xt7sj38kfv4d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sj38kfv4d/data/mets.xml Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1964 journals 140 English Lexington : Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.140 text Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.140 1964 2014 true xt7sj38kfv4d section xt7sj38kfv4d E E 0 ·~
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By Doris A. Tichenor— Duclley C. Martin —Claudia E. Wells—Dean E. Knavel ;`rog.a:ss Report
UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY • AGmcuI.TunA1. sxrzmmzwr sTAT10N 4.4plfl944444_.
School of Home Economics and Department of Horticulture ————— Lexington tiling code lb
I. Bush Green Beans
Bush green beans are found in virtually every home garden in Kentucky.
Commercial production of green beans has been increasing for several years. The
soil and climate in most sections of Kentucky are suitable for growing beans, indi-
eating the possibility for larger commercial acreage to meet increasing consumer
This study was designed to determine the suitability for freezing of certain
Kentucky-grown green bean varieties and selections. The experiments were carried
out as part of a cooperative project between the University of Kentucky Department
of Horticulture and the School of Home Economics.
Ten varieties and selections from Experiment Station variety trials were
evaluated in 1960: Wade, Wadex, Tenderlong-15, Corneli-14, Extender, B-3370,
Improved Tendergreen, Tenderwhite, "Sconce, " and White Half—runner.
"Sconce" is locally grown in a small area of Indiana and is not a recognized
horticultural variety. White Half-runner is a popular home garden variety in Ken-
tucky. Both beans are being used as parents in the Kentucky bean breeding program
which seeks to combine their favorable characteristics into a round, smooth, straight-
pod bush green bean.
I Four of the 1960 varieties —— Wade, Wadex, Tenderlong—15, and Corneli—14 -—
were again evaluated in 1961, together with B—3125—X-5-2, Processor, Tendercrop,
Harris Shipper, Harvester, and Slenderwhite. All test plantings were field—replicated
three times, and the field replications were carried through all quality tests.
Beans used in the studies were harvested at optimum stages of maturity. Dam-
_ aged and malformed beans were removed by sorting. The beans were then washed, cut
into 1-inch lengths, blanched in boiling water for 2% minutes, cooled, and packed in
1—pint waxed containers. Samples were quick—frozen at -30OF and stored at or below
OOF until used.
A 12—member taste panel evaluated the beans for flavor, color, and texture
soon after processing and after 3, 6, and 9 months' frozen storage. Samples were
prepared for the panel by cooking in 1/2 cup boiling water for 10 minutes. No more
than eight samples were evaluated by the panel at one sitting. Panel evaluations were
based on a 10-point scale (10 = excellent and 1 = very poor).
_ All samples were analyzed for ascorbic acid by a modification of the 2, 4-
dinitrophenylhydrazine procedure. 1 In 1960, total ascorbic acid values were obtained
for all 10 varieties and selections included in the experiment. In 1961, seven varie-
ties were analyzed for total ascorbic acid and its components: reduced ascorbic arid,
1Association of Vitamin Chemists. 1951. Methodsgj Vitamin Assay. Second Edition, I. 93. Interscience Publ.
Inc. , New York.
dehvdroascorbic acid, and diketogulonic acid. Only four of these varieties, however,
were included in the taste panel and other evaluations. .
A Bausch and Lomb Spectronic 20 colorimeter with reflectance attachment .
was used to measure color of the thawed, uncooked beans at each of the four time __
periods previously described. From the reflectance measurements, dominant wave»·
length, percent purity, and Y (brightness) of the samples were calculated.
Color measurements were also made, in 1961, using a Gardner Color Differ-
ence Meter. A Gardner Reference Standard (CMG0061) having values of Rd :.+26. 2.
"a" e -28. 5, "b" ; +8. 2 was used. Reflectance readings were taken in duplicate.
Fiber content of all varieties was determined by a procedure based on the I
Kramer 2 method for bean fiber and the Showalterg method for sweet corn pericarp.
Shear press measurements were made on beans studied in 1961. One hundred "
grams of thawed, uncooked beans were placed in the standard cell of the Shear—Press
and the pounds of force required to shear through this sample was recorded.
Data from all experiments were subjected to analysis of variance, and simple
correlation coefficients were calculated for all possible pairs of measurements.
Electronic data—processing equipment at the University Computing Center was used
for all calculations. 1
Results of 1960 taste panel evaluations are shown in Table 1. There was
considerable variability among time periods, probably because of difference in
composition of the panel rather than storage changes in the varieties. White Half- ‘
runner had a mean score significantly lower than that of the other nine varieties tested.
