xt7sj38kh890 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sj38kh890/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1996 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material: 2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Spring Advertising Contest 1996 text Spring Advertising Contest 1996 1996 2019 true xt7sj38kh890 section xt7sj38kh890 . a 9 I I ' “AV EQQY 9 S ' Ad t' ° g Contest it! , Baékst ’ _ . --W*“9 ' ' 99 T kw ‘ , A a , a _ . e «.9 - a ' i . 0y I; ‘9" "" .{c‘ ~11?" .. f '5 ("W4 9 Ia' JV“ “#23,? .». “£9 ’0," "e,’ 6,? ' r ._ ”A”: 9_ .; fl p’IWIflqk . ' ~"“*§a3h:97, vi}; \Wflf .. :3 , 1-1 \W. . {in _ H ‘ r 3 ~§ , g 1'. ' . 9%? *,-"“““W , 7 9 399$. 313% 9&2! Q < / , . ‘i . . a ‘ Specwfsectwns and WC products from t/ie Owen550ro Messenger- Inquirer, Kentucky New £ra, tfie Triton Leader and tfie Trince ton Times-Leader were among tfie first-pface award winners 0 . (Kentucky $314 255 Assocmtlon 9 . I7 M AX if.- ii I i . Page 2 - KPA Spring Ad Contest, 1996 Good use of white space. Category 14 - GROUP PROMOTIONS . Third Place - BREATHITT COUNTY VOICE, First Place - TRI-CITY NEWS, Delores Elesha Richardson J ackson/Sandy Hodges % ‘i‘; E ,E [g I I Good use of screens. Clean copy, easy to read. If Category 7 - FURNITURE Second Place - KENTON COUNTY First Place - BREATHITT COUNTY VOICE, RECORDER, Betty Stallard Tammy Johnson All ads are clean and easy to read. ’ C I A SS 1 Good layout design. Nice price points. Third Place - BEREA CITIZEN, Teresa ‘ Second Place - BREATHITT COUNTY Mullins VOICE, Elesha Richardson ‘- Third Place - BREATHITT COUNTY VOICE, Delores Chandler Category 15 - HOLIDAY GREETING ADS First Place - BREATHITT COUNTY VOICE, :_. Category 1 - DEPARTMENT/DISCOUNT/ Category 8 - REAL ESTATE Staff . “ JEWELRY STORES Flrst Place - TRI—CITY NEWS, Sandy Beautlful color! I First FIace _ CUMBERLAND COUNTY Hodges/Delores Jackson Second Place - TRI-CITY NEWS, Delores I NEWS, Bruce Henson Second Place - BEREA CITIZEN, Leeta Jackson/Sandy Hodges { Clean, easy to read. Good border. Jackson Love the red!! Really stands out. Second Place - EDMONTON HERALD $13]?! $11368 - FULTON LEADER. Becky NEWS,Kandis Shive a m on Th' d Pl - BREATHITT COUNTY VOICE, Category 9 - CLOTHING STORES E,;;,,a Rigfimon First Place — LAKE NEWS, Dora Lummus Category 16 - AGRICULTURE/LAWN Great layout! Nice bold type face and graph- AND GARDEN/FLORISTS ics. First Place - TRI-CITY NEWS, Delores Second Place - BREATHITT COUNTY Jackson/Sand Hod es C t 2 - AUTOMOTIVE y g 3,30,11,69 _ BEREA CITIZEN. Teresa VOICE, Benny Chandler/Elesha Richardson Second Place - FULTON LEADER, Becky Mullins Good spot color and layout. Wadllngton GOOd COIOI‘ and layout. Third Place - KENTON COUNTY . Second Place _ BEREA CITIZEN, Teresa RECORDER, Betty Stallard Category 17 - CLASSIFIED PAGE/SECTION E Mullins First Place - LAKE NEWS, Dora Lummus/Loyd Ford TgigduslglifcipécegiingéflogITIZEN Teresa Category 10 - MULTIPLE Well organized section. Good use of tan on i Mum“ FDVEIIETISEWTSRIIGCIII'I‘YEVEWS D l Sow”! d P1 BREATHITT COUNTY Good ad themes and use of color. szlisomgaclfdy Hodg-es ‘ ’ e ores VDCICCIE Stagice ' Good use of spot color, clean layout. , ELECTRYOINICHAIS S‘DTSVQgg/APPLW‘CE’ Second Place - BREATHITT COUNTY First Place BREATHITT COUNTY VOICE VOICE, Delores Chandler/Elesha Richardson Category 18 - SPECIAL PUBLICATION ' J ’ Third Place — HICKMAN COUNTY NO ENTRIES . Tammy JOhnso" . GAZETTE, Becky Basch 1 Clean, clear, good use of white space. Second Place ‘ BREATHITT COUNTY Category 11 - CREATIVE USE OF THE Category 19 . BEST USE OF COLOR VOICE Delores Chandler . Good art and design FIE‘XSPPPER TRI CITY NEWS D l git-1st P113: -§31REATHITT COUNTY VOICE, . -. ' lrs ace - — , e ores e ores an er Thu-d8 Iéllacz.’ CSMEERLAND COUNTY Jackson/Jeff Wilder Nice clean colorful ad. NEW ’ au lne av1 son Excellent user manual type ad. All papers Second Place - BREATHITT COUNTY ‘ should run more ads like this! VOICE, Delores Chandler . Category 4' FINANCIAL Second Place-TRI-CITY NEWS,Staff Third Place - CUMBERLAND COUNTY FWSF Place ' BEREA CITIZEN Teresa Third Place - FULTON LEADER, Staff NEWS, Bruce Henson “3:33:th and white Space Honorable Mention - BREATHITT COUNTY s ' ‘ VOICE, Delores Chandler Category 20 - BEST AD SERIE l EGGS-Dd Place - BEREA CITIZEN, Teresa Eye catching graphics. NO ENTRIES i 11 ms . . t Good layout, good art. Good Simple Informa- Category 21-GENERALMISCELLANEOUS l “0’?- _ Category 12 - ENTERTAINMENT/DINING First Place - LAKE NEWS, Dora Lummus 31h lid Place ' BEREA CITIZEN, Teresa First Place - LAKE NEWS, Dora Lummus Great ad! The eyes have it!! ' . u ”‘5 . Good clean layout. Second Place - LAKE NEWS, Dora Lummus gOOd laygilt’ C1131“ :T‘d eye caiczgé- NEWS Second Place - BEREA CITIZEN, Teresa Good clean illustration and white space. i OOOTO 9 9“ 10“ ' r Mullins Third Place - TRI-CITY NEWS, Delores CALVERT CITY, Dora Lummus Easy to read, good use of white s ace. Jackson/Sandy Hodges ' . a p EgrfiorablEhgenglorh- ($111-qu NEWS; LUM- Third Place - CUMBERLAND COUNTY . LAN an y o ges e ores ac son NEWS, Bruce Henson Category 22 - SPORTING GOODS/ ! , ATHLETICS i Category 5 - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Category 13 - SPECIAL SECTIONS First Place - TRI-CITY NEWS, Delores * First Place - BREATHITT COUNTY VOICE, First Place - FULTON LEADER, Becky Jackson/Sandy Hodges Delores Chandler Wadlington/Leigh Ann Moore Second Place - BREATHITT COUNTY ; Eye catching art. Great editorial/advertising break! Interesting VOICE, Delores Chandler 1 Second Place - LAKE NEWS. Dora Lummus stories, ads are clean and easy to read. Heading reallyjumlrisiomli BANNER M b 1 Second Place - FULTON LEADER, Becky Third Place — TR BL , a e Wadlington/Leigh Ann Moore Category 23 - SPECIAL EVENTS Richmond Nice open pages. Ads are not stacked or jum- First Place - TRI-CITY NEWS, Delores bled. Easy reading. Jackson/Sandy Hodges Third Place - LAKE NEWS, Dora Good clean copy and illustrations. Category 6 - FOOD/DRUG/LIQUOR Lummus/Loyd Ford Second Place - FULTON LEADER, Becky First Place -TRI-CITY NEWS, Sandy A great sales effort. Wadlington Hodges/Delores Jackson Honorable Mention - CUMBERLAND COUN- Good artwork tie in, bold header. Catchy heading. Good art. TY NEWS, Bruce Henson Third Place - CUMBERLAND COUNTY Second Place - CUMBERLAND COUNTY Loved layout of pages! Photos of graduating NEWS, Claudine Davidson NEWS. Claudine Davidson students and stories looked $9.81.. . - . . .» Good use of white space. No crowded copy. ~ \\ . V . i r l . 6 MAY lElH/ i KPA Spring Ad Contest,1996 — Page 3 ' l .. w” “:9 ., - V. i . .1 ’ h '4’ Mums; F. _, « V V ,' , “ w “I, V V VVVVV ., Q“ ‘ V ‘77.“ y" k n, V. . "'"< _. , ‘g‘. , , , , ‘Jf‘fi,’ . -» ‘ , —— €:,‘."“o.”"-~. M _..._-._._. .*“/=-' “I ' ’ I _ ‘V [l ‘3 a )VVV 'V‘ ‘ VVV} a: /: ' / \V‘V‘ ~ m- V u . n {"34 '2 ,E‘z I 6' l ' i xgwl; . ' Eye-catching ‘ T“ V ‘ m“ ,, . g and award— _~ winning (mm-es A Better World, For All to See! l é from the «‘1‘ Weekly Class 1 1 - division g t. _ ‘V‘, included these 75:;sz x. . from The Lake Gm} " A News (right Concerned about the enVironment and the and below left) safety of the community because, We Care! and from the '~~ 1 i AIR I A \ County Voice. - V 1 I Calvert City ' ~ ' 112:1 “"“T'IT'EM- ’ f / Bad ’Hare’ Day? \\" r \l A Vf. one/9e man up: ' . w . V V ' - « l THE HAIR HUT , 1 / i}:- 50% Off 'l * foranew hairstyle ' ” 4"» g .’ a, - V'A - j ’ 8c your‘Easter ’2‘. _ n , . [m ‘% I makeover ; “ { é, 2 “V WII‘Iter (lg '/ 19362.3 Don't forget that ., ' ’- r. ‘1: : .' V E ‘: w StOCk 5. 91 1"“, 8 l We Swim; grilling ”7/ i ‘ ,‘ég 42%;???“ 9.63%. beds for your convenience 3 ~ ‘ 2.7,:eifgt‘h‘,» Sizes firefly-3%. '9 \ - - l , 1;.‘.VV . "5"{'"%§l§';"— lVZ-UISitstor $35 _ lie/l ~ ( a 1;;‘1‘: Premle -164:2;2§’§§32£,ng%3,4 ‘ 5mm W‘s ' 54 ”ff ’ ; 1‘ m 2.3;;ng «, H? glrg,‘ {/72 ,1: , "‘ / . ‘6‘ (erV V‘ I: -."-"L'l. 97“", ,‘V , .‘a >_, ’ hare ! (p, .3 :Ujll' MILE \ a We also day5 a - m' , V V I n a l, ‘ 7.7.: .’r, 4,2»: ' _ ' i ‘ (h, l, a ,. : 369,-"an l mug}: ;, , e» . ,;;;t' ,‘3 Friday, .3992 gags" '3 .7 a“ .L :va I ecember 2 ° .