xt7sj38kfv50 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sj38kfv50/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1924 journals kaes_circulars_001_3_161 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 161 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 161 1924 2014 true xt7sj38kfv50 section xt7sj38kfv50 i4¤— COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE
Uh Extension Division
{Cr THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
to  _
sos _
ber V
0f _ I
out "?
the `
11 of Lexington. Ky.
I fil'
gh February. 1924.
pm- _T.
S the PlII)IiSiiL‘\I in c·»iin·rn·iion with the :iurii·niinr;iI cxtcnsinn work czirried
,Ct[(2r mi YW om»pi-rzitioii of ilw &`i»lli·:i~ nf _\2l`Ix‘\lII1lI`<‘_ 1'nix·i~rsiiy or I{(‘I1IIlCI{}`.
{lh- With the L'. S. Dviinrliiiciii of Agriculture, and distributed in further-
51* mice of the work provided for in the Act of Congress of May S, 1914.

 3* 1 `
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  ‘ CIRCUI./XR NO.161
1 Cotton Growing in Kentucky
_` 1·`111-111:111)-11-:11-s 1-11111111 2`1`<*\\`1IlQ 111 1{1'1l111(‘1{}` 11215 111-1311 111-110-
. 1101111)- ('111111111`*1 111 1"1I11¤-11 *%*11111}-. 11-1111-11 111·< 111 1111} Cx11`L‘111C
1 s1111111w1-»11·1·11 1·1·1-111·1- 1»1` 111(I >1i11·', 5111>1 111` 1111° :11-1-1-nge 111 111is
00ll111}' 11:1s 111-1-11 :1-1111-11 1111 1111* 1.1·1`11111111'11 1'111111111 1:1111ls 1111111g111U
Mi$1ssi1111i 1-11-1-1- :11111 111-1·z111>1· 1111: >1111 1< »11 W1-11 :111:11111-11 111 111-2
C1'011 1111- g1‘11\\`1-1‘< 11&1\`1- 111-1-11 \`1-1‘_\' $111-1-1-~>1.1l1 111 11111i1111111Q g‘1,1(111
y11-111s1·1' 111’1'1` 111-<11111· 1111. 1·II¤‘1 111:11 1111- u-1-1111-111g->1-:1s1111 i< 1-:11111-r
sh01·11`111·1·1·111111. 1)11l'11l;i`1111-I1;1~1 111-11 111- 1111-1-1- y1-:11-s. 11111- 1111-g1-1y
{01111* 1-1-111111-1-1_v 111;-11 111-11-1- 1·1' 1111- 11111°1'. 1`i11111°1' 1l11l111‘1'1111$ 11-i:11s
111 g1`11\\`111Q’ 1·11111111 11;1\’1- 111-1-11 111:1111- 111 su\‘1-1‘:11 (11111‘1` 1-01111111-S 111
1110 $1:111-. }’111`111'111111`1}· 111 1;1111111`11. 1`111·11>1c :11111 II1l'1{111{1111'(1111111L‘$·
` a. 111-1- 1111 1'1’1111111`\ 1}`11l1.[` 11111-111 111 ,11`1111(*11 1-1111111)- :11111 1111l'111*1'111g 011
V thc )11»s1~~111111 1-11-1-1-. '1`111- 11-1111s gmx- 1`k*$1111S s111`1i1_·11-1111)* szitis-
1 factory 111 1-111-11111-.1;-v 1110 1111111111ig- 111 19221 111 s1-1-1-1-:11 1111111s:11111
a1-1*1-s 111 1111`\1` ('11111111l`$111111 111-:11-11)- 11-1-1-11111-y 111 11111111is :11111 Mis-
S0111`1. 111-~11111- il 1';11111‘l` 11111`;1\-111-:11111- s1-z1s1111 1Il11`111C1‘i11`1}' l1L`\Yk\1(’11‘
11101111 111. 1-11111111. 1111\ g`1'11\\`l‘1'S 111 111i< 11-1-1-11111-y s1211C111111 1111- 5-i1-111s
0111:11111-1111111-1-111-1-11 111-111i1:11111-_ 111111 21 111-1-1111‘11 111\'1'l`i1`1` 111 :11-1-011gc
