have heads too big for them. There are actually cases where E
they die with angels singing all around them, after the Dick- é
ens model; you remember Paul Donmey and 'What are the wild §
I waves saying?* g
i I
T "Sarah Wheelock——the lady's resemblance to a certain Liss é
Q Nhddalena Tsehiffely is positively startling, and if the old §
Q church isn’t Grace on Gray, l'll eat ry hat—-avoids the pathclc- Q
Q gical as she does the sentimental. Those kids are just the mine }
Q run of kids. Their folks are mine or yours, nice people but nqt j
{ too nice. As they go out into the starlit night Christmas you 3
f » feel like insisting that some more stories, some more adventures, {
Q be made known in some later day, delicately, skillfully handled f
Q as these are." I
{ ? h
f In the Louisville Times of October l2, 1955, Isabel lblbekin, §
1. aged 15, reviews Ejniggggee Littlejgarrens. Thus from the mind Q
; of Tschiffely*s book. Parts of the review follows: "This is @
A the story of the merry lives of Ralph, Violet and Rose,Grace 1
{ and Jim Randolph. i
Q "The children have many exciting adventures. One of them A
* was when Violet borrowed Ralph's little brown and yellow pony, { ·
f Dash-Away. It was the first time she had harnessed the pony or E
{ driven without one of the boys with her. Grace and Rose were g
Q going along, teo." §
E Again quoting from.the same review: "This is only a j
{ sample of the fun and mischief and the amusing experiences which A
vi the children had. Jim put the cock—roaches in the teaeher's Q
* desk, Rose and Grace got lost, the school caught on fire and ]
t many other exciting things happened. I
5 - "The book is dedicated to John and Anne Flexner and the 5
Q drawings are by Marie Lawson. They add a great deal to the §
J ;'  charm.of the story. The Three Little Karrens is written for é
p{ children under 10, but anyone of any age would enjoy it. lt is E
ef a delightful book." ?
~ s
  weeks Q
» S
2; The Three Little Warrens (1935) é
LQ The Three Little Warrens at Breezy Hollow (l§57) 5
E Kentucky Authors Scrapbook i
T (Louisville Free Public Library) $
A I P I C I `  
* * * * s * * * e * {