{fiégal’v 123°§n§$.2‘falli§r'§2“‘ - . j ('10 a'm._5 me. z'aé‘: $.33; / appointment today -- Ask for Brenda 'R‘ ill 0335* - E” 606-666-9659va l5 South at Ned ~\__' g; — 6 l ‘ Kid's Alley l On the Courtsquare in Benton V , A l . 4 l M [W 1:99? Page 4 - KPA Spring Ad Contest, 1996 ’ Second Place - OWENTON NEWS HERALD, trations. Childlike quality. Commend the inclu- Tracy Allnut sion of public service message. E Worked well because of position on page. Good Third Place - CADIZ RECORD, Jan U v l 3 I E I J combination of photo and line. Illustration holds Witty/Rebecca Boggess attention. Clean organization. Background screen unifies Third Place - CLAY CITY TIMES, Scot Hall individual elements. ‘ I A SS 2 Attractive design. Good screens. Shadow type Honorable Mention - CENTRAL RECORD, Stat? suggests ”dozing." l Honorable Mention - CAMPBELL COUNTY Category 11 - CREATIVE USE OF THE RECORDER, Betty Stallard NEWSPAPER ‘ Good use ofhorizontal space. First Place — SPRINGFIELD SUN, Shorty 2 , _ 2 , 2 2 Category 6 - FOOD/DRUG/LIQUOR Lassiter/Kim Hupman . 3113:5313; SggfifigTMhNT/D[SCOUNT/ First Place - CADIZ RECORD, Jan Witty Creative use of the umbrella design. First Place _ UNION COUNTY ADVOCATE Love lack of borders. Nice color accents. Easy to Second Place - UNION COUNTY ADVOCATE, Lisa Tum” ' ' read. Nice use of red without being gaudy. Stall" . Good graphic choice that grabs vou. Nicely orga— Second Place - CADIZ RECORD, Rebecca Clean .deSign. Topics well grouped. Nice use of nixed A Boggess screening. Second Place — SPRINGFIELD SUN Shorty Very sophiStlcated deSlgn- Boxes draw emphasjs “lid Place ' BIG SANDY NEWS LOUISA, Lassa” Kim llupman ’ to main points. Nice candle illustration. OliVia Ray/Jerry Pennington Great tub of cramming a lot of info into small ad Third Place ' TOMPKINSVILLE NEWS’ Sharon GOOd use Of screening. DeSIgn draws eye to copy. with nice illustration and head. Fister Honorable Mention I LARUE COUNTY HER" Third Plncc . ADAIR PROGRESS COLUMBIA. Liked the head a M Nicely orgaanEd- Easy to ALD NEWS’ pebb'e Pony . Ginger Sexton. Lisa Robbins ’ . read. ‘ 2 Cute illustrations. Appropriate use of art. Dramatic reverse with nice illustration. Nice Honorable Mention ' CENTRAL RECORD’ , solid black LANCASTER, Staff Category 12 - ENTERTAINMENT/DINING Found variety for food layout. Compelling First Place - CENTRAL RECORD, Staff . Category 2 . AUTOMOTIVE graphic. Nitce illustraltlion for. a small ad simple message, ‘ 2W )2.“'. 2): v 2 K'H’J S ) in erestingi ustration. £1,411];::,,.,,\;§,,Idkd’:;\ COL W l W W " “”53 Category 7 . FURNITURE Second Place 2 CADIZ RECORD, Jan Witty Good use of art to avoid rectangular design. First Place ‘ CADIZ RECORD’ Rebecca Boggess Clean deSIgn wlth one dominant element. It [inique car ad. Color used effectively. Good Clean and simple. GOOd use Of type. Large emphaSIzes one item instead ofa whole menu. break in tvpical car design. " appealing “lustration, TINY-d Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN, Shorty Second Place 2 MOLEAN COUNTY NEWS Second Place - UNION COUNTY ADVOCATE, Lass‘ter/Ga” Walker Teresa Revlett/Stacy Maddox ’ Barbara Starkey/Lisa Turner Cood illustration for small ad. Unusual the way GOOCI thematic development. A full page design Illfgstrations ugligdswe” and organizeddadlot of illustfration IS framed. Simple message. GOOd w ' ' ' in ormation we . creening gives goo esi use 0 screens. Hguldn t work in smaller space. Strong dealer and variety. g“ Honorable Message _ CADIZ RECORD, Jan , Third Place — MCLEAN COUNTY NEWS Third Place - MCLEAN COUNTY NEWS, Witty . 1 Teresa Revlett/Stacy Maddox ’ Jennifer Sutherlin/Stacy Maddox G00d use Of Whlte space and type. Clever idea, breaks tradition, no car shown. B31100“ border is nice, well organized. Strong advertiser identification. Honorable Mention - CADIZ RECORD, Jan Category 13 - SPECIAL SECTIONS . Witty First Place - CAMPBELL COUNTY Category 3 - HARDWARE/APPLIANCE/ Good effective use of small space. RECORDER, Staff . ELECTRONIC STORES Good for involving young people. Nice to tie ' First Place _ C ADIZ RECORD, Jan Witty Category 8 . REAL ESTATE advertiser ads with children's ads. Nice play on words in headline. Would work as First Place ' CADIZ RECORD» Jan Witty Se.