, isp1;111111-111111-11121. 1‘1`(1\·111l`|1 111-11-1-s 1.111` 11111-1- 1-1-111:1111;11·11111111111c
pre-$1-111 11-1·1-1. 1-1`1'111-is 11111 11111111111111-111;- 111- 11i11l1\` 111 1-:1is1- 1-1111011
_ 111 O111l\1. ]1111'1S (111 1{1\11111(’1{`\'. 11111`11(°111111'1`\‘ 11111-1-1- 111'C11111111£11'}` 11-<1S
` 1111.11} xix-·-11 »:11i~1`:11·1111·y 1'1‘S1111S. 11 is 11111 111L` 11111·1111s1- 111 111is
- 0111-111:11- 111 11i»1·11ss 1111- 11111·i»;1111111y 111` {111 1-x11-11si1111 111 111Lx i11—
‘ dustry 1-11111-1- i11 1111- 111-1-:1. \\`111`1`(` i1 11:1s 1111-1-:111y 111‘1‘11111l‘ 1-s111111is11011
0i` 111 111111-1- :11-1-11s, 11111 111 gin- il 111-11-1T 111-s1-1-111111111 111. 1111-1111111s of
C1111111-1- 111l1<1` 11111-1y 1'(1 i11s111·1- S111'l'C$$.
. ` _ 1

 i t `
‘  I
4 1{entue/ry Cireulur Xo. Io`l  
It sl1ould be elearly understood that the season in Iientuelty
is short for the produetion of eottou and that sueeess with the .
. crop depends upon getting a goodly munber ot` bolls to develop E
early in order that they will mature before a killing I`rost o¤‘<*tll‘~. ,
llenee. every ettort. should he made to promote earliness. 'l`h·· l·
type of soil seleeted, the variety of seed planted. the kind til.  ‘
· fertilizers used. and the eultural methods followed must all lo
earefully eonsidered in their relation to early development ef.
bolls. lt may be remarked ineidentally that with the spread  
the boll weevil over praetieally the entire main eottou belt 3: I
has beeome just as neeessary to seeure early boll developineur
even where the seasons are long as in those regions wliere tl.~ 4
SIl()l`lllL‘S< (lf lIlt‘ $('ilSUIl llIIll{t‘S   ll('I'l‘N$[ll`l\i. .\\ lIlr* S¤‘Jl~<¤ll il’l·  »
vanees the weevils beeome so numerous that all newly t'··i·in·~~l
. bolts are destroyed and only those formed early in the season
are uninjured.
. Cotton thrives best in well drained. warm soils. su··h as are
- usually termed "early" or "tpii··k" soils. I·]arlier planting is
possible on these lighter soils. germination is more prompt. and
the early growth is more rapid than on heavy. eolder soils. `
This means. of eourse. earlier blooming and Inill development. _
In Kentueky it must be eonsidered very risky to plant eotton en p
wet, poorly drained soil. either upland or lowland. \\'ell drained
bottom land. partieularly that eontaiuing a large proportion ot`
sand. sueh as the lliektnan bottoms in l·`ultou eounty. are admir-
ably adapted to eotton.
lt is hoped that wherever eotton growing may be developt
in Kentucky it will not result; in a one erop system ot tarniiug
sueh as is prevalent over so mueh ol’ the south. Sueh a system is
unsound eeonomieally and there is no exeuse for it in this state.
