xt7sj38kfn5p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sj38kfn5p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19871113 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, November 13, 1987, no. 515 text The Green Bean, November 13, 1987, no. 515 1987 2014 true xt7sj38kfn5p section xt7sj38kfn5p //,/” + ’é?é
1 ii
A y ., i _ 7 iii
1:.; BEAN
»nw4A~JNumber 515·V WNM Mw 4 AM A A November 30, 1987 g
maj {
· C A L E N D A R §
November 13 ' Gallery Series: "Rock and Roll: i
Revo ution in Popular Music" : ~
Lecture and audio Presentation" : ` A
Dr. Ron Penn, School of Music. ` $
November 14 Claude Monet, 1840-1926, French I
impressionist painter. Q
November 16 - 22 Children's Book week. i
November 20 Gallery Series: "Jury Selection" : ;‘f 5;
Lecture : Dr. walter Abbott, Q Q
Department of Sociology. T ;
Selma Lagerlof, 1858-1940, Swedish l
author; first woman to win the
Nobel Prize. Y
November 21 Kentucky Book Fair, Frankfort.
November 22 Mary Anne Evans, 1819-1888, English i
novelist who wrote under the _j
pseudonym George Eliot. . ,~
November 24 Scott Joplin, 1868-1917, American · S
musician and composer of piano rags y
and operas. ·g
November 26 Thanksgiving. Vg
December 4 Gallery Series: "Anorexia and
Bulimia" : Lecture and audio-visual
presentation: Dr. Laurie Humphries, I
Department of Psychiatry, College
of Medicine.
Next Green Bean Friday, December 4, 1987. `
Deadline: Wednesday, November 25, 1987.
Production Staff:Editor/typist: Bonnie Jean Cox; if
Typist7 roofreader: Carol Ranta; Printer: Cecil_Madison;
ih; Newsletter of the Umversnty R
of Kentucky Lnbrarnes
FROM THE EDITO§'S DESK The chairperson and several
members of the GIS Guidebook
Please note the change in committee praised Mary's
schedule for the GB caused by contribution to the project as
the upcoming Thanksgiving the mostijmmough work done for
holidays. There will be no GB the publication by any library
on the Fr id ay a fte r in the United States. Her work
Thanksgiving. The next QB will has shown that UK's Geological
appear cxx Friday, December 4 Sciences Library has one of the
and the deadline for that issue best guidebook collections in
will be Wednesda , November 25, the country. However, my
the day Before Thanksgiving. opinion is that it may be true
that we have an excellent
BON VOYAGE AND GOOD LUCK! guidebook collection, that it
is more Mary's commitment to
Debbie Sogin Online doing a good job.
Cataloging. I am very pleased to have
Mary as a staff member in the
ABOVE AND BEYOND Geological Sciences Library...
Joyce McKinley, president of Phil Stoffer
LSOI recently received the >‘<9:‘k*‘A'>\‘v'»t*k‘:2$<*¤k***k>*¢**tk**9<***3k*****
following letter: B.J. Gooch in Special V
October 23,1987 Collections recently received ,
this letter:
Dear LSO Friends:
Thank you for the donation September 28, 1987
to the American Diabetes
Association in memory of my Dear Ms. Gooch:
mother. My family and I Thank you very much for your
greatly appreciate your comprehensive, interesting, and
thoughtfulness. helpful reply to my September
Sincerely, 3, 1987 letter which requested
Sandrabnmnks information about Harriet
******************************w Hglley Brand __¤_
I have dealt with a fairly
The letter below was large number of libraries and
recently sent to Mr. Willis: societies in my genealogical . 5
inquiries. Your response was g
While attending the annual omit sizarid irig lll i·ts E
conference for the Geoscience ire s;>or1s;iv eriesss arid j E
Information Society in October, comprehensiveness. Thank you {
I was informed about Mary again for your valuable ·
[Spencer]'s contribution to the assistance... ·
5th Edition of the Union List
of Geologic Field Trip SUmem£y,
Guidebooks of Nor h. America. William E. Burr II
important reference tool in the Bill Marshall rece ly
` geological sciences published received the following two
by the American Geological letters: —
September 30, 1987 was del1ghtful...
