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§ Let not him that is heus clcsls pull donm the hpusc of another,
  but let him work diligently and build one for himself, thus
  by example assuring that his own shall be safe from violence
2 when built.‘ This was Lincolnhs final utterance on the sub- i
{ ject of labor and capital."  
E From the Lexington Herald of August 19, 1955 Mr. Town- E   
S se1;d's introduction to the book, Famous Speeches of Abraham Q  PQ
I Lincoln, is briefly described: "’lt mis Linco1n's ability as 1  ic
Q an crater which made him president,'"   H. Towns end, Lexington —
I 1 attorney, author and widely leiovm authority on the life of T
Lincoln, stated in the introduction of a recently published ‘  Th
book Famous Speeches of Abraham Lincoln, issued by the Peter y   
Pauper Press, of New Rochelle, New York. 4  dg
Hm . _ _L. . _ . G _ ,.   Br
lhe introduction also contains an outline ei the activ·- »  T
ities of Lincoln and a description of Linco1n's appearance . S,"
as he sat on the platform and the transforintion that took ,  til
1 V place when he began to speaks Lfuch of the material used in P  Y1
Q the book mes selected by Tir. Townsend. The suggvgestion that lrlr.    
Townsend write the introduction was advanced by Bruce B;;_rton, V _`“
New York author and advertising nnn, whose father, Dr. Ws   i  he
mym) Barton, mts himself a student of the life of Linc0ln."
· ;¤.     »
T @`“·`g`i·"’  William H. Townsend is a member of the American, Kentucky l   
    and Lexington Bar Association; the Illinois State Qiistorical   5;;
} Véifh  Society, Kentucky State Historical Society; the Abraham Lincoln v_  
  3 ?FY§§i¥V§‘.$¥ Association, and the George Washington Bicentennial Commissions _   
Q   W-1 ge is also a member of the Delta Chi; Pi gamma liu and Phi Beta A  
5 A Kappa fraternities, f bg?
» WORKS p; nai
i Pm
{   Abraham Lincoln, defendant (1925) T TUE
1 a Lincoln the Litigant (1925) Q  ST-
I Lincoln and iis 7¤”.’ife’s Home Town (1929) 1  
l · Lincoln and Liquor (1954)    
{ . mi
I sous es sassamt J   
) l*fh0’s Who in America (1956-57) { · Cm
f Encyclopedia of American Biography Vol. 6 (1*336) { 
  Lincoln the Litigant (introduction) (1925) _ i  il
{ I History of Kentucky (Connc1ly—Coult;;r) · ·   
[ ; Aaairieimt s Q   
  , R GPERENCE {  ""
1 ,; 
g L Kentucky Authors Scrap Book ;  dw
gy  ` (Louisville Free Public Library)   W
" A. le`. C.  f
I    f