHEIMATICIANS FROM U.S., ENGLAND AT THIRD ANNUAL CONFERENCE A three-day mathematics symposium beginning May 18 attracted 40 mathematicians from leading universities in the U.S. and England. Topic for the symposium was: Complex Analysis. Among the speakers were Dr. James Clunie and Dr. Walter Hayman, University of London; Dr. Paul Garabedian, New York University; Dr. Malcolm Robertson, Univer- sity of Delaware; Dr. James Jenkins, Washington University; Dr. Albert Pfluger, Indiana University, and Dr. George Piranian, University of Michigan. This is the third year the Department of Mathematics has conducted a symposium in a particular field of special interest to mathematicians. 7. COED TOURS INDIA FOR YWCA Miss Candace Taylor, Louisville, is one of 16 coeds from through- out the UlS. selected for the National Student YWCA India-International Project, designed to prepare the girls as student representatives to fellow students in the states, communicating to them the problems of India. Miss Taylor and her companions will travel with Dr. Houston Smith, professor of philosophy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. They will leave New York June 11 and fly to Athens, where, after a day and a half orientation, they will continue on to India to begin a three-week intensive study of contemporary India--its social, cul- tural, and political problems. Following the study program, the 16 American students will be teamed with 16 Indian students, and divided into four groups. Each group will travel throughout India, visiting small villages and touring universities. Before returning to the U.S. they will visit Bangkok, Thailand, and spend a week in Tokyo. Their tour will end in Cleveland and the National YWCA conference. - 4 - 8. BRYANT, KIRTLEY, CROSS, GET SULLIVAN MEDALLIONS Thomson Ripley Bryant, former associate dir