A Diversified farming is safe t`arming and eotton should not Ir
. allowed to erowd out other erops that may temporarily have a

 4 Colton. (/mtriny in Ifwntucky 5
4 s1u.tll··1· ;u·i·t~zi;;e vulue. (`otton {its fairly well into most rota-
lty time mul the ]»1·<>s]»<·¤·tivt· ;:row<·r run usually modify the rota-
lt·_· tion he hus l»t·<·n l`¢>ll<>wing to in<:lt1de this crop. As cotton
5], 2 iS mtll.·;· it tlil'li¤·ult <·r0p to lu·<·p free from weeds, it; is advan-
l`>» V l£l!·‘¤¤ll> ltr ll&l\’4* ll i't>llt)\\' ll (Jlllll\’2llC(,l (J1‘0p, SUCl1 3.3 C01`I1 OI` I0-
l1·· l»zu·l··l. the ¤·ultix‘;ui<»n of whivh luis lielpwtl lll'('(J the soil of weed
my $,.5], '|`lu· t`t»ll¤»win;; l'tll2lllllllS ure Sll{!!<'$l<‘|l us lwing: suitzlhle
l··· for \\‘~·sl··l‘ll l{¢·utu··l<_y:
tl?} _ {_ .1» t‘t»i·n; til cotton; till <·ou·p··;is or soyhl·;nis, cover crop oi
of t-rinison t·l¤»v··r or rw,
j; ll. lll (`orn or tt>l>u<·t·r>; t2! t·<»tton; Ulu <·0wp<»u:<; <4l wliczlt; (5) _
_m _ t·l<>v··r untl tzruss.
lll. lll <`¤»tt<»n; ¤2» vorn; till wli··ut; lll <·lovr·r und grass.
hl. ` l\'. lll twitmii; t2¤ t·owp··u>·; tile vorn: lll wln-ut.
mt .\ ····x··~i· ··i·¤»p sluiulil ulwuys he ust·.l tlillowiiigz :1 cttltivzitetl
MU t·i··*»]», _\ l·;lll` stuaul ol` ¤IS with <·<»tt<»n liuve shown large in-
NJ r·rt·zi~t·s in yi··l·l l·l`lllll the use ol` liliosplizite l`··rtilixers. even wliere
HQ- soils zu·•· fuirly well supiilitwl with ]llltlSIllll¤l‘ll$. ,\t·i1‘·»vt~ i>r0litul>lt— in niuny vuses, ulso. 'l`he following revoni-
m,_ llll'llllillll'tNIllt'lI\'lI}'. l·`<»r thc .
bcnctits resulting from thi- uso of liniv, sw lixteiisiini (`ii·i·nlz1r -
N0. 123, of the Ki·ntni·li>il.<»I`<·i»1it‘s<·. thzit th¤~ zi]>;»li<·:iti·>ii ¤·t` nnnnn·i~ or  I
the plowing unilcr ot` lcgiiiiws or grnxing thi-in tl·»wn _inst l»<·t'i»rtz I
` planting lunil in t·ott<>n will 1‘t>ilti¤·c thc z1in<»i1nt <»t` i'UlllIll(’[`t‘l1lI  i
` 11it1·0g0n 1'L‘<[l1Il'0iI or nniko its nsw lIllllt‘i‘t‘\ nnn·h nitro-
gou 111:1)* vnitso un cxwssivc g·i·mx‘tli ¤»t` plants nntl innlw thv t·1·<»p  ,
i _ late in nmtnring. ‘
Tint; of I’Z·»z:*f1iy/-~—Ih~··;111si· t»t` thc tI£lll;_l't'l’ ··t` the snil wtisliiiig
badly. 0nly wry lvvol lztnil 01* Iiwzivy grziss stttls sh·»nItl l·i~ i»l<»m·il
in the full. It is Hlllvll ]1l(l1'C ilosirzililc zis it II£ll'lll 1»i*;i··tis in tncist
I paris of l{011tn··l1··_·. thw )··»nn;· pleinis ziww ninrc
1`Zl1)I(II}` (Ill. El lIlt1l't‘(I-Il!`tI. {III IlIIlI(lI`liIIII t'I\llSIlI-
eration in ohtziining ceirly ma1tin·ity. 'l`ht: host st·t~·l-l»t·tl t·i»nili—
tions ure S¢_‘Illl`<‘ :intl gives
thc ground tin1·’· to l»0t·<»iin& lll(‘lIt)\\` einil svttltwl.
Allr/lim] of ]I/Oli'],/ly Luna! fur (Vi//nit. rltziinl is n··;ii·Iy till
l>0llI'I·&l¤·<* tlraiiiiaigc,
ca11S¤Stl1c· soil to \\`ill'llllll)1llftI'O(|lllt‘I{l}`. an i·t»ntlitit»n I.£l\'l'lllt‘tI hy tlnwww- I
ing Your ll€ll'1'U\\' flll`1‘(t\\`S IULl't‘Ill(‘l' nr. ais nnist l{t·ntiit·l<_v Il&lI'Ill<‘l$
woulil say, plmving thc :‘t‘<>nnt` t`<¤ni‘ t`iii·i·t·ws (?(l(‘Il.