¢°“d Place ' CADIZ RECORD’ Jan well in smaller space. Nice headline with real estate theme. Liked Witty/Rebecca Boggess l Second Place - CITIZEN VOICE & TIMES, agents pictured with properties. Nice variation N109 concept. GOOd management 0f many small i IRVIN, Jenny Ervin/Tina McMullen in display. elementS- l Nice theme. Liked framing. Well organized. Second Place ' HENRY COUNTY LOCAL, Dave Thlrd Place ' LARUE COUNTY HERALD 2 Third Place — CADIZ RECORD, Jan Witty Eldridge NEWS» Staff , Everything says "Deck." Good use of white Nice focus on single idea. Uncluttered. Nicely laid Ollt- Complete and informative. 5 space. Clear message. Third Place - HENRY COUNTY LOCAL, Honorable Mention - UNION COUNTY ADVO- l Honorable Mention - TOMPKINSVILLE NEWS, Tiffany Clark GATE, Barbara Starkey/Lisa Turner ’ Sharon Fister Nice added interest with theme illustration. High reader interest. Nice idea, well done. l Headline selects audience. Well indexed safety Fairly standard, bllt clean and functional. message too. Category 14 - GROUP PROMOTIONS Category9 . CLOTHING STORES First Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN, Shorty Category 4 - FINANCIAL First Place - CITIZEN VOICE & TIMES, Tina Lassxter/Kim Hupman First Place - SPRINGFIELD SUN, Shorty McMullen/Earline Arvin Nice bsfiden easy to read- Good typography. Lassiter/ij Hupman Clean ad with one dominant piece of art that L001“ hke 381‘ 0UP promotion! Clever twist on adage for headline, ties in with ties in With subject. Clear message. Second Place ' CADIZ RECORD, Jan season, illustration leads to copy. Second Place — CENTRAL RECORD, Stair Witty/Rebecca Boggess Second Place _ MCLEAN COUNTY NEWS, Catches your eye and message is unmistakable. Interesting and appropriate illustration. Good f Teresa Revlett/Stacy Maddox Stands out on page. “5‘? 0f Whlte- Border is clever way to enhance message of 24 Third Place - CITIZEN VOICE & TIMES, Tina Third Place ' CENTRAL RECORD: Staff hour banking. Small illustration accents main McMullen/Jenny Ervin Nice tasteful use 0f 00101“- Well organized. Takes point. Children's clothing store that conveys the mes- advantage ofpeople theme. Third Place — LARUE COUNTY HERALD sage quickly. Has nostalgic quality. Honorable Mention - ADAIR PROGRESS, Rita NEWS, Susan McCrobie/Michelle Mchmn Honorable Mention - CLAY CITY TIMES, Jenny Murrell/Plsa Robbins Leaves establish sequence that flows throughout Ervin/1‘ ina McMullen Interesting head. copy. Good application of spot color. Nice package tied up well. Honorable Mention - SPRINGFIELD SUN, Category 15 ' HOLIDAY GREETING ADS Shorty Lassiter/Kim Hupman Category 10 - MULTIPLE First Place - ADAIR PROGRESS. Rita . Dramatic use of graded screen. Ties well with ADVERTISER/"SIG" PAGE Murrell/Lisa RObblnS I regional economy. First Place _ MCLE AN COUNTY NEWS, Teresa Originality. Copy ties in with company. Clean l Revlett/Jan Young/Jeanette Sutherlin/Stacy 100k» b0“ and Simple. Category5 - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Maddox Second Place - HENRY COUNTY LOCAL. First Place — CITIZEN VOICE & TIMES, Extremely interesting design. Elements hold T'fihmf Clark . Mickey Barnes/Scot Hall together well. Illustrations help it read well. Sgrk illustration, holiday theme comes through Clever idea, effective use of small space. Good Second Place - CENTRAL RECORD, Staff quickly. use of screen. Uncluttered simple message. Good dominant graphic. Variety of small illus- 39?,WEEKLY CLASS 2: page 15 . «i \ . I \ i 4 3 i i . MAY 1997 KPA Spring Ad Contest,1996 - Page 5 , [1' \ Elbe "fipringfielh $1111 /_ /_ _ -— —_\ - . . - ' n" u I u ' arves cstlva ct. 14‘ l" Tl“ “Li-AID Mug-mum 1132 would [a we well] luvs n'mmn-wum m numu willwrul l W Wmli-U III-”Tu!“ Fur ”.mnufimwwl vaukmunuhnhn ummaw-hflhvhk' Tw|flymmr|flh "Mm.” I‘ll “Mala-rel!” Imm- Mmummuuu 2 “~‘WzmI-uf‘m' . “unifiuflnmy (mulch-NIH“ Ilmmmmmbh '- v , . WDWIRPII' mly-flkyfilmvmh mammalian” ‘5' ' “\l‘ Mmmlvtmllm gamma-h.