Thank you again,
Dear Mr. Marshall: Cordlally,
Your kindness during the Mary Frances Gay Metcalf
Visit my wife and mg last 'kifi*********#**********k*1:***
Monday is very much
appreciated; your guided tour Jim Birchfield has received
of the rare book stacks was these two letters about the ‘
most interesting and Thomas Merton issue of the
informative. Kentucky Review:
Your Library is very
fortunate to have been able to 24 September '87
assemble such a number of very
fine collections, and it is Dear Jim: V
heartening to a bibliophile to Unfortunately, I have just a
see the professional care and few moments to get back to you
interest so evident during our and acknowledge arrival of the
visit. Merton Number. I am absolutely
with xnany thanks and with delighted and impressed with
best regards, the results —— and feel awfully
Francis T. Guelker flattered to see my piece
October 25, 1987 leading the way. I'll be sure
to forward copies to those who
Dear Bill: helped me out, especially Steve
Corey at USF; this, it is
A month ago when Carolyn hoped, will be a nice addition
Sledd and I found two days that to their Hammer collection. ‘
were free for us to work on the Since I find myself suddenly
family pictures and papers, we buried beneath too much
could not have anticipated the work...the arrival of this
way things developed. Our day wonderful volume, beautifully
with you, Claire and B. J. this edited and laid out, is
past Monday was very special. particularly welcome, believe
Our thanks to each of you. me...
Carolyn, Ruth and I were My best for now,
amazed at the size of and David Cooper
· variety ln the Tebbs—Prew1tt
collections. B.J. had splendid September 28,1987
printouts for us, but we were
so busy looking at the Dem:Jhm
materials that we d1dn't read Just a brief note to tell
the sheets until later .... you how nice the issue of EQ
we certainly enjoyed being reads...just first rate. I
on the inside and seeing some also much enjoyed the note on
of what goes on in the Special the UK holdings of Mertoniana.
Collections. Those big stacks At any rate: congratulations
that move electrically were on a fine issue.
awesome. And the very size of
· the many collections was Larry Cunningham
overwhelming for us ....
Being your guests for
luncheon at the Faculty Club
STAFF ACTIVITIES representatives. (Submitted by
Nazee Depp.)
On October 29, Kerry Kresse,
Chemistry-Physics Librarian, PC LEARNERSLQSERS GROUP
presented a workshop on `
Advanced Techniques in wordstar The next meeting of the PC
2000 to the Library PC Learners/Users Group will cover
Learners/Users Group. Telecommunications with an
*3%****#********¤k*·k>¥:k$<:!<#9<9:$<>*:¤*c>%9¢$¢ emphasis] gm Smax·~{;g(;m and OCLC
Terry Birdwbistell, Special connections. The program will
Collections, has been appointed be presented by Gary
Chairperson of the University's Stottlemyer and Teri Keller.
Records Advisory Committee. The rneeting will be held on
Monday, November 23, from 3:00- .
MAPS DEPARTMENTLQ 4:00 p.m. in. the North—east
EOLIDAY EQURS classroom in the School of
Library and information Science
The Maps Department will be on the 5th floor of King South.
closed Thursday through Sunday, (Submitted by Christie
November 26-29. Government Robinson).
Publications will be open from
10-4 on Saturday, November 28, PC LE§§§Q§§ NOTES
and from 2-10 on Sunday,
November 29. Maps questions The UK Computing Center
. can be directed to Government offers courses free of charge
Publications Staff on Saturday to students, faculty and staff.
and Sunday. All King A list of those courses, times
Departments will be open until they are offered and how to
4:30 on Wednesday and basic register is available: at the
services will be available in Computing Center‘s main office,
King until 4:30 on Saturday and 128 Mcvey Hall or you may call
midnight on Sunday. (Submitted 257-2900. In addition micro
byCmm1Cm¢is) workshops are available (
periodically or special
NEW ACTS EXECUTIVE sessions can be arranged by
COMMITTEE MEMBERS calling Levine Thailkill at
257-2900, ext. 2S?.
( The following people have 'The ciomguitixug Cerrter
been elected as members of the MicroLab is open to students,
1987-99 ACTS Executive faculty and during the
committee: Loree Pennock, RUlowhm;times.
chair; Debbie Sogin, 1st M-Th - 9:00 a m.~ 10:OO p.m.
representative; Emily Dawson, Fri » 9:OS a.m. ~ 5:00 p.m.
2nd representative; Debbie Sat. - 12:uo p.m.- 5:00 p.m.