Somctinngs tho lzinil is pltuwiwl in thv <»i·\\'I1lQ ill IIIQ It‘I‘1i1S 0I` IIlt‘ vtitliiti g`1‘<»\\'<*I`. MINI
· thc lwcls arc finislicil lzttier. In riigitrtl to this pmwtis, thc Ton-
‘ · ·   .i.V t.

 1 Colton Growing in lftntoc/ay 7
is I nessee lixperiuient Stution found us the result of seven years’
·il tests on its western Tennessee experiment lield that the yield
*9 . is not inereused sullieiently to _justify it. Flowing previous to
lr _ bgthliiig is probably desirable in ease of sod hind. however-, The
j disk eultivutor und disk Iuirrow nre often used for bedding on
mp .  ltmd previously plowed,
  Q 1·’orm1'zzg the lletls uml eipp/ying l·'ti·t{H:c2‘.—l·`or the many
,0 furuiers who will plunt eotton und who huve never hud any ex- ‘
>p _ perienee in bedding lnnd, the following suggestions may prove
A helpful i11 getting the job done well:
. l·`irst ent up witl1 the disk lnirrow or stulk eutter ull stalks
  or other litter on the lund so thut it will lit; buried perfeetlv by
Ig  _ the plow. Otherwise it will interel`er·· seriously with the eulti-
Cd tuition of the erop. l.itter should never be burned unless for the
N destruetion of some inseet pest. lt is ei vuluzible souree of
3 humus.
    Vllilllll lsUll|)\\-S <‘tll'll. l(lllil\'¤'U (Fl` l`\*\\il*l'Zl\. lIlill`l{ {lll. lllL* ll\'~*1' the eenter iill1`1`t»\\'_ running [hg
of blow at zi depth of ti to ti niehes, 'l`he Tennessee experiments re-
vi ferred to previously huve shown thut plowing deeper than 6
'LS inehes is not neet-ss;u·y or even utlriszible. 'l`he two furrows
uu thrown togetlier l’oi-in the "list." 'l`h·· uubrolten spuee between
hc IS rztlled the "bulk." liedding is eonipleted by throwing uuother
gc, furrow to ezieh side of the list or by running at double niouldbozird
to plow known us zi "middle breaker" or "1niddle buster" in the
HS · 1ni¤ll}' lEllt‘l` tltun 'l`t·it·t·
_ or lixprt-ss uml whilt- tht-y hurt- lut·n‘t·r holls uml muy yit-ltl 111ttt·.»
in fuvoruhlt- yt-urs. tht-y will prohuhly not gin- us good 1·t-sttht
in ]{l‘llI\lt‘l{}' on tht- £l\'t‘l'ilL{'t‘ us tht- vt-ry t·urly sorts ttutm-tl, lt
would st-t-ut wist- for tht- Q'l`(l\\'t‘l`S in l(t‘llltlt‘l{}' to pluttt 'l`t·it·t- ttt·
Express until tt-sts huvt- shown tltt- vuluo ot` tht- lutt-r vurit-ti··<.
The Kt-ntut·ky l`lXpt‘I‘lIIlt‘lll Ntution is pluttttiug vurit-ty Ivsfs
with t·ottt1n i11 wt-stt-rn l{t*lIlllt‘l{}' this yt-ur. uml tht- lixtt-ttsitttt
Division of tht- l`ollt-ut- ot` -\§1'l`lt‘lllllll't‘ will huvt- st-vt-1·ul tlt‘lllttll-
_ strutitms with yurit-tit-s itt t-ut·h t1t' tltt- t·o1n1tit-s wl1t-rt- tht- itttt-rt-st
in cotton is strong. 'l`ht-st- tt-sts uml tlt-tnttttstrutiotts will ht- t't\ll-
tinnctl 1111til tht- utluptuhility ot` tlitl`v1·t-11t vurit-tit·s for l{l‘lllll<‘l{}'
has ht-cn tlt'lt'l'lIlllll’tl.