“ _ (meth .. 5.. . mum-unimuuw -. _ '-, i . ounty stlll seeks m mam-mm?" «f9 3:» ‘ _ Lil-“cranium- uau Mu f ”fit r;'; J . '- 1 H bulance accord “mum-Tut“ ' ' 1‘" '1 ‘1‘ n- V , -:3, 32:33.. .2... "$322.3“..MM' MM? .7. . - “I“: . . 'mwm..:::: 1"""M Na M. H331; 3‘39 ‘3‘ ktown reum‘mm ...:*...:::--~ awn-2.2:: ““ ""”' F edenc nun n .. .mw SE‘HWW dS attend r .1 “his"; ‘- -:;;.;;« A d ' d d 'h ' buzz-4:3; "1 “1:1: Hundre W"MCWM"M‘T::; ...mF-(»‘j‘:;.f.”.:..“:3“; ‘- S le g6 (1S l0p-l’lOlC In mud-annulus... “‘“M “MID mo- *“ 4“ ”I , ' mun Y‘"‘ " 1:1" “""" ‘ “NW-mm- Com.- ‘E‘“”M'W W" MW" . M -‘_“,‘:f.'T.Mmu“ ' . ° . A ' - ”cm.-- ':_._._w-::::*Mg«,r.;.~::: :m'grxxsq -, .. . «z: . = thetr respec tlve cate g0) zes mr-nxrm :"mm .. hrszm‘gnflmH'o w-:":_mfim:k . - fi M... 4‘" v ( . . aqua-r... El" . :, 5“"me “Mu" :flfl‘afuiahw‘fl ’ If ‘ ”fix: f‘m‘"; :41» i . . ”mg—£5»- :ggfi; :wgww$ \E _ $12.23: 3;: m the Weekly Class 2 . Ilium-amp. ‘ ‘|"|IY imam» m ‘| Mina M \ (”M m“... min-4w g. tau-2:3" ‘wml‘w nutty“; , :10th ‘vwmwv “yd [UM . o o a -- . ; :2 WM» :m-me dzvzszon Included these i , . .~ ‘ "F's—“gr“;S v-g'a‘fw m‘flgfi’: / “'33:...“ , ‘ \v_ '5 ‘ ' ' --~ " ,rmhou‘ 3.. no ‘ . --- “ .” . ~ -‘ 1. -~ ' s Ifference at WIIIIsbur 1 ,9 . 7;» 3 . ‘Qfiflf ngfif’fié °“°'m°“_§,dWWM W W3 ram the S prm leld Sun . / p, 3 .mmmzt 3:332? : fimmt 31:32: 22M... . f 2. ’c-F ‘2 - 4 . :-,-.;°.2:-.2::.:::::. 32:2: 22:7 150 p" W :L.:;“‘:.::°'.2:21:22: , ( left) the C ad 1 z R ecord , ~ "‘ : ‘wmmz: mam-2.2": .3... ’°Iecr 5* “x: 3.222.: .1 ’ I . ‘ , vu namely :15”... by me lam-gnaw» €%~;waw ’0‘, ~» mun-1 I‘tmc . ‘1 a - P. I .. . « . . mmwzm': 22.23:: ..;-~::~; axmmes We c (belaw left) and the C 1t1-en . r ‘ ' ‘ “ 1 Want: Myalvbou-ulll um. um um um I. Whita‘hq...’ thmm‘” WM, on ‘ ‘ P ~ V’ - \ rmfix: mfizm': :2‘Zimlfmliw'w. w»: ' - . l , iv . '» . My}: 2:32.“:23 222;“; Matt... Mtfimtffm; V0166 & TI mes. v. . ‘ _,fl ’4 “u an.» --- .mnn MRI-Wm WI: ' ’ “in...” “‘w ”thw“ ' 2 v , ‘ - ”‘1‘ .. M- In ”..lu 0:120“, ti: ‘Ih v. " ""“. I‘Qll V ‘; ‘ i 1 i ' ‘, (606) 335-3716 . . ,. 117 Cross Main Street l / FAX: (606) 336-7718 . Springfield. Kentucky . l s . . > " ‘ I W \ 11> . prmg 11> 1m \‘ a ‘ 1’“ ' To subscntw and rcccw- "19 BEST NAME—._______——._______.__.M . .~ . l . . - . m...'{L?.°L“§..EZVMCL?§§..35133552..to. ADDRESS ~—-—-————-—— , 2! : .- .90 80x31. ' CITY_______________ STATE___._ . " s 1.|d. KY 42069 : Or. “is! stop by ggrgilfce on 117 Cross Main Street. ZIP——-‘—‘— PHONE——_"———_‘_ ' l RATES: Wash. Co. & Adjoining Counties - $21.00, Elsewhere in Ky. - $28.00, Out 0! State - $36.55 ‘ m e M / - ’ 4 our Mtbl‘ m to MI! .9 , 3231235512. 7 -- . 'r/ "'3',"- -‘-~ 97 l .""' ' r 'W‘ ' ' . s4 1- '. ‘2 M _ ‘33:. 14 ‘ Off-”1' “ f ' , I, .1, D s .1 / **,§};2 1U." \ c .0'" ‘ “V6; .. F ‘ é§.\\‘ $1,, /, I I REE §j \ V , FREE _ Q STORAGE -\\\;/ STORAGE .. : A. t / » . . ~ . l ,. APPLE TREE GIFT BASKETS [at h/m .5’ 0,», 6/344”: Mam aim/.s’b‘a/‘a '-‘ Comcjoin usanSatur sfor sampling our unique our-met ' ' . delights. Ho! Wassail with Key Lime Cooler Coofics. f0” (ll/4'56)” 6/06“? «la/[fi/K f' , .ChCilu for-ll cannons. Pndous Mom-m Chi-bums To: Set. ‘ 0 than; ilnforlhathv ‘unucha du 'Al ' bot. . ,, .5......L.......M:.".......;.::.°;'..:$M l7] BROAdWAy o IRVINE 0 725-226] .. 'Wmmmwimmgnmnolnpplericgmnpmdcmmm, , ~Fmgihwnppmg. . . . Come and visit us where ”everythingis a gift.” 11.34: ., Wedellvu hu- h th- dty umn MthnphummflUPS-nywmthMc-dm 522-7386 9 Marion Street 0 Cadiz ,,_\ - ’ . ' . M ’ 1 a , I . ' y a * ' ' ‘ i I '1 ,, i Page 6 - KPA Spring Ad Contest, 1996 , Cox Lois Yoakum _ WEE I i I Y Third Place - MT. STERLING ADVOCATE, Lisa good use of spot Cfiler 211:8 KERR sllioacel.i ERALD McNay econ P ace — , Sharon Perkins Category 9 - CLOTHING STORES "Udderly" divine photograph. , < 3 I A SS 3 First Place - MT. STERLING ADVOCATE, Third IPlace — HARRODSBURG HERALD, JoAnn Halsey Jackie ar ins 1 Easy to read with good use of white space. Nice Category/ ISdRASGI‘IgCULTURE/LAWN AND , layout. GARDEN