Johnson, 3rd representative, Sun - 2:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
and Tommy Graham, 4th The lab has several
representative. different computer systems
Members of the executive including the IBM PS/2,
committee for the past year Macintoshes and the new Mac
_ have been Nazee Depp, chair, IIs. Any exmwuter cme be
and Cindy Parker, Steve Savage, reserved for one-your sessions
a n d M a r y G e y e r , by calling Z5?-?90U. (Submitted
by Christie Robinson.) Follow the procedure below:
1. Type /JO
2. Type O
ACTS FINE ARTS TOUR 3. At REPORT: prompt, type
ln the code for the notices you
The ACTS Orientation need to reprint. If you do not
Committee will conduct a tour remember the code, type a 3
of the Art and Music Libraries and type the index number
on Friday, November 20, from for the notices and .
1:30-2:30 p.m. 4. The system will Ilst the
The tour will begin at the last time that notice was run.
Music Library on the first GENERATED: 10/21/87 9:41 AM/
floor of the Old Fine Arts But this is not necessarily
Building. Cathy Hunt, Music your set of notices. Type a ?
Librarian will conduct the tour to see the listing of
which will also include the notice dates and times. Unless
Listening Center which is there is only one set of
operated by: Ron. Lloyd. The notices of this type, the
Music Library has a collection system will want you to choose
of 60,000 volumes and 10,000 an index number for your set of
recordings. They also collect notices. Use /F and /B
scores and compact disks. to move throu§H` this `Ilst.
The tour will then proceed This is where the guessing
_ to the Art Library where Meg game starts. .
Shaw, Art Librarian, will _ 5. Choose the date and time
conduct the tour. The Art closest to when you think the
L1brary's collection includes notices should have run. Type “
approximately 30,000 volumes the index number and
and includes acting editions of .
plays and portfolios. 6. The system now gives the
This ls the third in a following prompts.
series of tours of library
departments and branches FROM PAGE:1/ Hit .
sponsored by the ACTS TO PAGE:##/ Hit .
orientation committee. Any PRINT OR VIEW:PRINT/
interested library staff or Type v.
faculty member is welcome to EVERYTHING OK? YES! Hit .
attend. The system will show you tHe ,
If you plan to attend, first notice on your screen.
please call Cindy Parker at 7- 7. Look at the address at
5954. (Submitted by Cindy the top of the notice.
Parker.) a)If it ls your l1brary’s,
then the notices are yours.
USING JOB MANAGEMENT ——— Use the * to Quit
OUTPUT A JOB looking at these notices. Now
use the g subfunctlon ln_ {gg
when you've had problems to print these notices.
with printing your job notices b)If the address ls not for
and you need to reprint them, your library, repeat whe
- you can use the subfunction Q procedure above until you rlnd
in /JO. your notices.
——` This procedure saves paper
and time going to the printer. Department for Libraries and
It also cuts down on confusion Archives in Frankfort. Among
when people only request their authors who will be
own notices be printed. autographing their books will (
be Rosalyn Carter, David
WHEN ONLY PART OF THE Halberstam, Harrison Salisbury, I
LS72000 GOES DOWN Pete Rose, John Egerton,
Stephen Birmingham, Will (
On Thursday, November 5 the Grimsley, Kitty Kelly, Harry ?
Ungermann—Bass part of the Caudill, William S. White,
network went down in the George Ella Lyon, Pete °
afternoon. A fuse was blown in Maravich, John Ed Pearce and
a piece of network equipment. Denise Giardina.
As soon as the Mcvey staff .
( realized what the problem was, FRIENDS OF KENTUCKY
they replaced the fuse and we PUBLIC ARCHIVES DINNER ‘ -
were back. we went down again
later that afternoon briefly, The Friends of Kentucky
while they tested their Archives will have as the
equipment and put in a brand featured speaker at their
new fuse. The Medical Center annual dinner meeting on
Library, Audio~Visual Library, November 20, 1987, the Hon. J.