The tlt·strt1t·titt11 ot` wt-t-tls is thc t·hit-I rt-uson for t'\llll\`illlllQ
any crop. Cotton is 111orc tlit`tit·ult to kccp t·lt-un thun t·ort1 ht-t·u11sc A
the young plunts ure tlt-lit·utc und grow slowly for u lllllO.
t Methods of t·nltivutit»n lllllil lllCl`t‘l`Ul`t‘ ht- very t-tl`0ctivt- in t·t111- _
trolling wot-tls if u nrt-ut tlt·ul ol` work with tht- hot- is to he ‘
avoidtzd. It is g•·nt-rully l`t‘(‘()lllIll(‘llQ'|111']1t
<_ <·111t11‘11111111s.
-. '1`110 11l’~1 1*1111* 1·1111i1*;1111111 g1\'('11 1-11111111 1s 2*1-111-1*11111* 1-11111-1,1
11 ` $`1·111)111!.('1'1'111·I`111:-(11.1.. 1Il‘·'ll1l\1' 1111- 11s11:11 1·11~111111 111 11112 011111111
-1- 1 11011 I11`|>1l1‘1` 15111*. I`lIll 1111 1111111 s1111·s 111. 1111- 1*1111* \\'111l 11 11111,·—11111*s0
*1- 11111*-#11:11*0 1111111*. 21s 1'1|)5I’1_\v 11s 1111>~11111·_ 1111*11*11*111g 1111- $(111 21\\`éi}'
ts · 1`1`11111 11l·‘ 1*1111*. 111* 111 ll~1‘ {lll 1111I)1'*1111'111 111211 ··>*'1.1l1}|}$·? 111* 011111-
I1 ‘ 111111-1 1*1-1*_1* 1·111>·- 111 11|1‘ l·1'\\' \\-11111*111 1111`*1\\'111¥ 1111- 1-111*111 111 1111;
11* 1 111:1111~. '1`111~ 1-11111111111111 1s @11-11 :1s ~1·1111 i1\11l1‘1!1111l1\i11`1‘ 11111*11*
111*11111*1*··1·1···1 11111··~s 1|1·1111'1('11\1 1111I1!`1‘ 1111< 111-1-11 111·111·11>1. 11il1`I`1!1Q `
11 **1.1. 1s 11111 1*··:e11*11··11 11s :1 :*11-111 111*;11·11s 111111·~~ 111-1·1-~~111*_1* 1111"11l11'1\1
m 11*1-1-11s, \\v11*°11 z1111*1~:11111·. 111-- 111‘1·—11111*~·· 111s1< \`11111\-111**1. \\'111 1111 11
M_ 111-111-1- ,11111 ;111·1 I|l111'1‘ 1I11})1111·\v 111111 1111- 11111--11·11*~1· 1111111*, '1`110 1{·-11-
1,1 1:11111* 1121!`1I1• 1* ·‘&11l 11~·- 1111- 1|1`*1111111'_\· 11111111·111··111s 11\'°'1 111 1·111111*;11-
,11_ 1110 0111*:1 11:111 11111;11·1·11 1.111` 011111111 ··111111*;1111111. 11111 11` 111- 1·11111111111,·s
111 1*11111*1* 1111- 01*1111 11 \\'111 111- 1.1*1111*1 \`i‘1`}' z1·11*11111:1u*1·1 11* 111 l."I11111r'LA
1 1111- >11111*1-1~ \\`1111 \\\`1‘1‘1¤<. 11s 1111-1* IU`1-11111 1·111s -1* (`11111\`1111*111 11*11011
1111*1*111C1111 1s s1111111 :11111 :1s 1111- 11111111s 111·1·111111- 1;11*g01· 1111,- ~11*1··-11s
111-1*111{1 1`11111\1111111g 1111111‘1° 1111- 111*:1111·111-s 11*111111111 1I1'11ll'_\` 111 1110
M 11121111S.