FL _ ' Second Place - MEADE COUNTY MESSEN— First Place — HARRODSBURG HERALD, Bill Category 1 ’ DEPARTMENT/DISCOUNT/ GER, Charlotte Schinder/Susan Mayo Mudd/Jackie Larkin . . JEWELRY STORES V Y Y Though small space ad, very attention getting. Fresh clean layout. Makes us think Spring! First Place - JESSAMINE JOL‘RML Peggy Bigis not always best! Second Place - LEBANON ENTERPRISE, Adkins Third Place — MEADE COUNTY MESSENGER, Donna Mattmgly/Mary Ann Blair Very dimensional. Nice bold face. Jennie Hughes/Susan Mayo Nice illustration for border. Second Place ‘ WAYNE COLNTY OUTLOOK; Love border, very clean. Easy to read. Very eye Third Place - WAYNE COUNTY OUTLOOK, Melinda Jones catching. Melinda Jones Third Place - HARRODSBURG HERALD, Sharon Perkins/Bill Mudd Category 10 - MULTIPLE gateggliry 17JEgSfMnglg§§§gsg$ION ADVERTISER/"SIG" PAGE ‘ irst ace - , Category 2 - AUTOMOTIVE . . First Place - LEBANON ENTERPRISE, Mary Very well organized and categories well defined. First Place - BENTON TRIBLNE COURIER, May/Eva J0 Nugent/Mary Ann Blair NICE clean pages Patty Stockhaus Good graphics for ad spots. Eye catching layout. Second Place - MT. STERLING ADVOCATE, ‘ Love the PartyPart- Great color” _ Second Place - TRIBUNE COURIER, Martha Lns_a Weaver l Second Place - OLDHAM ERA, Victor Glancola Smith Third Place — OLDHAM ERA, Staff ‘ C193“ 13301“ and 9010“ Great full color! Good layout. Third Place - JESSAMINE JOURNAL, Tony Cox Third Place _ MT. STERLING ADVOCATE, Lisa gatfggry ISQggggggaUlgIéBfiéCATfioggfi McNa /JOAnn Halsey ”5 ace ‘ . . HAL ’ Category 3 ‘ HARDWARE/APPLIANCE Lovedybanner at top Good color. Entire page Great sales effort! GOOd editorial content. Page ELECI‘lRONISVSASi'KF‘NOPREODNTY OLTLOOK uniform anddea"! lsayomilciflan' TRIBUNE COURIER Terri First P ace - 7 {I ’-' I , econ ace - , Melinda Jones Category 11 Dunnigan/Patty Stockhaus/Gary Stockhaus Excellent color and clean layout? CREATIVE USE OF THE NEWSPAPER Second Place — WAYNE COUNTY OUTLOOK, First Place _ MEADE COUNTY MESSENGER, Category 19 - BEST USE OF COLOR Melinda Jones _ Staff First Place - WAYNE COUNTEOLTLOOK, Third Place — MT. STERLING ADVOCATE, Lisa Great ad, excellent idea! Melinda Jones . McNay Second Place - TRIBUNE COURIER, Terri greztarse offultcoloa and white space com- Dunnigan/Patty Stockhaus lne - arm "W1 Inga - ' , _ Category 4 - FINANCIAL Paper stock makes it!! Ads look great and edito- Second Place - HARRODSBURG HERALD, Bill ‘ First Place - LEanNIgN ENTERPRISE, Donna rial very interesting. Igudcz/Jlackge Pigllgzrdei- ties in very well , Mattingly/Mary n air Third Place - HARRODSBURG HERALD, Chris Tea 1 us Ya I - - . Good headline. Art ties into message. Freeman Thlrd Place - LEBANON ENTERPRISE, Mary 1 Second Place - JESSAMINE JOURNAL, May/MaryAnne Blair . DeArlllna Worksf l ' N l (1 Category 12 - ENTERTAINMENT/DINING Ad Jumps right off of page. Exce ent use 0 spot co or. ice c can a . First Place _ HARRODSBURG HERALD, '. Third Place - HARRODSBURG HERALD, Bill Margaret Cecil ggwggry mTRIigUSili EA10) 08513313,] L ] Mudd/Jackle Larkins Loved quilt border, typeface and use of white G25; uiZeOf teaser concept" Coloi‘ iesrgveg’oge' . space. _ -- - Category 5 - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, Second Place — HARRODSBURG HERALD, Bill A“ IS as W1“- OLDHAM ERA V, t 1. First Place - MT. STERLING ADVOCATE, Lisa Randolph (8}{2conclla/IgD act?l Ammathy , 1c or ,, I Y - _ lanco oro y . 1511:1331?! headline, strong art illustration. Good tie 3:53: kaciis/MiéggiggiiiURG HERALD, Great illustration and 800d clean layout. to serious subject, Third Place - HARRODSBURG HERALD, Second Place — WAYNE COUNTY OUTLOOK, Category 13 . SPECIAL SECTIONS amazondl’erllfm; f d 'd‘ bet n th t Melinda Jones h First Place - WAYNE COUNTY OUTLOOK, grim): (freafide;m&e 311338,“ 3;; it, e “’0 Good clean layout, nice grap ic. staff ~ . - - Third Place - WAYNE COUNTY OUTLOOK, Great sales efi'ort. Hardwork is evident! Cover is 23303:” “1‘3“?