. ¤ ,
b. lbrch 3, 1876 S
d. Juno 20, 1956 {
3 I
Maddalona Tsohiffoly, author was born in Louisvillo, I
L Kcntucky, thc daughtor of tho Rovorcnd Louis Phillippo and {
§ Sarah Elmira (Whcclock) Tschiffcly. Hor oduoation was rc- g
Q ccivod in Louisvillo Public Schools and at Hampton College, §
{ Louisvillc. Sho was an Episcopalian. Q
Q Miss Tschiffcly‘was somo sixty ycars of ago whom EEE S
Q Throo Littlo Warrons, a story book for childrcn, was pub; {
Q lishod. Hor`EER;hil`book was not publishod until aftcr hor g
f doath, tho titlo of it boing Tho Thrco Littlo Warrons at l
E` Broozy Hollow, brought out in11§57T*d§E~story bohihd¤thcsc i Q A
{ storios goos back many yoars to hor own childhood days at ,
Q tho roctory of Graco Episcopal Church on Gray Strcct, Louis- §
j villc, whorc hor fathor, tho Rovorcnd Louis F. Tschiffoly, 5
Q was tho rcctor. Tho advonturcs of Ralph, Roso and Violot in j
a hor books wcrc hor own advonturos, simply told, sith a human- 1
j ncss of cxprossion that dolights tho child. 4
- W
- Fhoso cxporioncos, most of thom.truo, wcro first rolatod { _
f to Anno and John Floxncr, childrcn of Dr. Iorris Flcxnor. Sho _
,__  was a constant visitor of tho Flcxnors, and littlo Anno and §
Q John spcnt many dolightful hours listoning to ’thc story that i
Q would last a long tinw', as thoy tormod it when roquosting li
i Kiss Tschiffcly to toll thcm a talc. Tho story did last a {
i long tfmz, and dcvclopcd into a sorial that later bccamo thc j
§ basis for tho forty thousand (40,000) word book that was 5
g publishod in 1955 by Frodoriok . Stokos Company. Tho book 3
5 rms brought out undcr thc pseudonym of Sarah Whcolock, tho 1
z  Hixmo of hor mother. lt onjoyod cozrmondation of critic and {
Q public aliko, and was said to bo of an unusual character in E
’ that it's story ooncoznod roalistic incidcnts. Tho Thrco ;
f Littlo Warrcns was an unfolding of tho cxporioncos of throo 5
Q ayoragc ohildron, tho cpisodos prosontod boing of a nature Q
§ which might havo boon tho rclation of happonings to any throo Q
f` normal childron. Thoro wore no fairios or Princo Charmings. {
t Tho story conccrncd, instcad, thc quito avcragc occuronogs Z
K that takc placo in thc daily play lifo and routinc of tho Q
I) '
Q V child's day. é
2  5
i In 1957 ono of Miss Tschiffcly*s storics, Trqvolggg g
~;  510110, appoarod in Story Parade, ono of thc `octtcr magazines  
° lbF“childrcn. Again Kiss Tsohiffoly’s story concorncd tho i
E day to day happcnings that actually occur in tho livos of Q
Q, childrcn. f M
in  Thx? author had bogu;1 hor sccond boo}; long boforc hor  
§ doath in 1956, but it was in manuscript form whcn hor sEckncss I
n r E