White Ha1f—runner is a relatively small. light—colored bean with less well—developed `
flavor than was desired by the panelists. All of the other varieties tested in 1960
were very closely ranked by the panelists, and there were no other significant taste
panel differences among them.
Table 2 summarizes results of 1961 taste panel evaluations. All 10 of the
varieties and selections tested were very similar and were closely ranked by the
panelists. There were no significant flavor or texture differences among samples.
and the observed color differences were slight. Tendercrop and B—3125—X—5—2 re-
ceived the highest color scores. Slenderwhite had the lowest overall color score.
supporting the 1960 observation that light—colored beans are generally scored lower by
panelists. Mean scores for the 10 varieties were separated by 0.5 or less at all four
time periods. indicating that all were about equally acceptable to the taste panel.
Total ascorbic acid content of varieties analyzed in 1960 is shown in Table 3.
Initial ascorbic acid content of the fresh beans ranged from 21. 5 mg/100 gm for "Sconce"
to 12 5 mg/100 gm for B—3370. When analyzed immediately after freezing, the varieties
contained from 10. 1 to 14. 4 mg/100 gm total ascorbic acid. The loss during preparation
3 \ntilnni lvrainer. llistcr quality wher l\ tor map beans. Food Packer. jiine 1951.
lllolwri lx. Slionalter, Me.t~oCiati0n of Southern
`\Ql`lt‘1Ill1l`.ll\\·OI`lxL`l'S. Vol. ST. 1960.
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Mean for
Fresh Period of Frozen Storage, Months Processed
Variety or Selection Beans 0 3 6 9 Beans
Wade 15.0 10.7 11.0 8.3 9.0 9.8
Wadex 15. 2 10. 4 7. 7 5. 5 5. 4 7. 2
Tenderlong—15 13. 4 12. 2 11. 0 7. 7 7. 2 9. 5
Come1i—14 14.7 11.4 12.2 10.6 10.0 11.0
Extender 16. 1 10. 5 9. 0 6. 8 6. 6 8. 2
B—3370 12. 5 10.1 9. 4 6. 4 5. 7 7. 9
Improved Tendergreen 18. 3 14. 4 12. 4 8. 8 8. 1 10. 9
Tenderwhite 14. 7 10. 1 8. 7 8. 3 6. 6 8. 4
"Sconce" 21.5 13.0 13. 2 10.0 9.1 11. 3
White I-Ialf-runner 17. 5 13. 3 12. 0 10. 9 9. 9 11. 5
and freezing was greatest for "Sconce" (40 percent) and smallest for Tenderlong—15
(9 percent). After 9 months' frozen storage, Corneli—14, White Half—runner, and
_ "Sconce" had the highest total ascorbic acid content.
When green beans from the 1961 harvest were analyzed immediately after f`reez—
ing, the total ascorbic acid content ranged from 19. 8 mg/100 gm to 11. 3 mg/100 gm
(Table 4). During 9 months' storage at OOF or below, the total ascorbic acid in all
varieties remained relatively constant, and there were no significant differences among
time periods. Reduced ascorbic acid (ASA) followed much the same distribution pattern
as did total ascorbic acid, with Tenderlong—15, Extender, and "Sconce" having the
highest ASA levels each time the samples were analyzed. Dehydroascorbic acid of the
samples varied from 5.0 mg/100 gm (Extender) to 1. 7 mg/100 gm ("Sconce") when an-
alyzed immediately after freezing, but the differences among varieties were not signi-
ficant after 3, 6, and 9 months‘ storage. All samples contained small amounts of
biologically inactive diketogulonic acid.
RGHGCLHHCG I1‘1€9~SuI`€m€H1QS OH green beans in the 1960 study showed that tht
instrument was measuring the same color attributes as were the panelists but son ·—
what less acutely (Tables 5 and 6). Dominant wavelengths of all the uncooked san‘1,>h_»s
were very similar, ranging from 560. 0 to 564. 8 millimicrons. Dominant wavelengths of the
Immediately After Processing
mg[100gm mg{100gm mg{100gm mg/100gm
Wade 11.3 8.1 2.2 1.0
Wadex 11.8 8.3 2.5 1.0
Tenderlong-15 19. 8 15. 8 2. 8 1. 2 _
Harvester 15. 3 10. 9 3. 1 1. 3 h
Extender 17. 6 11. 3 5. 0 1. 3
B—3370 14.8 10.7 3.0 1. 1
"Sconce" 17.4 14.5 1.7 1.2
After 3 Months' Frozen Storage MT
Wade 12.1 8. 7 2. O 1. 4
Wadex 11.6 8.2 2.0 1.4 l
Tenderlong-15 19. 5 15. 2 2. 7 1. 6
Harvester 15. 4 11. 7 2. 3 1. 4
Extender 18. O 14. 0 2. 7 1. 3
B-3370 14.5 10.4 2.6 1.5 V
"Sconce" 16.7 13.2 2.2 1.3
After 6 Months' Frozen Storage _
Wade 12. 2 8. 7 2. 2 1. 3
Wadex 12.1 8. 4 2. 6 1.1
Tenderlong—15 20. 6 16. 2 2. 6 1. 8
Harvester 15.9 11. 3 3. O 1. 6
Extender 18. 7 13. 4 3. 9 1. 4
B—3370 15.0 11.2 2.2 1.6
"Sconce" 18.1 14.0 2.8 1.3
After 9 Months' Frozen Storage ___
Wade 12. 2 8. 8 1. 7 1. 7
Wudex 12. 0 8. 9 1. 9 1. 2
'1`endcr1ong—15 20. 1 16. 0 2. 5 1, 6 .