“ - HARRODSBURG HER- Melinda Jones well organized and editorial clean and easy to D'tto" aron er ins G Q OR read. Way to gol! ‘ ' Category6 - FOOD/DRU ILI U Second Place - MT. STERLING ADVOCATE, First Place — HARRODSBURG HERALD, Bill JoAnn Halsey/Lisa McNay gate??? 21 - G:,%gg%%%%f€g Mudd/Margaret CBC“ Excellent idea for center spread. Entire section Shrs PM}: S/Mar ar t Cecil ’ Great SPOt €010“! Attracts attention! screams community spirit! Very informative. G ant)? er t‘,“ g e Second Place - WAYNE COUNTY OUTLOOK, Third Place — HARRODSBURG HERALD, Staff 8’?“ (1313268 - MEADE COUNTY MESSEN_ Melinda Jones Content excellent, each ad committed to overall GER Charlotte Schinder Good art and headline tie in. . theme. Good, theme layout m5: Place ' HARRODSBURG HERALD’ 8‘" gfiggabslfagemm" ‘TIE ‘ LEBANON ENTER’ Third Place - TRIBUNE COURIER, Terri Honorable Mention - TIE - MEADE COUNTY gzx‘l‘lgsj’ge 3 eat ,, Category 7 . FURNITURE MESSENGER, Susan Mayo/Pat Shutt gr guy" First Place - OLDHAM ERA, Victor Giancola Honorable Mention - TIE - TRIBUNE COURI- . Great graphic! Attention getter. ER, Terri Dunnigan/Patty Stockhaus/Gary g?$?lgesm§f,nggggogmfi Second Place - JESSAMINE JOURNAL, Stockhaus Armstrong ’ DeAnna Works Great illustrations. Nice Clea“ laym’t’ easy t° read' 0mm” 14 ' GROUP PROMOTIONS Second Place — MT STERLING ADVOCATE Third Place - MT. STERLING ADVOCATE, Lisa First Place - LEBANON ENTERPRISE, Staff Lisa M CN 3 " ’ ’ McNay Excellent idea, good organization. Well organized layout Category 8 - REAL ESTATE Staff Lisa McNay ’ First Place - OLDHAM ERA, Peach ie Armstrong 3 Excellent ad, art fantastic?! Category 15 - HOLIDAY GREETING ADS second Place — JESSAMINE JOURNAL, Tony First Place - WAYNE COUNTY OUTLOOK, See WEEKLY CLASS 3. Page 15 , . ‘ \ . J , . i _ ‘ ‘ _ KPA Spring Ad Contest,1996 - Page 7 C 7 I/ "II/V" v ' W7 7’ 5 m2!" ' g . Highway l46-Cxcslwood OPEN HOUSE «2* ' SUNDAY ,. , ”MW" w\ The Oldham Era (left), . were .. MAY 29 2-4 RM. y ,- Lebanon Enterpt Ise (bottom \ (If: 1 o 5Models To Choose From "gm, i left) and the Mt. Sterling Advocate won awards Country Manor Regency ' r — for these ads In the Weekly /’\ ; A /.a_\ 1/33 2 2 . . . * [,1] Ll 7\ 2 Q (:53 , Class 3 Diwszon. . » elauiufil “ii, «Eli! Itllllllg Ea: tgf _ ~2.~_. AWAEw-A. A . 2». ’i 'rri'flé .fi'fil ' '=‘ ‘ "£6 ' _ "*1, _Q ,,, -‘Illlilllim. ' , '_ a , _ Princeton Camden - $2 . 2C? 23?? 37¢ 1 l / «2—52-: , 2-..2-22 t s :2. «‘iC‘ETEéiégiée , i 155 mg m ~ -' 2 «— - . ' __,—’-::~,' I,‘ ' 1:;;:_T:_~y_._‘,fi='f.=—:.-~ ”‘2'" :El‘flfi’ ‘ " !éi:__“2 "Slimlglllll 132i - . __ '32. , _.,,' 2‘___,__,o,_,, 2 - j m Jamestown ~ l "'9“ all your on! you “ ~ 1 2 =E3 ”fly 2%xzzm 1 ‘ oar/0.1!" . . . gullfluj ‘ __'_/\_ '= ,1 2 . W _ g " l - gfiiggggggfi if %//Z/%jfl/f’// fly . om ram Eamg ; j/m/mz/ Max/222422;, f Remind her to have a mammogram - ~ _ M £712.42 ' W/ 1 2,7 l for Mother's Day " ' : . w, 1. "f ‘f 2/. . ___.___________________________WW-~; Mammograms are recommended ‘ , _______________________ at the following times: \ " i ‘ It’s V 'ru e - Ages 35-40: Base Line Screening Mammogram I «l t . Ages 40-49: Every one to two years ' , ‘ - Ages 50 or older: Yearly mammograms ' C ‘ ~ .2 ’Q‘ .- ‘2. ,': Money does grow... :11“ ‘35:»; “21%.; Sterling Imaging. Inc. / -2 7. ,' fiag,3¥~"fig.f§§‘§~é- \ at 250 Foxglove Drive on the 4_ Jr:- 'éil'4'3'i0r2231"?-;;‘J2’~2:='1':}_,..;“2 1 Bypass at the Mt, Sterling .~.\\ ’19..“ r.“'-'°"KM1§§‘¢ZU° Medical Center provides low a—g\ gg "~~ ‘1}: '1’; . 32‘2“"? ‘ j», cost, high quality mammo- % “ EM: 3 '_ . , _"‘_. '2““2r:’\x“' ‘ grams inaprlvate setting. Call , [ENE gm ‘ ‘ . .,._ ' “.5131 (006) 498—287] fora mammo- *2. 2;: 1% 2%H'm22‘ «.i; ‘ .- :a‘ “.2: ' gram appointment. 52-2.: i2:32:22?;«i'~:r';‘+.«‘€:22:32:?23321232222222".2SW«ruf- . ~ .::». “42... t"?“v*”£‘~*£:$2’2 22:: .- ‘ ~": 2 i-zf’ry'ffl3;;‘g29‘6l'557’f1,flair-4:23;;ngrrfigE: A ‘ ' 2.2. .154 145i \" ,_ Is a certified mammograpy faculty ‘ iii?" — 5 «Eh/5 1' 45 27' 5' ' ‘ _ ._ - ”3‘ . " ' by the American College otRadioi ' , ‘ . ‘ ,2 , ° :22 "l ‘ k ’ ’fiél . a.» ogy and the federal government 1/‘ u- “ 1° , .5: -u';: :- ' ‘1 v"- f-«n-uwguwi, “I 2 ’P' _\'_- . .4: ”‘1: ‘ g ‘2». ‘3 42(5) 2 Q! ©~ w. . . ,1 3/” , . \‘3, _ ~-‘ 2 -- 2 \ rec-.22: '. fl \ ' ,f (‘3 ,Q a i. Q a. .