_1s0 ·\111"1` 111* 11**1 *‘11111\`¤*11··11 111*1 1*11111-11 $111111111 110 111111111-11,
uc. '1`111s 1s1111111- 11_1* 111·s1 1°1111l1l]111;_!` 11111 1111* 11111111s 110111*1-1-11 1110 11111s
OH_ 211111 1111-11 111111111u 11111 (11. 1-111·11 11111 1111 11111 111*1) 1,11* 1111*00 111:1111s.
be A 11111111-1111111-11 1'11111111*111g*111i1111111g*.111·:1s 1‘11~1 11s 111111111-11.1111-011111111
mu #11**111111-1*1·111111‘:111-11. 111l'l1\\'11lyl` 11s 11111011 1-111*111 ;11·11111111 1110 1111111IS
Ol. 21% 1111ss11111- \\`111l1l1l1 ('1|\·l11.111LY 111(I111. 11 is 11C'*`<$111.}v 111101*. :11101*
the 1111* ]*1illl1S 11111*0 1|1‘1‘l11lIl* \\vl`11 0s1111111s11011. 111 Q`11 111*1-1* 1110 1‘11\1‘s
my 21;:1111 1111(1 111111 1111- 11111s 111 1110 (11‘$11`\‘11 1111111111-1* 111` 111:1111s. 11 1s
im _ 111111*1·g111·1l1~11;1s ~;11'1-11111111l11s111 111(` 111`N1 11l1Illl1l1Q`.
1,11 S1111$1l1l111`111 1'11111\'{111(111S $1111111l1 111- ;[`1\`1‘Xl il1`11‘1' 1`£l11l¥. 111
11111,1 1’i`0i11i 1110 1‘l'llN1' 111111 111-s11*111· 11*1-1-11s. (`111111*11111111, 11111*111·111111*1)‘
mw 1110 12111*1* 1·111111*11i11111;s_ $111111111 110 $112l1111\\` 1*1111101* 1111111 (1l‘C11. -1% 21
.1.1111 1*111c,c11l11i1·11111111 s111>11111 110 111s1·11111111111-11 111 1(1-111110111* 11_1‘ 1110 1111(1‘
_-C111 (110 T11 111St of ;\ll§.YllS1`.. ]·]x1·1-111 111111* g`1`l`[11(‘1` 0111*0 is 11(`('l`$S11l`}_ 111
*01111 °*“`1}' *'11111\'i1111111. 1110 ('11111\.1111l111 11{ 011111111 is 11111 (111.1’l`I`C111r {1*0111
NW1 111211; §i'Ol1Ql`2l11}’ Q1\'O]1 0111*11.

 :3 1 A A
12 If<‘11{111·/.·_1; (1'1`1·1·11[111· X11. II1`I
;\1:11‘1` 111Lx 1·1·1111 1s 1111III1I‘l1, 1111- I1l11}' 11111·1111s1· 111. 1l111‘1II§ 1s111
11cst1‘11y \\‘1·1·11>; 1111·1‘1·I'111‘1·. 1h1· iI1II11I1l11 lI1‘¤'l‘$$2l|`_\` 11111 111·111·1111
11111111 how w1~11 1'11111\'l1111111 l‘11l11l'111S \\'Q‘1‘(1S. 11 1s 1~<111·1·1;111_1· im. ,
]1111"Iz111t 111:11 \411111*11 1111 1<1·]11 l‘11‘ilII 11111-111;.Y 11Il* 1*2lI`1}' s1;1g1·; 111
` The 11C1'€$\11}` 11E s1·1·111·111g‘1·a1·ly 111`\-l`1(1l11111*111 111` 111111S 111-1111-1· . '
11111 111111 11‘e1·x‘11< 111·1·111111· 1I1ll1IL‘I'11\l<, has 11-11 111 11111111`1`1111` 1·x111·1·1.
]11Ql1[< 111 11111 >1111111 111 \11x1l`1`11111111 1111‘ 11111111·111·1· 111` 11111·1;111·~\ 11{
$1111111 111 11111111s 11111111 111111 11•‘\'C111]11l11‘I11. '1`111·s1- 1·x111·1·11111·111< 111.
111111110t11at111>1·111c111y 111111·1· 1111115 i1I`L‘ $l‘1'111`1`l1 111 l‘111\<‘ 1111111 111 11·Z11··
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