Ihrvcstcr 16.1 11. 4 3. 2 1. 5
1`xtunder 18. 8 15.1 2.1 1. 6
13-3370 14.7 11.2 1.9 1.6
"Sconce" 17.1 14.3 1.5 1.3
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cooked beans wecme slightly higher, from 568. 2 to 571. 5 millimicrons, indicating a shift on cook-
ing toward the.ywellow area of the spectrum. .White Half—runner had the highest percentage
of purity of all samples measured, both cooked and uncooked, at all time periods. Puri-
ties varied somewhat among time periods, but the relationships among samples remained
fairly constant. White Half-runner also had the highest brightness, supporting the visual
observation that this variety was characterized by a lighter color than the others.
In 1961, reflectance measurements followed the same patterns as those of 1960,
but the range of values was shorter because of the greater color similarity of all the
samples (Tables 7 and 8). There were no significant differences in dominant wavelengths
of the varieties tested. Slenderwhite had the highest average brightness and one of the
lowest taste panel color scores. In both 1960 and 1961, brightness seemed to be a more
accurate indicator of panel preference for green beans than dominant wavelength or purity.
Color of all beans in the 1961 studies was measured with a Gardner Color Differ-
ence Meter, yielding values for Rd, "a", and "b" (Table 9). Rd represents the amount of
light reflected by the sample and is equivalent to brightness (Y) expressed in percent.
Negative "a" values indicate relative greenness, and positive "b" values indicate relative
yellowness of the sample. Color scores assigned by the panel were significantly corre-
lated with Rd measurements on the cooked beans (r = -0. 643 *) and with the a/b ratio in
both cooked and uncooked beans (r = 0. 701* and 0.656*, respectively). There was good
correlation between Y, as measured by the Spectronic 20, and Rd, as measured by the
Gardner Color Difference Meter.
‘ Fiber contents of all green beans analyzed in 1960 (Table 10) were less than 0.1
percent, when time periods were combined. Tenderlong-15 and Wade had the highest
average fiber content of the varieties tested, and Extender had the lowest. All beans
used in the experiments were harvested at optimum stages of maturity, and none were
judged tough or stringy by the panel.
Of the beans analyzed for fiber in 1961, Slenderwhite and Wade had the highest
average fiber content (0. 232 and 0.177 percent, respectively) (Table 11). Tendercrop
was lowest in fiber. Fiber content was not significantly correlated with texture scores
in 1960 or 1961, probably because the fiber in all varieties was within acceptable limits
and the taste panel texture scores were very closely ranked for all varieties.
Shear values for bean varieties in the 1961 studies are reported in Table 12.
Force required to shear a 100—gram sample was greatest for Wade, smallest for Tender-
crop. These values were generally in agreement with the results of fiber determinations.
Tables 13 and 14 summarize results of quality measurements on green bean
varieties and selections included in the 1960 and 1961 studies.
All of the green beans evaluated in 1960 were acceptable to the taste panel. but
White Half-runner was scored significantly lower than the others. The panel found only
slight flavor., color, and texture differences among all the beans evaluated in 1961 .