Music Library and Listening William Howerton, Chief Judge
Center were unaware of any of the Kentucky Court of
problems during the afternoon Appeals.
because they are not on the For more information or to
network. The rs/2000 stayed up make reservations, write `,
and running as if nothing had Friends of Kentucky Public A
happened. (Submitted by Tari Archives Inc., P.O. Box 537,
Keller.) Frankfort, KY 40602 (Attn:
Sharon Welch) or call (502)875- S
NEW SPEC KITS 7000. Cost of the dinner is »
Two new SPEC kits have been HARRIET ARNOW
received by the library and are FILM PREMIER (
housed in the SPEC Kit
Collection in the Reference On Tuesday, November 24, the
· Department. Kit #136 is Appalachian Student Council I
"Managing Copy Cataloging in will present the premiere
ARL Libraries" and #137 is showing of "Harriet Simpson _
"Preservation Guidelines in ARL Arnow, 1908 — 1986", an
Libraries". The latter kit Appalshop Film directed by Herb
completely updates the 1981 E. Smith. The film will be
version (SPEC kit #70). followed by a discussion with .
the director, with Gurney
KENTUCKY BOOK_FAIR Norman, and others. A
reception will be held after
The 1987 Kentucky Book Fair the film and discussion.
will take place from 9 a.m. The film will be shown at
- until 5 p.m. on Saturday, the Old Student Center Theatre.
( November 22, at the Kentucky Admission is $5.00; student
_ ‘ tickets are $3,00. Kohl. Santa Barbara,CA: ABC-
‘ Clio, 1986. Call number: REF Z
712 .K59 1986.
.Q*§....IN...S..TI. T.Ql`.¤€fi.-52§`."¢?.El.*r`¤`;P.
§;e_r_4i_a_;l_s__y_V_8§_i_Proceedings of the
A number of workshops and UH Serials Group Con erence,
institutes will be offered by EdYi`{?e`d by Bf an Cox. Cam ri. ge,
` the Office of Management England: published by the
Studies of the Association of Serials Group, 1985. Call
Research Libraries during 1988. number: Z 692 .85 U37 1985.
Library Analytical Skills
will be offered May 31-June 3 M_a_gLagi,ng__ Online Reference
in Detroit, MI, and November _§_e_ry_ig_g_s_, edited by EEHeI
29—December 2 in Austin, TX. Auster. New York: Neal- ‘
Cost of this institute is $450. Schuman,1986. Call number Z 711 v
Library Management .M35 1986.
sk111s[sas1¤] will be taught
May 17-20 in Boston, MA, and `
at a cost of $375.00
Library Management SI?];lecVti¤5n .L1L.LINOIS
Maintenance: A ” Hja'ndb_o§___fg__r
Llbrary ME`na”g`e`meni§_b§?"David F. Ciatalogezr General Monographic
‘ Cataloging. Northwestern February 1, 1988. I
University. Salary: $20,000-
23,000. Deadline: January 20, NEW YORK
Mus1c Cataloger/Reference I
L1brar1an. Un1vers1ty at
INDIANA Buffalo. Salary: $24,500
minimum. Deadline: none
Assistant, Associate, or Head g1ven. L
L1brar1an 1n Health, Phys1cal
Education, and Recreation Management and scanamlcs -
L1brary. Ind1ana Un1vers1ty. Subject Specialist. Un1vers1ty
Salary: $20,470 minimum. at Buffalo. Salary: $26,000 I
Deadline: December 1, 1987. m1n1mum. Deadline: none
English and Amer1can Literature ;
L 1 b r a r 1 a n f o r t h e Subject Speclalist. Un1vers1ty
Botany/Chem1stryI Llbrary. at Buffalo. Salary: 26,000
· Un1vers1ty of Iowa. Salary: m1n1mum. Deadllne: none I
var1able. Deadl1ne: February g1ven.
1, 1988. y
Conservatlon L1brar1an.
Un1vers1ty Librarian. Un1vers1ty of North Carolina.
Un1vers1ty of Southern Salary: $23,000 nun1mum.
M1ss1ss1pp1. Salary: Deadline: December, 15, 1987. I
var1able. Deadl1ne: January M_ I
4. 1988. VIRGINIA I
NEBRASKA C1rculat1on and Reserve 1
“ Sectlon, Head. V1rg1n1a
Head, Serials Cataloging Commonwealth Unlverslty. 1
Sect1on. Un1vers1ty of Salary: $22,000 minimum. I
Nebraska, Lincoln. Salary: Deadl1ne: January 15, 1988.
$21,000 m1n1mum. Deadline: I
November 15, 1987.
Head, Government Publications I
Department. Un1vers1ty of
Nevada, Reno. Salary: $28,435
m1n1mum. Deadl1ne: January 1,
1988. I
‘ Head, Copy Catalog1ng Section. ·
Rutgers Un1vers1ty. Salary:
$28,547 m1n1mum. Deadline:
·\`* c`·&~