- e' ‘ . 2 fix: 2 ‘.?'\ ‘ f , 9 ll i’ l r ' ‘ 1' .‘jljufi/t 542‘ . Wh ' ’ f ll '2 't ’2 rr?» 2 :i ‘2 en It 3 care u y tended. 1.:2'1'2. '. “"~“~ 6' r , -_-.\-'z ,- if“: L A! (litiu-ns National Bank. , ‘ .i..- _ 2'12. “Ni ' - - .. . -:.' .s‘i; " - I going thr- (wtra "MIC to help our ( iisioinvi - “3):. 1,2 4; -~‘. ' .fil '. is' hnw we w imprnu‘rl our liusiriu ~2 Lariat, f“ :i'. «.0- , ‘\ - 2 :w 9.3; -.'.','- .3" ’ : - l r ‘2 r .. ‘ _. 2. l “““("A’(3W Cvn .” A] o I R k a ' if: ‘ 3"“: .11 H. _ If) ’ m Ul‘fl’zs anona " "A "" n. d"" ‘ ‘ " "s 1 .. , f ‘49 WEST MAiN STREET 0 ”RAMON ”which ariiin I , y ,2 ii 2 U V ’ 'HJ \hmbnlllll Q ‘ war I I“ ' I V a . x , MAY 1897 , Page 8 - KPA Spring Ad Contest, 1996 '3 Ellen Franklin JOURNAL, Melinda T. Cash Artwork and heading tie in nicely. — Second Place - PRINCETON TIMES LEADER, Category 13 - SPECIAL SECTIONS Ellen Franklin First Place — PRINCETON TIMES LEADER, _ Nice photo. Vickie Hughes/Ellen Franklin WEE K I if Third Place — PRINCETON TIMES LEADER, Excellent reproduction on cover design! , Vickie Hughes 333% 2a: t8.1fiCENTRAL KENTUCKY NEWS Good use of color. Clean ad. , Third Place - APPALACHIAN NEWS EXPRESS, _ Cate ory 7 - FURNITURE Staff : 0““:ng 1 ' DEPARTMENT/”1500““ FirstgPlace - APPALACHIAN NEWS EXPRESS, Honorable Mention - APPALACHIAN NEWS l _ JEWELRY STORES Debi Mullins EXPRESS, Stair ‘ EliSt glacfif PRINCETON TIMES LEADER’ Clean. Good use ofartwork and color. 9“ "m m . Second Place - CENTRAL KENTUCKY NEWS Category 14 - GROUP PROMOTIONS The artwork used, Chnstmas bulbs, made the ad JOURNAL, Vickie Finn First Place _ PRINCETON TIMES LEADER, , Stand duPlon WPRINC ETON TIMES LEADER G°°d use °f “WM" Elle" Franklin 3 V352; Hugfiees' * , Third Place — PRINCETON TIMES LEADER, (Sirood choice ofcoflfgi 133$ng TIMES LEADER i" . . . Vickie Hughes econ ace - r f Elites; the border used, It brought attention to the Artwork is attention getting. acct; e Hughis/Egen‘Franklin i . ' Honorable Mention - APPALACHIAN NEWS artwor an CO 01'- Th.”d Place ' PRINCETON TIMES LEADER EXPRESS, Dawn E. Tucker Third Place - CENTRAL KENTUCKY NEWS . Ch‘P “Wham" . . . JOURNAL, Staff l- ilaewuassenogttgitlg‘rgeiegg-man Is attentlon getting. ga “331911." 8 _ fiUEJSgYAgANDARD Ra h 1 category 15 HOLIDAY GRE G ADS ‘ i ' irst ace - ' , c ae - EIIN . i Cate o 2 _ AUTOMOTIVE Down/Sheila Cecil First Place - SHELBYVILLE SENTINEL NEWS, l i First gPIEc’e - APPALACHIAN NEWS EXPRESS Clea" G°°d use °fc°‘°’- V‘mna S9h’e‘mr’Pam Gasm" PIKEVILLE Teresa Branham ‘ ’ Second Place - CENTRAL KENTUCKY NEWS Excellent Idea” New“, use’of white 5 ace JOURNAL, Susan Greene/Wilma Clark Second Place - SHELBYVILLE SENTINEL Second Place — TIE 1 KENTUCKY STANDARD mew“, gets idea “”55- NEWS’ Pam Gasmm’.’ Baxter BARDSTOWN Rachael Downs/Donna Wilhite ’ Third Place - SHELBYVILLE SENTINEL Grgat COIOT usage- cute klds- Nice clean ad ’ood color NEWS, pam Payton/Patti Gaston Third Place— PRINCETON TIMES LEADER, ’g ‘ r Honorable Mention - SHELBYVILLE SENTINEL Ellen fianklm Second Place - TIE - CENTRAL KENTUCKY NEWS Judy James/Patti Gaston Nice photo Good color NEWS JOURNAL CAMPBELISVILLE Vickie , ° . ' , , Honorable Mention - SHELBYVILLE SENTINEL Finn . , . . . NEWS Judy James/Patti Gaston Unique artwork with effective use of color. Category 9 CLOTHING STORES ’ . Third Place - SHELBYVILLE SENTINEL 31$: £1131?“ APPALACHIAN NEWS EXPRESS, Excellentway ”lemme emphyees' NEWS, Tracy Keplinger/Patti Gaston . C te 16 AGRICULTURE/ ‘ 1 . . Effective photo! 3 gory ' 322355.11filiat?or?¥°§i§§ii‘§§f¥r‘a’vi%adVicana Second Place - SHELBYVILLE SENTINEL LAWN AND GARDEN/FLORIST . Schreiner ’ NEWS, Victoria Schreiner/Patti Gaston 11211:“ Elaclilinfvglli‘iCII-ITgiN TIMES LEADER: 1 l - ' . - Clean. Good use of artwork en ran 1 1c Ie ug es 1 i Creative photo and headline tie In. Third Place _ APP CHIAN NEWS l RESS, gleanaggfid use gfigq‘gg’i‘ON TIMES LEADER i C te 3 - HARDWARE/APPLIANCE Debi Mullins 60°"