"Sconce, " White Half—runner, Improved Tendergreen. and Corneli-14 had the
highest ascorbic acid content of the processed beans analyzed in 1960. Nine to forty
*Significant at the 5% level of probability
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Variety 0 months 3 months 6 months 9 months Average
Wade 0. 102 O. 060 0. 101 0. 107 0. 092
Wadex . 076 . 108 . 076 . 093 . 088
TenderIong—15 . 046 U . 084 . 092 . 161 . 096
Corne1i—14 . 073 . 097 . 061 . 108 . 085
Extender . 023 . 038 . 035 . 033 . 032
B-3370 . 039 . 070 . 063 . 1 32 . 076
Improved Tendergreen . 047 . 081 . 065 . 109 . 076
Tenderwhite . 021 . 045 . 069 . 111 . 062
"Sconce" . 043 . 052 . 078 .177 . 087
White Ha1f—runner . 045 . 086 . 112 . 116 . 090
Variety 0 months 3 months 6 months 9 months Average
Wade 0. 222 0.178 0. 210 0. 099 0. 177
Wadex .160 . 172 . 092 . 076 . 125
TenderIong—15 . 057 . 058 . 087 . 031 . 058
Corneli-14 . 068 . 071 . 063 . 016 . 054
B—3125—X—5—2 .074 .066 .110 .052 .076
Processor .119 . 119 . 098 . 045 .095
Tendercrop . 019 . 051 . 039 .012 .030
Harris Shipper . 080 . 154 . 100 . 057 . 098
Harvester .137 .137 .122 .076 .118
Slenderwhite .191 . 417 . 205 .113 . 232
BEANS, 1961
Variety Pounds force Rank
Wade 345 10
Wadex 278 4 ‘
Tenderlong-15 307 9
Comeli—14 207 2
. B-312S-X-5-2 275 3
Processor 288 7 _
Tendercrop 183 1 I
Harris Shipper 303 8
Harvester 282 5
Slenderwhite 283 6
Taste Panel Ascorbic Acid Objective Color Objective Texture
Scoresl Contentz Measurementsg Mg;;;uy€m€¤ts4
Corneli-14 "Sconce" Extender Extender
Improved Tendergreen White Half-runner Wadex Tenderwhite
Tenderlong-15 Improved Tendergreen Corneli—14 B-3370 A
Tenderwhite Corneli-14 "Sconce" Improved Tendergreen
Wadex Wade Wade Corneli—14 I
B-3370 Extender B-3370 "Sconce"
Wade Tenderwhite Improved Tendergreen Wadex
Extender Tenderlong—15 Tenderlong—15 White Half-runner
"Sconcc" Wadex White Half—runner Wade
White Half—runner 8-3370 Tenderwhite Tenderlong—15
lTaste panel scores include flavor, color, and texture. Times of evaluation were combined to obtain all rankings
in this table.
2Ascorbic acid content includes the total ascorbic acid in fresh beans, and the average in frozen beans.
3Ob_lCCIl\’C color measurements include dominant wavelength, purity, and brightness of cooked and uncooked
4Ob_1ecti\·e texture measurement was a mechanical separation of bean fiber.
MEASURED, 1961 ·
Taste Panel Ascorbic Acid Objective Color Objective Texture
Scoresl Contentz Measurementsg Measurements4
B—3l25—X—5—2 Tenderlong-15 Corneli—·14 Tendercrop
Wade Extender Tendererop Corneli-14
Tenderlong—15 "Sconce" Tender1ong—15 B—3125-X—5—2
Tendercrop Harvester Wade Harvester
Wadex B—337O I Harris Shipper Processor
Processor Wade Wadex Tenderlong-15
Harris Shipper Wadex Slenderwhite Wadex
Slenderwhite B—3125—X-5-2 Harris Shipper
Corneli-14 Processor Slenderwhite
Harvester Harvester Wade
percent of the total ascorbic acid of fresh beans was lost during handling, blanching, and
Of the seven varieties analyzed in 1961, Tenderlong-15, Extender, and "Sconce"
contained the most total ascorbic acid after all storage periods. These three varieties
_ also had the highest amount of the nutritionally active forms (reduced ascorbic acid and
dehydroascorbic acid). The distribution of reduced and dehydroascorbic acid and deke—
togulonic acid in all samples remained practically constant throughout 9 months' frozen
I Objective color measurements failed to reveal one "best" variety in respect to
retention of bright green color, but the two varieties ranked lowest by this means in
1960 were also those the taste panel judged as having the least desirable color. Several
objective color measurements were significantly correlated with taste panel ratings for
color. In 1960 these were the brightness of uncooked beans and the purity of both cooked
and uncooked beans. In 1961 the taste panel color ratings were significantly correlated
with the Rd of cooked beans and with the a/b ratio for both cooked and uncooked beans.
‘ All varieties tested had an acceptably low fiber content. In 1960 Extender.
Tenderwhite, B—337O and Improved Tendergreen had the lowest fiber; while in 1961
Tendercrop, Corneli—14, Tenderlong~15, and B—3125—X—5—2 were lowest in fiber. The
overall rating for objective texture measurement was better for Corneli—14 than for the
other three varieties which were evaluated both years.
1 .
Taste panel scores include flavor, color, and texture. Times of evaluation were combined to obtain all ilw ran]-qings
in this table.
2 . .
Ascorbic acid content includes to